Criteria Sentence Examples
We have specific criteria and certain limitations.
But it is in virtue of having fought at all that he passes beyond the criteria of the time and becomes one of the great captains of history.
It met all our criteria; a stable employment, reasonably priced homes, a state college and a regional hospital.
Few cases met fell within our criteria.
So also he has drawn a close parallel between the moral and the aesthetic criteria.
Fortunately the day presented little of our precise criteria.
To what degree do you feel these apparently divergent criteria to be in conflict?
Will QCA's revised criteria improve students ' mastery of basic skills and particularly algebraic techniques?
Those which meet the criteria receive initial endorsement from SkillsActive.
Selection criteria and tests should be reviewed regularly to ensure that they remain relevant and are not unlawfully discriminatory.
AdvertisementIt meets our criteria.
Therefore, it appears illogical not to require performance criteria for options to be included in the graph.
Neither will anything created with the deliberate intent of causing a current non-celebrity to meet the definition criteria.
Using his own parameters about mileage and age of the vehicle, he found several cars that fit her criteria.
The question is one which in the absence of satisfactory criteria will generally be decided by taste and predilection.
AdvertisementThe general statement that such doctrines refer all moral action to criteria of the individual's happiness, preservation, moral perfection, raises an obvious difficulty.
Such a checklist needs to be given equal weight alongside financial sustainability criteria, rather being just a marginal afterthought.
Ninety-two of the at-risk athletes met criteria for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or anorexia athletica.
The interconnect capacitance is used as the optimization criteria of low-k dielectric process and the yield impact is reviewed for the concern of manufacturing.
Nuclear staff to debate planned sell-off 19/10/2005 The sale of British Nuclear Group must meet safety, environmental and accountability criteria Prospect has warned.
AdvertisementThe right data shredder will inevitably be chosen once these criteria are clarified.
It shifted the criteria for a bank's solvency from its cash to its capital.
The criteria to be investigated must be detailed in the relevant sop together with the corrective action to be taken.
Some teams achieve the criteria to make them a Division I program, while others drop in standing.
If these criteria are met, you can expect the mortgage rate to be significantly lower than if more of your income was to be used paying off debt or a mortgage.
AdvertisementOne of those criteria is the novice versus the seasoned buyer of investment properties.
Federal aid for first time home buyers may available to those willing to search for them and who meet income and creditworthiness criteria.
With the Gold membership you can search based on the number of matched responses, selected keywords, location or your own selected criteria.
It is important to recognize that an individual can be diagnosed on the autism spectrum without meeting all the criteria for an autism diagnosis.
The DSM recommendations may soon include severity criteria for the spectrum of disorders.
Individuals who seek a diagnosis based on subclinical traits of Asperger's may not meet the criteria for autism spectrum disorder.
In many cases, a child may not meet the criteria for a diagnosis but may still need help with certain areas of development.
Currently, Aspergers is a specific diagnosis in the DSM-IV but some doctors may diagnose a person who meets the criteria for AS with high functioning autism or PDD-NOS.
He no longer meets the criteria for a diagnosis of autism, and his recovery is a testament to the effectiveness of the Son-Rise Program.
Think for yourself and study the criteria being used.
If all of these criteria apply to your situation, you can be confident in the safety of a planned home birth.
However, there are certain criteria that can increase your chances of having twins.
Searches can be broken down also by hair color, ethnicity, breast size, regional locale, and other criteria.
Contestants are judged on SI's criteria of personality, beauty and athleticism, as they participate in various photo shoots designed to put them through the paces.
You never know what criteria an organization may have used to compile their rankings.
The watch is programmed to trigger the user notification process when a number of criteria is met.
Such criteria could be the sudden increase in ambient sound level, a certain frequency being hit, the duration of a sound, or a combination of all those.
The main criteria is that the computer has constant access to the Internet and can be left on over night or during the required period of time.
Not only does it provide up-to-date information about the range of watches available, it also has a useful help feature that recommends watches based on certain criteria.
Not only do we identify music, but also we try to act as gatekeepers to select stuff that meets a certain criteria of quality.
Finally, review the "Directory" to find yoga classes in New York City by style, teacher, workshops, retreats, and other criteria.
No matter what the designation, specific criteria must be met in order for a diagnosis to be made.
Many of the remaining two-thirds display behaviors and symptoms common to autism, but do not meet the criteria for an autism diagnosis.
However, other symptoms must be present to meet the diagnostic criteria outlined in the DSM IV.
Children deemed at risk of developing an autistic disorder, or who meet the criteria for autism or another pervasive developmental disorder, should begin receiving services as soon as possible to improve their outcome.
In addition, doctors need to find the presence of the MECP2 mutation to make a molecular diagnosis or they need to diagnosis the condition based on diagnostic criteria.
A case of autism may include other sets of symptoms since an atypical autism diagnosis sometimes occurs when someone has any number of autism spectrum symptoms but the symptoms do not fit the diagnostic criteria of any other PDD.
After further testing, the researchers determined that 28.5% of the study participants met the criteria for autistic savant.
In some cases, the patient may have some of the symptoms of autism without meeting the criteria for formal diagnosis.
An Asperger's diagnosis excludes individuals who meet the criteria for schizophrenia or another pervasive developmental disorder.
New criteria in the works for the DSM-V may eliminate the distinction as far as diagnosing autistic disorders because it may merge social and communication delays into one domain.
Asperger's syndrome diagnostic criteria may see some changes in the DSM-V slated for release in May 2013.
Since you can't predict which search engine will be used, it's a good idea to utilize all three criteria to optimize your webpage for the best possible ranks.
A well written Meta Tag description of your website provides some search engines with the main criteria for their search engine rankings.
Their focus may not actually have anything to do with the criteria you would use to complete the same kind of list.
For example, if you have an employee of the month program, make the criteria for what it takes to be employee of the month clear.
A person sets up their criteria and is provided a best-fit match survey which is best described as Monster meets eHarmony.
