Creator Sentence Examples
God, as the only selfsubsistent and necessary being, is the creator of all things.
The cavalry consisted of the famous Hussars, or light horse, of which he may be said to have been the creator, and the heavily armed mounted musketeers on the Czech-German model.
I am Victor, your creator and master.
But this idea involves the further conception of Leibnitz, that of a pre-established harmony, by which the Creator has taken care to arrange the life of each monad, so that it agrees with that of all others.
No single man appears as creator of the tendency of thought they represent; they are the product of a period extending over several centuries, but they form an intellectual unity, and presuppose a great body of thinkers.
As Brahma is the creator and Vishnu the preserver, so Siva is the destroyer.
God alone, the uncreated creator of all, has true being.
He is represented as the god and creator of good, light, intelligence, in perpetual opposition to Ahriman the lord of evil, darkness and ignorance.
In a world without abundance, socialism removes the one reliable creator of abundance—the individual profit motive—and that results in a lower standard of living for everyone.
By " God " he meant the Creator.
AdvertisementThis identity was held to be due to an ultimate law of nature or the Creator's plan.
Similarly the Armenian writer Gregory Magistros (c. 1040) accuses the Thonraki of teaching that "Moses saw not God, but the devil," and infers thence that they held Satan to be creator of heaven and earth, as well as of mankind.
We should think of him also as the creator and master of Latin style - and, moreover, not only as a great orator but as a just and appreciative critic of oratory.
Boris has often been called the creator of serfage in Russia, but in reality he merely accelerated a process which was the natural result of economic conditions.
From time to time efforts were made by those who believed that the Creator must have followed a symmetrical system in his production of animals to force one or other artificial, neatly balanced scheme of classification upon the zoological world.
AdvertisementHe taught, "There is but one God, the Creator, whose name is true, devoid of fear and enmity, immortal, unborn and self-existent, great and bountiful."
Mithras was through his deed the creator of life.
The end of creation is that man may have this conjunction and become the image of his Creator and creation.
Afterwards, the creator and the mother-egg became respectively the sun and the moon, represented by the Inca priest-king and his wife, the supposed descendants of Manco Capac. 11 Dualistic tendencies were also developed.
The creatures, however like, are not the same as the Creator and His thoughts.
AdvertisementWeber, whose Metaphysik, completed in 1891, starting from the ego and the analysis of consciousness, aims at arriving at the distinction between spirit and nature, and at rising to the spirit of God the Creator.
On this assumption of the eternity of the world, God could not be a Creator.
Aquinas thought, as an article of faith, that the world began, and that God is its Creator.
The great objection to pantheism is that, though ostensibly it magnifies the Creator and gets rid of the difficult dualism of Creator and Creation, it tends practically to deny his existence in any practical intelligible sense.
Eschatology was universalized (God was recognized as the creator and moral governor of all tic the world), individualized (God's judgment was directed, not to nations in a future age, but to individuals in a future life), transcendentalized (the future age was more and more contrasted with the present, and the transition from the one to the other was not expected as the result of historical movements, but of miraculous divine acts), and dogmatized (the attempt was made to systematize in some measure the vague and varied prophetic anticipations).
AdvertisementPhilo, however, pushing his principles to their full consequences, shows that unless we assumed (or knew) beforehand that the system of nature was the work of a benevolent but limited deity, we certainly could not, from the facts of nature, infer the benevolence of its creator.
Such a view is essential to any theistic view of the universe which postulates God as the Creator, omniscient and all-good.
Instead of baptizing in the name of the Trinity, he baptized in the name of the Creator and into the death of Christ.
After an analysis of the religious consciousness, which yields the doctrine of an absolute personal and spiritual God, Rothe proceeds to deduce from his idea of God the process and history of creative development, which is eternally proceeding and bringing forth, as its unending purpose, worlds of spirits, partially self-creative and sharing the absolute personality of the Creator.
He chooses this order so as to work up to a climax of error and absurdity in heathen worship. The direct natureworship of the Chaldeans is shown to be false because its objects are works of the Creator, fashioned for the use of men.
After a reference to their descent from Abraham and their sojourn in Egypt, Aristides praises them for their worship of the one God, the Almighty Creator; but blames them as worshipping angels, and observing "sabbaths and new moons, and the unleavened bread, and the great fast, and circumcision, and cleanness of meats."
Re was not only the creator of the world, but he was also the first king of Egypt.
He enjoyed great repute as a creator, and was supposed to use the potters wheel for the purpose.
As the author of "the spiritual regulation" for the reform of the Russian Church, Theofan must, indeed, be regarded as the creator of "the spiritual department" superseding the patriarchate, and better known by its later name of "the holy synod," of which he was made the vice-president.
His numerous writings were much esteemed, especially by the evangelical party, to which he belonged; the best known are his Treatise on the Records of Creation and the Moral Attributes of the Creator (London, 1816) and The Evidence of Christianity derived from its Nature and Reception (London, 1821).
He bore the surname of "Horse Neptune" (Hoo-a6c7w 17r7rcos), and was regarded as the tamer as well as the creator of the steed.
Thus they made man the creator of the absolute.
There was an apparent conflict in him of the critic and the creator, but the conflict was superficial.
It is not God as abstract, infinite and eternal, as the far-away creator of the universe, or even as the ruler of the world, which Paul worships, but it is God revealed in Jesus Christ, the Father of Jesus Christ, the grace and mercy in Jesus Christ which deliver from evil.
With emphasis upon God as creator and ruler, and upon man as made in God's image, endowed with an unending existence, and subject to eternal torture if not redeemed, the concept of personality has been exalted at the expense of that of nature, and the future has been magnified at the expense of the present.
The lot falls on Jonah, who has been roughly awakened by the captain, and when questioned frankly owns that he is a Hebrew and a worshipper of the divine creator Yahweh, from whom he has sought to flee (as if He were only the god of Canaan).
