Cramping Sentence Examples
That evening when she was getting ready for bed, she began cramping.
There are no cures, but there are things that can be done to minimize the cramping and the pain.
Female pelvic organs Symptoms of painful periods Cramping lower abdominal pains are the most common symptom.
No one has ever had rigor mortis on DNP or even severe cramping that has ever been documented.
Forest chasing striker Bramble No cramping Nic's style as he makes.. .
Leading politicians have in all the states felt the cramping effects of mere domestic legislation, albeit on the proper direction of such legislation depends the wellbeing of the people; and to this sense of the limitations of local politics was due, as much as to anything else, the movement towards federation.
Forest chasing striker Bramble No cramping Nic 's style as he makes...
Menstruation-Many women find relief from painful cramping, bloating and bothersome symptoms of menstruation with ginger.
The Alternative Medicine Index at the University of Maryland Medical Center states that ginger possesses anti-inflammatory properties useful in treating arthritis pain, stomach aches, and menstrual cramping.
You may experience some cramping with your period.
AdvertisementValerian also helps relieve anxiety, tension, intestinal pain and cramping and reduces menstrual pain.
The cramping tends to be localized in the calf muscles and in the bottoms of the feet.
The likelihood of experiencing the nighttime pain seems to increase with age with middle-aged people and seniors experiencing more cramping than they might have experienced in their younger years.
Since the actual cause of the leg cramp is unknown, it is difficult to determine what can be done to alleviate the cramping.
However, some medical professions feel that the cramping can be caused by tight muscles and the inactivity during sleep.
AdvertisementWalk slowly on the leg may also alleviate the cramping.
You should talk with your doctor about any nighttime leg cramps if stretching isn't alleviating your cramping or if the cramping starts to become more severe, more frequent, causing many nights of interrupted sleep or muscle weakness.
Your doctor can also help you determine if any vitamins or supplements might lessen the cramping.
When a spasm continues, it causes cramping.
The cramping usually happens in the calf but some may experience cramps in the foot or thigh.
AdvertisementPeriodic limb movement disorder involves involuntary muscle spasms but not the intense cramping sensation associated with nighttime leg cramps.
Nighttime cramping in the legs is not necessarily a symptom of type 2 diabetes, but it is an indicator of dehydration.
Anemia - A severe iron deficiency can lead to cramping.
If you are experiencing cramping in leg muscles at night on a consistent basis, please see your doctor.
If massage does not alleviate the cramping, place your bare foot on a cold floor and use the floor to flatten the foot, which will extend the calf muscle.
AdvertisementStretch your legs before bed each night, which will loosen up the muscles, making cramping less likely.
Some diseases, such as Parkinson's disease, kidney disease, circulatory problems and heart disease can lead to cramping in the leg muscles even while you are sleeping.
Dehydration, diabetes and thyroid problems can also contribute to cramping.
If your diet does not contain enough calcium, magnesium or potassium, this could lead to the development of leg cramping.
When the nutrients are missing, the muscles react by cramping up.
If you have started a new medication, it could be the problem behind your leg cramping.
Avoid deep water or wave attractions for at least 30 minutes after eating to minimize cramping or nausea.
Diagnosis of heat cramps usually involves observation of symptoms such as muscle cramping and thirst.
The patient may feel aching or pain in parts of the body affected by inadequate blood supply, such as aching in the legs while walking or cramping sensations in the abdomen after meals.
The doctor will also ask whether the child is experiencing fever, abdominal cramping, diarrhea, or pains in the muscles and joints.
Magnesium and calcium also help relax smooth muscles, and this may reduce cramping.
This situation could result in painful cramping that makes babies cry.
Alternative treatments for diarrhea are intended to relieve the discomfort of abdominal cramping.
Persistent back pain, cramping, abdominal tightening, or pelvic pressure occurs.
A woman may have heavier menstrual periods and more menstrual cramping with an IUD in place.
This imbalance can prevent the muscles and nerves from responding and recovering normally and can lead to cramping.
However, many patients with myotonia do experience cramping from exercise.
The cramping results from the inability of the muscular contractions of the bowel to push the digested food past the obstruction.
Symptoms may begin with abdominal pain or cramping that may cause a toddler or older child to double over in pain.
The most serious form of the disease is called dysentery, which is characterized by severe watery (and often blood- and mucus-streaked) diarrhea, abdominal cramping, rectal pain, and fever.
In patients who have suffered particularly severe attacks, some degree of cramping and diarrhea can last for several weeks.
During and immediately following the sampling procedure, a woman may experience dizziness, nausea, a rapid heartbeat, and cramping.
Unusual abdominal pain and/or cramping may indicate the onset of premature labor.
Mild cramping for the first day or two following the procedure is normal.
The diarrhea may be quite severe with cramping and progresses to classic dysentery.
In very serious cases of food poisoning, medications may be given to stop abdominal cramping and vomiting.
