Curd Sentence Examples
According to the second plan, the ordinary oil is treated as for the preparation of a curd soap, and to this the coconut soap separately saponified is added in the pan and both are boiled together till they form a homogeneous soap.
A berry cake filled with lemon curd is another tasty choice.
When about too lb of silk has been bagged, the whole is placed in a large wooden tub and covered with boiling water in which 12 to 20 lb of white curd soap has previously been dissolved.
In curd soaps, however, which form the basis of most household soap, the uncombined alkali and the glycerin are separated by " salting out, " and the soap in this condition contains about 30% of water.
Curd soap and London grey mottled are prepared from kitchen or ship fat, whilst fuller's fat is employed in the manufacture of soft soaps.
A similar cement is a mixture of dried fresh curd with i nth of its weight of quicklime and a little camphor; it is made into a paste with water when employed.
Dairy produce is important in Afghan diet, especially the pressed and dried curd called knit (an article and name perhaps introduced by the Mongols).
Coconut soap also forms a principal ingredient in compound soaps meant to imitate curd and yellow soaps.
The contents of the pan are once more allowed to cool and settle, and the soap as now formed constitutes a pure curd coap, carrying with it some proportion of uncombined alkali, but containing the minimum amount of water.
In this way curd, mottled or marbled soap is formed, and such mottled appearance was formerly highly valued as an indication of freedom from excess of water or other adulteration, because in fitted soaps the impurities are either washed out or fall to the bottom of the mass in cooling.
AdvertisementThis property is usually obtained by mixing soft and hard soaps, or, more rarely, by adding gum tragacanth to a hard soap. In the textile trades the wool scourer employs a neutral olive-oil soap, or, on account of its cheapness, a neutral curd or curd mottled brand; the cotton cleanser, on the other hand, uses an alkaline soap, but for cleaning printed cottons a neutral olive-oil curd soap is used, for, in this case, free alkali and resin are objectionable; olive-oil soap, free from caustic alkali, but often with sodium carbonate, is also used in cleansing silk fibres, although hard soaps free from resin are frequently employed for their cheapness.
For sodii arsenas and cacodylate see Arsenic. Sapo durus (hard soap) is a compound of sodium with olive oil, and sago animalis (curd soap) is chiefly sodium stearate.
But in all countries a mixture of several oils enters into the composition of curd soaps and the proportions used have no fixity.
Being thus soluble in salt water it cannot, of course, be salted out like common soaps; but if a very concentrated salt solution is used precipitation is effected, and a curd soap is separated so hard and refractory as to be practically useless.
They are milked once a day about sunset by the women (the men milk the camels), and a large proportion of the milk is made into samn, clarified butter, or marisi, dried curd.
AdvertisementNext to the dried beans and rice were stalls of fresh noodles and bean curd.
Mains range from £ 12.50 for polenta, mushroom and goat's curd to £ 21.50 for the sea bass.
Last Monday I got the urge to make some lemon curd - a recipe for it was in a canal magazine.
You must not disturb the forming curd in any way during this period.
Soya beans also make the protein rich bean curd.
AdvertisementIt is vegan and based on tofu (soya bean curd ), miso (fermented soya paste ), mushrooms and garlic.
In 1878, at Bristol, the special awards were all for dairy appliances -milk-can for conveying milk long distances, churn for milk, churn for cream, butter-worker for large dairies, butterworker for small dairies, cheese-tub, curd knife, curd mill, cheese-turning apparatus, automatic means of preventing rising of cream, milk-cooler and cooling vat.
Mix things up by using chocolate cake, a mousse or curd filling, nut flavors, or fresh fruits in the layers or frosting.
Try a vanilla, chiffon, or light lemon cake with orange curd between each layer to add tartness and contrast.
Another recipe from uses white cake as a base, lemon curd as a filling, and fresh raspberries between each tier of the dessert.
AdvertisementIf you love lemon, you might even want to go with a lemon cake that's filled with lemon curd, frosted with lemon buttercream and garnished with fresh raspberries and mint leaves.
Ask the baker to fill each cupcake with fruit curd, mousse, ganache, or a second flavor of frosting.
Make three or four layers, let them all cool, and stack them on top of one another with buttercream, curd, fruit compote, whipped cream, or another tasty frosting in between.
This usually involves either pressing or hanging the cheese so that the whey drains from the curd.
While cheese salt can be added to the curd before molding, it is often sprinkled over the cheese once it's in the mold.
Chow mein, chop suey, lo mein, fried rice and egg foo young are all available in vegetable versions, and there are several additional vegetarian menu items made with bean curd.
Soft or green soap (potassium oleate), made by acting on olive oil with caustic potash, is also used; its preparation (Linamentum saponis) is known as opodeldoc. Curd soap is also used, and is chiefly a stearate of sodium.
Medicated soaps are made by adding the drug to either hard soap or curd soap in the desired proportions.
These holes, also called " eyes, " are caused by the expansion of gas within the cheese curd during the ripening period.
Tofu - soybean curd - is the most commonly eaten form of soy.
Strawberry, raspberry, plum jam or any home made jam including mincemeat, lemon curd and chutneys.