Creation Sentence Examples
Man is the creation of an all-powerful, all-good, and all-seeing God.
Was her position at the office merely the creation of a doting father?
The morning wind forever blows, the poem of creation is uninterrupted; but few are the ears that hear it.
It is a creation of the Germans, the site,.
The Internet has allowed for the creation of thousands of new ways to give, both time and money.
The first mechanism is the creation of things, an old and familiar approach.
The principle of energy makes it clear that the light emitted laterally is not a new creation, but only diverted from the main stream.
For a short while he was at the head of the new Hessian administration; but his ambition was to share in the creation of a united Germany.
This led to the creation of large libraries all around the world—and this was a problem.
Knowing this allowed for the creation of a drug called Imatinib, which inhibits this process.
AdvertisementThe philosopher's egg, as a symbol of creation, is both Egyptian and Babylonian.
This new creation became extinct on the death of the comte de Chambord in 1883.
To him was due the invention of writing, and the first law-book was his creation.
Since they have sinned in consequence of Adam's fall, their fate is considered worse than that of the irrational creation.
The system of government framed by Rome was an original creation.
AdvertisementIn England an act of parliament is necessary for the creation of new dioceses.
But Aquinas, though he holds the fact of creation to be rationally demonstrable, regards the beginning of the world in time as only an article of faith, the philosophical arguments for and against being inconclusive.
Scotus extends the number of theological doctrines which are not, according to him, susceptible of philosophical proof, including in this class the creation of the world out of nothing, the immortality of the human soul, and even the existence of an almighty divine cause of the universe (though he admits the possibility of proving an ultimate cause superior to all else).
Pre-Darwinian zoologists had been aware of the class of facts thus interpreted by Fritz Muller, but the authoritative view on the subject had been that there is a parallelism between (a) the series of forms which occur in individual development, (b) the series of existing forms from lower to higher, and (c) the series of forms which succeed 'one another in the strata of the earth's crust, whilst an explanation of this parallelism was either not attempted, or was illusively offered in the shape of a doctrine of harmony of plan in creation.
The result is the creation of an almost inconceivably vast body of traditional custom, law and knowledge into which every human being is born, less in the more isolated and barbarous communities, but large everywhere.
AdvertisementA commission which had been appointed to inquire into schemes of land settlement reported in June, and this was followed by the creation of a land board in December 1901.
The end of the military government was signalled by the assumption (on the 21st of June) by Lord Milner of the title of governor of the Transvaal and by the creation of an executive council.
Lord Milner, by the creation of an inter-colonial board - which administered the The Union Movement.
And as all the writings bear the marks of a single authorship it has been assumed, especially by Denifle, that "the Friend of God" is a literary creation of Merswin and that the whole collection of literature is the work of Merswin (and his school), tendencyliterature designed to set forth the ideals of the movement to which he had given his life.
In the Creation tablet, the heavens personified collectively were indicated by this term An-sar, " host of heaven," in contradistinction to the earth= Ki-sar, " host of earth."
AdvertisementEnactments were also passed touching procedure in the ecclesiastical courts, the creation of new monastic orders, appointments to offices in the church, marriage-law, conventual discipline, the veneration of relics, pilgrimages and intercourse with Jews and Saracens.
Matsukata showed the government the danger of the situation, and urged that the issue of further paper currency should be stopped at once, the expenses of administration curtailed, and the resulting surplus of revenue used in the redemption of the paper currency and in the creation of a specie reserve.
As regards administration,Lord Llandaff's Commission recommended the creation Metro- of a Water Trust, and in 1902 the Metropolis Water Act constituted the Metropolitan Water Board to purchase politan and carry on the undertakings of the eight companies, Water and of certain local authorities.
The recommendations of the Commission included the creation of a single controlling authority to take over the powers of the Thames Conservancy Watermen's Company, and Trinity House and the docks of the companies already detailed.
The amending acts, while not interfering with the operation of the principal act, authorize the creation of highway districts on a larger scale.
He attempted to prevent the creation of the Revolutionary Tribunal, but when called to the first Committee of Public Safety he worked on it energetically to organize the armies.
In the first book an account is given of the creation of the world out of the primeval deep and the birth of the gods of light.
Thus the six days of the world's creation, followed by a seventh of rest, were regarded as at once a history of the past and a forecasting of the future.
Las Casas 12 reports a story that before creation the creator-god had a bad son who sought, after creation, to undo all that his father had done.
Polynesia, that classic land of mythology, is specially rich in myths of creation.
This personal process of spiritualization is the continuation of the eternal divine work of creation.
The Education Act of 1872 abolished the old management of the parish schools and provided for the creation of districts (burgh, parish or group of parishes) under the control of school boards, of which there are 972 in Scotland, elected every three years by the ratepayers, male and female.
The latter half probably dealt with questions about the creation.
In April 1480 a balia was formed, and its most important act was the creation at Lorenzo's instance of the Council of Seventy; it was constituted for five years, but it became permanent, and all its members were Lorenzo's friends.
From the creation of the world until about 1040 these Annales are a jejune copy of other annals, but from 1040 to their conclusion in 1077 they are interesting for the history of Germany and the papacy.
On the occasion of the offer of the crown to Cromwell he issued King Richard the Third Revived (1657), and on the creation of the new House of Lords A Plea for the Lords (1658).
With his single aim in view he busied himself with the creation of a national militia, with the aid of Moltke and other German officers.
Commerce and industry were not yet sufficiently developed to call for the creation of such associations.
Thus with every creation of a craft fraternity the gild merchant was weakened and its sphere of activity was diminished, though the new bodies were subsidiary to the older and larger fraternity.
The Versus practically reproduce in outline Bwda's account of Ca dmon's dream, without mentioning the dream, but describing the poet as a herdsman, and adding that his poems, beginning with the creation, relate the history of the five ages of the world down to the coming of Christ.
It was, and still is, the custom of Arabian historians to begin with the creation of the world and tell the history from then to the time of which they are writing.
But we have still an important point to notice in the 2nd century; for in it learned Persians began to take part in the creation of Arabic historical literature.
The first book opens with the mysteries of God and the angels, and then passes on to the works of the six days and the creation of man.
The first, De Falsa Religione, and the second, De Origine Erroris, attack the polytheism of heathendom, show the unity of the God of creation and providence, and try to explain how men have been corrupted by demons.
Lancelot, son of Ban king of Brittany, a creation of chivalrous romance, who only appears in Arthurian literature under French influence, known chiefly from his amour with Guinevere, perhaps in imitation of the story of Tristan and Iseult.
It is a species of saga, setting forth not only the heavenly beginnings of the Japanese race, but also the story of creation, the succession of the various sovereigns and the salient events of their reigns, the whole interspersed with songs, many of which may be attributed to the 6th century, while some doubtless date from the fourth or even the third.
The same law prevailing in all natures creation, in the plumage of birds, the painting of butterifies wings, the marking of shells, and in all the infinite variety and beauty of the floral kingdom, the lesson is constantly renewed to the observant eye.
By centralizing the financial administration by the creation of the Tresor de l'Epargne, and by developing the military establishments, Francis still further strengthened the royal power.
At first he seems to have meant by the word only the belief that progress is real, and that the existing order of nature is the result of a gradual process and not of a "special creation."
Creation out of nothing is nowhere thought of, for this is not at all a simple idea.
The Priestly Writer in the Pentateuch also a p pears to be acquainted with this doctrine; it is the first of four ages which begins with the Creation and ends with the Deluge.
It is " the selfexistent Lord," who, " with a thought, created the waters, and deposited in them a seed which became a golden egg, in which egg he himself is born as Brahma -, the progenitor of the worlds."4 The doctrine of creation by a thought is characteristically Indian.
Bib., " Creation," § 9; " Zoroastrianism," §§ 20, 21.
Both produced their own creatures, which remained apart, in a spiritual or ideal state, for 3000 years, after which the evil spirit began his opposition to the good creation under an agreement that his power was not to last more than 9000 years, of which only the middle 3000 were to see him successful.
By uttering a sacred formula the good spirit throws the evil one into a state of confusion for a second 3000 years, while he produces the archangels and the material creation, including the sun, moon and stars.
The Old Testament says nothing about the origin of angels; but the Book of Jubilees and the Slavonic Enoch describe their creation; and, according to Col.
Objecting, as Germain Gamier had, to Smith's distinction between productive and unproductive labour, he maintains that, production consisting in the creation or addition of a utility, all useful labour is productive.
From 1795 onward he resided in the Mariahilf suburb of Vienna, and there wrote his last eight Masses, the last and finest of his chamber works, the Austrian national anthem (1797), the Creation (1799) and the Seasons (1801).
On the 27th of March 1808 he was able to attend a performance of the Creation, given in his honour, but it was his last effort, and on the 31st of May 1809 he died, aged seventy-seven.
His symphony Le Midi (written in 1761) already shows a remarkable freedom and independence in the handling of orchestral forces, and further stages of advance were reached in the oratorio of Tobias, in the Paris and Salomon symphonies, and above all in the Creation, which turns to good account some of the debt which he owed to his younger contemporary.
