Cropping Sentence Examples
I don't want any unfinished business cropping up later.
The farmer therefore arranges his cropping in such a way that roots, or leguminous crops, succeed the cereal crops.
The dentition of the kangaroos, functionally considered, thus consists of sharp-edged incisors, most developed near the median line of the mouth, for the purpose of cropping herbage, and ridged or tuberculated molars for crushing.
The three-field system of cropping a patch of land until its fertility is exhausted, and then allowing it to revert to the primeval condition, is still pursued, and both landowners and peasantry suffer from want of capital and lack of agricultural training.
The Cruelty to Animals Acts 1849 and 1854 render liable to prosecution and fine practically any act of cruelty to an animal; such acts as dubbing a cock, cropping the ears of a dog or dishorning cattle, are offences.
The abolition of the cropping of the ears of Great Danes, bull terriers, black and tan terriers, white English terriers, Irish terriers and toy terriers, in 1889 gained the approval of all humane lovers of dogs, and although attempts have been made to induce the club to modify the rule which prohibits the exhibition of cropped dogs, the practice has not been revived; it is declared, however, that the toy terriers and white English terriers have lost such smartness by the retention of the ears that they are becoming.
At a subsequent confederation, held at Lublin in June, Zebrzydowski was reinforced by another great nobleman, Stanislaus Stadnicki, called the Devil, who "had more crimes on his conscience than hairs on his head," and was in the habit of cropping the ears and noses of small squires and chaining his serfs to the walls of his underground dungeons for months at a time.
A weather summary for the cropping year, and background information on arable crop agronomy are also provided.
On the other hand, the vast number of experiments in the cropping of the tails and ears of domestic animals, as well as of similar operations on man, are attended with negative results.
Many attempts have been made to correlate the results of the analyses of a soil with its known cropping power, but there is yet much to be learnt in regard to these matters.
AdvertisementThe form of the kitchen and fruit garden should be square or oblong, rather than curvilinear, since the working and cropping of the ground can thus be more easily carried out.
The two last-named must not be applied direct to growing crops, but to the soil some weeks in advance of sowing or cropping.
In the east portion of the state are immense beds of bituminous coal, often at shallow depths or cropping out on the surface.
Carrots can be sown now for early cropping - use cloches to protect during the winter.
But if the same old rows keep cropping up, curmudgeonly codgers like me might seek refuge in sudoku.
AdvertisementThis word keeps cropping up in colonial discourse, all over the world -- they are rational!
Ban on triazine herbicides likely to reduce but not negate relative benefits of GMHT maize cropping.
Most salads today are the product of intensive monoculture with extended cropping seasons.
Where they were some distance from the commons, however, even the relatively well-to-do farmers had to reduce their cropping.
While the methods of agriculture have generally shown little, if any, advance, the population is increasing rapidly; and although since the emancipation of the peasants the average annual export of cereals has increased from less than 12 million tons in 1860 to over 6 million tons in 1900, this result has been attained largely by the repeated cropping to exhaustion of the soil.
AdvertisementBarley (see Agriculture, Crops and Cropping) is a rapidlygrowing and shallow-rooted plant.
After the scan, you can do basic editing like cropping and enhancing and other corrections.
With the advent of online shopping, the number of e-stores competing for your attention--and wallet--seem to be cropping up exponentially.
The following pages will get you started, but new sites are always cropping up for searches like "plans dining room table" and others designed to locate useful woodworking information.
Patchwork fabric furniture has been cropping up everywhere from magazines to Target.
AdvertisementThe customizable touch screen also allows you to edit your photos via standard cropping, resizing and red eye elimination.
There is a large degree of subjectivity in female figure photography in regards to framing, focus, lighting, and cropping, you still have to abide by a general set of rules.
If you plan to allow cropping time for your guests, music can help create a fun and lively atmosphere.
However, coming up with a suitable storage system will prevent your supplies from becoming damaged and allow you to make the most of your cropping time.Most scrapbookers use either vertical or horizontal paper storage.
Scrapbook paper trays make it easier to keep your supplies neatly organized between cropping sessions.
When you have a limited amount of time to scrapbook, using scrapbook organizers to plan your layouts can help you make the most of your cropping experience.
You don't need to worry about cropping several photos to make them fit on the page.
It's also a place to learn a variety of cropping techniques, as well as how to incorporate the latest products into your designs.
There's no mess to clean up when you're done cropping.
Aside from scrapbooking classes and open cropping times, CKU also includes plenty of opportunities for socializing.