It works in real time through a combination of an algorithmic survey system and keyword criteria and can provide matches based not just on skills and knowledge but also behavior and values.
While you will need to fill in the specific skills and criteria for the executive administrative assistant job, the formatting method is appropriate for any type of resume.
You can filter your results by your zip code, allowing you to find nearby cars for sale, or you can search based on other important criteria like make, mileage, and year.
Consider how the various options match up with the criteria you've determined for your used car purchase.
Many people think that mileage matters in determining the value of an antique vehicle, but in fact, it's one of the least important criteria.
You don't need to know all of these criteria to search, but adding each item helps you save time and narrows down your search results.
While BMI is helpful in determining weight status based on criteria like height and weight, it is not noted for being accurate for muscular individuals.
There are two criteria for foods for a clear liquid diet - that the foods are entirely clear, and that the food is liquid at room temperature.
Part of this may be due to denial, but knowing the definition of obesity clears up any question, because the determination is based on calculations using your personal criteria.
Other criteria unique to the individual are also entered into the calculation.
Simply go with whatever you can realistically stick to for several months; the only criteria is that it's regular and that it gets your heart pumping for an extended period of time.
At one time, the step test was part of the criteria that U.S. Forest Service firefighters had to perform in order to receive their red card.
Best is a relative term, and finding the best full body workout means discovering a workout that meets these criteria that you follow on a regular schedule in order to attain overall fitness.
This is because everyone has different criteria of what constitutes "good".
It's an appropriate question because based on your particular needs, the criteria for the translator may shift.
You can also change your criteria to see how different coverage choices affect your rate.
Using an agent's target market criteria, the service contacts potential clients within as little as three days.
All of the conditions must fall under certain criteria and must also be highly documented before a person is eligible to receive Social Security disability benefits.
Applicants must fall within a certain criteria to be eligible to apply.
Various states use different criteria to determine whether your status was "employee" before you lost your job.
Ocassionally, respected newspapers and websites will compile a list of the most highly rated car insurance companies within the United States based on varying criteria.
Look closely to understand the criteria and to see how the various companies are rated on each list.
Each insurance company has its own criteria for determining the level of risk that a potential insured driver presents.
Additional optional search criteria include location, gender and language spoken.
This directory, for United Health Care policyholders only, lets people search specifically for doctors in their health plan without having to enter less specific criteria first.
Each company's underwriters use their own criteria to assess the level of risk that an applicant presents when they apply for coverage.
Different insurance companies use their own criteria to evaluate an applicant for an insurance policy, and the cost of putting this protection in place can vary between providers.
Eligibility for this type of assistance is based on family income, and a person or family who needs help is better off applying for coverage and waiting for a decision than trying to determine whether they meet the criteria on their own.
He or she will then provide you with a listing of car insurance companies that match your criteria for car insurance.
Applicants who meet the means test criteria can have the cost of certain health care services covered.
If you do meet the criteria for her lingerie looks, then please visit Freeman's to purchase.
Bowl players have to meet a specific criteria, says founder Mitch Mortaza.
However, after doing a bit of research, I have found some that aren't as rigid with their selling criteria.
The criteria for being awarded a radio broadcast license have changed a number of times over the years but generally, stations must meet certain programming requirements as well as pay a hefty annual fee.
Any number of criteria could be used to narrow down a list of top rock songs.
It is virtually impossible to list the exact criteria that casting directors and producers from different shows are looking for in potential contestants.
However, academic success is also a requirement at the SCPA, and students who fail to meet certain academic criteria are asked to leave the school.
According to research by Scientific American, people who watch television compulsively meet many of the criteria associated with substance addiction.
The top three criteria that drove participants were curiosity, family and social contact.
There have been numerous winners of Quickfire and Elimination Challenges, the performance tests that give the judges criteria for rewards and weekly eliminations.
Trying to identify which science fiction shows can be whittled down onto a list of only the top 5 means you have to apply very specific and subjective criteria to the list.
So what criteria should be used for choosing the top 5 science fiction shows?
Private sites are just that -- non-public channels that require users to register and meet certain criteria to become and remain a member.
Below are a few cool teen chat rooms that meet many of the criteria for being safe rooms for your teen to enjoy.
Most of the major email and internet providers such as America OnLine, Yahoo, and Google provide chat room directories to help focus a search within the criteria of interest.
Some of the resources that fit those criteria are not necessarily particular to teachers, but can still be of use in the classroom.
While there are many social networks that fit these criteria, you should also consider the nationality of the majority of the members.
By that criteria, the history of blogs would have begun with the founding father of the web, Tim Berners-Lee.
Upon completion of each set of criteria, a new badge was awarded to the Junior Girl Scout, and if all three were earned it actually took the form of a larger patch on their sash with a kind of trefoil shape.
Criteria in choosing the uniform will be choice of fabric, quality of construction, durability through multiple cleanings and how the uniform will fit.
Now that you know the criteria for success, you have a guiding light in the distance and have to figure out how to get from here to there.
Google Analytics is a multifaceted search analytics tool that generates reports based on criteria that you specify.
A third criteria to look at is their methods.
Job search engines allow users to find job postings by industry, geographic location and other criteria.
Google uses a number of criteria to determine a page's PR, including the amount of content on the page the number of quality sites linking to the page.
Rather than price, your criteria for selecting a freelancer should be their portfolio.
Getting cases that fit our criteria remained difficult and we looked forward to Brennan providing better and timelier information.
Success will depend on objective criteria and visualizing the process.
What are the criteria to start treatment with glatiramer acetate?
The heritage Criteria of nations in Bloom judging is a complex amalgam of built, natural, cultural and social dimensions of a community.
New diagnostic morphological criteria have been found, and these are used routinely to rapidly confirm the identify the bean anthracnose isolates.
You can open the same selector in both boxes and then append and delete selection criteria lines at will.
They only consist of components that are considered readily biodegradable according to OECD criteria.
