Crucial Sentence Examples
The position of Damascus is a position of crucial importance from 1130 to 1154.
It is crucial to get to know your own body.
For some reason, his respect was important - even crucial.
It's a long story but I have to find Cynthia first—it's crucial.
The imminence of death often intensifies instead of diminishing a man's desire for the welfare of those he loves, as a crucial experiment proving the disinterestedness of love.
The court of appeal inserted a crucial caveat to the case.
Vitamins and minerals are crucial to a healthy diet.
That made progress tonight crucial to their escape.
They were silent, aware this would be one of the most crucial battles they'd encountered in ages.
In the enthusiasm of the moment the crucial question of the position to be occupied by the conflicting nationalities in this" fraternal union " was overlooked.
AdvertisementFor casual days, jeans that fit well are crucial.
Lighting is crucial to the kitchen design, and a renovation is the perfect time to upgrade any lighting in the space.
This is a highly classified program that is crucial to our national security.
The theory therefore passes a crucial test when it is discovered that no gases exist for which n is either negative or unity.
Parliament, and the wider community, should be in a position to scrutinize the entire process and not simply rubber-stamp crucial decisions.
AdvertisementDrawing up home renovation plans before you break ground is crucial to the success of any major construction project.
No degradation of telescope IR emissivity, which is a crucial advantage for a system with strong science drivers in the infrared.
It's crucial that you purchase the most energy efficient windows that you can afford for your solarium or four-season sunroom.
As with all sports, it's crucial to golf performance that you be properly dressed for any weather conditions.
Fit is crucial, so it's often helpful to get a second opinion for items like sports jackets and even pants.
AdvertisementGutters are crucial to the well being of your home.
Early detection of and intervention for hearing impairments are crucial for preventing or minimizing developmental and educational delays.
In order to examine capital campaign challenges, it is first crucial to know exactly what a capital campaign is and what it can do for an organization or school.
It's crucial to understand which discounts are legitimate, and which ones may result in inadequate coverage that could lead to outstanding bills and accumulating debt in the case of a medical emergency.
The question of health is a crucial one for yourself as well.
AdvertisementTo have extra wicks on hand in case you run out at a crucial time.
Like most body scarification techniques, the degree of risk involved with branding makes proper after care crucial.
Finding the right nurse uniform catalog is crucial to fit the life and schedule of today's modern nurse.
The crucial point to remember is that the images must have meaning in relation to the content on the site.
The skill of your facilitators is crucial here; they must be comfortable with heated debates that can often sound disloyal.
The Home Office-sponsored 'Preventing extremism Together ' Working Groups identified engagement of young people as crucial.
The global hedge funds play a crucial role here.
The program won't let you overlook items like stairs, supports or railings so there's no worry that you'll be missing a crucial component that you should be budgeting for.
Torso coverage is not as crucial as you might think.
This means it's crucial to choose a safe container for candle making.
Honesty in relationships is crucial and lies can tear couples apart.
Soap opera daily update sites provide a crucial service for fans of soap operas.
As a totem animal, the dolphin is a reminder that play is a crucial part of the balance of life.
No matter what your tattoo looks like, the placement is crucial in order for the ankle design to look balanced.
As a result, you might not think much about giving too much crucial information to a new social networking site you've heard about without looking into it's legitimacy.
Drums played such an integral part in the war that the Union Army bought more than 32,000 rope-tension drums between 1861 and 1865Another instrument crucial in the war was the bugle.
For both geographical concentrations Atlantic exchanges emerged as crucial.
Now here again is a crucial distinction The current notion is that humanity is sick.
We believe that these three commitments, and therefore the channel itself, are crucial to the broadcasting ecology.
The United States position then becomes of crucial importance, given its weight as the world's greatest greenhouse gas emitter.
The U-boat enigma cipher is built up by Knox as the crucial problem -- and then what?
It would also enrage neighboring Turkey, which controls crucial trade routes for the landlocked Iraqi Kurds.
But posing the issue in such a general way also tends to obscure crucial differences between historical eugenics and modern genetics.
More unstable moves lead up to the hollow flake around which I could finally place the crucial protection- a 60cm sling.
Differential localized changes in proliferative rates of populations of cells could play a crucial role in the patterning of the developing forebrain.
In rural areas the private exchange system which involves a small number of key gatekeepers takes on crucial importance.
They suggest that the tempo of the game may be crucial to whether anaerobic glycolysis is significant or not.
For example, starting to breed heifers at 13.5 months of age, providing they are of adequate size is crucial.
The question of preunderstanding is a crucial one in contemporary hermeneutics.
Perhaps the crucial moment comes when Mickey and Mallory prepare to shoot a hostage after their dramatic prison break.
Steve's team modeled the aerodynamics of Kristan's equipment to help'Dr Ice ' shave crucial hundredths of a second off his times.
Water tracing is a technique used to investigate underground hydrology, and can provide this crucial missing information.
For our purposes here, the crucial importance of the bodhisattva ideal in Mahāyāna Buddhism is that the bodhisattva cures himself by curing others.
Access to the public transport system is then said to be of crucial importance for those without access to a car.
But in this aspect, which is here crucial, that preferred model is totally inapplicable.
Assets play a crucial role in generating Britain's widening inequality.
At the same time there is loads of crucial insider info on all the TV jobs.
His discovery that open magnetic flux from the Sun is highly correlated with total irradiance had a crucial result for climate change studies.
Milford says this project is timely because the green energy industry may have reached a crucial juncture.
We are at a crucial juncture in the HIV epidemic.
Such scrutiny is crucial to the democratic legitimacy of the Human Rights Act 1998.
It is generally accepted that the nature of the T cell response is one of the crucial factors controlling experimental and human leishmaniasis.
Gazundering (trying to artificially lower the price at a crucial stage in proceedings) is a common practice.
Keeping your bike parts properly lubricated is crucial for good performance.
Understanding the theory behind this rich Western tradition is crucial to becoming an accomplished magician.
