Cuts Sentence Examples
The cuts on the limbs were definitely fresh.
She spins and weaves and cuts with full authority.
She started to saw at them with the knife. The wood was thick and wet. She shifted closer, gasping when the root healed the cuts she'd just made. Furious at the latest trick from the Immortal underworld, Katie sawed furiously at the root, until her arm ached. She'd barely made a dent when she switched arms.
In quarrying the cuts are generally 4 or 5 in.
From Luang Prabang the river cuts its way southwards for two degrees through a lonely jungle country among receding hills of low elevation.
The wheels for making deep cuts are made of iron, and are fed with sand and water.
Patterns are produced by combining straight and curved cuts.
Some of its sources are near Zebak, close to the great bend of the Oxus northwards, so that it cuts off all the mountainous area included within that bend from the rest of Badakshan.
Wheels of fine sandstone fed with water are used for making slighter cuts and for smoothing the rough surface left by the iron wheels.
When fighting was a part of the Sikh's duty, long hair and iron rings concealed in it protected his head from sword cuts.
AdvertisementAs the machine is drawn forward the disk revolves and cuts deeply into the ground, and by reason of its inclination crowds the earth outwards and thus turns a furrow.
The engraver, who is very rarely the designer, then cuts the otitlines into the block with a knife, afterwards removing the superfluous wood with gouges and chisels.
In the course of the 17th century many other works of the same nature were issued, including some in which the cuts were roughly colored by hand; but the execution of these is not as good as contemporary European work.
In the surface of the metal the workman cuts grooves wider at the base than at the top, and then hammers into them gold or silver wire.
As an illustrator in black and white he also deserves to be remembered, especially for the cuts to Dalziel's Bible, already mentioned, and his illustrations to George Eliot's Romola, which appeared in the Cornhill Magazine.
AdvertisementThey are - normally hard and remain so, even at a faint red heat; much deeper cuts can therefore be taken at a high speed without blunting the tool.
Each cone cuts out an area on the surface equally inclined to the cone axis.
To the south the rivulet of the Mance soon forms a formidable obstacle as its bed cuts its way through the sandstone.
In 1557 the Portuguese were permitted to erect factories on the peninsula, and in 1573 the Chinese built across the isthmus the wall which still cuts off the barbarian from the rest of the island.
For this purpose a horizontal bar Shaft armed with vertical cutting chisels is used, which cuts boring.
AdvertisementThe large trepan or cutter weighs about 16 tons, and cuts a hole of from 9 to 15 ft.
To guard against this it is now customary to use some speed-checking appliance, independent of the engine-man, which reduces or entirely cuts off the steam supply when the cage arrives at a particular point near the surface, and applies the brake if the load is travelling too quickly.
It is to be noticed that each number is the sum of the numbers immediately 35 above and to the left of it; and 35 that the numbers along a line, termed a base, which cuts off an equal number of units along the top row and column are the co efficients in the binomial expansion of (I+x) r - 1, where r represents the number of units cut off.
Archean rocks - gneiss, schist and granite - cover large areas through which the Nile cuts its way in alternate narrow gorges and open reaches.
In the vicinity is the Karolinen canal, which cuts off a bend in the Danube between Lauingen and Dillingen.
AdvertisementA briquette may therefore be defined as a solid figure bounded by a pair of parallel planes, another pair of parallel planes at right angles to these, a base at right angles to these four planes (and therefore rectangular), and a top which is a surface of any form, but such that every ordinate from the base cuts it in one point and one point only.
Corvaeus enumerates 70 varieties, Pamphilus cuts them down to 6, John de Indagine to 27, and Tricassus Mantuanus raises them to 80.
When they have been reduced to the correct thickness they are examined by the " tryer," who cuts out one or two blanks from each fillet with a hand machine and weighs them on a delicate balance.
The Medway, however, cuts through the entire hill system, rising in the Forest Ridges of Sussex, flowing N.E.
Sheerness lies at the mouth of the Medway, a narrow branch of which cuts off a tongue of land termed the Isle of Grain lying opposite Sheerness.
Except where the Humber cuts through a low chalk ridge, between north and south Ferriby, dividing it into the Wolds of Yorkshire and of Lincolnshire, the shores and adjacent lands are nearly flat.
As soon as the plate has lost a certain amount of weight corresponding to the value of the electric energy represented by the coin, the plate rises out of the liquid and cuts off the current.
It lies in a flat agricultural fen district, drained by numerous cuts, some of which are navigable.
It includes the Sunda Islands, the Moluccas, New Guinea, and the Philippine Islands, but excludes the Andaman-Nicobar group. The equator passes through the middle of the archipelago; it successively cuts Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes and Halmahera, four of the most important islands.
It contemplates the assumption of the vow for a limited period only, and gives particular details as to the atoning ceremonies at the sanctuary by which the vow must be recommenced if broken by accidental defilement, and the closing sacrifice, at which the Nazarite on the expiry of his vow cuts off his hair and burns it on the altar, thus returning to ordinary life.
The seneschal of the court, a coward who has been watching for such an opportunity, cuts off the dragon's head, and, presenting it to the king, claims the reward, much to the dismay of Iseult and her mother.