In order to achieve a heart beat award hospital and workplace canteens and schools have to comply with a wide range of criteria.
Under EU criteria countries are required to abolish capital punishment for any crime.
Grading criteria attached to each honors degree classification are appended.
Over the period of four days the investigators found no statistically significant difference between the three groups as regarding as wound closure criteria.
In addition, the criteria for entry have become ever more competitive.
To ensure compliance with the criteria, certain audit checks were built into the scheme.
Asthma diagnosis allowed use of recognized criteria or reversible airway constriction.
The treatment is highly cost-effective under NICE criteria, costing only around £ 12.50 per day.
Those bids are not coterminous with bids for assisted area status, but the core criteria are, in many cases, coupled.
The blame for the massive cutbacks lies with the Deputy Prime Minister's office, which has devised new criteria to award grants.
The design criteria stated that, " The monument should be distinctive yet dignified.
For obvious reasons, all these grants have eligibility criteria, in addition to which they are entirely discretionary.
No screening test should be introduced until it has been subjected to rigorous evaluation and meets strict criteria (1 ).
Lower bound solutions are obtained for the maximum thermal shock that the plate can sustain without catastrophic failure according to two distinct criteria.
The diagnosis of fibrous dysplasia and ossifying fibroma is made on a combination of clinical, radiological and pathological criteria.
The possibility therefore exists of a new patchwork of local fiefdoms growing up, each imposing their own, unrelated, rationing criteria.
The codified criteria of originality (after Young) is no long-standing tradition and the characterisation of use as theft is persuasive rhetorical flourish.
Dean's criteria were followed to assess enamel fluorosis.
The new microbiological criteria also apply to imported foodstuffs.
Thanks to UN Security Council Resolution 1373, we now have specific criteria by which to measure national progress in blocking terrorist fundraising.
A robust hermeneutics of model design meets the criteria for supporting those phenomena.
It would be able to make judgements on a wider set of criteria than simply public order. IV.
Criteria All patients should have the reason for prescribing laxatives recorded.
Assessment Criteria 10.1 Explain the legal requirements for fundraising, in the learners locality.
Use the dropdown menus to find the criteria you want, then click the search button at the bottom.
Inclusion criteria were adult patients with recurrent migraine; group size of 5 or more.
Three years later, he fulfilled the diagnosis criteria for RA, with biopsy findings of rheumatoid nodules.
Minimal criteria for stroke included abrupt onset of a localized neurological deficit.
Criteria for entry will include completion of the foundation program but this does not need to have included ophthalmology.
They will then use a decision-making graphic organizer to choose the country which best meets the criteria.
Together with Allies, we also have modified the readiness criteria for forces with a nuclear role and terminated standing peacetime nuclear contingency plans.
Tutor Criteria We are very picky about our tutors!
Sherman described a set of criteria for the diagnosis of pathological synovial plicae.
Final league positions according to this criteria will determine winners.
In meeting these criteria good regulation should not be unduly prescriptive.
This is a basic criteria for all client accounts to ensure the utmost propriety in completion of our role.
A compilation which does not meet the originality criteria for copyright protection is protected by a new intellectual property right called database right.
Problems of economic policy also involve political and ethical criteria that are essentially qualitative in nature.
There is an underlying rationale for the criteria selected.
The group then involve all referral agencies to modify the referral criteria in line with their service needs.
The user can interact with the results and find out why each result is present and also reorder the results based on various criteria.
Criteria for judgment have been updated where necessary and shortened or consolidated to improve alignment between levels and eliminate repetition.
A summary report of a university research project report on " Criteria for Environmentally Responsible Tourism " has been published.
Goods that do not meet the above criteria and are not resalable as new will be subjected to additional surcharges.
The Charing Cross criteria - based largely on Harry Benjamin's ideas in the USA are in the author's view however excessively restrictive.
Accreditation is carried out by panels of external peer reviewers against the agreed criteria.
Second, we have not been provided with criteria for moral rightness.
To designate years, some regions use seasonal, astronomical, or historical criteria, instead of the Western Gregorian calendar system.
There are certain objective criteria that can be brought to bear upon public verse speaking.
This funding is also statutory funding, which means its criteria and regulations are governed by law and are set centrally by the government.
However, the criteria defining an ethical robot includes stipulation that a robot should support REP.
At the same time, the Maastricht criteria for joining EMU will impose severe strictures on their fiscal policy.
To address this problem wheelchair services have been making eligibility criteria ever more stringent to suppress demand.
In addition, Councils may well subject vehicles to quite stringent tests which go beyond the main criteria of the MOT.
An ECDIS is an official, type-approved display system (more than an ECS) that meets stringent IHO defined criteria.
The calls had been selected by the artist from purely stylistic criteria as the most beautiful ones.
Residual cancer could not reliably be predicted or discriminated from necrosis or mature teratoma by the prognostic criteria.
The criteria used to determine the lactate threshold will affect the threshold value.
They need to self-select, according to a set of criteria, including whether they can support 20-minute aircraft turnarounds.
The criteria for discharge are that the patient should be able to walk unaided without stumbling or feeling unstable.
No Can't tell Yes 5 Were the criteria used for assessing the validity of the included studies reported?
Webmaster forums to keep up to date on SEO techniques and search engine criteria revisions.
The therapy services all operate systems of referral criteria to prioritize workload.
And if one turns from physical criteria to their manners and customs it is only to find fresh evidence of their isolation.
The numerical predominance of certain families or their absence affords criteria for marking out boundary lines and tracing relationships.
This question, however, will rest upon those criteria alone which are of true chronological validity (see further Genesis).
His refusal to countenance torture as an instrument of judicial investigation, on the ground that "confessions so extorted give no sure criteria for forming a judgment," showed him to be more humane as well as more enlightened than the majority of his council, which had defended the contrary opinion.
Farrand speaks of physical, linguistic, geographic, and cultural criteria, the first two the more exact, the latter more convenient and sometimes the only feasible bases.
