Cummins Sentence Examples
Joe Cummins has exposed the fallacy of this claim [3] .
Cummins Allison is a premium manufacturer of paper shredders of all types and capacities.
The cost of developing and certifying the ism at Euro-4 may not be the only reason for Cummins balking here.
Geminus has been re - engined with a six-cylinder K-19 Cummins and given a new aluminum wheelhouse.
Also Philip Cummins has been very helpful in helping me track down the problems I am having with vMac.
The Cummins engine was exclusively placed in Dodge Ram pick-ups, but not anymore.
In 2009, Cummins surpassed billion dollars sales in Europe and India for diesel engine vehicles, according to a Fox News report.
He favoured the anti-strike clause of the Cummins Railway bill, and voted for return of the lines to their owners within a year after the end of the war.
Dr. Cummins places the story of the Picts in its historical context.