The Logos existed before creation and time; was with the very God and was God; and all things were made through Him.
Though unable to effect a durable peace with the Basutos, or to realize his ambition for the creation of one powerful Boer republic, Pretorius saw the Free State begin to grow in strength.
For convenience, we shall take "Adam" as a symbol for "the first man," and inquire first, what does tradition say of his creation?
Is he a pale form of the Babylonian chaos-dragon, or of the serpent of Iranian mythology who sprang from heaven to earth to blight the" good creation "?
In Portugal, provision has been made for the creation in important industrial centres, on the application of the administrative corporations, of boards of conciliation (decrees of the 14th of August 1889, and the 18th of May 1893).
The establishment in Austria of universal suffrage in 1907 had as its aim the creation, in the place of the old Parliament, which was crippled by the strife of nationalities, of a Chamber in which social and economic interests should prevail over national ones.
In the face of this uncompromising display of opposition there could be no hope for the Coalition planned by Clam-Martinitz for the creation of a new Austria, and on June 19 he resigned.
His chronicle of the world, a compilation embracing the whole period from the creation of the world up to the year 234, formed a basis for many chronographical works both in the East and West.
It has shown extreme activity in _ the creation of a press devoted to its interests, and has consolidated its influence by the formation of an extensive leaguesystem.
The International Exhibition of 1851, the creation of the Museum and Science and Art Department at South Kensington, the founding of art schools and picture galleries all over the country, the spread of musical taste and the fostering of technical education may be attributed, more or less directly, to the commission of distinguished men which began its labours under Prince Albert's auspices.
Flesh-eating entailing necessarily an immense volume of pain upon the sentient animal creation should be abstained from by the "higher classes" in the evolutionary scale.
Unofficially he remained in frequent touch with the Emir Faisal; but he did not reemerge officially until March 1921, when Mr. Winston Churchill, on succeeding Lord Milner at the Colonial Office, appointed Lawrence to be his adviser there on Middle Eastern affairs, with a view to the subsequent creation of a special department dealing with them.
The removal of the old wall was followed by the creation of the quartier Leopold, and at a later period of the quartier Louis in the Upper Town.
After the creation of the canton (1815) the numbers were (those for the city are enclosed within brackets) 48,489 (25,289), the city rising in 1837 to 33,714, and in 1843 to 36,452.
The conseil general fell more and more into the background, the members of the other councils gradually obtained the privilege of being irremovable, and the system of co-optation resulted in the creation of a close monopoly of political offices in the hands of a few leading families.
The creation of the so-called " Little Entente," aiming at the preser vation of the status quo in central Europe, was the primary outcome of Czechoslovak foreign policy.
The Communists aimed at a dictatorship of the proletariat, the creation of workmen's and military councils and a close handin-hand cooperation with Soviet Russia.
The fall of Napoleon was only achieved by the creation of a special alliance between Great Britain, Austria, Russia and Prussia.
In 1858 the creation of a " ministry of Algeria and of the colonies " brought about the resignation of Marshal Randon.
They are to all appearance the work of a school of priests, who, after the destruction of the Temple in 586 B.C., began to write down and codify the ceremonial regulations of the pre-exilic times, combining them with an historical narrative extending from the Creation to the establishment of Israel in Canaan; and who completed their work during the century following the restoration in 537 B.C. The chief object of these sections is to describe in detail the leading institutions of the theocracy (Tabernacle, sacrifices, purifications, &c.), and to refer them to their traditional origin in the Mosaic age.
The legislation of " P," though written down in or after the exile, must not, however, be supposed to be the creation of that period; many elements in it can be shown from the older literature to have been of great antiquity in Israel; it is, in fact, based upon preexilic Temple usage, though in some respects it is a development of it, and exhibits the form which the older and simpler ceremonial institutions of Israel ultimately assumed.
It is also to be noted that in the Samaritan text of the Pentateuch, and in the LXX., the figures, especially in the period from the Creation to the birth of Abraham, differ considerably from those given in the Hebrew, yielding in Sam.
The strictly enforced episcopal constitution, the creation of a clerical order, and the formation of the New Testament canon accomplished the overthrow of the prophets.
In 1900 the seat of government was transferred from Massawa to Asmara, which in its modern form is the creation of the Italians.
The doctrines of the incarnation, the resurrection of the flesh and the creation of the world in time marked the boundary line between the church's dogmatic and Neoplatonism; in every other respect, theologians and Neoplatonists drew so closely together that many of them are completely at one.
The doctrines we are to believe (1) concerning the nature of God, (2) concerning the decrees of God and their execution - (a) in creation and providence, (b) in the covenant of works, (c) in the covenant of grace; II.
There were the retarding influences of the Mosaic account of sudden creation, and the belief that fossils represented relics of a universal deluge.
In philosophy Agassiz was distinctly a disciple of Cuvier and supporter of the doctrine of special creation, and to a more limited extent of cataclysmic extinctions.
Because of the repetition of analogous physiographic and climatic conditions in regions widely separated both in time and in space, we discover that continental and local adaptive radiations result in the creation of analogous groups of radii among all the vertebrates and invertebrates.
As to his public character, however, no agreement is possible between those who regard Caesarism as a great political creation, and those who hold that Caesar by destroying liberty lost a great opportunity and crushed the sense of dignity in mankind.
On the other hand there are clauses therein which make the creation of such a class perfectly feasible if thought expedient.
A parallel myth to that of the Primal Man are the accounts to be found in most of the Gnostic systems of the creation of the first man.
It was not till after the middle of the 19th century that a long and desperate resistance to foreign intervention under the leadership of Benito Juarez infused new life into the masses and initiated the creation of a new nationality.
Then follows the creation, when the creators said " Earth," and the earth was formed like a cloud or a fog, and the mountains appeared like lobsters from the water, cypress and pine covered the hills and valleys, and their forests were peopled with beasts and birds, but these could not speak the name of their creators, but could only chatter and croak.
After this comes the creation of the four men and their wives who are the ancestors of the Quiches, and the tradition records the migrations of the nation to Tulan, otherwise called the Seven Caves, and thence across the sea, whose waters were divided for their passage.
In the case of one genus, Gastroschiza, this led to the creation of no less than six generic names.
Powers of reasoning are not denied to animals nor even speech; the silence of the brute creation may be put down to their superior cunning.
It is significant of the materialistic and pessimistic character of the system that, while the formation of the world is considered as a work of the good spirits, the creation of man is referred to the princes of darkness.
Just as the background of Christianity was formed by the Hebrew scriptures, and just as the Hebrew legends of the creation became the basis of its scheme of human redemption from evil, so the Avesta, with its quaint cosmogony and myths, formed the background of Mani's new faith.
The provisions of the Constitution, which is later in date than the creation of the original states, and presupposes the existence and activity of those communities, include two sets of matters, which must be considered separately-(a) the Federal system, i.e.
It is not strictly a part of the general judicial system, but is a creation of Congress designed to relieve that body of a part of its own labors.
Having doubtless done some work on the Latin manuscripts on which the Grandes Chroniques de France are based, William wrote a long Chronicon, dealing with the history of the world from the creation until 1300.
The creation of a supreme court engaged the attention of Sir John Macdonald in the early years after federation, but was only finally accomplished in 1876, during the premiership of Alexander Mackenzie.
The Struggle For Existence, The Conquering Of The Wilderness, Has Left Scant Room For Broad Culture Or Scholarship, And The Very Fact That Canada Is A Colony, However Free To Control Her Own Affairs, Has Stood In The Way Of The Creation Of Anything Like A National Literature.
The Calendar Is Dated From The Creation, Which Is Considered To Have Taken Place 37 60 Years And 3 Months Before The Commencement Of The Christian Era.
In archaic art Hephaestus is generally represented as bearded, though occasionally a younger beardless type is found, as on a vase (in the British Museum), on which he appears as a young man assisting Athena in the creation of Pandora.
The town of Alaja was the creation of this sultan, as previously there existed on that site only the fortress of Candelor, at that epoch in the possession of an Armenian chief, who was expelled by Kaikobad, and shared the fate of the Armenian and Frankish knights who possessed the fortresses along the coast of the Mediterranean as far as Selefke (Seleucia).
When the creation of new peers was known to be imminent, however, Wellington was among those who counselled the abandonment of a hopeless struggle.
Zanesville became the county-seat upon the creation of Muskingum county in 1804, was the capital of the state from 1810 to 1812, was incorporated as a town in 1814, and was chartered as a city in 1850.
Not only the number of possible war-making states but also the territorial area over which war can be made has been reduced in recent times by the creation of neutralized states such as Switzerland, Belgium, Luxemburg and Norway, and areas such as the Congo basin, the American lakes and the Suez Canal.
The creation of the Hague Court and of a code of law to be applied by it have further eliminated causes of difference.
This led to the creation and determination of spheres of influence.
From that time until the creation of the North-West Frontier Province the settled districts formed part of the Punjab, while the independent tribes were controlled at different times by the Punjab government, and the government of India.
