Critics Sentence Examples
Critics have assigned them to the middle of the 2nd century.
Pessimism, therefore, depends upon the individual point of view, and the term is frequently used merely in a condemnatory sense by hostile critics.
The eighth now extant is really an incomplete treatise on logic. Some critics have rejected this book as spurious, since its matter is so different from that of the rest.
The public and the critics alike were entranced with the "sweetness" and the "purity" of the treatment.
In the interests of hygiene prostitution is licensed, and that fact is by many critics construed as proof of tolerance.
It has been frequently asserted by Western critics that the year (1876) which witnessed the abolition of sword-wearing in Japan, witnessed also the end of her artistic metal- Moderna,,d work.
The contrary has been repeatedly affirmed by foreign critics, but no one really familiar with modern productions can entertain such a view.
They marked him as one of the most able critics of Bentley's (in many cases) rash and tasteless conjectural alterations of the text.
Another continuator of Bayle was Jean Leclerc, one of the most learned and acute critics of the 18th century, who carried on three reviews - the Bibliotheque universelle et historique (1686-1693), the Bibliotheque choisie (1703-1713), and the Bibliotheque ancienne et moderne (1714-1727).
In such a religion exactness of ritual must play a large part - so large, indeed, that many modern critics have been.
AdvertisementBut independent critics (among whom may specially be named Francois de Pressense) held that Manning came well through the ordeal, and that Purcell's Life had great value as an unintentionally frank revelation of character.
In Germany the monumental work of Professor Kattenbusch has overshadowed all other books on the subject, providing even his most ardent critics with an indispensable record of the literature of the subject.
While we may hope for eventual agreement on the history of the different types of creed forms, there can be no hope of agreement on the interpretation of the words Holy Spirit between Unitarian and Trinitarian critics.
In the above section most critics are agreed that xiv.
Some decades ago these difficulties were not insurmountable, when critics assigned a Neronic date to the Apocalypse and a Domitianic or later date to the Gospel.
AdvertisementAs regards the John mentioned in the Apocalypse, he is now identified by a majority of critics with John the Presbyter, and further the trend of criticism is in favour of transferring all the Johannine writings to him, or rather to his school in Asia Minor.2 For an independent discussion of the authorship of the Fourth Gospel, see JOHN, GOSPEL OF ST.
Certain recent critics, however, have questioned the authenticity of the narrative.
Waddington's conclusion has received overwhelming support amongst recent critics.
His work is known to us through thirty manuscripts; but the earliest of these cannot be dated much earlier than the year 1000; and all are defaced by interpolations which give to the work so confused a character that critics were long disposed to treat it as an unskilful forgery.
Zimmer follows previous critics in rejecting the Prologus maior (§§ 1, 2), the Capitula, or table of contents, and part of the Mirabilia which form the concluding section.
AdvertisementZimmer's conclusions are of more interest to literary critics than to historians.
Nennius himself gives us the oldest legends relating to the victories of King Arthur; the value of the Historia from this point of view is admitted by the severest critics.
The philosophy of Fichte, worked out in a series of writings, and falling chronologically into two distinct periods, that of Jena and that of Berlin, seemed in the course of its development to undergo a change so fundamental that many critics have sharply separated and opposed to one another an earlier and a later phase.
The naturalness of his acting fascinated those who, like Partridge in Tom Jones, listened to nature's voice, and justified the preference of more conscious critics.
The text was followed by a critical apparatus, the first part of which consisted of an introduction to the criticism of the New Testament, in the thirty-fourth section of which he laid down and explained his celebrated canon, "Proclivi scriptioni praestat ardua" (" The difficult reading is to be preferred to that which is easy"), the soundness of which, as a general principle, has been recognized by succeeding critics.
AdvertisementThe most renowned poets were at the same time men of culture and science, critics, archaeologists, astronomers or physicians.
This was the task begun and carried out by the Alexandrian critics.
To perform their task adequately required from the critics a wide circle of knowledge; and from this requirement sprang the sciences of grammar, prosody, lexicography, mythology and archaeology.
The service rendered by these critics is invaluable.
The most celebrated critics were Zenodotus; Aristophanes of Byzantium, to whom we owe the theory of Greek accents; Crates of Mallus; and Aristarchus of Samothrace, confessedly the coryphaeus of criticism.
But philosophical critics of his own and a later day are not hereby absolved from a certain perversity in interpreting these doctrines in a sense precisely opposite to that in which they were intended.
In so far as the older doctrine is open to the charge of neglecting the conative and teleological side of experience it can afford to be grateful to its critics for recalling it to its own eponymous principle of the priority of the "ideal " to the " idea," of needs to the conception of their object.
The magistrates successfully asserted themselves to the discomfiture of their critics (Ann Hutchinson being banished), and this was characteristic of the colony's early history.
Some recent critics,' however, are inclined to place them in the post-exilic period, in which case a late editor has substituted them for earlier, probably less edifying, oracles.
But the census was probably more correct than the critics.
He was admitted by the Alexandrian critics into the canon of historiographers, and his work was highly valued by Alexander the Great.
Several traditional positions have indeed been approximately maintained or reconquered against the critics.
As to the place, the critics accept proconsular Asia with practical unanimity, thus endorsing Irenaeus's declaration that the Gospel was published in Ephesus.
Various estimates have been formed of the genius of Flaccus, and some critics have ranked him above his original, to whom he certainly is superior in liveliness of description and delineation of character.
Historical scholars ridiculed his mistakes, and Freeman, the most violent of his critics, never let slip a chance of hitting at him in the Saturday Review.
As monk in the neighbouring monastery of Euprepius, and afterwards as presbyter, he became celebrated in the diocese for his asceticism, his orthodoxy and his eloquence; hostile critics, such as the church historian Socrates, allege that his arrogance and vanity were hardly less conspicuous.
Most critics recognize in the obscure word d'meseq or d'mesheq, Amos iii.
His critics assert that he simply interrupted the orderly course of business, inspired panic and dangerously arrested prosperity.
To some of his critics these two positions seem inconsistent.
His critics said that his course in this matter was unconstitutional, although the question of constitutionality has never been raised before any national or international tribunal.
A date some time after 332 B.C. is now accepted by most modern critics.
But most critics hold that the chronicler also drew directly from the canonical books of Samuel and Kings as he apparently did from the Pentateuch.
This disregard of responsibility was partly punished by the use his critics made of it when he became celebrated as a writer on education and a preacher of the domestic affections.'
All critics agree, indeed, that the Arakcheev administration was the golden era of the Russian artillery.
Roma Regalis (1872) and A Plea for Livy (1873) were written in reply to his critics.
And, as a matter of fact, it has been seen that many so-called sceptics were rather critics of the effete systems which they found cumbering the ground than actual doubters of the possibility of knowledge in general.
The scholars of the Byzantine age cannot be compared with the great Alexandrians, but they served to maintain the continuity of tradition by which the Greek classics selected by the critics of Alexandria were transmitted to modern Europe.
There is a marked disposition on the part of critics of hedonism to confuse "pleasure" with animal pleasure or "passion," - in other words, with a pleasure phenomenon in which the predominant feature is entire lack of self-control, whereas the word "pleasure" has strictly no such connotation.
Other literary critics of the same period or a little later are Alex.
The Apocalypse is plausibly dated by Reinach and Harnack near to the precise year 93, and the other writings may be referred to the reign of Domitian (81-96), though many critics would extend the limit to some two decades later.
In a certain wide sense the textual criticism of the New Testa ment began as soon as men consciously made recensions and versions, and in this sense Origen, Jerome, Augustine and many other ecclesiastical writers might be regarded as textual critics.
Besides these works the chief efforts of textual critics since WH have been directed towards the elucidation of minor problems, and the promulgation of certain hypotheses to explain the characteristics either of individual MSS.
