Craving Sentence Examples
I have a big craving for sweets.
The craving for a cigarette often goes away in less than a week.
The demand for union was succeeded by a craving for independence.
In the fourth week, I had an intense craving for salt.
Union with the unpleasant, separation from the pleasant, unsatisfied craving, are each a result of individuality.
It is curious that while the popular craving for relics had passed all bounds, medieval theology was very cautious in its declarations on the subject of the veneration of relics.
Wait until she is sleepy or craving your attention.
The person starts craving alcohol and will drink more alcohol more often.
Need was thick in her body, an inhuman craving she knew now how to satisfy.
Union with the unpleasant is painful, painful is separation from the pleasant; and any craving unsatisfied, that too is painful.
AdvertisementLove is a craving hunger while it fills me to satiation like no mortal fare could ever satisfy.
Another fun offering, the Tummy Tickle, is a SimAnimals game in which you feed your Sim animals depending upon what they're craving and try to keep them happy.
Free mobile phone java application makes it easier to satisfy your craving for the printed word.
He looked to Sarah, who had also succumbed to the craving.
The Prime Minister has deliberately flouted the rules to allow rich men to fund his craving for power.
AdvertisementNicotine Gum - This product also releases small amounts of nicotine into the system and can be chewed whenever the user feels a tobacco craving coming on.
Before the rise of Neoplaton ism proper we meet with various mystical or semimystical expressions of the same religious craving.
Rumors of strange wasting diseases which gave the King a craving for babies ' blood began to spread.
When you're seeking hairstyle and hair color ideas, whether you are craving a color change or need a new hairstyle, there's plenty to consider, including lifestyle, maintenance, and styling commitment.
Pizza Hut coupon codes are helpful when you're craving some melted cheese on a delicious crust and don't have a lot of money to spare.
AdvertisementEvery sense was intensified and vibrant, yet secondary to the overwhelming craving for blood.
The body will readjust so the worst of the craving only lasts a short while Top of Page Who else can help?
Moreover, the people who quit using cocaine reported that their craving did not return once they tapered off vigabatrin.
If you're craving change, why not try a few artistic panels and see the difference it can make when paired with a chic cut!
Even if the substance you're craving is harmless, you need to be checked for vitamin deficiencies.
AdvertisementCombining pickles and ice cream always seems to be the cliché pregnancy food craving, but you might have a sudden, undeniable craving for just about anything.
If authentic Chinese food is what you are craving, then it will definitely be your lucky day!
Once the competition is over, though, celebrate with all the fries, hot wings and whatever else you've been craving!
There are plenty of vendors listed online, so you should be able to find a wide selection of fashions to fill that craving for new clothes.
If you're craving homemade pasta or prefer to make your own pasta with fresh ingredients, the kitchen aid pasta maker is a must-have attachment for your Kitchen Aid mixer.
Whether you’re looking for an after dinner desert coffee or something a little stronger with which to start off your day, Melitta most likely has what you’re craving.
Solitaire Craving offers one basic solitaire game with three levels of play (easy, medium and hard).
Perhaps you aren't part of a large family, and you're living the single life and craving some more social interaction.
While "Christmas in July" is not an official holiday, the celebration began as a fun way to satisfy the craving for cooler weather and holiday cheer that many people experience during the hottest month of the year.
For example; you may develop a craving for a particular food that prior to your pregnancy you wouldn't have otherwise eaten.
Get him the video game he has been craving or the DVD he has been talking about.
If you work, you get money, and then you can go shopping, and your character can get something new - a better dress, a stylish purse, maybe that ice cream treat they've been craving.
An uncontrolled craving for sexual encounters may cause a person to be unfaithful.
Like their name states, these diamond earrings are sure to satisfy any woman's craving for something decadent.
Anyone who's craving an expensive, exquisite bag to carry is likely to find at least one thing she likes within the Fendi line.
Visit The Purple Store for Violet L.A.P.A. Crocodile-Print Leather Tote along with all things purple for your color craving.
Whether you're craving a plate of fettuccine alfredo or simply interested in enjoying a relaxing lunch with your friends, finding a coupon for Olive Garden restaurants is a smart move.
Put a Domino's coupon code to good use the next time you're craving a pizza and are short on cash.
Thongs are great for when you have a coffee craving and the coffee shop closes in ten minutes.
Here are some places to make up for your Parade of Shoes website craving.
At times, the plot seems to move very slowly, a technique used by producers to keep viewers hooked and craving that next character development.
However, for many others, getting hold of spoilers only adds to the fun and anticipation of watching the actual episode, and feeds the craving to watch when you are unable to because of a business trip, vacation, or previous engagement.
Even people who prefer to remain true to the bird's natural appearance can still satisfy a craving for vibrant colors.
On a rainy day, this inside playground is the perfect option for children craving activity.
With pancakes, sausage, eggs, bacon, a wide variety of bakery items, and more, guests are sure to find something they are craving.
Your craving will be rewarded and your visions for visceral beauty brought into fruition, given homage amid the breathtaking background of majestic mountains descending gracefully into oceanic utopia.