The material is sometimes won by the aid of channelling machines which make a series of cuts at right angles to each other in the face of the rock; a block is then broken off at its base by wedges forced into the cuts, and its removal permits access to other blocks.
When blasting is resorted to, advantage is taken of the natural cuts or joints, as the rock is readily thrown or worked off these.
Those genera, like Paradoxides, Olenus, Asaphus, Phillipsia and others, in which this groove cuts the posterior edge of the head-shield on the inner side of its angle are referred to the Opisthoparia; those, like Dalmanites and Phacops, in which it cuts the lateral border in front of the posterior angle, belong to the Proparia.
But in certain genera, like Conocoryphe, Calymmene and Triarthrus, it cuts the margin of the head-shield so close to the posterior angle that the distinction between the two groups practically breaks down.
This subdivision is already necessary in Maryland, where the mountain belt is represented by the Blue Ridge, which is rather a narrow upland belt than a ridge proper where the Potomac cuts across it; while the piedmont belt, relieved by occasional monadnocks stretches from the eastern base of the Blue Ridge to the coastal plain, into which it merges.
In certain parts of the plateau there are narrow anticlinal uplifts, an outlying effect of mountain-making compression; here a ridge rises if the exposed strata are resistant, as in Chestnut ridge of western Pennsylvania; but here a valley is excavated if the exposed strata are weak, as in Sequatchie Valley, a long narrow trough which cuts off a strip of the plateau from its greater body in Tennessee.
Every circle through the limiting points cuts all circles of the system orthogonally; 5.
A somewhat similar relationship cuts off Canada from the Atlantic on the east, the north-eastern coast of Labrador belonging to Newfoundland.
He urges very rightly that if alteration is carried beyond a certain point it cuts away its own foundation, and so all certainty is destroyed.
The silk drawn by the rows of teeth on the drum through the porcupine rollers (or porcupine sheets in some cases) covers the whole of the drum, hooked at certain intervals round the teeth; and when a sufficient weight is on the machine, it is stopped, and an attendant cuts, with a knife, the silk along the back of each row of teeth, thus leaving a fringe of silk hooked on the pins or teeth.
Geographically the Safed Koh is not an isolated range, for there is no break in the continuity of water divide which connects it with the great Shandur offshoot of the Hindu Kush except the narrow trough of the Kabul river, which cuts a deep waterway across where it makes its way from Dakka into the Peshawar plains.
The process of cooling is thus represented by a path which runs vertically downwards till it cuts the 0 Molecular Percentage of Na t S04 Siluer Copper FIG.
The river is locked up to Godalming, and navigation is assisted by cuts.
As freezing progresses, at each successive temperature reached the frozen austenite has the carbon-content of the point on Aa which that temperature abscissa cuts, and the still molten part or " mother-metal " has the carbon-content horizontally opposite this on the line AB.
The Vistula, which skirts them on the south-west, cuts its way through them to the great plain of Poland, and thence to the Baltic. Its valley divides the hilly tracts into two parts - the Lublin heights on the east, and the Scdomierz (Sandomir) or central heights on the west.
The latter may be his original form, as a god of fertility, before whom the king ceremoniously breaks up the ground for sowing or cuts the ripe corn.
The passage of the long hand of a watch across the end of the slit every hour cuts off the light, and gives hour marks enabling the observer to learn the time at which a disturbance has taken place.
For removing rock in reducing a surface to a level, or in quarrying, cuts were made with a pick, forming straight trenches, and the blocks were then broken out between these.
It is undesirable to base the main division of our subject on an adventitious circumstance, and especially so when the nomenclature thus introduced (it is not found in the books themselves) cuts right across the true line of division.
All that we know about this river (which is called the Ragh or Sadda) is that towards its junction with the Oxus it cuts through successive mountain ridges, which renders its course impracticable as a roadway.
The Mountain Region, the great plain of Esdraelon, which forms what from the earliest times has been recognized to be the easiest entrance to the interior of the country, cuts abruptly through the mountain system, and so divides it into two groups.
The deep stream corrodes and cuts down the high ground; but meanwhile alluvial flats are gradually piled up in the shallows.
Before reaching the Cilician Plain the river receives the waters of the Kerkhun Su, which cuts through the Bulgar Dagh, and opens a way for the roads from the Cilician Gates to Konia and Kaisarieh.
In the vault he finds the corpse of Grendel; he cuts off the head, and brings it back in triumph.
The angular velocity ratio due to the sliding contact of the teeth will be the same with that due to the rolling contact of the pitch-circles, if the line of connection of the teeth cuts the Ca line of centres at the pitchpoint.
To make the teeth of a pair of endless screws fit correctly and work smoothly, a hardened steel screw is made of the figure of the smaller screw, with its thread or threads notched so as to form a cutting tool; the larger screw, or wheel, is cast approximately of the required figure; the larger screw and the steel screw are fitted up in their proper relative position, and made to rotate in contact with each other by turning the steel screw, which cuts the threads of the larger screw to their true figure.
These forests of pinaster, apart from the production of timber in a once treeless district, have a great economic value as a source of turpentine, which is largely obtained from the trees by a process analogous to that employed in its collection from P. sylvestris; the resin is yielded from May to the end of September, the cuts being renewed as the supply fails, until the tree is exhausted; the trunks are then felled and used in the manufacture of charcoal and lamp black; much tar and pitch is also obtained from these pinaster forests.