At the same time, however little of Rendel Harris's results may ultimately be accepted by the textual critics of the future, his work will always remain historically of the first importance as having done more than anything else to stimulate thought and open new lines of research in textual criticism in the last decade of the 19th century.
It has been approached from two sides, according as critics have considered the Western or the Neutral and Alexandrian texts.
The adoption of this view sets textual critics a peculiarly difficult task.
This is the pivot date of St Paul's later life, but unfortunately two schools of critics date it as differently as A.D.
Most critics, indeed, are now agreed that the fourteen years are to be calculated from the conversion; and most of them still hold that the visit of Galatians ii.
The Alexandrian critics attributed to him the authorship of four plays previously assigned to Aristophanes.
His critics replied that this was impossible in large cities.
In 1887 he returned to drama with the powerful tragedy Fadren, produced in Paris also as Le pere; this was followed in 1888 by Froken Julie, described as a naturalistic drama, to which he wrote a preface in the nature of a manifesto, directed against critics who had resented the gloom of Fadren.
Their veracity was impeached in ancient times by Asinius Polio and has often been called in question by modern critics.
The hue and cry of the critics largely died away, and was replaced by a calmer and juster appreciation.
Moreover, hedonism has, especially by its critics, been very much misrepresented owing mainly to two simple misconceptions.
But, although the existence of this Alhazen of Jean de Bec has been believed by many, the more trustworthy critics consider the history and historian to be equally fictitious.
But they were, considering the conditions under which the instrument was framed, comparatively few, and the Constitution, when one regards it as a piece of drafting, deserves the admiration which it has received from nearly all American and most foreign critics.
It is in this department of criticism that the personal equation has the freest play, and hence the natural adherents of either school of critics should be specially on their guard against their school's peculiar bias.
Modern critics, who were not present and knew neither, often accuse Aristotle of misrepresenting Plato.
Aristotle's critics hardly realize that for the rest of his life he had to live and to struggle with a formal and a mathematical Platonism, which exaggerated first universals and attributes and afterwards the quantitative attributes, one and many, into substantial things and real causes.
The Latin commentators, the Arabians and the schoolmen show how Aristotle has been the chief author of modern culture; while the vindication of modern independence comes out in his critics, the greatest of whom were Roger and Francis Bacon.
Dante was perhaps too severe on Robert, whom he described as a re da sermone (word king), and contemporary critics accused him of covetousness, a fault partly excused by his pressing need of money to pay the expenses of his perpetual wars.
His motives in so doing have been much discussed by the critics; Vandamme's movements, it may be suggested, contributed to the French emperor's plan, which if carried out would open the Pirna road.
It was vehemently attacked by the critics, and coolly received by the painters.
But the essence of his teaching has triumphed in effect, and has profoundly modified the views of artists, critics and the public, although it is but rarely accepted as complete or final.
German statesmen, under the powerful stimulus of the emperor William II., have, in the eyes of some critics, carried this secondary object of conscript training to such excess as to be detrimental to military efficiency.
His blunt, direct style of oratory and his somewhat rough manners were characteristic. After the outbreak of the Civil War he was one of the most vigorous critics of the Lincoln administration, whose Ohio member, Salmon P. Chase, had long been a political rival.
But some have maintained that the source in question also contained a good many narratives, and in order to avoid any premature assumption as to its contents and character several recent critics have named it " Q."
The reconstruction of this document has been attempted by several critics.
In addition to the difficulties presented by the Bible as an historical record, and the literary problems which textual and other critics have investigated, the modern freethinker denies that the Christianity of the New Testament or its interpretation by modern theologians affords a coherent theory of human life and duty.
From that time the school as such ceased to have a real existence, though the results of its work are traceable more or less in all modern Biblical criticism, and its influence upon the attitude of modern theologians and Biblical critics can scarcely be overestimated.
It is indeed supported by several critics who reject the latter, just as it is occasionally rejected by advocates of their authenticity.
They stand or fall together, as critics of all schools are practically agreed.
Stevens was an extreme partisan in politics; and his opponents and critics have always charged him with being vindictive and revengeful toward the South.
At this time Lessing began the study of medieval literature to which attention had been drawn by the Swiss critics, Bodmer and Breitinger, and wrote occasional criticisms for Nicolai's Bibliothek der schonen Wissenschaften.
Some modern critics have accepted this disclaimer as of real value, but in fact it has no significance; and Hume himself in a striking letter to Gilbert Elliott indicated the true relation of the two works.
The story as found in these two manuscripts has been pronounced by competent critics, especially Professor Gustav Storm of the university of Christiania, as the best and the most trustworthy record.
His heart was in the work of Heeren, easily the greatest of historical critics then living, and the forerunner of the modern school; it was from this master that Bancroft caught his enthusiasm for minute pains-taking erudition.
Critics again are agreed that Suidas was simply gulled by the comic poets when he tells of her husband, Cercolas of Andros.
It first showed itself in the publication of the De cive, of which the fame, but only the fame, had extended beyond the inner circle of friends and critics who had copies of the original impression.
Next year, having solved, as he thought, another ancient crux, the duplication of the cube, he had his solution brought out anonymously at Paris in French, so as to put Wallis and other critics off the scent and extort a judgment that might be withheld from a work of his.
His works, we learn, were full of repetition, and critics speak of vulgarities of language and faults of style.
Those small critics who are always desirous to lower established reputations ran about proclaiming that the anonymous satirist was superior to Pope in Pope's own peculiar department of literature.
The best critics admitted that his diction was too monotonous, too obviously artificial, and now and then turgid even to absurdity.
The Military Bill had offended the prejudices of conservative military critics; the British treaty had alienated the colonial party; the commercial treaties had only been carried by the help of Poles, Radicals and Socialists; but it was just these parties who were the most easily oflended by the general tendencies of the internal legislation, as shown in.
Modern critics would place his birth later, - between 444 and 436 B.C.,- because, in Plato's Republic, of which the scene is laid about 430 B.C., Cephalus, the father of Lysias, is among the dramatis personae, and the emigration of Lysias to Thurii was said to have followed his father's death.
Greek and then Roman critics distinguished three styles of rhetorical composition-the "grand" (or "elaborate"), the "plain" and the "middle," the "plain" being nearest to the language of daily life.
In the Augustan age four hundred and twenty-five works bore his name, of which more than two hundred were allowed as genuine by the critics.
In 1888 he was encouraged by Oscar Wilde to try his fortune in London, where he published in 1889 his first volume of verse, The Wanderings of Oisin; its original and romantic touch impressed discerning critics, and started a new interest in the "Celtic" movement.
Bandello's novels are esteemed the best of those written in imitation of the Decameron, though Italian critics find fault with them for negligence and inelegance of style.
With but few exceptions the provenance of the individual sections may be said to have been finally determined by the labours of the critics, but even a cursory examination of their contents makes it evident that the sequence of events, which they now present, cannot be original, but is rather the outcome of a long process of revision, during which the text has suffered considerably from alterations, omissions, dislocations and additions.
The majority of critics, therefore, adopt Kuenen's conjecture that the "judgments" were originally delivered by Moses on the borders of Moab, and that when D's revised version of Ex.
But these variations are practically limited to the explanatory comments attached to the 2nd, 4th, 5th and 10th commandments; and the majority of critics are now agreed that these comments were added at a later date, and that all the commandments, like the 1st and the 6th to the 9th, were originally expressed in the form of a single short sentence.
In this poem, which was written 593 A.H., at the request of Nur-uddin Arslan of Mosul, the son and successor of the abovementioned `Izz-uddin, Nizami returned once more from his excursion into the field of heroic deeds to his old favourite domain of romantic fiction, and added a fresh leaf to the laurel crown of immortal fame with which the unanimous consent of Eastern and Western critics has adorned his venerable head.
