Crimes Sentence Examples
We'd be accusing people of serious crimes!
It's easy to identify specific crimes and follow them up.
His early crimes were rape and that's what caused his arrest.
Even the police, who see the aftermath of terrible, gut-wrenching crimes, aren't forced to watch them actually happening.
Under this system the crimes in a given district were always committed by strangers rendering identification of the criminal difficult and escape easy.
Sardinia has less convictions for serious crimes than any other compartimento of south Italy.
But I read about other horrible crimes and abductions where we never receive a tip.
I'd have to believe someone is smart enough to tie those crimes all together.
Did he brag about specific crimes when you were cellmates?
Either they didn't want to spook him or they don't have any concrete evidence of specific crimes.
AdvertisementFor seven long years Hastings was upon his defence on the charge of "high crimes and misdemeanours."
Society is described as honeycombed with crimes and vices; prophets, priests, princes and the people generally are said to practise unblushingly extortion, oppression, murder, falsehood, adultery (xxii.).
A single case of homicide often leads to a series of similar crimes or to protracted warfare between neighbouring families and communities; the murderer, as a rule, takes refuge in the mountains from the avenger of blood, or remains for years shut up in his house.
He now signalized himself by his dissolute life and the ingenuity with which he contrived to perpetrate forgeries and other crimes without exposing himself to the risk of detection.
The cour dassises occupies itself entirely with offences of the most serious type, classified under the penal code as crimes, in accordance with the severity of the penalties attached.
AdvertisementWhatever crimes might be charged against Charles, his past conduct might appear to be condoned by the act of negotiating with him.
He had aristocratic privileges and responsibilities, the right to exact retaliation for corporal injuries, and liability to heavier punishment for crimes and misdemeanours, higher fees and fines to pay.
They present somewhat similar features with the Salic law, but often differ from it in the date of compilation, the amount of fines, the number and nature of the crimes, the number, rank, duties and titles of the officers, &c. For the Salic law and other Frankish laws, see Salic Law, and for the edict of Theodoric I., which was applicable to the Ostrogoths and Romans, see Roman Law.
Burgundian historians even openly accused the Dauphin, afterwards Louis XI., of her death, and later the enemies of Jacques Coeur, in their search for crimes to be brought against him, used this rumour to charge him with the one crime most likely to turn the king against him.
The death penalty was freely awarded for theft and other crimes regarded as coming under that head; for theft involving entrance of palace or temple treasury, for illegal purchase from minor or slave, for selling stolen goods or receiving the same, for common theft in the open (in default of multiple restoration) or receiving the same, for false claim to goods, for kidnapping, for assisting or harbouring fugitive slaves, for detaining or appropriating same, for brigandage, for fraudulent sale of drink, for disorderly conduct of tavern, for delegation of personal service, for misappropriating the levy, for oppression of feudal holders, for causing death of a householder by bad building.
AdvertisementThe acts of councils of this age are full of the trials of bishops not only for heresy but for immorality and common law crimes.
In regard to crimes delicts (delits) were divided into classes for purposes of jurisdiction.
Clerks were punishable only in the court Christian, except in cases of grave crimes such as murder, mutilation (Fournier, p. 72), and cases called " royal cases " (vide infra).
Kings began to insist upon trying ecclesiastics for treason or other political crimes in secular courts.
It deals with-the secular crimes of spiritual persons, if of importance and if not capital (these last being reserved for the secular forum), and with heresy and schism.
AdvertisementHe was one of those who held that nothing should be done hastily, and that few crimes were worse than the waste of time."
Dio Cassius and Capitolinus charge Faustina with the most shameless infidelity to her husband, who is even blamed for not paying heed to her crimes.
They promised an easy expiation for crimes to both living and dead on payment of a fee, undertook to punish the enemies of their clients, and held out to them the prospect of perpetual banqueting and drinking-bouts in Paradise.
Their habits were simple, and they were disfigured neither by the worst crimes nor by the primitive superstitition of savages.
On the 6th of October Pache, Chaumette, Hebert and others visited him and secured from him admissions of infamous accusations against his mother, with his signature to a list of her alleged crimes since her entry in the Temple, and next day he was confronted with his'sister Marie Therese for the last time.
The original object of the institution of the courts or court seems to have been to prevent or punish piracy and other crimes upon the narrow seas and to deal with questions of prize; tion.
He interceded for Waltheof's life and to the last spoke of the earl as an innocent sufferer for the crimes of others; he lived on terms of friendship with Bishop Wulfstan.
Even if we do not accept all the stories of his murders and poisonings and immoralities as true, there is no doubt that his greed for money and his essentially vicious nature led him to commit a great number of crimes.
A strong force of military police is stationed at Myitkyina, with several outposts in the Kachin hills, and the country is never wholly free from crimes of violence committed by the Kachins.
Accused of attempting to poison the king of France and other prominent persons, and of other crimes, his French estates were seized by order of Charles V., and soon afterwards Navarre was invaded by the Castilians.
In addition to their functions as guardians of the poor, the parish members have to investigate crimes and punish misdemeanours, settle litigations and divide inheritances.
He is also found confirming his old rival Arnulf in the see of Reims; summoning Adalbero or Azelmus of Laon to Rome to answer for his crimes; judging between the archbishop of Mainz and the bishop of Hildesheim; besieging the revolted town of Cesena; flinging the count of Angouleme into prison for an offence against a bishop; confirming the privileges of Fulda abbey; granting charters to bishoprics far away on the Spanish mark; and, on the eastern borders of the empire, erecting Prague as the seat of an archbishopric for the Sla y s.