The department as it now exists is of comparatively modern creation, dating only from 1854.
The initiation of this movement was the great achievement of Groot's life; he lived to preside over the birth and first days of his other creation, the society of Brothers of Common Life.
He had begun to build his own boats at a very early age, and the ultimate result of these pastimes was the creation of the Russian navy.
By the ukaz of the 20th of December 1699 it was next commanded that henceforth the new year should not be reckoned, as heretofore, from the 1st of September, supposed to be the date of the creation, but from the first day of January, anno domini.
He had concluded peace with the Porte (June 13, 1700) on very advantageous terms, in order to devote himself wholly to a war with Sweden to the end that Russia might gain her proper place on the Baltic. The possession of an ice-free seaboard was essential to her natural development; the creation of a fleet would follow inevitably upon the acquisition of such a seaboard; and she could not hope to obtain her due share of the trade and commerce of the world till she possessed both.
Of all the mixed motives that went to the evolution of church architecture in the middle ages, this rivalry in ostentation was probably the most fertile in the creation of new forms. A volume might be written on the economic effects of this locking up of vast capital in unproductive buildings.
Shall we resign our traditional belief that the greater part of the world is mere body, but that its general adaptability to conscious organisms proves its creation and government by God, and take to the new hypothesis, which, by a transfer of design from God to Nature, supposes that everything physical is alive, and conducts its life by psychical impulses of its own?
Aquinas thought that before the creation the one eternal essence of any kind was an abstract form, an idea in the intellect of God, like the form of a house in the mind of a builder, ante rem; that after the creation of any kind it is in re, as Aristotle supposed; and that, as we men think of it, it is post rem, as Aristotle also supposed.
The principal achievements of the long session of 1902 (which extended to the autumn) were the passing of the Education Act, - entirely reorganizing the system of primary education, abolishing the school boards and making the county councils the local authority; new rules of procedure; and the creation of the Metropolitan Water Board; and on all these questions, and particularly the two first, Mr Balfour's powers as a debater were brilliantly exhibited.
In its most simple and attractive form - one at the same time invested with the authority of the reputed holy author - their account of the creation of the world and of man; the origin of sin and redemption, the history of the Cross, and the disputes between body and soul, right and wrong, heaven and hell, were embodied either in "Historiated Bibles" (Paleya 1) or in special dialogues held between Christ and his disciples, or between renowned Fathers of the Church who expounded these views in a simple manner adapted to the understanding of the people (Lucidaria).
After creation Adam was allowed to till the ground on condition that he sold himself and his posterity to the owner of the earth.
Yet even in earthly matters I believe that ' the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead'; and I have never seen anything incompatible between those things of man which can be known by the spirit of man which is within him and those higher things concerning his future, which he cannot know by that spirit."
Incited by the discoveries of Galileo, Pascal and Torricelli, he attempted the, creation of a vacuum.
An agitation begun soon after the War of Independence resulted in the creation of a school fund in 1831 and the final establishment of the present system of public schools in 1834.
The story of the Creation in the book of Genesis is shown, from the point of view of chronology, to be a poetic or symbolic account by the discovery of civilizations of much greater antiguity.
The great objection to pantheism is that, though ostensibly it magnifies the Creator and gets rid of the difficult dualism of Creator and Creation, it tends practically to deny his existence in any practical intelligible sense.
Very different were the solemnities which attended the creation of a knight when the complete procedure was observed.
The courtly were the feasts held at the creation, giving of robes, arms, spurs and the like.
But as Ashmole, speaking of Knights of the Bath, says, " if the ceremonies and circumstances of their creation be well considered.
In 1792, on the creation by the Legislative Assembly of an, executive council, Monge accepted the office of minister of the marine, but retained it only until April 1793.
The defeat of Leipzig in 1813 was the signal for a general revolt in the Netherlands; the prince of Orange (son of William V.) was recalled, and amidst general Creation provinces to form the kingdom of the Netherlands, of the p g Kingdom which was also to include the bishopric of Liege and of the the duchy of Bouillon, and the prince of Orange was Nether- placed upon the throne on the 15th of March 1815 as lands.
His reign is also marked by the creation of numerous monasteries and by renewed missionary activity in Flanders and among the Basques.
The discourse on the resurrection answers objections to the doctrine, and attempts to prove its truth from considerations of God's purpose in the creation of man, His justice and the nature of man himself.
Poulton, in an admirable discussion of contemporary views regarding species (presidential address to the Entomological Society of London 1904), has shown that Darwin did not believe in the objective existence of species, not only because he was led to discard the hypothesis of special creation as the explanation of the polymorphism of life, but because in practice as a working systematist he could neither find for himself nor ascertain from other systematists any settled criteria by which a group of specimens could be elevated into a genus, accepted as a species, or regarded as a variety.
Thus monasticism is not a creation of Christianity; it is much older, and before the Christian era a highly organized monasticism existed in India.
The rest of the year was spent in fixing together and translating the fragments relating to the Creation, the results of which work were embodied in The Chaldaean Account of Genesis.
It had at last been recognized that such famines must be expected to occur at no very long intervals of time, and that the cost of relief operations must not be met by increasing the permanent debt on the country, but by the creation of a famine relief and a famine insurance fund.
In addition to the lost Annals, Dionysius was from the time of Assemani until 1896 credited with the authorship of another important historical work - a Chronicle, which in four parts narrates the history of the world from the creation to the year 774-77 5 and is preserved entire in Cod.
Thus, the creation of a new series of forts extending from Thionville (Diedenhofen) to Metz and thence south-eastward was coupled with the construction of twelve strategic railway stations between Cologne and the Belgian frontier, and laterthe so-called fundamental plan of operations against France having apparently undergone modification in consequence of changes in the foreign relations of the German governmentan immense strategic railway station was undertaken at Saarburg, on the right rear of Thionville and well away from the French frontier, and many important new works both of fortification and of railway construction were begun in Upper Alsace, between Colmar and Basel.
The citizens, who were called upon to fight their battles, were usually unable to contend successfully with men whose whole lives had been passed in warfare; the isolation of the cities was not favorable to the creation or mobilization of an active and homogeneous force; and, moreover, at this time many of them were disturbed by internal troubles.
The guarantee had been willingly given; for Metternich had no desire to see the creation of a powerful unified German empire, but aimed at the establishment of a loose confederation of weak states over which Austria, by reason of her ancient imperial prestige and her vast non-German power, would exercise a dominant influence.
Bismarcks reply was to deny the competency of the diet to interfere; and in the Prussian parliament the minister of war moved for a special grant for the creation of a war-harbour at Kid.
The Prussian plan of reform laid before the diet included the exclusion of Austria from the Confederation; the creation of a federal navy; the division of the supreme command of the army between Prussia and Bavaria; a parliament elected by manhood suffrage; the regulation of the relations between the Confederation and Austria by a special treaty.
The organization of the imperial post-office was carried out with great success by Herr von Stephan (q.v.), who remained at the head of this department from its creation till his death in 1897.
As a preparation for this salvation supernatural revelation was required for the purifying and revivification of the religious consciousness, and the Saviour Himself had to appear in human history as a fresh miraculous creation, born of a woman but not begotten by a man.
By His own moral and religious development He made possible a relation of perfect fellowship between God and man, which was the new and highest stage of the divine creation of mankind.
From the creation of the Bulgarian patriarchate of Ochrida in 893 to its abolition in 1767 the city was the ecclesiastical headquarters of the Bulgarians in the west of the Balkan Peninsula.
For mere death brings no liberation, unless a man is become a new creation, a new Adam, as Christ was; unless he has received the gift of the spirit and become a vehicle of the Paraclete.
The German members of the government resigned, their place was taken by Clericals, Poles and Czechs, Smolka was elected president of the Lower House of the Reichsrath, and the German Liberals found themselves in a minority opposed by the " iron ring " of these three parties, and helpless in the parliament of their own creation.
Among his sermons preached before his ordination, which was not till the 23rd of December 1660, were the famous discourses on The Wisdom of God in the Creation, and on the Chaos, Deluge and Dissolution of the World.
The latter includes three essays on "The Primitive Chaos and Creation of the World," "The General Deluge, its Causes and Effects," and "The Dissolution of the World and Future Conflagrations."
The mere fact that they produced a literature in Latin argues a power of creation as well as receptivity.
The 9,000,000 was sufficient to pay the Alexandria indemnities, to wipe out the deficits of the preceding years, to give the Egyptian treasury a working balance of LE 500,000 and thereby avoid the creation of a fresh floating debt, and to provide a million for new irrigation works.
Another treatise relates the destruction of mankind, and the circumstances that led to the creation of the heavens in the form of a cow.
His son Amenophis III., C. 1400 u.c., was a mighty builder, especially at Thebes, where his reign marks a new epoch in the history of the great temples, Luxor being his creation, while avenues of rams, pylons, &c., were added on a vast scale to Karnak.