It is urged by many critics that Moses cannot have prohibited the worship of Yahweh by images; for the subsequent history shows us a descendant of Moses as priest in the idolatrous sanctuary of Dan.
Accordingly many recent critics have sought to show that Ex.
He submitted to various eminent Parisian thinkers a manuscript copy of the Meditations, and defended its orthodoxy against numerous clerical critics.
Some critics also maintain that his hand is to be recognized in several series of small blocks done about the same date or somewhat later for Bergmann and other printers of Basel, some of them being illustrations to Terence (which were never printed), some to the romance of the Ritter vom Turm, and some to the Narrenschiff of Sebastian Brandt.
The evidences of this travel (which are really incontestable, though a small minority of critics still decline to admit them) consist of (1) some fine drawings, three of them dated 1494 and others undated, but plainly of the same time, in which Diirer has copied, or rather boldly translated into his own Gothic and German style, two famous engravings by Mantegna, a number of the "Tarocchi" prints of single figures which pass erroneously under that master's name, and one by yet another minor master of the North-Italian school; with another drawing dated 1495 and plainly copied from a lost original by Antonio Pollaiuolo, and yet another of an infant Christ copied in 1495 from Lorenzo di Credi, from whom also Diirer took a motive for the composition of one of his earliest Madonnas; (2) several landscape drawings done in the passes of Tirol and the Trentino, which technically will not fit in with any other period of his work, and furnish a clear record of his having crossed the Alps about this date; (3) two or three drawings of the costumes of Venetian courtesans, which he could not have made anywhere but in Venice itself, and one of which is used in his great woodcut Apocalypse series of 1498 (4) a general preoccupation which he shows for some years from this date with the problems of the female nude, treated in a manner for which Italy only could have set him the example; and (5) the clear implication contained in a letter written from Venice in 1506 that he had been there already eleven years before; when things, he says, pleased him much which at the time of writing please him no more.
In the Musenalmanach were also published the "Xenien" (1797), a collection of distichs by Goethe and Schiller, in which the two friends avenged themselves on the cavilling critics who were not in sympathy with them.
Wallenstein was followed in 1800 by Maria Stuart, a tragedy, which, in spite of its great popularity in and outside of Germany, was felt by the critics to follow too closely the methods of the lachrymose "tragedy of common life" to maintain a high position among Schiller's works.
He was, however, opposed to the new method of pronouncing the language introduced by Sir John Cheke, and wrote letters to him and Sir Thomas Smith upon the subject, in which, according to Ascham, his opponents showed themselves the better critics, but he the superior genius.
The sternness of certain passages, which has led some critics to imagine that he was an Ebionite, is mainly, if not entirely, due to his faithful reproduction of the language of the second document.
Critics who have lived in London during the relief of Mafeking have blamed Beethoven for his realism.
Even at a later period foreign critics like Cousin saw much that was alike in the two doctrines, and did not hesitate to regard Hegel as a disciple of Schelling.
Apparently in August, when Hegel qualified, the news of the discovery had not yet reached him, but critics have made this luckless suggestion the ground of attack on a priori philosophy.
With the principle that whatever is real is rational, and whatever is rational is real, Hegel fancied that he had stopped the mouths of political critics and constitution-mongers.
The charges of superficial analogies, so freely urged against the " Natur-philosophie " by critics who forget the impulse it gave to physical research by the identification of forces then believed to be radically distinct, do not particularly affect,Hegel.
A graver mistake, according to some critics, is that Hegel, far from giving a law of progress, seems to suggest that the history of the world is nearing an end, and has merely reduced the past to a logical formula.
They thus seemed to come forward in the character of exponents rather than critics of the Western belief in God, freedom and immortality.
Kym (Metaphysische Untersuchungen) and C. Hermann (Hegel and die logische Frage and other works) are noticeable as modern critics.
The Xenien succeeded as a retaliation on the critics, but the masterpieces which followed them proved in the long run much more effective weapons against the prevailing mediocrity.
The main argument of the Transcendentalphilosophie not only drew from Kant, who saw it in MS., the remark that Maimon alone of his all critics had mastered the true meaning of his philosophy, but also directed the path of most subsequent criticism.
This conclusion he then supports by the character attributed to the " Cyclic " poems (whose want of unity showed that the structure of the Iliad and Odyssey must be the work of a later time), by one or two indications of imperfect connexion, and by the doubts of ancient critics as to the genuineness of certain parts.
And the last book is probably by a different hand, as the ancient critics believed.
His justification has been set aside by modern critics, not on the ground that the evidence demonstrates its falsity, 6 but because it is inconceivable or unnatural that any man should receive a present from another, and not suffer his judgment to be swayed thereby.
Again, the most adverse critics would admit that much was done by the counter-Reformation, and that modern ecclesiastical discipline on this point is considerably superior to that of the middle ages; while, on the other hand, many authorities of undoubted orthodoxy are ready to confess that it is not free from serious risks even in these days of easy publicity and stringent civil discipline.'
It has been asserted that " the writings of recent Jewish critics have tended on the whole to confirm the Gospel picture of external Jewish life, and where there is discrepancy these critics tend to prove that the blame lies not with the New Testament originals, but with their interpreters."
Some critics, on the ground that Horace would not have ventured to attack so dangerous an adversary, assume the existence of a poet whose real name was Furius (or Cornelius) Alpinus.
Hence it was that Knox as a statesman so often struck successfully at the centre of the complex motives of his time, leaving it to later critics to reconcile his theories of `action.
Among critics of taste may be mentioned Nils Rosen von Rosenstein (1752-1824); the rhetorical bishop of Linkoping, Magnus Lehnberg (1758-1808); and Count Georg Adlersparre (1760-1809).
His singular dramas, The Bacchantes (1822), Sigurd Ring, which was posthumous, and The Martyrs (1821), are esteemed by many critics to be his most original productions.
She was perhaps the most original of the many women writers of modern Sweden, and Money was hailed by Swedish critics as the most important work of fiction since Strindberg's Red Room.
Among other works he painted his own portrait with his dog, and "The Man with a Pipe," both of which were rejected by the jury of the Salon; but the younger school of critics, the neo-romantics and realists, loudly sang the praises of Courbet, who by 1849 began to be famous, producing such pictures as "After Dinner at Ornans" and "The Valley of the Loire."
He now believed himself in a position to crush not only the Lutheran heretics, but also his humanist critics.
The Boer leaders declined the offer - they preferred the position of untrammelled critics, and the opportunity to work to regain power on constitutional lines when the grant of self-government should be made.
He did not appreciate as sufficiently as David Strauss and the Tubingen critics the difficulties which a natural theory has to surmount, nor did he support his conclusions by such elaborate discussions as they deemed necessary.
He has not received much recent attention from critics and monographers, but his Origines du droit francais, cherchees dans les symboles et formules du droit universel was edited by Emile Faguet in 1890 and went into a second edition in 1900.
Camoens (q.v.) is, as Schlegel remarked, an entire literature in himself, and some critics rate him even higher as a lyric than as an epic poet.
Gomes Coelho, better known as Julio Diniz, records his experiences of English society in Oporto in A Familia ingleza, and for his romantic idealism he has been dubbed British; Portuguese critics have accused him of imitating Dickens.
Owing to the close resemblance between the two chapters, many critics have assumed that they are derived from the same source and that the latter chapter was added for the purpose of supplying the penalties.
Most critics detect a stronger influence of P in chap. xxii., more especially in vv.
It has been insinuated both by contemporary and by later critics that being disappointed at his loss of popularity, and convinced of the impossibility of co-operating with his colleagues, he exaggerated his malady as a pretext for the inaction that was forced upon him by circumstances.
