Crashes Sentence Examples
If an airplane crashes in the middle of the ocean and someone is listed as a passenger on it, it's pretty simple, even if there's never a body.
His best move is when he crashes his foot into the ground.
You will be able to watch your driver shift gears and react to oncoming crashes.
It crashes constantly and often serves up pages that are 12 hours old...
His stomach soon ripples horrendously and a tiny little alien crashes through his stomach lining.
Frank's helicopter crashes, and while he survives, their son decides to enlist.
For example, a study by the Pedestrian Safety Fact Sheet found that young male drivers are responsible for most pedestrian crashes.
Another 65 crashes happened on Labor Day weekend, and 72 took place around Memorial Day.
Sleep-related crashes are particularly dangerous and likely to result in serious injury - because the driver won't brake before impact.
During a storm his boat crashes on a remote island and the woman disappears.
AdvertisementThe video game market crashes because there is an large influx of games released that are less than mediocre and not enough gamers to support the companies.
Power outages, significant weather events or IT crashes can halt business activity.
Considering the number of car crashes and fatalities, buying a safe car is important for the safety of you and your family.
Gary Paulsen's Hatchet is an adventure story at its best, featuring a boy who must fend for himself in the Canadian wilderness after the pilot of his tiny plane suffers a heart attack and crashes the aircraft.
Its organic structure responds well to crashes and is highly absorbent, cutting down on vibrations.
AdvertisementComparing 1999 with 1996 data, crashes involving 16-year-old drivers decreased by 25 percent in Michigan and 27 percent in North Carolina."
The number one cause of death among young people ages 15 to 20 is motor vehicle crashes.
Even more staggering is the fact that 38 percent of fatal crashes, regardless of age, involved drinking and driving.
Weekend alcohol-related fatal crashes made up approximately 52 percent of all crashes, while weekday fatal crashes due to alcohol were 30 percent.
Forty percent of fatal drunk driving crashes involve teenagers.
AdvertisementCar crashes are the leading cause of death in teenagers between the ages of 16 and 19.
According to the NHTSA, alcohol-related crashes kill someone in the U.S. every 31 minutes and injure someone every 2 minutes.
An estimated 16,694 people died in alcohol-related traffic crashes in 2004.
A high percentage of crashes during the overnight hours involve alcohol, too.
Elevated blood alcohol levels are found in about 30% of motorcycle drivers killed in crashes.
AdvertisementBeer is the most common drink reported by people stopped for drinking and driving or involved in alcohol related crashes, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.
Among drunk drivers who died in crashes in 2004, 27 percent had BACs lower than 0.15 percent.
Underage drinking can result in hangovers, poor academic performance, risky sexual behaviors, car crashes, and other accidental injuries.
The statistics on drinking and driving crashes are surprising.
In 2006, approximately 13,470 people died in drinking and driving crashes.
Most of these crashes involved people between the ages of 21 and 34.
In 2007, there were 7,197 car crashes that were related to the consumption of alcohol.
During the 2007 Christmas season, 170 alcohol-related crashes occurred in the central part of the state.
According to the National Center for Statistics and Analysis, 12,998 people lost their lives in car crashes where drinking and driving was a factor.
Windows users are familiar with the blue error screen that pops up when a computer totally crashes.
High speeds, thrilling crashes and Vertical Takedowns, and many chances to ram traffic make this racing game a must-own.
Also, during career mode, the driver will bust through the windshield on particularly huge crashes, but you have no control over when.
Often these loopholes cause crashes or undesirable situations, but sometimes there will be a hole in a wall where there shouldn't be, or some secret testing area that never got properly sealed off.
And after about 30 minutes of crashes, I got annoyed by this feature.
It only takes one or two major crashes to find yourself far back and hard-pressed to catch up.
The storm overtakes the boat, and it crashes to the shore.
If the pre-order phase of a product causes website crashes and other problems every time Apple releases a new product, consumers may decide to buy different products to avoid the hassle.
In young children, even if the head does not contact a solid surface, the shaking, whiplash movement from some vehicle crashes causes blood vessels to burst in the brain.
The total cost of alcohol use by young people, including automobile crashes, violent crime, alcohol poisoning, burns, drowning, suicide attempts, and fetal alcohol syndrome is more than 58 billion dollars each year.
There were car accidents, plane crashes and other violent deaths of the airmen who lived and served at these bases.
Max King meets a fiery end when his Land Rover crashes through a brick wall and explodes.
Because of the lack of technology at the time, railroad employees were responsible for knowing exactly what time it was in order to prevent the occurrence of train crashes and other deadly accidents.
Processor drain can be a challenge when you open a program that suddenly sucks up a lot of operating power, creating call quality drop offs or system crashes.
Don't you hate it when your computer crashes or you lose your email that had that one password in it?
Flight insurance, which protects you in case the plane crashes, can be expensive and may be unnecessary.
Kelly is an avid motocross driver as well as driving rigs, and she has experienced her fair share of spills and crashes.
Splintering and groaning filled the air, followed by muffled crashes as the trees behind the Others toppled into the snow.
Safety cameras are used where there is a history of speed related or red light running injury crashes.
Not only that, you will save £ ' s on needless crashes and prevent endless frustration.
Why does my game suffer from framerate slowdown / lags, graphical glitches, crashes?
An oncoming car honks and crashes into Mulder, sending him flying up into the windshield, which cracks.
March 7, 2006 A delivery van packed with highly inflammable gas cylinders crashes in an East Herts village.
A moment later, the cement mixer crashes to the ground in the spot where she was standing.
A DVD reminding young motorists about safe driving has been launched in a bid to cut the number of fatal crashes in north Wales.
The message from Bogotá The world's transport crisis has reached such catastrophic proportions that road crashes now kill more people than malaria.
He crashes it down and a few stray cement shards ricochet off the brick wall behind me.
Are crashes really rare enough to not have a hot standby?
A rugby style conversion is good or perhaps just hover your foot over as it crashes down inches from its puny body.
It should n't take long to find other simular crash sites (try 737 crashes).
How many people do you know or know of who have been in train crashes?
Repeated crashes of recovery procedures would have no undesirable side effects in the system 's TCB.
She yelps with pain as Daddy crashes the piano lid on her fingers and drags her to her feet.
Crash data will tell you things like how many fatalities there were in a specific type of automobile in a given year compared to the number of crashes.
Currently, even though laptops come with a decent amount of storage, many computer users use external drives to save data in case the laptop crashes.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration statistics show that the leading cause of death for 15 to 20-year olds is motor vehicle crashes.
The cost of alcohol-related crashes in the U.S. is about $51 billion each year.
Alcohol-related crashes are more common on weekends.
In 2007, 12,998 people died in alcohol-related crashes.
This program, instituted by the Department of Transportation of Oregon, focuses on reducing the number of bicyclists injured or killed in crashes with motor vehicles.
Falling asleep behind the wheel is the cause of about 56,000 car crashes annually according to the National Highway Safety Traffic Administration (NHTSA).
The Burnout franchise hosts the most spectacular crashes ever witnessed in video games.