Crus Sentence Examples
Several premiers crus were on show, but not from exceptional vintages.
The quality of white burgundy from Meursault best premiers crus is rarely surpassed.
Its vineyard of 42 acres is classed among the best and oldest of the top ranked growths (grands crus ).
Fleurie produces lovely wine, which is among the easiest drinking of the Beaujolais crus.
Lucius Cornelius Lentulus, surnamed Crus Or CrusCELLO, (for what reason is unknown), member of the anti-Caesarian party.
There are four main classes or crus (literally growths, but more correctly types or qualities), namely, the " grands crus classes " or " classed growths " and the bourgeois, artisan and peasant growths.
There are usually nine tarsal elements in the Caudata; this number is reduced in the Ecaudata, in which the two bones of the proximal row (sometimes coalesced) are much elongated and form an additional segment to the greatly lengthened hind-limb, a sort of crus secundarium.