It deserves to be noted here that the former, the theology of the Aufklarung, was, like that of the deists, destined to a short-lived notoriety; whereas the solid, accurate and scholarly researches of the rationalist critics of Germany, undertaken with no merely polemical spirit, not only form an epoch in the history of theology, but have taken a permanent place in the body of theological science.
Modern critics are of opinion that, if genuine, it is an abridgment of a larger work by him (IIepi B &w).
A number of followers, estimated by Prince at 500, but by his critics at one-fifth of the number, were got together, and it was given out by "Beloved" or "The Lamb" - the names by which the Agapemonites designated their leader - that his disciples must divest themselves of their possessions and throw them into the common stock.
The hypothesis has won very wide acceptance, but several editors and critics (including Harnack, Zahn and Clemen) remain unconvinced.
In the third edition of the work (1839), and in Zwei friedliche Bleitter, he made important concessions to his critics, which he withdrew, however, in the fourth edition (1840; translated into English by George Eliot, with Latin preface by Strauss, 1846).
In a pamphlet of "Remarks" (1742), he replied to John Tillard, and Remarks on Several Occasional Reflections (1744-1745) was an answer to Akenside, Conyers Middleton (who had up to this time been his friend), Richard Pococke, Nicholas Mann, Richard Grey, Henry Stebbing and other of his critics.
It is true that here and there the "creamy richness" of his style becomes verbosity, and that he occasionally draws too freely on his inexhaustible store of epithets, metaphors and turns of speech; but these faults, which did not escape the censure even of friendly critics like Quintilian, are comparatively rare in the extant parts of his work.
The admixture of Stoic elements is so great that some critics have attributed the work to a Stoic author; but the writer's Peripateticism seems to be the more fundamental constituent of his doctrine.
Their "saying" (logos) was gathered mostly from contemporaries; and upon the basis of a widened experience they became critics of their traditions.
To his critics Bushnell formally replied by writing Christ in Theology (1851), in which he employs the important argument that spiritual facts can be expressed only in approximate and poetical language, and concludes that an adequate dogmatic theology cannot exist.
Other critics regard the very language alone as fatal to such a theory of date, authorship and circle addressed.
Two Recensions of the Text.-It has often been said that we have virtually two recensions of the text, that represented by the Septuagint and the Massoretic text, and critics have taken different sides, some for one and some for the other.
This little Louvre "Annunciation" is not very compatible in style with another and larger, muchdebated "Annunciation" at the Uffizi, which manifestly came from the workshop of Verrocchio about 1473-1474, and which many critics claim confidently for the young Leonardo.
But he soon showed petulance towards the civil authorities, from whom he came to differ concerning the political ends in view; and he now found severe critics, who doubted his capacity for directing an offensive war; but the government yielded to his plans for an oblique, instead of a direct, movement upon Richmond and the opposing army.
On the other hand, the so-called groundwork has no existence unless in the minds of earlier critics and some of their belated followers in the present.
A MS. Psalter more recently discovered shows close affinity to this edition, and, in spite of the opinions held by some critics, must be considered as a copy of it made about 1585; it even reproduces the printer's errors of Koresi's edition.
Its continuation, notwithstanding the judgment of some French critics, we cannot think so happy.
The central situation, which so greatly shocked Voltaire and indeed all French critics from the date of the piece, 'does not seem to blame.
Immediately upon this in most printed editions, though older in representation, follows the play which (therein agreeing rather with the author than with his critics) we should rank as his greatest triumph, Rodogune.
The more advanced school of critics holds that the names of the supposed authors are purely fictitious, as those of some of the authorities which they profess to quote certainly are.
The earlier lives, however, contain a substratum of authentic historical fact, which recent critics have supposed to be derived from a lost work by a contemporary writer, described by one of these scholars as "the last great Roman historian."
Equally great as antiquary, jurist, political and social historian, he lived to see the time when among students of Roman history he had pupils, followers, critics, but no rivals.
Of these the first is part of an appendix headed " of Ariston the elder " in an old Armenian codex, and taken perhaps from the lost compilations of Papias; as to the other text, it has been doubted by many critics, e.g.
The circumstance, unknown to these critics when they made their conjectures, that Eusebius Pamphili, in nearly a score of citations, substitutes the words " in My Name " for the words " baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost," renders their conjectures superfluous.
But the authenticity of the passages describing the altar of incense in the tabernacle, and the historicity of the corresponding altar in Solomon's temple, are matters of keen dispute among critics.
He was grossly attacked by the Opposition in parliament and by irresponsible critics, of the type of Byron, outside; historians, bred in the atmosphere of mid-Victorian Liberalism, have re-echoed the cry against him and the government of which he was the most distinguished member; but history has largely justified his attitude.
Such acute critics as Chesterfield and Warburton thought the performance serious.
There is no trace that any Jewish Christian critics challenged St Paul's Christology.
It may be held by hostile critics that the whole thing is a delusion.
Altogether, critics decline to date the book earlier than the 3rd or even 2nd century B.C.
But in justice to this scholar we may notice that from the first he looked for light to Babylonia, and that many other critics now take up the same I Kautzsch, Old Testament Literature (1898), p. 130.
It is possible that Sarah Disraeli (the Myra of Endymion), or that "the most severe of critics but a perfect wife," may have had such dreams - hardly that they could have occurred to any mind but a devoted woman's.
As he always kept the useful in his eye in all his disquisitions, he esteemed the employments of men only in proportion to the good they were capable of producing; for which cause he had no great value for the critics who waste their lives in composing words and phrases in coming to the choice of a various reading, in a passage that has after all nothing important in it.
That attempt has not, in the opinion of the majority of critics, been successful, and perhaps what is most permanent in the contribution of modern times to ethical theory will ultimately be attributed to philosophers antagonistic to evolutionary ethics.
A somewhat similar answer might be returned to those critics who find Green's use of the term "self-realization" or " self-development " as characteristic of the moral ideal unsatisfactory.
Professor Taylor expounds these two theories with great brilliance of argument and much ingenuity, yet neither of them will perhaps carry complete conviction to the minds of the majority of his critics.
It is with his interpretation and systematization of the moral sentiments that most of Martineau's critics have found fault.
Many of his most acute critics would be the first to admit how much they owe to his teaching.
Dionysius, the closest and most penetrating of his ancient critics, exhausts the language of admiration in showing how ' Or.
In the 17th century the characteristics which so clearly mark off Deuteronomy from the other four books of the Pentateuch were frankly recognized, but the most advanced critics of that age were inclined to pronounce it the earliest and most authentic of the five.
Some critics bring the date down even to the time of Jeremiah and Ezekiel.
On the other hand, critics of a later date gave expression, on various grounds, to a contrary conclusion.
Owing to the fact that Augustine cites part of the commentary on Romans as by "Sanctus Hilarius" it has been ascribed by various critics at different times to almost every known Hilary.
But it has not justified the application of this conclusion to all the instances in which some critics have relied upon it, or the sweeping inferences and reconstructions which have sometimes been based upon it.
These admissions, together with his elucidation of the idea of doctrinal development and his eloquent assertion of the supremacy of conscience, have led some critics to hold that, in spite of all his protests to the contrary, he was himself somewhat of a Liberal.
This statement, it should be noticed, has been questioned by some modern historical and textual critics, who believe that "Syria" (Hebrew Aram) is here a corruption for "Edom."
Critics who limit their view to the Kritik of Pure Reason, and there, in all probability, to the first or constructive portion of the work, must necessarily fail to interpret the doctrines of the Kantian system, which do not become clear or definite till the system has been developed.
But some critics have gone farther.
The win follows her success at Venice and LA, where critics also bestowed Best Actress accolades upon her.
The play received accolades from critics and audiences alike.
Critics of the corporation are often chided for their naivety.
Critics were either rapturously pro or aggressively anti, and Opera dance could never be the same again.
The flawless technique and supreme artistry of Chinese pianist Lang Lang has left audiences awestruck and critics lost for words.