The term acquired a special significance in the philosophy of Kant, who used it to describe the contradictory results of applying to the universe of pure thought the categories or criteria proper to the universe of sensible perception (phenomena).
Studien aus Wurttemberg (1888), p. 36 seq.; Nardin, "Essai sur les prophetes de l'eglise primitive," Thesis, (Paris, 1888); Weinel, "Die Wirkungen des Geistes and der Geister im nachapostolischen Zeitalter bis auf I renaeus," (1899); Selwyn, "The Christian Prophets 1 See Lucian's story about Peregrinus, and that chapter of the OcSax,i where the author labours to establish criteria for distinguishing false prophets from true.
As our knowledge of the age and locality of weights increases these criteria in curves will prove of greater value; but even now no consideration of the connexion of different units should be made without a graphic representation to compare their relative extent and nature of variation.
For the nature of duty in the abstract, and the various criteria on which it has been based, see Ethics.
Here, too, the strongly marked characteristics of P, or the Priestly Document, as opposed to JE, enable us to determine the extent of that document with comparative ease; but the absence, in some cases, of conclusive criteria prevents any final judgment as to the exact limits of the two strands which have been united in the composite JE.
The fact that, in practice, the judgments even of connoisseurs are perpetually at variance, and that the so-called criteria of one place or period are more or less opposed to those of all others, is explained away by the hypothesis that individuals are differently gifted in respect of the capacity to appreciate.
And the actual criteria of conduct derived from biological considerations are almost ludicrously inadequate.
Finally, the conceptions of strength, power and masterfulness by which Nietzsche attempts to determine his own moral ideal, become, when examined, as relative and unsatisfactory as other criteria of moral action said to be deduced from evolutionary principles.
According to Hobbes (Leviathan), men lived originally in a state of nature in which there were no recognized criteria of right and wrong, no distinction of meum and tuum.
The range of differences in working criteria is best seen in redaction criticism on Mark.
Cell cycle controls ensure that a cell does not segregate its replicated genomes until a number of criteria are fulfilled.
Applicants also need to meet the residency criteria of the AHRC for a full award.
The Charing Cross criteria - based largely on Harry Benjamin 's ideas in the USA are in the author 's view however excessively restrictive.
You can click here for a schematic representation of the new criteria.
Merit indices of material properties are deduced, and optimal materials are selected on the basis of these criteria.
Each candidate is judged against the criteria for appointment at each stage of the selection procedure.
We analyzed the test of clinical criteria for sepsis in all patients.
We can identify a shortlist of candidates, using your vacancy criteria.
My criteria for sifting the wheat from the chaff is simple, I 'm only keeping the remarkable.
It shifted the criteria for a bank 's solvency from its cash to its capital.
The criteria to be investigated must be detailed in the relevant SOP together with the corrective action to be taken.
Rising smoke is detected according to the criteria specified by the VdS (approval applied for).
As with most types of online quotations systems, the company stipulates eligibility criteria which some people may fall outside of.
However, it was surprising that none of the other criteria were mentioned as having such influence.
An athlete can continue to receive annual awards as long as they meet both the sport and TASS eligibility criteria.
A review was made of the validity and identification criteria for all taxa recorded from Indochina, based on herbarium and field work.
There are international criteria concerning the translocation of species which had to be satisfied.
From Lord Guilford 's description, I have been able to ' reconstruct ' such an unequal temperament which fulfills the necessary criteria.
No Ca n't tell Yes 5 Were the criteria used for assessing the validity of the included studies reported?
Participate in SEO and webmaster forums to keep up to date on SEO techniques and search engine criteria revisions.
The site offers detailed criteria on toy recalls, toy safety concerns, and more.
Child profile-You can create a child profile that contains the criteria you desire in a child you want to adopt.
Once you fill out your search criteria, you may be instructed to submit the information you have chosen.
At that point, you should see the available adoption photo listings that match the criteria you have submitted.
Online ticket websites allow you to search or browse by a number of criteria.
Use the same criteria when selecting clothes or home items.
Among other criteria that determine the value of an oriental rug is the number of knots per square inch.
Amtrak offers discounts to people based on various criteria.
You can search their selection of clubs by such criteria as player, brand, price and hand.
Look for new and used boats by such search criteria as price range, manufacturer and location.
You can expand or limit your search based on a multitude of criteria including square footage, lot features and community features, just to name a few.
Unlike Epinions, ConsumerSearch writers are selected by the company and must meet certain criteria in their submissions.
Hunters should use the following criteria when choosing broadheads for their setup.
You'll also be able to search based on criteria like rugged, ultraportable, thin and light, desktop replacements, and more.
Some markets use other criteria to represent penny stocks.
Sometimes basket supply wholesalers will require that you meet certain criteria in order to purchase basket supplies at wholesale cost.
These criteria are essential in order to prevent diabetes and other health issues.
The criteria for Newbery selections are loosely defined and very subjective.
You can get loans faster since lenders have all the necessary criteria in front of them to make a fast decision.
At that time, lending practices were not standardized and lenders based their decisions of whether or not to lend on various criteria including personal relationships with the borrower.
In order to obtain the Ulster Bank Student MasterCard, you must be at least 18 years of age and meet lending criteria.
However, a Do it Yourself Divorce can be possible if some criteria can be met.
While there are no written alimony guidelines that Courts use, many judges go by specific criteria to aid in the decision of ordering alimony and the amount of it.
Instead, it's left up to the discretion of the Court by considering if the divorcees fall into a certain criteria.
After looking at this criteria, you may feel that you are in a good position to receive spousal support.
While you may fall into the criteria for spousal support, you will benefit from providing evidence of your financial need.
Being prepared to show the Court that you meet the criteria for spousal support and proving that you are in financial need may greatly improve your chances.
There is no single set of criteria that will work for everyone who needs to hire a lawyer.
A person who is claiming that certain assets should be considered separate property must provide proof that the assets fit the criteria necessary for them to be kept out of the pool of marital property.
