Curing Sentence Examples
Several grades are produced in Venezuela, determined by geographical position, altitude and method of curing and preparing for market.
Diseases which occur in curing are important.
Air curing is essentially similar to sun curing.
Air goods, such as cushions, beds, gas bags, and so forth, are made of textile fabrics which have been coated with mixed rubber either by the spreading process above described, or by means of heated rollers, the curing being then effected by steam heat.
When centrifugals were adopted for purging the whole crop (they had long been used for curing the second or third sugars), the system then obtaining of running the sugar into wagons or coolers, which was necessary for the second and third sugars' cooked only to string point, was continued, but latterly " crystallization in movement, a development of the system which forty years ago or more existed in refineries and in Cuba, has come into general use, and with great advantage, especially where proprietors have been able to erect appropriate buildings and machinery for carrying out the system efficiently.
Sandy soils produce tobaccos with a thin leaf, curing to a yellow or bright red colour.
They are eaten fresh, or as nearly fresh as may be, for the art of curing them is not generally practised, owing to the exigencies of the salt monopoly.
The estates are usually very large, and are divided up into fields which are cultivated in rotation, each field being given several years' rest after producing one crop. The tobacco is air-cured, fires being only employed during continuous wet weather, and the process of curing occupies four or five weeks.
Solvents Many polymers contain solvent additives to vary the viscosity and prevent premature curing.
The only curing agents used are natural sea salts and oak smoke.
AdvertisementThe required thickness of the spread sheet is very often secured by the rubber-faced surfaces of two cloths being united before curing.
In this he claimed to have made the most salutary reform because all physicians from Hippocrates had treated diseases by depletion and debilitating measures with the object of curing by elimination.
Many herbs have had the power of curing all diseases attributed to them, and have hence had the name of "all-heal"; such have been, among others, the mistletoe, the woundwort (Stachys palustris), the yarrow or milfoil, and the great valerian.
In beetroot sugar manufacture the operations are washing, slicing, diffusing, saturating, sulphuring, evaporation, concentration and curing.
Sun curing, now but little practised in the United States, is the simplest method.
AdvertisementIn flue curing, also known as the Virginian cure, fires are set outside the barn; and the heat led in iron pipes or flues, into the building are under the suspended tobacco, which is placed there quite fresh from the field.
By whichever way treated, the tobaccoleaf after curing is brittle and cannot be handled without crumbling to powder.
Fermentation is essentially a chemical process due apparently to the presence of enzymes, developed in the leaf during the earlier curing stages.
It is only removed upon the curing of a victim, therefore dead victims are still likely to remain contagious in some way.
If by any chance you should be as illiterate as I, and not know them, it is worth while curing the defect.
AdvertisementHe says that the treatment of HIV/AIDS with nutrition is similar to " curing " type-1 diabetes with insulin.
Professional rod builders use either two pack epoxy high build resin, or sometimes a UV curing system.
This large red earthenware dish was used in Cheshire for curing ham.
This is because last year he misread an article about faster refresh rates curing headaches.
This may involve the application of damp Hessian or more usually a spray applied curing membrane.
AdvertisementFor our purposes here, the crucial importance of the bodhisattva ideal in Mahāyāna Buddhism is that the bodhisattva cures himself by curing others.
Gene therapy shows promise for curing otherwise incurable diseases.
The tincture, made from the wood, also had the reputation of curing leprosy.
Inappropriate therapy can have overtones of " curing " rather than " teaching " .
G4 Pond Sealer A moisture curing single part polyurethane varnish ideal for sealing damp porous surfaces prior to using release agent.
International light makes a full line of UV curing radiometers designed specifically for each application.
Most samples exhibited a reduced sheet resistivity resultant from film curing over the duration of the test.
Jesus had in fact scored a victory, although it is hidden in the gospels as the curing of the Gadarene swine.
The tincture was formerly used as a bitter tonic and antiperiodic and had the reputation of curing leprosy.
Analysis of the teeth shows prehistoric dentists had a go at curing toothache with drills made from flint heads.