He was a religious fanatic, who had probably been high Anienophis priest of the sun-god at Heliopolis, and had come to view the sun as the visible source of life, creation, growth and activity, whose power was demonstrated in foreign lands almost as clearly as in Egypt.
Mikkel, priest of St Alban's Church in Odense, wrote three sacred poems, The Rose-Garland of Maiden Mary, The Creation and 1 Collected as Samling af gamle danske Love (5 vols., Copenhagen, 1821-1827).
Thus the reason assigned for the institution of the Sabbath in Exodus is drawn from the creation, and agrees with Gen.
It was admitted that such obligation must be not natural but positive; but it was argued by the stricter Calvinistic divines that the proportion of one in seven is agreeable to nature, based on the order of creation in six days, and in no way specially connected with anything Jewish.
He wrote a history of the world (Chronografiai, in five books) from the creation to the year A.D.
But his most original creation in this respect was the zone system, which immensely facilitated and cheapened the circulation of all wares and produce, and brought the remotest districts into direct communication with the central point at Budapest.
Robert Chambers, in the once famous Vestiges of Creation, interested and shocked his contemporaries by his denial of the fixity of species and his insistence on creation by progressive evolution, but had no better theory of the cause of variation than to suppose that organisms - "from the simplest and oldest to the highest and most recent" were possessed of "an inherent impulse, imparted by the Almighty both to advance them from the several grades and modify their structure as circumstances required."
Politically, this ambitious and progressive capital is the creation of the Magyar upper classes.
An indication of the activity of the Anglican Church was the creation of two new dioceses, George (1911), and Kimberley and Kuruman (1912).
But Pazmany's most unforgetable service to his country was his creation of the Hungarian literary language.
It begins, like the sacred story of creation, " In the beginning."
He was the medium of creation, the source of its light and its life - especially of that higher life which finds its manifestation in men.
These agree with the more or less clear allusions in the Old Testament to myths of creation, Eden, deluge, mountain of gods, Titanic folk, world-dragons, heavenly hosts, &c., and also with the unearthed seals, tablets, altars, &c. representing mythical ideas.
A characteristic tone pervades the history, even of the antediluvian age, from the creation of Adam; or rather, the history of the earliest times has been written under its influence.
It is now generally agreed that the present adjustment of the older historical books of the Old Testament to form a continuous record of events from the creation to the Babylonian' exile is due to an editor, or rather to successive redactors, who pieced together and reduced to a certain unity older memoirs of very different dates; and closer examination shows that the continuity of many parts of the narrative is more apparent than real.
In another division of the religious literature of Babylonia which is largely represented in Assur-bani-pal's collection - the myths and legends - tales which originally symbolized the change of seasons, or in which historical occurrences are overcast with more or less copious admixture of legend and myth, were transferred to the heavens, and so it happens that creation myths, and the accounts of wanderings and adventures of heroes of the past, are referred to movements among the planets and stars as well as to occurrences or supposed occurrences on earth.
Perowne as bishop of Worcester and in 1905 was installed bishop of Birmingham, a new see the creation of which had been mainly due to his efforts.
In some instances, as in the great Creation Series of Babylon, the later scribes subjected the different versions to processes of editing, with the result that the earlier forms gave place to the redactions of a militant priesthood.
Further, as the causes are eternal, timeless, so creation is eternal, timeless.
After all have been restored to the divine unity, there is no further creation.
Madison now opposed Hamilton's measures for the funding of the debt, the assumption of state debts, and the establishment of a National Bank, and on other questions he sided more and more with the opposition, gradually assuming its leadership in the House of Representatives and labouring to confine the powers of the national government within the narrowest possible limits; his most important argument against Hamilton's Bank was that the constitution did not provide for it explicitly, and could not properly be construed into permitting its creation.
The eternal generation of the Son is equivalent to the eternal creation of the world.
But the sensuous and phenomenal, as such, so far as they seem to imply independence of God, are mere privation and nothingness; things exist only through the presence of God in them, and the goal of creation, like its outset, is the repose of the Godhead.
Creation (which is conceived as an eternal process) begins with the creation of the angels.
The creation of the world is still further to be distinguished from these two processes as an act of freedom or will; it cannot, therefore, be speculatively constructed, but must be historically accepted.
In midwinter a feast of six days is held in commemoration of the six periods of creation.
In the middle of April a feast is held to celebrate the creation of trees, shrubs and flowers.
They viewed with displeasure and foreboding the fall of Iturbide's empire and the creation of the republic. They were not treasonable, but talked much, refusing allegiance to the new government; and as they controlled the resources of the colony and the good will of the Indians, they felt their strength against the local authority; besides, they were its constant benefactors.
The author's delight in this wonderful creation was not misleading; it has been fully shared by every generation of readers since.
With reference to their objects, treaties may perhaps be conveniently classified as (r) political, including treaties of peace, of alliance, of cession, of boundary, for creation of international servitudes, of neutralization, of guarantee, for the submission of a controversy to arbitration; (2) commercial, including consular and fishery conventions, and slave trade and navigation treaties; (3) confederations for special social objects, such as the Zollverein, the Latin monetary union, and the still wider unions with reference to posts, telegraphs, submarine cables and weights and measures; (4) relating to criminal justice, e.g.
The constitution also forbids the creation of a state debt in excess of i% of the assessed value of the taxable property in the state; of a county debt in excess of 2 of the assessed value of the taxable property in the county; or of a municipal debt for any other purpose than obtaining a water supply in excess of unless for building sewerage, when a debt of 4% may be authorized.
Their speculation as to the nature of God had led them gradually to separate him by an infinite distance from all creation, and to feel keenly the opposition of the finite and the infinite, the perfect and the imperfect, the eternal and the temporal.
In 1708 she was forced to dismiss Harley, who, with the aid of Mrs Masham, had been intriguing against the government and projecting the creation of a third party.
To break down this opposition Marlborough was dismissed on the 31st from all his employments, while the House of Lords was "swamped" by Anne's creation of twelve peers,' including Mrs Masham's husband.
In 1895 an arrangement was made for the reduction of interest to 4%, the beginning of amortization, and the creation of "coffee warrants" to be used in the payment of export duties on coffee assigned for the service of the debt.
About 242 the increase of a foreign population in Rome necessitated the creation of a second praetor for the decision of suits between foreigners (peregrini) or between citizens and foreigners.
On the creation of the republic of Colombia, Bogota became its capital, and when that republic was dissolved into its three constituent parts it remained the capital of Nueva Granada.
As the Genesis begins with a line identical in meaning, though not in wording, with the opening of Cmdmon's Hymn, we may perhaps infer that the writer knew and used Cmdmon's genuine poems. Some of the more poetical passages may possibly echo Cmdmon's expressions; but when, after treating of the creation of the angels and the revolt of Lucifer, the paraphrast comes to the Biblical part of the story, he follows the sacred text with servile fidelity, omitting no detail, however prosaic. The ages of the antediluvian patriarchs, for instance, are accurately rendered into verse.
Thus, the creation of the standing army in France by Charles VII.
The second dates from Volta's discovery to the discovery by Faraday in 1831 of the induction of electric currents and the creation of currents by the motion of conductors in magnetic fields, which initiated the era of modern electrotechnics.
She is produced by Vohu Mano, the " Good Thought " of Ahura, one of the six Holy Immortals; she thus belongs to the ideal creation before.
The first four books, which were composed at one time, cover the period from the creation of the world to the death of Sigebert in 575.
God is thus the immanent cause of the universe; but of creation or will there can be no question in Spinoza's system.
When Great Novgorod submitted provisionally to Peace of the suzerainty of Sweden, Swedish statesmen had Stolbova, believed, for a moment, in the creation of a Trans- 1617 baltic dominion extending from Lake Ilmen northwards to Archangel and eastwards to Vologda.
The religion which Zoroaster preached was the creation of.
The establishment of a systematic police force was of slow growth in England, and came into effect long after its creation abroad.
The extent to which the metropolitan police has developed will best be realized by contrasting its numbers on first creation and the nature of the duties and functions that then appertained to it.
The year which witnessed the emancipation of the slaves and the creation of the first treaty state also saw the beginning of another disastrous Kaffir war.
Though most anxious to avoid any extension of responsibility in South Africa, Great Britain recognized the potential danger arising from the creation of an independent state on the coast.
Only by the creation of a central government could South Africa be wisely and successfully governed.
Revealed religion had been declared to be nothing but a republication of the truths of natural religion (Matthew Tindal, Christianity as Old as the Creation), and all revelation had been objected to as impossible.
Of imperfect things, the highest are angels and human beings, who by virtue of the possession of reason are akin to the Divine and superior to the lower creation.
Further, a distinction was drawn between irrational animals, or the brute creation, and the rational, i.e.
He sought to undo the worst consequences of the Methuen treaty by the creation of national industries, establishing a gunpowder factory and a sugar refinery in 1751, a silk industry in 1752, wool, paper and glass factories after 1759.
