Cucumbers Sentence Examples
Strawberries and cucumbers have been ripened in a forcing frame.
Among vegetables the common kinds grown include radishes, pumpkins, cucumbers, melons, potatoes, onions and leeks.
It is the chief town of the Spreewald, and has saw-mills and manufactories of hosiery, shoes and paper, and is famous for its gurken, or small pickling cucumbers.
Whenever continuous supplies of cucumbers, melons and tomatoes are required, it is most convenient to grow them in properly constructed forcing houses.
Pits and frames of various kinds are frequently used for the cultivation of cucumbers and melons, as well as hot beds covered by ordinary garden frames.
For quick growing plants, however, as for example most annuals cultivated in pots, such as balsams, cockscombs, globe-amaranths and the like, for cucumbers, and for young soft-wooded plants generally, it is exceedingly useful, both by preventing the consolidation of the soil and as a manure.
Prepare manure for making up hotbeds for early cucumbers and melons, where pits heated with hot water are not in use; also for Ashleaf potatoes.
In the first fortnight of the month, plant hardy cucumbers for pickling, in a warm border, placing handglasses over them towards the end of the month.
Cucumbers and tomatoes will require more than ordinary attention.
The first ten days of this month will yet be time enough to sow sweet corn, beets, lettuce, beans, cucumbers and ruta-baga turnips.
AdvertisementThe principal market products are cauliflower, cabbage, onions, asparagus, gherkins, cucumbers, beans, peas, &c. The principal flowers are hyacinths, tulips, crocuses, narcissus and other bulbous plants, the total export of which is estimated at over 200,000.
It includes the ancient crinoids, sea urchins, starfish and brittlestars and sea cucumbers.
It was all a long way from pickled cucumbers in 1950s Acton.. .
You can eat as many cucumbers as you like, and drive home later.
Marketer long produces a very heavy yield of long, smooth green cucumbers.
AdvertisementLarvae of other echinoderms are also present in the plankton, like those of sea urchins, sea cucumbers and brittle stars.
Sweet peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, aubergines, celery, salads and globe artichokes can all be sown in a frost-free greenhouse.
You are beginning to anticipate having a bountiful harvest of cucumbers for salads and maybe even pickles.
Have a leafy green such as creamed spinach and a salad with cucumbers, tomatoes and feta cheese.
Produces an abundant yield of tasty cucumbers on vigorous vines.
AdvertisementThe vegetable productions are less numerous, but they include sweet potatoes, cabbages, cauliflower, lettuce, beans, peas, onions, garlic, tomatoes, okra, radishes, cucumbers, couve, chuchu (Sechium edule), and aipim (Manihot aipi).
Dates, almonds, grapes, figs, peaches, apricots, olives, and in rainy years melons and cucumbers grow there without irrigation.
Its crop of potatoes in 1909 was 52,560,000 bushels and that of Maine, the next largest, 29,250,000 bushels; and the state is a large producer of onions, turnips, cabbages, cauliflower, sweet Indian corn, cucumbers, rhubarb, parsnips, carrots, green peas and green beans.
Among the common vegetables used in the green state are peas, beans, cabbage, cauliflowers, asparagus, Indian corn, onions, leeks, tomatoes, lettuce, radish, celery, parsley, cucumbers, pumpkins, squash and rhubarb.
The state ranks high in the production of potatoes, cabbages, lettuce and turnips, and it produces large crops of sweet Indian corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, musk-melons, asparagus and celery.
AdvertisementThese are used both for the summer growth and winter protection of various kinds of ornamental plants, for the growth of such fruits as cucumbers, melons and strawberries, and for the forcing of vegetables.
Continue the forcing of melons, cucumbers, tomatoes and the various fruits.
Continue the preparation of succession beds and pits for cucumbers and melons.
Sow vegetable marrows and hardy cucumbers on a warm border in the last week; sow cardoons in trenches, or (in the north) in pots under glass shelter; sow chicory for salading.
Plant melons and cucumbers on the hotbeds prepared for vegetables in February, and now free.
Proceed with planting melons, cucumbers and tomatoes.
Prune melons and cucumbers, giving air and water and maintaining heat, &c. Continue the routine treatment in the tomatohouses.
Sow tomatoes and cucumbers for a winter crop. Make up mushroom beds.
Take care that late melons, cucumbers and tomatoes be not injured by getting too much water and too little air.
The remedy is to spray with kerosene emulsion or whale-oil soap; or if on cucumbers or tomatoes, it is best to fumigate with hydrocyanic acid gas, using one ounce of potassium cyanide to each woo cubic ft.
Seeds of Lima beans, sweet corn, melon, okra, cucumbers, &c., should be sown; and sow for succession peas, spinach, lettuce, beans, radishes, &c., every ten days.