Many experts believe that prostaglandins, hormone-like substances involved in pain and inflammation and which trigger uterine muscle contractions, are responsible for causing menstrual cramping.
In the case of severe cramping, doctors may recommend a low-dose oral contraceptive to prevent ovulation, which may reduce the release of prostaglandins and the severity of the cramps.
These bacteria produce gas, cramping, bloating, a "gurgly" feeling in the abdomen, and flatulence.
The most common minor side effects are nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping or bloating, breast pain, tenderness or swelling, swollen ankles or feet, tiredness, and acne.
Anticholinergics may help control intestinal cramping.
Cramping and abdominal pain associated with nausea and vomiting occur frequently.
Calcium helps regulate the heart rate and nerve impulses, lower cholesterol, prevent atherosclerosis, develop muscles, and prevent muscle cramping.
Deficiency of calcium or imbalances with phosphorus and magnesium can produce muscle cramping and digestive problems.
The history reveals the typical cramping pain with menstruation, and the physical examination is completely normal.
The pain associated with PMS is generally related to breast tenderness and abdominal bloating, rather than a lower abdominal cramping pain.
Side effects include stinging, swelling, bruising, scarring, muscle cramping, and allergic reactions.
In the gastrointestinal tract, these reactions lead to swelling and irritation of the intestinal lining, which causes the cramping and diarrhea typical of food allergy.
Gastrointestinal symptoms may include swelling and tingling in the lips, tongue, palate or throat; nausea; cramping; diarrhea; and gas.
Other symptoms may include dizziness, weakness, seizures, coughing, flushing, or cramping.
If you notice any abdominal pain or cramping combined with spotting, you should contact your care provider immediately.
Again, if you notice abdominal pain or cramping combined with spotting, you should contact your care provider immediately.
If you notice cramping, back ache, or contractions before 37 weeks, especially if they are combined with spotting, you should contact your care provider.
The symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy are bleeding and cramping in early pregnancy.
Cramping and bleeding in early pregnancy are also symptoms of a miscarriage.
One symptom of tubal pregnancy is pain or cramping on one side of the pelvis.
Because some light cramping and PMS-like symptoms may occur along with the bleeding, women who are not trying to conceive can mistake this for a short period.
In reality, these foods may be bowel stimulants that cause dietary tract contractions that many women confuse with uterine cramping.
It is common to experience light cramping along with the bleeding.
Some women experience abdominal cramping, like period pain, during the procedure, however this soon passes.
Cramping is sometimes one of the earliest signs of conception.
Some women may feel slight menstrual-type cramping at the time of implantation.
Some women experience slight cramping during implantation bleeding while others report light spotting.
Some women experience cramping in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy, which can feel like menstrual cramps.
However, experts generally recommend that oils known to thin the blood or cause cramping be avoided during pregnancy.
The most common side effects of suction aspiration are cramping, nausea, sweating, and feeling faint.
Cramps. Some mild to moderate cramping in the hours after an amnio is not uncommon.
Many women experience cramping and spotting after the test.
Most women who have had an amniocentesis say the test is usually not painful, however a few women describe a mild cramping pain similar to menstruation cramps.
Unfortunately, it is very difficult to pinpoint because the cramping that occurs during a miscarriage feels very much like the uterine adjustments that are happening during the same period of an early, healthy pregnancy.
Even if you have bleeding and cramping, this does not necessarily point to a miscarriage.
Some women may notice a small amount of cramping when the egg is released.
Two years after the Food and Drug Administration approved the pill for severe menstrual cramping, half-a-million American women asked their doctor for a prescription for the drug.
Unexpected bleeding and cramping during pregnancy makes many women wonder "Can I get my period if I'm pregnant?"
Heavy bleeding and cramping during pregnancy can be a sign of trouble and should be reported to your doctor immediately.
Common side effects include cramping, reaction to anesthesia, and bleeding, but these side effects tend to be minor.
Bleeding that lasts more than few days or serious cramping should be referred to your doctor immediately.
Patients may experience spotting and cramping after the procedure.
Side effects include cramping and discomfort that make the product undesirable and infection can be a concern for some women.
For example, the risk of cramping and heavier periods caused by the IUD is generally much higher in women who have never been pregnant and delivered a baby.
A miscarriage is generally preceded by some level of abdominal cramping or lower back pain and an increasing flow of blood.
General shifting and changing points of pressure within the abdomen can cause abdominal pain; virtually every pregnant woman experiences abdominal cramping of some sort in early pregnancy and only rarely is it indicative of a miscarriage.
Severe cramping and back pain should be evaluated; light cramping and pain, especially at the end of the day, are usually just side effects of being pregnant.
Many women experience cramping, followed by implantation bleeding; they then expect their period to follow, not knowing that it was implantation bleeding.
Cramping is sometimes one of the early signs of conception.
