Cowslips Sentence Examples
Spring has now arrived and many wildflowers can now be seen, including cowslips, lesser celandine and lady's smock.
In the foreground on the ungrazed slopes, the dominant plant was Horseshoe Vetch, although a few cowslips were present.
Cowslips are plentiful and the rare snake's head fritillary can be found in the damper areas.
When last surveyed in 1999 cowslips, pepper saxifrage, meadowsweet, common knapweed and greater burnet saxifrage were present.
They also have impressive displays of cowslips, small scabious and devil's-bit scabious and the widest range of orchids on the reserve.
England has a wealth of wild flowers including snowdrops, daffodils, bluebells, primroses, buttercups and cowslips.
Look out for cowslips, violets and the bright blue speedwell.
Much loved flowers like cowslips as well as rarer plants such as bastard toadflax are found on our protected verges.
The catkin-like flowers are dull red, and with a scent of Cowslips, coming in May either as short spikes or rounded fleshy balls, according as they are male or female, while the fruits consist of small fleshy nutlets.
Cowslips, violets, anemones, buttercups and blood-roots are conspicuous in early spring, the white pond lily and the yellow pond lily in summer, asters and golden-rod in autumn, and besides these there are about 1500 other flowering plants in the state and more than 50 species of ferns.