Crises Sentence Examples
This was one of the gravest crises in Moltke's career.
After a series of changes in the cabinet, and many crises, Menabrea resigned in December 1869 on the election of a new chamber in which he did not command a majority.
The last-named .volume contains Jevons's interesting speculations on the connexion between commercial crises and sun-spots.
When eating disorders are not detected and treated early, severe health crises can arise.
The activity of the prophets was largely called forth by crises in the national history.
For every age consists of crises that seem intolerable to those who live through them.
He handed the phone to me as a manager or hotel big-wig came out of the back to check on the crises.
But somehow, their crises seem superficial, their attitudes to them are soft and easy.
Economic crises also underscore the importance of effective social safety nets.
The coping strategies they learn during this period will be beneficial to them as they experience other crises throughout their lives.
AdvertisementAlthough under the new conditions the Areopagites could not hope to recover their full supremacy, they did exercise considerable political influence, especially in crises.
The readiness with which they were accepted led to over-issue, and, consequently, financial crises.
Queen Christina on this occasion acted exactly as she henceforth did in all ministerial crises.
In a society beset by apparently unfixable crises, it is too soon for the first minister to be done with fixing problems.
There is a great need for a permanent mechanism of preventative diplomacy which is able to identify where crises may occur.
AdvertisementEach year there were crises - increasing weather extremes, crop failures, outbreaks of violence, things going wrong, problems escalating.
Marx argued that the main driving force behind capitalist crises lies in what he called the tendency of the rate of profit to fall.
This plus the continued, almost frantic pace of reform in the NHS is the cause of the crises now emerging across the NHS.
We have developed a new strategic vision to reflect the increasingly global nature of emergency rescue crises.
Finally, the contemporary economic disorder has propelled mankind to live in an age of crisis - political, social, and financial crises.
AdvertisementFor the painful bone crises, analgesics (pain relief ), usually intravenous morphine, were the only choice.
The cycle of capitalist economic crises has traditionally seen workers thrown onto the dole by the financial oligarchs.
Both crises have their roots in the alienation of a whole generation of our young, and especially our ethnic minority, urban poor.
It's a miracle anyone survives past puberty, what with all these global crises.
The report argues that ongoing international crises are causing untold human suffering.
AdvertisementHis small kingdom of Judah enjoyed an unbroken dynasty which survived the most serious crises, a temple which grew in splendour and wealth under royal patronage, and a legitimate priesthood which owed its origin to Zadok, the successful rival of David's priest Abiathar.
The lack of more rapid means of communication hindered the development of the colony and led to economic crises (1898-1902), which were intensified, and in part created, by the building of a railway in the adjacent British protectorate from Mombasa to Victoria Nyanza, the British line securing the trade with the lake.
Accordingly it could make or unmake emperors in crises - at the accession of Claudius in A.D.
It might thus be possible to avoid waste, sudden crises, ruinous competition and foreign commercial dictation.
It was in crises of national anguish that men turned most eagerly to the prophecies, and sought to construe their teachings as a promise of speedy deliverance (see Apocalyptic Literature).
Since the oil crises of 1973 and 1979, Europe had been retreating into protectionism.
You're going to run into criticism and crises and all sorts of situations you've never experienced before, so expect the unexpected.
Also, it helps if he is experienced, as pros can help make the day go smoothly even if crises arise.
This was the favourite shrine of Mary of Guise, who betook herself hither at momentous crises in her history.
This arrangement, which was duly carried out, was avowedly " provisional " and satisfied neither party, leading in Greece especially to the military and constitutional crises of 1909 and 1910.
The times at which crises were to be expected were naturally looked for with anxiety; and it was a cardinal point in the Hippocratic system to foretell them with precision.
Treatment of disease was directed not to any special organ, nor to producing the crises and critical discharges of the Hippocratic school, but to correcting the morbid common condition or "community," relaxing the body if it was constricted, causing contraction if it was too lax, and in the "mixed state" acting according to the predominant condition.
As for the electors, they had the strongest possible motive forresisting the papal claim, because if this were once admitted they would quickly lose their grcrwing importance in the state, Lastly, the cities which had stood behind the Empire in the most difficult crises of its contest with Rome were not likely to desert it now.
At the close of the 19th century both states of the Dual Monarchy were visited by political crises of some severity.
During these years of fiscal prosperity the country suffered much from financial crises caused by industrial stagnation, an excessive and depreciated paper currency and political disorder.
In most cases, you'll stay for a period of three to five days, providing there are no other medical crises.
However, Winfrey was not successful as a reporter, largely because her natural empathy prevented her from asking tough questions of people in crises.
