Covers Sentence Examples
Will you lie down and stop pulling the covers off of me?
She tried to sit up and push the hot covers away.
She snuggled down into the covers and yawned.
Later, she lay in bed, tucked warmly under the covers as his boots clicked away from her on the hardwood floor - down the hall and into the den.
Yes, but I don't know if it covers floods.
She turned off the light and pulled the covers up.
He lay down on his back and pulled the covers up.
When he pulled the covers over her, she stretched out and fell asleep again.
One flip of the switch and she retraced her steps, quietly slipping under the covers to snuggle close to Alex again.
Opening it, she found the wooden covers rough and the symbols foreign.
AdvertisementHe crawled into bed and pulled the covers up without responding.
It was useless for her to fantasize about Xander, not when a couple dozen women who belonged on the covers of magazines were gathered around.
Circumscribed as my life was in so many ways, I had to look between the covers of books for news of the world that lay outside my own.
No command ever appears spontaneously, or itself covers a whole series of occurrences; but each command follows from another, and never refers to a whole series of events but always to one moment only of an event.
Lifting the covers, he climbed into bed and moved close to her.
AdvertisementShe pulled the covers up to her chin and met his gaze solemnly.
She threw the covers back and went down the hall to the stairway.
Covers needed to be put on the electrical outlets and the windows still held their tags.
She gently replaced the hand and pulled the covers up.
He tucked her under the covers as if she were a child.
AdvertisementMy later proved to be several hours when I opened eyes to a crying wife, white covers, bright lights, stuff attached to me and lots of pain.
Avoiding her eyes, he pulled the covers up to her chin and turned the lamp off.
True to his word, he stripped off his boots and shirt and lay on top of the covers.
The wooden covers broke against the wall.
A long sigh escaped her lips as she slid back down under the covers.
AdvertisementJonathan slipped under the covers.
She rolled over and jerked the covers up.
Would you believe he covers up with the excuse that he's saving himself for one special girl?
Pulling back the covers on her bed, she slipped between the cool sheets and let exhaustion take its course.
She threw the covers back and dashed to the patio doors, staring outside.
His mate was curled into a tight ball in the middle of her bed, on top of the covers.
She gasped and jerked on the covers.
She reached up and shut off the light, crawling back under the covers.
When he didn't give any indication that he heard, she threw the covers back.
He ignored her and snuggled deep beneath the covers.
It was past sunrise, so she rose and flung off her bed covers.
If I had any pride, I'd stay in bed and hide this body under the covers.
She relaxed in the luxury of leather seat covers and a smooth ride, content simply to watch him drive.
She blushed and straightened the covers.
The winter storm made her want to huddle under the covers.
Sofi waved him away before sinking into the bed again and pulling the covers up.
It was old and heavy, its covers made of wood smoothed by years of wear.
He sat on the edge of the bed and lifted ancient pages clenched between heavy wooden covers.
He started down the hall then returned to the massive chamber, gathering the scattered pages of The Book of the Damned and placing them again in the wooden covers of the book.
Its covers were loose, the pages within protruding at odd angles.
He glanced up as he pulled the covers back.
She crawled into bed and pulled up the covers, scooting back and leaning against the headboard.
She slid down under the covers, muttering under her breath.
She turned off her light and slid under the covers.
She woke with a gasp and threw back the covers.
She picked them up and studied the covers.
The blonde was sleeping, her naked body resting on top of the covers.
Leon covers a very wide area, owing to its gardens and plantations.
The dockyard, chiefly used for naval repairs, covers about 60 acres, and consists of three basins and large docks, the depth of water in the basins ranging down to 26 ft.
The city covers an area of about 4 sq.
These minor ranges, excepting the Zenta, are separated from the Andean masses by comparatively low depressions and are usually described as distinct ranges; topographically, however, they seem to form a continuation of the ranges running southward from the Santa Victoria and forming the eastern rampart of the great central plateau of which the Puna de Atacama covers a large part.
The chestnut covers considerable areas in Prigord, Limousin and Beam; resinotis trees (firs, pines, larches, &c.) form fine forests in the Vosges and The indigenous fauna include the bear, now very rare but still found in the Alps and Pyrenees, the wolf, harbouring chiefly in the Cvennes and Vosges, but in continually decreasing areas; the fox, marten, badger, weasel, otter, the beaver in the extreme south of the Rhne valley, and in the Alps the marmot; the red deer and roe deer are preserved in many of the forests, and the wild boar is found in several districts; the chamois and wild goat survive in the Pyrenees and Alps.
The latter, which covers an area of about moo acres, has at the present time a fairly uniform surface and slopes gradually from the north to the south and east.
At present Jerusalem without the walls covers a larger area than that within them.
The mound of Tell es-Sultan, near "Elisha's Fountain," north of the modern village, no doubt covers the Canaanite town.
Naked crags, when they do appear, lift themselves from a sea of green, and a tropical vegetation, quite Malaysian in character, covers everything.
When Mr Eyre viewed the country from Mount Deception in 1840, looking between Lake Torrens and the lake which now bears his own name, the refraction of light from the glittering crust of salt that covers a large space of stony or sandy ground produced an appearance of water.
The northern harbour covers an area of 235 acres.
This dockyard covers an area of 516 acres, and has a river frontage of over 3 m.
When there is no current the shutter covers the perforations and no light passes, but when a current traverses the wires they are depressed by electromagnetic action, carrying the shutter with them, and a quantity of light proportional to the current strength is admitted through the perforations.
To the brass bottom of the case is attached 'a thin disk of polished hard carbon C, which is slightly less in diameter than the brass bottom, so that the carbon disk almost entirely covers this brass back, leaving only a slight annular space around its edge.
The subscriber pays a fixed annual rent which covers a certain number of free out - ward calls, say boo; additional calls he purchases in advance in blocks of several hundred at so much per hundred, the price being reduced as the number increases.
In Sardinia it covers the mountain slopes to a considerable height, and in Sicily covers the sides of the Madonie range, reaching a level above 3000 ft.
Flax covers about 160,000 acres, with a product, in fibre, amounting to about 20,000 tons.
We have already suggested that theism covers more ground than the name at first may suggest.