It has its council of notables, forming a sort of oligarchy which, through the medium of a mayor and two subordinates, directs the interior affairs of the community - policing, recruiting, the assignment and collection of taxes, &c. - and has judicial power in less important suits and crimes.
Dinizulu had been accused of harbouring Bambaata, and in December 1907 the Natal government felt justified in charging him with high treason, murder and other crimes.
Practically the entire code of 7Ethelberht, for instance, is a tariff of fines for crimes, and the same subject continues to occupy a great place in the laws of Hlothhere and Eadric, Ine and Alfred, whereas it appears only occasionally in the treaties with the Danes, the laws of Withraed, Edward the Elder, lEthelstan, Edgar, Edmund and Ethelred.
In the arrangements of the commonwealth the clauses treating of royal privileges are more or less evenly distributed over all reigns, but the systematic development of police functions, especially in regard to responsibility for crimes, the catching of thieves, the suppression of lawlessness, is mainly the object of 10th and 11th century legislation.
Savonarola also proposed a court of appeal for criminal and political crimes tried by the Otto di guardia e balia; this too was agreed to, but the right of appeal was to be, not to a court as Savonarola suggested, but to the Greater Council, a fact which led to grave abuses, as judicial appeals became subject to party passions.
In the Theodosian Code the various crimes which are accounted sacrilege include - apostasy, heresy, schism, Judaism, paganism, attempts against the immunity of churches and clergy or privileges of church courts, the desecration of sacraments, &c. and even Sunday.
Along with these crimes against religion went treason to the emperor, offences against the laws, especially counterfeiting, defraudation in taxes, seizure of confiscated property, evil conduct of imperial officers, &c. There is no formal definition of sacrilege in the code of Justinian but the conception remains as wide.
Oppressed by the weight of his crimes, he summoned the unyielding prior to shrive his soul.
His mission was divinely inspired; and Alexander, elected simoniacally and laden with crimes, was no true pope.
A new Crimes Act, courageously administered by Lord Spencer and Sir George Trevelyan, abolished exceptional crime in Ireland, but completed the breach between the British government and the Irish party in parliament.
But when the development of the Revolution caused a general reaction, he adhered stoutly to his opinion that the Revolution was essentially just and ought not to be condemned for its errors or even for its crimes.
His public life presents none of those acts of devotion and self-sacrifice which often redeem a career characterized by errors, follies and even crimes.
There was also the question whether any one should be punished simply for bearing the name of Christian or only if he was found guilty of "crimes associated with that name."
After a few months he became aware of the crimes of the vizier, and slew him and his sons in a hand-to-hand fight in the palace.
He was very hostile to the king, furnished a Rapport sur les crimes imputes a Louis Ca pet (loth of December 1792), and voted for the death of Louis without appeal or respite.
Livia was suspected of committing various crimes to secure the throne for Tiberius, whereas Augustus naturally favoured the claims of his blood-relatives.
He himself did not get to Stockholm, as the Sailors' and Firemen's Union, whose distrust of Germany was based on practical knowledge of her crimes at sea, refused to permit him to sail.
A code of laws issued by him which is still extant is probably the oldest document in the English language, and contains a list of money fines for various crimes.
This account of the hero's principal labours, exploits and crimes is derived from the mythologists Apollodorus and Diodorus, who probably followed the Heracleia by Peisander of Rhodes as to the twelve labours or that of Panyasis of Halicarnassus, but sundry variations of order and incident are found in classical literature.
All controversies of a civil nature, and any question of personal injury on which a suit for damages will lie, although it may also he indictable, may be referred to arbitration; but crimes, and perhaps actions on penal statutes by ntary common informers may not.
In the year, however, of the Crimes Act 1887, an event took place which was of more intimate personal concern to the queen, and of more attractive import to the country and the empire at large.
Early in 1825 the government was victorious; Kolokotrones was in prison; and Odysseus, the hero of so many exploits and so many crimes, who had ended by turning traitor and selling his services to the Turks, had been captured, imprisoned in the Acropolis, and finally assassinated by his former lieutenant Gouras (July 16, 1824).
The names of thirty-nine others were included in the final acte d'accusation, accepted by the Convention on the 24th of October, which stated the crimes for which they were to be tried as their perfidious ambition, their hatred of Paris, their "federalism" and, above all, their responsibility for the attempt of their escaped colleagues to provoke civil war.
At a subsequent confederation, held at Lublin in June, Zebrzydowski was reinforced by another great nobleman, Stanislaus Stadnicki, called the Devil, who "had more crimes on his conscience than hairs on his head," and was in the habit of cropping the ears and noses of small squires and chaining his serfs to the walls of his underground dungeons for months at a time.
He met his death with patient dignity, having, indeed, disastrously shared the enthusiasms of his age, but taken no share in its crimes.
In these proceedings there was no semblance of respect for law or justice, the Lords yielding (4th of January 1645) to the menaces of the Commons, who arrogated to themselves the right to declare any crimes they pleased high treason.
In June 1278 he was charged with various crimes, including one of poisoning the king's eldest son, and hanged at Montfaucon.
Coming to Judaea, he entered the service of Pontius Pilate as page, and during this period committed the first two of the crimes which had been expressly foretold.
The general population is of a very mixed and turbulent kind; crimes of violence are common, and there are many professional thieves.
Among his works, all of the type indicated, were Justine (1791), Juliette (1792), Philosophie dans le boudoir (1793) and Les Crimes de l'amour (1800).
It disposes of the charges brought against Christians for secret crimes (incest, &c.) and public offences (contempt of the State religion and high treason), and asserts the absolute superiority of Christianity as a revealed religion beyond the rivalry of all human systems.
