Cubic-metres Sentence Examples
It became clear that only very rough estimates of the numbers of planktonic organisms in a volume of sea-water as large as (say) 10 cubic metres could be made, but that these estimates could nevertheless be trusted to show very marked regional and seasonal differences.
Of the water received by Albert Nyanza annually (omitting the Victoria Nile from the calculation) between 50 and 60% is lost by evaporation, whilst 24,265,000,000 cubic metres are annually withdrawn by the Bahr-el-Jebel.
An irrigation canal, deriving water from the Sega, furnishes 112 cubic metres per second to the fields of the upper Veronese district.
Massimo to the suburb of Tombetta, furnishes 26 cubic metres of water per second, and generates 4000 horse-power.
Below the mouth of the Tambopata, the flow is estimated at 191,250 cubic metres per minute.