The argument of these books, however, depends in turn upon the assumption of a benevolent Creator desirous of communicating with His creatures for their good; and the Natural Theology, by applying the argument from design to prove the existence of such a Deity, becomes the foundation of the argumentative edifice.
That the theory of the triple manifestation of the deity was indeed only a compromise between Brahmanical aspirations and popular worship, probably largely influenced by the traditional sanctity of the number three, is sufficiently clear from the fact that, whilst Brahma, the creator, and at the same time the very embodiment of Brahmanical class pride, has practically remained a mere figurehead in the actual worship of the people, Siva, on the other hand, so far from being merely the destroyer, is also the unmistakable representative of generative and reproductive power in nature.
He further maintained that God is not at one and the same time Father, Son and Spirit, but, on the contrary, has been active in three apparently consecutive manifestations or energies - first in the rp60-corov of the Father as Creator and Lawgiver, then in the 7rpovcoro-v of the Son as Redeemer, and lastly in the 7rp6vcairov of the Spirit as the Giver of Life.
This he did by setting aside the spurious gospels, purging the real gospel (the Gospel of Luke) from supposed judaizing interpolations, and restoring the true text of 2 On the relation of matter to the Creator, Marcion himself seems not to have speculated, though his followers may have done so.
Coleridge was in England the creator of that higher criticism which had already in Germany accomplished so much in the hands of Lessing and Goethe.
Under his hand the most trifling subjects gained a new importance; yet he treated the gravest with a touch so light that he seemed to have invented the sciences rather than learnt them, for he was always a creator, always original, and himself was imitable of none."
With the virtuous life was further to be conjoined a humble disposition to adore the Creator, avoiding all factitious forms of worship as worse than useless.
And nothing can be more misleading than to assume that the belief in a Creator, existent wholly apart from the work of his hands, was characteristic of the deists as a body.
The word " palingenesis " or rather " palingenesia " may be traced back to the Stoics, who used the term for the continual re-creation of the universe by the Demiurgus (Creator) after its absorption into himself.
The latter is also the creator of the world, the god of the Jews, and the author of the Old Testament.
The link by which they are connected is of a higher and immaterial nature; and their connexion is to be sought in the view of the Creator himself, whose aim in forming the earth, in allowing it to undergo the successive changes which geology has pointed out, and in creating successively all the different types of animals which have passed away, was to introduce man upon the surface of our globe.
A fine setting of the hymn "Veni, Creator Spiritus" was given at Birmingham in 1891, and the oratorio Bethlehem in 1894.
The first class comprehends those upon which his fame chiefly rests; for although he did not possess the genius of D'Anville, he may be regarded as the creator of modern Statistical Geography.
The Stoics indeed sought, more or less consciously, by their doctrine of the Logos as the Infinite Reason to escape from the belief in a divine Creator, but Philo, Jew to the core, starts from the Jewish belief in a supreme, self-existing God, to whom the reason of the world must be subordinated though related.
Jacobi, accepting the law of reason and consequent as the fundamental rule of demonstrative reasoning, and as the rule explicitly followed by Spinoza, points out that, if we proceed by applying this principle so as to recede from particular and qualified facts to the more general and abstract conditions, we land ourselves, not in the notion of an active, intelligent creator of the system of things, but in the notion of an all-comprehensive, indeterminate Nature, devoid of will or intelligence.
The higher order of minds dwelt with preference upon the beneficent wisdom of the Creator.
Angelo, Tyran de Padoue (1835), the last of the tragic triad to which their creator denied the transfiguration of tragic verse, is inferior to neither in power of imagination and of style, in skill of invention and construction, and in mastery over all natural and noble sources of pity and of terror.
Frederick the Great continued his father's work, and is the real creator of the modern splendour of the town, to which all his successors have contributed.
This Spirit was the creator of all subordinate beings, and alone has immediate communion with the Deity.
With this stroke Marduk became the creator of the world, including mankind - again setting aside the far older claims of Bel to this distinction.
As the creator of the world, the New Year's festival, known as Zagmuk and celebrated at the time of the vernal equinox, was sacred to him.
As a creator of aught but romantic incident, indeed, Cooper's claims to renown must rest on the fine figure of the Leatherstocking, and, in a less degree, on that of his friend and companion, the Big Serpent.
He, however, "regarded Mark not only as the first narrator, but even as the creator of the gospel history, thus making the latter a fiction and Christianity the invention of a single original evangelist" (Pfleiderer).
Yet they have never been without some distinct recognition of a supreme being, whom they call Andriamdnitra, " The Fragrant One," and Zanahc ry, " The Creator " - words which are recognized all over the island.
As a creator Cagn is sometimes said to have " given orders, and caused all things to appear to be made."
The Zulus are great worshippers of ancestors (who appear to men in the form of snakes), and they regard a being called Unkulunkulu as their first ancestor, and sometimes as the creator, or at least as the maker of men.
As creator of man, Ptah is a frog.
This reminds one of the Ananzi or spider creator of West Africa.
He was the actual creator of the communes, although an interested creator, since they made a breach in the fortress of feudalism and extended the royal authority far beyond the kings demesne.
Such a mind is not in the theological sense a creator, yet the onward movement is not the same as what some modern thinkers seem to mean by development.
We cannot certainly assign to him more than four or five (Deus Creator Omnium, Aeterne rerum conditor, Jam surgit hora tertia, and the Christmas hymn Veni redemptor gentium) of those that have come down to us.
Religious thinkers are faced by the problem of the Creator and the created, and the necessity for formulating a close relationship between God and man, the Infinite and Perfect with the finite and imperfect.
In the Trimurti, Brahma (the impersonal) is manifested as Brahma (the personal creator), Vishnu (the preserver), and Siva (the destroyer).
Satan is, however, held to be a creature who has by abuse of his freedom been estranged from, and opposed to his Creator, and who at last will be conquered by moral means.
He wrote Rational Psychology (1848), System of Moral Science (1853), Empirical Psychology (1854), Rational Cosmology (1858), Creator and Creation, or the Knowledge in the Reason of God and His Work (1872), Humanity Immortal (1872), Logic of Reason (1874).