Education is very backward even in the towns; many of the inhabitants carry arms; and crimes of violence are not infrequent.
Each of his great humiliations followed as the natural result of crimes or blunders.
To violate their sanctity was one of the greatest crimes of which a man could be guilty."
The evil reputation of these festivals, at which the grossest debaucheries took place, and all kinds of crimes and political conspiracies were supposed to be planned, led in 186 B.C. to a decree of the senate - the so-called Senatus consultum de Bacchanalibus, inscribed on a bronze tablet discovered in Calabria (1640), now at Vienna - by which the Bacchanalia were prohibited throughout the whole of Italy, except in certain special cases, in which the senate reserved the right of allowing them, subject to certain restrictions.
The debates on the Crimes Bill and the Irish Land Bill quickly undeceived them, and the steady and even remorseless vigour with which the government of Ireland was conducted speedily convinced the House of Commons and the country that Mr. Balfour was in his right place as chief secretary.
Within the limits of the society there were four grades so distinct that if any one touched a member of an inferior grade he required to cleanse himself by bathing in water; members who had been found guilty of serious crimes were expelled from the society, and could not be received again till reduced to the very last extremity of want or sickness.
It deals with all questions of doctrine and with the repression of heresy, together with those crimes which are more or less of the character of heresy.
In 1764 he published his brief but justly celebrated treatise Dei Delitti e delle Pene (" On Crimes and Punishments").
In a written defence, the famous Apology, published later in the year, William replied at great length to the charges that had been brought against him, and carrying the war into the enemy's camp, endeavoured to prove that the course he had pursued was justified by the crimes and tyranny of the king.
But while it may be admitted that Gregory was inclined to be unduly subservient to the great, so that at times he was willing to shut his eyes to the vices and even the crimes of persons of rank; yet it cannot fairly be denied that his character as a whole was singularly noble and unselfish.
The pope, to whom the Saxons had been encouraged to complain, responded by sending back certain of Henrys messengers, with the command that the king should do penance for the crimes of which his subjects accused him.
It is only fair to say that no real proof was brought that the Socialists had anything to do with either of these crimes, or that either of the men was really a member of the Socialist party; nevertheless, a storm of indignation rose against them.
These crimes necessitate further acts of vengeance, and the curse is thus transmitted from generation to generation.
Criminal statistics, though slowly diminishing, are still high - murders, which are the most frequent crimes, having been 27 per 100,000 inhabitants in1897-1898and 25'23 per 100,000 in 1903, as against 2.57 in Lombardy, 2.00 in the district of Venetia, 4.50 in Tuscany and 5.24 in Piedmont.
Murders and other grave crimes are rare, but petty larcenies are very common.
Although the degree of insecurity prevailing in the provinces was greatly exaggeratedserious crime in 1907 being less than in the preceding yearan increasing number of crimes were left untraced to their authors.
It is certain, from documents, that Douglas was always in the royal entourage from June 1451 to January 1452, so that stories of insults and crimes committed by him at this period seem legendary.
As constable of Dundee he secured the commutation of the death penalty on minor offenders under his jurisdiction, and his expressed maxim was " in the greatest crimes it is thought wisest to pardon the multitude and punish the ringleaders."
Severus loses no opportunity for laying stress on the crimes and follies of rulers, and on their cruelty, though he once declares that, cruel as rulers.
Their origin, their previous crimes or virtues, their avarice or brutality, were indifferent to him so long as they served him loyally.
Prison management is essentially a local concern, but some general features are common to all states, such as the rule that while petty offenders and prisoners awaiting trial are under county and city jurisdiction, the state takes charge of all persons convicted of serious crimes.
We allow the faults and crimes of his early manhood, his cruelties and deceptions, his readiness to sacrifice everything that came between him and the end he had in view.
In the case of Senlis he extended the jurisdiction of the commune to all crimes committed in the district.
The disgrace to his name is indelible that on the 19th of March 1792, when the perpetrators of the massacre of Avignon had been introduced to the Assembly by Collot d'Herbois, Vergniaud spoke indulgently of their crimes and lent the authority of his voice to their amnesty.
He also founded several religious houses, among them the abbeys of Beaulieu, near Loches (c 1007), of Saint-Nicholas at Angers (1020) and of Ronceray at Angers (1028), and, in order to expiate his crimes of violence, made three pilgrimages to the Holy Land (in 1002-1003, c. 1008 and in 1039).
In the excited temper of the times any defender of justification by faith was looked upon by the old school as heretical; and Pole, with the circle at Viterbo, was denounced to the Inquisition, with all sorts of crimes imputed to him.
John (Johann Bockelson) of Leiden (1510-1536) took his place and the town became the scene of the grossest licence and cruelty, until in 1535 it was taken by the besieging bishop. Unhappily the Anabaptists have always been remembered by the crimes of John of Leiden and the revelry of Munster.
He excuses the crimes of kings who protected the church, such as Clovis, Clotaire I.
Sanguinary crimes were thus of everyday occurrence in the royal household; and frequently it was merely a matter of chance whether the father anticipated the son, or the son the father.
The administration of justice throughout the Union is vested in a minister of state who has all the powers of the attorneygenerals of the several colonies at the time of the Union, save that power as to the prosecution of crimes is vested in each province in an official appointed by the governor-general in council and styled the attorney-general of the province.
This feeling explains his detestation of foreign manners and superstitions, his loathing not only of inhuman crimes and cruelties but even of the lesser derelictions from selfrespect, his scorn of luxury and of art as ministering to luxury, his mockery of the poetry and of the stale and dilettante culture of his time, and perhaps, too, his indifference to the schools of philosophy and his readiness to identify all the professors of stoicism with the reserved and close-cropped puritans, who concealed the worst vices under an outward appearance of austerity.
