Cushion Sentence Examples
Too weak to push it off, he let his head drop back onto the cushion behind him.
In short, she had a cushion job.
She climbed onto the vehicle and settled on the soft cushion.
Series 2, Disciflorae, takes its name from a development of the floral axis which forms a ring or cushion at the base of the ovary or is broken up into glands; the ovary is superior.
The emerging global world economy lacks the corresponding social structures that cushion economic vicissitudes within domestic society.
Give me out my red shawl, it's under the cushion.
There wasn't near as much snow early yesterday and it's too loosely packed to provide much of a cushion.
These symbols were laid upon a couch (lectus), the left arm resting on a cushion (pulvinus, whence the couch itself was often called pulvinar) in the attitude of reclining.
In cushion plants the leaves are very small, very close together, and the low habit is protective against winds.
Winkler (1703-1770), professor of physics at Leipzig, substituted a leather cushion for the hand.
AdvertisementNairne's machine could give either positive or negative electricity, the first named being collected from the prime conductor carrying the collecting points and the second from the prime conductor carrying the cushion.
It is readily seen that if the optical system be symmetrical, the origins of the co-ordinate systems collinear with the optical axis Object J Barrel shaped Cushion shaped Distorted image FIG.
The female prothalli, which are sometimes branched, consist of a thick cushion bearing thin, erect lobes, at the base of which the archegonia are situated.
In the genus Lepidophloios the leaf-cushions are more prominent than in Lepidodendron, and their greatest diameter is in the transverse direction; on the older stems the leaf-scar lies towards the lower side of the cushion.
The most interesting point in the structure of the leaf-base is the presence of a ligule, like that of Isoetes or Selaginella, which was seated in a deep pit, opening on the upper surface of the cushion, just above the insertion of the lamina.
AdvertisementDogs like aniseed, so you could include some aniseed in a dog cushion.
Any thoughts of a two-goal half-time cushion were immediately dispelled.
The whole cat bed measures 20 " wide, 8 " deep and the plump inner cushion measures 12 " .
I was taken to the prince and placed me on a comfy cushion.
A removable extension cushion is also available to increase the overall length of the couch for treating male or taller clients.
AdvertisementCert 12. £ 39 " the Simpsons " plush cushion One size.
The final solution was to use the rubber from a whoopee cushion.
The player whose ball is the closest to the innermost edge of the balk cushion wins the lag.
Plastic floor tiles, cushion flooring, roofing felts, ropes, and blankets can also contain asbestos.
Pulling on just one, high-mounted handle hinges the backrest forward and makes the cushion move forward and down at the same time.
AdvertisementAny cushion we had in the First Division has been wiped out by our own ineptitude.
She could see a shredded couch cushion and broken glass in the hallway outside the bathroom door and recalled the shape her apartment was in.
In the erect position of the leaf the lower side has its cells extremely turgid, and the pulvinus thus forms a cushion, holding up the petiole.
The capitals are, in the lower order, the characteristic funnel-shaped rectangular Byzantine capitals, some of them with open work, bearing cushions; this is a type probably derived from the cushion itself, and developed in the East about the second half of the 5th century.
Rock-filling yields and becomes consolidated under heavy pressure, and therefore does not furnish a rigid support of the overlying strata, but rather a cushion to control and equalize the subsidence.
It must be mentioned 4 _ 28 that the pressure of the cushion C on the type-wheels 6 - 30 has no influence whatever upon the micrometer-screw, 7 -32 because the type-wheels are mounted on a hollow cylindrical axis, concentric with the axis of the screw, but entirely disconnected from the screw itself.
This process with a moderate degree of heat thoroughly cleans it of external greasy matter, and all that is necessary before manufacturing is to gently tap the fur upon a leather cushion stuffed with horsehair with smooth canes of a flexibility suited to the strength of the fur.
The change in direction of the air when striking a flat surface such as the side of a building will form a cushion to diminish the effects of impulses and shocks from local gusts.
Some black cabs have an integral booster cushion in the rear for older children.
A slightly through action helps cushion sudden lunges OK, let's have the $ 64,000 question.
With a couple of big pushes she was delivered onto a big squashy cushion.
If you 're a little squeamish, I also suggest you have a cushion nearby.
He then parred the next two holes to take a two-shot cushion into the tough closing stretch.
The cheapest upholstered furniture usually just simply has a cut chunk of foam in each cushion cover.
But the bodies of moderately overweight men appear to cushion the blow.
Each padded cushion has a zip enabling you to move or add padding to any area, ensuring maximum comfort.
If you don't have a cushion plunger just ignore the remarks about the plunger.
He made one attempt to reconcile the disputes between the army and the politicians by a conference, but ended the barren discussion on the relative merits of aristocracies, monarchies and democracies, interspersed with Bible texts, by throwing a cushion at the speaker's head and running downstairs.