The site has word look up, a rhyming dictionary, verse creator, experiments, games, puzzles and much more.
In related Wonder Woman news, a big screen adaptation is in the pipeline penned by Buffy The Vampire Slayer creator Joss Whedon.
Ninth, there is the insight that the creator seeks affirmation, not confirmation, of the appropriateness of a course of action.
Here, surprisingly, as we glimpse his grief our natural antipathy toward the creator of this chaos turns in on itself.
All, even the highest archangel, are servants, and so must all ever be, except the Creator Himself.
However, I can't believe in an intelligent designer or creator, so I'll have to believe in evolution.
The date commemorates the birthday of Jean-Georges Noverre (1727 - 1810 ), the creator of modern ballet.
Contact an expert holiday creator Your online concierge will help you create your individual holiday experience and to ensure that your holiday exceeds expectations.
Maybe they wanted to become more closely connected to this special place by joining in on the Creator's workmanship!
God never fails - he is the almighty creator.
God, since He is the omnipotent creator, has absolute control over those whom He has created.
Furthermore, both are monotheistic, believing in only one righteous and transcendent creator God.
Each religion have some unique claims that seem to offer some special significant indication that they were relayed from the divine creator.
God, in most versions at least, is supposed to be a loving creator; two characteristics that immediately invite skepticism.
Which, of course, is not the case with a supernatural creator who might or might not exist.
Comments Comments provide additional details and guidance for the metadata creator.
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This means that a creator deity must be a reasonable hypothesis.
And how could a loving creator create creatures with such obvious defects, that are entirely explicable by natural selection?
Young turned creator with a corner from the right and the division's leading marksman Marlon King met the set-piece with a thumping header.
Creator Diane English left the show to produce other projects; her light touch was missed, as the show became more heavy-handed.
You have no intercessor between you and your Creator.
Such personal introspection leads to remembrance of the Creator and inspires a commitment to spiritual improvement over the next twelve months.
Douglas Lindsay is the creator of Barney Thomson; the world's funniest ex barber serial killer.
I think that a belief in a creator God is perfectly logical.
I find it very hard not to believe in an intelligent creator behind such magnificence.
Dark Horse Comics presents Museum of Terror, a series of horror stories by Japan's foremost creator of horror manga.
Another customers a said morris who creator of the.
There is a DVD creator so if you are into editing video you can create quite neat DVD menu's very fast.
The proposal of the ecumenical patriarchate adds a further occasion of celebrating the Creator.
The initial patrimony may be increased by the creator of the foundation, hereinafter called the founder, or by any other person.
Databases are rather picky creatures; one key letter read wrong by the database creator can throw a huge monkey wrench into your search.
And the creator's providence over his creatures may be likened to the human father's care and tenderness toward his children.
Will takes the rap Will the creator of modern music please stand up?
Luria detailed a drama of universal redemption in which all souls would eventually return home to their divine creator.
The resale right enables the creator to claim a royalty on the resale of the work, following its first transfer by the creator.
Yet while Bentley motor cars are widely revered, their creator, Walter Owen Bentley, is largely unknown.
Schwartz Stories A new musical revue featuring the songs of Stephen Schwartz, creator of the West End hit, Wicked.
Understandably they thought something supernatural had happened and they turned their heroes into God - the creator of the universe.
The cultural totality within which a people lived was their creator.
To believe in God the creator is to accept trusteeship of the earth.
Stade indeed (Z.A.T.W., 1903, pp. 176178) maintained that the conception of Yahweh as creator of the world could not have arisen till after the middle of the 8th century as the result of prophetic teaching, and that it was not till the time of Ezekiel that Babylonian conceptions entered the world of Hebrew thought in any fulness.
The exhortation to remember the Creator in the days of youth, though it is to be retained in the margin as a pious editorial addition, here interrupts the line of thought.
The worship of the heavenly bodies, for instance, was given to man at an early stage that he might rise from a contemplation of these sublime objects to the worship of the Creator.
In a later hymn Amen-Ra is confessed as " the good god beloved, maker of men, creator of beasts, maker of things below and above, lord of mercy most loving."
The 2nd century is the age of the two great grammarians, Apollonius Dyscolus (the founder of scientific grammar and the creator of the study of Greek syntax) and his son Herodian, the larger part of whose principal work dealt with the subject of Greek accentuation.
Whereas Leibnitz confined a large area of the world to wholly unconscious perceptions, and therefore preferred to call the souls of inorganic beings " Entelechies," Fechner extended consciousness to the whole world; and accordingly, whereas Leibnitz believed in a supramundane Creator, " au dessus du Monde " and " dans le Monde," Fechner, in the spirit of Schelling, identified God with the soul of the world.
Cleanthes, pointing out that from a nature thoroughly evil we can never prove the existence of an infinitely powerful and benevolent Creator, hazards the conjecture that the deity, though all-benevolent, is not all-powerful.
In later times, by a misinterpretation of his name (or from the identification of the Greek god with the ram-headed Egyptian god Chnum, the creator of the world), he was pantheistically conceived as the universal god (TO 'ray).
God is reinterpreted, and in place of an extra-mundane creator is an omnipresent life and power.
In Plato 8rlµcovpyos is the name given to the "creator of the world" (Timaeus, 40) and the word was so adopted by the Gnostics (see Gnosticism).
Prayer, however, is regarded as an impertinent interference with the Creator; while, at the same time, instead of the fatalistic predestination of Mahommedanism, the freedom of the human will is distinctly maintained.
If we are to regard the Egyptian myths about the gods in animal shape, and about the non-natural superhuman heroes, and their wars and loves, as esoteric allegories devised by civilized priests, perhaps we should also explain Pund-jel, Qat, Quawteaht, the Mantis god, the Spider creator, the Coyote and Raven gods as priestly inventions, put forth in a civilized age, and retained by Australians, Bushmen, Hottentots, Ahts, Thlinkeets, Papuans, who preserve no other vestiges of high civilization.