But the prevailing impression we carry away after reading him is that in all his early satires he was animated by a sincere and manly detestation of the tyranny and cruelty, the debauchery and luxury, the levity and effeminacy, the crimes and frauds, which we know from other sources were then rife in Rome, and that a more serene wisdom and a happier frame of mind were attained by him when old age had somewhat allayed the fierce rage which vexed his manhood.
Suffrage requirements are citizenship in the United States, registration and residence in the state for six months and in the county for thirty days immediately before election, but mental deficiency, conviction of infamous crimes (without restoration to rights of citizenship), bribery or attempt at bribery, bigamy, living in " what is known as patriarchal, plural or celestial marriage," or teaching its validity or belonging to any organization which teaches polygamy,' are disqualifications.
Having published in 1801 The Crimes of Cabinets, or a Review of the Plans and Aggressions for Annihilating the Liberties of France, and the Dismemberment of her Territories, an attack on the military policy of Pitt, he moved, in 1802, from England to Paris.
Paupers, idiots, insane persons and persons who are convicted of crimes which exclude them from being witnesses and who have not been pardoned and restored to civil rights are disfranchised.
The court of oyer and terminer is a higher criminal court, and has cognizance of all crimes and offences whatever.
The court leet was a court of record, and its duty was not only to view the pledges but to present by jury all crimes that might happen within the jurisdiction, and punish the same.
Feats of arms, great battles, heroic virtues, devoted friendships and atrocious crimes make the chronicles of China in the 5th, 6th and 7th centuries before the birth of Christ as attractive as those of France and England in the 14th and some other centuries after it.
Jules Lemaitre, a less sympathetic critic, finds in the extraordinary crimes of his heroes and heroines, his reactionary views, his dandyism and snobbery, an exaggerated Byronism.
Idiots, insane persons and persons convicted of serious crimes are disfranchised.
It was prepared in both French and English, as was required by the necessities of practice in Louisiana, and actually consisted of four codes - crimes and punishments, procedure, evidence in criminal cases, reform and prison discipline.
The state, for all its elaborate structure, did not assume jurisdiction in relation to any crimes except political ones, such as treason or the disturbance of a large assembly.
For crimes against property the usual penalty, as in breach of contract, was generic restitution, the quantity, subject to modifying circumstances, being twice the amount taken or destroyed.
See the 113th canon of 1604, which, however, excepts crimes "such as by the laws of this realm the priest's own life may be called into question for concealing the same."
In the Persian tradition the crime of Cambyses is the murder of his brother; he is further accused of drunkenness, in which he commits many crimes, and thus accelerates his ruin.
At this moment came a sudden and incalculable diversion; Harolds turbulent brother Tostig, banished for his crimes in 1065, was seeking revenge.
He had been wayward, unwise and occasionally revengeful; but his provocation had been great, and if few tyrants have used more violent and offensive language, few have committed such a small list of actual crimes.
No prince with a sinister reputation would have had the chance of executing the series of crimes which placed him on the throne.
The second parliament of the reign (1626) impeached Buckingham for crimes against the state.
He treated the struggle as one simply for the establishment of free institutions; and when at last the crimes of the leaders became patent to the world, he contented himself with lamenting the unfortunate fact, and fell back on the argument that though England could not sympathize with the French tyrants, there was no reason why she should go to war with them.
The six years that followed the great rout of the orthodox Whigs were years of repose for the country, but it was now that Burke engaged in the most laborious and formidable enterprise of his life, the impeachment of Warren Hastings for high crimes and misdemeanours in his government of India.
The story of Hastings's crimes, as Macaulay says, made the blood of Burke boil in his veins.
Though averse at all times to taking up parliamentary reform, he thought all such projects downright crimes in the agitation of 1791-1792.
When Myrtilus claimed his promised reward, Pelops flung him into the sea near Geraestus in Euboea, and from his dying curse sprang those crimes and sorrows of the house of Pelops which supplied the Greek tragedians with such fruitful themes (Sophocles, Electra, 505, with Jebb's note).
The Assembly offered a feeble resistance to these crimes.
Yet Turreau's crimes were almost surpassed by Carrier, the representative on mission at Nantes, who, finding the guillotine too slow in the destruction of his prisoners, adopted the plan of drowning them wholesale.
That a revolution largely inspired by generous and humane feeling should have issued in such havoc and such crimes is a paradox which astounded spectators and still perplexes the historian.
Crimes of violence are almost unknown, and the only common breach of law is the killing of tame reindeer belonging to other owners.
To meet the obvious objections to this method, based on the immediate happiness caused by admitted crimes (such as " knocking a rich villain on the head "), he lays stress on the necessity of general rules in any kind of legislation;' while, by urging the importance of forming and maintaining good habits, he partly evades the difficulty of calculating the consequences of particular actions.
As compared with the earlier assize it prescribes greater severity of punishment for criminal offences; arson and forgery were henceforth to be crimes about which the jurors are to enquire; and those who failed at the ordeal were to lose a hand as well as a foot.
In German legend Ermanaric became the typical cruel tyrant, and references to his crimes abound in German epic and in Anglo-Saxon poetry.
Crimes committed at an oenach could not be commuted by payment of fines.
The clue was obtained by a private examination of suspected persons under the powers given by the Crimes Act.
Trevelyan had been appointed chief secretary in May 1882, and in July the Crimes Prevention Act was passed for three years on lines indicated by Lord Cowper.