Hemsley remarks that the northerr genus Erica, which covers thousands of square miles in Europe with very few species, is represented by hundreds of species in I comparatively small area in South Africa.
The outline of the curve of a valley's sides ultimately depends on the angle of repose of the detritus which covers them, if there has been no subsequent change, such as the passage of a glacier along the v.alley, which tends to destroy the regularity of the crosssection.
This great muscle covers completely the supracoracoideus, generally described as the second pectoral, or subclavius muscle, in reality homologous with the mammalian supraspinatus muscle.
Forwards it covers, and has driven asunder, the optic lobes; backwards it hides the much shortened medulla oblongata.
The olfactory perceptive membrane is restricted to the posterior innermost region of the nasal chamber, where it covers a slight bulging-out prominence on the nasal wall.
It covers 2 acres of ground and cost $2,000,000.
Its basin covers an area of about 8000 sq.
The Eocene covers wide tracts from Lithuania to Tsaritsyn, and is represented in the Crimea and Caucasus by thick deposits belonging to the same ocean which left its deposits on the Alps and the Himalayas.
The loess covers both the watersheds and the valleys.
Though his method is throughout scholastic, he covers the same ground, and Grotius speaks of him in terms of high respect.
The comparative evidence afforded by the discovery of Egyptian relics shows that the Great Age of the Cretan palaces covers the close of the third and the first half of the second millennium before our era.
It covers the sides of a long hill, its main avenue being a winding roadway leading to a small palace.
The forest extends, with great luxuriance, to an elevation of 12,000 ft., above which the sub-alpine region may be said to begin, in which rhododendron scrub often covers the ground up to 13,000 or 14,000 ft.
It does not evaporate or turn rancid, whilst its marked hygroscopic action ensures the moistness and softness of any surface that it covers.
It is divided into six provinces, and covers a broken, mountainous region, partially barren in its higher elevations but traversed by deep, warm, fertile valleys.
No shell; mantle covers the whole surface of the body; radula with squarish teeth.
This fort covers the road which traverses the Predil Pass in the Julian Alps and is the principal road leading from Carinthia to the Coastland.
The former (the North, or Union station, 1893) covers 9 acres and has 23 tracks; the latter (the South Terminal, 1898), one of the largest stations in the world, covers 13 acres and has 32 tracks, and is used by the Boston & Albany and by the New York, New Haven & Hartford railways.
It covers an area of about one third of a circle and its radiating threads diverge from the mouth of a funnel-shaped tube resembling in every respect the tube of the last-mentioned genus.
The harbour, which embraces two tidal basins and six docks aggregating 832 acres, in addition to timber docks of S7 acres, covers altogether 350 acres.
Its court covers an area of 38,000 sq.
Externally is a thin cuticle; this covers the epidermis, which consists of a syncytium with no cell limits.
At the eastern end steep cliffs rise from the water, and luxuriant vegetation covers the hills.
It covers 697 sheets (or 488 of a " new series " in large sheets), and is published in three editions, viz.
Where the tip falls over and covers the orifice.
The inner harbour covers 464 acres.
The History covers the years between the Roman invasion and the death of Henry VIII., and the "new plan" is the combination of an account of the domestic life and commercial and social progress of the people with the narrative of the political events of each period.
The species of each genus are then arranged either systematically or alphabetically in separate covers of stout, usually light brown paper, or, if the genus be large, in several covers with the name of the genus clearly indicated in the lower left-hand corner of each, and opposite it the names or reference numbers of the species.
A plan which has been found to answer well is to arrange them in cardboard boxes, either with glass tops or in sliding covers, in drawers - the name being placed outside each box and the specimens gummed into the boxes.
The diocese includes over half the parishes in Yorkshire, and also covers very small portions of Durham, Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire.
It covers an area of about 3900 sq.
The first stage of the controversy covers the seventy-five years between the council of Chalcedon and the accession of Justinian in 527.
Where a mantle of soil covers the rock it is generally thin but very fertile.
The area covers 15,918 sq.
Considering the dilatory methods of Orientals, even when they are creditors, it is doubtful whether this sum adequately covers the whole of the claims outstanding, and it may be found difficult, even for a parliament, to refuse claims which should equitably be admitted and which may be preferred later.
The present outer harbour covers about 300 acres and is formed by two converging jetties and a breakwater.
By the aid of these cilia the larva swims actively, but owing to its minute size it covers very little distance, and this probably accounts for the fact that where brachiopods occur there are, as a rule, a good many in one spot.
Within that zone, which covers 1505 sq.
Dense scrub covers most of the land, but the inner (lagoon) shore is everywhere bounded by mangrove swamps.
The Sao Francisco chapadao, which has a general elevation of about 2600 ft., covers the greater part of the states of Minas Geraes and Bahia, and a small part of western Pernambuco, and might also be considered continuous with those of the Parnahyba and Tocantins-Araguaya basins.
The Parnahyba chapadao covers the state of Piauhy, the southern part of Maranhao, and the western part of Ceara.
It covers the greater part of the states of Matto Grosso and Goyaz, a large part of southern Para, the southern margin of Amazonas, and a considerable part of western Maranhao.
Outside the two great river systems of the Amazon and river Plate (Rio de la Plata), which are treated under their respective titles, the rivers of Brazil are limited to the numerous small streams and three or four large rivers which flow eastward from the plateau regions directly into the Atlantic. The Amazon system covers the entire north-western part of the republic, the state of Amazonas, nearly the whole of Para and the greater part of Matto Grosso being drained by this great river and its tributaries.
It covers the state of Piauhy and the western or inland parts of the states of Ceara, Rio Grande do Norte, Parahyba, Pernambuco and Bahia.
As a municipality covers a large extent of country, the population given is larger than that of the urban parishes, and is therefore not strictly correct according to European practice.
Its area covers 1982 sq.
The series covers considerable areas in the lowest parts of the valleys and near the coast.
This is the largest plain in Europe, and covers about 37,000 sq.
Besides the Hansag, the other principal marshes are the Sari-et, which covers a considerable portion of the counties of Jasz-Kun-Szolnok, Bekes and Bihar; the Escedi Lap in the county of Szatmar; the Szernye near Munkacs, and the Alibunar in the county of Torontal.