Maybe the early academic critics who rated this appeal rather low were not so benighted after all.
Unlike the picture painted by PR critics, coalitions are seldom directed by the whims of tiny parties blackmailing large parties.
With a marriage of voice and symphony unlike any other, most critics consider this work the apex of sacred choral and orchestral music.
The speakers include classicists, theater practitioners, theater specialists and historians, dance professionals, dance critics and dance historians.
The killing has also created a rare climate in which critics of Switzerland's liberal gun rules are being heard.
Colossal, absolutely colossal, absolutely colossal, said the leading Russian critics.
Germany has often confounded her critics by continuing to attract foreign investment despite her high wage costs.
Critics have blamed its omission on a " cultural cringe " about Scots.
He promises to furnish answers and arguments needed to silence critics.
The crucial moment, which has so impressed critics throughout the ages, actually occurred before the allegorical display had begun.
Released in February 1977 Marquee Moon was hailed by critics as one of the most striking and original recording debuts in years.
The show, titled Frankie Howerd Goes East, was an anarchic mess that was hated by the BBC and savaged by the critics.
He had had two novels published, with strong alcoholic themes, both of which had been lavishly praised by distinguished critics.
We all remember the armchair critics who told us after the last election that we could not recover.
A similar reaction was reported at the film critics ' preview.
And far from taking apart the arguments of critics of globalization, he presents a distorted version of the critics of globalization, he presents a distorted version of the criticism, and attacks that.
Such critics usually have little to offer as a clarion call beyond the shrill cry for evermore unbridled liberty.
Little wonder, then, that they have rarely been critics ' darlings.
These critics particularly enjoy trotting out the example of 1994's 50th anniversary D-day celebrations.
Speaking in his own name, he is somewhat derisive about the critics of the first two volumes of his work.
A yet higher encomium by many of our ablest critics is pronounced upon " The Cenci.
The liberal critics of revolutionary fervor are right in their fear of tyranny in the name of the people.
The Critics The incident and the photos caused furor in Brazil, and sides were quickly taken.
Does it possibly hurt you at all when critics suggest that your relationship with Tom is not completely genuine?
French critics have been unanimous in praise; 1.5m cinema goers have paid to see it.
Unkind critics have called it ugly which exposes resistance to its utterly modern look, particularly the large, twin, multi-reflector headlights.
Aimed at critics of the government, the Act proves impossible to enforce.
And its acceptance by the Higher Critics is proof of their utter incapacity in dealing with evidence.
The question posed in the NY Times nevertheless is whether critics with such outsize public images can really claim to be impartial judges?
The overblown operatic style and melodramatic tempo changes epitomized a style lampooned by rock critics as pomp rock.
The series had a somewhat lukewarm reception from the television critics, although his many fans spoke well of it.
One wonders why some previous critics and readers were so obtuse!
Thank heavens then for Cecile my 9 year old who is without doubt one of my most supportive but sternest critics.
Critics say these episodes prove that intelligence oversight by civilians is lax at best.
Some critics thought that the legislation was too permissive.
Critics said the warning was a cynical ploy to boost sales.
In every role Dwight earned the praises of the critics who voted him one of the ten best actors currently on the stage.
Agree with comments of the literary critics that it is brilliantly written in lucid prose.
Critics, like Shiva, dismiss such claims as nothing more than corporate public relations puffery.
Ken Loach tells Stuart Jeffries what he thinks of critics of his film about Irish republicanism.
For several years, critics of Britain's private finance initiative have been puzzled by its extraordinary resilience.
These critics also argue that absolute freedom of thought is detrimental to mathematical rigor.
Critics might argue that the process was a sham, based upon a tactical repositioning of republicanism which proved extremely short-lived.
Critics in America, tho, have been quite sniffy toward the film.
Critics of established art are scared stiff by this.
Critics claimed watching Elvis perform was like watching a striptease while sipping milk.
Despite the reservations of some critics, I thought the acting superb.
Critics have favorably compared NOIR to such genre-defining live-action suspense films as The Professional and La Femme Nikita.
What many uneducated and untrained critics have failed to notice is that the author very cleverly weaves Jungian synchronicity into the very text itself.
Their sexual tension has been commented on by almost all the critics.
I have to say that the critics were talking utter tosh.
Critics within journalism believe that some external regulation might be necessary to curtail dubious professional behavior and regain public trust.
Yet critics have been almost unanimous in their praise.
The critics, however, were not unanimous in their praise.
The critics seemed unanimous in their verdict - They hated it.
But during the 1990s critics questioned the movement and its theological underpinnings.
Music critics have declared him a world class guitar player and composer of a great human universality.
This is particularly vexatious for literary critics, since it appears to ignore issues of stylistic difference.
Those wishing to develop confidence and skills in writing and communication, studying with practicing writer, linguists and critics.
Hoadly himself wrote A Reply to the Representations of Convocation and also answered his principal critics, among whom were Thomas Sherlock, then dean of Chichester, Andrew Snape, provost of Eton, and Francis Hare, then dean of Worcester.
I was too young to do more than see and note facts, and thanks to my natural indolence and that passion for the concrete, which is at once the joy and the weakness of artists, I should perhaps always have remained at that stage if my somewhat pedantic critics had not driven me to reflect and painfully search after the ultimate causes of which till then I had only grasped the effects.
In all this his critics scented an inclination towards Catholicism; and Leo did actually glorify the counter-Reformation, e.g.
Up till the publication of Bahrens's edition (1880), the oldest one, Neapolitanus (N., now at Wolfenbiittel), was universally regarded as the best, and even now critics are found to maintain its paramount claims. But the more judicious admit the value of the four MSS.
Houghton, 1901) will probably for a long time to come be accepted by the ordinary reader as a substantially correct portrait of St Francis; and yet Goetz declares that the most competent and independent critics have without any exception pronounced that Sabatier has depicted St Francis a great deal too much from the standpoint of modern religiosity, and has exaggerated his attitude in face of the church (op. cit.
Thus, for Lotze, free will is possible; the consequences of action proceed regularly a parte post, and there is no such chaos as the critics of Libertarianism have pretended it would involve.
Modern critics of his work note that he made no attempt to understand the oriental religions which he attacked, and censure him for invoking the aid of the Inquisition and sanctioning persecution of the Nestorians in Malabar.
Throughout his historical career - at the Ecole Normale and the Sorbonne and in his lectures delivered to the empress Eugenie - his sole aim was to ascertain the truth, and in the defence of truth his polemics against what he imagined to be the blindness and insincerity of his critics sometimes assumed a character of harshness and injustice.
The use of the historical method has, in fact, raised more reputations than it has destroyed, because by keeping carefully in view the conditions in which economic works have been written, it has shown that many theories hastily condemned as unsound by a priori critics had much to be said for them atthe time when they were propounded.
The testimony of Livy (xxi., xxii.) and Polybius (ii., iii.) - no friendly critics - shows that Flaminius was a man of ability, energy and probity.
If, as most critics agree, it is a historical romance (cf., e.g., the book of Judith), it is possible that a writer, preferably one who lived in the post-exilic age and was acquainted with Babylonian history, desired to enhance the greatness of Abraham by exhibiting his military success against the monarchs of the Tigris and Euphrates, the high esteem he enjoyed in Palestine and his lofty character as displayed in his interview with Melchizedek.
We are not aware that this crucial point has been noticed by the earlier critics of the Letters.
Some critics hold that this apocalypse was the apocalyptic groundwork, but Bousset is of opinion that it stood originally in connexion with xi.
Moderns generally acquit him of this charge; but his severer critics still urge that, from the inherent defects of his character, his credulity, his love of effect and his loose and inaccurate habits of thought, he was unfitted for the historian's office, and has produced a work of but small historical value.