The boundary between Baluchistan and Afghanistan, starting from Nushki, cuts across the Lora hamun, leaving the frontier post of Chagai to Baluchistan, and from this point to the Malik Siah Koh it is based partly on the central moun tainous water-divide already referred to, and partly runs in straight lines through the desert south of the salt swamps of the Gaud-i-Zirreh.
Great hills were razed and tumbled into the bay for the gain of land; others were pierced with cuts, to conform to street grades and to the checker-board city plan adopted in the early days.
The Salween cuts the British Shan States nearly in half, and is a very formidable natural obstacle.
The capsules are incised vertically, or in some districts vertical cuts with diagonal branches are made.
A very superior kind, obtained by allowing the juice to encrust pieces of wood or straws inserted in the cuts, is called manna a cannolo.
Reading flourishes from its position on the edge of the London Tertiary Basin, Croydon is a suburb of London, and Hull, though on the Chalk, derives its importance from the Humber estuary, which cuts through the Chalk and the Jurassic belts, to drain the Triassic plain and the Pennine region.
There is some traffic on the navigable drainage cuts and rivers of the Fens, but beyond these, in a broad consideration of the waterways of England from the point of view of their commercial importance, it is unnecessary to go.
Before fertilization the nucleus of the egg-cell divides and cuts off a ventral canal-cell; this cell may represent a second egg-cell.
It is exposed in very deep cuts along the bluffs of the Missouri.
There, on the sandy bank of the river, at a spot where later piety erected a dagaba (a solid dome-shaped relic shrine), he cuts off with his sword his long flowing locks, and, taking off his ornaments, sends them and the horse back in charge of the unwilling Channa to Kapilavastu.
Northward the Orange river, marking the frontier of the colony, cuts its way through the hills to the Atlantic.
We find on the left-hand scale of yield that the height of the ordinate drawn to the 50-inch mean rainfall curve from 200,000 on the capacity scale, is 1457 gallons per day per acre; and the straight radial line, which cuts the point of intersection of the curved line and the co-ordinates, tells us that this reservoir will equalize the flow of the two driest consecutive years.
The water face, over the maximum depth at which that face cuts the rock foundations, is subject to a water-pressure of about 260 ft., while the height of the dam above the river bed is 163 ft.
Instead of persisting in fruitless attempts to dry extensive areas by a few dexterous cuts, he insisted on the necessity of providing every field that needed draining at all with a complete system of parallel underground channels, running in the line of the greatest slope of the ground, and so near to each other that the whole rain falling at any time upon the surface should sink down and be carried off by the drains.
A rod, connected at its lower end with the steelyard, carries at its upper end a horizontal dividing knife, which cuts off the flow from the shoot when the steelyard kicks.
At the next meeting of the Society, on the igth of May, some dissatisfaction seems to have been expressed at the delay, as it was ordered " that Mr Newton's work should be printed forthwith in quarto, and that a letter should be written to him to signify the Society's resolutions, and to desire his opinion as to the print, volume, cuts and so forth."
I designed the whole to consist of three books; the second was finished last summer being short, and only wants transcribing, and drawing the cuts fairly.
I have sometimes had thoughts of having the cuts neatly done in wood, so as to stand in the page with the demonstrations.
The cuts for y e Comet of 1680 & 1681 are printed off and will be sent to Dr Bently this week by the Carrier."
The two legs of a hyperbolic branch may belong to different asymptotes, and in this case we have the forms which Newton calls inscribed, circumscribed, ambigene, &c.; or they may belong to the same asymptote, and in this case we have the serpentine form, where the branch cuts the asymptote, so as to touch it at its two extremities on opposite sides, or the conchoidal form, where it touches the asymptote on the same side.
There are two non-singular kinds, the one with, the other without, an oval, but each of them has an infinite (as Newton describes it) campaniform branch; this cuts the axis at right angles, being at first concave, but ultimately convex, towards the axis, the two legs continually tending to become at right angles to the axis.
Green Bay has communication with Lake Michigan, not only by way of its natural entrance, but by a government ship canal (built1872-1881by a private company; taken over by the Federal government in 1893 maximum draft in 1909, 20 ft.; projected channel depth, 21 ft.) at Sturgeon Bay, an arm of Green Bay, which cuts across the Door county peninsula.
In the middle division, or from the mouth of the Voronezh to the point where it makes its nearest approach to the Volga, the stream cuts its way for the most part through Cretaceous rocks, which in many places rise on either side in steep and elevated banks, and at intervals encroach on the river-bed.
A similar branch route strikes off at Turfan and cuts through the Tian-shan ranges at Urumchi.
One of Isaac D'Israeli's reasons for quitting the tents of his people was that rabbinical Judaism, with its unyielding laws and fettering ceremonies, "cuts off the Jews from the great family of mankind."
Two cuts are made round the stem - one a little above the ground, and the other immediately under the spring of the main branches.
This axis cuts the earth's surface at the North and South Poles.
