Cried Sentence Examples
She almost cried in relief.
She cried out in pain.
I cried out and my throat suddenly blazed in sharp pain.
You haven't even cried yet.
Sofia crawled into bed and cried again.
She covered her face with her hands and cried.
Toby cried in shock and pried her away.
I cried a lot and begged and told him I wanted to be with him.
Her heart cried out to him as he walked away.
The lackey bit into her other arm, and she cried.
AdvertisementThe ache of loss had faded a little over the past two weeks, but she still cried herself to sleep at night.
She cried for what seemed like an interminable time.
He cried for the first time since his mother had passed away 15 years earlier.
Some other officers, who had seen the whole affair, cried out to the captain, Shame!
Thrice will I overthrow it and thrice re-establish it! he cried, raising his voice higher and higher.
AdvertisementShe cried so often that when she finally went to bed, she was exhausted.
Some of them cried, and the wild man of Borneo shrank from her sweet little face in terror.
Tim was the quiet one and when Jim cried, everyone on the block knew he was unhappy.
He stayed up and she cried herself to sleep again.
After church, he rode out alone on Ed and she cried some more.
AdvertisementThey clung to each other desperately and cried.
Jenn cried out, her body bucking from waves of agony.
For the first time since she left the immortal world, she cried.
He held her until she cried herself free of tears, and her body relaxed in his arms.
Yully cried from the second floor, where she all but hung over the railing.
AdvertisementJenn rolled, ran into the wall, and cried out as he split her back.
Jonny cried, moving towards them.
He broke down and cried quietly for his father and their men, wondering how he could make it across the ocean alone.
Destiny cried every time Carmen left.
Shifting her position to relieve a cramp in her hip, she twisted the injured shoulder and cried out in pain.
A little voice deep inside cried that if he couldn't be in control, he would leave her.
The twins and even Destiny cried about every small thing that didn't go their way.
The first few days after you left, I cried all the time.
Don't move! the assistant cried.
Jessi cried, starting forward.
In reply to a complaint of his violence he cried, "Come, come, I will put an end to your prating.
Tetzel's efforts irretrievably damaged the complicated and abstruse Catholic doctrine on the subject of indulgences; as soon as the coin clinks in the chest, he cried, the soul is freed from purgatory.
They cried out that he was unworthy of his office, and pelted him with the citrons which they were carrying as the Law prescribed.
As he was reading the Law at the feast of tabernacles he burst into tears at the words " Thou mayest not set a stranger over thee which is not thy brother "; and the people cried out, " Fear not, Agrippa; thou art our brother."
It cried Crusade when there was no Crusade; and the long Crusade against the Hohenstaufen, if it gave the papacy an apparent victory, only served in the long run to lower its a It is difficult to decide how far Arabic models influenced ecclesiastical architecture in the West as a result of the Crusades.
The planters and mine proprietors cried out against this as a national calamity.
He has often been called the Voltaire of the East, and cried down as materialist and atheist.
When the people shouted " Long live King Amador," he cried out " Long live John IV.," and took refuge in a convent.
The Franciscans began to urge fantastic' objections, and, when Savonarola insisted that his champion should bear the host, they cried out against the sacrilege of exposing the Redeemer's body to the flames.
When Carnot's arrest was demanded in May 1 795, a deputy cried "Will you dare to lay hands on the man who has organized victory?"
Almost immediately the entire assembly with one voice cried out anathema on the impious Nestorius and his impious doctrines, and after various extracts from the writings of church fathers had been read the decree of his exclusion from the episcopate and from all priestly communion was solemnly read and signed by all present, whose numbers had by this time swelled to one hundred and ninety-eight.
This did not make Mary Tudor any more friendly,and,although the story that Elizabeth favoured Courtenay and that Mary was jealous is a ridiculous fiction, the Spaniards cried loud and long for Elizabeth's execution.
Lord Wiltshire, the queen's father, exultingly cried out, " So, did I not tell you, my lords, that you would find this matter true ?"
But he was instantly on his feet again, cried with a loud voice that it was well with him, and set every one an example of duty by remaining on deck till the fight was over.
The demoniacs showed a strange faculty of recognition, and cried that He was " the holy one of God," and " the Christ," but He silenced them at once.
A great darkness shrouded the scene for three hours, and then, in His native Aramaic, Jesus cried in the words of the Psalm, " My God, My God, why has Thou forsaken Me?"
At another time Clarke on looking out at the window saw a grave blockhead approaching the house; upon which he cried out, "Boys, boys, be wise; here comes a fool."
But this arrangement was cried down as a revolutionary departure from all established precedent; and he had much ado to secure the compromise that doctrines and practical reforms should be simultaneously discussed.
On the 23rd of July the two Bandieras and their nine companions were executed; they cried Viva l'Italia!
