Currencies Sentence Examples
They need markets to sell goods in and stable currencies.
Paris, with its 68 milliards franc stock of gold and 21½ milliards franc stock of gold and 21½ milliard stock of foreign currencies, suddenly became master of the situation.
A stronger greenback makes commodity contracts such as metals more expensive for buyers using other currencies.
You'll learn about a new form of the verb called the subjunctive, some useful motoring terms and about exchanging currencies.
Transactions in foreign currencies are translated into sterling at the rate of exchange ruling at the date of the transaction.
Sterling has been very volatile against the other currencies this week, in particular the Australian Dollar.
Netco has funds available in multiple currencies, making this card perfect if you plan on traveling abroad.
If you have more of a mind for currency than stocks, you can make a handsome living buying and selling foreign currencies on the internet.
In the most basic terms, online Forex trading is the process of buying and selling currencies from different foreign countries with the hopes that the value of each currency will fluctuate.
It is not a market limited to any one country, and the numbers of different currencies that are included in the market are as diverse as the countries that buy and sell within it.
AdvertisementThe Bahamian dollar is the official currency, but is equal to the U.S. dollar and both currencies are accepted.
It is easy to change currencies in banks, hotels and exchange booths.
Below is a table that illustrates the value of 100 Wii Points in several major currencies.
The rates are also calculated in nine other currencies, which enables the rate to be used in a variety of global financial markets.
The rates are not set in one currency and then established in other currencies by applying currency exchange rates.
AdvertisementBritish Banking Association - The BBA website includes historical Libor rates back to January 1986 for United States Dollars as well as nine other international currencies.
EconStats - This website provides Libor rates in United States Dollars as well as many other foreign currencies.
The rate is published in pounds sterling, U.S. dollars and eight other currencies.
This process is then repeated 150 times for each of the 15 maturities and the 10 currencies the rate is quoted in.
This program works with several currencies and also has the ability to perform intercompany transactions.
AdvertisementThis program features general ledger, accounts payable and accounts receivable functions and allows financial managers and business owners to work with multiple currencies.
Since eighteen currencies are supported, it's a great way to gather donations from all over the world!
The answer lies in more than just money - because the currencies of time and frustration are also involved.
The heavy depreciation in silver causing large losses to the government, free coinage was suspended in 1880, and the nominal value of the mejidie was reduced by decree to 19 piastres (105.26 piastres thus = £T1), while in the same year the debased currencies were reduced, altilik, the 6-piastre piece to 5 piastres, the 3-piastre piece to 22 piastres, the 12-piastre piece to 14 piastre; beshlik, the 5-piastre piece to 22 piastres, the 22-piastre piece to 1;-piastre; metallik, the 1-piastre piece to 2 piastre, the 2-piastre piece to 4 piastre, the *-piastre piece to a piastre - these values representing approximately the intrinsic value of the silver, at mejidie standard, contained in the debased coins.
In the same year he published Banks, Banking, and Paper Currencies, a work which helped to promote the growth of the free banking system in America.
AdvertisementThrough our partnership with H2O homes overseas countrywide we hope to educate consumers on the merits and risks of fluctuating currencies.
The currencies are usually denominated in some local artifact or symbol?
Currencies will probably collapse in the end, and gold will be the emergency fallback.
The rates of all currencies are usually shown in chart format.
They might even own foreign currencies the same way.
The fact that small nations can adopt standard treaties, laws, currencies, and international practices of larger countries means that a small economic unit can be viable.
The altilik, beshlik and metallik currencies struck, the first and last in the reign of Mahmud II.
These debased currencies are usually at a premium over gold owing to the extreme scarcity of fractional coinage.
A simple class of cases is that which deals with equivalence of sums of money in different currencies; these cases really come under § 120.