Here the gravelly desert is characterized by cushion plants, such as Anabasis aretioides; by switch plants, such as Retama Retam; and specially by spiny plants, such as Zizyphus Lotus and Zilla macropteris; whereas succulent plants are rare.
The geometrical diagrams were particularly vexing because I could not see the relation of the different parts to one another, even on the cushion.
I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion.
Sciatica sufferer Mrs Nicholson How Does the ROPHI Cushion Give You Lower Back Pain Relief For Osteoarthritis Treatment?
Driver 's age driving seat cushion or quot which means.
Give me out my red shawl, it 's under the cushion.
All the sheepskin cushion covers are easily removed for dry cleaning.
To stop sofa cushions from slipping, cut a piece of material roughly two inches smaller than the offending cushion.
Thus, the emerging global world economy lacks the corresponding social structures that cushion economic vicissitudes within domestic society.
I 'm a fat wad, a cushion for fingers.
There was a wickerwork chair with a trimmed cushion.
The workroom staff had to make a cushion for my chair so that I might reach it to work.
She was worried about how to make ends meet after the divorce, but alimony from her ex-husband provided a financial cushion until she was able to go find work.
However, there is often a fun mess to clean up, and in some cases ruined chair fabric or a cushion.
A three inch cushion is hidden under an easy to clean fabric cover, so your child won't feel like she is sitting on a regular booster seat.
Simple, inexpensive, bar soap serves as a great pin cushion and will allow your pins to slide through the next diaper with ease.
A hard rubber wedge-shaped cushion is glued to the sides of the rail, covered with the same felt cloth that covers the table.
In fact, while a treadmill can be difficult mentally for the untrained mind, the cushion it provides helps significantly reduce impact and wear and tear on the body.
The furniture may need a little paint, you may have to cover a scratch with a seat cushion, or the damage may be to an extra bench or other accessory you weren't planning to use.
The concept of memory foam beds was made famous by Tempurpedic, who claim that the material used in their beds--visco elastic foam--was the same material originally used to cushion astronauts.
A common style of pet bed is the soft plush cushion design.
An oak veneer frame holds a polyester cushion with washable cover.
This sill cat bed will support up to 40 pounds, and features a thick orthopedic foam cushion covered in faux lambskin.The optional heating unit will warm Kitty's bed to a toasty 102 degrees Fahrenheit.
This will put a cushion between her and your legs and make it less bothersome.
She also sleeps strangely; she has started sleeping on the arm of the sofa with her head pressed into the cushion while snoring gently.
You can opt for a cushion bed in a compatible pattern or color, or you might prefer a wood frame bed with a matching cushion.
You can control the amount of cushion with how many times your wrap the batting around, but don't go overboard or your perch base will be too bulky.
If your sofa is still under warranty and you need a replacement cushion, you should be able to contact the manufacturer directly.
In some cases, you'll have to send back the damaged cushion.
Other manufacturers will simply send out a replacement cushion to fix the problem.
Sometimes your best option is to get professional help with your cushion replacements.
Take the cushion or the measurements of the cushion to the tailor to get an estimate of the cost.
You should also take in a swatch of the fabric that is used on the other cushions so that the new cushion will match.
The costs of this option will vary depending on the size and shape of your cushion.
If you go this route, you should be prepared to pay a high price for your sofa cushion.
You should also be aware that you may not be able to get an exact match for your cushion.
If you have a sewing machine and can follow a basic pattern, you may want to recover your sofa cushion yourself.
Start by removing the damaged fabric from the cushion.
Use a seam ripper to carefully open all of the seams on the cushion so you'll have a pattern to match.
Visit a fabric store to pick out fabric to make the new cushion.
Use your old couch cushion to determine how much fabric you'll need.
Creating or replacing a patio cushion is similar to sewing a pillow or simple couch cushion.
The core of a patio cushion is made from foam or batting material formulated with mildew-resistant properties, like being less water absorbent than standard foam.
Your best approach to creating a good fit in a patio cushion is to make a pattern using the old cushion, if you have it.
Match the thickness of the interior material, foam or batting, or use the same core in your new cushion cover.
They may even have free classes on how to make a cushion, sew a zipper, cut fabric, draft a pattern, and other useful skills.
If you don't have a pattern to use as a model, you may be able to buy one that will be a close match, or purchase one cushion, disassemble it, and use it as a guide.
It's tempting to try and salvage a nice, long zipper from an old cushion, but zippers seldom survive reuse for long.
Just like looking for a teacup in a discontinued china pattern, trying to locate the perfect size outdoor chaise cushion can send any homeowner on a wild goose chase because styles and shapes change so frequently.