Some women may feel slight menstrual type cramping at the time of implantation.
This bleeding tends to be lighter and shorter than a regular menstrual cycle and may also be associated with mild cramping.
Namely, severe cramping and diarrhea can be the result of drinking castor oil, either paired with, or independent from, going into labor.
Your doctor should give you a phone number to call if you notice severe cramping, fever, heavy bleeding that is more serious than a normal menstrual period, or a foul smelling discharge as these can all be signs of abortion complications.
Lybrel may be a good birth control pill choice if you experience heavy bleeding, cramping, or pain with your period.
Some mild to moderate cramping may occur after the test, which can be alleviated with over-the-counter pain relievers.
Many women experience some spotting and cramping during and right after the placement of the device.
Cramping without actually starting your period can be another sign that you're pregnant.
If you've been cramping on and off for at least a week without beginning your menstrual cycle, this might be a sign that you're pregnant.
False labor (Braxton Hicks contractions) and light cramping that signals the very beginning of real labor will not be experienced during the first trimester.
The most frequent reason for cramping in early pregnancy is uterus expansion, but a few other causes exist.
When a fertilized egg implants itself into the blood lining of the uterus, some women experience mild cramping.
Both cramping and implantation bleeding should be seen as part of a healthy pregnancy, but if you do not experience this cramping or bleeding, it is not a sign that the pregnancy is not a healthy one.
Like implantation cramping and the pain of the uterus expanding, round ligament pain is a normal part of pregnancy.
While the previous sources of cramping are simply part of healthy pregnancies, it should be noted that cramps during early pregnancy can also be a sign that something is very wrong.
Severe cramping is one sign of ectopic pregnancy; you may also be able to feel that the pain is not in the center of the abdomen, but off to one or the other side.
Another cause of cramping during pregnancy is miscarriage.
While some women do not experience cramping until a miscarriage is well underway, other women report having a cramped feeling before the miscarriage began.
While cramping during early pregnancy can be very disconcerting, it is most often not cause for alarm.
While many reasons for cramping are no reason to worry, ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage can also cause cramping, both of which you will need to seek medical attention for.
Those who do experience bleeding may or may not have co-occurring minor cramping.
Both bleeding and cramping can appear between 7-14 days after conception.
Common side effects of taking too much niacin to lower cholesterol would be cramping in your arms and legs and a flushed appearance.
If you suffer from leg cramps you may wonder about muscle cramps and vitamin deficiencies, but the fact is that the big culprits when it comes to deficiencies and muscle cramping are not vitamins at all, but minerals.
When there is a deficiency of this mineral, cramping in the muscles and problems related to muscle contraction can occur.
While the primary causes for muscle cramping related to nutritional deficiencies are minerals, some vitamins may play a role in improving leg cramps.
While the scientific research is lacking, some health care professionals have found success with using vitamin E supplementation when the cramping is thought to be the result of poor circulation.
Toxicity typically presents as gastrointestinal disorders - usually diarrhea and cramping.
Common signs include intermittent diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and bloating.
The important thing to remember about non-celiac gluten intolerance is symptoms such as diarrhea and abdominal cramping are just that-symptoms.
If you can't, the shoe is too tight and may be cramping your baby's foot.
This pose opens the hips and knees, increases mental clarity, and for women, can reduce menstrual cramping and pain in childbirth.
Slide your hands down your legs and keep your back as straight as possible, and your shoulders low to avoid cramping your back.
The addition of these in teas and other cleansing sources help to moderate the severe cramping that accompanies the main ingredients.
This may include diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and cramping.
It may be a good idea to work your way slowly into this way of eating to avoid intestinal cramping and gas.
Eating large amounts of fiber can cause intestinal gas, bloating and abdominal cramping.
You may feel abdominal pain and cramping.
Nausea - While some people experience mild nausea during eating, which may have to do with the taste of their breath, other individuals may have cramping or stomach pain.
Stepping off the bosu and marching in place can alleviate the cramping.
As you begin to develop your balance, you will not need to clench your toes, and the cramping will not be an issue.
That way, you can avoid cramping and putting pressure on your ribs.
But even in this crowning triumph the cramping egotism of his nature - a mental vice which now grew on him rapidly - fatally narrowed his outlook and led him to commit an irretrievable blunder.
The campaign of 1812 may, therefore, be considered as resulting, fi-stly, from the complex and cramping effects of the Continental System on a northern land which could not deprive itself of colonial goods; secondly, from Napoleon's refusal to mitigate the anxiety of Alexander on the Polish question; and thirdly, from tie annoyance felt by the tsar at the family matters noticed above.
The teachers at the Wright-Humason School were always planning how they might give the pupils every advantage that those who hear enjoy--how they might make much of few tendencies and passive memories in the cases of the little ones--and lead them out of the cramping circumstances in which their lives were set.
It is in the very absence of any cramping or limiting purpose that the great merit and value of the book consist.