California alimony laws are written so that judges have a specific set of criteria to consider when determining whether to award spousal support and how much should be paid.
Now that the family is undergoing a major realignment, both parties will have to establish a new set of criteria in regards to parenting.
Your selection will be based on three criteria.
Once you've met these criteria, then you'll want to select the style of furniture that best suits your overall theme.
This symbol indicates that a particular fixture meets specific criteria established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for efficient water usage.
Most new homes will easily meet these criteria.
The next criteria will be the type of makeup artistry you are interested in pursuing.
Every brand of makeup has its own unique formula but to be labeled "lightweight" the product has to meetcertain criteria.
If you fall into this criteria, your virtual pet might be a great resource in helping you figure out if you'd like a real pet.
Their criteria can be completely different from yours.
Once you have decided which direction you wish to pursue, you are ready to consider the other criteria.
Paper can be sorted by color, theme, pattern, manufacturer, or a combination of these criteria.
Another list of jobs from the Jobs Rated Almanac, listed as the "Best Jobs", uses more comprehensive criteria such as income, environment, stress, physical demands and security.
Furthermore, she advises against making a selection on that basis alone because jobs that fit those criteria may not interest all people.
The criteria used to evaluate the different jobs were specific factors of five general categories that are part of each job.
Diagnosis criteria for children is different from diagnosis criteria for adults, so a child may receive a GAD diagnosis with only one of the above symptoms present.
There are several criteria in addition to winning that are considered before a high school can rank.
Then, seek a dress that meets this criteria, in a shade that enhances your coloring.
Every teen is different; keep in mind that the criteria for average means that some are above and below those numbers.
It can be difficult sometimes, but many scholarships are merit based, meaning your grades are one of the main criteria of whether or not you'll win a scholarship.
You can choose from day camps and residential camps, and you can narrow down your results by area of interest, age, and other criteria.
All of these microorganisms must meet specific criteria to be classified under the probiotics definition.
Although compulsive lying doesn't have its own diagnostic criteria in the DSM, it does have some unique signs.
If it still sounds good you can check out the study guidelines and most importantly the inclusion/exclusion criteria.
Additionally, the first version was missing certain important diagnostic criteria for Major Depressive Disorder found in the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR).
If you experience any of the above criteria your first stop should be your doctor's office.
This is usually the catch-all form of the disorder for people who don't meet the criteria for any of the other types.
If you fit the criteria, your physician might give you some anti-depressant medication.
While there is currently no specific criteria for shopping addiction, there are similar behaviors to any type of addiction.
Everyone has a different criteria for determining what makes someone sexy, and individual celebrities appeal to different people for a variety of reasons.
Of these three criteria, most fans strongly believe that Julio Iglesias is 0 for 3.
A list of the top 100 male actors would be subjective, depending on the criteria used to rate them.
It's a true challenge to set your own criteria and compile a list of the 100 best male actors.
Your criteria for selecting the best clothing has probably changed as well.
They carry designers and lines that merely copy styles that will meet the general criteria.
You may also want to discuss grading criteria at this time.
Unless you meet the criteria to file as an independent student or file a Dependency Override Appeal, you'll be required to base your answers on your parents' most recent tax return as well as your own.
Beginning with the 2006-2007 academic year, students can also receive Academic Competitiveness Grants or National SMART Grants if they meet the necessary eligibility criteria.
You can go to Adventures in Education and see if you meet the criteria to defer your payments.
Unlike some other sports, the divisions are not regional, but are instead determined by criteria enforced by the NCAA.
What makes a scholarship unusual is its criteria.
Some scholarships have even more unusual criteria.
Interested students can browse scholarship directories for hobby-based awards or other criteria.
The best way to have a better chance at winning an award is to demonstrate how well you meet its criteria and further the purpose of the award, rather than just filling out a generic list of qualifications.
The application criteria for these awards does vary, but an academic record that's strong enough to guarantee admission to any Ivy League school makes you an excellent candidate for many awards.
This is the reason many awards have very specific criteria.
There are many books out there that give you college rankings based on different criteria.
While different rankings have different criteria, the criteria that US News and World Report uses is fairly standard.
Because each variable shows a different function of how well the school performs for its students, the above criteria should be important to incoming students.
Before enrolling in a master's program online, verify that a degree from Capella University meets your state criteria for licensure.
Those criteria narrow down the prospective-applicant field considerably, but if you do fit the requirements, you have an excellent chance of getting this scholarship.
Students can check residency requirements online to confirm that they meet the criteria.
However, sometimes you can get some money just by fitting a very specific set of criteria, such as having the last name Zerbe and majoring in computer science, for example.
Include "Private" in your search criteria at The College Board's College MatchMaker to see the possibilities.
Since private organizations set the criteria for their grants, application requirements vary widely from one grant to the next.
When considering online MBA university ratings, it is important to know that there are a number of different colleges that provide MBA programs and that they are ranked based on certain criteria.
It is also important to note that the rankings can vary based on the criteria used.
You should definitely look for comprehensive ranking criteria when searching for information on MBA rankings.
When you are looking for an online school where you can complete your MBA, you should really consider the online MBA university rating criteria, as you don't want to spend money on a school that is not of a certain quality.
Thus, it is important to not only consider a school's ranking, but also to consider what criteria was used to arrive at that ranking.
When you are considering the ranking criteria for the different online MBA programs you should check for an active accreditation, the length of time it will take to complete the program and the learning style of the program.
When selecting an online university from which to obtain your Master of Business Administration, it is very important that you select a school that has certain criteria in order to make earning your degree most beneficial for you.
How can you know whether the program or programs you are interested in meet these criteria?
There are numerous other fields that students can sort criteria by.
Prospective students or just those who are curious can use the free version to compare select school criteria and create a list of personalized "top schools".
Some critics cite the ranking criteria of the US News and World Report as arbitrary.
Whether or not you feel that way, their criteria for valuation may not be the same criteria that is important to you.