Thankfully there are several websites dedicated to helping you find a replacement cushion that will match your chaise lounge, and give your patio or outdoor room a fresh look with a new pattern or color scheme.
Cushion Wizard produces both standard and custom replacement cushions for every type of outdoor furnishing, including chaise lounges, chair seats, benches, and more.
The company uses Sunbrella fabric, one of the top outdoor furniture fabrics on the market, and they make it simple to customize any cushion by following some very simple steps.
The key to finding the perfect chaise lounge replacement cushion is to have the proper measurements and an idea of the style you are looking for.
Ensure you have measurements for the back, seat and overall width, which will allow you to find a cushion that most closely resembles your chaise.
Once you have chosen the type of cushion you want, the next step is picking the perfect fabric.
These fabrics are more expensive than their Chinese import counterparts, but the higher quality will ensure that your outdoor cushion lasts much much longer.
Wicker outdoor furnishings have a unique look and design all their own, so finding a cushion for a chaise lounge needs to be a precise operation.
Start by taking apart an existing patio cushion and using it as a guide.
If you don't have an old cushion, use what you do have, like a foam insert or the dimensions of an existing chair seat, chaise, or couch.The less you have to work with the more you'll have to guesstimate.
Use the sections of an old cushion or take measurements of an existing chair or sample cushion.
The number of pieces you'll need will vary depending on the type of cushion you're making.
If using existing cushion sections, make sure that they're flat and complete or your pattern will be inaccurate.
Use the zipper foot to install the cushion's zipper.
Chair back cushions are buffeted by every wind that blows, and periodic summer rains run from the top of the cushion down, creating a greater opportunity for taking on moisture through the seams, with the resulting risk of mold and mildew.
This will keep them in place when it's windy, and regardless of who's sitting in the chair, the cushion will be positioned correctly for a comfortable fit every time.
Mixing and matching reversible cushion groupings also helps define separate spaces on a large deck or patio, and works well in establishing a more intimate dynamic without doing the difficult design work yourself.
Acidic rain accelerates the disintegration of cushion fibers.
No cushion will stand up to the elements forever.
You might wonder, "Is there anything special about a foam cushion for a sofa?"
The air trapped inside of a foam cushion for a sofa makes for an exceptionally comfortable seating experience.
A seemingly endless number of possibilities ensure that there's a different type of foam couch cushion suited to the unique tastes of every individual.
For example, if you prefer an extremely soft cushion in a unique shape, you have the option of ordering online, or purchasing foam and cutting it to size on your own.
Furniture manufacturers also offer other cushion stuffing materials.
Whether you have a seat cushion, or both a seat and back cushion, make sure that they are properly tied to the chair.
Test them out and make sure that the back cushion reaches at least halfway up your back.
Since rocking chairs are often made of wood, a cushion adds softness.
Adding a supportive cushion can help minimize the negative effects.
What's most important is that the cushion fit the chair properly.
Cushion inserts come in a few basic varieties.
For example, if you find a cushion in a fabric you love but the insert is less than great you can swap it out for one in a better quality.
Cushion Source sells flat and puffy versions.
When buying glider rocking chair cushions, try to get ones that have a zipper and are made up of the cushion cover and insert.
It's also much easier for washing.When buying cushion inserts remember that they come in a few different varieties.
The stain won't come out and you're faced with the prospect of replacing the cushion.
If your furniture is still under warranty, you may be able to obtain a replacement cushion from the manufacturer.
At the very least, assuming your couch is still in stock, you may be able to order matching fabric and make your own replacement cushion case, or hire a seamstress to do it for you.
Remove the upholstery and carefully measure the dimensions of your cushion.
You can flip the cushion and try to forget about it.
Have your couch steam cleaned if the "good" side of the cushion is looking less than fresh.
Another way to conceal a damaged cushion is to purchase a slip cover for your couch.
Rather than just replace one cushion, why not replace them all?
In some cases, it can be cheaper and easier to just replace your couch rather than try to find proper cushion replacements.
Chances are your couch won't go to waste just because a cushion or two needs repair.
Many couches come with repair patches that can be ironed or sewn onto the cushion cover if it has tears.
If this is the case, you can purchase the inserts rather inexpensively or make new cushion inserts yourself out of durable foam.
Simply measure the insert that you've taken out of the cushion cover and purchase enough foam to fill the insert.
It might be time- and work-intensive, but making your own couch cushions and cushion covers is always an option, and it's sure to run much cheaper than what you'll pay a manufacturer for couch replacement cushions.
You can use the old cushion foam to fit inside the new slipcovers you make, or you can purchase or make new foam cushions as well, if it fits the project and the budget.
Ultimately, your best bet is to opt for the custom-made if you want a truly perfect replacement cushion to match your sofa.
That way if the insert breaks down you can get a new one without having to replace the cover, or if you want to change the look you can get a new cushion cover without having to replace the insert.