It covers about 27,000 sq.
A complex of igneous rocks of different ages covers immense areas in the central Transvaal.
The scrub which covers the low veld consists mainly of gnarled stunted thorns with flattened umbrella shaped crowns, most of the species belonging to the suborder mimoseae.
Elias bar Shinaya, who in 1008 became Nestorian bishop of Nisibis, was the author of a valuable Chronicle, to which are prefixed numerous chronological tables, lists of popes, patriarchs, &c., and which covers by its narrative the period from A.D.
At the present day male and female pilgrims at Mecca wear such a cloth (the ihram); it covers the knees and one end of it may be cast over the shoulder.
A significant feature is the kind of cape which covers the shoulders; it would not and no doubt was not intended to leave play for the arms; it was the dress of the leisured classes, and a typical FIG.
Nevertheless veils were not usually worn out of doors, the countrywoman of to-day is not veiled, and it is uncertain whether there is any early parallel for the yashmak, the narrow strip which covers the face below the eyes and hangs down to the feet.
The flora of Venezuela covers a wide range because of the vertical climatic zones.
The surface of the state is much broken by the Sierra Madre Occidental, which extends through it from north to south and covers its entire width with parallel ranges, enclosing fertile valleys.
The city covers an area of about 9 sq.
The system covers the county of London, West Ham, Penge, Tottenham, Wood Green, and parts of Beckenham, Hornsey, Croydon, Willesden, East Ham and Acton.
In this diocese, which covers nearly the whole of Middlesex and a very small portion of Hertfordshire, are the suffragan bishoprics of Islington, Kensington and Stepney.
In the highlands of the Shan hills there are the Inle lakes near Yawnghwe, and in the Katha district also there is another Indaw which covers some 60 sq.
The Meiktila lake covers an area of some 5 sq.
For the purpose of the removal of the glass, the cooler end of the furnace is provided with a number of suitable openings, provided with movable covers or shades.
The town covers a large area, being over 5 m.
The work has been going on for ages, and the finely comminuted particles of rocks form the main bulk of the soil which covers much of the earth's surface, the rest of the soil being composed chiefly of the remains of roots and other parts of plants.
The covers are carefully cut to the proper size and shape with a sharp knife, and, after being damped and smoothed out are placed together in a pile.
Although of no great thickness it covers six-sevenths of the island, rising in a series of steps or platforms to a height of nearly 1 10o ft.
The town with its gardens, surrounded by a mud wall, covers a space of 2 m.
Towards the north the crystalline floor is overlaid by the great sandstone series which covers nearly the whole of the country north of Hail.
While from the standpoint of population it takes the fourth place among European capitals, Vienna covers about three times as much ground as Berlin, which occupies the third place.
This claim covers all eastern Ecuador and a large part of south-eastern is` Colombia.
But, when the mists set in, the low hills near the coast bordering the deserts, which are called lomas, undergo a change as if by magic. A blooming vegetation of wild flowers for a short time covers the barren hills.
The Lima Geographical Society (founded in 1888) is perhaps the best and most active scientific organization in the republic. Its special work covers national geographical exploration and study, archaeology, statistics and climatology, and its quarterly bulletins contain invaluable information.
It covers an area of 48,461 sq.
As nearly every house is surrounded by a courtyard or garden, the town covers an unusually large area for the number of its inhabitants.
The continent of Asia stretches two arms into the Pacific Ocean, Kamchatka in the north and Malacca in the south, between which lies a long cluster of islands constituting the Japanese empire, which covers 370 14 of longitude and 29 II of latitude.
In the alluvium which covers all, the remains have been discovered of several species of elephant, which, according to Dr Edmund Naumann, are of Indian origin.
But in the mountainous provinces of the interior and in those along the western coast, deep snow covers the ground throughout the whole winter, and the sky is usually wrapped in a veil of clouds.
This fold often covers also the whole free rim of the upper lid, so that the insertion of the eyelashes is hidden and the opening between the lids is so narrowed as to disappear altogether at the moment of laughter.
A very important feature of the faade is the portico or porch-way, which covers the principal steps and is generally formed by producing the central portion of the main roof over the steps and supporting such projection upon isolated wooden pillars braced together near the top with horizontal ties, carved, moulded and otherwise fantastically decorated.
The specially antiquarian, biographical and historical features, which make this magazine so valuable a store-house for information for the period it covers, were dropped in 1868, when an " entirely new series," a miscellany of light literature was successively edited by Gowing, Joseph Hatton and Joseph Knight.
Viersen is one of the chief seats in the lower Rhine country for the manufacture of velvets, silks (especially umbrella covers) and plush.
But the distinction scarcely covers a real difference.
The Pentatomidae (shield bugs), some of which are metallic or otherwise brightly coloured, are easily recognized by the great development of the scutellum, which reaches at least half-way back towards the tip of the abdomen, and in some genera covers the whole of the hind body, and also the wings when these are closed.
The whole town covers an area of over io sq.
Leto escapes to Ortygia, which Poseidon covers with the sea in order to protect Leto.
The greater part of the Indian Ocean is occupied by the great Indian Basin, which covers 35,000,000 sq.
In the Indian Ocean it covers the Bay of Bengal, the Arabian Gulf, the Mozambique Channel and the region to the south-west of Madagascar.
Its roof is a single flat stratum of limestone; its walls are well marked by lines of stratification; dripstone also partly covers the walls, fills a deep fissure at the end of the cave, and spreads over the floor, where it mingles with an ancient bed of ashes, forming an ash-breccia (mostly firm and solid) that encloses fragments of sandstone, flint spalls, flint implements, charcoal and bones.
A very thin soil covers the Edwards Plateau, but on the Llano Estacado are brownish and reddish loams derived from the sediments of a Neocene lake.
The best of the older works and the basis for subsequent books on the period which it covers is Henderson Yoakum's History of Texas from its first Settlement in 1685 to its Annexation to the United States in 1846 (2 vols., New York, 1856).
The alluvial soil, composed of what has been washed from other soils, together with decayed vegetable matter, covers about 6% of the surface of the state and is found in the river bottoms, of greatest extent in that of the Missouri; it varies much in fertility.