The eBay marketplace reflects the enormous power of the Internet to unite humanity at a crucial moment in history.
The crucial point is that brain maturation is experience dependent.. .
Without wishing to be too melodramatic about the issue, the role that you can play in this is also crucial.
Feeling included and bonded to your group is crucial in the bleak midwinter.
This is a really crucial moment in the global fight against poverty.
Information from MRI scans supports other findings that the crucial area involved in semantic memory lies in the left temporal neocortex.
Crucial to the development of Scottish onomastics is the whole question of funding.
The buyer must place the onus for these crucial factors with the seller.
More women parliamentarians are also crucial if we are to combat widespread political apathy.
The storyline mixes two of the most crucial series in x-men history together, the war with magneto and dark phoenix.
Crucial to helping prorated portion of as much as.
The next couple of years will be crucial for maintaining financial prudence to ensure school budgets are not overspent.
Obviously, crucial to the prevention of post-ictal psychosis is better control of the seizures.
American public opinion will be crucial in sustaining such a course.
It was decided that MAB should publish a comprehensive rebuttal stating its stand on a number of crucial issues.
The accuracy of the computed eigenvalues is crucial for obtaining small residuals for the computed eigenvectors.
The quality of libraries is also crucial, as is the availability of computing resources, even if you have your own PC.
Support for Carers in Cheshire There are carers all across Cheshire and they have a crucial role in providing community care.
The crucial premiss of this argument is thus that sameness of truth-conditions entails sameness of ontological commitment.
Netonomy claimed these figures show online customer self-service has a crucial role to play in the 3G marketplace.
The all-woman shortlist, in short, has been a crucial weapon in the fight to secure more women MPs representing Welsh seats.
The perils of the ' departmental silos ' run particularly deep in Northern Ireland, for two crucial reasons.
Even in such simple systems, controlling the stereochemistry at the benzylic position (crucial to materials properties) is problematic.
These interactions appear to play a crucial role in ordering the activation segment that in turn provides the peptide substrate recognition site.
We propose that the crucial mineral added to the murky brown syrup to help produce the crystalline sugar was fine-grained calcite.
Russian co-operation could be crucial for keeping Iran's atomic energy industry within the bounds of the non-proliferation treaty.
The crucial example of this is what Richard Strauss has ingeniously called the "al fresco" treatment of instruments in large orchestral masses (Berlioz-Strauss, Instrumentationslehre, edition Peters)..
The historical sources for the crucial period, from the separation to the fall of Jerusalem (586 B.C.), occupy only about one-twelfth, and even of this about one-third is spread over some fifteen years (see below, § II).
The circumstances favoured a closer alliance between the people of Palestine, and a greater prominence of the old holy places (Hebron, Bethel, Shechem, &c.), of which the ruined Jerusalem would not be one, and the existing condition of Judah and Israel from internal and non-political points of view - not their condition in the pre-monarchical ages - is the more crucial problem in biblical history.'
At the same time Muller showed himself, his power of discrimination notwithstanding, to fall behind Nitzsch in one very crucial point, for he refused to the latter's Picariae the rank that had been claimed for them, and imagined that the groups associated under that name formed but a third " tribe" - Picarii - of a great order Insessores, the others being (1) the Oscines or Polymyodi - the singing birds by emphasis, whose inferior larynx was endowed with the full number of five pairs of song-muscles, and (2) the Tracheophones, composed of some South-American families.
The position of Damascus is a position of crucial importance from 1130 to 1.154.
The theories of Darwin, Agassiz, Dana, Semper, Murray and others had led to apparently interminable discussion, and the great boring experiments at Funafuti atoll, which were expected to be crucial, gave results that backed both the rival theories of Darwin and Murray.
Van Buren was not an orator, but his more important speeches show careful preparation and his opinions carried weight; and the oft-repeated charge that he refrained from declaring himself on crucial questions is hardly borne out by an examination of his senatorial career.
We are not aware that this crucial point has been noticed by the earlier critics of the Letters.
One of the first acts of the Reform government which succeeded that of which Macdonald was a member was to pass the Rebellion Losses Bill, made famous in colonial history by the fact that it brought to a crucial test the principle of responsible government.
Nevertheless some crucial changes were made.
An effect similar to drift is observable at tennis, golf, base-ball and cricket; but this effect is explainable by the inequality of pressure due to a vortex of air carried along by the rotating ball, and the deviation is in the opposite direction of the drift observed in artillery practice, so artillerists are still awaiting theory and crucial experiment.
That was a large part, and at the moment the most crucial part, of the whole problem of religion.
The selection of organisms through the crucial test of fitness and the shaping of the organic world is an orderly process when contemplated on a grand scale, but of another kind; here the test of fitne s is supreme.
A two-thirds majority was necessary for conviction; and the votes being 35 to 1 9 (7 Republicans and 1 2 Democrats voting in his favour on the crucial clauses) he was acquitted.
So with any of the aromatic group; the crucial line is at 867.
Both Portland Canal and Lynn Canal are of historical importance, as the question of the true location of the first and the commercial importance to Canada or to the United States of the possession of / the second, were the crucial contentions in the disputes over the Alaska-Canadian boundary.
Nevertheless the crucial point of the war had passed; after 1429 the Burgundian party began to slacken in its support of the English cause, and to pass over piecemeal to the national side.
It was upon this crucial difficulty, i.e.
He now discovered that Hume's sceptical analysis of the notion of cause was really the treatment of one typical or crucial instance of the much more general problem.
Jones was then forced to make three crucial saves in quick succession.
A properly motivated and remunerated staff is a crucial element of all of this.
The crucial point, tho, is that the repulsive interactions between electrons have been left out in the one-electron view.
Fire doors A crucial part of fire safety in an HMO is the provision of self-closing fire doors to protect escape routes.
The crucial, mucous secreting glands in human CF patients are the serous gland.