In May it was intended to renew the Crimes Prevention Act, but before that was done the government was beaten on a financial question by 264 to 252, Parnell and 39 of his followers voting with the Conservatives.
The Crimes Prevention Act expired on the 12th of July, and the want of it was at once felt.
The attempt to govern Ireland under what was called " the ordinary law " was necessarily abandoned, and a perpetual Crimes Act was passed which enabled the lordlieutenant to proclaim disturbed districts and dangerous associations, and substituted trial by magistrates for trial by jury in the case of certain acts of violence.
The steady administration of the Crimes Act by Mr Balfour gradually quieted the country.
The Crimes Act, which had already been relaxed, was altogether suspended, and the proclamation declaring the National League illegal was revoked.
A bill to repeal the Crimes Act of 1887 was read a second time in the Commons by 60, but went no farther.
Another Crimes Act Repeal Bill passed the second reading in May by only 222 to 208.
Some prosecutions were undertaken, but the government was much criticized for not using the special provisions of the Crimes Act; and in April 1902 certain counties were " proclaimed " under it.
The government was determined not to use the Crimes Act, and the result was that offenders nearly always went unpunished, benches of magistrates being often swamped by the chairmen of district councils who were ex officio justices under the act of 1898.
Idiots, insane persons, paupers, convicts and persons convicted of certain crimes (enumerated in the constitution) and not pardoned by the governor are disqualified from registering or voting.
They are without intoxicating liquors and are said to commit no crimes.
Typhon's later career, " committing dreadful crimes out of envy and spite, and throwing all things into confusion," was parallel to the proceedings of most of the divine beings who put everything wrong, in opposition to the being who makes everything right.
Though the crimes of Nero and the catastrophes which resulted from his downfall, provoked the troubles of the year A.D.
When the law of the 20th of April 1888 established trial by jury for most crimes and deticts, 49 audiencias criminales, one in each province, were created; these are a sort of assize held four times a year.
Trial by jury was re-established for most crimes and offences.
Not the least ominous symptom was the attitude of the officers, who, irritated by newspaper attacks on their conduct in Catalonia more especiaily, demanded that all crimes against the army should be tried by the councils of war.
He introduced sumptuary laws; relieved the poor by distributions of bread and meat, proceeded with great severity against informers and embezzlers; began the construction of various public works and buildings; and proclaimed a general amnesty for political crimes.
The details are variously related, and have undergone legendary embellishment, but the murder of Papinian, which took place under Caracalla's own eyes, was one of the most disgraceful crimes of that tyrant.
After residence in the state for three years divorce may be obtained on grounds of fraudulent contract, desertion, neglect for three years, adultery, cruelty, intemperance, imprisonment for life and certain crimes.
Then followed a long period of confusion, in which, by means of conspiracies and crimes of every kind, the Malatesta succeeded in becoming masters and tyrants of Rimini.
It is only just to record that, although Malatesta's intrigue with Isotta had long been notorious to all, and he had never sought to conceal it, no one ever accused her of either direct or indirect complicity in her lover's crimes.
Unsolved murders, robberies, burglaries and all matter of crimes occurred daily but Howie turned a deaf ear to expanded involvement.
Miss Reagan was steadfast, that in spite of the absence of answers, the tips continued to solve crimes and find children.
She possessed little grasp of Howie's limitations, causing her to wonder about the choice of crimes where tips were received.
Consider this as an example of my brilliance; "After," is an organization designed to follow up on unresolved crimes, many being pursued because of mysterious tips from my nemesis.
We don't monitor Canadian crimes.
Damian granted him his god-powers after the Schism, whereas Jule was expelled from the divine world for crimes he'd never discussed.
He will be absolved of any crimes he ever committed.
The derisively small number of people made amenable for these crimes have been released under the Belfast agreement.
There was impunity for crimes against humanity by former heads of state.
You cannot profit from the proceeds of crimes that take place abroad.
The effect, rather than a commendable attempt to resist offering facile explanations, is to glorify the crimes and make them seem acceptable.
An identity card would do little to solve the biggest problem for police - linking individuals to crimes.
By accepting Liberian exports as legitimate, the international diamond industry actively colludes in crimes committed or permitted by the Liberian government.
Were they to get no comeuppance for their crimes?
Its aim is to foster cooperation on the growing number of transborder crimes.
Can you say what causes people to commit crimes?
What was required was another form of punishment for serious crimes.
First, while the situation has improved markedly in recent years, many countries lack substantive laws that specifically criminalize computer crimes.
At the upper extreme crimes become cruel, filthy, beastly and disgusting, smiles become malicious and voices venomous.
There are many Terrorists in the world today and some of them are guilty of some truly despicable crimes.
Will Smith continue to commit crimes, will he become more law-abiding, or will he become more skillful at evading detection?
Stamford Holmes is a reluctant consulting detective in a modern age where the crimes are mundane, not offering challenge.
The man was a brutal dictator who committed terrible crimes against his people.
Environmental crimes affect significant numbers of people, while the range of laws governing such crimes crosses the public/private law divide.
Article 7 Genocide and the other acts enumerated in Article 3 shall not be considered as political crimes for the purpose of extradition.
China has long been criticized by environmentalists for a litany of environmental crimes.
Why does one Victorian murderer still exert such world-wide fascination in an age hardly short of its own violent crimes?
What did those charged with capital crimes think, as they sought justice from a system which stood them before an experienced amateur hangman?
This has provided an opportunity for both the MPA and partnerships to learn from the widespread work to address hate crimes.
Amnesty International reports that LGBT Jamaicans seldom get justice, with the police often colluding with the perpetrators and ignoring homophobic hate crimes.