The innovation was at first received with some disfavour; critics accustomed to polite formalism censured it as extravagant and undignified; but the freshness and beauty of its melody soon silenced all opposition, and did more than anything else throughout the 18th century to establish the principle of nationalism in musical art.
Bailey replied to his critics in a Letter to a Philosopher (1843), &c. In 1851 he published Theory of Reasoning (2nd ed., 1852), a discussion of the nature of inference, and an able criticism of the functions and value of the syllogism.
This innovation has been followed by almost all critics since Bengel's time, and it was developed by Griesbach.
It is a weakness of conservative critics to extol interpretation (or exegesis) at the expense of emendation.
It is this latter which has been the stumbling-block to many past critics of Paracelsus, and unless its character is remembered it will be the same to others in the future.
C. Lewis in his History of Ancient Astronomy (pp. 466-481) revived the sceptical view, the tendency of modern critics has been rather to exaggerate than to depreciate the value of what was really added by Pytheas to knowledge.
It was a period with him of great mental activity, and is represented by four of his books which stand as admirable witnesses to the Lowell of 1848, namely, the second series of Poems, containing among others "Columbus," "An Indian Summer Reverie," "To the Dandelion," "The Changeling"; A Fable for Critics, in which, after the manner of Leigh Hunt's The Feast of the Poets, he characterizes in witty verse and with good-natured satire American contemporary writers, and in which, the publication being anonymous, he included himself; The Vision of Sir Launfal, a romantic story suggested by the Arthurian legends - one of his most popular poems; and finally The Biglow Papers.
Such " psychological certainty " was denied by their agnostic opponents, and in the history of Stoicism we have apparently a modification of the doctrine of 4avra rta KaraXnirnici with a view to meet the critics, an approximation to a recognition that the primary conviction might meet with a counter-conviction, and must then persist undissipated in face of the challenge and in the last resort find verification in the haphazard instance, under varying conditions, in actual working.
A bastard Platonism through hostility to Stoicism may become agnostic. Stoicism through hostility to its sceptical critics may prefer to accept some of the positions of the dogmatic nihilist.
In 1615 he attached himself to the ill-fated Henry, duke of Montmorency (1595-1632), under whose protection he produced with success the tragedy of Pyrame et Thisbe, acted probably about 1617 and printed in 1623, although placed later by some critics.
The patriotic drama Balkanska Tsaritsa, by Prince Nicholas of Montenegro, has been often played and enthusiastically received by the public, but the critics deny to it much dramatic value.
This view was, however, overborne by the great authority of Lachmann, whose theory, in complete harmony with the principles popularized by the brothers Grimm, was accepted and elaborated by a long series of critics.
Their unique blend of voices in unaccompanied singing was received with raptures of delight by the folk fans and music critics alike.
Their debut release My Energy at the end of last year has been well received by critics and fans alike.
All textual critics agree that the Received Text or majority Greek text was preserved from the 4th century to the reformation.
That is the constant Christian refrain against their critics.
For several years, critics of Britain 's private finance initiative have been puzzled by its extraordinary resilience.
The Adam Sandler fan retards who labeled the film boring were more on target than most critics.
Even less are still studied by film students and revered by critics throughout the world.
There is also something delicious in knowing that they are universally reviled by critics the World over.
It is also nice to note that unlike some so serious and self-important critics, Dylan was no musical snob.
Such snobby critics ironically make a very good living reviewing Hollywood movies !
Conversely, standpoint epistemology is used to protect particular views through its capacity to disqualify critics on the grounds of their social characteristics.
A strong-minded woman who revered her father 's ideas, she would prove to be a formidable opponent to any critics of psychoanalysis.
Textual critics have a lot of work to do.
Many of the most trenchant critics failed to engage with the pragmatic compromises involved in doing anything in such an environment.
In twilit rooms still scattered with packaging, curators were studying the hang, and critics tiptoed around.
Critics, tho, were underwhelmed and it underperformed at the box office.
In contrast, some critics have attempted to reconcile a focus on identity with a more universalist outlook.
Price comparison sites may seem a win-win proposition for customers, yet they have their critics.
Their highly idiosyncratic, stylish and exhilarating body of work, including the The Big Lebowski, has wowed critics and public alike.
Ears to get you for all ignored by critics wright 's association of.
Mac computers are often marketed as the younger, hip sibling of "backward" PC models, and many critics suggest that Macs represent the future of computers.
New is not always better and critics still like the Archos 605 WiFi.
Critics of minimalist design, however, often find it cold or antiseptic.
Critics slammed her, while real women embraced her.
Whether the photos are taken for shock value or to emphasize the beauty of the human form, these photographers all evoke emotional responses from fans and critics alike.
Critics go beyond the lack of flavor in most raw meals to concerns about the diet's health, especially for children.
Critics, though, argue that the body utilizes its own enzymes for digestion.
On the other hand, critics judge the diet to be too restrictive, and feel that dieters could be lacking in certain essential nutrients, such as protein and iron.
Critics contend that cooking foods doesn't harm health, and that humans have been cooking food for thousands of years.
Other critics point to the difficulty of maintaining such a diet, and the lack of vitamin B12, which is only found in animal based products and yeast extracts.
Your critics should be left at home, or you may end up regretting your choice of dresses.
The performance earned rave reviews from critics and audiences alike.
This time the critics were paying attention, and the first few singles didn't slide by unnoticed.
First critics alleged that the blue-eyed hunk was misrepresenting his age, then touted that the singer was gay, a rumor cleared up by the number of alleged affairs with beautiful women all over the world.
K.D. Lang is a country music singer whose appearance put off many fans and critics as being too ambiguous.
Critics claim the group had shamed their fans by not backing President Bush during a time of crisis, and their actions were unpatriotic in the face of American military personnel going to war.
While critics originally complained the photo is obscene, officials ruled it is an appropriate tribute to maternal beauty.
Critics have praised the singing portions of the show but feel the political skit goes on too long and isn't very funny.
Critics and film executives took notice of the new talent, and it wasn't long before Colin Farrell was landing major roles - opposite major actors.
This film helped put Lindsay Lohan on the map -- with both fans and critics, who recognized her role with the Young Artist Award for a Leading Actress.
Critics have long alleged that he walked a fine line between chasing justice and breaking the law.
Although many critics hailed Holmes as the "Audrey Hepburn of her generation" and a future star, her film career has seen mixed reviews.
Critics also felt that Katie Holmes had turned away from her traditional values after meeting Cruise.
Dogg soon became the poster child for gangsta rap, with critics holding up his lyrics as evidence of the violent, misogynistic nature of the industry.
He also gained the respect of peers, built a solid fan base, and won over critics.
During his childhood, many critics alleged that Earl Woods was pushing Tiger too hard in the game, depriving him of his childhood.
At the end of the show, Simpson commented that her band had made an error with the song.The fallout from the lip synching incident was brutal, with fans and critics taking stabs at Simpson's inept singing abilities.
Hudson's performance gained positive reviews from critics, and she proved to be the golden girl of the awards season.
She snagged the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role, as well as the Screen Actors Guild and Broadcast Film Critics Association awards for Best Supporting Actress.
Her emotional performance of the film's song "And I Am Tell You I'm Not Going" particularly won over critics.
Television Critics Association award (2006), Outstanding Individual Achievement in Comedy, The Office.
Other films that became fan favorites despite being panned by critics include The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry.
Critics were never totally taken with the show, claiming it was boring and not very funny.
Critics claimed it borrowed from other successful films including Office Space, Empire Records and The 40-Year-Old Virgin.
Banks has revealed much about herself on her program, dispelling rumors about having breast implants and responding to critics about her weight gain.
When tabloids printed an unflattering photo of her in early 2007, Banks decided to address the critics.
The Ellen DeGeneres Show premiered and immediately won the praises of critics and fans alike.