He remained in power during five years of unbroken peace (1851-1856), and carried many useful reforms. The most important of these was the so-called Additional Act of the 5th of July 1852, which amended the charter of 1826 by providing for the direct election of deputies, the decentralization of the executive, the creation of representative municipal councils, and the abolition of capital punishment for political offences.
Frei Bernardo de Brito began his ponderous Monarchia Lusitana with the creation of man and ended it where he should have begun, with the coming of Count Henry to the Peninsula.
But the exigencies of the administration of justice led to the successive creation of a certain number of provincial parlements.
Their creation, moreover, was generally dictated by political circumstances, after the incorporation of a province in the domain of the Crown.
Sometimes an intermediate regime was set up between the annexation of the province and the creation of its provincial parlement, under which delegates from the Parlement of Paris went and held assizes there.
For the reservation of the water-partings in the past considerably denuded by lumbermen and ranchmen the increase of the forest areas, and the creation of reservoirs along the rivers, to control their erratic flow 2 and impound their flood waste for purposes of irrigation, much has been done by the national government.
As the chronicler had rewritten the history of Israel and Judah from the standpoint of the Priests' Code, so our author re-edited from the Pharisaic standpoint of his time the history of the world from the creation to the publication of the Law on Sinai.
This name is admirably adapted to our book, as it divides into jubilee periods of forty-nine years each the history of the world from the creation to the legislation on Sinai.
He was one of the minority of five in the Senate who voted against the proclamation of the empire, and he opposed the creation of the new nobility and the divorce of Napoleon from Josephine; but notwithstanding this he was subsequently created a count of the empire and officer of the Legion of Honour.
The work in which he endeavoured to prove that true Christianity is as old as the creation, and is really but the republication of the gospel of nature, soon gained the name of the "Deist's Bible."
His pen was as busy as his voice, and in four notable pamphlets he advocated the creation of companies of commerce, the abolition of the distinction between Old and New Christians, the reform of the procedure of the Inquisition and the admission of Jewish and foreign traders, with guarantees for their security from religious persecution.
A dislocation of the manufacturing factors has therefore been in progress, which with the creation of a " trans Tiberim " (as in ancient Rome) is, in many respects, altering the character and aspect of the metropolis.
Each new creation, each new step in the theory, demanded another, until the whole sky was filled with forgeries of the brain, and the nobler and simpler lessons of the founder of the religion were hidden beneath the glittering stream of metaphysical subtleties.
The system of Democritus was altogether antitheistic. But, although he rejected the notion of a deity taking part in the creation or government of the universe, he yielded to popular prejudice so far as to admit the existence of a class of beings, of the same form as men, grander, composed of very subtle atoms, less liable to dissolution, but still mortal, dwelling in the upper regions of air.
The great library of Nineveh was to a considerable extent his creation, and scribes were kept constantly employed in it copying the older tablets of Babylonia, though unfortunately their patron's tastes inclined rather to omens and astrology than to subjects of more modern interest.
The mythical theory that the Christ of the Gospels, excepting the most meagre outline of personal history, was the unintentional creation of the early Christian Messianic expectation he applied with merciless rigour to the narratives.
Man is born with a corrupt bias which was not his at creation; the first man, when created, possessed Immortality, Perfect Wisdom, And A Will Regulated By Reason.
Another circumstance favoured the creation of separate national churches.
All this seemed to foreshadow the creation of a Balkan confederation hostile to Turkey, and the sultan had reason to feel alarmed.
Among his most remarkable works may be mentioned his ten memoirs on quantics, commenced in 1854 and completed in 1878; his creation of the theory of matrices; his researches on the theory of groups; his memoir on abstract geometry, a subject which he created; his introduction into geometry of the "absolute"; his researches on the higher singularities of curves and surfaces; the classification of cubic curves; additions to the theories of rational transformation and correspondence; the theory of the twenty-seven lines that lie on a cubic surface; the theory of elliptic functions; the attraction of ellipsoids; the British Association Reports, 1857 and 1862, on recent progress in general and special theoretical dynamics, and on the secular acceleration of the moon's mean motion.
But from the 7th century to the 17th - from Isidore of Seville and the English Bede for a thousand years, - mankind was to look back along the line of Jewish priests and kings to the Creation.
When a line was drawn between pagan and Christian back to the creation of the world, it left outside the pale of inquiry nearly all antiquity.
It settled until our own day the succession of years from the Creation to the birth of Christ, fitting the Old Testament story into that of ancient history.
Augustine's explanation of its fall passes in review not only the calamities of Roman history - combined with a pathetic perception of its greatness, - but carries the survey back to the origin of evil at the creation.
The archbishop's palace is in a picturesque situation, and dates from the creation of the dignity.
The treasury department has chartered the coasts, sought to enforce the prohibition law, controlled and protected the fur seals and fisheries, and incidentally collected the customs. Since the creation of the department of commerce and labour (1903), it has taken over from other departments some of these scattered functions.
The creation of a protectorate is convenient for the superior and the inferior; it relieves the former from the full responsibilities incident to annexation; it spares to some extent the feelings of the latter.
It was proposed by some of the powers represented that effective occupation should be a condition to the creation of a protectorate on the coast of Africa.
In 1876 King Leopold summoned a conference at Brussels of the leading geographical experts in Europe, which resulted in the creation of "The International Association for the Exploration and Civilization of Africa."
The Vendidad, the priestly code of the Parsees, contains in 22 chapters (fargard) a kind of dualistic account of the creation (chap. 1), the legend of Yima and the golden age (chap. 2), and in the bulk of the remaining chapters the precepts of religion with regard to the cultivation of the earth, the care of useful animals, the protection of the sacred elements, such as earth, fire and water, the keeping of a man's body from defilement, together with the requisite measures of precaution, elaborate ceremonies of purification, atonements, ecclesiastical expiations, and so forth.
Our author, like Paul, expects the hearers of the word to be "a kind of first-fruits to God of his creation."
Modern astronomy of precision is essentially Bessel's creation.
To many persons it will appear paradoxical to ascribe the endowment of a soul to the inferior tribes in the creation, yet it is difficult to discover a valid argument that limits the possession of an immaterial principle to man.
Man is the end towards which all the animal creation has tended from the first appearance of the first Palaeozoic fishes."
St George Mivart (Genesis of Species) propounded a theory of a natural evolution of man as to his body, combined with a supernatural creation as to his soul; but this attempt to meet the difficulties on both sides seems to have satisfied neither.
The existence of man in remote geological time cannot now be questioned, but, despite much effort made in likely localities, no bones, with the exception of those of the much-discussed Pithecanthropus, have been found which can be regarded as definitely bridging the gulf between man and the lower creation.
As may be supposed, theories of the origin of life apart from doctrines of special creation or of a primitive and slow spontaneous generation are mere fantastic speculations.
Many pamphlets date from this period, as does La Creation (1870), a third book of the class of Ahasverus and Merlin, but even vaguer, dealing not with history, legend, or philosophy, but with physical science for the most part.
Many of his paternal ventures led to little more than waste of money, or the creation of hotbeds of jobbery.
In this connexion may be mentioned the idea of a divinity, half male, half female, uniting in itself the active and passive functions of creation, a symbol of luxuriant growth and productivity.
The moon, by its connexion with menstruation, and as the cause of the fertilizing dew, was regarded as exercising an influence over the entire animal and vegetable creation.
As, according to the doctrine of virtue, God's virtue consists primarily in love to Himself, so His final end in creation is conceived to be, not as the Arminians held, the happiness of His creatures, but His own glory.
Giuseppe, Monte Calvario, Avvocata, Stella, San Carlo all' Arena, Vicaria, San Lorenzo, Mercato, Pendino and Porto, but also the suburban districts of Vomero, Posilipo, Fuorigrotta, Miano and Piscinola, has been built over in every direction, one great incentive being the creation of an industrial zone to the eastward of the city.
But the powers he cared most to exercise ceased by degree to be those of imaginative creation, and came to be those of turning to practical human use the mastery which his studies had taught him over the forces of nature.
There seems no reason to suppose that he was consulted respecting the great Tory strokes of the creation of the twelve new peers and the dismissal of Marlborough (December 1711), but they would hardly have been ventured upon if The Conduct of the Allies and the Examiners had not prepared the way.
The universe, the heavenly bodies, man, animals, and presumably plants, are each of them endowed with a soul, which is more or less perfect according to the position which it occupies in the descending scale of creation.
But Milton's Comus is a creation of his own.
She worked steadily at the development of the New hospital, and (from 1874) at the creation of a complete school of medicine in London for women.
These operations, though comparatively trivial as the Civil War developed, brought great results, in permanently dividing old Virginia by the creation of the state of West Virginia, and in presenting the first sharp, short and wholly successful campaign of the war.
God reveals to Enoch the history of the creation of the earth and the seven planets and circles of the heaven and of man, the story of the fallen angels, the duration of the world through 7000 years, and its millennium of rest.
Again it is described as proceeding from God as the principle of creation and objective to Him.
Origen, referring the act of creation to eternity instead of to time, affirmed the eternal personal existence of the Logos.