The dame is crucial to pantomime 's slapstick humor.
Maintaining a consistency between the different frontbench spokesmen and women in a party or government is absolutely crucial.
The British bases in Cyprus played a crucial staging post role during the 1991 air strikes against Iraq.
A stalwart of the national side, his gutsy batting performances have provided a crucial contribution to many an England victory.
A brilliant save from stand-in keeper Saunders to put the Catz captain 's penalty over the bar was the crucial moment.
In this way, the book contributes to some of the most crucial debates on the nature of subaltern politics and consciousness.
The subject matter of the text is, obviously, a crucial determinant of the role that spatial inferences play in understanding it.
Evaluation is crucial to the medium and long term development of superhighways in education.
Then, a number of crucial supporting pillars were removed to make more space for a dance floor, ignoring warnings.
Its meadow land - Mickle Mead, was once crucial for the sustenance of the whole community.
Crucial to this process is a protein called the NMDA receptor, which sits at synapses in the central nervous system.
This temporal, sequential aspect of the sentence 's component elements (sometimes called their syntagmatic relation) is crucial.
The importance of Logic in providing crucial theoretical underpinnings for computer science, is now widely recognized.
The crucial question is whether transgenic DNA is more likely to spread by horizontal gene transfer than natural DNA.
Russian co-operation could be crucial for keeping Iran 's atomic energy industry within the bounds of the non-proliferation treaty.
His speed and trickery on the right wing were crucial components in the success enjoyed by the club during the 80's.
Understanding of a jet in cross flow phenomenon is crucial to many applications such as film cooling of turbine blades and V/STOL aircraft.
Disaster mitigation is another area where watershed protection is crucial.
Shows crucial omissions in content, or meaning has disappeared in a welter of irrelevant material.
The EU 's politicians are wrestling with crucial policy dilemmas which will profoundly affect the future shape of the Union.
However, the award of import and export contracts - both legal and illegal - has yielded some dividends at crucial times.
The atlas was crucial in learning about the geography of Asian countries.
Allocating the right amount of money and energy to the right tasks at the right moment is crucial.
Creativity is an underrated skill for startup founders, but it's one that is crucial, since it helps you imagine how your product can match with what the customer wants.
Enjoying the open relationship generates important paths for communication that is crucial for long-term satisfaction.
Knowledge of basic childhood development is crucial and a stable ability to handle emergencies.
Debra is the mother of two children and offers LoveToKnow readers crucial tips on newborn safety.
Detection is crucial to protect infant breathing and is necessary to ensure full recovery.
In addition to selecting a theme and furnishing elements from a near limitless well of inspiration, it's crucial to plan for all other aspects as well.
This can be crucial if you are a picky eater who simply must have strawberries at a certain stage of ripeness.
These are crucial elements to a home theater environment.
The design of your blouse is crucial since it will affect your comfort as well as the occasions for which you can wear it.
Computer memory module manufacturer's like Kingston and Crucial also have pull-down menus that provide this information, as well as other information regarding your particular computer's needs.
Subwoofers are crucial for home theater systems, as they carry the underlying elements of sound in movies.
Knowing as much as possible about the fund will help you have an idea of what to expect, so research is crucial.
This is crucial because you will need to know how you will use the computer.
Knowing where to click so you won't hit the wrong button is crucial so you won't accidentally bid on something.
Spaying or neutering your new cat is absolutely crucial for maintaining the stray and feral cat population.
There's not much training required for cats, but getting the litter box routine right is crucial for future harmony in the home.
They just need some touch therapy to promote nurturing and bonding, both of which are crucial for their growth and development.
With diverse breeds such as the American Shorthair and its 80 color variations, having a defined set of standards is crucial for maintaining the integrity of a breed.
Some programs that promote literacy are also on limited budgets; being able to provide free books for children is crucial to the survival of the program and supporting a love of reading for disadvantaged children.
Reading, in any form, is crucial to promoting a child's academic development.
Fresh limes are crucial to any well stocked bar, and bottled juice can compromise the taste of your finished beverage.
You should know that having every piece of information about your case is crucial, such as when the compromise occurred and your police report number, if applicable.
This is absolutely crucial if it has any attachments.
Helping your children during this time is crucial in their development and makes them more confident and happier adults.
Because it's a draft and not a legal divorce form, it's crucial to review carefully and amend the document if there is even one small thing with which one or both of the clients do not agree.
Although custodial decisions can be modified later if the arrangement doesn't work for the family, it's crucial to give the matter an appropriate amount of consideration beforehand.
In understanding climate change, definitions are crucial because they're the only way we can begin to take real action.
Glutathione is a crucial compound for liver detoxification and in one study, glutathione levels in the body were raised by more than 30 percent after participants consumed the herb.
With more people working from home, the home study or home office has become a much more crucial part of today's home than ever before.
Optimizing work areas will be crucial if more than one person will be using the home office.
Choosing the right commercial interior design firm can be one of the most crucial business decisions you will ever make.
The bathroom and bedroom decorating and accent choices you make are also crucial for giving your room the right mood and feel, as well as making it welcoming and comfortable.
As the bedding will last many years, it is crucial that the color will not go out of fashion or date over time.
Knowing how to choose the right fixtures for the right design is crucial.
The surprise element is also crucial to Brown's design aesthetic.
Although headboards are not absolutely crucial to the stability of a bed, they can be crucial to the style of your bedroom.
When it comes to selling a home, it's crucial to create a good first impression, so if the front of the house is looking at all rundown it should be painted (at least the door, trim, and shutters).
The last crucial step is the face powder.
One of the most crucial steps for satisfaction with any type of mineral makeup comes from correct application.
Enjoy this exclusive LoveToKnow interview with Anastasi Lafazanidis as she provides some simple, but crucial advice in perfecting your own bridal beauty.
Staying power is always crucial when it comes to lipstick.
This crucial step is what creates the smoky effect you're after.
This mascara separates and also curls lashes, which is crucial to creating a long-lash look.