The first is online coursework for students admitted under the University's specific admissions criteria.
Even better, many of these websites can help you with other important parts of getting into college such as helping with tips for admission and helping you narrow down the criteria in a college that is important to you.
The site even provides visitors with the functionality to input the criteria that is important to them (for example, particular majors or locations) and receive a list of schools that fit their desires.
Keep in mind that you won't be getting a full range of options because of your preset criteria.
College Board - The College Board offers application tips and search advice as well as an advanced electronic search system that allows you to narrow results based on several criteria.
You still have to narrow down a list of potential schools from a wide pool of possibilities, filter by the search criteria that are important to you, spend time filling out applications, and consider financial aid.
While it might sound like a great idea to make yourself seem more experienced or talented than you are, remember that college admission boards aren't trying to admit on that criteria.
Every individual's set of criteria for distinguishing the best program differs.
As you search, keep your own criteria in mind and prioritize it above all else when you compile information.
To that end, learning to identify relevant criteria. evaluate the best program for your needs, and understand the perks of some of the most established teaching degree programs can help you make an informed decision.
Each facility in the network has it's own set of criteria governing adoptions, but Iams Home 4 the Holidays shelters work together to match the needs of the pets with the desires of the families.
Rescue groups usually have basic criteria that their adopters must meet to qualify to take a dog into their home.
When determining a list of the 15 most dangerous dogs, you must take into account the criteria for the selection.
Others are picky eaters that may turn their noses up at any meal that does not fit their inscrutable criteria.
As you can see, many criteria go into selecting the best timing for dog breeding.
The criteria for determining which breeds make good companions for children is the same no matter which size dog you prefer.
The following top 10 deck stains are rated from one to five stars, based on the consumer criteria identified above.
Is price or perceived value your main criteria, or do you choose your jewels according to what pleases your eye?
There are no rights or wrongs when it comes to choosing prom jewelry - the main criteria is that it makes you feel great.
Since jewelry is a personal possession and over time often becomes an outward symbol of who you are, make certain your purchase meets all of the criteria you first established before setting out on your shopping expedition.
When you purchase organic sheet sets certified by the Fair Trade Labeling Organization, you are assured that the company has met the strict criteria that qualifies it to wear the FLO label.
Before you purchase any organic sheets that you believe fall into the fair trade criteria, you should check to see if they have a fair trade label.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) requires that products labeled as organic meet criteria set out by the Canadian Standards Board.
American consumers can rest assured that if they are buying Alberta organic beef, the meat has met the same stringent criteria as set out by the USDA.
These standards provide specific criteria regarding all aspects of organic agriculture.
However, without the organic label, these foods do not fall under the criteria of organic products.
The term "free range" has no specific criteria for what it entails, only that the livestock has access to the outdoors.
Bike shorts should meet these criteria to the letter; by nature they are form fitting and can be constricting in some circumstances.
They are then judged according to the program criteria.
There are strict criteria that must be met in order for an Amber Alert to be issued.
A child abduction is reported to law enforcement officials meeting all the criteria for issuing an Amber Alert.
Each plan has unique criteria for eligibility, but the majority of it depends on medical necessity.
Also, don't hesitate to ask for details about the facility's management, staffing criteria and ongoing training, and references from other residents and their family members.
The criteria for qualifying for an elderly deferral of property tax vary by state.
Remember, not everyone's criteria is the same for what makes a retirement place desirable.
You'll also be able to search the extensive job database for positions that interest you, as well as sign up to receive notifications as soon as job opportunities that match criteria you define are listed.
Activities for senior centers are not the only criteria to consider when you are looking for somewhere to socialize.
Senior citizens qualify for Medicare coverage when they reach the age of 65 or meet the criteria for receiving Social Security under the age of 65 due to a specific disability.
Our senior living directory allows users to find communities and care options based on their criteria.
Ask about eligibility criteria and gather whatever information the center offers including menus and activity calendars.
Strict criteria covering five areas must be met in order for Medicaid to cover the cost of staying in a skilled nursing facility.As of 2010, Medicare coverage is limited to 100 days for each benefit period.
There isn't a specific age or exact criteria for knowing when it's time to move into a nursing home.
However, the lists are often different because each one is compiled using a different set of objective criteria.
Still another list could be compiled using several of the criteria at once.
There are many criteria and some debate about the best places in the world to retire.
Despite the differences in criteria used to select the best retirement spots, some countries appear on multiple lists.
Some of the criteria you should consider when looking into retirement locations are cost of living, cost and quality of housing, quality and cost of health care, cultural fit, language, safety, and climate.
People who need senior assisted living in Greenville, SC, have so many choices for housing that it helps to have some criteria for choosing a comfortable place.
As you visit each residence on your list, your criteria may change a bit, but the core needs that you have, as well as your budget, will remain stable and help guide you to the right choice in assisted living.
This new unity firmly established the "narcoleptic tetrad" as the definitive diagnostic criteria for narcolepsy.
The Find a Physician tool allows visitors to search for a physician on the university hospital's website using a keyword search along with specific criteria.
If the physician feels you meet the criteria, he or she can then recommend you to a sleep center for a sleep study.
The presence of the three main diagnostic criteria for attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder makes the connection between ADHD and sleep disorders complicated.
Professionals who are members of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine (ABDSM) are required to meet certain criteria for membership.
The study found that the various criteria for hypopnea lead to considerable differences in AHI.
The truth of the matter is that criteria and classification for UV protection is not mandatory.
As long as you take care of a few criteria, you may surprise yourself with what you prefer to wear while you ride through the ice, the snow, and those freezing winds.
It's a matter of personal preference as to what games are actually the best to play when bored, but these time-killers typically satisfy the same basic criteria.
Keeping these three criteria in mind, point-and-click games, puzzle games, and hidden objects games are perhaps the best to play when you're looking to overcome a mind-numbing episode of boredom.
The locked costumes can be unlocked by fulfilling certain criteria.