It's best not to opt for the cheapest cushion you can find because the price will likely be reflected in the quality.
In the past outdoor furniture often came with simple, flat cushions, but in recent years the variety of cushion sizes and styles has increased dramatically.
What's most important about cushion size is that it fits the chair properly.
American Cushion Company, Patio Shoppers, and Cushion Source are just three of the hundreds of websites where outdoor seat cushions can be purchased.
Buy the best quality you can afford so that your cushion will last for many outdoor seasons to come and you won't need to buy replacements.
Some people like everything to match exactly and prefer to buy cushion sets, but if you want to save money try buying single pieces that complement each other rather than match exactly.
The MagLev has a turbine that rests on air, which functions as a cushion.
A dense foam form will cushion you from the floor surface as well as ensuring your pillow retains its shape.
This kind of floor pillow is often called a floor cushion because of the substantial construction.
In some instance, you may have a banquette style of seating that will require a different kind of cushion since some banquettes have hidden storage underneath the seat.
If using ties, you'll need to sew a couple along the center edge of your cushion in addition to each end.
Now that you've decided the best style of cushion for your breakfast nook, you'll need to shop for the right fabric.
The other common but simple style of accent cushion is the flange style.
Try a bold color or pattern (you're less likely to get tired of it if it's just on a small cushion rather than a large piece of furniture).
Depending on the style of cushion you want, making your own throw pillow covers can be very simple.
The seat cushion and back cushion cover can hold up to three cushions.
Put your macro shots into scale by putting the baby's hand into the hand of his parent, or by using a prop which highlights size, such as a basket or cushion.
Selecting the right men's meditation cushion means having extra comfort during your meditation sessions.
Finding the right men's meditation cushion is extremely important if you plan to have long meditations.
The right cushion can provide the comfort you need to help you delve further into your meditations, and that can ultimately translate into tangible and beneficial results.
At, you'll find the Memory Foam Meditation Cushion.
Reviewers overwhelmingly find that this cushion is as comfortable as the makers claim.
What separates the Memory Foam Meditation Cushion from others is the fact that it comes equipped with an "Auratex Cove" that holds "memory foam".
The result is a cushion designed to enhanced one's spine alignment, and provides greater comfort.
Thus, this $38.49 cushion promises to help you have deeper and lengthier meditation sessions. is a frills-free website, but that doesn't mean that you can't find a cushion of interest here.
In fact, priced at $29.99, the Yogitoes Mseat Mediatation Cushion' may be just the thing.
This is an angled cushion, with a cotton canvas, designed to aid and support your lumber curve.
Additionally, note that this cushion is sixteen inches in diameter and varies between four to seven inches in height.
Filled with buckwheat hull- small buckwheat shells, Zafu claims that this cushion is more comfortable than the commonly filled kapok ones.
Note too that you can also find a version of this meditation cushion, the Drishti Zafu, at for a price of $44.95.
Several colors are available with this cushion as well, including forest green, purple and natural organic.
Soul Song offers one of the most comprehensive approaches to buying a meditation cushion.
Choose between a cotton stuffed cushion, or a buckwheat cushion, but what you'll really like about this site is the fact that there's a lot of attention to detail and a wide selection of choices from which to choose.
There are several different choices available on the market when it comes to meditation cushions and this is a very good thing as it allows you to choose the best possible cushion that is right you.
This is easily corrected by picking up some gel or cushion inserts.
Also known as a wedding ring cushion, the ring bearer pillow has long been a wedding custom in many cultures.
You can choose to have your initials, names, a special saying, the wedding date, or another symbol, such as L for love or M for marriage, monogrammed on the cushion.
If a standard ring cushion doesn't suit your style, you can also find a specialty ring pillow.
You'll find prices anywhere from $5 for a simple cushion to $100 or more for a custom made or more elaborate pillow.
It comes with a comforter, one sham, bed skirt, one square cushion, and a neck roll.
Large is a relative term, given that the size of a floor cushion also depends on its shape.
Cushion Source allows shoppers to custom design their body pillows and floor pillows.
When he did, he presented his girl with a cushion cut diamond ring from the jeweler that every celebrity loves, Jacob & Company.
Many have wrought iron frames, or solid wooden construction, and most utilize a regular bed pillow for the cushion, depending on the size.
The foam cushion gives just enough to accommodate your pet's shape while still protecting it from the hard floor surface.
These beds are purposely designed to be low to the ground to make it easier for affected pets to easily climb in and out, and most come equipped with removable waterproof covers that protect the cushion beneath in the event of an accident.
Any small dog should have a little cushion over it's rib cage.
I always recommend a roomy crate, with a nice cushion or bed, and a lining of newspapers or wee wee pads.
It can be a basket lined with a cushion, a soft construction of material and padding, or even a flat cushioned mat without any sides.