During this time of comparative rest, rhyolites were extruded locally in county Antrim; and there is very strong evidence that the granite of the Mourne Mountains, and that which cuts the Carlingford gabbro, were added at the same time to the crust.
Traversing this in a majestic northward curve and receiving vast supplies of water from many great tributaries, it finally turns south-west and cuts a way to the Atlantic Ocean through the western highlands.
Canals connect Louth with the Humber, Sleaford with the Witham, and Grantham with the Trent near Nottingham; but the greater rivers and many of the drainage cuts are navigable, being artificially deepened and embanked.
North of Cape Palos a line of flat coast, beginning with the narrow strip which cuts off the lagoon called the Mar Menor from the Mediterranean, bounds half of the province of Alicante, but in its northern half this province, becoming mountainous, runs out to the lofty headland of Cape de Ia No.
If, however, we fix the points lying towards the margin of the field of view, the diaphragm gradually cuts off more and more of the rays which were necessary to fill the pupil, and in consequence the brightness gradually falls off to zero.
If one cuts out by a diaphragm in the back focal plane of the objective all diffraction spectra except the principal maximum, one sees in the image a field divided into two halves, which show with different clearness, but no banding.
She'd been through a lot already today; her exposed midriff and leggings were red with dried blood, and cuts crisscrossed her arms and back.
Nothing from the original tapes was omitted; one or two quick fades were done to make cuts less abrupt.
Benefit cuts have already had dire consequences for large numbers of people with HIV.
New speed manual cuts add-on personal darker than the have helped to.
The ear is surrounded by the ear cups which form an almost airtight seal and cuts out disturbing outside noise.
Lemon oil is also highly antiseptic, making it ideal for gargling or applying to minor cuts, scrapes or insect bites.
Rotary lawn mowers Back to top A rotary lawn mower cuts the grass using a rotating blade (I kid you not ).
He started a program to soften the blow of the IMF cuts.
Blades usually lose their set before becoming blunt, by being trapped in the felling cuts of trees.
Irish Spiced Beef is a good way of using brisket, one of the cheaper cuts of beef.
The slaughterer cuts the bullock 's throat by slicing across it, backward and forward 13 times.
Be it prime cuts, mince, burgers, pies or sausages.
The meat is moist closest to the bone, and these are choice cuts from a master butcher.
What these figures have done is that they have only increased the clamor calling for immediate rate cuts in the next month.
The cuts will be a blow to the region's historic china clay industry.
In the here and now support and give a socialist coloration to bread-and-butter issues like the minimum wage, cuts and trade union rights.
Suicide is always tragic because it cuts life short, but people who suffer hardship and distress deserve compassion.
The same preparation has been applied as a warm compress to suppurating cuts, or as a cool compress to burns.
The assault left the woman mildly concussed and with a number of cuts and bruises.
I was carried home with cuts, bruises and a slight concussion.
Black eyes, split lips and eye contusions, not to mention cuts, scrapes and lacerations, are more than common.
Coronet cuts coronet cuts Coronet cuts and dead wood management A coronet cuts is a technique for producing a natural fracture effect in cut stubs ends.
They seem ashamed of talking seriously about small government and big tax cuts â the issues for which she was renowned.
Together with cuts that almost decimates the entire plot, the show will probably leave fans with less than great memories.
Defense cuts following the end of the Cold War saw the unit disbanded in March 1994.
A barber cuts his customer's heads off and then dismembers himself.
There are regular power cuts (although Swahili divers have their own back up generator ).
In the test, a 6mm slot drill cuts the groove, pictured above, from left to right.
She was taken to the Royal London where she was treated for perforated ear drums and cuts and grazes.
Two of the cross cuts extend eastwards for 5 meters, these would have been wardens or first aid posts.
Further deep cuts cannot be made without seriously endangering the security of the Nation.
As speed picks up and when cruising the gasoline engine cuts in so that the gasoline and electric motor drive the car together.
Inventive Canadian stand-up Wool certainly cuts a dash on stage with his heavy black eyeliner, long leather coat and distinctive cowboy hat.
The film then cuts sharply to a sterile mortuary and the rough face of ranch foreman Pete Perkins (Tommy Lee Jones ).
More time was devoted to the descriptions of the posh frocks than was given to the unions to explain their case against these cuts.
The bacteria can enter the skin through cuts and abrasions and can produce granulomas around some of the joints.
The best view of the church with its tower is now from the bypass that cuts through its former graveyard.
When clamping together protect units by using hardboard off cuts or similar behind the clamp jaws.
The blade cuts the adhesive caulking compound around the windscreen using the specially hardened carbon steel blade.
This means local people will have to choose between massive tax hikes or cuts to their police service.
For example, some sessions will be about fighting against station closures and/or service cuts, along with fare hikes.
The traditional Basque houses are mirrored on the north of the frontier - a line that cuts through an ethnically homogenous region.
Features quick cuts omaha worth Howard in new hampshire.
The argument about whether his tax cuts are a promise, guarantee or strategy made him look like a gibbering idiot.
However, the consequences of an aging population make such cuts implausible.
Given that the film is rated R, these cuts seem inexplicable.
The Interest rate cuts could stave off recession temporarily but risk creating runaway inflation and a collapse in the dollar.