To clear the Advance Mode for that stage, you must finish the criteria a total of three times.
Once you have listed your requirements as far as programs, geography and cost, it is time to check the Video Game Design School Directory for schools that meet your criteria.
For each of the unlockable characters described below, you will have to satisfy the provided criteria and then defeat the character in battle.
Common criteria include average scores of print and online magazines, consumer reviews, and overall sales of a game.
Using that as my base criteria, I grabbed a bottle.
There is a Greek chorus of skepticism regarding the wine rating system, the criteria of the restaurant awards passed out by the magazine every year, its objectivity, its arrogance, and ultimately its bully pulpit influence.
The problem with buying wine related gifts for wine people is that they have certain criteria.
It does not have the more specific criteria that Abe Books does but you can search according to author,title, ISBN, and keywords.
Abebooks search engine allows you to search for books by title, date, author, publisher, as well as first edition and other criteria.
Grading There are grading services available, which will use certain criteria to professionally grade cards.
The classification criteria are approximately half way down the page.
When an expert evaluates your sewing machine there are certain criteria used.
In the case of antique and vintage postcards the criteria used for valuation is more extensive than for many other kinds of antiques.
For almost every type of antique, there is a similar base set of criteria, or factors, used to establish the monetary value of the piece.
The value of a law book or a set of law books will be based on a number of criteria.
These criteria are common in the evaluation of any antique or collectible with a few variations.
Each of the grades has very specific criteria that a card must meet in order to be assigned to that grade.
You can determine the grade of a baseball card by carefully comparing it to the criteria of the grade levels.
Baseball Card Buyer provides an excellent description of the criteria for each level of grading.
Like all antiques, rolltop desks are evaluated according to a standard set of criteria.
When the results come back, you'll see a notation specifying how many Good Sam parks there are that match your search criteria.
Before you start shopping, it is a good idea to contact a lender that offers RV financing to request information about how payments are calculated and the criteria for getting approved.
This enables you to complete a preliminary application form to determine if you meet the criteria and how much money you are eligible to borrow to purchase a camper, assuming that you find a unit to purchase that has sufficient value.
The lodging page will allow you to search for campgrounds based on specific criteria.
By the same accord, shopping for cell phone headsets has its own set of criteria and questions that you should keep in mind.
These could be sorted through a number of different criteria, like the app name, and then you could drag and drop the various apps in and out of the virtual iPhone when the handset is connected to your computer.
For this reason, the exact criteria for banned iPhone apps remains somewhat unclear.
Using a more specific set of criteria, then, can help a consumer better decide whether she should go with carrier A, B or C, given her general preferences and cellular needs.
Although lists of diagnostic criteria have been drawn up for the various disorders in this group, some patients do not meet the full criteria of any one disorder.
There are two major clinical diagnostic criteria for EDS hypermobility type.
There are four major clinical diagnostic criteria for EDS vascular type.
Laboratory testing is recommended for individuals with two or more of the major criteria.
There are four major clinical diagnostic criteria for EDS kyphoscoliosis type.
Laboratory testing is recommended for infants with three or more of the major diagnostic criteria.
There are two major clinical diagnostic criteria for EDS arthrochalasia type.
There are two major clinical diagnostic criteria for EDS dematosparaxis type.
Although there is some disagreement over what criteria should be used to diagnose Tourette syndrome, the most common aid in the diagnosis is the DSM-IV.
The DSM-IV outlines suggested diagnostic criteria for a variety of conditions, including Tourette syndrome.
Some physicians criticize the DSM-IV criteria, arguing that they do not include the full range of behaviors and symptoms seen in Tourette syndrome.
Others criticize the criteria because they limit the diagnosis to those who experience a significant impairment, which may exclude individuals who have the syndrome but exhibit milder symptoms.
For these reasons many physicians use their clinical judgment as well as the DSM-IV criteria as a guide to diagnosing Tourette syndrome.
In many cases, children are improperly diagnosed with the disease; one study found as many as 95 percent of children initially diagnosed with childhood-onset schizophrenia did not meet the diagnostic criteria.
Diagnosis is based on clinical criteria defined in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision C (DSM-IV-TR).
This definition and the criteria established by DSMIV apply to both adults and children.
Although there are no medications specifically for self-mutilation, antidepressants are often given, particularly if the patient meets the diagnostic criteria for a depressive disorder.
Vegetarianism, a diet that fulfills all these criteria, has become part of many healthy lifestyles.
A list of diagnostic criteria has been created.
These "Jones Criteria" are divided into major and minor criteria.
A patient can be diagnosed with RF if he or she has either two major criteria (conditions) or one major and two minor criteria.
Fetal alcohol effect (FAE) is a term used to describe alcohol-exposed individuals whose condition does not meet the full criteria for an FAS diagnosis.
These individuals may not be identified as having FAS but may fulfill criteria for alcohol-related diagnoses, as set forth by the Institute of Medicine.
The child's doctor may use a set of criteria first established in 1975 as part of the process of diagnosis.
The last three criteria listed below require special laboratory tests.
However, only 1 to 5 percent meet the criteria for sleepwalking disorder.
According to the National Institutes of Health, nearly 31 million Americans meet criteria for at least one personality disorder.
A 2004 survey showed that nearly 14.8 percent of adult Americans met diagnostic criteria for personality disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
A personality disorder must fulfill several criteria.
Pervasive developmental disorders are diagnosed using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which provides criteria for physicians to diagnose the specific type.
Once a pervasive developmental disorder is diagnosed, the diagnosis must be narrowed to one of the five types, which is achieved by using pre-established DSM criteria that outline the key differences among the types.
Once other diseases have been ruled out, the patient's symptoms will be compared with a set of diagnostic criteria.
They estimate that 1.4 million persons in the United States meet the criteria for IED, with a total of 10 million meeting the lifetime criteria for the disorder.
