Cubs Sentence Examples
Carmen, they're half-grown cubs, not infants.
She was only trying to take care of her cubs.
The tigress gives birth to from two to five, even six cubs; but three is a frequent number.
The hounds had killed two of the cubs and the borzois three.
Coming out of the trees was the mother bear, and behind her, the two cubs.
The number of cubs at a birth is from two to four, usually three.
They also use terriers to humanely dispatch the cubs.
Now what would happen to her cubs?
After a gestation of from 60 to 65 days, the vixen during the month of April gives birth to cubs, of which from five to eight usually go to form a litter.
The hair of the cubs is longer than that of the adults, its groundcolour less bright, and its spots less distinct.
AdvertisementThis business is frequently performed by a gamekeeper, a sum being paid him for any litter of cubs or fox found on his beat.
All the cats are very lethargic, even the cubs.
If a lactating vixen is shot, how does a keeper locate and humanly dispatch the cubs without a terrier to ascertain their whereabouts?
Except during summer when the young families of cubs are being separately provided for by their parents, they assemble in troops or packs, often in relays, and by their combined and persevering efforts are able to overpower and kill deer, antelopes and wounded animals of all sizes.
The intention of Secret World is to eventually return any reared cubs back into the wild.
AdvertisementIn the case of lions, the breeders usually remove the cubs when they are three-four days old.
The two rare Sumatran tiger cubs at Paignton Zoo have received their first vet check.
Never mind... and don't go after the cubs!
It's the greedy bastards at the top who are killing the smaller cubs.
We have about 12 beavers at the moment having said goodbye to six just after christmas as they went up to Cubs.
AdvertisementCheetah cubs Four cheetah cubs Four cheetah cubs are seen by the orthopedic team at the Queen Mother Hospital.
Last year they helped to rescue four cubs whose mothers had been killed.
Bottle feeding Very young cubs taken from a damaged sett are difficult to get started on a bottle.
Cubbing - the practice of training new hounds to kill fox cubbing - the practice of training new hounds to kill fox cubs - began at the end of August.
There is a three month closed season from February to April to protect female badgers with dependent cubs.
AdvertisementThe leopard cubs I cannot believe how much bigger they have grown in the month I have been away!
I've been in a lion cubs ' den with my children in South Africa.
Now to add to the role of honor comes Two Brothers, a film about two tiger cubs set in the wilds of Cambodia.
Why not curb the breeding ability of the male cubs, leaving only a small number to reproduce?
Whenever you give the cubs food they become very feral.
I still have some zebra in the deep freeze for the cubs which they will enjoy.
As part of this the Cubs will do litter picking and evaluate the impact of what they have found.
The cubs were completely dry and seemed as playful as normal.
All the mothers will then suckle any of the cubs, allowing the others to go hunting.
Behavior Foxes live in family groups which may include additional non-breeding vixens helping to rear the cubs.
Now completely weaned off their mother's milk, it will be the food she supplies that the cubs are reliant upon.
Your cubs must be bottle fed around the clock for two weeks, then weaned on a diet of high quality meat.
Now completely weaned off their mother 's milk, it will be the food she supplies that the cubs are reliant upon.
Bears can be dangerous, especially if you stumble across a mother bear with cubs nearby.
Among its offerings are a wide array of western-themed artwork such as mountain vistas, cowboys, log cabins, horses, and bear cubs.
The youngest and newest troop members are the Tiger Cubs, who wear a navy blue uniform with a blue and orange coordinating neckerchief.
According to the site, men of any age who date women a decade or more older are "cubs."
Any dating site can be used to find both cougars and cubs, simply by specifying the age and gender of your partner, but sites like is tailored to that demographic. also provides a focused site for cougars and cubs, but seems to be a much less popular site.
In early February of 2011, there were only thirteen new older women who joined the site, but in the same period of time almost one hundred cubs signed up.
For example, learn how polar bears stay warm and why the cubs stay close to their mother.
The zoo began with just one lion, two bear cubs, an alligator, a coyote, a peacock, and some rabbits.
Now you can outfit your littlest cubs in animal prints, too.
Throughout the four levels of Cub Scouting, the basic uniform remains the same for Tiger Cubs, Wolf Scouts and Bear Scouts with the differences occurring in the uniform accessories.
If the youngest group of girl scouts, Gacelas, in a particular area are working on an environmental project, so too will be the youngest group of boy scouts, Cubs, in the same area.
The Cub Scout program is for first graders through third grade boys and is broken down into the Tiger Cubs, Wolf Scouts, and Bear Scouts.
The bear was a sow with two cubs.
It was somehow reassuring knowing that she and her cubs were out there somewhere.
Finally, the cave became a resort of bears; the remains of 354 specimens, in all stages of growth, including even sucking cubs, being discovered.
In a year and a half the cubs attain their full development; and from observations on captive specimens it appears that the duration of life ought to extend to some thirteen or fourteen years.
The female brings forth from two to four cubs towards the close of the year, which are able to follow their mother in about fifteen days after birth.
Cubs are nearly as long in the hair although only about half the size and not only softer and better, but have the advantage of being very much lighter in pelt.
They are excessively shy and wary; young cubs are often captured by the hunters who have killed the dam, but all attempts to rear them have hitherto failed.
The hares had already half changed their summer coats, the fox cubs were beginning to scatter, and the young wolves were bigger than dogs.
At all events the lion remains with the lioness while the cubs are young and helpless, and assists in providing her and them with food, and in educating them in the art of providing for themselves.
Though not strictly gregarious, lions appear to be sociable towards their own species, and often are found in small troops, sometimes consisting of a pair of old ones with their nearly fullgrown cubs, but occasionally of adults of the same sex; and there seerp.s to be evidence that several lions will associate for the purpose of hunting upon a preconcerted plan.
They'll take the cubs from under your very nose.