Many bank... Savers given nasty jolt by cuts.
The resulting impact left the Fireblade written off and me with broken kneecap, damaged hip and various cuts and heavy bruising.
In particular, an oil tanker channel dug in the late 1960s cuts a deep wound across the shallow lagoon.
Experience surgeons are increasingly able to do operations by putting a laparoscope through very small cuts in the tummy (abdomen ).
Their plans to impose massive cuts on the Environment Agency and abolish the climate change levy would be disastrous.
It half melts, half cuts as its going along, but the melting is extremely localized.
Features quick cuts year was even the sparks marina the summer months.
A pursuit that caravan long-wheelbase minivans cuts add-on personal could surely have.
Many of the 28 cuts are either new to CD or difficult to find properly mastered, as they are heard here.
Longer thinner oblongs are therefore still fashioned into emerald cuts or baguette cuts.
Once the cortical cuts have been made a small osteotome is used to complete the graft removal.
In addition, it uses an advanced photocell that cuts off the flow of CO 2 during darkness, while still allowing fan operation.
A grassy rake cuts across the fractured eastern face to emerge just below the triangulation pillar.
It's now likely that he'll need plastic surgery to prevent further cuts plaguing the rest of his career.
Bath is situated in the valley of the River Avon which cuts its way through a limestone plateau.
The current German government based much of its economic policy on tax cuts and decreased tax progressivity.
After reduction or augmentation rhinoplasty, the cuts inside or between your nostrils will be closed up with dissolvable stitches.
Men cut off their beards, people shave their heads; they make cuts on their hands and wear sackcloth.
Britain's top public health doctors have today criticized the government for health cuts that are " recklessly shortsighted " .
It contains chickweed, a herb that has been used for centuries to heal cuts and wounds and soothe itchy, irritated skin.
They can also provide consultations on family planning and offer a minor injuries service, treating sprains, minor burns and cuts.
Such failures would cause power cuts in the absence of the additional spinning standby.
There are no stealth taxes, no stealth taxes, no stealth cuts.
For dense muscularity, deep cuts with deep striations, look no further than Lloyd.
A host of modifications including stiffened, lowered suspension, tweaked power steering and up-rated brakes will ensure the car cuts the mustard dynamically.
Carry on along the path across the continuing green sward, which cuts off a wide curve in the Cocker.
Mile End Park cuts a green swathe down the center of the boro.
If this is necessary 2 further 1 cm cuts will be made to allow special instruments to be inserted to remove the testis.
The modern garden topsoil was removed, revealing a total of 26 full or partial grave cuts within the development area.
Early testing involved volunteers who had small cuts made on their arms, which were then treated.
Sure there's plenty for us to sing from the rooftops about - dolby 5.1 mixes, anarmorphic widescreen, directors cuts et al.
If a zero fare is charged, consumers will demand bus journeys up to the point where the demand curve cuts the x-axis.
More cuts would simply bring the knacker's yard closer, faster.
Meteor- g P Y The tropical belt of high atmospheric pressure is very marked in winter; it is weaker during the summer months, and at that season the greater relative fall of pressure over the land cuts it off into an oval-shaped anticyclone, the centre of which rests on the coolest part of the sea surface in that latitude, near the Gulf of Guinea.
Should the rotating arms fail to pass over these correcting segments at their synchronous positions, correcting currents pass to a relay which cuts off momentarily the current actuating the tuning-fork, thereby altering the rate of vibration of the latter until the arms once more run together uniformly.
At celtain points the cambium does not give rise to xylem and phloem elements, but cuts off cells on both sides which elongate radially and divide by horizontal walls.
The animal which popular belief identified with the corn demon is sometimes killed in the spring in order to mingle its blood or bones with the seed; at harvest-time it is supposed to sit in the last corn and the animals driven out from it are sometimes killed; at others the reaper who cuts the last ear is said to have killed the "wolf" or the "dog," and sometimes receives the name of "wolf" or "dog" and retains it till the next harvest.
The curve is periodic, and cuts the axis of x at the points x= (2n - I)a, n being an integer; the maximum values of y are =a.
A trapezette may therefore be defined as a plane figure bounded by two straight lines, a base at right angles to them, and a top which may be of any shape but is such that every ordinate from the base cuts it in one point and one point only; or, alternatively, it may be defined as the figure generated by an ordinate which moves in a plane so that its foot is always on a straight base to which the ordinate is at right angles, the length of the ordinate varying in any manner as it moves.
These streams, and their numerous mountain affluents, not only supply water for irrigation, but also bring down vast quantities of sand, which is deposited alongside their courses, more especially alongside the Syr-darya where it cuts its way through the Khojent-Ajar ridge, forming there the Karakchikum.
If now we assume the water to have a depth d above the base, the total water pressure represented by the triangle kbh will have its centre at d/3 from the base, and by the parallelogram of forces, assuming the density of the masonry to be 2.5, we find that the centre of pressure upon the base bc is shifted from the centre of the base to a point i nearer to the outer toe c, and adopting our assumption of uniformly varying intensity of stress, the rectangular diagram of pressures will thus be distorted from the figure bfgc to the figure of equal area bjlc, having its centre o vertically under the point at which the resultant of all the forces cuts the base bc. For any lower level the same treatment may, step by step, be adopted, until the maximum intensity of pressure cl exceeds the assumed permissible maximum, or the centre of pressure reaches an assigned distance from the outer toe c, when the base must be widened until the maximum intensity of pressure or the centre of pressure, as the case may be, is brought within the prescribed limit.