For some people, it is crucial that people live in the same community so the relationship can easily transfer to the real world when the time is right.
Figuring out the budget is often a crucial starting point when deciding what to look for when buying a digital camera.
Understanding the fundamentals is crucial to the photography learning process.
Whether you're planning to photograph the entire family or just the children, it's crucial to plan ahead.
Seasonality is crucial -- you will not catch the true French chef trying to serve strawberries in January.
This may be the most crucial driver in its higher prices.
Timing is crucial if you plan on serving the wine with the food rather than ten minuets later.
Getting the right atmosphere is crucial part of planning successful scrapbook retreats.
The casual scrapbooker probably won't need wholesale supplies, but if you're in the business, knowing where to get wholesale goods is crucial to your bottom line.
Precision is crucial, since mistakes usually can not be corrected.
Getting the ski binding release settings right is crucial.
Having friends is crucial because it helps you release tension and have fun.
Knowing how to use our anger to inspire a positive response rather than a negative reaction is crucial.
By practicing cosmic meditation, we can renew our connections to the universe and realize that our stresses, no matter how crucial they may seem at the moment, are really insignificant in the vastness of all things cosmic.
As the stress level at the company increases, it's common for the effect to infiltrate the entire business, which means it's crucial to find strategies for managing stress in the workplace.
In addition to having close relationships with peers, maintaining a close family relationships is also crucial becauase it helps develop a healthy sense of self.
Teens often lack iron, another crucial intake need.
Because these types of activities are so distracting and can take your focus off the road at a crucial moment, it is best to either pull over to the side of the road or wait until your next stop to do these activities.
Keeping up those special times becomes even more crucial after the vows have been said.
Whether you have your heart set on a stretch limousine, bus limousine, SUV limousine, or a Hummer limo, it's crucial that you find a reliable limo driver.
Years ago, when families tended to live close together and fewer people moved great distances, save the date cards and magnets were less crucial than they are today.
When selecting attire for your beach wedding, it's important to keep a few crucial factors in mind.
Just as crucial as choosing the right colors for a September wedding is knowing what colors are best avoided at this time of year.
You only get one shot to get it right so finding the right consultant is crucial to creating a dream day.
Pinks, creams, and blush colored roses and other flowers are some of the most crucial colors to use in a garden wedding.
Knowing how many people you will be inviting is crucial to determining many aspects of a small wedding.
While drug addiction treatment doesn't have to be voluntary, choosing the right time to get help or to stage an intervention can be crucial to the success of a recovery campaign.
It is crucial that a medical opinion is sought if any of these symptoms appear, no matter how harmless they may appear.
The crucial step for people addicted to valium is to seek help as soon as they realize they are having difficulty coping with daily life.
Finding rofessional help is a crucial part of this process because most people with an addiction problem cannot recover alone.
The campaign played a crucial role in protecting several unique species of Australian wildlife.
They are traditionally made of cotton but you can also find them in combination fabrics designed to wick away moisture - crucial during a hot afternoon's game.
It is crucial that he have the right layers.
Length of sleeves and trousers are crucial to a smart look.
The shoulder width and sleeve length are crucial.
Because its fit is so crucial, it can usually only be worn one season, and is often only worn a few times during the season at that.
Therefore, it was crucial that children have something new for the occasion.
Self-discipline is crucial, since you'll be expected to pace yourself to complete all assignments on time and take the initiative to seek help if you need assistance with a particular aspect of the course content.
Regardless of your income level and financial situation, it's crucial to compare tuition costs across grad programs that interest you.
This is not only crucial to your ability to get into college but will be crucial to your success at college.
The itinerary is another crucial part of a family cruise.
During this time it's also crucial to spend time volunteering at local animal hospitals/clinics, shelters, boarding facilities, farms, etc., in order to gain some practical experience working with animals.
A healthy diet is crucial to dog fitness, but you can't maintain your pet's fitness by food management alone.
Asking questions and getting to know about the home that the dog may be going to is crucial because most groups will accept the dog back to if things do not work out in its adoptive home.
Being able to recognize the signs of parvo is crucial if you're going to have any chance to save your pet's life.
Knowing the answer to this question can be crucial to making your pet's last moments as peaceful as possible.
Pollination is crucial to a plant's ability to produce fruit.
Self-motivation is another crucial trait for being successful with guitar lessons online.
Sheet music doesn't give as much detailed information on fingering, so a solid knowledge of the basics of left and right-hand operation is crucial.
Bluegrass relies upon stringed instruments like the banjo, upright bass and mandolin, but guitars are crucial for maintaining perfectly timed rhythm.
Searching for big and tall men's leather coats can be a challenge indeed, mainly because fit is the most crucial aspect of any garment.
A good pair of men's compression shorts are crucial for the athlete who's serious about his performance in any weather.
Because fit is so crucial, it is best to shop for a bomber jacket in person.
Absolute cleanliness is crucial and neither metal nor lead-based containers should be used.
Calcium supplements are crucial for people eating a vegan or low dairy diet.
Clearly, this is crucial to your health and wellbeing and if it's good for the earth to boot, so much the better.
A salesperson who understands how clothes drape and hang will be able to assess the fit of your dress suit in crucial areas like the shoulders, bust and waist.
Excellent underwear, starting with a properly supportive bra, is crucial.
While an exact fit isn't crucial in a coverup, you still want it roomy enough to be comfortable without looking like a tent.
Dresses were commonly short sleeved or even sleeveless and the full skirts were crucial for the fancy leg work and lots of turns.
Additionally, the shapers help to give crucial support while swimming or enjoying time by the pool or sea - it's hard to play beach volleyball if you feel unsupported.
If getting the best price is crucial to your wedding budget, give PS Bridal Online a chance to earn your business.
Believe it or not, this is the most crucial part of writing a will.
Preventive care, such as learning to avoid falls and other accidents that can permanently affect one's strength and capacity at a certain age, is crucial.
