Crabbe Sentence Examples
The poet Aarestrup (in 1848) declared that Blicher had raised the Danish language to the dignity of Icelandic. Blicher is a stern realist, in many points akin to Crabbe, and takes a singular position among the romantic idealists of the period, being like them, however, in the love of precise and choice language, and hatred of the mere commonplaces of imaginative writing.
A brother wizard in the English fleet, by name Stephen Crabbe,' detected him while he was invisible to others.
The bold and patriotic Crabbe contrived to board the bewitched flagship, and was seen apparently laying about him with an axe on the water - which the spectators took to be a proof either that he was mad, or that this was the devil in his shape.
Crabbe was torn to pieces - presumably by the familiar spirits of the Monk - and the fragments were scattered over the water.
George Crabbe, the poet, was rector from 1813 to 1831.
He was a collector of books, and, as Crabbe and less conspicuous men discovered, a helpful friend to their writers.
The church of St Peter and St Paul is Perpendicular, largely restored, and contains a monument to the poet George Crabbe, born here on the 24th of December 1754.
Vincent Crabbe - Draco Malfoy's friend fell in service to Voldemort.
He thought his poetry too imitative, detecting not only the truthful severity of Crabbe, but a "slight bravura dash of the fair tuneful Hemans."