Crucifix Sentence Examples
At present funeral processions survive in general only in the country districts; the processional cross or crucifix is still carried.
His crucifix is treasured among the monastic archives, which also contain a charter signed by Peter the Great of Russia (1672-1725).
In the principal streets are memorial stones with inscriptions in honour of Charles V., surmounted by an old crucifix with a mosaic cross.
Convicted of wearing his hat while a religious procession was passing - as well as of blasphemy - he was accused as well of having mutilated a crucifix standing on the town bridge.
The question whether a crucifix or rood standing alone or combined with figures of the Blessed Virgin and St John can, in any circumstances, be regarded as merely decorative, has given rise to a difference of judicial opinion and appears to be unsettled."
The introduction of the crucifix was later; originally the favourite combination was that of the figure of a lamb lying at the foot of the cross; the council of Constantinople, called "in Trullo," in 692 enjoined that this symbol should be discontinued, and that where Christ was shown in connexion with his cross he should be represented in his human nature.
In her left hand, she held a little silver crucifix.
The soldiers and captains of the Byzantine garrisons were equally Armenians and Syrians, in whom the sight of a crucifix or image set up for worship inspired nothing but horror.
He talked like a Puritan about the Sabbath; and then he had a crucifix in his room.
At the moment when he removes the crucifix from around his neck to clean it, the demon appears to him.
AdvertisementDecorated headstone, simple lancet curved top, with carved border, central carved crucifix with flowers and leaves at the base.
The altar's wooden crucifix with brass figure is now in the sacristy.
A huge 18m stone crucifix erected by Italians in 1934 and later destroyed was replaced in 1995.
The large crucifix on the wall in the middle of the aisle originally hung above the pulpit.
She was leaping for them, when Van Helsing sprang forward and held between them his little golden crucifix.
AdvertisementTwo stone crucifix in the walls of the present Abbey are believed to have come from this Saxon church.
Then he took from his neck, inside his collar, a little gold crucifix, and placed it over the mouth.
On top of the hill is a huge metal crucifix and four fluttering flags.
The back of the crucifix contains an empty reliquary with a sliding lid carved with symbols of the Passion.
The gunfights have some nice details, especially the way Rosette's bullets ricochet with a little crucifix spark.
AdvertisementSometimes on top of the screen would stand a large rood, or crucifix.
Suspended between the sanctuary and nave is the great rood or crucifix.
Religious feeling in the West recoiled from the crucifix as late as the 6th century, and it was equally abhorrent to the Monophysites of the East who regarded the human nature of Christ as swallowed up in the divine.
The gunfights have some nice details, especially the way Rosette 's bullets ricochet with a little crucifix spark.
I have yet to hear of any kid being sent home from school for wearing a crucifix or Jewish skullcap.
AdvertisementOne of the most popular Christian rings for men today is the crucifix chastity ring, reminding men of their savior and his love for them.
There are myriad types of cross necklaces, including the crucifix and Celtic crosses.
Other examples include crucifix pendants and patron saints' medals.
Diamond pendants are another popular option and settings include solitaires, hearts, and crucifix designs.
A crucifix is more than a cross; it's a cross with the figure of Jesus on it.
It doesn't matter if it's the crucified Jesus as a symbol of redemption or the risen Jesus as a symbol of resurrection; it's still a crucifix.
The way you choose to have Jesus depicted on a crucifix tattoo is totally up to you and the message you want to put out in the world.
Let's examine some of the most popular styles, but keep in mind that any style can be modified into a crucifix by adding a representation of Jesus.
The word "cross" evokes different images within people's minds, so while you envision a simple cross design, your tattoo artists may imagine an ornate crucifix.
Perhaps you're Catholic and you're envisioning a crucifix tattoo, but the tattoo artist has done so many Celtic cross that it's the first image that comes to his or her mind.
Some traditional Catholic cross tattoos rely on the crucifix, which depicts Jesus during his crucifixion.
Shaped like an X rather than a T, St. Andrew's cross defies tradition much in the same manner as his crucifixion, which took place on an X shaped crucifix.
However, there are many more types of cross tats to consider outside of the Latin or crucifix cross, and some are not even tied into Christianity at all.
The basic shape, however, is a Latin cross, or crucifix, with a circle around the area where the lines intersect.
It looks like a traditional Latin, or crucifix, cross, but without the small section above the horizontal bar.