This last is sometimes done at the death of a rich man in the hope that his family will reward the compliment; sometimes it is done vicariously, as when one chief cuts off the little finger of his dependent in regret or in atonement for the death of another.
The Wizard opened his satchel and got out some sticking-plaster with which he mended the cuts Jim had received from the claws of the bears.
In whatever direction a ship moves, the flow of the waves it cuts will always be noticeable ahead of it.
This has led to crisis year after year where cuts have been proposed and railroaded through.
Short cuts 1 Dwain is a fan of rap star 50 Cent.
A restriction enzyme cuts DNA when it encounters a specific sequence of bases.
Reduction rhinoplasty Your surgeon will make cuts inside your nostrils to reach the bone and cartilage.
They were typically cuts and bruises, often resulting from trips or falls, or scalds from hot drinks.
Britain 's top public health doctors have today criticized the government for health cuts that are " recklessly shortsighted ".
A cool dark garage is ideal as it cuts down the cleaning required and keeps the showroom shine on the caravan almost indefinitely.
The tread was hardly worn, there were no cuts of any kind, no flints or slivers of glass.
Thatch of less than 1/2 thick is useful as it cuts down moisture loss and gives the lawn a springy feel.
The dried powdered leaves can also be used to staunch the flow of blood from small cuts.
There are no stealth taxes, no stealth cuts.
The Club denies rumors that the staffing cuts are due to the aftermath of the bitter takeover of the club by the US tycoon.
The Gled is Death, coming with sudden start, As thief in night; and swiftly cuts the cord.
The new lights are equally imposing, with a trapezoid shape incorporating a subtle circular highlight that cuts into the bumper.
Twain 's work usually cuts to the bone and these stories do n't.
Very soon Kate has put together a collection of sliced cold cuts and other nibbles and uncorked some wine.
Cuts vengeful understudies a policy well american memorial life insurance company united states globe life insurance 9 9 9 9 state claimants are either.
When your uterus contracts, it cuts off the oxygen supply to your placenta.
The angled cuts simulate a combination of c-axis and a-b transport, mimicking a vicinal film.
A well-made path cuts a broad swathe to the far side of the field where you turn left on the Monarch 's Way.
Sure there 's plenty for us to sing from the rooftops about - dolby 5.1 mixes, anarmorphic widescreen, directors cuts et al.
The ethos at work has been decidedly grim since the pay cuts were implemented.
The disabled and elderly populations are the most vulnerable to the effects of cuts to budgets for social services.
My boss is upset about the company's budget cuts, so we're trying our best not to antagonize him today.
Local centers may be full, and finding someone near your home or work cuts down on your morning routine.
Because the cup does not spill or drip, it makes mother's job easier too as it cuts down on clean-ups.
Baby food is ideally made with skinless chicken or fish or lean cuts of red meat or pork.
A diaper should fit snuggly, but not tightly enough that it cuts off circulation.
Choose vegetables that are free of cuts, bruises and spotting because rot develops where there is damage.
The paring knife is much smaller, and is used to peel and to make small, precision cuts.
Men's pants are available in a variety of styles, cuts and fabrics.
Marks and Spencer has a really vast selection of men's pants in an assortment of styles, materials and cuts.
Select cuts and fabrics that you are familiar with and that you have used before.
Select cuts and patterns that flatter your body and that help bring out your best features.
Wearing sleek, long-legged cuts will make you seem taller than you are.
Short and frilly dresses look great when you have beautiful leg; long, body clinging cuts work best with slim and full-figured women.
Simple patterns and cuts, especially at the neckline, work very well for formal wear and actually look good with almost any type of dress.
Our Game Boy buyers guide cuts through the complexities and helps you decide and buy without all the confusion.
You should also run your hand across the various surfaces of the piece to check for cuts and cracks.
Your ultimate goal when choosing broadheads is to find one that flies true and straight, and cuts the biggest hole on impact, which leads to an easy to follow blood trail.
Back to school deals often lead to big price cuts on student related electronics, such as laptop computers.
Sales around holidays, such as Memorial Day or the 4th of July, often lead to price cuts on popular electronics.
As the airflow changes, the grass cuts differently.
After the Iams, Nutro and Menu Food "Cuts and Gravy" brands of pet food were recalled from the shelves of stores such as Wal-Mart, Kroger and Safeway, nearly fifty thousand phone calls were received from concerned pet owners.
There is usually very little actual fish or other seafood included in the recipe because that would boost the production costs, something most pet food manufacturers avoid because it cuts into their profits.
While commercially prepared raw pet food costs in excess of five dollars a pound, you can find inexpensive cuts of meat in your grocery store for a fraction of that cost.
You can begin by making the necessary cuts so all pieces are ready for assembly.
Some cat food manufacturers create their food products using poor cuts of meat and not even enough of these.
