Creepers Sentence Examples
The bush contains also numerous creepers, one of the most common being known as the armo.
Of the creepers, a crimson-berried variety is known as the pepper climber.
Some crazy styles to consider are Manson, Rave, Creepers and Darth.
In the dense jungles of the south are immense creepers, some of them rubber-vines.
The sandhills on the verge of the ocean are carpeted with creepers and the wild convolvulus.
If you're looking for edible wild berries in the U.S. or Canada, most will be found on low bushes and creepers.
In the " bush " are found tufts of tall coarse grass with the space between bare or covered with herbaceous creepers or water-bearing tubers.
It is, however, well covered with flowering creepers, which give it a charming appearance in summer.
He listens to the sound of sea birds He listens to the sound of dry creepers tapping on the window pane.
The jeans come in an ultra skinny fit and are designed to be worn with brothel creepers, a leather jacket and a quiff.
AdvertisementYou might also try to entice tree creepers, owls or house martins with a purpose built home for one of these species.
Behind my lashes, behind my dewy peepers Words interweave like rustling jungle creepers.
Rebel Girlz sells a wide variety of boots including rockabilly creepers, punk combat boots, oxblood boots and industrial boots.
The vegetation is mostly of a tropical Indo-Malayan character - thick jungle with great trees covered with creepers and epiphytes.
In large towns, that can mean creating rooftop spaces or growing ivy and other creepers over concrete walls.
AdvertisementRed squirrel and common woodland birds, including tree creepers and great-spotted woodpeckers, visit our feeders daily.
The shores of the larger islands are fringed in some parts with a dense barrier of mangroves, backed by an often impenetrable thicket of tropical undergrowth, which, as the ridges are ascended, give place to taller trees and deep green bushes which are covered with orchids and trailing moss (orchilla), and from which creepers hang down interlacing the vegetation.
Besides the grass and the creepers the bush is made up of berry-yielding bushes (some of the bushes being rich in aromatic resinous matter), the wait-abit thorn and white thorned mimosa.
Deep valleys winding through the barren foothills lead gradually up to the higher mountains, and as the track ascends the scenery and vegetation change their character; the trees which line the banks of the wadi are overgrown with creepers, and the running stream is dammed at frequent intervals, and led off in artificial channels to irrigate the fields on either side; the steeper parts of the road are paved with large stones, substantially built villages, with their masonry towers or da y s, crowning every height, replace the collection of *mud walls and brushwood huts of the low country; while tier above tier, terraced fields cover the hill slopes and attest the industry of the inhabitants and the fertility of their mountains.
Many trees offer magnificent displays of flowers at certain seasons of the year; perhaps the loveliest effect is derived from the bushes and trailing creepers of the Combretum genus, which, during the "winter" months from December to March, cover the scrub and the forest with mantles of rose colour.
AdvertisementThe Samoan forests are remarkable for the size and variety of their trees, and the luxuriance and beauty of tree-ferns, creepers and parasites.
In some instances travelling belts or creepers have been adopted, which deliver the coal with a reduced amount of breakage, but this application is not common.
Among the indigenous trees are the Abies excelsa, Abies microsperma, Pinus sinensis, Pinus pinea, three species of oak, five of maple, lime, birch, juniper, mountain ash, walnut, Spanish chestnut, hazel, willow, hornbeam, hawthorn, plum, pear, peach, Rhus vernicifera, (?) Rhus semipinnata, Acanthopanax ricinifolia, Zelkawa, Thuja orientalis, Elaeagnus, Sophora Japonica, &c. Azaleas and rhododendrons are widely distributed, as well as other flowering shrubs and creepers, Ampelopsis Veitchii being universal.
An ascent made by Dr Honda of the imperial university of Japan showed that, up to a height of 6000 ft., the mountain is clothed with primeval forests of palms, banyans, cork trees, camphor trees, tree ferns, interlacing creepers and dense thickets of rattan or stretches of grass higher than a man's stature.