Geest is found particularly in the north-eastern part of the state; it covers less than i% of the area of the state.
Black magnetic iron sand covers the shore in Milne Bay.
Mitcham Common covers an area of 480 acres, and affords one of the best golf courses near London.
A list of the ruins, printed in the handbook on Mexico published by the Department of State in Washington, covers several pages.
At each end of the furnace is a trough of water which covers the furnace mouth, so that air is prevented from entering the furnace.
It covers an area of 18,160 sq.
The Silurian formation which covers Esthonia, appears in the northern part of Livonia, the remainder of the province consisting of Devonian strata.
It covers 266 sq.
The site covers nearly 3 acres, and is estimated to have contained 1 00,000 piles.
It covers an area of about 3 sq.
In some cases riveted covers had to be substituted for the pins.
This section covers about 3500 sq.
The city covers the low, level bottom-land at the junction of the two rivers, and spreads over the surrounding highlands to the W., the principal residential district.
The middle of it is passed round the body, which it covers from the waist to the knees, and is hitched in front so that the two ends hang down in equal length before; these being twisted together are passed back between the legs, drawn up and tucked into the waist at the middle of the back.
Of the intestines they make masks or covers for their faces, to protect them from the glare of the sun in the spring, and use them as a substitute for glass, by extending them over their windows.
It covers an area of about 62.5 sq.
In the 14th century Nicephorus Callisti undertook a complete church history which covers in its extant form the first six centuries.
The present building covers about 5 acres, and is surrounded by a park of Boo acres.
Pilgrimage to Jerusalem is a religious duty and covers many sins.
The city covers an area of 17.7 sq.
The field covers a district about 8 X 10 m.
The bivalved carapace has a jointed rostrum, and covers only the front part of the body, to which it is only attached quite in front, the valve-like sides being under control of an adductor muscle.
It covers the Pentateuch (1st ed., Constantinople, 1512) and the " Five Rolls " (Pesaro, 1519; the whole printed first at Venice, 1545); Germ.
Evelyn's Diary covers more than half a century (1640-1706) crowded with remarkable events, while Pepys only deals with a few years of Charles II.'s reign.
The history of this science, like that of all physical sciences, covers two parallel lines of development which have acted and reacted upon each other - namely, progress in exploration, research and discovery, and progress in philosophic interpretation.
The dawn of the science covers the first observation of facts and the rudiments of true interpretation.
The ectoderm covers the whole external surface of the animal, while the endoderm lines the coelenteron or gastrovascular space; the two layers meet each other, and become continuous, at the edge of the mouth.
The peninsula of Lower California is traversed from north to south by a chain of barren mountains which covers the greater part of its surface.
The insect fauna of Mexico covers a very wide range of genera and species which, like the other forms of animal life, is largely made up of migratory types.
The palace of the sultan covers an extensive area, and beyond it lie the imperial parks of Agudal, the inner one reserved for the sultan's exclusive use.
The permanent marsh land covers a region 60 m.
The opportunity of Saladin lay therefore in the fact that his lifetime covers the period when there was a conscious demand for political union in the defence of the Mahommedan faith.
Do not, he said, think that I mean the flesh which invests and covers me, and bid you eat that; nor suppose either that I command you to drink my sensible and somatic blood.
In addition to these non-marine formations of the west, there is the widespread Lafayette formation, which covers niuch of the Atlantic and Gulf coastal plain, reaching far to the north from the western Gulf regio,1, and having uncertain limits, so far as now worked out, in various directions.
The glacial ac drift covers something like half of the continent, though much less than half of the United States.
The Arctic or ArcticAlpine zone covers in the United States only the tops of a few mountains which extend above the limit of trees, such as Mt Katahdin in Maine, Mt Washington and neighboring peaks in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, and the loftier peaks of the Rocky, Cascade and Sierra Nevada Mountains.
The Hudsonian zone covers the upper slopes of the higher mountains of New England, New York and North Carolina and larger areas on the elevated slopes of the Rocky and Cascade Mountains; and on the western mountains it is the home of the mountain goat, mountain sheep, Alpine flying-squirrel, nutcracker, evening grosbeak and Townsends solitaire.
The Canadian zone crosses from Canada into northern and northwestern Maine, northern and central New Hampshire, northern Michigan, and north-eastern Minnesota and North Dakota, covers the Green Mountains, most of the Adirondacks and Catskills, the higher slopes of the mountains in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee, the lower slopes of the northern Rocky and Cascade Mountains, the upper slopes of the southern Rocky and Sierra Nevada Mountains, and a strip along the Pacific coast as far south as Cape Mendocino, interrupted, however, by the Columbia Valley.
And, subject only to this limitation, the jurisdiction of the state courts covers the entire field of civil and criminal law.
In the states west of the Alleghanies each township covers an artificial area 6 m.
After the Norman Conquest the ceorls were reduced to a condition of servitude, and the word translates the villanus of Domesday Book, although it also covers classes other than the villani.
It has two facades, one overlooking the Place du Palais and the town, the other, more imposing, facing towards a fine park and the forest, which is chiefly of oak and beech and covers over 36,000 acres.
The outer harbour is formed by two breakwaters which protect the entrance to the canal; altogether the harbour covers about 570 acres and accommodates ships drawing 28 ft.
The traditional site of these battles covers a very wide area, and it is supposed that Arthur held a post analogous to that of the general who, under the Roman occupation, was known as Comes Britanniae, and held a roving commission to defend the island wherever attacked, in contradistinction to the Dux Britanniarum, who had charge of the forces in the north, and the Comes Littoris Saxonici, whose task it was to defend the south-east line.
The skin of the penis forms a fold which covers the glans and is known as the prepuce or foreskin; when this is drawn back a median fold, the frenuluni praeputii, is seen running to just below the meatus.
This work, divided into five books, covers the period 1066-1198.
Ogley Hay, the parish of which partly covers Brownhills, is a large adjoining village; there are also Great Wyrley and Norton-under-Cannock or Norton Canes to the N.W.
The silk drawn by the rows of teeth on the drum through the porcupine rollers (or porcupine sheets in some cases) covers the whole of the drum, hooked at certain intervals round the teeth; and when a sufficient weight is on the machine, it is stopped, and an attendant cuts, with a knife, the silk along the back of each row of teeth, thus leaving a fringe of silk hooked on the pins or teeth.