In the future, we will paint surfaces with substances full of nanites that will absorb sunlight and turn it into electricity, transforming any object we paint into a clean energy creator.
Consists of hundreds of letters hand written in many segments over a number of years by Bruce Roberts, the creator of synthetic rubies.
Prolific in invention and skillful in arts, as if. he were a creator, he can make the elements he subdues.
Is there a Creator, other than Allah, to give you sustenance from heaven or earth?
The Christian doctrine of the triune creator God cannot be verified scientifically, it is a theological idea, not a scientific thesis.
Club 9 is uproarious slice-of-life, fish-out-of-water comedy as crafted by the inimitable creator of What's Michael?
The Baby Einstein Company is the creator of Baby Bach videos.
The company's creator, Julie Clark, sought to create products that helped children discover humanities and the world.
The creator of this breed, Paul Casey, next set about breeding the resulting kittens with a series of other cats to come up with the perfect look, feel and color pattern to the cat's coat.
LoveToKnow editor Sally Painter discussed the many properties this amazing product has with its creator Bill Turk, co-owner and CEO of TAP Insulation in this exclusive interview.
We could pen a veritable encyclopedia of eye makeup art ideas, but one of the most indulgent parts of working with makeup is being the sole creator of your work.
Laurent le Guernec, a Parisian-born Master Perfumer, is the creator of Rain for Marc Jacobs.
As the story goes, Liparazzi creator Nina Leykind of the makeup brand Eyeko came up with the concept for Liparazzi on a night out with friend and Spice Girl Emma Bunton.
At Cartoon Network, create your own online games using the game creator, or play Dynamic Double Team and join Blue Beetle in a team effort against Kanjar Ro.
Another digital scrapbooking program Creative Memories offers is their "StoryBook Creator."
Scrapbooking allows the creator to inject a lot of fun and personality.
Depending on the file creator, the GSD files are compatible with the Wishblade, Craft Robo and Silhouette machines.
Sarah Burton, designer for Alexander McQueen, was the creator of her classic gown.
Alternatively, try designing your own at Wedding Dress Creator.
Alba was selected by show creator James Cameron out of 1,200 hopefuls for the part of Max Guevera - the so called "genetically enhanced superhuman prototype" around whom the show's plot revolved.
In addition, Zone creator Dr. Barry Sears recommends eating several light meals daily rather than three large ones.
In 2006, Fawcett suffered the loss of her mother, agent Jay Bernstein, and Angel's creator Aaron Spelling.
After all of the mud-slinging between Rosie O'Donnell and Donald Trump, The View's creator, Barbara Walters, finally speaks out.
He's the creator of the best-seller The Fat Smash Diet and is also on the board of directors at the American Council on Exercise.
Besides Jones, Foreman will join judges Sara Blakely, creator of Spanx shapewear, and Pat Croce, a former NBA executive.
Merv Griffin - Talk show host, real estate tycoon, and game show creator; passed away from prostate cancer on August 12 at age 82.
Show creator Shonda Rimes reportedly decided to release Heigl from her contract now, as opposed to later.
Creator Adam DiVello says that the kids have "…found themselves" and have "embarked on different careers."
On February 24, Sheen appeared on a radio broadcast hosted by Alex Jones and made several derogatory remarks about series creator Chuck Lorre.
The line was designed from the creator's passion for rock and the latest trends in fashion.
In 2007, Royal Caribbean International followed up on its title as creator and owner of the world's largest cruise ships with the launch of Liberty of the Seas, weighing around 154,407 tons.
Wendy's success as an author and dog-treat creator led to numerous television appearances.
The first reason is their creator, Eddie Van Halen, and his reputation.
After seeing the amazing visual power of this T shirt, you may be interested in the shirt's creator, Antonia Neshev.
She is the creator of me by EMME, a comfortable and stylish sportswear line sold through QVC.
She is the creator of "Me by Emme", a comfortable and stylish line of women's sportswear sold through QVC.
Sit and Be Fit is widely known for their public television show with creator and host Mary Ann Wilson.
The creator of the product goes on to describe his struggles with obstructive sleep apnea, the time consuming process of getting a sleep study before he could invest in a CPAP machine.
The classic brand, made famous by its creator, the sultry and stylish Coco Chanel, has never gone out of fashion.
Star Wars creator George Lucas played a major role in developing the film for Star Tours II.
Lego Creator is only found on the PC and is not a video game in terms of levels, missions or obvious objects, of which there are none.
The basic Lego Creator uses all the blocks you're familiar with.
For specific types of Legos, you can purchase the Lego Creator versions of Harry Potter (the original and The Chamber of Secrets) and Knights Kingdom.
Creator of the immensely popular flash game Grow, EyezMaze also features a number of original flash games that will grip you for a few hours.
Popcap is actually the creator of both Bejeweled and Bookworm, but because of its partnerships - and of course, the popularity of its games - you'll find those games on Pogo, Shockwave, and Popcap's own site.
Customers pay a fraction of the retail price to enjoy a game, while the creator gets profit from their labor.
The title of first computer game creator is often credited to A.S.
The game's creator, Ubisoft, has taken this next-gen game to the next level by using a motion capture technique to bring more authenticity to all characters' physical movements.
Kojima is an established video game director as well as creator, with Snatcher, Policenauts, and the Metal Gear series under his belt.
Limited colors and pixels could be used in moving objects, but creator Shigeru Miyamoto wanted Mario to be as animated as possible.
The title will be for the Game Boy Advance and creator Shigesato Itoi is releasing tidbits of information on a weekly basis.
The creator expressed an interest in reviving the series and found a home on the Wii.
If you don't find something to your liking, you can download their PS3 Theme Creator to make your own themes.
This program is a little easier to use than the PS3 Theme Creator, but you won't be able to create as much detail as you can with the above program.