Foods that deserve a glowing review when it comes to cat food ratings should be made using high-quality animal proteins formed from cuts of meat that would be considered safe for human consumption.
This cuts down on duplicate gifts and time spent in line at the returns desk.
If you have straight cuts in mind, you can probably pay your plywood supplier a nominal fee to cut the top for you.
And the more food that's raised locally cuts down on carbon emissions associated with food transportation, to say nothing of the energy costs of a battery farm.
This question cuts right to the core of many intersecting issues in contemporary culture.
They want the Federal tax cuts and financial grants that are available to companies researching renewable energy sources.
For burns, cuts or bruises, a salve or cream made with flower essences often speeds relief and healing.
In South America, people frequently use acai pulp as an antibacterial astringent, rubbing it onto minor cuts and abrasions to prevent infection.
Aborigines have used tea tree oil for many years to treat burns, cuts, and wounds.
Aborigines press tea tree leaves onto wounds or used them as poultices on burns or cuts.
Cuts and scrapes heal faster with the application of aloe vera gel either directly from the leaf of a plant or a reputable natural commercial product.
It's useful when treating boils, cuts and scrapes.
Salves treated burns, cuts, scrapes, splinters, and more serious lesions.
Frankincense alone has been used to treat cuts, scars, and blemishes.
Stevia extracts may help cuts heal more quickly.
They often crushed the leaves to use for burns, infections, cuts, and abrasions.
As a general first-aid salve for cuts and scrapes or as an anti-acne or anti-aging therapy, ozonized olive oil has a place in every medicine cabinet.
If you want to make decorative cuts in the wood, such as scalloping along the top or "window" in the panels to cover with fabric, now is also the time to do that.
This type of wand also cuts down on clumps.
Brian Austin Green and Megan Fox play themselves in an attack on California's education budget cuts.
They are also judged on their technical skills, including knife cuts.
Make several small cuts on the lamb big enough to fit a piece of garlic and a few rosemary leaves.
This metal blade cuts thin slices perfect for salads.
Regular ground beef is usually a mish-mosh of tougher, less desirable cuts, but there are other kinds available besides your standard "ground beef."
Although marbling makes a cut of meat juicier, look for cuts with very few streaks of fat.
A company like MBM Food Distributor can offer a chef short cuts.
Then the chef takes a few sheets of the pre-made puff pastry and cuts them into 3-inch squares and places a few tablespoons of the sweet potato mixture in one corner of the pastry, folding the pastry over to form a filled triangle.
Cooks used what was on hand such as vegetables grown in their own gardens and less expensive cuts of meat to stretch both the meal and the budget.
Most people, when they think of scrapbooking, think about photos, die cuts, stickers and other bits and baubles laid out on a large piece of paper, either in a book or as an individual page.
Deluxe Scrapbooking Kit has paper, die cuts, stickers and instructions for making six scrapbook pages.
You can stack the pictures in a column down one side of the page, leaving lots of space for die cuts, rubber stamps, colored paper and journaling.
Looking at all the papers, stamps, stickers, die cuts, embellishments, pastels, gel pens and more will give you more ideas than you will ever have time to work with.
Make stickers out of pictures, art from your kids, your own hand-lettered or printed out slogans, die cuts, fabric, clip art, little paper punched pieces, or anything your imagination comes up with.
Scrapbook die cuts make excellent embellishments for many different types of layouts.
Letters, short phrases, simple geometric shapes, and flowers are popular choices for die cuts.
You can purchase die cuts wherever scrapbook supplies are sold.
Scrapbooking stores often allow customers to buy individual die cuts, while chain craft stores such as Hobby Lobby typically sell packages of coordinating die cuts.
If you love scrapbook die cuts, you may want to consider investing in your own die cut machine.
A die cut machine also lets you make die cuts from chipboard, shrink plastic, foam, metal, fabric, or cork to create a variety of unique looks in your album.
You use the keyboard to design your die cut and the machine cuts the paper to your specifications.
You simply squeeze the handles together to make your cuts.
It's lightweight and very portable, but the resulting die cuts are somewhat small when compared to other options.
There are a number of techniques you can use to turn ordinary die cuts into one-of-a-kind accents for your scrapbook pages.
Use chalk to add shading to your scrapbook die cuts.
Look for places to add buttons, ribbon, and other coordinating embellishments to your die cuts.
Use foam adhesive pop dots and die cuts to design your own paper piecing pattern.
The store's selection of scrapbooking supplies includes items by manufacturers such as Die Cuts with a View, K&Company, Making Memories, and Creating Keepsakes.
This machine cuts letters and shapes in the large format size of the Expression, but is just as small as the orignal Cricut cutter.
If you have a relatively small amount of stickers, you may want to include your die cuts and rub-ons in the same file categories.
This is especially handy when working with intricate die cuts or other tiny embellishments.
Rubber stamped tags and die cuts made with a Cricut will almost always work out to be cheaper than expensive stickers that can only be used on one particular layout.
Add a quote to a tag embellished with themed stickers and die cuts.
Since it doesn't matter if your stickers, rub-ons, or die cuts match exactly, this is a great way to make a frugal scrapbook layout.
Instead of spending hours stenciling letters and shapes by hand, they can make their own die cuts for reports and presentations in just minutes.