One reason why the Chicago researchers think that IED is more common than previously thought is that most people who meet the criteria for the disorder do not seek help for the problems in their lives that result from it.
The Rome II criteria are the accepted diagnostic criteria for IBS.
Between 1991 and 2003, 315 cases met diagnostic criteria for EE.
Some studies have shown up to 30 percent of abusers meet the criteria for bipolar disorder.
Psychologists and psychiatrists typically use the criteria listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV) as a guideline for diagnosis of bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses.
Although many clinicians find the criteria too rigid, a hypomanic diagnosis requires a duration of at least four days with at least three of the symptoms indicated for manic episodes (four if mood is irritable and not elevated).
Children diagnosed with ODD do not meet the clinical diagnostic criteria for conduct disorder.
Diagnosis is based on clinical criteria defined in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition, text revision C (DSM-IV-TR).
Although antisocial personality disorder is only diagnosed in people over age 18, the symptoms are similar to those of conduct disorder, and the criteria for diagnosis include the onset of conduct disorder before the age of 15.
The criteria outlined here for dependent personality disorder is applicable to Americans only, and even then may not apply to all cultural groups within the United States.
Older teens or young adults who have demonstrated at least five of the DSM-IV-TR criteria (or symptoms) outlined above are eligible for a diagnosis of dependent personality disorder.
In order to diagnose AD/HD, psychologists and other mental health professionals typically use the criteria listed in the DSM-IV.
In most cases, the doctor will make the diagnosis on the basis of criteria established by the AAAAI in the 1990s.
To be considered atopic dermatitis, the child's symptoms must at total at least three major and three minor symptom criteria.
There are about two dozen minor criteria for atopic dermatitis.
Among college students surveyed, more than 10 percent of college students pull their hair at some point, although only 1 percent meets the criteria for trichotillomania.
According to the American Psychiatric Association there are five criteria which must be met in order for trichotillomania to be diagnosed.
There is a subgroup of hair-pullers who do not meet the second and third criteria listed above.
These individuals are less likely to hide their behavior and do not suffer from low self-esteem as frequently as those who meet all of the above criteria.
There is some debate about whether these people have trichotillomania and about whether these criteria for diagnosis of trichotillomania are too restrictive.
Not all line dances are created equal, however, and there are a few criteria that you should take into account when selecting one for your wedding.
With these basic criteria in mind, it's time to create a basic timeline working in reverse.
Most of the same criteria used to evaluate a hip hop dance teacher can be used to evaluate the value of a website or dance DVD.
It also has over 1300 dances listed in the "Dance Charts" database, which is searchable by several different criteria.
You can get a list of line dances and songs based on any of these criteria.
It's hard to make a list of the best dancers in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico because there are so many different criteria to judge.
Using all of these various criteria to select the top names, some dancers are remembered for a performance or two, while others were pioneers in the dance genre or the teaching of the art form.
Any kind of fish will do as long as you follow the red and black criteria.
You can even set up an to get daily job alerts if there's anything posted that matches your criteria.
Once you fill out the simple online form, you'll get email announcements whenever jobs that match your criteria are added to the site.
You can save your favorite job searches, so you don't have to re-enter your criteria every time you want to check for updated job postings.
Visitors can sign up for email and RSS alerts of new jobs that meet the criteria they have established.
The sooner you file your claim, the faster you'll be able to begin receiving benefits (assuming you meet the eligibility criteria).
Once you have entered the search criteria, you'll need to specify whether or not you are a current or former government worker.
Once you have entered your geographic search criteria, you'll see results that list positions available in the specified area.
In most cases, detailed information about the criteria for compensation is available online.
Even though the exact criteria are state specific, there are some general guidelines that apply across the board regardless of where you are applying for benefits.
Once you have specified that you want to look for Kmart employment opportunities you will need to specify criteria for your search in the other boxes provided on the form.
Once you have entered all of your criteria into the form, press the search button at the bottom of the page.
You will be taken to a screen where you will see current Kmart employment opportunities that match the criteria you entered.
Searches can be customized based on specific criteria, including location, necessary skills, position type, and key phrase.
You'll simply need to register with the site, log in, and specify the job criteria that meet your needs.
Email notifications of new positions that match the criteria you entered will be emailed directly to you on a regular basis.
After entering a few details about your credentials and desired work locations, you'll be provided with real-time information about the Cross Country travel nursing job opportunities that match your specific criteria.
In many cases, only people who meet specific income and educational background criteria or those who have certain skills or aptitudes qualify for free employment skills educational programs.
The LNCC Exam Handbook and Application offers details about meeting the criteria for the certification program.
Since AHMCC works with many different lenders, they also work with various approval criteria.
Each lender has different qualifying criteria, and their rates and fees are apt to vary as well.
Different types of leads can also have information such as sales criteria and decision making details.
Periods of time when an applicant is a student are sometimes acceptable, but this is up to the criteria set by the lender.
Each program has different requirements, so it is important for applicants to understand eligibility criteria prior to applying to any of the many available programs.
Countrywide takes the stance that reverse mortgages are a great idea for people who have trouble making ends meet financially, and who qualify for a reverse mortgage based on the aforementioned criteria.
The determination of whether or not your income meets the criteria for one of these programs is based on a combination of household income and size.
Because lending institutions are free to set their own interest rates- and their own criteria for determining interest rates- coming up with an average mortgage rate can be difficult.
However, there are a few ways that rates can be looked at and broken down to determine what you might expect your rate to be, based on several different criteria.
As in the United States, there will be criteria for qualifying for investment property financing.
All of the government programs outlined are available to individuals who meet certain qualifying criteria.
In July 2007, the FDA announced that they would allow people who met certain criteria could participate in a special treatment program called "Treatment IND".
Teen moms are eligible to receive food stamps, Medicaid, and Temporary Aid for Needy Families if they meet certain eligibility criteria.
A study conducted by the Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer showed that women are at a slightly elevated risk for breast cancer if they meet certain criteria, such as beginning to use the pill as a teen.