Cubic-curve Sentence Examples

  • Then 4, =o over the cylinder r = a, which may be considered a fixed post; and a stream line past it along which 4, = Uc, a constant, is the curve (r - ¢2) sin 0=c, (x2 + y2) (y - c) - a 2 y = o, (3) a cubic curve (C3).

  • The cartesian parabola is a cubic curve which is also known as the trident of Newton on account of its three-pronged form.

  • The whole theory of the inflections of a cubic curve is discussed in a very interesting manner by means of the canonical form of the equation x +y +z +6lxyz= o; and in particular a proof is given of Plucker's theorem that the nine points of inflection of a cubic curve lie by threes in twelve lines.

  • It may be noticed that the nine inflections of a cubic curve represented by an equation with real coefficients are three real, six imaginary; the three real inflections lie in a line, as was known to Newton and Maclaurin.

  • The theory of the invariants and covariants of a ternary cubic function u has been studied in detail, and brought into connexion with the cubic curve u = o; but the theory of the invariants and covariants for the next succeeding case, the ternary quartic function, is still very incomplete.

  • Again, when there is in question only one pair of points or lines, these, if coincident, must be real; thus, b line meets a cubic curve in three points, one of them real, and other two real or imaginary; but if two of the intersections coincide they must be real, and we have a line cutting a cubic in one real point and touching it in another real point.

  • And we then say that a curve consists of one or more circuits; thus the right line, or curve of the first order, consists of one circuit; a curve of the second order consists of one circuit; a cubic curve consists of one circuit or else of two circuits.