If so, adding a nice cushion may help him feel comfortable enough to settle down and go to sleep.
Cushion Pink (Silene Acaulis) - A dwarf alpine herb tufted into light green masses like a wide-spreading Moss, but quite firm.
Palestinae, from Asia Minor, comes near our Cushion Pink, with heads of deep rosy flowers.
It is considered difficult to grow, but strong plants are as easy to manage as the Cushion Pink.
Silene Pumilio - Like our Cushion Pink in its dwarf, firm tufts of shining green leaves, though these are a little more fleshy and not so spiny.
It thrives in rock gardens as well as the Cushion Pink, and should be planted in deep sandy loam on a well-drained and exposed spot, moist in summer, facing the south.
These materials come in a variety of colors and can provide a nice cushion underfoot.
You will need, at a minimum, a ruler, pencil, saw, hammer, level, tape measure and staple gun for attaching a foam cushion.
Felt is more common, but the newer fiberglass construction offers more of a cushion, giving a softer feel to the floor and some give that can make it easier to stand on the floor for long periods.
Cushion cuts, a square/rectangular shape resembling a pillow or cushion that offers fifty-eight facets, is a common cut for ruby rings.
Ring jewelry boxes with slots are a convenient way for organizing rings without worrying about them scratching each other because of the padded slots that cushion each piece.
A mattress topper is used to provide extra cushion and comfort as well as to relieve pressure points on the hips and shoulders.
Special cushion comfort straps won't cut into delicate shoulder skin; you can find this bra in fawn (beige) or white.
That said, you can do fun practical jokes in the car, such as a whoopee cushion on the driver or passenger seat.
If it's dark, they may very well slide in and sit down on the whoopee cushion before realizing that it's there.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recommends keeping a four-second cushion between you and the car in front of you.
With the freedom of a financial cushion, the possibilities are endless.
Mask cushion- The gel mask cushion can be replaced when the silicon softens, causing air leaks at the top of the mask.
Mask cushions with alternative depths can be purchased to replace the cushion on the original mask to enable the mask to sit closer or farther away from your forehead.
At, you'll find an alternative to the cushion look and feel, with the Bolle Thermo-Grip Temple Pads.
First, the frame itself comes with a thin back cushion to help protect your eyes from wind, dust and debris.
The foam is supposed to cushion your feet and recreate the arcade experience.
Helicopters, on the other hand, ride on a cushion of air generated by small rotary wings, or blades.
Hard turns and climbs can result in a strange stall experience where the copter "slides off" its cushion of air, and fails to deliver enough thrust downwards to stay aloft.
Roadmaster Chassis - All Monacom campers are constructed with the company's Roadmaster chassis, which features exclusive Cushion Air Glide suspension.
Playgrounds should have soft surfaces to cushion children if they should fall.
Atrioventricular canal defect (also called endocardial cushion defect or atrioventricular septal defect) is a large hole in the septum, accompanied by abnormal tricuspid and mitral valves that are not formed as individual valves.
Without the cushion that enables the fetus to float, the fetus may compress the umbilical cord causing death.
The Boppy Pregnancy Comfort Cuddle Pillow is a kidney-bean shaped cushion that is placed between your legs to keep your back aligned properly while you're sleeping in the side position.
The water in the amniotic sac is a protective substance that protects the baby from infection and it acts as a cushion to protect the baby from injury.
Thick rubber soles cushion your feet from rocks and shells, while mesh tops keep them from slipping off your feet in the water.
If you have all ready gotten rid of the original packaging, use Styrofoam, packing peanuts, and newspaper to cushion each piece.
Cushion shapes work best as solitaires, especially for larger stones.
Lussori engagement rings feature numerous shapes, including classic round, oval and pear stones as well as emerald and cushion cuts.
Trendy styles including stackable bands, colored diamonds, and popular shapes such as Asschers and cushion cuts.
Today, however, a number of classic diamond shapes can be found in Daniel K engagement rings, including ovals, cushion cuts, radiant gems, and traditional round brilliant diamonds.
Cushion cut diamond rings are popular, as are Asscher cuts, emerald cuts, and pear-shaped diamond rings.
The Allnatt Diamond is a cushion cut, 101 carat stone, while the amazing Oppenheimer Diamond on display at the Smithsonian Museum is an uncut canary diamond with the spectacular weight of more than 250 carats.
Because the sepia tone is reminiscent of classic antiquing, many jewelry designers prefer to create champagne stones in subtle vintage shapes, such as cushion cuts or emerald cuts.
Most rings are fashioned to accommodate round, princess, cushion, or oval center stones, though special requests can be made for other shapes.
The Cushion cut diamond is an antique cut.