As there are only one or two small stretches of arable land in Ithaca, the inhabitants are dependent on commerce for their grain supply; and olive oil, wine and currants are the principal products obtained by the cultivation of the thin stratum of soil that covers the calcareous rocks.
The term " industrial property " covers patents, trade marks, merchandise marks, trade names, designs and models.
The act applies to all public elections except that of town officers, and also covers nominations by caucuses and conventions as well.
Bar Hill, the most completely explored, covers three acres - nearly five times as much as the earlier fort of Agricola on the same site.
His scientific work covers a wide field.
The Pocono plateau, into which the central province merges at its north-east extremity, is a continuation of the Catskill plateau southward from New York and covers Wayne, Pike and Monroe counties and the east portion of Carbon county.
The Alleghany plateau, which extends from the crest of the Alleghany Front to and beyond the west and north borders of Pennsylvania and covers more than one-half of the state, is much more dissected.
These two divisions, with a third known as North Castile, now rank as military districts or captaincies-general; but the term "North Castile," which covers the northern extremity of Old Castile, is not generally used.
From the Fijian and Andaman islander who exhibits abject terror at seeing himself in a glass or in water, to the English or European peasant who covers up the mirrors or turns them to the wall, upon a death occurring, lest an inmate of the house should see his own face and have his own speedy demise thus prognosticated, the idea holds its ground.
He thus covers a wider range than Jovinian, whom he surpasses also in intensity.
It was called Rath-Keltair, or the rath of the hero Keltar, and covers an area of ro acres.
The same explanation covers the case of the similarity of the flora (not merely as regards the northern element) on all the high mountains of central Europe.
In the propagating house budding may be done at any season when the sap is in motion; but for fruit trees, roses, &c., in the open air, it is usually done in July or August, when the buds destined for the following year are completely formed in the axils of the leaves, and when the bark separates freely from the wood it covers.
Remove the snow that accumulates on cold frames or other glass structures, particularly if the soil which the glass covers was not frozen before the snow fell; it may remain on the sashes longer if the plants are frozen in, since they are dormant, and would not be injured if deprived of light for eight or ten days.
The appearance of northern shells in the upper divisions of the Pliocene series indicates the approach of the Glacial period, and glacial drift containing Scandinavian boulders now covers much of the country east of the Zuider Zee.
Solenia, Cyphella - and even simpler cases are met with in Mortierella, where the zygospore is invested by the overgrowth of a dense mat of closely branching hyphae, and in Gymnoascus, where a loose mat of similarly barren hyphae covers in the tufts of asci as they develop.
Much more complicated are the processes in a large series of "fructifications," where the mycelium first develops a densely packed mass of hyphae, all alike, in which labyrinths of cavities subsequently form by separation of hyphae in the previously homogeneous mass, and the hymenium covers the walls of these cavities and passages as with a lining layer.
In this process molten pig iron with much silicon but little sulphur has its silicon oxidized to silica and thus slagged off, by means of a blast of air playing on the iron through a blanket of burning coke which covers it.
Occasionally, where something very marked is wanted, skating jackets and carriage aprons are made from the softest and flattest of skins, but usually they are made into settee covers, floor rugs and foot muffs.
It covers about 460 sq.
The pine covers the Lysa Gora hills and the hills in the extreme south-west.
The Gebi or royal enclosure completely covers a small hill overlooking the whole neighbourhood, while around it are the enclosures of the abuna and principal nobles, and the residences of the foreign ministers.
The chief constituent of the low scrub which covers the northern part of the country is the grey gum acacia (hashob).
It was originally a well-timbered park, which, by later additions, now covers 222 acres.
The city covers an area of about 20 sq.
The cemetery covers a large area and has thousands of Cufic and Arabic inscriptions.
Upon completion of the sifting, the tea is again fired, and while warm it is packed tightly into lead-lined chests, and the lead covers completely soldered over it, so that it may be kept perfectly air-tight until required for use.
The actual production not only covers the home consumption, but also allows a yearly increasing exportation, especially to Russia, Austriaand Scandinavia.
Furniture covers, table covers and plush are made in Elberfeld and Chemnitz, in Westphalia and the Rhine province (notably in Elberfeld and Barmen); shawls in Berlin and the Bavarian Vogtland; carpets in Berlin, Barmen and Silesia.
Hoddesdon probably covers the site of a Romano-British village.
This history, which is a contemporary one, covers the period from the death of Henry I.
His feudal domain in Germany covers an area of over 1100 sq.
It covers the whole range of Austrian history, medieval and modern.
The former covers mainly the interior of the island and half the southern coast, while the latter is generally adopted on the eastern and northern coasts.
The city covers 4.8 sq.
The mountainous area covers some 50,000 sq.
The land under basin irrigation covers about 1,750,000 acres.
The tomb is a vault, surmounted by an oblong stone monument, with a stele at the head and feet; and a cupola, supported by four walls, covers the whole in the case of sheikhs tombs and those of the wealthy.
By far the most important articles of export may be classified as articles of food of animal origin, a group which covers the vast export trade in the dairy produce, especially butter, for which Denmark is famous.
Occasional breaches during floods cause the overloaded stream to spread in a great lake over the surrounding country, where the silt covers the ground in consequence.
The familiar duckweed which covers the surface of a pond consists of a tiny green "thalloid" shoot, one, that is, which shows no distinction of parts - stem and leaf, and a simple root growing vertically downwards into the water.
The great forest-tree has a shoot, which in the course perhaps of hundreds of years, has developed a wide-spreading system of trunk and branches, bearing on the ultimate twigs or branchlets innumerable leaves, while beneath the soil a widely-branching root-system covers an area of corresponding extent.
Douet d'Arcq; Paris, 6 vols., 1857-1862) covers the years 1400-1444, and Georges Chastellain, the existing fragments of whose chronicle are published in his Ouvres (ed.
The Marston mine covers an area of about 40 acres.
The lake covers about 78 sq.
The Upper Old Red Sandstone covers a more restricted space in most of the areas just mentioned, its chief development being on the flanks of the north-eastern part of the Southern Uplands, where it spreads out over the Lammermuir Hills and the valleys of Berwickshire and Roxburghshire.