Although from the very conditions of their creation they regarded the country as a field for exploitations, they were themselves often men of education and ability, and unquestionably made some praiseworthy attempts to promote the general culture and well-being of their subjects, In this respect, even the Phanariote regime was preferable tc mere pasha rule, while it had the further consequence of preserving intact the national form of administration and the historic offices of Moldavia.
He starts from the creation and endeavours to fill up the lacuna from 1662 to his own time, 1714.
The creation, in 1835, of a legislative council, on which unofficial members had seats, was the first step in giving the colonists a share in the government.
Its area was reduced in 1853 by the creation of the Territory of Washington.
Gratian's collection, for the very reason that it had for its aim the creation of a systematic canon law, was a work of a transi After tional character.
Sir Isaac also left a Church History complete, a History of the Creation, Paradoxical Questions regarding Athanasius, and many divinity tracts.
This view of liberty of will is the only one in accordance with the facts of humanity; it excludes reflective volition, and explains the enthusiasm of the poet and the artist in the act of creation; it explains also the ordinary actions of mankind, which are done as a rule spontaneously and not after reflective deliberation.
The God I plead for is neither the deity of Pantheism, nor the absolute unity of the Eleatics, a being divorced from all possibility of creation or plurality, a mere metaphysical abstraction.
Further, as a theory of creation, it makes creation a necessity, and destroys the notion of the divine.
He had all the ambitions of his grandfather Henry II.; his dreams were of shattering the newly-formed kingdom of France, the creation of Philip Augustus, and of recovering all the lost lands of his forefathers on the Seine and Loire.
Nevertheless the struggle turned gradually to the advantage of the laborer, and ended in the creation of the sturdy and prosperous farming yeomanry who were the strength of the realm for several centuries to come.
The festival, which lasted for eleven days, symbolized the new birth of nature - a reproduction therefore of the creation of the world.
But while to Origen creation also was a continuous process, an unspeculative orthodoxy struck out the latter point as inconsistent with biblical teaching; and we must grant that the eternal generation of the Divine Son adds a more distinctive glory to the Logos when it is no longer balanced by an eternal creation.
The creation of the Institute was also due to Daunou, who drew up the plan for its organization.
The creation of a new capital by Constantine was not an act of personal caprice or individual judgment.
And its first achievement for the country (this is again a mere statement of fact) was the restoration of a much-damaged self-respect and the creation of a great defensive fleet not a day too soon for safety.
Before its dissolution the Assembly had authorized the creation of 1 800 o00 000 livres of assignats and The g the depreciation of its paper had begun.
Natty Bumpo, however, is a creation of no common unity and consistency.
Morality in effect - to such an extreme position is he driven in his opposition to the Thomists - becomes the arbitrary creation of the Divine Will and in no sense depends for its authority upon rational principles or is a form of knowledge.
The creation of state vine-nurseries, stocked with American plants, was authorized by a law of 1908.
The bishopric of Strassburg existed in the days of the Merovingian kings, being probably founded in the 4th century, and embraced a large territory on both banks of the Rhine, which was afterwards diminished by the creation of the bishoprics of Spires and Basel.
His chief work is his Chronicle of events from the creation of the world to the death of Alexius I.
This increase was due to a variety of causes - the improvement in the political condition of the country, the creation of leaseholds after the abolition of the 40s.
Confiscations and settlements, prohibitive laws (such as those which ruined the woollen industry), penal enactments against the Roman Catholics, absenteeism, the creation for political purposes of 40s.
In 1882 the Commissioners of Public Works were given further powers to lend money to fishermen on the recommendation of the inspectors of fisheries; and under an act of 1883 the Land Commission was authorized to pay from time to time such sums, not exceeding in all £250,000, as the Commissioners of Public Works might require, for the creation of a Sea Fishery Fund, such fund to be expended - a sum of about £240,000 has been expended - on the construction and improvement of piers and harbours.
The presidency of Munster, an office the creation of which had long been contemplated, was then conferred on Sir John Perrot, who drove James "Fitzmaurice" Fitzgerald into the mountains, reduced castles everywhere, and destroyed a Scottish contingent which had come from Ulster to help the rebels.
The most important Irish measure of the session was the Ashbourne Act,' by which £5,000,000 was allotted on the security of the land for the creation Act.
The 40th clause of the Land Act of 1896 greatly stimulated the creation of occupying owners in the case of over-incumbered estates, but solvent landlords were not in a hurry to sell.
The constitution also provides for the establishment of a new county, " whenever one-third of the qualified electors within the area of each section of an old county proposed to be cut off to form a new county shall petition the governor .for the creation of a new county," whereupon the governor " shall order an election within a reasonable time thereafter," and if two-thirds of the voters vote " yes," the General Assembly at the next session shall establish the new county, provided that no section of a county shall be cut off without the consent of two-thirds of those voting in such section; that no new county " shall contain less than one one hundred and twenty-fourth part of the whole number of inhabitants of the state, nor shall it have less assessed taxable property than one and one-half millions of dollars, nor shall it contain an area of less than four hundred square miles "; and that " no old county shall be reduced to less area than five hundred square miles, to less assessed taxable property than two million dollars, nor to a smaller population than fifteen thousand inhabitants."
The existence of God being thus held proved, he proceeds to state the rational grounds of the Christian doctrines of creation and of the Trinity.
Creation, itself a free and non-temporal act of God's love and will, cannot be speculatively deduced, but must be accepted as an historic fact.
Only after the fall of man begins the creation of space, time and matter, or of the world as we now know it; and the motive of this creation was the desire to afford man an opportunity for taking advantage of the scheme of redemption, for bringing forth in purity the image of God according to which he has been fashioned.
The struggle was complicated throughout its course by political and other considerations; there were repeated rebellions of German nobles, constant strife between rival imperial and papal factions in the Lombard cities and at Rome, and creation of several anti-popes, of whom Guibert of Ravenna (Clement III.) and Gregory VIII.
According to all modern views of creation, the creative mind is prior to the universe which it created.
Thus the doctrines of evolution and of creation, or the making of things, stand apart, or blend, in the metaphysics and religion of the lowest and least progressive of known peoples.
Both animals or men or gods take part in creation.
The gods were less numerous than the Asuras, but by a magical stratagem turned some bricks into gods (like a creation of new peers to carry a vote) - so says the Black Yajur-Veda.'
According to Qing, creation was the work of Cagn (the mantis insect), " he gave orders and caused all things to appear."
The account of the creation, too, is different; for example, in chap. i.
The naiveness of the story of the creation of woman is in line with the interest which this more popular source takes in the origin or existence of phenomena, customs and contemporary beliefs (the garden, the naming of animals, &c.).
This deified monarch needed a new temple, and Versailles, where everything was his creation, both men and things, adored its maker.
To avert the danger threatened by popular dissatisfaction, the Gironde was persuaded to vote for the creation of a revolutionary tribunal to judge suspects, while out of spite against Danton who demanded it, they refused the strong government which might have made a stand against the enemy (March 10, 1793).
On the other hand, Napoleons creation of the kingdom of Italy, his annexation of Venetia and her ancient Adriatic empire wiping out the humiliation of 1797and the occupation of Ancona, marked a new stage in his progress towards his Roman Empire.
The dogmas of creation and providence, of divine omnipotence, chiefly exercised them; and they sought to assert for God an immediate action in the making and the keeping of the world.
In order, for example, to maintain the necessity of creation, he taught that all things except God were admissible or possible in their own nature, but that certain of them were rendered necessary by the act of the creative first agent, - in other words, that the possible could be transformed into the necessary.
They refused to accept the doctrine of creation because it conflicted with the explanation of forms as the necessary evolution of matter.
The conception of God as wholly external to man, a purely mechanical theory of the creation, is throughout Christendom regarded as false to the teaching of the New Testament as also to Christian experience.
Ministers were excluded from the chamber, thus rendering impossible any effective co-operation between the legislature and the executive; and, worst of all, a provision was introduced making members of the Cortes ineligible for re-election, an effective bar to the creation.
The Sudan government devoted much attention to the revival of agriculture and commerce, to the creation of an educated class of natives, and to the establishment of an adequate judicial system.
This prosperity was brought about largely by improving the water-supply, and thus bringing more land under cultivation, by the creation of new industries, and by the improvement of means of communication.
Salaries have been too low to attract the ablest men; and as the constitution forbade the creation of new offices, and no amendment of this clause could be secured, resort was had to the creation of additional " secretaries " and of boards constituted of existing state officials or their secretaries.
Movements in Congress for the creation of a new Territory on the Platte began in 1844, several attempts at organization failing in the succeeding decade.
God exists as an eternal personality, and the creation is an overflowing of the divine love, which was unable to contain itself.
The so-called Byzantine or Roman era (which continued in use in the Greek Church until its liberation from Turkish rule) was adopted in the Chronicum for the first time as the foundation of chronology, in accordance with which the date of the creation is given as the 21st of March, 5507.