The original creator of this amazing game is Alexey Pazhitnov, a Russian who came up with the idea for Tetris in 1985 while attending the Moscow Academy of Science's Computer Center.
Sadly, after all of this, the Tetris creator (Pazhitnov) did not get any royalties for the game until 1995.
Despite the massive popularity and stellar sales of Tetris, its creator had seen very little money.
Designer legend Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of Mario, Pikmin and many other recognizable Nintendo names, also created The Legend of Zelda.
Most video game fonts are freely available to use, but some may require a specific license or they may require a "donation" to the creator.
If you're ready to let the creative juices flow, it might be a good idea to try a video game scene creator.
If you go into your favorite search engine and look for a video game scene creator, there's a good chance that one of your beloved 8-bit system video games will have an online creation tool.
There are countless video game scene creator websites on the 'net, but here are a few to get you started.
For Kongregate, the "canvas" is also substantially smaller and so we recommend the video game scene creator at Dan-Dare.
It's possible that a video game character creator has ten different sprite images that must be loaded up at the appropriate time.
The Lord of the Dance and its creator Michael Flatley have become one of the great success stories of the modern theatrical age.
When chi falls to the earth it creates water that becomes the creator of all life.
The creator may only use folds of the paper instead.
Thin paper allows the creator to make the folds more crisp which ultimately leads to a better quality piece of artwork.
So far, show creator Marc Cherry has dismissed those rumors.
Featured on Oprah, creator and founder Sara Blakely tells of how she came up with the idea for the now legendary body shaper.
In the late 1970s, Cabbage Patch creator Xavier Roberts discovered fabric sculpture.
Members of the Cabbage Patch Kids Collectors Club have the option of ordering exclusive editions of the original Cabbage Patch Kids dolls, including those signed by the creator.
Mattel filed a lawsuit against Bratz, stating that the creator worked for Mattel when the doll was originally created.
The toy's creator, Russ Hornsby, previously struck gold with the creation of his Powerpuff Girls action figure toys.
The daunted but stalwart creator continued to make the games in his home until Parker Brothers finally caught wind of it and bought the game.
Anita Lavine is director of public relations for Screenlife, a Seattle-based game company that is the creator and leading developer of DVD games.
Screenlife is the creator and world's leading developer of DVD games, including Scene It? ®, the number-one selling DVD game worldwide.
As the creator, you have the power to make your own ideal board game.
Troupe creator Russell Markert was a fan of the 1920s Ziegfeld Follies.
Reformer Martin Luther is supposedly the original creator of this song about the Baby Jesus, by borrowing from a German folk song, "The Cradle Song" and an unnamed Scottish folk song.
The creator of this simple site shares her own story of meeting her husband online and invites others to write in with their experiences.
Is the creator a clinical psychologist or freelance writer?
The more experienced the creator is in psychology and the social interaction of people, the more credible the results, but even the most credible results are no guarantee that you will find happiness. features 300 love letters that the project creator sent out into the world.
All of these recipes are a labor of love and a personal accomplishment for the creator.
Toni Ray, the founder and creator of Hobo International, began with a vision that handbags should provide organization as well as great design.
Linz Shelton, creator of the Cuffz handbags loved by celebrities, uses a revolutionary design that secures your clutch to your wrist with handcuffs, keeping your hands free and allowing you to carry a cute clutch.
Brain Waves is the creator of the popular Cranium and Cadoo games, along with V-Tech and kits that are fun for the chemistry-loving child.
Lego Creator Monster Dino-At around $90, this toy is pricey, but kids get to create a moving, noise-making creature!
Jim Henson, the creator of the Muppets, molded these expressive puppet characters into veritable works of art.
Auto Movie Creator performs high-quality effects and makes the technical side of your project much easier.
Jose Silva, the creator of the Silva Mind Control training techniques, had no formal training related to psychology or brain sciences.
The experiences of the soul incarnated in the physical plane are designed to advance the soul in its journey back to God, the creator.
Cayce believed that the soul's journey is to one destination, the return to its creator as a co-creator.
In this interview, the creator of the site discusses what makes a soap actor a "hunk", what moments in soap history hold meaning and why every soap hunk is an Adonis.
Lou Beale, the widow and archetypal matriarch of the Beale/Fowler families was based in large part on creator Tony Holland's aunt.
Series creator Agnes Nixon explains, "There was never a question, ever."
Everwood creator Greg Berlanti also created, wrote and executive produced Jack & Bobby as well as serving as executive producer on Brothers and Sisters and Dirty Sexy Money.
Love To Know Soap Operas editor Heather Long enjoyed sitting down with site creator and updater Toni Helen to find out a little bit more about what makes the site tick.
In fact, the creator of Toni's spoiler site, Toni Helen, began watching the show with her mother during her childhood.
Everwood creator Greg Berlanti wanted a "Norman Rockwell" feel for his family-oriented show and reportedly chose Utah because it provided the warmth, charm and natural beauty he was looking for.
The creator of the program, Tony Warren, drew on real life experiences when he created these roles back in 1960.
The headlines refer to the actresses in most cases, although in others they refer to the ongoing speculation of what show creator Amy Sherman-Palladino intended for the final four words of the series.
Toni's Spoiler site was born out of creator Toni Helen's addiction to The Young and the Restless.
In July, 2009 at the San Diego Comic Con, creator Alan Ball announced that there would definitely be a season three.
Creator and head writer Shonda Rhimes was notoriously opposed to spoilers.
Creator Shonda Rimes who so vehemently opposed to spoilers in the beginning seems to have lightened her grip some.
Rex accidentally killed Dr. Rolf, Stefano's physician and Rex's "creator".
Series creator Mark Schwahn is credited with the majority of the episodes.
George later "died" after his portrayer lost trust with the show's creator.
Dürer believed he was working through his Creator to achieve his art.
Mickey Mouse's creator, Walt Disney, was already familiar with the cartoon industry since he had created Oswald the Rabbit, another animal character that was extremely popular at the time.