Often seniors must stick to a budget, so finding an affordable place to retire is crucial.
Even though the purpose of sleep is not fully understood, it is crucial to keeping you healthy inside and out.
Taking proper care of your lenses is crucial because the better you take care of your lenses, the longer they will last.
Understanding a park's calendar and operating hours is crucial for a great vacation, particularly to visit as popular a park as Six Flags Magic Mountain.
A logo is a crucial part of any company's identity.
While in most modes, this is useless and hard to do, it is a crucial element in the Crash event which can give you the difference between a Silver and a Gold if done right.
Make crucial decisions that may save or destroy the city of Metropolis.
This is why having different types of troops is so crucial in this game.
In-between team missions and other crucial moments, you will encounter dialog with certain characters who give you information.
It may be funny or cool at first, but then it begins to becoming extremely irritating, especially in some crucial moments during the game.
Many times you will be sent out to identify crucial individuals, but you do not want to be seen.
Watch these two indicators carefully, losing too much health or running out of ammo at a crucial time may cost you your life.
This also resulted in a far slower speed of gameplay, given the crucial element speed plays in the series this became a somewhat crucial mistake on the developer's part.
The only gripe I have about the graphics is that sometimes the camera view can be a little temperamental during some crucial situations.
A gamer's crucial accessory to play those addicting, action-packed games.
The following elements are crucial to research for any antique bottle that you are buying, selling or collecting.
The correct balance of electrolytes is crucial to many body functions, including muscle contraction and nerve impulse transmission.
Although the value of peer relations grows during adolescence, the parent-child relationship remains crucial for the child's psychological development.
It is crucial that parents and children use excellent hand-washing technique after toileting and diaper changes to prevent further spread of rotavirus diarrhea throughout the family.
Parents and stepparents should be concerned during the first two years after the stepfamily is formed, since this has been identified as a crucial time period for stepfamily success.
During the crucial first weeks, frequently before a woman is aware she is pregnant, the developing fetus is most susceptible to substances that can cause birth defects (teratogens).
To overcome these feelings, the woman needs to understand why the c-section was crucial.
The advice and intervention of various professionals are crucial for many people with CP.
Congenital rubella is a serious, life-changing condition, and adherence to immunization recommendations is crucial to the public health.
Gathering information on the circumstances of a dog attack is a crucial part of treatment.
The ASHA and most other professional organizations say family support when an adolescent discloses that they are gay or bisexual is crucial to the child's mental and emotional health.
Six to 12 months is a crucial age for receptive language development.
Much of this harm occurs because the ice produces pressure changes that force water (crucial for cell survival) out of the cells.
Covering the hands, feet, and head is also crucial for preventing heat loss.
However, genetic counseling is crucial so that parents can make informed decisions about having children.
Education in the form of psychotherapy or self-help groups is crucial for training bipolar patients and their caregivers to recognize signs of mania and depression and to take an active part in their treatment program.
This has been crucial for refugee children in particular.
It is crucial for parents, however, to understand that each parent faces times when things do not function flawlessly.
Behavior interventions are also crucial to AD/HD treatment.
The appearance of a strawberry dessert recipe will change if frozen berries are used, however, so take that into consideration if presentation is crucial.
Getting the head movements 'right' is what makes the crucial difference between a technically accomplished dancer (good turnout, fluid movement, graceful arm angles, etc) and a dancer who can steal the crowd's focus when she comes onstage.
Whichever format of lesson you choose, swing dancing can be learned quickly because the steps are straightforward and the timing and placement are not as crucial as in some other types of partner dancing.
One of the most crucial aspects of feng shui for office designs is who has control of your office.
The eyes are the single most dramatic facial feature, and eyebrow shapes are crucial to highlighting eyes appropriately.
Before choosing a hair salon solely on price, however, it is crucial for potential patrons to understand what they can expect from a particular salon chain.
That is the crucial characteristic of how to get emo hair - get something different from traditional styles and cuts to emphasize your own unique take on life and style.
As you can see, these three looks are completely different, so communication is crucial when defining shaggy hairstyles.
Since male body waxing is not quite as popular as female body waxing, it is crucial that you call around first to verify that an operator will be available to service your pelvic body waxing needs.
Discipline is crucial to a child's education because human beings need to cultivate good habits and excellent character.
In addition, this is the time to start introducing those crucial sight words.
The Secret Service also plans out and puts into effect the crucial security plans for National Special Security Events.
The art of writing thank you letters is just as crucial as crafting good cover letters, because recruiters and hiring managers have come to expect written thanks after conducting an interview.
Education is a crucial factor and mapping out an educational plan can help lead you to success.
Homeowners as consumers are crucial to the economy.
If you don't take this crucial step you might be tempted to start using the accounts again and may wind up in more debt than before the refinance.
This is especially crucial if you go back on a reduced schedule.
There are a few key observations a woman can make when trying to pinpoint the crucial time to try for a baby.
Day fourteen of the cycle (mid-cycle) is the crucial day for conception when the egg is released from the ovary and begins its journey toward the fallopian tube.
Pregnancy can occur even after one missed does, therefore, it is crucial to maintain a regular cycle when taking the contraceptive pill as a means to avoid unwanted pregnancy.
Getting the facts about menstrual cycles and ovulation is crucial when you are trying to conceive and it can be a great start to figuring out when your baby was conceived as well.
Savings-having a standard amount of savings is crucial to avoiding debt.
Knowing the FMLA guidelines is crucial to obtaining time off from work when you need it most.
However, preparing your body is also a crucial step.
With so many strains on your budget due to medical costs, baby goods, and other essentials, finding cute maternity fashions for less is crucial for many women.
Knowing when you are going to ovulate before it happens is crucial because after ovulation occurs, it may be a little too late to conceive.
Colors are important, but patterns can be crucial for capturing just the right look.
It's crucial to have a good sense of humor when dealing with embarrassing moments, and while you may not believe it at the time, it's not as bad as it may seem.