He wrote Rational Psychology (1848), System of Moral Science (1853), Empirical Psychology (1854), Rational Cosmology (1858), Creator and Creation, or the Knowledge in the Reason of God and His Work (1872), Humanity Immortal (1872), Logic of Reason (1874).
His concessions to the reactionary and clerical party of the emigres, headed by the comte d'Artois and the duchesse d'Angouleme, aroused suspicions of his loyalty to the constitution, the creation of his Maison militaire alienated the army, and the constant presence of Blacas made the formation of a united ministry impossible.
The "creation" took place on 12th May, with the title of St George in Velabro, Newman taking occasion while in Rome to insist on the lifelong consistency of his opposition to "liberalism in religion."
Thereafter, by a series of special acts in the first place, and, subsequent to the year 1617, by the decrees of parliamentary commissions, the creation of suitable parochial districts was pro - ceeded with.
But the creation is almost the self-same with that in the old French ceremonies by the solemn delivery of a banner charged with the arms of him that is to be created, and the cutting of the end of the pennon or streamer to make it a square or into the shape of a banner in case that he which is to be created had in the field his arms on a streamer before the creation."
The creation of bannerets is traceable, according to Selden, to the time of Edward I.
The last authentic instance of the creation of a knight banneret was that of John Smith, created banneret at the battle of Edgehill by Charles I.
A woman your age ought to be looking for a husband – or already married, not chasing all over creation in pants, trying to act like a man.
I oversee their creation then seal them.
God is ultimately responsible for the creation of this child, not magic.
Amenable environments for the creation and presentation of electronic papers have emerged; however, more disciplines began to exploit them.
Business Inc. uses advanced tools to help the demands of the artist, which enable him/her to focus on the creation.
By using locally indigenous species we can promote hedgerow restoration and creation throughout the area to provide visual and ecological links between existing and proposed woodland areas.
It was more profound than anything that facile creation spiritualities have to offer.
The creation of the electronic agora was the first step toward the implementation of direct democracy within all social institutions [12] .
Ajax technologies to present a largely drag-and-drop Web-page creation environment within your browser window.
The private motor car plays a major role in the creation of a society in which individuals are increasingly alienated from others.
For example; The ancient Egyptians used Hematite in the creation of their magical amulets.
Two mutually antagonistic philosophies were always inherent in the creation of the internal market.
Each patient's particular circumstances must be considered and the need to inform has to be balanced against possible creation of unnecessary anxiety.
The Kurds believe Turkey's goal would be to suppress the creation of a truly autonomous Kurdish state in northern Iraq.
This normally involves foreshore erosion and, less frequently, the creation of a high backshore storm berm.
Rolle Street then bisected this route in 1866, resulting in the creation of High Street.
Yet The Creation never had a bona fide hit single in either Britain or the US.
It is the creation of a strong centralized bureaucracy.
Planning permission has been granted for the creation of 1,000 new homes along with waterside cafes, restaurants, bars and a new hotel.
The Great God and Great Goddess personified the cataclysm of creation and the formative Universe.
Such an one, indeed, is the creation of spotless chastity.
My blueberry and white chocolate cheesecake was a superior creation, light and creamy allowing the flavor of the mascarpone to come through.
It is easier now to promote complementarity in resource creation.
The sound of his drum heralds its creation; his burning flame signals its final conflagration.
California is positioning itself to capture this new market through the creation of non-profit industrial development consortiums, such as Calstart.
It is too conspiratorial to see in these debates the creation, in secret, of New Labor.
The creation of a series of twelve constellations to match the twelve months naturally came later.
In the world of content creation this means that people with narrow skills bases need to work together to create marketable content creation this means that people with narrow skills bases need to work together to create marketable content.
In 2000 the government announced the creation of the first nurse consultant posts and established a target of 1,000 nurse consultants by 2004.
They oversee the creation, setting and marking of exams.
Firstly it will allow creation of our own online tutorial systems.
The deal will involve the creation of a charitable company with University Trustees.
In concrete terms, I propose the creation of an ' Anonymity Biosphere ' .
This deliberate creation and destruction of human life makes it even more objectionable, in moral terms, than reproductive human cloning.
Notable evolutionists and denier of divine creation, divine intervention and divine judgment was Aldous Huxley, the grandson of Thomas Huxley.
True or not, such a theory doesn't explain or illuminate the marvel of literary creation that is Falstaff.
The second in Ivor's series of talks on the Integrated Company looks at wealth creation.
Metadata Workflow Investigation MWI is a study of metadata creation and management processes within the JISC Information Environment.
We encourage composting and alternatives to herbicides and pesticides and are looking for habitat creation as well as variety of plants present.
They are interested in " job creation " only so long as the jobs can be done more cheaply by humans than by machines.
Native broadleaf trees will also be planted where conservation is the main aim of woodland creation.
Community has the the citiescarnival cruise the cruise mexico riviera creation of quot small doors.
Allow for the creation of deer control areas at locations where specific problems in attaining deer culls have been identified.
The IPA functionality will support forward dated issuance, therefore the ISIN can be disseminated upon creation of the issue details.
Either through painting or creation of your own decals will this be accomplished.
One common scam is the creation of " shadow " domains that funnel users to a site by using deceptive redirects.
Our most recent creation is Screen Media magazine dedicated to the out of the home and in-store digital media sector.
In this article we report the creation of in-frame deletions or insertions in every biosynthetic gene in the cluster from Serratia sp.
The most common solution to this problem among pagan writers was to assign the physical creation to an inferior deity, called the demiurge.
Between 1919 and 1933 the US introduced the Prohibition, which banned alcohol and resulted in the creation of underground drinking dens.
In 1864 Nottingham and Birmingham had sent a joint deputation to the Home Secretary urging the creation of regional drainage boards.
And the angels, we could say, sing the descant to creation's chorus.
The original design was the house's very first creation, consisting of a flat trunk circled in iron and enhanced with wooden slats.
The creation of the new Homelessness directorate gives them the perfect opportunity to do this " .
At times the blending of two totally disassociated things together can result in a creation far in excess of the sum of the parts.
A dozen years ago there was a scheme to beautify and redevelop the docklands of Newport by the creation of a freshwater lake.
Erection of 3 no. rear dormers to facilitate a loft conversion, creation of undercroft and first floor extension to existing house.
The Addition will not apply to the creation of a wayleave, license or " statutory easement " .
On the one hand are various passages explaining creation as the result of God's nearly effortless workmanship.
Would you approve the creation of the gestalt entity ' Linstead People '?
Rejoice, Thou Who art exalted above all Creation!
The project resulted in the creation of a new, permanent exhibition in the Museum, World in the East End.
Similarly the power given in creation to humans is to be exercised with tenderness, not ruthless exploitation.
Exult, archangels bright exult, archangels bright Exult, creation round God's throne!
This honest mistake, however, resulted from the inherent failings of Wales ' own creation.
Paperback from Bible reading fellowship £ 7.99 Caring for Creation Ed.
There is an affirmation of divine fiat, or instantaneous creation.
Creation of a practice formulary would be a key step.
The book is packed full of brilliant description, facts and analysis, and is truly the creation of a first-class scholar.
The 11 O'Clock Show Channel 4 Sacha Baron Cohen's creation Ali G is a typical wannabe gangsta, familiar to urban Britain.
It once sustained a gigantic animal creation and an equally gigantic vegetation.
That's not to say we should go around hating ourselves or that we must never enjoy the goodness of God's creation.
The only instant gratification in writing is the burst of joy from the act of creation.
Quantum creation scenarios produce gravitational waves of a calculable form and magnitude.
A proud owner will invite guests to enjoy his creation.
There would be a ban on commercial surrogacy, putting human embryos in animals and vise versa, and the creation of human-animal hybrids.
For the workman trusts in his own creation when he makes dumb idols!
As the blind eye does not see the immensity of creation, so the blind spirit does not see the limitless power of God.
The Initiative also includes an Internet incubator Fund to stimulate the creation of new regional Incubators that will support and nurture new e-businesses.
The true reason for annual meadow-grass ingress into our fine turf putting surfaces, was the creation of gaps in the turf.
He allowed for the creation of a three man Ad Hoc Committee to review the cases of those who claimed innocence.
I-Tools is a simple to use, stand alone application for the creation of piping system isometrics.
Current museum projects include investigating the contents or a New Kingdom canopic jar through CT scanning and the creation of a virtual museum.
His work in Barcelona led to the creation of some of the city's most notable landmarks.
It is a creation of Western colonialism and is governed by people with somewhat dubious legitimacy.
The ejector lever on the case is virtually unbreakable due its creation from a new form of polypropylene.
My desire to be aware is restored most often through finally stopping, or being stopped, by the sheer magnificence of creation.
First of all, because they were a great toy, an infinitely malleable artistic medium of creation.
We were not mangled in our creation; God, that made the whole, must have the whole.
He was also responsible for the creation of the elaborate court masques of the Jacobean period.
Martin Turner takes you on a journey from the motion of a microscopic particle to the creation of imaginary moonscapes.
Once endowed with its less than perfect Body, the Creation, we might say, became mortal.