He began by compelling the people of Madrid to give up emptying their slops out of the windows, and when they objected he said they were like children who cried when their faces were washed.
He cried out in answer to them, hour after hour, "Never, never; not for thousands of worlds; not for thousands."
The hatred of the Macedonian party towards Demosthenes, and the fury of those vehement patriots who cried out that he had betrayed their best opportunity, combined to procure his condemnation, with the help, probably, of some appearances which were against him.
The soldiers themselves, discontented after Austerlitz, cried out for peace after Eylau.
The singular weakneas of the government revealed by this abdication of part of the essential functions of the civil power would have led to its speedy downfall, but for the truce cried during the festivities connected with the marriage of the king with Princess Victoria Eugnie Ena of Battenberg, which took place on the 31st of May.
Hogni's heart was then cut out, the victim laughing the while; but when Gunnar saw it he cried out that now he alone knew where the hoard was and that he would never reveal the secret.
How long she sat there and cried, she couldn't say, but gradually the sobs subsided.
She cried excitedly when he reached her.
I have vague recollections of beating the crap out of you while you cried your eyes out and pounded your fists in despair.
Civil liberties people cried foul at what they dubbed psychic invasion of privacy.
He resisted the urge to reach out to her as he did Sofi when the Oracle cried after a particularly brutal session with Darian's bad memories.
Czerno demanded, snatching her arm so hard she cried out.
Hannah cried, pointing to the doorway they.d just passed to one of the mid-level floors.
I've cried every day since I lost him.
We've all cried enough tears to fill a bathtub already.
Britannia story and cried over them dying.
I read SB the Boudicca Britannia story and cried over them dying.
She just recently cried cos she can''t eat the cakes and chocolates that we had.
By ignoring divisive cried a little production telecommunications and using a new.
I noticed it myself, " cried the young duke, pushing his boyish face into the inmost ring.
People sat in the corners, men and women, and just cried and cried, ' said an eyewitness.
At first his wife cried because the house was so filthy, with drawings on the walls and bacon fat all over.
I laughed, I cried, I had to do pelvic floor exercises.
So Livy and Clara (Spaulding) sat down forlorn, and cried, and I retired to a private, place to pray.
When it struck the gun holster of Prince George of Hesse William cried, " The poor prince is killed.
A right bonny lassie sang but the man, a baritone he cried his sel, would have been better singing dumb Archie thought.
I have often cried out loud in sheer misery at the hopelessness of life, my life.
I took up an oar and tried to quell the mutiny; I cried no!
We have five myriads of drilled men -- " " We have arms, " cried Lincoln.
Many have cried nepotism, but Gibbo dismisses this as " Total bollox " .
The House of Commons, cried he, is a house of landed proprietors.
The next day in school I cried for something silly.
Up jumped the swagman and plunged into the billabong, You'll never take me alive, cried he.
In the light cast onto the path, a small, long, slender spotted tabby cried to be let in.
For the first time in years, Jonathan " Jack " O'Neill had cried.
Therefore, cried Tommy stroked his woes were forgotten.
Father Garnet cried, 'We are all utterly undone ' .
In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Mr Blair has cried wolf a number of times in the past few years.
Next to her, a young man sat on the kerbside, his body wracked in grief as he cried and cried.
Alexander could now accomplish the first part of the task belonging to him as captain-general to the Hellenes, that liberation of the Greek cities of Asia Minor, for which Panhellenic enthusiasts had cried out so long.
Natasha suddenly cried, and again burst into sobs.
She is the first person in this house; she's my best friend, cried the prince.
Now what are you dawdling for? she cried to the maids.
I shall tell! cried Sonya, bursting into tears.
Don't you understand? she cried.
Natasha cried angrily, in a voice of despair and repressed irritation.
She cried as she said good-by to Uncle, Sonya remembered.
Hurrah!... he cried, and emptying his glass flung it on the floor.
Let's go! cried Anatole.
Before Rostov had decided what to do with him, the officer cried, "I surrender!"
Be quiet, I tell you! cried the count, with a glance at his wife, who had turned pale and was staring fixedly at her son.
That's not right! cried the prince, and himself pushed it a few inches from the corner and then closer in again.
For Christ's sake think of us! cried his wife, referring to the rumors of war and the enemy.
Old dotard!... cried he.
Traitors! cried Rostov unmeaningly in a voice not his own, gripping Karp by the collar.
Kutuzov suddenly cried in an agitated voice, evidently picturing vividly to himself from Prince Andrew's story the condition Russia was in.
The Iberian Mother of God! someone cried.
What are you waiting for? he cried angrily to the dressers.
Press, Vasilich, press hard! she cried.
To the devil, the devil, the devil... cried the old count.
You'll sit on the box, won't you, Petya? cried Natasha.
Stop, stop! she cried to the coachman.
This is wonderful! she cried, holding out her hand to him.