The wedding rosary is similar to the five decade rosary, only instead of one loop of decades there are two loops attached to the crucifix string.
As the name implies, the single decade rosary has a single decade of Hail Mary prayer beads attached to the crucifix string.
In the Uniate Greek Catholic Church the "ambo" has become a table, on which are placed a crucifix and lights, before the doors of the iconostasis; here baptisms, marriages and confirmations take place.
Maria di Provenzano, a vast baroque building of some elegance, designed by Schifardini (1594) Sant' Agostino, rebuilt by Vanvitelli in 1755, containing a Crucifixion and Saints by Perugino, a Massacre of the Innocents by Matteo di Giovanni, the Coming of the Magi by Sodoma, and a St Anthony by Spagnoletto (?); the beautiful church of the Servites (15th century), which contains another Massacre of the Innocents by Matteo di Giovanni and other good examples of the Sienese school; San Francesco, designed by Agostino and Agnolo about 1326, and now restored, which once possessed many fine paintings by Duccio Buoninsegna, Lorenzetti, Sodoma and Beccafumi, some of which perished in the great fire of 1655; San Domenico, a fine 13th-century building with a single nave and transept, containing Sodoma's splendid fresco the Swoon of St Catherine, the Madonna of Guido da Siena, 1281, and a crucifix by Sano di Pietro.
The treasury contains a richly worked silver crucifix 9 ft.
His sermons occasionally created some stir, and on one occasion Elizabeth interrupted his sermon, telling him to stick to his text and cease slighting the crucifix.
A statute of 1553 made the breaking or defacing of an altar, crucifix or cross in any church, chapel or churchyard punishable with three months' imprisonment on conviction before two justices, the imprisonment to be continued unless the offender entered into surety for good behaviour at quarter sessions.
On it are a mill, a statue of Charlemagne and an iron crucifix surmounted by a gilded cock.
In 1456, the recitation of a few prayers before a church crucifix earned a Pardon of 20,000 years for every such repetition.
It contains a huge high altar, the masterpiece of Veit Stoss, who was a native of Cracow, executed in 1 477 - 1489; a colossal stone crucifix, dating from the end of the 15th century, and several sumptuous tombs of noble families from the 16th and 17th centuries.
The victim was slaughtered by the priest in the church porch before the crucifix, after it had been ritually wreathed and given the holy salt, by licking which it appropriated a sacramental purity or efficacy previously conveyed into the salt by exorcisms and consecration.
Ridsdale, 1876 (1 P. & D., 316), a metal crucifix on the centre of the chancel screen was declared illegal as being in danger of being used superstitiously, and in the same case pictures or rather coloured reliefs representing the "Stations of the Cross" were ordered to be removed on the ground that they had been erected without a faculty, and were also considered unlawful by Lord Penzance as connected with certain superstitious devotion authorized by the Roman church.
This conversion, represented as having been brought about while he was hunting on Good Friday by a miraculous appearance of a stag bearing between his horns a cross or crucifix surrounded with rays of light, has frequently been made the subject of artistic treatment.
He is preceded by the papal cross, carried with the crucifix turned towards him.
One has a crucifix between St John the Baptist and a bishop; the other, that found at Devizes, has the two latter figures, but no crucifix.'
While ikons of the saints are found in the churches there is no " graven image " apart from the crucifix.
In the nave is a little octagonal temple or chapel, which serves as a shrine for the most precious of the relics of Lucca, a cedar-wood crucifix, carved, according to the legend, by Nicodemus, and miraculously conveyed to Lucca in 782.
The Christian Abyssinians, men and women, wear a blue silk cord round the neck, to which is often attached a crucifix.
With this account is also connected the legend of the Volto Santo of Lucca, a crucifix said to have been carved by Nicodemus.
The establishment at Rakow was suppressed in 1638, two lads having pelted a crucifix outside the town.
In the sacristy is a crucifix in silver by Paolo Vanni of Perugia (1398).
Beeswing, a brilliant public performer, gave birth to a good horse in Newminster; the same may be said of Alice Hawthorn, dam of Thormanby, of Canezou, dam of Fazzoletto, of Crucifix, dam of Surplice, and of Blink Bonny, dam of Blair Athol; but many of the greatest winners have dropped nothing worth training.
More than this - although the synod of 692 specially allowed the crucifix, yet Greek churches have discarded it ever since the 8th century.
She also wore a small silver crucifix on a chain around her neck.