The way the crimes were commited were especially heinous during that period in time.
The language finally implodes in the face of the worst crimes, .. .
My own suspicion is that the Americans may try for a war crimes indictment against Saddam Hussein.
I had traveled this far and survived, so why shouldn't I see for myself the crimes of mans inhumanity to man.
An ongoing study suggests that around 2.5 million crimes may be committed annually in Glasgow by heroin injectors.
He was declared innocent of any crimes by the court.
How many violent crimes are committed by the estimated 500,000 Americans who experience antidepressant induced mania each year?
There are vivid accounts of harsh sentences meted out for crimes that today would warrant no more than a caution.
A better way to make sure people tell the truth in court is to make perjury the most serious of crimes.
The US is proposing itself to try Iraqi prisoners for war crimes committed against its own troops.
United Nations chief war crimes prosecutor Carla del Ponte, who was in Belgrade, called the arrests a " brilliant operation " .
The scrutiny therefore recommends that consideration is given to widening the remit of Operation Trident to include gun crimes on all minority ethnic communities.
A POLICEMAN who drugged and sexually abused a schoolgirl is behind bars after being jailed for 12 years for his " deviant " crimes.
The youngest swingers in town Golf is hipper than ever - especially now the game's worst fashion crimes are history.
Linguists solve crimes, champion the underdog and even help secure the future of humanity.
It is certainly not about solving crimes or catching villains.
He is charged with conspiracy to commit war crimes, murder and terrorism.
There's a strong whiff of which crimes the public is most cross about in this policy decision.
To protect yourself from crimes involving the energy of the Sun, you need to affirm the strength of your own willpower.
Nineteen judges elected for terms of eight years in eighteen circuits compose the circuit court, the judges of which have original jurisdiction of matters involving more than $50; of all cases of habeas corpus, mandamus, quo warranto and prohibition; of all cases in equity; and of all crimes and misdemeanours.
In penal cases its jurisdiction extends to all offences of the class known as dClitsoffences punishable by a more serious penalty than the contraventions dealt with by the juge de paix, but not entailing such heavy penalties as the code applies to crimes, with which the assize courts (see below) deal.
These countries have created a hierarchy of temporal courts competent to deal with every matter of which law takes cognizance, and a penal code which embraces and deals with all crimes or delicts which the state recognizes as offences.
This diversity of jurisdiction, and subjection of the clergy only to the sentences of judges bribed by their esprit de corps to judge leniently, led to the adoption of a scale of punishments for the offences of clerks avowedly much lighter than that which was inflicted for the same crimes on laymen; and this in turn led to the survival in England, long after the Reformation, of the curious legal fiction of benefit of clergy (see below), used to mitigate the extreme harshness of the criminal law.
Although the dominant position of Lysander had been broken in 403 by King Pausanias, the Spartan government gave him all the support which was possible without going into open war against the king; it caused a partisan of Lysander, Clearchus, condemned to death on account of atrocious crimes which he had committed as governor of Byzantium, to gather an army of mercenaries on the Thracian Chersonesus, and in Thessaly Menon of Pharsalus, head of a party which was connected with Sparta, collected another army.
His enemies accused him before a synod of French bishops (602) for keeping Easter according to the old British and now unorthodox way, and a more powerful conspiracy was organized against him at the court of Burgundy for boldly rebuking the crimes of King Theuderich II.
The Hindus also regard the dog as unclean, and submit to various purifications if they accidentally come in contact with it, believing that every dog is animated by a wicked and malignant spirit condemned to do penance in that form for crimes committed in a previous state of existence.
The Salic Law is pre-eminently a penal code, which shows the amount of the fines for various offences and crimes, and contains, besides, some civil law enactments, such as the famous chapter on succession to private property (de alode), which declares that daughters cannot inherit land.
He was essentially an amiable man, who hated the zeal for an impossible orthodoxy that constrained "the church to institute a search after crimes which have not betrayed an existence, yea, and to drag into open contentions those who are meditating no evil."
His policy was that of "coercion" - the fearless administration of the Crimes Act, - coupled with remedial legislation; and he enforced the one while he proceeded with the other, regardless of the risk of outrage outside the House and of insult within.
In addition to parricide or murder we can hardly doubt that all other crimes fell within the jurisdiction of the quaestors; political crimes only seem to have been excepted.
Though it has at times denied this spirit, been guilty of crimes, persecutions, wars and greed - still the Church has never quite forgotten him who went about doing good, nor freed itself from the contagion of his example.
Frederick, accused of heresy, blasphemy and other crimes, called upon all kings and princes to unite against the pope, who on his side made vigorous efforts to arouse opposition in Germany, where his emissaries, a crowd of wandering friars, were actively preaching rebellion.
Patterns in crimes will be discovered.
Millions of men perpetrated against one another such innumerable crimes, frauds, treacheries, thefts, forgeries, issues of false money, burglaries, incendiarisms, and murders as in whole centuries are not recorded in the annals of all the law courts of the world, but which those who committed them did not at the time regard as being crimes.
How is it that millions of men commit collective crimes--make war, commit murder, and so on?
On these three considerations alone is based the conception of irresponsibility for crimes and the extenuating circumstances admitted by all legislative codes.
Opposite the Bluecoat formerly stood a Bridewell or House of Correction where " petty crimes " were punished by confinement and hard labor.
His crimes against humanity are of the most heinous character and are of the most repugnant acts known to humankind.
World revulsion at evidence of the Holocaust, which unfolded in 1945, ensured that there were going to be trials for war crimes.
The rotund 75-year-old man had known for months he was under investigation for war crimes.