A part of the Indian creation myth says the Gods created an ocean of milk from which all living forms emerged.
This system is directly analogous to the creation of fictitious genealogies whereby individuals trace their origins back to a prestigious and perhaps mythical past.
It is a sociology textbook for the comparative study of world creation mythology.
The company made its name with the creation of virtual newsreader Ananova.
Habitat creation and conservation measures for birds, which include nightjar, owl and lesser-spotted woodpecker, include the provision of nesting boxes.
Is the creation of a universe a sure indication of absolute omnipotence, for example?
Marriage is a creation ordinance of the highest calling.
Much later, the University at Notre Dame in Paris saw the creation of a new kind of music called organum.
My business involves the creation of individually crafted gifts and decorative ornaments made from real egg shells.
Completed on site The creation of the giant otter took careful preparation, explained Michelle Cain.
Indymedia is a democratic media outlet for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate tellings of truth.
On the other hand, tight labor markets and large-scale job creation indicate a growing, or even overheated, economy.
Estimates for damage costs from volatile organic carbons do not always obviously include estimates for creation of tropospheric ozone.
Already at creation, the land was being pre- pared for the covenant.
Digital interactive Television Traditional TV has for a long time been an awareness creation tool par excellence.
Central to this was the creation of a rural Local Delivery pathfinder in each region.
The result was the creation of a yacht which is both fast but which retains her classic racing pedigree.
It will require ideological persuasion as well as the creation of practical communicative resources; to change the policy seems nigh impossible.
First, he was alone among the Islamic Hellenistic philosophers to argue for the temporal creation of the world.
The result will be the creation of a new under-class of those who are ' sans plastique ' .
As we shall see, his view of creation was very much influenced by Platonism.
Allen From the Intimate Creation Collection you have the platypus, a sextoy with women in mind.
Creation of a fitness trail and refurbished playground to provide leisure opportunities for people of all ages.
We strongly recommend, therefore, the creation of a totally independent investigative agency, not involving any serving police officers.
Instead of creating left-right polity, the laboring classes became small landowners, which resulted in the creation of a large rural conservative society.
Unlike Guided Evolution, it does not posit control over the path that Creation took.
It can also include the creation and testing of a pre-production prototype.
God then re-created the earth in the six literal days of creation described in the first chapter of Genesis.
They can be used to calculate the quantum process of universe creation, which cannot be described using classical general relativity.
The Orcadian reporter Sigurd Towrie, was the man behind the creation of the site.
Use locally indigenous species promote hedgerow restoration and creation throughout the area to provide visual and ecological links between existing and proposed woodland areas.
May we follow their example in showing a reverence for all creation?
With god-like powers, you sculpt mountains, gouge riverbeds, and seed forests to lay the groundwork for your creation.
Druids hold the land sacred, and honor the trees as symbols of the beauty and strength of creation.
It is however salutary to remember the genuine need for originality in the creation of a copyright protectable database within the Directive.
The creation of embroidered samplers in Britain can be traced back to the 16 th century.
No other program in the world provides such an opportunity to place scenography at the heart of dance creation.
The creation of DCLG offers tremendous scope to transform the prospects of communities across the country.
The next creation was poached sea bass with Provence vegetables and deep fried squid in a bouillabaisse sauce.
Future developments in this area should guard against the creation of ethnically segregated schooling ' .
Instant rhythm creation Assign sampled sounds to up to ten parts, then use the step sequencer to create rhythm patterns.
Francesca describes the inspiration for her creation as " The ultimate showgirl, a dancer from the Moulin Rouge.
Now we have units of creation that function in a Newtonian space-time.
In our view, these purposes can only be achieved by the creation of a modern movement invading every sphere of national life.
Site Map Creation The creation of a site map page enables Se spiders better crawling of your site.
How much then does this have to do with ' creation spirituality ', indeed, what is creation spirituality?
The Libertarian Alliance is a non-partisan group fighting statism in all its forms and working for the creation of a truly free society.
This first strophe celebrates the role of Christ in creation, most probably in His character as the Wisdom of God.
The creation of arable field margins and leaving overwinter stubbles followed by a spring crop should help boost local farm bird populations.
The creation of the assured short-hold tenancy allowed those interested in building up a residential letting portfolio to do so in safety.
The driving force behind her work is the creation of surface texture which she applies to simple, organically derived forms.
The classical philosophical theism was that there was space outside God in which the realm of creation was made.
Hamas may have won power democratically, but it seeks the creation of a global Islamic theocracy under Shari'a law.
All of this guarantees that God is absolutely transcendent and removed from His creation.
Because Allah is considered to be totally transcendent, his creation shares none of his character.
Instead, President Bush ordered the creation of military tribunals to try some captives.
We cannot tolerate the creation of an information underclass.
A lasting legacy for the project is the creation of huge mural which brightens up a concrete underpass near the school.
To address any creation by such a name, is therefore unlawful.
The creation of a new urology ambulatory care unit where investigative diagnostic work could be carried out.
It may be safely stated that Lotze would allow much latitude to individual convictions, as indeed it is evident that the empty notion of an absolute can only become living and significant to us in the same degree as experience and thought have taught us to realize the seriousness of life, the significance of creation, the value of the beautiful and the good, and the supreme worth of personal holiness.
Hence the conception that law is of necessity a spontaneous birth, not the creation of any individual legislator; and hence the idea that it necessarily proceeds by a natural and logical process of evolution constituting its history.
From the savage state, through the terror that gives birth to religions, through the creation of families by marriage, through burial rites and piety towards the dead, men approach civilization with the aid of poetic wisdom, and pass through three periods - the divine, heroic and human - in which they have three forms of government, language, literature, jurisprudence and civilization.
When Jellachich was marching on Pesth he went from town to town rousing the people to the defence of the country, and the popular force of the Honved was his creation.
The pope on his side grants the temporal sovereign certain rights, such as that of making or controlling the appointment of dignitaries; engages to proceed in harmony with the government in the creation of dioceses or parishes; and regularizes the situation produced by the usurpation of church property &c. The great advantage of concordats - indeed their principal utility - consists in transforming necessarily unequal unilateral claims into contractual obligations analogous to those which result from an international convention.
He negotiated with the elector palatine for the establishment of factories at Mannheim; suggested to the elector of Bavaria the creation of German colonies in Guiana and the West Indies; and brought down upon himself the wrath of the Munich merchants by planning a government monopoly of cloth manufacture and of trade.
Of the thirteen resolutions adopted by the conference, two have direct reference to this case; the rest have to do with the creation of new sees and missionary jurisdictions, commendatory letters, and a "voluntary spiritual tribunal" in cases of doctrine and the due subordination of synods.
One of the chief subjects for consideration was the creation of a "tribunal of reference"; but the resolutions on this subject were withdrawn, owing, it is said, to the opposition of the American bishops, and a more general resolution in favour of a "consultative body" was substituted.
Among the marvellous changes wrought in Argentina by the advent of European civilization, is the creation of a new flora by the introduction of useful trees and plants from every part of the world.
Provisions were also made for the creation of a special conversion fund in specie to guarantee the circulation, which fund reached a total of $100,000,000 in March 1906.
But it appears certain that the decalogue as it lay before the Deuteronomist did not contain any allusion to the creation (see Decalogue), and it is generally believed that this reference was added by the same post-exilic hand that wrote Gen.
His creation of a formidable standing army, the first of its kind in that age of transition from feudal conditions, gave to the Burgundian power all the outward semblance of stability and permanence.
It would be impossible to exaggerate the importance of this revolution, which ended by destroying the last vestige of feudality, and prepared that common Italian people which afterwards distinguished itself by the creation of European culture.
Prajapatiwho (probably for practical considerations, as better representing the sacrificer, the earthly ruler, or "lord of the creatures") here takes the place of the Purusha, the world-man or allembracing personality - is offered up anew in every sacrifice; and inasmuch as the' very dismemberment of the lord of creatures, which took place at that archtypal sacrifice, was in itself the creation of the universe, so every sacrifice is also a repetition of that first creative act.
On the other hand, nearly all systems of philosophy have discussed the underlying problems. Such questions as the origin of the cosmos as a whole, the production of organic beings and of conscious minds, and the meaning of the observable grades of creation, have from the dawn of speculation occupied men's minds; and the answers to these questions often imply a vague recognition of the idea of a gradual evolution of things.
In his Dialogues concerning Natural Religion he puts forward tentatively, in the person of one of his interlocutors, the ancient hypothesis that since the world resembles an animal or vegetal organism rather than a machine, it might more easily be accounted for by a process of generation than by an act of creation.
The vast authority of Cuvier was employed in support of the traditionally respectable hypotheses of special creation and of catastrophism; and the wild speculations of the Discours sur les revolutions de la surface du globe were held to be models of sound scientific thinking, while the really much more sober and philosophical hypotheses of the Hydrogeologie were scouted.
The whole story was most probably the creation of imaginations stimulated by torture and despair, unless it was a deliberate fiction set forth for the purpose of provoking hostility against the Jews.