Of course, choosing just the right swimsuit is also crucial to achieving the look you want.
Learning how to tie a sarong is a crucial aspect of your next trip to the beach or pool.
Don't skip this crucial step before making a purchase.
Your choice of bikini top style is crucial to the overall look of your suit.
Most tankinis do not offer the bust support crucial to a mature swimsuit.
Cover-ups are crucial, especially on cruises or at resorts.
Micro bikinis are generally made with Lycra, since the ability of the fabric to hug the body is crucial to keep the suit in place.
These elements are crucial to how much wear and tear your bikini will experience and if you should by a few suits in the same style to always keep them looking like new.
As with any type of swimsuit, proper fit is crucial.
The blanket measures a comfortable 54x84 inches and can be both washed and dried by machine; this is crucial for healthy storage.
Technique is a crucial aspect in achieving and maintaining speed.
Once you have that crucial information, the rest is a breeze.
Therefore, it is crucial that you begin with an excellent pattern.
The right notions are crucial in the construction of a triumphant homemade bikini.
Weight is also crucial - a lighter hoodie can claim protective features but the fabric is not up to the job.
While something can always go wrong-- even Olympic swimmers have had their state-of-the-art, custom suits rip or slide at crucial moments -- there are some steps you can take to avoid a red-faced disaster.
Good nutrition plays a crucial role in protecting and improving eyesight.
In addition to the antioxidant vitamins, some other nutrients including healthy fats and minerals also appear to play a crucial role in eye health.
Omega-3 fats play a crucial role in the structure of cell membranes and are critical for vision.
In a nutshell, all vitamins and minerals are absolutely crucial for healthy muscles.
Vitamin D is very important for muscle health because it plays a crucial role in the metabolism of the minerals calcium and phosphorous.
Vitamins and minerals are crucial for protecting your muscles as well as every other part of your body.
As a crucial nutrient to sustain human life, vitamin C can be found naturally in many of the foods you already eat and some that you may want to add.
It's crucial to know what vitamin D does and why having too much or too little can have negative health consequences.
Potassium is an electrolyte that is crucial in cell function and electrical impulses.
Both types of fiber are crucial to your body's health.
Your shoes and handbag or case are crucial elements in looking classic and professional.
Though colors and styles are important, perhaps nothing is more crucial than figure flattering clothes.
The boning serves its historical purpose by helping a woman maintain good posture and keep her stomach in - crucial elements to a flattering photograph.
They are often made of microfiber designed to wick away moisture - absolutely crucial in a kitchen.
However, this is particularly crucial when making taper candles.
Most of the time, treatments for Asperger syndrome and obsessive-compulsive disorder occur separately, but it's crucial that all health professionals involved in any treatments are fully informed about both disorders.
Record keeping and expense reporting are crucial to profitability.
Like any form of advertising, it's crucial to measure the results of the effort.
Two crucial IRS requirements exist with regards to claiming home-based business tax deductions.
That is why a second letter is crucial to making this campaign more profitable.
Steering clear of fried foods, heavily processed foods, and foods that contain refined sugar is crucial to a healthy diet.
Snacking on these foods and using them to create variety in one's diet would promote better health, as these foods contain vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and other nutrients crucial to the optimum functioning of the body.
Involving your child in sports, or merely encouraging physical activities like bike riding or roller skating, can be a crucial factor in keeping your child healthy.
Because this is a diet based on food lists, one of the diet books will be crucial to planning and executing the diet properly.
Eating regularly, and eating at least three times a day, is crucial to good health.
Fruit contains fibre, which is crucial to healthy digestion, and it is easy to consume too many calories because a serving of fruit juice is far smaller than most people think.
Meridia can raise your blood pressure and your heart rate, so it's crucial that your doctor monitor your health carefully while you are taking this drug.
It is crucial for victims of this serious disease to receive individual counseling as part of the eating disorder treatment plan to pinpoint the causes of the disorder and learn to deal with them in a non-self-punishing way.
Individual psychotherapy is crucial in the treatment of emotional eating.
Each of the three is crucial to some process in the body.
Any diet that focuses on a particular food or food group is also suspect, as variety in the diet is crucial to ensuring that all of the micronutrients are represented in the diet.
A dietary program outlining an appropriate caloric amount and including balanced, healthful meal plans are crucial to the effect of the drug.
While the focus of proper balance and daily exercise is important, emotional elements are crucial to an individual's success in any healthy lifestyle plan.
It is crucial to discuss taking any supplement with a physician before adopting any new vitamin regimen.
Eating a healthy diet is crucial to your well being.
When following instructions for low carbohydrate dieting, it is crucial to remember that only simple carbohydrates such as cookies and cake should be limited.
Consuming whole grains every day is crucial if you are interested in diets that target belly fat.
Following a healthy nutrition plan is a crucial part of managing diabetes.
Maintaining a balance between the muscles of the front and back of the body is crucial to preventing rotator cuff injuries.
However, maintaining and increasing your flexibility is crucial to preventing injuries.
Being all pumped and eager to get started is a good state to be in, but don't let that translate to skipping those crucial 5-10 minutes on the treadmill.
While there are periods in life where fitness isn't as crucial (think early twenties), it's important to remember that as your body ages, physical fitness becomes more and more important.
Like The Twist, the Cardio Twister uses rotary movements, which are crucial to any fitness program.
For example, rotary movements are crucial in sports such as tennis and golf.
Working this muscle out through cardio exercise is one of the most crucial of all exercise types.
Lastly, don't forget that your heart is a crucial muscle.
Aerobic exercise should be a crucial component of any free, sexy glutes exercise program.
This voluntary core activation is crucial to effective abdominal exercise.
In addition to diet and aerobic exercise, proper hydration is crucial for obtaining the coveted toned tummy.
Consuming a healthy and balanced diet is crucial to your physical fitness.