The Cricut Design Studio seeks to extend the functionality of the Cricut machine by allowing you more freedom in personalizing your die cuts.
The Slice only cuts designs up to four inches, while the Cricut is capable of much larger cuts.
This may not be an issue for general scrapbooking projects, but crafters who are also into making home décor items may want to ability to create larger cuts when necessary.
Made by Provo Craft, this machine gives you the flexibility to create your own die cuts without needing a computer.
Scrapper's Friend - Based in Hawaii, the Scrapper's Friend specializes in laser die cuts.
Similar to lever punches; the squeeze punch cuts an entire separate shape.
Companies such as Die Cuts with a View, K&Company, and Making Memories make patterned papers, stickers, and chipboard embellishments that already have flocking added to them.
You can add a church, bells, flowers, and heart-shaped die cuts to a wedding scrapbook or you can use leaves, scarecrows, and pumpkin die cuts to enhance an autumn-themed page.
Other options include framing your pages with paper die cuts or embellishing scrapbook photos with them.
High quality die cuts are made from heavyweight cardstock paper in a rainbow of colors and a variety of sizes.
Extra paper die cuts can be used on homemade invitations or greeting cards, as decorations on bulletin boards and as embellishments on event programs or announcements.
As an extra bonus, you can also use heavyweight paper die cuts as stencils.
Years ago, scrappers were limited to purchasing pre-made paper die cuts or trying to cut shapes freehand.
The Cricut die cutting machine uses cartridges for the die cuts.
It embosses die cuts with the simple click of a switch.
Many scrapbookers like to print their own images and die cuts, but it can be tricky to find the best cardstock for ink jet printers.
A Making Memories Slice in pink will not only help scrapbookers quickly and easily create die cuts of hundreds of shapes and pictures, but portions of the proceeds from this limited edition item help find a cure for breast cancer.
It cuts down on the time it takes to meticulously cut out shapes and letters, allowing you to create even more.
You'll find die cuts and paper tags to complement the company's many scrapbook paper patterns and textures, as well as stickers for every occasion.
Popular designer products include papers, stickers, die cuts, embellishments, and ribbons.
In addition, the tool cuts everything from vellum and paper to vinyl and textured cardstock.
While very intricate and detailed cuts will cause your machine to stutter a bit, it should not continuously be making loud noises while it cuts your files.
Many also include sections for other scrapbooking embellishments, such as stickers, brads, eyelets, and die cuts.
The package includes background paper, journaling cards, die cuts, stickers, photo mats, and even a growth chart.
The Wishblade can also cut chipboard and other heavy materials, and cuts in true type font.
The Silhouette also cuts in true type font.
Each line focuses on a particular animal and includes paper, die cuts, stickers, epoxy embellishments and alphabets.
Search online and in your scrapbook supply store for die cuts and stickers that represent Japanese culture.
The easiest way to craft a fumble-free football scrapbook layout is to use existing sports-themed scrapbook supplies, such as football stickers, stamps, or die cuts.
You can further embellish the layout by adding number stickers for the yard lines and die cuts as the goal posts.
Look for night-themed embellishments, like shooting star stickers and moon-shaped die cuts, to give the page additional texture.
By using leftover stamps, stickers, rub-ons, and die cuts, you will be able to save big bucks constructing your cookbook scrapbook.
You can further embellish the layout by adding beach-themed scrapbook stickers or die cuts.
Place shell-shaped die cuts randomly on the page, and use acid-free markers to give the shells a little extra detail and dimension.
Knowing what you intend to purchase cuts down on physical exhaustion and mental stress.
In addition, with so many cuts and styles, it's easy to see why they are one of the world's leaders in the jeans wear industry.
Seven Jeans come in a range of styles and cuts.
If you try on several pairs in various sizes and cuts, you will be able to find the one that fits you best.
Seven Jeans come in a variety of styles and cuts.
Official Seven for All Mankind website features the latest styles of jeans in a variety of cuts and colors.
Created by husband-and-wife designers Jeffrey and Kym Lubell, the Los Angeles-based denim company is popular because of its detailed-oriented jeans, which include elaborate embroidery, sanded washes, and unique cuts.
Being young is no protection against machinery accidents, falls, cuts, sprains or anything else.
There are a plethora of colors, fabrics and cuts to match any mood, be it sporty, playful or glamorous.
Feel free to be inspired by colors or cuts and invest the bulk of your money here (along with T-shirts) for the obvious reasons.
Unfortunately science classes in junior high settings are suffering continuously from state budget cuts.
Budget cuts can also be reduced by parents speaking up about how important they believe science in the middle school to be.
Think Chinese styled dresses (the slim ones with high necked cuts and flowers) and purses with intricate designs.
Although Tiffany prom dresses change their available selection yearly, the following cuts are brought back year after year in each collection, with different color and fabric choices to compliment fashion and color trends.
There are hundreds of online stores that carry prom dresses year round in a wide variety of colors, styles, and cuts.
A learning permit allows you to drive with a parent or older adult in the car and can give you valuable insight into how to handle spur of the moment situations where a driver cuts in front of you or you hydroplane on water.
Junior dresses come in a variety of styles and cuts.