His brief presentation for the documentary category earned praise from many critics as the best moment of the telecast, even besting the hosting duties by fellow comedian Ellen DeGeneres.
The now famous "Oprah - Uma" introduction didn't win him many positive reviews among critics, but fans still loved him for the quirky gag and other jokes throughout the telecast.
Taylor, who is now working on her second novel since her first book is being praised by critics, claims that former Beatle Paul McCartney was actually "too drunk to tip" one night when she was working.
Her fans love her, and her critics -- well, they say there's more to Abdul than what you see on TV.
Critics called her ballads "nauseating" and said they were performed with "suffocating professionalism."
The movie did well at the box office and with critics.
The Colbert Report earned three Emmy nominations and a Television Critics Association nomination.
Late Registration - West's sophomore album was well received by both fans and critics.
The show about four single women trying to find love in New York City was loved by both critics and fans alike.
The mini-series was lauded by critics and went on to win a number of awards.
The film was not a box-office smash, but was loved by critics and those in the film industry -- most notably, director Stephen Spielberg.
Though she loved the script, Natalie thought the role of Mathilda was a bit controversial (some critics referred to it as "Lolita-esque") and didn't want her film choices to negatively affect her family.
Blanchett won the "Best Newcomer" award in 1993 from the Sydney Theater Critics Circle for her performance in Caryl Churchhill's Top Girls.
This film was also highly praised by critics and Cate began receiving world wide recognition for her acting talents.
The Man Who Cried (2000) - Cate Blanchett won Chloturdis, Florida Film Critics and National Board of Review Awards.
At this time, the New York Film Critics took notice of Day-Lewis' talents and named him the "Best Supporting Actor" of 1985.
Win Ben Stein's Money was such a hit among fans and critics that Kimmel won the award for his hosting duties in 1999.
As the third season of the hugely popular U.K. show progressed, judges and critics alike were still not convinced that Lewis had what it took to become a star, that is, until her performance of the Porgy and Bess classic, Summertime.
Her musical style is a mix of influences that is mostly based on dance and pop, and both of her albums have been well-received by critics and fans.
Kim has responded to her critics,and she's being refreshingly level headed about the whole thing.
The movie, which was panned by critics but adored by fans, brought him instant stardom and launched him into the sort of popularity that most actors only dream of.
Recently, however, they were seated together at the Television Critics Association panel, as the show was presented.
Cutlass - Cutlass was a short film that earned praise from movie critics.
Though the film itself was panned by critics, it became a cult hit with college students and launched Reynolds into a new level of stardom.
Kevin Bacon's performance went largely unnoticed by critics.
He is loved by both fans and critics alike and many believe he is one of the best actors in Hollywood to not have an Academy Award.
Though critics may have panned both films, they were box office successes.
Critics are saying that if Cameron Douglas does receive a more lenient sentence other than the mandatory 10 years, that it will be yet another example of the rich and famous getting preferential treatment when it comes to criminal cases.
She became very popular with teen boys of course, but critics loved her too.
She has proven all of her critics wrong, and gives generously to Jewish charities and causes in memory of her late father.
The website is dedicated to uncovering the precise heights of celebrities, even those who may be attempting to ward off critics through the use of shoe-lifts and other clever tricks.
Some critics cite the ranking criteria of the US News and World Report as arbitrary.
Some critics of these foam products claim that the chemical odor of the foam may cause respiratory ailments.
Critics of the method believe that barking should only be corrected with positive-enforcement training.
They are the backbone of the glamorizing tendencies of contemporary consumer culture, as critics such as John Berger first pointed out.
Critics are wary of using rubber mulch in the garden.
Other critics cite the cost of rubber mulch.
In 2003, many fans and critics saw their next release St. Anger as uneven and not the band's best work, although the record still sold millions of copies.
Their first CD recorded with the famous producer Rick Rubin, Death Magnetic has been seen by critics and fans as a creative rebirth for the band.
The following resources feature many of Mraz's songs, both the well-known hits his fans love and the lesser-known gems that please the critics.
The album was poorly received by critics even though one track, Beelzeboss (The Final Showdown) featured Dave Grohl from the Foo Fighters.
Despite harsh initial reviews by music critics who felt the group was largely a poor imitation of the popular grunge style of that era, fans in the San Diego club scene began to take notice.
Four records later, amid a potent mix of hatred and love from music critics, Kings of Leon (KoL) continues to climb into the realm of superstardom.
Critical reviews remained mixed with some critics hailing the record as the band's best and others panning it as a failed experiment.
Critics point to the risk of allergens being introduced into genetically-modified foods.
Critics have also stated that MySpace fails to adequately protect adult users against the risk of identity theft and cyberstalking.
Try to gather honest critics to tell you if your hair is too long.
At the same time, the game was generally well-received by critics.
The competing series was generally better received by critics and by consumers.
Everquest, a hugely popular and involving online role-playing game, is popularly known by its users and critics alike as "Evercrack" because of its power over players' lives.
Two of these were apparently an answer to critics' shouts at the violent nature of the games.
Critics such as the unfortunately famous Jack Thompson have gained press by saying video games train people to kill.
More recent Sonic games, like -- Sonic the Hedgehog for PS3 -- haven't been received very well by critics, so you'll want a background from his two-dimensional days anyways.
The majority of these critics reached adulthood before video games became popular.
As one of the United States' up and coming wine producing states, Oregon produces wines that have received acclaim from wine lovers, journalists and critics.
The wine may not garner accolades from the wine critics but from a businessperson's perspective it's an excellent wine.
It's not always loved and revered but it's always read, even by its critics.
Wine Spectator has its loyal followers and it has its critics.
Its critics have weighed in with questions about the propriety of including advertisements for producers of wines reviewed in the publication.
Perhaps some of the Silver Oak mystique has dulled over the last several years, but that is primarily with a few critics who don't line up for their six-bottle allocation in February.
The ratings listed below are those of highly respected wine critics and magazines.
At about $25 per bottle, the 2009 is a particularly good value with flavors that wowed wine critics.
Many wine critics use wine scoring as a way of subjectively communicating information about the quality of wine.
The following are well-known wine critics.
In most wine marketing materials you will see scores from one of the five critics listed above.
Most wine critics score wines on a 100 point scale, with 100 being the best.
Wine critics have very refined and experienced palates, and often detect nuances in wine that the average wine drinker would not.
The winery's two collections, the Napa Valley and Aritsan Collections, frequently garner praise from wine experts, earning 90+ point ratings from well known wine critics like Robert Parker and Wine Spectator.
Despite greater acceptance, home schooling has its critics, such as the National Education Association (NEA).
Many critics say that this conveys the notion that diversity is only important during celebratory moments.
Critics also point out that educating students about the formation of U.S. democracy inevitably focuses on its European origins.
If students are not informed that the dominant participants in the formation of the United States were white males, these critics say, students will not receive an accurate picture of U.S. history.
Second, critics of creativity tests argue that these tests do not measure creativity per se but instead reflect the specific abilities that are assessed by the tests.
She met her share of critics, as many of her audience members didn't know how to react to these sort of dances they had never seen before.
No longer condemned by critics as obscene, it is now featured as part of the most popular shows on TV such as Dancing with the Stars and So You Think You Can Dance.
On many So You Think You Can Dance episodes, guest stars also come to give performances and serve as guest judges and critics.
While Gwen has yet to be spotted buying items for her baby's nursery, she's been praised by critics for her tasteful maternity wardrobe.
Critics and fans speculated how she could best accomplish a singing career and a new family life while performing in her Back to Basics tour.
Critics may sharply say "Deal with it!", but if you live your life as if you are really someone else, dealing with it may involve bouts of depression and doubt about your own identity.
Raven's mature attitude toward her figure, handling critics and moving on with her life (which includes more albums and more acting) is very positive and can be encouraging not only to growing girls, but to adult women as well.