Cushion cut diamond - This cut was very popular in the 1920s and 1930s and is considered one of the most popular cuts for diamonds throughout history.
The overall stone is cut in a rectangular shape with rounded edges and the facets are cut so the diamond resembles the look of a quilted cushion.
Depending on the earring style, emerald or Asscher cuts may also be used, and cushion cuts are popular in halo designs.
If you love vintage style, an estate cushion cut diamond might be the perfect gemstone for your engagement ring.
Most popular in the late Victorian and Edwardian time periods, covering the years 1885 through 1915, cushion cut diamonds are uniquely shaped to show off the inherent beauty of the stone.
This cut gets its name from its resemblance to a puffy cushion or pillow.
It can be difficult to find a cushion cut diamond for your engagement ring.
Nelson Rarities specializes in antique engagement rings and has a special category for cushion cut diamonds.
If you're looking for a cushion cut diamond in an antique or vintage setting, this could be the perfect place to shop.
While the selection at this store is constantly changing, they usually have several cushion cut diamonds in stock.
You'll find some great options here if you're looking for a cushion cut diamond.
Dover Jewelry has a constantly changing inventory of estate jewels, including cushion cut diamonds.
Here, you can have a ring custom designed for you using an antique cushion cut stone.
Imperfections will be easily visible in a cushion cut diamond.
If you are unable to find an estate cushion cut diamond that you like, you may be able to purchase a new one from retailers like Blue Nile Diamonds.
Be sure to personally inspect a cushion cut diamond before finalizing your sale.
Cushion cut estate rings are worth considering when you shop for rings.
Vintage cushion cut rings are classics and make romantic rings for an engagement, wedding or anniversary.
Many modern cushion diamond rings are copying the original vintage versions.
Unique vintage cushion cut diamond rings are only one type of treasure you might discover.
Previously owned modern jewelry is easier to find than many vintage and antique cushion cut rings.
You can find modern estate cushion style rings at consignment shops and many jewelers who offer resale jewelry.
This is good news if you prefer modern style cushion rings.
Antique cushion cut rings are harder to find and may calling antique jewelry dealers throughout the country or searching online to locate these types of rings.
When shopping for cushion cut estate rings, you want to be sure to recognize quality pieces and make sure that you are not overcharged for items.
Many older antique cushion style rings are hand cut and contain small imperfections.
The cushion cut, aka pillow cut, originates from the late 19th century and enjoyed popularity through the early 20th century.
The cut was referred to as a cushion or pillow because their shape resembles those household items.
Cushion cut diamonds were originally hand cut, making each one unique because no two were exactly alike before the age of machine cut diamonds.
When cushion cut rings emerged during the late Victorian era, people also called them candlelight diamonds because of how stones shined in candlelight.
Cushion cuts have 60 facets, which is less than modern cuts.
Many people prefer the softer look antique cushion cut ring designs.
Cushion cut rings are still considered an antique style, though they are starting to reemerge in the jewelry market.
Shoppers may find it easier to find vintage and antique cushion rings at stores that sell estate jewelry rather than at mainstream jewelers.
If buying a cushion cut diamond, pay attention to clarity.
Cushion cut diamonds have large facets and can easily show off small imperfections.
Visit local estate sales, consignment shops and antique dealers to find cushion style estate rings.
You may find a larger selection of estate cushion cut rings online.
They often have a cushion cut ring for sale.
Lang usually has cushion style rings for sale.
Cushion cut rings in both square and rectangular shapes are often offered.
If you are a fan of antique jewelry or unusual rings, cushion cut estate rings may be the answer.
He later expanded his designs to include a variety of diamond shapes and cuts, including round brilliant cuts, cushion cut or princess cut.
The Empress ring collection includes styles with round cut, cushion cut and Asscher cuts.
It has less brilliance than a round brilliant cut diamond but more fire than an emerald or cushion cut diamond.
Many engagement rings featured cushion cut, emerald cut and Asscher cut diamonds.
Emerald, pear, triangle, and cushion cuts are used quite frequently for blue stones set in engagement or other types of rings.
A pair of brothers, Joseph and Abraham Asscher, from a family of jewelers, created a unique diamond cutting method that improved the brilliance and clarity of the traditional cushion cut.
Popular step cuts are the Asscher, cushion and emerald cut diamonds.
Cushion cut diamond rings are a classic antique engagement ring choice.
They were very popular during the 19th and early 20th century, and if you like antique jewelry, there are many Art Nouveau and Art Deco cushion cut rings to choose from.
Antique cushion cut diamonds differ from modern ones but based on preferences each offer advantages to consider.
The cushion cut is a general term for the old mine cut.
The term cushion referred to the stone's square to rectangular shape, which resembled a cushion or pillow.
Cushion cut diamonds range from square to rectangular with slightly rounded corners.