According to Hindu legend, the creator god Brahma did not really sleep, but was in a state of yoga Nidra called the unconscious sleep.
If you fall in love with one piece of jewelry, you can choose additional designs from that creator.
Easy Resume Creator Pro includes federal employment forms, along with additional information on creating resumes.
Watching small children throw their entire beings into creative pursuits is inspiring for even the most calloused creator.
Pattern Creator lets you upload a photo or any type of picture for a small fee.
These and many other "found" items can enhance a robot, and their use is limited only by the imagination of the creator.
For example, a good YouTube tutorial will probably lead to a channel by its creator where you can find other helpful tutorials.
According to its creator, Reverend George Malkmus, the Hallelujah Diet is God's way to finding ultimate health.
After taking a supplement containing 34 natural detox ingredients for one week, the diet's creator claims individuals can lose anywhere from five to seven pounds of waste.
John Robinson is the creator of Sideshow World, a website featuring the history of circus acts.
Winsor Pilates carries on the mission of Joseph Pilates, the creator of Pilates, with an updated focus on how this form of mind-body fitness can work for you.
Its creator, Danae Shell took some time from her busy schedule to tell us about it, give us some advice and a peek at the current lingerie trends.
Dr. Rey's Shapewear is a lingerie line that, according to the product's creator, is designed to help women look their best without undergoing plastic surgery.
You can edit it and share it as you wish, but the creator of the patterns does wish for a link back to the site.
LoveToKnow spoke with Bruno Schiavi, Australian lingerie designer and creator of MensFit for a reason.
Creator and founder, Sara Blakely, wanted to look great in a pair of cream colored pants, but those dreaded and unsightly "panty lines" were keeping her from doing just that.
Spanx, ubiquitous today, were something of an anomaly when creator and founder Sara Blakely first tried to pitch her product back in the late 1990s.
Cowell's fellow creator was former Spice Girls manager Simon Fuller.
In 2003, show creator James Rado gave the thumbs up to a new version of Hair, which set the drama in the 2003 Iraq War, instead of the Vietnam War.
While a single radio station might play New York indie rock, a podcast would focus on New York indie rock the creator saw playing live during the past week.
The creator of Barney and the Backyard Game, Sheryl Leach, originally came up with the idea for Barney & Friends while trying to find an educational and entertaining television show for her son to watch as he grew up.
If you're a huge Mike Rowe fan you may already know that not only does he star in the Emmy nominated show Dirty Jobs, but he is also the creator and executive producer.
Tyra Banks is the creator, producer, and one of the judges on her reality show, America's Next Top Model.
The show's creator Mike Fleiss is also the man behind The Bachelor franchise, so it's no surprise that the show's format follows the same premise.
The show, from creator and judge Simon Cowell, has been extremely popular in Britain.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer's concept was that 'high school is hell', and show creator Joss Whedon took normal teenage trauma and put a supernatural twist to it.
When Voyager's episodes were coming to a conclusion, creator Rick Berman and Brannon Braga were searching for fresh new Trek ideas.
Its overt thesis is that there are some studies, such as the creation of life, that should be left solely to the province of God the Creator.
The 'monster' wasn't a monster until he was shunned and reviled by first his creator and then by everyone he met.
Any novelizations and other material from the creator or authorized by the creator, such as comics and spin-offs, are 'secondary canon'.
The characters have been clearly thought out and developed by creator Joss Whedon to carry on board with them a past bursting with intrigue and together they form the most diverse and wayward "family" that television has ever seen.
According to the Star Trek Starship Creator game, Demora's daughter was named Yoshiko, Sulu's wife for a time.
Unlike many commercial ventures striving to make money off of pop culture, the SciFi Channel made sure that it was the real deal, including Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry and author Isaac Asimov on its board of directors.
Dungeons and Dragons from TSR has been around since the early 70's but Gary Gygax, the game's creator and father of modern roleplaying, passed on in 2008 but his games live on.
A fantasy character creator can prove to be a great tool for someone wanting to create new characters for this fan fiction from Harry Potter and Star Wars to Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel.
Angels are created without free will, while their human counterparts were given the ability to deny their creator.
The angels that resent mans ability to choose, to deny and even to vilify God's gifts, want to destroy this creation in honor of their own creator.
These fallen angels are either described as servants of the Lightbringer (Satan), servants in hell or condemned to walk among the very humans they so despise until the end of the world, forever denied the glory of their creator again.
The creator of the site also has some personal designs that he created for Star Trek roleplaying games years ago.
The rules are from Star Trek's creator himself, Gene Roddenberry.
The creator of the fanmade page posts relevant news as well as breaking news.
While such a storyline might seem like a cliche, creator Tim Kring gives the plot a unique twist by introducing a psychic artist who predicts the end of the world.
Another cast member worth mentioning is Majel Barrett, the wife of the creator of Star Trek, Gene Roddenberry.
Joss Whedon, the series creator, considered the Serenity the 10th character of the show.
After a successful interview, the creator of Star Wars, George Lucas, put Ben in charge of finding the right sounds to go with his master piece.
It is also said that the Star Wars creator, George Lucas, identified with this character and shortened Lucas to Luke.
Arthur and Fenchurch carry Marvin to the site of the final message and lift up the complaining robot to see the apology left by the creator.
Star Wars creator George Lucas stated his films consciously follow Campbell's structure.
Archer was the son of a warp engineer named Henry Archer who worked with Zefram Cochrane, the creator of the first warp capable Earth vessel.
Series creator Eric Kripke stepped down as show runner after the fifth season, but remained as an active executive producer.
She has been fiercely committed to healthy skin, both as a speaker & educator and a creator of some of the best skincare products around.
Dermatologist Dr. Patricia Farris is the creator of the Natural Advantage line.
The problem with this route is that many templates include a link to their creator's website within the code that will appear on your profile page.
In addition, the background images are usually hosted on the creator's server.