Viewers will get a first-hand look at Baio's mid-life crises, faced with the realization that he hasn't been able to commit to the right woman and may end up alone.
Some patients with severe symptoms receive regular blood transfusions to prevent crises and/or other complications such as stroke and organ damage.
Immunizations for pneumonia and infectious diseases are part of treatment along with prompt treatment for sickle cell crises and infections of any kind.
As medical crises occur, parents will face decisions and emotions related to the possibility of the child dying.
Romantic speeches about love and commitment are common - consider a speech about mid-life crises, distant anniversaries, or humorous aspects of marriage instead.
Prepping dinners in advance can help you avoid the I'm-running-late-and-am-too-tired-to-plan-a-meal crises, which causes us to spend more on meals out than what we could make at home.
While experts often recommend having three to six months worth of living expenses saved in an easily accessible account, having just $500 to $1,000 can help keep unexpected expenses from turning into major financial crises.
These five Army spouses become friends and go on to face many other crises together.
Dealing with last-minute crises or other problems while freeing hosts to enjoy the event with their guests.
They provide the peace of mind that every detail is professionally coordinated and crises can be competently handled.
The three-way attention split will be beaten in his next Star Wars feature, with four competing crises all competing for our attention.
All the other crises resolve to our advantage; the Ewoks help the ground forces destroy the generator, the Rebels' fighters successfully take out the Death Star, and the Empire is no more.
Efforts to hasten this development have created some serious financial and industrial crises, and have burdened the country with heavy debts and taxes.
Economic crises, due in great part to the existing system of excessive armaments, were transforming armed peace into a crushing burden, which peoples had more and more difficulty in bearing.
He had no sympathy with political liberalism, but throughout his long reign of forty-two years, with a constant interchange of ministries and many ministerial crises, he never had a serious conflict with the states-general, and his ministers could always count upon his fair-mindedness and an earnest desire to help them to further the national welfare.
Reactionary as the measure was it enabled the agricultural interest, on which the prosperity of Denmark mainly depended, to tide over one of the most dangerous crises in its history; but certainly the position of the Danish peasantry was never worse than during the reign of the religious and benevolent Christian VI.
Since the outbreak of the Reformation, however, extraordinary crises, calling for immediate decision, might arise at any moment.
This prevents indeed any continuity of policy, for the majority in congress is perpetually fluctuating, and ministerial crises rapidly follow one another.
Hill for the control of the Northern Pacific led to one of the most serious financial crises ever known on Wall Street.
In course of time the popes, under stress of financial crises, claimed the privilege for themselves, though at first only temporarily.
The clock is wound up at the great crises of history, but proceeds to run down, and does so even more rapidly in Protestantism than in Catholicism.
And if freedom of choice be a possibility at all, it must in future be regarded as the prerogative of a man's whole personality, exhibited continuously throughout the development of his character, displayed to some extent in all conscious conative processes, though especially apparent in crises necessitating deliberate and serious purpose.
During this century and a half France passed through two very severe crises; under the first five Valois the Hundred Years War imperilled the kingdoms independence; and under Louis XI.
A levy of 300,000 men was ordered; a Committee of General Security was charged with the search for suspects; and thenceforward military occurrences called forth parliamentary crises and popular upheavals.
To soothe the populace and protect the frontier more was required than the resumption, as in all grave crises of the Revolution, of terrorist measures such as forced taxation or the law of hostages; the new Directory, Sieys presiding, saw that for the indispensable revision of the constitution a head and a sword were needed.
And international response to financial crises is an imperative to limit the contagion of panic and financial losses.
With no clear line of succession in Arab families, succession crises became a common occurence throughout the Middle East.
The natural resources of Guatemala are rich but undeveloped; and the capital necessary for their development is not easily obtained in a country where war, revolution and economic crises recur at frequent intervals, where the premium on gold has varied by no less than 500% in a single year, and where many of the wealthiest cities and agricultural districts have been destroyed by earthquake in one day (18th of April 1902).
The extortions necessitated by these wars for the maintenance of armies and the incompetence of the viceroys brought Egypt at this time into a miserable condition; and the numerous political crises at Bagdad prevented for a time any serious measures being taken to improve it.
From 1885-1886 onwards, outlay on public works, military and colonial expenditure, and especially the commercial and financial crises, contributed to produce annual deficits; but owing to drastic reforms introduced in 1894-1895 and to careful management the year 1898-1899 marked a return of surpluses (nearly 1,306,400).
From the time of Amos downwards the prophets spoke mainly at great historical crises, when events were moving fast and a few years were often sufficient to show that they were right and their opponents wrong in their reading of the signs of the times.
If he enriched himself, he also helped to save France from ruin at more crises than one.