Although traditionally Barbie is fairly vanilla, more recent versions of Barbie have garnered critics.
While the popularity of the Snuggie does show that it is fulfilling a need, many critics point out that one can be just as comfortable and practical in a poncho, sweater or any other lounge clothes that are probably already in the wardrobe.
Critics also note that the quality of the fabric is very poor.
Critics and the public are split on the attraction of this movie.
This is why friends don't make honest critics.
Publicly the artists were castigated by fans, critics, and even fellow musicians.The strange thing about this was that the practice was actually quite common, used on many records for all sorts of artists.
While many celebrity-watchers admire both its size and beauty, critics say those same characteristics are its worst features.
As with all celebrity rings, it has both admirers and critics, but the simple fact that the ring is noticed by so many proves that it serves its purpose of highlighting the love two people share and announcing that love to the world.
Many critics point out that it is easy to take the prolific body of Nostradamus' work and mold it to fit any circumstance in retrospect.
Critics charge that the dolls encourage materialism and shallow values.
Barbie represents everything the modern woman can possibly be, and despite critics, she can actually be a good role model for girls.
Filmmakers and critics petitioned the French government to sponsor a more impartial festival, and the Cannes Film Festival was born, situated in the French Mediterranean luxury beach resort of Cannes.
The International Critics Week provides a showcase for films from new filmmakers.
Every once in a while, a movie comes along that just knocks the socks off its audience and makes even the most hardened critics stand up and take notice.
Critics came away breathless, reporting the movie was "exhilarating," "fun," "dizzying" and a "powerhouse."'s movie critics were especially disgusted by the movie.
This service, provided by Critics, Inc. since 1992, allows parents to see what types of content contribute to the overall film rating, and to what degree.
Sometimes, these types of reviews are a bit more helpful because let's face it, some films that movie critics absolutely love simply bomb with the general public at large.
Critics feel large billboards create a blight on otherwise attractive communities.
Overall, the reception of The Hangover was outstanding by both film critics and the public.
There will be FAQs that fans or critics of the film have asked that are then answered by those on the IMDB staff.
These critics feel that Zombie was almost able to make the vicious character seem more like a real person to viewers.
While critics from sites such as Rotten Tomatoes sometimes give a movie a worse review because it is a chick flick, movies in this genre often make quite a bit of money.
The first Sex and the City film did much better with fans and critics.
While some still say that the film was not as bad as critics portrayed it to be, the film was still honored with six awards at the 24th session of the Razzie Awards.
Critics of the show contend that much of the spooky activity is rigged.
Although critics tend to say this about any paranormal investigation show, even fans of Most Haunted believe that Fielding jumps at every sound, and seems frightened of thin air.
Parapsychologists and their skeptical critics have been debating the results of these sort of experiments for many decades.
The problems, as the critics point out, is that the statistical significance of the allegedly positive experimental results are so small as to be basically non-existent.
However, like most personal finance experts, Orman has her share of critics.
Since she's a highly-visible figure in the world of personal finance, it's not surprising that Suze Orman has her share of critics.
Critics complain that teens often overuse the popular flip flops and end up wearing them inappropriately to work or upscale restaurants.
In an effort to win over critics, the company unveiled an entire collection of trendy and sophisticated Crocs for women with discriminating taste in shoes.
When the Days of Our Lives soap opera premiered in 1965, critics lauded it for showing 'contemporary' American life as it followed the trials and tribulations of the Horton family.
Both EastEnders and Coronation Street currently remain extremely popular among both fans and critics.
Critics lauded Providence when it premiered on January 8, 1999.
Generally well received by the critics, some fans deplored the increased roles of characters in the book who were considered minor while still others found the expansion beyond Sookie's viewpoint to be rewarding.
Even critics who were less than impressed with the show's debut in 2008, labeled the theme song fun and appropriate (Entertainment Weekly).
Her eyes are often commented on by critics and fans alike as being so remarkable and memorable.
Critics were also fair to the series, giving it a B+ rating, mostly based upon the fact that Kevin Williamson was already well regarded in the entertainment industry.
Critics continue to report an increased love and respect for the show, commending the storylines and actors for improving further with each episode.
In addition she's won the Golden Globe Award, the Screen Actors Guild Award and the Television Critics Association Award for her part on The Good Wife.
While there have always been critics of David Beckham's tattoos, there are also plenty who choose to flatter him through imitation.
The practice of TM has attracted devotees and critics for more than 50 years.
Critics argue that such a small study cannot render accurate results for the larger population.
From the beginning, Wakefield's study had critics who claimed that a study of 12 children was too small to have significant findings.
Critics of the GFCF diet claim that it does not provide the balanced nutrition that growing children and adults require.
Critics of the method claim that facilitators are controlling the communication and not really relaying the wishes of the patient.
However, some critics believe that it can produce a unnatural robotic response from children.
However, critics claim that ABA produces trained, robotic responses and does not allow enough true self-expression.
However, the critics of ABA believe that the techniques can sometimes produce trained robotic responses and encourages a child to suppress true emotions and self-expression, which can ultimately be harmful.
In fact, followers of Oprah tend to be so loyal and enthusiastic that some critics have coined the term "the cult of Oprah.
Critics of the owner's manual for the Prius report that it is full of useful information but is poorly organized and difficult to read.
As with any major redesign, the 2010 Taurus attracted the attention of automobile critics as well.
The Points plan has its share of critics.
While it may seem like the food pyramid has been around for centuries, the concept is rather new, and without its critics.
While they do have their critics, low carb diets, also known as low glycemic diets, have numerous benefits.
Critics point to low industry wages and benefits, agricultural practices and food safety standards as all being sub par.
In recent years critics have attacked the major food chains for implementing what they believe to be unethical business practices.
Critics say that the major chains pay the lowest wages whenever possible and sometimes withhold medical benefits from even full time employees.
Another problem critics cite with fast food chains is that they market their unhealthy foods to children.
Critics also accuse major fast food chains of playing a big role in encouraging the consolidation and centralized production of food products.
Although Atkins has had a number of critics over the years, his diet has held up and become one of the most popular low carbohydrate diets in the world.
Critics of crash diets argue that the weight you may lose as a result of a crash diet is mostly made up of carbohydrates and water.
Most critics also believe that the weight you lose in this manner can just as easily be put back on.
Critics also refute D'Adamo's theory that eating the wrong foods for your blood type can lead to disease.
While detox diets have been praised by many, critics have raised concerns about the safety of certain regimens.
It seems like Monsieur Eiffel was right, since many of the earliest critics either retracted their statements or publicly created works to honor the Eiffel Tower.
As proponents continued pointing out the obvious benefits to millions of Americans without healthcare, critics argued that the final bill would be even more cost-prohibitive than the already exorbitant costs of healthcare in America.
Critics were silenced though when her collection was revealed in Paris in front of the Eiffel Tower.
Her performance was panned by critics, yet the film initially did well at the box office.
It has received mostly positive reviews by major critics and the single "Precious" has found its way onto mainstream television shows like "Smallville".
However, Kelly made critics do a double take when she avoided the sophomore slump with her 2004 album, Breakaway.
Critics accuse her of selling her body for fame, but Madonna maintains that it is alright, as long as she is the one in control of the exploitation.
Other critics object to iTunes' pricing - after Apple and the record label take their cuts, musicians get around .08 per song sold.
London tried to revive the show in 1993, but the show was panned by critics.
Rent simply blew the critics away and won a staggering number of awards after its 1996 debut.
In the late 1990s in Nashville, Urban formed his own band, The Ranch, and released one album with them, which was hailed by critics but largely ignored by music buyers.
Exile in Guyville sold extremely well for an independent release, going gold, and it was also lauded by critics everywhere - in fact, it is still present on many "most influential" lists.