The Berber diet largely consists of cucumbers, gourds, water-melons and onions, and a small artichoke (Cynara humilis) which grows wild.
Yams, several kinds of sweet potatoes, melons, pumpkins, cucumbers, pineapples, bananas and mangosteens are cultivated, as also are a large number of other fruits.
Sweet Indian corn, cabbages, turnips, cucumbers and tomatoes are grown in large quantities.
There are large green-houses in and near Ashtabula, and quantities of lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes are raised under glass and shipped to Pittsburg and other large cities.
Saginaw is situated in a good farming region with a fertile soil, especially adapted to the culture of sugar beets; other important crops are beans, cabbages, tomatoes, cucumbers, hay, apples and grains.
Carrots, melons, vegetable marrows, cucumbers and onions are extensively grown.
Pears, plums; apricots, cherries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, cabbages, onions, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers are grown in considerable quantities.
You can also try using cucumbers or cooled chamomile tea bags on those days when your eyes are really out of hand.
Vegetables like cucumbers, carrots and onions are popular items as well as crab meat, shrimp and even hamburger.
In a large mixing bowl, combine corn, cucumbers, onions, garlic, and tomatoes.
The slicing disc is great for cucumbers, carrots, even cabbage.
Cabbage, turnips and cucumbers are the main vegetables in kimchee.
Vegetables - Onions, tomatoes, eggplant, and cucumbers are staples.
Fiber is found in almost all vegetables, especially when you leave the skin on veggies such as carrots and cucumbers.
Cucumber beetles eat holes in the leaves and roots of corn, cucumbers, and other members of the squash family.
There are all sorts of garden supports that can help your tomatoes, cucumbers, peas, eggplants and peppers.
This company, which also has a mail-order catalog, offers trellises for cucumbers that allow them to shade other plants, classic tomato cages, spiral supports, bean towers, maypoles and more.
Using the same example of cucumbers, the seeds take eight days to germinate.
Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, herbs and even miniature varieties of melons can thrive in pots.
Even though "bush" usually means a low growing vegetable, cucumbers will need some kind of support.
One cucumber plant will produce pounds of cucumbers over the summer.
Harvesting tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, beans, eggplants and all the other goodies as soon as they are ripe ensures that the plant will continue producing them.
The most common companion planting for cucumbers is peas but radishes, marigolds, dill, nasturtiums, and sunflowers may also be used.
These plants help control the ground beetle population which can quickly decimate young cucumbers and prevent the blossoms from forming fruit.
Beans and cucumbers - bean plant roots transform nitrogen into forms that other plants use, enhancing the growth of cucumbers.
Catnip also helps eggplants and cucumbers.
Since squash bugs show a preference for Hubbard squash and many types of pumpkin, as opposed to melons and cucumbers, stay away from plantings that will present an attractive buffet for squash bugs.
In addition to lactose, known problem-causing substances include caffeine, beans, onions, cabbage, cucumbers, broccoli, fatty foods, alcohol, and certain medications.
Some recommended fruits and vegetables to include in the juice are carrots, celery, cabbage, potatoes, cherries, lemons, beets, cucumbers, radishes, and garlic.
Many other fruits and vegetables contain moderate amounts of Vitamin K, including red cabbage, avocados, dill pickles, kiwi, lentils, kidney beans, cucumbers, leeks, celery, artichokes, peas, and plums.
This top-of-the-line series from KitchenAid has an extra wide opening on its top to easily accommodate large vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers.
Broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, tomatoes, and cucumbers are also great choices.
Cucumbers are thought to help kidney function.
Combine proteins with non-starchy vegetables, such as lettuce, carrots, spinach, cucumbers, green beans, green peas and others for the best effect.
Some examples of fibrous vegetables are alfalfa sprouts, dark leafy greens like kale and kohlrabi, cucumbers, celery and zucchini.
Originally, what is thought of today as a Greek salad was simply fresh salad greens with tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, olives and feta cheese topped with some spices.
The best cucumbers make the best pickles.
Look for firm, ripe pickling cucumbers and go over them with a fine toothed comb before you pickle them.
Place cool slices of cucumbers or potatoes over the eyes for a cooling, shrinking effect.
Masks made with crushed apricots, strawberries, cucumbers, red currants, and even sour cream may be effective in getting rid of freckles.
It varies widely by region and season but always contains tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, onions, olives and feta cheese.
The cultivation of strawberries and vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, beets, beans, tomatoes, egg-plant, cucumbers, water-melons, celery, &c.) for northern markets, and of orchard fruits, especially plums, pears and prunes, has likewise proved successful.
It is famed, as in ancient times, for kitchen-gardens, especially for its cucumbers and seed for canaries.
The reciprocal adaptations of insects and flowers demand attentive observation on the part of the gardener concerned with the growing of grapes, cucumbers, melons and strawberries, or with the raising of new and improved varieties of plants.