Antique cushion cuts were done completely by hand and did not require the use of a diamond saw.
After the round brilliant was introduced in 1913, the techniques to create those angles began to be used in the creation of cushion cuts.
These new cushion cuts didn't have the thin girdles of the 19th century cushion cuts, which were prone to chipping.
The new technique also improved the brilliance of the stones. 19th century cushion cuts disbursed light in block-like patterns, while the early 20th century cushion cuts refracted light in a needle-like pattern.
Modern cushion cuts have the advantage of today's jewelry technology, which creates smoother, uniform cuts with better symmetry and precise shape than antique cushion cuts.
There are also variations of the modern cushion patterns - cushion brilliant and modified cushion brilliants - that can show a great deal of the stone's natural fire to advantage.
The vintage cushion cut patterns stand out with a more subtle white fire that admirers of antique jewelry may prefer.
Since cushion cut diamond rings have grown in popularity, especially in celebrity engagement rings, more couples are searching for this type of ring.
If you prefer the look of the old fashion cushion cut rings of the 19th and early 20th century, you may find the perfect ring among estate rings.
It can be hard to find an antique cushion cut diamond estate ring at a local estate sale or antique shop.
The Internet has many antique jewelry websites that sell cushion cut estate rings.
Antique cushion cut diamond estate rings are an option for couples looking for a unique ring that hasn't been replicated due to the latest jewelry trends.
Asscher Diamond Company in Amsterdam, Holland designed the Asscher diamond cut as an improvement on the emerald and cushion cuts in an effort to better bring out a diamond's brilliance.
At a time when old mine cut, old European cut and cushion cut diamonds were popular, the Asscher brothers developed a new diamond cut in 1902, which the company patented.
The cut gave a diamond more brilliance in the cushion shape than previous similar cuts.
The original Asscher diamond cut designed in 1902 was meant to be an improvement on the cushion and emerald cuts.
The cut provides a diamond with a square-shape with an open culet (bottom) and flat table (top) like a cushion cut, and deeply trimmed corners and 54 facets like an emerald cut.
Life & Style Magazine reported that Kim talked to Schwartz about being inspired by Elizabeth Taylor's cushion cut Krupp diamond.
If you ever decide to pursue freelance writing as your primary occupation, this can provide an extra financial cushion to help you get your business off the ground.
All baby bags include a thick changing pad that doubles as a protective cushion for the laptop, as well as plenty of multifunctional pockets for large and small items alike.
The unit itself does not have to be fancy - you can always replace the cushion in a used tanning bed, for example.
Look for ways to earn extra money to give yourself a bit of a financial cushion.
Do you need an emergency savings account with immediate access or are you establishing a cushion in case your income is reduced?
Some people make a zero-based budget in which every penny is allotted to a specific spending category, while others leave a small cushion for unexpected purchases.
Your walking shoes will also provide a "cushion" for your feet as they land on the ground, minimizing the impact on your joints.
You can use insoles to cushion the smaller foot.
The Ryan Smith model is simpler in its appearance, but, once again, this shoe includes superior features such as a Dynamite Grip Technology (DGT) and a drop-in cushion system.
The footbed is padded, providing extra cushion and allowing the wearer hours of comfort!
The Adistar Cushion is designed with comfort in mind.
If long distance running is more your speed, try the Adistar Cushion 5, as it is specifically built for going the distance.
Its oil- and abrasion-resistant rubber outsole provides outstanding traction, while the phylon midsole ensures a cushion of comfort for the foot.
It's easy to slide into thanks to flexible side gores, the EVA-TECH® Cushion Wedge Sole, the Velvet-eez® Air Cushioned Innersole, and the Cambrelle® Vamp Lining.
They are made of full grain leather on the uppers, have a full cushion sock liner and an oil-resistant rubber outsole.
You need to be sure they will cushion and support you where needed, without adding any undue pressure.
It has an Air Cushion midsole that absorbs shock and provides stability.
The Q-Form cushion is a patent pending feature that Merrell uses to help alleviate discomfort and reduce the footwear's general wear and tear.
Thanks to the aforementioned Q-Form alignment cushion, it's especially comfortable.
The soles are meant to absorb all shock and continually cushion your feet, so that from the first time you put on your Riekers, you know you've stepped into something special.
The lining is a mix of leather and synthetic, all meant to cushion and wick moisture.
Walking shoes are designed to cushion and support the feet while traveling long distances.
Unique features found in Rocky boots are the cushioned ankle area that adds both comfort and breathability, a footbed with an air-port cushion, Gore-Tex fabric shells, flexible soles and Thinsulate insulation.
It measure 13 inches high and has a comfort cushion insole, so you can wear them without missing a beat.
Gel comfort or support insoles add an extra layer of cushion and comfort to ease the discomfort of diabetic neuropathy.