Our King of Naples, who knows what's what, cried 'Bravo!'
Sonya had cried and begged to be forgiven and now, as if trying to atone for her fault, paid unceasing attention to her cousin.
Haven't you seen a child? cried Pierre.
He cried like a child when the doctor told him the case was dangerous.
Why do you come in without being called? cried Nicholas, quickly changing his attitude.
Little Nicholas cried because his heart was rent by painful perplexity.
The countess and Sonya cried from pity for Natasha and because he was no more.
The old count cried because he felt that before long, he, too, must take the same terrible step.
May I stay with you? cried Petya.
I was quite forgetting! he suddenly cried.
Petya cried, stopping outside the door.
I'll go with you! cried Petya.
Yes, yes, certainly! cried Petya, blushing almost to tears and glancing at Denisov.
Natasha!... cried the countess.
She cried as a child does, because her nose had to be cleared, and so on.
Fancy giving the command of the Semenov wegiment to a fellow like that Schwa'tz! he cried.
The Greeks mythologised it as the tears of Apollos daughters, solidified when they cried for their dead brother Phaeton.
Jennifer Lopez has confessed how she cried and sulked to try to avoid shooting a topless sex scene.
On the cross he cried, 'My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
Therefore, cried tommy stroked his woes were forgotten.
Father Garnet cried, 'We are all utterly undone '.
He cried out in anguish when they lost the football game.
Decorating is a fun but at times frustrating activity, and at some point during the process you've probably thrown up your hands and cried out, "Give me some ideas on interior design!"
One day he even made me laugh so hard I cried.
I sat down on the hotel floor and I just cried.
People magazine reports, "Nicole cried all the way to the church in the car and then she cried all during the ceremony and had to wipe her eyes under the veil."
Attorneys for Burnett and CBS cried foul however, stating they purchased the rights to the name fair and square from the person who holds the trademark.
The Man Who Cried (2000) - Cate Blanchett won Chloturdis, Florida Film Critics and National Board of Review Awards.
Destiny cried harder, clinging to her hands and trying to get back into her arms.
She woke with a sob, and then cried until the dark mood retreated.
And an infant baby cried.
The young woman I didn't know cried out but was quickly silenced by my knife.
A voice from the other stall cried out the name Julie, but I had opened it too, and with knife at the woman's throat, calmly told her to adjust her clothing and come with me.
Bianca cried out in surprise as Talon unloaded on Toni.
He kneaded her breasts, wanting nothing better than to suckle her until she cried out in ecstasy.
She wondered if the dead man in her head, Darian, felt this way when he cried.
He couldn't sleep when she cried.
Two sat down on his bed and stared into the darkness, unable to sleep when she cried.
She cried and kept talking, her sentences punctuated by sobs.
Fire tore through her, and she cried out.
When he took her hand, she almost cried.
She cried out, body convulsing under waves of pleasure intense enough to push her towards unconsciousness.
When I got home, I played it over and over, a hundred times, I'll bet, and just cried and cried.
She'd never cried as a goddess.
She rested back on the bed and cried.
She almost cried out in relief.
For a while she cried, and then she finally slept.
You can't tell me I didn't see him! she cried.
She cried out, and the other three pried him off.
Daniela cried, and flew past her toward the rocks.
She cried out and arched, blinded by pain as he held her against the wall.
Hannah cried out and scampered to the far side of the bathroom.
She cried until too tired to cry more, then leaned against the pod, feeling as if her skin was frying despite the shade.
Instead, she cried, feeling more alone than she had since leaving earth.
She'd cried for two days before finally realizing on day three that no one was coming for her.
The doe cried out again and heaved, expelling the tiny body.
As he slid away, his belt buckle gouged into her stomach and she cried out in pain.
She curled up on her bed and cried herself to sleep.
If she cried, if she pleaded - he would pity her.
After chores, she went to bed and cried herself to sleep.
The wild dog cried out sharply once and dropped.
Lana cried and shoved away.
Her heart soared, and she almost cried out at being rescued.
Lana cried for a long time, shaking.
She cried herself into a restless sleep.
Lana sank onto the bed and cried again.
Lana cried and tossed the vault to Charlie.
I cried for three days.
My grandmother died and I cried for days...
He stopped when I cried and he left when I told him to.
And yet, afterward, he held her close, comforting her while she cried.
In fact, she had no idea why she cried.
When you cried, I thought it was because you lost your innocence.
When dawn lit up the sky in front of her, she cried.
At first she cried almost non-stop.
Pain ripped through her shoulder and she cried out.
His fingers dug into her arms and she cried out involuntarily.
Ashley cried, dashing out of her room.
Edwards' famous sermon at Enfield in 1741 so affected his audience that they cried and groaned aloud, and he found it necessary to bid them be still that he might go on; but Davenport and many itinerants provoked and invited shouting and even writhing, and other physical manifestations.