Fortunately for ladies craving these wrist-hugging wonders, timepiece manufacturers are more than happy to accommodate them with an array of designs from which to choose.
For diehard diamond lovers, the selections below will satisfy your craving for sumptuousness while also delivering exceptional performance.
This leads to a cycle of craving and feeding without ever supplying yourself with adequate nutrition.
I was hungrier with this pregnancy, craving jelly beans and anything else that was sweet and chewy.
However, the avoidance of this desire carries with it a lot of extra calories without the craving ever really being satisfied.
Quitting smoking and weight gain results are usually caused by munching on food when you have a cigarette craving.
A craving only lasts for five to ten minutes.
You can get past the craving if you act quickly and substitute a health movement or something to chew for the craving.
When you're craving something sweet, grab some fruit.
The body craves foods for a reason and when you assess the craving, you may find that a bowl of fruit or some crunchy vegetables will satisfy the urges.
Unfortunately, one of the most common symptoms of hypoglycemia is a powerful craving for sugary or starchy foods.
Likewise, saving some of your fiber calories for your evening meal can help you remain sated during the overnight so that you are less likely to wake up during the night, craving a midnight snack.
Perhaps you are craving chocolate, and you are wondering how to make dark chocolate.
If you're craving a robe in matching, shimmering color, you might just stumble across one of those, too.
If you're looking to optimize the sensuality in your nightgown purchase despite your craving for the warmth that flannel provides, check out the 36" Pink Kitty Cat Flannel Nightgown.
If you are still craving more information about the girls on the Lingerie Football League, check out their various MySpace pages.
If the links and the information provided above regarding men modeling underwear are not enough and you are craving more, be very careful what links you click when searching on the Internet.
You are probably craving a Polartec women's robe right now, and no one will blame you for your interest in this practical and cozy piece.
If you want to satisfy your Joss Stone craving without getting up from your comfy seat at your computer, then Joss Stone MP3 downloads are for you.
Jonas Brothers MP3 downloads are widely available on the internet, so satisfying your Jonas Brother's craving should be a snap.
If you are craving something warm and filling for your picnic meal, try baked polenta with zucchini and tomato sauce or a flaky spinach pie topped with pine nuts.
Whether you're taking part in the water sports, hiking the area trails or soaking up the culture, when your appetite calls to your attention, the city provides many choices to satisfy every craving.
Diners can find virtually anything that they are craving.
This is a family-friendly restaurant with everything on the lunch menu from the obligatory grilled cheese sandwich for the little ones to a local scallop taco for those craving truly local seafood.
Deidre gripped him, craving something she didn't know how to ask him for.
The Christian antiquary has cause continually to lament the destruction of works of art due to this craving.
Meanwhile the mathematical mind, with its craving for accurate data on which to found its plans (the most difficult of all to obtain under the conditions of warfare), had been searching for expedients which might serve him to better purpose, and in 1805 he had recourse to the cavalry screen in the hope of such results.
The pope sacrificed the national aspirations of his subjects to his international relations as head of the Church; and he sacrificed their craving for liberty to the alliance with autocracy on which rested the continued existence of the temporal power.
Mysticism may broadly be described as the effort to give effect to the craving for a union of the soul with the Deity already in this life; and asceticism as the effort to give effect to the hankering after an ever-progressive purification of the soul and an atoning for sin by renunciation and self-denial in things lawful.
It was indeed from Italy that the races of the north caught the impulse of intellectual freedom, the spirit of science and curiosity, the eager retrospect towards the classic past; but joined with these in Germany was a moral impulse which was her own, a craving after truth and right, a rebellion against spiritual tyranny and corruption - the Renaissance was big in the north, as it was not in the south, with a Reformation to come.
The threefold division of craving at the end of the second truth might be rendered "the lust of the flesh, the lust of life and the love of this present world."
This may be so, but in any case the division of craving would have appealed to the five hearers as correct.
It is the grasping, the craving, still existing at the death of the one body that causes the new set of Skandhas, that is, the new body with its mental tendencies and capacities, to arise.
Once they are grasped the craving for existence is rooted out, that which leads to renewed existence iz destroyed, and there is no more birth.
The small value they attributed to all outward and special forms of service, and the want of any sympathetic craving for the communion of saints, saved the deists from attempting to found a free-thinking church.
Early in 1848, moreover, revolutions on the continent produced a natural craving for changes at home.
All that can be said in doubt is that since the '41 government came into existence on the 6th of September, and the letter was written on the 5th, its interpretation as complaint of being publicly neglected, as a craving for some mark of recognition, is possible.
Tyrone submitted at last, craving pardon on his knees, renouncing his Celtic chiefry, and abjuring all foreign powers, but still retaining his earldom, and power almost too great for a subject.
Man's craving to know " the reason why " is already " among rude savages an intellectual appetite," and " even to the Australian scientific speculation has its germ in actual experience."' How does he try to satisfy this craving ?
They had become accustomed to the constant chill in their bones, yet this newfound warmth elicited a welcome sensation that not only rid the cold, but also calmed the incessant craving for blood.
Constant craving According to naturopathic doctor Joseph Mercola, some people find that chromium may also help control sugar and carbohydrate cravings.