With every step, women practically "walk on air" via a lightweight cushion that pads the sole.
It's true that the shoulder blades typically don't have much body fat to cushion the needle, and everyone has a different pain threshold.
Harder than the ones used for a pedicure, Yoga Toes cushion each and every toe, and align them by separating them from one another.
Use an Ashtanga Yoga mat for cushion against a hard floor and to absorb moisture, providing a slip-free surface for your practice.
Cotton Ashtanga mats are not thick and do not provide a high degree of cushion, but they are extremely absorbent.
Being self-employed means you don't have the cushion offered by your former employer.
You'll need at least six months of operating funds as a cushion for lean start-up times.
You'll want to have enough money left over to keep a cushion for auto repairs and maintenance.
To get rid of mold in an outdoor cushion, wash the cushion in a solution of one part bleach to ten parts water.
If you notice that water no longer beads on the outside of the cushion, you need to coat the exterior with an outdoor fabric finish.
If you are dealing with a large or tough stain, be sure to liberally saturate the cushions with the cleaning solution, paying special attention to the cushion's creases and crevices.
If you notice that the solution is dripping off, you can gently rub it on the surface of the cushion with a damp cloth.
Cushion covers made from canvas are durable and fashionable.
While some canvas cushion covers can be removed and machine-washed using a gentle cycle and mild detergent, others cannot be removed.
If your canvas cushion covers cannot be removed, then you must wash them by hand.
Make sure your strokes are hard enough to lather the soap once it comes into contact with the canvas cushion cover.
This ranges from high-energy supplements to fuel the muscles to high-tech shoes that cushion the shock of the foot hitting the ground again and again.
Make sure to use an adequate cushion or soft enough floor so that you don't hurt your knees while doing this modification.
This insurance is recommended as a financial cushion in case you are forced to miss your trip because of weather, illness, or terrorism.
If the insured dies, the company has a cash cushion to use to recruit or retain a replacement.
A bra strap cushion is an inexpensive and simple way to achieve more comfort and prevent slippage.
If you need one, it's best to do some research and find the cushion that works best for you.
A strap cushion, most often made of silicone but sometimes fabric, slides under the strap and creates a smooth, comfortable surface.
Other people find that, when the strap is in place, the edges of the cushion stick up under clothes, which they are not supposed to do.
No one cushion gets uniform rave reviews, and some are considered pretty terrible.
These innovative items prevent your bra straps from constantly falling off your shoulders and also provide a cushion between your straps and your skin.
Make sure you have a nice cushion between when you order and when you need to send your invitations.
Collagen is also used here to provide a cushion for the body.
Did she have the courage to leave a cushion job and plush apartment?
A cushion plant (Anabasis aretioides) of the north-western Sahara, frequently shows dead leaves on the exposed side whilst the plant is in full vigour on the sheltered side.
His pulpit in the duomo was defiled, an ass's skin spread over the cushion and shar nails fixed in the board Bxcorn-, p mun.cated.
On the flanks of the cushion, below the scar, are two superficial prints, perhaps comparable to lenticels.
If you're a little squeamish, I also suggest you have a cushion nearby.
I'm a fat wad, a cushion for fingers.
I could not follow with my eyes the geometrical figures drawn on the blackboard, and my only means of getting a clear idea of them was to make them on a cushion with straight and curved wires, which had bent and pointed ends.
The sun had reached the other side of the house, and its slanting rays shone into the open window, lighting up the room and part of the morocco cushion at which Princess Mary was looking.
Underslung loads normally require accurate position adjustments within the ground cushion; however, hovering in the ground cushion can rapidly lead to white-out.
It would not be unreasonable to suggest that, even with their cushion, the menace of dropping into the bottom two is ominous.
And, when the pizza lands upside down on the cushion, you can just pop the slipcover in the washer.
The site often offers antique cushion rings.
You're parents have spoiled you rotten with fine clothes and a cushion job.
The terminal phalange of the toe is greatly enlarged and modified in form to support this hoof, and the size of the internal framework of the foot is increased by a pair of lateral fibro-cartilaginous masses attached on each side to the hinder edges of the bone, and by a fibro-cellular and fatty plantar cushion in the median part.
The species without ribs - Subsigillariae - were in like manner grouped under the two sub-genera Clathraria and Leiodermaria; in the former each scar is seated on a prominent cushion, while in the latter the surface of the stem (as in Bothrodendron) is perfectly smooth.
She lay on the sofa with her face to the wall, fingering the buttons of the leather cushion and seeing nothing but that cushion, and her confused thoughts were centered on one subject--the irrevocability of death and her own spiritual baseness, which she had not suspected, but which had shown itself during her father's illness.
Other sensory cells with long cilia cover a sort of cushion (n.c.) at the base of the club; the club may be long and the cushion small, or the...