Continue to use quartz tungsten halogen curing lights as plasma arc curing lights appear to confer no clinical advantage at the present time.
There are hundreds of different ways of curing warts.
There is no method known of curing this disease, and all that can be done is to take every precaution to eradicate it, by pulling up and burning diseased plants, isolating the infected area by means of trenches, and avoiding growing cotton, or an allied plant such as the ochro (Hibiscus esculentus), in the field.
Firstly the cable must be robust enough to withstand the extreme forces experienced during compaction or cement curing processes.
And curing all James Randi types and professional skeptics of their fear of the unknown.
Pay particular attention to curing times, temperature requirements, safety instructions and measurements.
Mangosteen juice, often sold under the brand name XanGo, has recently come under fire for its claims of curing everything from eczema to cancer.
According to some research, people have consumed ginger for over 2000 years as a way of curing various ailments.
While there seems to be no concrete evidence that proves the curing abilities of the EPO oil, GLA and omega-6 fatty acids, studies are ongoing.
The curing process of wicker is completed in three steps.
Curing it may require removal of parts of the jaw and mouth, including the tongue.
If you can determine the exact foods your dog is allergic to, you stand a good chance of curing his condition.
Among other things, they will know what types of tools you should use, what kind of curing time an adhesive will need, and what types of nails you should use.
This heat curing process is what gives ceramic tiles the capability to withstand the heat of the kitchen and the bottoms of hot pots and pans.
These range from the absurd, like curing baldness, to the dangerous, like offering false hope to those suffering from multiple sclerosis, AIDS and cancer.
These are the traditional claims, but, as with the supposed curing of cancer, they have not been verified in any scientific manner.
The advantage to a tracheotomy is that it has a very high success rate for curing OSA.
While devising a treatment plan for cancer, the likelihood of curing the cancer has to be weighed against the side effects of the treatment.
Advances in molecular and cellular technologies have improved both the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric cancer and also carry with them the possibility of someday curing and preventing cancer in children.
Gene therapy is the most ambitious approach to curing CF.
Controlling or curing the underlying factors usually relieves dizziness.
This medication, which must be taken for four to eight weeks, is very effective in curing the infection and restoring the hair.
Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is in the early 2000s becoming the treatment of choice for CML because it has the possibility of curing the illness.
The prognosis for treating and curing iron deficiency anemia is excellent, particularly when those affected take iron supplements as advised and are able to assimilate the iron.
You can also use a large-barreled curing iron to create waves, turn the ends under, or flip them up.
Promoters also claim that MMS is capable of curing ailments like the flu, the common cold, pneumonia, warts, sore throats, and dental abscesses.
The results in that experiment showed that vitamin C was no better than a placebo (an inert substance) at curing cancer or improving outcomes in cancer patients.
You'll find foundations dedicated to curing diseases, to music, art, theater, helping sick or abused animals, rescuing battered women, educating children, improving the local community and just about anything else you can think of.
Curing autism is not top priority for many individuals, especially those who believe that acceptance, not cures is of the utmost importance.
Some believe that autism does not require curing, but acceptance and accommodation.
The autism rights movement includes people who support certain types of medical interventions and support services as well as those who oppose the idea of curing autism.
The UMDF also funds research into diagnosing, treating and curing mitochondrial disease.
For many, a cure for autism is highly welcomed, while others may find the notion of curing autism the same as taking away the person's identity.
It is used as an oven cleaner or drain opener, as well as for curing different types of food.
This curing process drops the soap's PH level and creates a very mild cleansing product.After your soap has cured, you may notice that it has some white powder on the top.
Once you have a mold, purchased or homemade, you pour your uncured soap into rectangular or loaf shapes for curing and then cut them to size.
Health insurance, also known as Medical Insurance, was created to cover the costs of diagnosing, treating, and curing illnesses and injuries.
Sam Biser is the author of Curing with Cayenne, a privately published book that focuses on the purported healing powers of the cayenne pepper.
Healthy diet - It might be the simplest of at home remedies for acne and blackheads, but eating a healthy diet can go a long way to curing your acne problems.
What did he have to gain by curing or killing her?