Perhaps the creator of the "shoulder tap" would coin a catchy phrase for this practice, and the term would become common lingo for the site's users.
After making sure that it is legal to use the background you want, whether through direct permission of the creator or a purchased license, it is a very simple matter to upload the image to your backgrounds for Xanga.
The work of a social network creator is never over.
The creator has also designed a number of tasteful graphics that commemorate 9/11.
Zynga has been the creator of many fun games on Facebook, such as Farmville and Cafe World.
Google Page Creator - Very simple to use Page Builder through Google.
Blogs and news - While this is often used as a soap box for the website creator, savvy hosts let their key members have their own blogs and produce content that way.
The God of Descartes is not merely the creator of the material universe; he is also the father of all truth in the intellectual world.
In the Timaeus (41 A) the immortality even of the gods is made dependent on the will of the Supreme Creator; souls are not in their own nature indestructible, but persist because of His goodness.
It will be convenient to take one supreme composer as the artist who has dealt so consistently with the essentials of the new style that he may be conveniently regarded as its creator.
The creator of the present edifice was Francis I., under whom the architect Gilles le Breton erected most of the buildings of the Cour Ovale, including the Porte Doree, its southern entrance, and the Salle des Fetes, which, in the reign of Henry II., was decorated by the Italians, Francesco Primaticcio and Nicolo dell' Abbate, and is perhaps the finest Renaissance chamber in France.
The end, however, is only relative, for spirits are continually falling, and God remains through eternity the creator of the world.
All true wisdom is contained in the Scriptures, at least implicitly; and the true end of philosophy is to rise from the imperfect knowledge of created things to a knowledge of the Creator.
An extreme school, the Aktistetae or Gaianists (Gaianus was bishop of Alexandria c. 550) even held that from the moment the Logos assumed the body the latter was untreated, the human being transmuted into the divine nature; and the Adiaphorites went still further; denying, like Stephen Barsudaili, an Edessan abbot, all distinction of essence not even between the manhood and the Godhead in Christ, but between the divine and the human, and asserting that "all creatures are of the same essence with the Creator."
The tracing out of this identity in diversity, whether regarded as evidence of blood-relationship or as a remarkable display of skill on the part of the Creator in varying the details whilst retaining the essential, became at this period a special pursuit, to which Goethe, the poet, who himself contributed importantly to it, gave the name " morphology."
That state of mind was due to the fact that the groupings so recognized did not profess to be simply the result of scientific reasoning, but were necessarily regarded as the expressions of the " insight " of some more or less gifted persons into a plan or system which had been arbitrarily chosen by the Creator.
The word "god," on the conversion of the Teutonic races to Christianity, was adopted as the name of the one Supreme Being, the Creator of the universe, and of the Persons of the Trinity.
He abrogated caste distinctions, and taught in opposition to ancient writings that every man had the eternal right of searching for divine knowledge and worshipping his Creator.
Merodach here takes the place of Ea, who appears as the creator in the older legends, and is said to have fashioned man out of the clay.
The god Nebo appears as PA - the sign of the stylus, which is associated with this deity as the originator and patron of writing and of knowledge in general, - or it is written with a sign AK, which describes the god as a " creator."
Another explanation, which appears first in Jewish authors of the middle ages and has found wide acceptance in recent times, derives the name from the causative of the verb; He (who) causes things to be, gives them being; or calls events into existence, brings them to pass; with many individual modifications of interpretation - creator, lifegiver, fulfiller of promises.
His friend Robsahm reports, from Swedenborg's own account to him, the circumstances of the first extraordinary revelation of the Lord, when He appeared to him and said, "I am God the Lord, the Creator and Redeemer of the world.
A third creator was Manco Capac (" the mighty man "), whose sister and wife is called Mama Oello, " the mother-egg."
The latter received mythical representation in that most interesting god (but originally rather culture-hero) Maui, who, in NewZealand practically supplants Tangaloa, and becomes the god of the air and of the heaven, the creator and the causer of the flood.2 Speculation opened the usual deep problem; whence came the gods?
He criticizes Harnack's theory that there existed in the East, that is, in Asia Minor, or in Asia Minor and Syria as far back as the beginning of the 2nd century, a Christological instruction (uiOmua) organically related to the second article of the Roman Creed, and formulas which taught that the " One God " was " Creator of heaven and earth," and referred to the holy prophetic spirit, and lasted on till they influenced the course of creed-development in the 4th century.
The founder of her town life and the creator of her army, he ruled in harmony with her nobles and secured her frontiers from attack.
That they retained the laying on of hands in their spiritual baptism was an inconsistency which their orthodox opponents did not fail to note; the human hand, argued the latter, is, like the rest of the body, no less the work of the evil creator than water, oil, bread and wine, or than the wood, metal and stone out of which altars, images and churches are made.
In saying subject we say self, in saying self we say free creator.
In the first part of his vocation the novelists of his own youth, such as Marivaux, Richardson and Prevost, may be said to have shown him the way, though he improved greatly upon them; in the second he was almost a creator.
It was particularly offensive to Christians as tending to dishonour the Creator who is set over against the serpent as bad against good.
He, more than any other man, must be regarded as the practical creator of the Italian navy.
Zion at least, the sacred hearth of Yahweh, the visiblecentre of His kingdom, 1 It must not be supposed that this conception necessarily came into force as soon as it was recognized that Yahweh was the creator of the universe.
That the national or tribal god is the creator is an idea often found in very low religions.
But it must at once be said that it is plainly contrary to fact to represent him, as some have done, as the creator of political economy.
Even those who do not fall into the error of making Smith the creator of the science, often separate him too broadly from Quesnay and his followers, and represent the history of modern economics as consisting of the successive rise and reign of three doctrines - the mercantile, the physiocratic and the Smithian.
In spite of the rejection of the ascetic attitude of the Gnostics, as a blasphemy against the Creator, a part of this ascetic principle became at a later date dominant throughout all Christendom.
Alone were the Creator, the Former, the Ruler, the Feathered Serpent, they who give being and whose name is Gucumatz.