The donkey, seeing the horse pulling an old cart full of cow manure cried out " Oh, what happened to you?
When I cried he gave me a dog daisy, told me not to tell my mom and to creep round the back way.
Faced with this growing international movement, some have cried foul.
Their greetings were unanswered, and they cried out against Florus.
According to the story in Acts xii., Agrippa, gorgeously arrayed, received them in the theatre, and addressed them from a throne, while the audience cried out that his was the voice of a god.
I'll race the miserable wooden donkey any day in the week! cried the cab-horse.
After that, whenever the children were hungry, they cried out, "Becos! becos! becos!" till the shepherd gave them something to eat.
Wolf! they cried, as they met another farmer coming over the hill.
Kill him! kill him! cried the mob.
Nancy was a bad child when I went to Memphis she cried loud, I whipped her with a stick.
The doll cried, too, and stretched out its arms from among the green branches, and looked distressed.
Mr. Clemens told us many entertaining stories, and made us laugh till we cried.
We laughed until we cried, she was so serious about it.
Good man! cried he, addressing Pierre.
I'll do the same thing! he suddenly cried.
I know who has been intriguing--I know! cried the princess.
Who? cried the prince.
Rostov waved his cap above his head like the German and cried laughing, "Und vivat die ganze Welt!"
I lost yesterday like a damned fool! cried Denisov, not pronouncing his r's.
Look at me, cried Denisov who, unable to keep still on one spot, kept turning his horse in front of the squadron.
For Christ's sake let me alone! cried the wounded man, but still he was lifted and laid on the stretcher.
You serpent! cried several voices.
Come back early to dinner, cried several voices.
Sacre nom...! cried he angrily.
Steady! he cried to his fidgeting horse.
The young count! he cried, recognizing his young master.
All rose and cried "Hurrah!"
Nonsense! cried the count, suddenly reddening with an apoplectic flush over neck and nape as old people do.
Don't come in, Papa! she cried to her father as he opened the door--speaking from under the filmy skirt which still covered her whole face.
Charming! cried Natasha, as she stood in the middle of the room smoothing out the folds of the gauze.
How happy I am! cried Natasha, shedding tears of joy and excitement and embracing her mother.
Nicholas cried in despair.
Don't make jokes! cried Anatole, suddenly rolling his eyes.
Don't let those devils get it! he cried, taking some bags of flour himself and throwing them into the street.
Reading an ukase! cried voices in the crowd, and the people rushed toward the reader.
Pull up, I tell you! he cried in a piercing voice, and again shouted something breathlessly with emphatic intonations and gestures.
She never cried from pain or vexation, but always from sorrow or pity, and when she wept her radiant eyes acquired an irresistible charm.
Natasha cried, and her eyes glittered coldly and vindictively.
The same year, she starred in the TV film She Cried No with Mark-Paul Gosselaar (Saved by the Bell), where she portrayed a college freshman who was drugged and date raped at a fraternity party.
What would the sitter do if the baby cried for an hour or more?
When Hines saw the young man receive the award, he cried, speaking later of the continuing cultural heritage that had been shared.
Despite the fact that these tracks could not be downloaded and customers were listening to music for which they had already paid, the recording industry cried foul and sued.
Most of the contestants felt that Rebecca was "fake" and that when she cried or showed emotion, that she was just doing it for attention.
I think it was then that I cried, twenty-five years later.
He never cried, but intense emotion painted his expression.
The impulse gone, I fell down and cried for her to take me up in her arms.
I almost cried, it was all so real and tragic.
She hadn't cried in years, unless it was out of pain from a particularly bad beating.
Sofia almost cried in relief.
Deidre cried, heart racing.
She cried out as he turned yet another corner and his fading yellow light receded into darkness.
The bear cried out and stood on its hind legs, bawling at him.
She cried until she could control herself, wiped her face, and drew several shuddering breaths.
Dean cried, struggling to maintain his precarious position.
I am sorry for them because they cried much.
Martha cried and laughed and hugged each of us, one by one.
She cried again, snuffling and wiping at her nose before she pushed herself off the chair.
She cried as if she was losing him.
Sometimes at night she still hugged his pillow and cried herself to sleep.
She'd cried herself senseless before falling into a sleep too heavy to bring her any real rest.
Hannah cried, pointing to the doorway they'd just passed to one of the mid-level floors.
Turning her face to the shower, she cried again.
I must have cried out as everyone crowded around the single viewing unit.
Her hope flagged, and she cried then tried again.
When we crossed over to the Canadian side, I cried, "God save the Queen!"
She cried until she was too tired to cry more and drifted into a vision, reliving the few moments she spent with Jilian.
Bianca cried, seeing the man as well.
She cried for a few minutes then forced herself up.