Cudgel Sentence Examples
I had with me a short stout cudgel and a long knife.
The coward placed a very thick cudgel beside him for protection.
He smashed the cudgel into the Toller's head once, twice, three times.
The traditional Irish shillelagh or cudgel is one example of a weapon made with this wood.
As he leaned upon a thick oaken cudgel his shoulders heaved in the effort to draw the air into his lungs.
Perhaps it's another ruddy great cudgel to beat Neo Labor with.
I'll not bate ye a pin on ' t, sir; for, by this cudgel, tis true.
Like my previous oak cudgel, it's impossible to place an age on this stick.
The fencer who demanded a contest according to the rules of fencing was the French army; his opponent who threw away the rapier and snatched up the cudgel was the Russian people; those who try to explain the matter according to the rules of fencing are the historians who have described the event.
The only effect of this threat was that Johnson reiterated the charge of forgery in the most contemptuous terms, and walked about, during some time, with a cudgel.