The orderliness of nature is appealed to as expressing the mind of its Creator.
Later on Zarvan was elevated to the position of supreme principle, creator of Ormazd and Ahriman, and, long 1 Analogous to this is the veneration in which the Catholic monks and the Neoplatonic "` philosophers" were held; but the prestige of the Manichaean electi was greater than that of the monks and the philosophers.
The creator, or the divine intellect, with a view to the form of the good, and taking all forms as models, creates in a receptacle (vir080x i, Plato, Timaeus, 49 A) individual impressions which are called things but really change and become without attaining the permanence of being.
That prime mover is God, who is not the creator, but the mover directly of the heavens, and indirectly through the planets of sublunary substances.
The essential truths of the former are the existence of a wise and good Creator and the immortality of the soul.
The free enterprise system—the greatest creator of wealth the world has known—will continue to produce the material gains we enjoy today and to reward most those who serve their fellow humans best.
They are the creator of an award-winning makeup known as bareMinerals.
Some of them will come with filled in header graphics or ads to their creator.
One of the biggest problems faced by any web site creator is keeping the site populated with fresh content.
You'll find thousands of more free fonts than paid, but with paid you'll usually get support from the creator or manufacturer of the font.
Images and graphics are copyrighted to protect the original creator.
For those who don't have the cash for Adobe products but need a fully-featured web page creator, RapidWeaver is becoming more and more popular.
The EasyStore Creator is the site for people who don't want to spend a lot of time on site design.
In great state the tribune moved through the streets of Rome, being received at St Peter's with the hymn Veni Creator Spiritus, while in a letter the poet Petrarch urged him to continue his great and noble work, and congratulated him on his past achievements, calling him the new Camillus, Brutus and Romulus.
To attach a clear and definite meaning to the Cartesian doctrine of God, to show how much of it comes from the Christian theology and how much from the logic of idealism, how far the conception of a personal being as creator and preserver mingles with the pantheistic conception of an infinite and perfect something which is all in all, would be to go beyond Descartes and to ask for a solution of difficulties of which he was 1 Ouvres, vi.
At the same time, there was a peculiar appropriateness in associating the Sabbath with the doctrine that Yahweh is the Creator of all things; for we see from Isa.
Eabani, whose name signifies "Ea creates," pointing to the tradition which made the god Ea the creator of mankind, is represented in the epic as the type of the primeval man.
In return for these honours Pippin, at the appeal of the pope, made two expeditions into Italy, in 754 and 756; and he became the veritable creator of the papal state by conferring on the pope the exarchate of Ravenna, which he had wrested from Aistulf, the king of the Lombards.
Eabani, whose name, signifying "Ea creates," points to the tradition which made Ea the creator of humanity, symbolizes primeval man.
In his anatomical studies Galen had a twofold object - a philosophical, to show the wisdom of the Creator in making everything fit to serve its purpose; and a practical, to aid the diagnosis, or recognition, of disease.
But here too the genius of Mrs Veal's creator must, in the absence of all evidence to the contrary, be allowed sufficient for the task.
Adonai is the name of the creator of the world.
And at once, without leaving the church, thanks were rendered to the Creator for His help and for the victory.
Five years have passed since then, and already I, with my petty understanding, begin to see clearly why she had to die, and in what way that death was but an expression of the infinite goodness of the Creator, whose every action, though generally incomprehensible to us, is but a manifestation of His infinite love for His creatures.
For the world as a whole, however, he postulated a beginning in time (whence his use of the word creation), and further supposed that the impulse of organization which was conveyed to chaotic matter by the Creator issued from a central point in the infinite space spreading gradually outwards.
Hibil, at the instance of the supreme God, also taught men about the world of light and the aeons, and especially gave them to know that not P'tahil but another was their creator and supreme God, who as "the great king of light, without number, without limit," stands far above him.
It is to this period that we must trace such designations of the god as "father of the gods," "chief of the gods," "creator of all things," and the like.
The name probably means the "creator" or "created," connected with crescere and creare.
When, then, Basilides identified the highest angel of the seven, the creator of the worlds, with the God of the Jews, this is a development of the idea which did not occur until late, possibly first in the specifically Christian circles of the Gnostics.
Combined with this sacrifice of the fruits of the earth to the Creator in memory of creation and redemption, and probably always immediately following it, was the sacred meal at which part of the offerings was eaten.
God for him is the creator and ruler of the world, but hardly more; he is the master of a vast machine that grinds out human destinies without sympathy with man and without visible regard for what man deems justice - a being to be acknowledged as lord, not one to be loved.
The astonishing colours and grotesque forms of some animals and plants which the museum zoologists gravely described without comment were shown by these observers of living nature to have their significance in the economy of the organism possessing them; and a general doctrine was recognized, to the effect that no part or structure of an organism is without definite use and adaptation, being designed by the Creator for the benefit of the creature to which it belongs, or else for the benefit, amusement or instruction of his highest creature - man.
Leopardo was also the creator (1505) of the three handsome bronze sockets in front of St Mark's which held the flagstaffs of the banners of Cyprus, Morea and Crete, when the republic was mistress of those territories.
In particular that conception which regarded "ambition" as the guiding motive in his career has been dispelled by a more intimate and accurate knowledge of his life; this shows him to have been very little the creator of his own career, which was largely the result of circumstances outside his control, the influence of past events and of the actions of others, the pressure of the national will, the natural superiority of his own genius.
The adherence to type, the favourite conception of the transcendental morphologist, was seen to be nothing more than the expression of one of the laws of thremmatology, the persistence of hereditary transmission of ancestral characters, even when they have ceased to be significant or valuable in the struggle for existence, whilst the so-called evidences of design which was supposed to modify the limitations of types assigned to Himself by the Creator were seen to be adaptations due to the selection and intensification by selective breeding of fortuitous congenital variations, which happened to prove more useful than the many thousand other variations which did not survive in the struggle for existence.