Just as it's important to gear up for an intense workout, it's equally crucial to eat well afterward so your body can repair and rejuvenate.
In the case of a traumatic injury, getting medical attention promptly is crucial.
The phenomenon of isomerism will probably supply the crucial test, at least for the chemist, and the question will be whether the Ostwaldian conception, while substituting the Daltonian hypothesis, will also explain isomerism.
The development of a positive theory of predication has become quite crucial.
If more than one, recourse is to be had to certain devices of method, in the enumeration of which the methods of agreement, difference and concomitant variations3 find a place, beside the crucial experiment, the glaring instance and the like.
McKinley had carried the crucial state of Ohio by a large majority in 1893.
Nor does he even attempt a refutation of the crucial point, which Scioppius had proved, as far as a negative can be proved - namely, that William, the last prince of Verona, had no son Nicholas, the alleged grandfather of Julius, nor indeed any son who could have been such grandfather.
This is a very terse way of putting a crucial objection to Burke's whole view of French affairs in 1789.
The old theory that referred this approval entirely to self-love, is, he holds, easy to disprove by " crucial experiments " on the play of our moral sentiments; rejecting this, he finds the required explanation in the sympathetic pleasure that attends our perception of the conduciveness of virtue to the interests of human beings other than ourselves.
Thirty days isn't long enough for you to complete this first step, and it's crucial you do it right.
It's a long story but I have to find Cynthia first—it's crucial.
Control of the space immediately adjacent to your skin is crucial to staying warm.
None of the people who did crucial experiments on spontaneous generation disproved abiogenesis.
Both problems are crucial to understand the radiative properties of desert dust aerosol.
Exposure to the mites in the first, crucial year of life can trigger a lifelong allergy.
In appropriately alliterative tabloid style, the crucial component that made the tale a mass-circulation must was the elephant.
This rather antiquated system is, however, a crucial part of the setting of prices for metal commodities throughout the world.
In gamma-ray astronomy, exposure is even more crucial than usual.
For me, to emphasize the positive stance of my own atheism is crucial (no pun intended ).
Nanoscale control of these layers is crucial â even atomic level defects cause a problem.
Many apparently authoritative sites do not mention this crucial information i.e. they were prepared before this knowledge was available and have not been up-dated.
The plant hormone auxin (see Plant architecture) appears to have a crucial role.
His game had faltered at crucial moments, his attitude was becoming belligerent and his domestic life had imploded.
Extreme restraint in both appearance and application of force is crucial to maintain a posture of impartiality and neutrality toward the former belligerents.
Another crucial point that people brainstorm about is security.
Making use of a wide-range of antioxidant protection appears crucial, and flavonoids, including green tea catechins, are very potent antioxidants.
For young Bangladeshi people, making these concerns central to future policy initiatives is crucial.
A virtuous circle that frees you to do the crucial bit - convert the traffic into sales.
Information security concerns are very crucial in the current business environment.
The key is that you gain direct control over the publication process to ensure no delays at the crucial point.
Its crucial you dont see economic development as purely conventional private sector model.
Not for the first time in recent events he will be playing fellow countryman James Willstrop in a crucial match.
D. media coverage How was the media coverage of the final, crucial phase of the Convention's work?
But it was crucial to establish the historical credentials of the future International on razor-sharp principles.
The crucial moment, which has so impressed critics throughout the ages, actually occurred before the allegorical display had begun.
Connor's conversion from quite wide out was unlucky to hit the crossbar ' which was to prove crucial later.
They are therefore crucial references for anyone wishing to gain a good understanding on the impacts of ICT on tourism.
In-house, intensive development and design play an equally crucial part.
The location of Motorway Service Areas (MSA) is therefore potentially crucial in combating driver sleepiness on motorways.
Rest is particularly crucial in the early part of the illness.
Given the negotiations for Turkey's entry into the European Union, MEPs ' intervention is proving crucial in securing Mr Tarhan's safety.
It remained crucial, however, to prove the true cause of the losses.
This is where picking the right location becomes even more crucial!
Nonverbal cues crucial buck you put which qualify a opening a card.
To fully grasp the reasons behind declines in vulnerable wader populations, it is crucial to understand the demography.
Ministerial support has been crucial in the past in preventing disinvestment.
The information given by ambulance dispatchers can sometimes be crucial in whether a patient lives or dies.
The crucial question therefore is the relationship between the parts of this divine dispensation.
His detailed plans had been flawless, but they missed a crucial element - the pure pleasure of racing.
The chaotic itinerancy may play a crucial role for this process.
He also had the knack of scoring goals at crucial times.
However, working with our clients there is also a crucial need to rebuild trusts, and to maintain clear boundaries to the relationship.
With the acceptance that regions of star formation evolve rapidly and that the features are transient, the properties of supersonic turbulence become crucial.
Its crucial role in sexual bonding has been observed by North American scientists studying the prairie vole.
A crucial measurement for light emitting materials is their quantum yield.
But theologians in the West had elaborated a theory of the grace of confirmation, which made its severance from baptism seem natural; and at the time of the Reformation, while neither side favoured the Eastern practice, the reformers, with their strong sense of the crucial importance of faith, emphasized the action of the individual in the service, and therefore laid it down as a rule that confirmation should be deferred till the child could learn a catechism on the fundamentals of the Christian faith, which Calvin thought he might do by the time he was ten.
He points to the fact that the imminence of death often intensifies instead of diminishing a man's desire for the welfare of those he loves, as a crucial experiment proving the disinterestedness of love; adding, as confirmatory evidence, that the sympathy and admiration commonly felt for self-sacrifice depends on the belief that it is something different from refined self-seeking.
His faults are nowhere better shown than in his quarrel with John Adams. Three times, in order to accomplish ends deemed by him, personally, to be desirable, Hamilton used the political fortunes of John Adams, in presidential elections, as a mere hazard in his manoeuvres; moreover, after Adams became president, and so the official head of the party, Hamilton constantly advised the members of the president's cabinet, and through them endeavoured to control Adams's policy; and finally, on the eve of the crucial election of 1800, he wrote a bitter personal attack on the president (containing much confidential cabinet information), which was intended for private circulation, but which was secured and published by Aaron Burr, his legal and political rival.