The Till or Boulder Clay, the most universal kind of Drift - which covers much of the Lowlands to a depth sometimes of roo ft., and along the flanks of hills reaches a height of 2000 ft.
Both sides concur in the position assumed by Darwin, that the word "chance" in such a phrase as "chance variation" does not mean that the occurrences are independent of natural causation and so far undetermined, but covers in the first place our ignorance of the exact causation.
At the present day, the woodlands are neither so large nor so numerous as they formerly were, while there are many more gorse covers; therefore, instead of hunting the drag up to it, a much quicker way of getting to work is to find a fox in his kennel; and, the hour of the meeting being later, the fox is not likely to be gorged with food, and so unable to take care of himself at the pace at which the modern foxhound travels.
Budapest covers an area of 78 sq.
To the south-east of the town lies the vast slaughter-house (1870-1872), which, with the adjacent cattlemarket, covers nearly 30 acres of ground.
Its base covers a large area, and its square top, rising far above the snow-line, is one of the sights of Quito.
Moreover, the calcined matter resembling white sand which covers its sides below the snow-line, extensive beds of lava, and the issue of streams of hot water from its northern side, seem to confirm the deduction that Chimborazo is an extinct volcano.
The drainage basin of the Guayas, according to Theodor Wolf, covers an area of 14,000 sq.
The city covers an area of 24.65 sq.
There is no ancient geographical term that covers all this area.
At feasts the food is served on large earthenware dishes with high basket-work covers, like bee-skeps but twice as high.
The Jurassic beds are followed, generally with perfect conformity, by the Cretaceous, which covers a large part of Afghan Turkestan and probably forms the greater part of the ranges which run south and south-west from the principal watershed.
The entire system may be represented in the west, but in the Herat province and in Afghan Turkestan the middle Cretaceous seems to be absent, and it is probable that, as in other regions, the upper Cretaceous covers a much wider area than the lower beds.
The vast level tract which thus covers northern India is watered by three distinct river systems. One of these systems takes its rise in the hollow trough beyond the Himalayas, and issues River, through their western ranges upon the Punjab as the systems Sutlej and Indus.
The third division of India comprises the three-sided table-land which covers the southern half or more strictly peninsular portion of India.
It covers an area of about 500 sq.
It now covers about 200,000 sq.
Among pulses gram covers in ordinary years more than so millions of acres, chiefly in the United Provinces, the Punjab and Bengal.
Thus ended the Mogul line, after a history which covers three hundred and thirty years.
This covers the breast and shoulder; it has half sleeves, is very short, and is fastened at the back with strings.
The town covers a considerable area; the detached white houses of its suburbs are surrounded by trees and flowering shrubs.
The borough covers 44 sq.
It covers the period between 381 and 1111, and its author was evidently a man of much learning.
The olive tree grows on the high plateau and covers the flanks of the hills to within 3000 ft.
Its framework is composed essentially of four uprights, which rise from the corners of a square measuring loo metres on the side; thus the area it covers at its base is nearly 22 acres.
It is the seat of a bishopric, created in 1802, which covers the departments of Amazonas and Loreto, and one province of Libertad.
He then ordered leathern covers to be thrown upon the dying men, and had the banquet served upon them.
The adducing of a witness for which he uses the verb is not an idea that covers all the uses.
Lava covers most of the northern half of the range, and there are many craters and ash-cones, some recent and of perfect form.
A heavy rain-belt, with a normal fall of more than 40 in., covers all the northern half of the Sierra and the north-west counties; shading off from this is the region of 10-20 in.
The middle division covers approximately the same region as the lower one, and in addition it is found in Texas, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Arizona, in western Montana, and possibly in western Wisconsin.
Denuch (1911) covers both Arctic and Antarctic.
The city proper covers only about 10 sq.
Chesapeake Bay covers much land that might otherwise be agriculturally valuable, but repays this loss, in part at least, by its excellent fisheries, including those for oysters.
One-third to be deducted off repairs to and renewal of woodwork of hull, masts and spars, furniture, upholstery, crockery, metal and glassware, also sails, rigging, ropes, sheets and hawsers (other than wire and chain), awnings, covers and painting.
The large tract of land owned by the Luray Caverns Corporations covers all possible modes of entrance.
The district of Sauternes covers the communes of Sauternes, Bommes and a part of Barsac, Preignac, Fargues and St Pierre-de-Mops.
The diocese includes about one-seventh of the parishes of Yorkshire, and also covers a very small portion of Lancashire.
The last-named includes a number of lofty plateaus - the Roan or Book, Uncompahgre, &c., which form the eastern continuation of the high plateaus of Utah - and covers the western quarter of the state.
The ordinary "red soil" covers a large part of northern Bundelkhand, and as it requires much irrigation, tanks are a special feature in this country.
Roman remains have been found, and it is probable that the town covers the site of a Roman post or fort, Coccium.
The third covers the period between 1831 and Clerk Maxwell's enunciation of the electromagnetic theory of light in 1865 and the invention of the self-exciting dynamo, which marks another great epoch in the development of the subject; and the fourth comprises the modern development of electric theory and of absolute quantitative measurements, and above all, of the applications of this knowledge in electrical engineering.
But the great reservoir known as Lake Vyrnwy, which supplies Liverpool with water, is equal in size to Bala; and the chain of four artificial lakes constructed by the Birmingham corporation in the valleys of the Elan and Claerwen covers a large area in west Radnorshire.
It will be noted, therefore, that the vast mass of the inhabitants of Wales are settled in the industrial area which covers the northern districts of Glamorganshire and the southeastern corner of Carmarthenshire; whilst central Wales, comprising the four counties of Cardigan, Radnor, Merioneth and Montgomery, forms the least populous portion of the Principality.
The great South Wales coalfield, one of the largest in the kingdom, covers the greater part of Monmouthshire and Glamorganshire, the south-eastern corner of Carmarthenshire, and a small portion of south Pembrokeshire, and the quality of its coal is especially suitable for smelting purposes and for use in steamships.
The subject-matter of Ephraim's poems covers all departments of theology.