Many also have the munchies, an intense craving for food.
No, I have benefited by eating healthily, because I am now rid of my carbohydrate craving.
Craving is a bit like a well-developed muscle - once you stop using the muscle, it will eventually wither or shrink.
The activity will curb your impulse to eat and the venting of your feelings will satisfy the craving for the food.
Lust is the craving for sex, and is driven by the hormone testosterone in both men and women.
The young girl wasn't allowed to have a pet dog, but she had an eternal craving for one.
I used the gloss alone several times just to get the quick wash of color I was craving, as well as using the plumper alone.
These include a craving for more responsibility, a more realistic approach toward life and their future endeavors, taking interest in the opposite sex, and a larger formation of personal identity such as religious and social beliefs.
These treatments teach people to learn when they are most at risk for craving a cigarette.
However, if the user can distract himself/herself, the nicotine craving usually dissipates within five minutes.
When a craving hits, try going for a short walk, talking to a supportive friend, or reading a brief magazine article.
Often, if you can fight a craving for 10 or 15 minutes, it will subside.
It is not so much as the physical dependence of nicotine or cigarettes but the mental dependence caused by my thinking and the force of habitual thinking and acting upon the thought of physically craving nicotine.
And if you really want to stop smoking, you will understand that when a craving comes to you, you are powerless over it.
For example, cocaine addicts and recovering cocaine addicts may look at white powder, be it sugar, flour, or baking soda, and get a craving for cocaine.
Rather than acting on it immediately, taking a few deep breaths and riding out the few minutes that the craving will last can help.
If going to certain places triggers a craving for cigarettes, a person may need to avoid them until the severe nicotine withdrawal symptoms have passed.
Even though most people are aware that cigarette smoke contains toxic chemicals and contributes to an increased risk of lung cancer, heart disease and other health problems, the dependency on nicotine causes a powerful craving.
This, of course, can make it even more difficult to quit, and it can intensify the craving for nicotine in your system.
The next time you have a sugar craving, reflect on what event happened right before you had the craving.
It was reported recently that Cruise sent a private plane to pick up soda and organic food for girlfriend Katie Holmes, who was having a craving.
It looks like Kevin Federline won't get that street cred he's been craving so much.
Like now, I am craving to be on a set as an actress since it's been all writing for months.
The media attention can be dangerous for the celebrities involved and there's no question that the general public's constant craving for news and photographs feeds the frenzy even more.
Also, every ship has a rock climbing wall, which is perfect if you're craving an athletic activity while onboard the ship.
Organic candy coated sunflower seeds are a delicious snack when you need to give in to a sweet craving.
While getting a bargain at a local thrift store or yard sale is gratifying, sometimes the only thing that satisfies a new-clothes craving is a spanking new garment.
If you're craving some noodles and rice, this is the place to eat.
Keep in mind that this is something fans have been craving for eons… a continuation to one of their most beloved Final Fantasy titles.
If you're craving that rare bottle of Bordeaux but can't find it locally, you may be able to find it at your favorite online wine retailers.
Alas, the empty bottle left me licking my lips and craving for more, Le Pousseur has got me hooked.
The craving can be so strong, even years and years after initial withdrawal has been accomplished, that a previously addicted person may be virtually forever in danger of slipping back into substance use.
Pica is the persistent craving and compulsive eating of non-food substances.
Physical dependence is characterized by discomfort if drug administration suddenly stops, while psychological addiction is characterized by an overpowering craving for the drug for reasons other than pain relief.
They slowly release a small amount of nicotine into the bloodstream, satisfying the smoker's physical craving.
After eight weeks, they will lose their craving for tobacco, so it is safe then to return to their usual eating habits.
Your grandma predicts a girl because of your craving for sweets yet an aunt insists it's a boy by the shape of your belly.
If you've been craving to see Daniella Sarahyba in a magazine, the odds are very good that she'll probably be in a few more featuress in the future!
In fact, your body will respond positively to the infusion of natural sugars from fruits, and you will find yourself craving artificial sugars less over time.
Wear them for a night on the town, though, if you're craving attention.
At an early age he entered the order of Observantine Friars, the strictest sect of the Franciscans, and rose to be its general, but, craving a yet stricter rule, transferred himself in 1534 to the newly founded order of Capuchins, of which in 1538 he was elected vicar-general.
Even the London street dogs, as Sydney Smith said, joined with O'Connell in barking" God save the Queen."Oxford seems to have been craving for notoriety; but it may be doubted whether the jury who tried him did right to pronounce his acquittal on the ground of insanity.
The reinforcement of satisfying the craving will be absent or reduced, helps the smoker to break the habit.
A craving for nicotine will pass quite quickly.
The desire for a sharper exercise of discipline, and a more decided renunciation of the world, combined with a craving for some plain indication of the Divine will in these last critical times, had prepared many minds for an eager acceptance of the tidings from Phrygia.
This medication is effective for anger, fear, grief or addictive craving; in fact, it can be tried for any emotional disorder.
It made no sense, but neither did the sudden craving for peanut butter that dragged her to the kitchen, where yet another man she wanted to avoid was lounging.