Context There is a strong link between drug misuse and crimes such as shoplifting, burglary, vehicle crime and theft.
But they can have their sins forgiven while they suffer the just consequences of their crimes.
She must be sterilized to prevent her from perpetrating her crimes upon more innocent children.
They, above all, are supposed to protect the interests of society by ensuring appropriate and measured responses to their crimes.
The youngest swingers in town Golf is hipper than ever - especially now the game 's worst fashion crimes are history.
Her investigations involve secrets, scandals and supernatural happenings; forgotten tragedies and buried crimes.
Two lawsuits filed by former workers at the facility allege that the Air Force used the veil of secrecy to cover up environmental crimes.
Since von Below was never accused of any war crimes, his heirs might also find a sympathetic ear in American courts.
Hamdan is one of 14 people designated for a war crimes trial.
I believe he is facing war crimes charges, punishable by death.
The administration 's support for the war crimes initiative was first disclosed by the Los Angeles Times.
There 's a strong whiff of which crimes the public is most cross about in this policy decision.
The serial killer was found guilty and given an indictment for his crimes.
The burglar partly blames his actions on his uncle, the abettor of his crimes.
While some states actually have strong legislative wording which protects a woman's right to nurse her baby, other states simply leave out breastfeeding in public when listing the crimes that fall under indecent exposure or obscenity.
Holiday shopping crimes increase because the opportunities increase.
Find out the types of shopping crimes that happen and what you can do to protect yourself.
Whether the following shopping crimes happen to you or around you, it's still beneficial to pay attention and take precautions.
You login to this website by accident and as soon as you do, the site send all your login information to the scammer and he or she is privy to whatever information is on the site.Other holiday shopping crimes include deception.
Identity theft crimes are often categorized into five types to help both consumers and law enforcement.
As implied by the name, this is when thieves use identity theft to help them get away with crimes.
After all, police officers are used to people saying they are innocent of crimes when they aren't.
It is also one of the fastest growing crimes in the country.
Since identity theft is a complicated crime and can also be used to commit other crimes along with it, it can be hard to tell what the penalties are.
Many states classify all identity theft related crimes as felonies, which can be punishable by serious prison time.
No one wants to be a victim of bank fraud or identity theft, but unfortunately, these crimes do occur.
Perpetrators of these crimes, which can bring its victims to financial and personal ruin, do not discriminate by nationality; bank fraud and identity theft occur all over the globe.
Bank fraud and identity theft unfortunately occurs frequently, and these white-collar crimes are often committed over periods of years and can go unnoticed for quite some time.
The latest information regarding punishment for these crimes comes from this agency.
You can also enter your address under the Neighborhood Watch tab and find out if any of your neighbors have committed crimes and what those crimes were.
You can check your neighborhood or potential neighborhood out online to see if any criminals live there and what their crimes were.
Under the mystery category you'll find Hostile Makeover which is based on the Crimes of Fashion series by Ellen Byerum.
According to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service, they are responsible for up to 80 percent of the crimes committed in many areas, and their numbers show no signs of declining.
While pranks are often good, clean fun, some go too far and end up involving vandalism, bodily injury, hurt feelings and even crimes.
Criminal Code with crimes relating to drinking and driving.
Yes, crimes are committed, even in Alaska.
Other celeb scandal fodder includes the stars committing heinous and serious crimes.
Other atrocities human rights groups attribute to Karimov's regime include torture, boiling people to death and other various monstrous crimes against humanity.
Clumsy Crooks - Browse photos and learn more about the crimes the celebs have been charged with.
Law enforcement, campus security, and campus administrators may review web cams to prevent crimes or catch criminals after students report crimes.
Courses on this topic teach students to understand the statutes related to federal crimes, violent crimes and terroristic threats.
Internet crime is a term law enforcement agencies use to refer to crimes that are either committed or facilitated through the use of the World Wide Web.
The U.S. Department of Justice also has a page with additional information on how to report Internet crimes.
Reportable crimes fall within this category, and staff must provide appropriate supervision for students to keep them to a minimum.
Certain types of employees are more prone to be victims of violent crimes than others.
Thompson has also attempted to link violent crimes with video games, claiming they are "murder simulations" on which people train to kill.
Players controlled a thug who would steal cars and commit other crimes to gain popularity in the gang underworld.
While cruising through the town, gamers will be able to fight a series of crimes and help the citizens of Metropolis.
The people who performed these atrocious crimes are much older than elementary-aged children, but there has been a lot of talk about the fact that they may have been playing violent video games since they were very young.
Publicized crimes involving childhood abductions, although rare occurrences, frighten many parents and make them unsure about how best to protect their children.
A higher proportion of abused than nonabused delinquent youth are also involved in crimes of assault.
High-profile crimes such as the Columbine High School shootings have made most people much more acutely aware of the potential danger involved in young people acting out in a highly antisocial manner.
Moreover, many factors other than those that cause acting out may contribute to these crimes.
Behavioral problems studied included use of drugs and alcohol, running away, sexual acting out, and arrests and convictions for crimes.
They exhibit a fierce loyalty to other gang members and are highly resistant to change, even after arrest and detention for gang-related crimes.
Rape and sexual assault are violent crimes, and children and adolescents constitute a large number of the victims of these crimes.
When the perpetrator is a family member, these crimes are also referred to as incest.
In a study of more than 500 children, University of Michigan researchers discovered that children who were viewed as the most aggressive by their peers at age eight grew up to commit increasingly more serious crimes as adults.
Miami, Florida, reported that over 70 percent of 13- to 16-year-olds prosecuted for crimes were truant.
In addition, they have found habitual truants are more likely to belong to gangs and participate in violent crimes and assaults.