There is no a priori reason why other legal enactments should not have been current when the compilation was first made; the Pentateuchal legislation is incomplete, and covers only a small part of the affairs of life in which legal decisions 1 For the sake of convenience Ben (" son ") and Rabbi are, as usual, abbreviated to b.
Situated in a thickly-wooded district on the right bank of the Loire, it covers the summits and slopes of two eminences between which runs the principal thoroughfare of the town named after the philosopher Denis Papin.
No other term covers the whole of religious phenomena, and a survey of the complex details of various worships results in showing that no other conception will comprise the whole body of religious facts."
The harbour, with an outer and an inner basin, covers an area of 9 acres and has half a mile of quayage.
Ice covers the lakes for 100 to 115 days annually in the south, 150 in the midlands and 200 to 220 in the north.
The western slopes of the Andes, with its spurs and lateral ranges, cover a broad zone on the eastern side of the republic, and the Cordillera Maritima covers another broad zone on its western side from about lat.
A peculiar network of fjords and connecting channels terminating inland in a peculiarly shaped body of water with long, widely branching arms, called Worsley Sound, Obstruction Sound and Last Hope Inlet, covers an extensive area between the 51st and 53rd parallels, and extends nearly to the Argentine frontier.
The 25% rate covers all articles not mentioned in the schedules, which number 2260 items. The duty free list includes raw cotton, certain descriptions of live animals, agricultural machinery and implements, metal wire, fire engines, structural iron and steel, and machinery in general.
The municipal area covers about 9 sq.
The area covers 5138 sq.
Its area covers 11,773 sq.
P. Taeda, the " loblolly pine " of the backwoodsman, a tall tree with straight trunk and spreading top, covers great tracts of the " pine-barrens " of the southern states, but also frequently spreads over deserted arable lands that have been impoverished by long and bad farming; hence the woodsmen call it the " old-field " pine, while, from the fragrance of its abundant resin, it is also known as the frankincense pine.
The following theorem covers a large number of important cases.
A conical pencil of rays diverges from the pupil of the eye, so that its base covers the object seen.
Herculano's classic Historia de Portugal (4 vols., Lisbon, 1846-1853) covers the period up to 1279.
Chinatown, at the foot of Nob Hill, covers some twelve city blocks, and with its temples, rich bazaars, strange life and show of picturesque colours and customs, it is to strangers one of the most interesting portions of the city.
Of Phanerogams, only the Dryas octopetala covers small areas of the debris, interspersed with isolated Cochlearia, &c., and, where a layer of thinner clay has been deposited in sheltered places, the surface is covered with saxifrages, &c.; and a carpet of mosses allows the arctic willow (Salix polaris) to develop. Where a thin sheet of humus, fertilized by lemmings, has accumulated, a few flowering plants appear, but even so their brilliant flowers spring direct from the soil, concealing the developed leaflets, while their horizontally spread roots grow out of proportion; only the Salix lanata rises to 7 or 8 in., sending out roots I in.
The edge of the drop is drawn out by the surface-tension of A with a force greater than the sum of the tensions of the two surfaces of the drop. The drop, therefore, spreads itself out, with great velocity, over the surface of A till it covers an enormous area, and is reduced to such extreme tenuity that it is not probable that it retains the same properties of surface-tension which it has in a large mass.
The Lower Sonoran covers the greatest part of southern and western Arizona, as well as the immediate valleys of the Colorado and Little Colorado rivers.
The microscope magnifies the distance traversed as well as the organism, and although a bacterium which covers 9 - ro cm.
Its area covers 925 sq.
The Altai region, in West Siberia and Mongolia, is similar in character to Switzerland, but covers a very much greater area.
Near it a mound covers remains, possibly those of the Norwegians who fell in the battle (1263) between Alexander III.
It is sufficient to say that there is absolutely nothing within the covers of Rabelais's works incompatible with an orthodoxy which would be recognized as sufficient by Christendom at large, leaving out of the question those points of doctrine and practice on which Christians differ.
Printed Works.--The Gesta regum covers, in its final form, the years 449-1127.
It covers an area of 80,000 sq.
Including its suburbs it covers an area of 27,267 acres, and contains a population (1901) of 949,144.
It covers 9a acres.
It lies on a plateau gradually ascending from the lake shore to an altitude of 220 Ift., and covers an area of nearly 20 sq.
Gruel entered the service of the earl of Richmond about 1425, shared in all his campaigns, and lived with him on intimate terms. The chronicle covers the whole period of the duke's life, but the earlier part, up to 1425, is much less full and important than the later, which is based on Gruel's personal knowledge and observation.
The township covers a land area of about 13 sq.
This boulder clay covers almost all the low ground north of the Thames Basin, its southern margin fading away into washed sands and gravels.
There are, besides, numerous mountain tarns of small size, most of them in hollows barred by the glacial drift which covers a great part of the district.
The great populous area which covers south Lancashire and the West Riding of Yorkshire, and extends beyond them into Cheshire, Derbyshire, Staffordshire and Nottinghamshire, is not in reality a unit.
Protestantism, however, is a generic term which in England covers a great variety of opinions, and a large number of rival religious organizations.
The thick peat moss or tundra of the undrained lowlands covers probably at least a quarter of Alaska; the ' The trees here grow as large as 10 in.
This forest covers an area of some 25,000 sq.
Themeda Forskalii, which occurs from the Mediterranean region to South Africa and Tasmania, is the kangaroo grass of Australia, where, as in South Africa, it often covers wide tracts.
A high-born man covers himself to the mouth in the presence of inferiors.
Gardiner's work is long and minute; the fifty-seven years which it covers are a period of exceptional importance in many directions, and the actions and characters of the principal persons in it demand careful analysis.
East Chicago covers an area whose greatest dimensions are 4 by 31 m.
The distribution of the Amblypygi practically covers that of the Uropygi, but in addition they extend from India through Arabia into tropical and southern Africa.
They are generally decorated with a series of niches with figures in them, divided by small attached shafts with semicircular or sloping covers carved with religious emblems, one of the best examples being the sarcophagus of Sta Barbara, dating from the beginning of the 6th century, at Ravenna, where there are many others.