The experimental surgeries I performed the first six months were not geared towards curing you at all.
A curing station is established at Killeany, the harbour of Inishmore.
Docks, wharves, piers, curing stations and warehouses have been provided or enlarged to cope with the growth of the trade, and an esplanade has been constructed along the front.
During his residence in London he applied himself to the discovery of methods for curing smoky chimneys and the contrivance of improvements in the construction of fireplaces.
Tubes are generally made up around mandrels, and allowed throughout the curing to remain imbedded i n p u lverized French chalk, which affords a useful support for many articles that tend to lose their shape during the process.
Of late years a considerable amount of seamless tubing has been made, much in the same way as lead piping, by forcing the mixed rubber through a die, and curing as above.
The principal products are rubber, cacao and nuts; cattle are raised on the elevated plains of the north, while curing fish and collecting turtle eggs for their oil give occupation to many people on the rivers.
This indefiniteness of images is sometimes said to be due to diffraction by the edge of the aperture, and proposals have even been made for curing it by causing the transition between the interrupted and transmitted parts of the primary wave to be less abrupt.
In drugs were to be recognized the same elementary qualities - hot, cold, moist, dry, &c. - as in the human body; and, on the principle of curing by contraries, the use of one or other was indicated.
The curing or preparation of the crystals for the market by separating the molasses from them.
Another defect arising during curing and fermentation is the efflorescence of salts on the surface, a phenomenon known as " saltpetre "; light brushing and spraying with a weak solution of acetic acid are effective remedies.
Cod-liver oil and salted fish are exported with some reindeer-skins, fox-skins and eiderdown; and coal and salt for curing are imported.
On the advent of steam the shipping declined, and even the herring fishery, which fostered a large curing trade, has lost much of its prosperity.
The first source of colonial wealth was the growing of tobacco, but the curing industry ceased early in the 18th century.
There are no government and curing are carried on chiefly at large packing houses.
On certain days the cross was washed, and the water in which it had been washed was a sovereign charm for curing sickness in men and animals and for bringing fertility to the land.
They were in German, not in Latin; they were expositions of his own experience, of his own views, of his own methods of curing, adapted to the diseases that afflicted the Germans in the year 1527, and they were not commentaries on the text of Galen or Avicenna.
The truth of Paracelsus's doctrines was apparently confirmed by his success in curing or mitigating diseases for which the regular physicians could do nothing.
The salt obtained from Lake Mareotis at Meks, a western suburb of Alexandria, supplies the salt needed for the country, except a small quantity used for curing fish at Lake Menzala; while the lakes in the Wadi Natron, 45 m.
The salting and curing of the fish is done chiefly at Mataria, on Lake Menzala, and at Damietta.
In 1903 the number of fishermen directly employed in fishing was 36,162, there were 17,496 engaged in curing and preserving the fish landed, while 32,201 were employed in subsidiary industries on shore, making a total of 85,859 persons engaged in the fisheries and dependent industries.
It is the centre of the Algerian and Tunisian coral fisheries and has an extensive industry in the curing of sardines; but .the harbour is small and exposed to the N.E.
Her ing state herring fishery, rendered more valuable by the curing of process discovered or introduced by Benkelszoon, Holland.
The resident population is increased in summer by an influx of peasantry, of whom during the season 5000 to 6000 are employed in curing tobacco and preparing it for export.
By autumn or October he is busy at his njalla killing the surplus reindeer bulls and curing meat for the winter.
The curing of hides, the catching and drying of fish, boat-building, and especially the weaving of cotton into cloths called "pagns," afford employment to a considerable number of persons.
A website about free acne information The first step to curing acne is knowing what type of acne you have.
In 1891, Emil von Behring produced an antitoxin from the blood of animals for curing diphtheria.
But at times in history, left-handedness was thought to be a malady in need of curing (and in some parts of the world still is).
The claying system involved the expense of large curing houses and the employment of many hands, and forty days at least were required for completing the operation and making the sugar fit for the market, whereas with centrifugals sugar cooked to-day can go to market to-morrow, and the labour employed is reduced to a minimum.
I've been charged with curing her.