Caution is urged because these data banks also contain such petty crimes as traffic violations, records that should have been expunged, and records for those whose cases were discharged and may have been found innocent.
You can use court records to learn about crimes and divorces.
In recent decades, DNA testing has made countless news headlines for its help in establishing paternity, solving crimes, and identifying potential genetic diseases and conditions.
Know where to be on guard against kidnappers, terrorism, and petty crimes against foreigners.
In September 2007, the United States Department of State issued a warning against traveling to Nepal due to terrorism and other crimes committed for political reasons.
Don't forget to thoroughly research the lifestyle within the country you're considering to find out if you would be comfortable there, or perhaps even a target for crimes.
The FBI is involved in crimes like terrorism, cyber crime, organized crime, kidnapping, inter-state crime and crimes that violate federal law.
Don't think of it as an easy job, though - particularly in state and national parks, park ranger details are often the first responders to major crimes, and they have to handle the situation until more help arrives.
Criminologists analyze patterns, statistics and behaviors of criminals to predict future behaviors and help prevent future crimes.
The majority of army prisoners were there for short-term incarceration for desertion and lesser crimes although some were confined for longer periods and for more serious offenses.
For those that engage in sexual activities, a school uniform may help to prevent their promiscuous behavior, while ensuring the opposite sex does not view them as a sex symbol, which may also help to prevent sexual abuse crimes.
Just one year after the school uniform policy was implemented all crimes on school property (vandalism, sex offenses, theft, weapons possessions, etc.) decreased significantly.
The film is based on the crimes of serial killer Ed Gein and stars Anthony Perkins and Janet Leigh.
Saving the world, however, soon became passé and the age of the super spies passed quietly to the likes of the Godfather as medical mysteries were supplanted with murder mysteries, crime sprees and sudden, violent crimes and shootings.
Major storylines included battles with alcoholism, fake deaths, suicide, homosexuality, mental illness and violent crimes.
Jason Stackhouse was suspected of the crimes and for a time, even Jason believed he was guilty.
Adam conspired with Jack to set Victor up for murder, he failed and went to jail for his crimes.
In 2005, viewers learned that Daniel Colson, Nora's husband was hiding a homosexual affair as well as having committed numerous crimes (including murdering Paul Cramer and Jen Rappaport).
This can lead to crimes being committed and subsequent incarceration.
These crimes are difficult to prosecute because most criminal organizations operate overseas where cooperation between the U.S. and other nations is lacking.
While they are committing crimes, they display a page on their website that lists all the ways in which they donate money to charities, or practice environmentally sustainable practices.
Additionally, police and federal marshalls often seize vehicles from criminals who commit certain crimes such as contraband (drugs).
Churches are not immune to natural disasters and crimes, and especially in a state like California, it is important to have adequate insurance coverage for the church building and the people who work and volunteer there.
On the UK release of the first album, he would be credited as "Tory Crimes", a tongue in cheek reference to his lack of interest in politics.
But what you may not realize is that the sellers of those bags are actually committing federal crimes that have serious world consequences.
She currently works on sex crimes and missing person cases.
She is known for her interview skills with victims of highly personal, sensitive crimes and for her ability to crack cases.
Before working sex crimes and missing persons, Bower was the only woman on the BSO Diving Rescue team.
She responds to 911 calls, so the crimes she encounters vary greatly.
They are fully eligible to arrest shoplifters or other suspects for different crimes.
He is licensed to use guns, force and police procedures in crimes.
Crimes they encounter range from domestic violence to theft to stolen cars.
Psychic Investigators follows the police as they try to solve murders and other crimes through the use of psychics.
She spends much of the series fighting the case, but ultimately pleads guilty to the crimes in exchange for a light sentence.
Each of the four women featured on the show is working to rebuild her life and adjust to a new normal after her spouse gets sent to prison for crimes that are allegedly mafia related.
Virginia deals with many violent crimes and criminals, including gang members and drug dealers.
And with the soul came the guilt associated with his many crimes.
Angel's journey dealt with his need to atone for past and current crimes (particularly those associated with his slip back to Angelus on two occasions).
There have been many reports of sex offenders looking for (and sometimes finding) new victims on the site, and reports of other crimes have been bragged about, sometimes in advance of the crime, on MySpace and other social networking sites.
Along with crimes such as burglary, social networking site users may fall prey to stalking and other threats to their safety.
Today the Carabinieri serve as a special branch of the army and deal with criminal investigations in serious crimes and are considered military police.
While they didn't detail their crimes, both spoke of ruining their lives because of sins of the flesh.
His prestige as a minister, already injured by these two blows, suffered further during the autumn and winter from the cattledriving agitation in Ireland, which he at first feebly criticized and finally strongly denounced, but which his refusal to utilize the Crimes Act made him powerless to stop by the processes of the "ordinary law"; and the scandal arising out of the theft of the Dublin crown jewels in the autumn of 1907 was a further blot on the Irish administration.
The crimes of his vicar Ezzelino, who laid whole provinces waste and murdered men by thousands in his Paduan prisons, increased the horror with which he was regarded.
By the Central Criminal Court Act 1834, cognizance of crimes committed within the jurisdiction of the admiralty was given to the central criminal court.
By an act of 1844 it has been also given to the justices of assize; and crimes done within the jurisdiction of the admiralty are now tried as crimes committed within the body of a county.
In that rough age crimes of violence predominated, and the king's justiciars regularly perambulated the land in search of offenders, and decimated every village which refused to surrender fugitive criminals.
Preventing violent crimes and crimes against the weak usually take precedent over fraud and economic crimes.