Scrapbooker's retreats can be a wonderful way to squeeze in some extra cropping time while socializing with crafters who share your love of preserving your family's precious memories.
Do you prefer to create scrapbook layouts with standard 4x6 prints or do you enjoy cropping your photos into smaller sizes to allow you to fit more images on the page?
You'll also find acid-free pens, cropping tools, photo mounting tools and supplies, page planners, tearing tools, and other helpful items.
In addition to being real timesavers, scrapbook templates help give your albums a cleaner and better organized appearance since they make cropping more consistent.
Large rolling scrapbook totes are allowed at the cropping workshops, but they are prohibited at the Vendor Fair.
Cropping parties are informal additions to general conventions.
Generally, a convention will host a number of cropping parties.
If you don't have the resources to participate in a full-blown convention, then consider signing up for a weekend cropping retreat or attend workshops or classes sponsored by local scrapbook or craft stores.
This relatively new massage phenomenon is cropping up in shopping malls, flea markets and workplaces across the country.
Cake "architects," or people who can turn even the Sears Tower into a luscious dessert, are cropping up at bakeries everywhere.
New children's designers are always cropping up, and over the past decade even high-end designers have taken an interest in baby and children's clothing.
Hotels with indoor water parks are cropping up all over the nation.
Whether you are planning a spring break or off-season spring trip to Disney World, the deals begin cropping up in late autumn (typically between Halloween and Thanksgiving) and continue through January.
Thanks to celebrities like pop artist Rihanna, short hair is cropping up even edgier this season.
Swimwear designs and colors also hark back to times gone by, with the fashion for polka-dots finding its way into swimwear collections, and sixties-style swirls cropping up again.
As Christmas season rolls in, holiday parades start cropping up.
Around Halloween, you also see a lot more costume stores cropping up.
Use a photo editing program to enhance the picture if necessary (cropping, sharpening, etc.) but try not to misrepresent the ring with too much retouching.
If so, turn these empty jewel cases into simple picture frames by cropping 5x7 prints and backing them with cardboard before inserting them into the case.
Plenty of places are cropping up online for consumers to get rid of their unwanted or unused gift cards.
If you need help resizing or cropping a picture - the image team can still help too.
Be aware that sites like the above are cropping up regularly due to the popularity of Hulu, an internet site that streams recent episodes of new and popular television shows.
There will be other symptoms in those cases, such as eyes swelling shut or blisters cropping up on the skin.
If you are not familiar with photo cropping, there are a number of websites that allow you to shrink pictures.
But a long course of continuous cropping with these grain crops, without affording compensation to the soil in the form of manure or deep cultivation, has so ex.
According to early methods of cropping, which were destined to prevail for centuries, wheat, the chief article of food, was sown in one autumn, reaped the next August; the following spring, oats or barley were sown, and the year following the harvest was a period of fallow.
A more rational system of cropping now began to take the place of the thriftless and barbarous practice of sowing successive crops of corn until the land was utterly exhausted, and then leaving it foul with weeds to recover its power by an indefinite period of rest.
A further act was passed in 1906 (the Agricultural Holdings Act 1906) which improved the tenant's position in respect of freedom of cropping, disposal of produce and compensation for disturbance.
The most notable feature in connexion with the cropping of the land of the United Kingdom between 1875 and 1905 was the lessened cultivation of the cereal crops associated with an expansion in the area of grass land.
The greater freedom of cropping and the less close adherence to the formal system of rotation of crops, which characterize the early years of the 10th century, rest upon a scientific basis.
The exhaustion of the soil induced by both barley and wheat is, however, characteristically that of available nitrogen; and when, under the ordinary conditions of manuring and cropping, artificial manure is still required, nitrogenous manures are, as a rule, necessary for both crops, and, for the spring-sown barley, superphosphate also.
The opportunities which rotation cropping affords for the cleaning of the land from weeds is another distinct element of advantage.
The Agricultural Holdings Act 1906 conferred upon every tenant (with slight exceptions) entire freedom of cropping and of disposal of produce, notwithstanding any custom of the county or explicit agreement to the contrary.
Agricultural leases usually contain special provisions as to the order of cropping, the proper stocking of the farm, and the rights of the incoming and outgoing tenant with regard to the waygoing crop. Where the rent is in money, it is generally payable at Whitsunday and Martinmas - the two " legal terms."
Even the bison, to some extent, keeps pace with the seasons cropping the pastures of the Colorado only till a greener and sweeter grass awaits him by the Yellowstone.