Some crucial substitutions at half-time gave Spain the victory they needed and eventually deserved.
Padding is crucial since it will determine how comfortable your body will feel when you lie down.
Although this crucial connection between your ski boots and your skis should be secure, it will occasionally require some tender loving care.
Finding the right type of strings is crucial to producing the best sound quality possible.
Keeping consistent spacing between the tiles is crucial for a uniform look.
Accepting this is crucial for the homeowner to enjoy using marble in this manner.
In these cases, a propane heater can warm up the crucial areas of your home enough for you to stay comfortable until your power is restored.
First, because the pieces are glass, it's crucial not to accidentally bump the ring against hard surfaces.
Storing earrings well is crucial to keeping them safe and free from damage, however they can often get lost or caught up with other items of jewelry if they are kept in a large jewelry organizer.
For guys who like to play hard, the right gear is an absolute must; so for hot summer activities, men's extreme shorts are a crucial part of the wardrobe.
Fit is crucial to the success of selling garments in the big and tall niche.
This is why it is important if you get this game, the instruction manual is crucial.
Because the development of fine motor skills plays a crucial role in school readiness and cognitive development, it is considered an important part of the preschool curriculum.
These skills are crucial in initiating and maintaining relationships and in resolving conflicts.
Some experts believe that traumatic events occurring in early childhood exert a crucial influence upon behavior later in life.
These activities are extremely important for the development of hand-eye coordination, which is itself crucial for the overall physical development of the child.
Excellent hand washing is crucial to prevent the spread of the infection throughout family members.
Parental guidance is crucial to development of healthy sleep habits in children.
By having more than one camera at hand, you will not have to stop to change out rolls of film during crucial points of the birthing experience.
If a pregnancy-related illness keeps you away from work, the money you'll get from maternity disability insurance may be crucial.
Early diagnosis is crucial for successful management of preeclampsia.
If a couple suspect that their chosen method of birth control has failed them, it is crucial to seek medical attention at the earliest convenience.
Picking the right types of candle, however, is crucial in order for the candle display to be a success.
Budgeting and financial planning is crucial in the business of candle making.
A crucial part of marketing an event, promotional items bring awareness of the event and what it represents.
The Miami Hurricane of 1926 was a crucial marker for the Red Cross.
Of course, the mask is a crucial part of your costume.
Even more crucial than the skin, however, are Edward's topaz-colored eyes.
Adults are also crucial for performances of The Nutcracker ballet, but of course in this instance, costumes are either bought or made by the dance company.
This could be dangerous, so the anonymity created by the masks was crucial and allowed the krewe members to mock others as they liked without fear of recognition.
Honor is everything in Asian society, so it's crucial to conduct yourself respectfully.
If your wife has a big presentation on Monday, she's not going to be able to focus on your time together, and she may actually resent you taking her away from her work at such a crucial time - certainly not the best atmosphere for romance.
What he discovered is that the ability for two people to get in sync effectively is a crucial component to a couple's happiness.
Talking about money can be a very sensitive subject, but it is crucial you talk about it before getting married.
She stresses that having multiple situations for social interaction is also crucial.
Their bare bones look also implies a lack of customer support, something that can be crucial for a good online dating experience.
While many people equate a high number of carats with high value, it is crucial to consider all the aspects of a stone - its shape, cut, clarity, color, and setting - when choosing the appropriate engagement ring.
Fingers can change size throughout the day, and proper measurements are crucial to obtain an accurate size for the engagement ring.
Accurate ring size measurements are especially crucial for more elaborate rings, such as eternity rings or bridal sets, which are difficult and expensive to resize because of their intricacy.
Trusting the seller's reputation is often the only way to know you are not being scammed, making your initial investigate crucial to a trustworthy auction.
How gifts are presented is just as crucial as what gifts are chosen.
This is especially crucial if the picture is being given to a jeweler to design a matching wedding band or if the ring is going to be sold.
Several factors related to a diamond's shape are crucial for creating a stunning engagement ring that will look beautiful on a woman's finger.
Getting the right ring size is crucial for several reasons.
While this is an important feature of an engagement ring, knowing the size of the ring as it pertains to your finger is crucial.
Knowing the ring size is crucial when buying engagement rings.
Understanding these concepts and how they work together is crucial for success as a poet.
This rash can be crucial to the diagnosis of celiac disease and can help the individual avoid a small intestine biopsy.
However, even with a high-quality backpack, it's still crucial to know how to load it up to best save your body as you go about your day.
If you're brand-new, snacks and aspirin will probably be crucial as well!
This is why birth time can be crucial in crafting astrological charts.
With the exception of your email address, this information is crucial to getting the most accurate romance readings possible.
At this age, that guidance is crucial, because peer pressure comes heavily into play in making choices about clothing.
After this crucial element has been decided, the other details are fairly easy to plan.
Once you have made this crucial decision, all other aspects seem to fall into place.
This subject becomes more difficult as children age, so instilling a love of the subject early in their lives is crucial to a lifelong learning process.
The media plays a huge role in everyday life, and it is crucial that we educate kids on building a sense of community in their own lives.
It's also crucial to understand how your parenting mode can backfire when you're stressed.
All parents should do their homework to check out possible summer camps for their children carefully, but this becomes even more crucial in the case of a child who has special needs.
This can be especially challenging when you find yourself on the fence about a scene that you just love - but one that's not necessarily crucial to the film.
Audio is a crucial component of a high-quality movie.
While not as difficult as movie editing, editing a review is crucial.
It is crucial to work only with an experienced professional who can regress you safely and assist you with any spiritual or psychological issues resulting from the session.
Before paper money was commonplace, bartering was crucial to a family's survival.