The third zone covers the higher mountains on their southern and eastern sides, whose violently contorted strata leave many transverse valleys, though usually inclining laterally towards the south-east.
The original part covers the period from 1684-1743, and is to some extent an autobiography of a very adventurous life.
In the winter it covers the orifice of this burrow with a layer of silk, and lies dormant underground until the return of spring.
The geological history of the state covers the period from Algonkian to late Carboniferous time, after which there is a gap in the record until Tertiary time, except that there was apparently a temporary depression of the north-western and southwestern corners in the Cretaceous age.
The group covers an area of about 450 sq.
On the other hand, a luxuriant forest growth covers a very large part of the republic, including the southern plains of the Amazon tributaries, the foothills, slopes and valleys of the Cordilleras, a larger part of the northern plains, and the whole surface of the Western Cordillera and coast.
The four intendencias are called Goajira, Meta, Alto Caqueta and Putumayo, and their aggregate area is estimated to be considerably more than half of the republic. The first covers the Goajira peninsula, which formerly belonged to the department of Magdalena, and the other three roughly correspond to the drainage basins of the three great rivers of the eastern plains whose names they bear.
Continuing the work of Froissart, Monstrelet wrote a Chronique, which extends to two books and covers the period between 1400 and 1444, when, according to another chronicler, Matthieu d'Escouchy, he ceased to write.
The cathedral is almost dwarfed by the Palace of the Popes, a sombre assemblage of buildings, which rises at its side and covers a space of more than 14 acres.
The area drained by the lake covers, with the lake itself, 92,240 sq.
The Cheviot is a hardy sheep with straight wool, of moderate length and very close-set, whilst wiry white hair covers the face and legs.
Ewes on natural pastures receive no hand feeding except a little hay when snow deeply covers the ground.
The red clay covers a nearly square area in the eastern part of the basin bounded on two sides by the Sunda Islands and the west coast of Australia, as well as two strips extending east and west from the southern margin of the square along the south of Australia and nearly to Madagascar.
This term covers practically all dealings with money which involve the application of the principle of proportion.
The blood and refuse were discharged through a drain into the brook Kedron; this drain probably still remains, in the Bir el-Arwah, under the "Dome of the Rock" in the mosque which covers the site of the temple.
Such a view cannot be found within the covers of the English Prayer-Book.
Greens and Messrs Longmans histories are the only notable attempts to tell the history of England as a whole, though Stubbss Constitutional History (3 vols.) covers the middle ages and embodies a political survey as well (for corrections and modifications see Petit-Dutaillis, Supplementary Studies, 1908), while Hallams Constitutional history (3 vols.) extends from 1485 to 1760 and Erskine Mays (3 vols.) from 1760 to 186o.
The total area covers 8099 sq.
The town covers an area of 6 m.
Each plough covers about 250 acres in a season, travelling an average of 20 m.
They are said to be developed from the coelomic epithelium which covers the efferent vessel or its caeca.
It covers in Norway the division (amter) of Finmarken and the higher inland parts of Tromso and Nordland; in Russian territory the western part of the government of Archangel as far as the White Sea and the northern part of the Finnish district of Uleaborg; and in Sweden the inland and northern parts of the old province of Norrland, roughly coincident with the districts (loin) of Norbotten and Vesterbotten, and divided into five divisions - Torne Lappmark, Lule Lappmark, Pite Lappmark, Lycksele Lappmark and Asele Lappmark.
This belongs to the year 1783, and covers an area of 218 sq.
Heather covers large tracts, and also affords pasture for sheep. The development of forest trees is insignificant.
The former work, Arna Saga Biskups, is imperfect; it is the record of the struggles of church and state over patronage rights and glebes, written c. 1315; it now covers only the years 1269-1291; a great many documents are given in it, after the modern fashion.
The parish covers a large district on the coast, and stretches inland beyond the farther banks of Loch Maree, the whole of which lies within its bounds.
A dense vegetation of iron-wood (Cordia) and other trees and shrubs, together with a forest of coco-nut palms, covers its surface.
The plains of Esdraelon, and the Buttauf, and the plateau of el-Ahma are all remarkable for the rich basaltic soil which covers them, in which corn, cotton, maize, sesame, tobacco, millet and various kinds of vegetable are grown, while indigo and sugar-cane were cultivated in former times.
Spike, Rocky and' Haulbowline islands are used in the formation of a government dockyard, which with the adjoining victualling yard covers an area of 55 atres.
Loess, often thin and always containing little humus, also covers large areas on the high, semi-arid plains in the western part of the state.
The red gneisses near Tarr Head probably represent intrusive granite; and this small north-eastern exposure is representative of the Dalradian series which covers so wide a field from central Londonderry to the coast of Donegal.
Snow is uncommon in the south-east of the state, and whenever there is a snow-storm the snow usually melts as it falls; but in the centre and north-west occasionally covers the ground to a depth of several inches.
A shallow cap covers the head, and from the middle of it there is always a sort of tail or plume, blown back by the wind.
The district is rich in agricultural produce; in a seasonable year a manycoloured sheet of cultivation, almost without a break, covers the valley of the Purna.
The list of the governors of the castle covers the period from 1136 to 1832.
This is par excellence the African formation, and covers immense areas in South Africa and the Congo basin, with detached portions in East Africa.
The delta is the largest in Africa and covers 14,000 sq.
A peculiar vegetation, consisting mainly of low shrubs with fleshy glaucous leaves (mule crithnioides, &c.), covers the swamps of the Guadalquivir and the salt-marshes of the south-west coast.
When closed, the ten frames, together with the two outside ones (fitted with squares of glass for inspection), which represent the covers of the book, were tied together with a couple of stout strings.
It covers 950,000 sq.
Lord Cromer's Modern Egypt (1908) covers Sudanese history for the years 1881-1907.
The cuticle which covers the body is here and there raised into overlapping scales which may be prolonged into bristles.
The drift covers the eastern fifth of the state.
From the last-named various species have crept two-thirds of the way across the state, one (the buffalo berry) wholly covers it, and some have barely crossed into the border foot-hills from Wyoming.
Its light is so faint and diffuse that it is impossible to assign dimensions to it, except to say it covers a region of several degrees in extent.
Its area covers 2860 sq.
Objectives with definite undercorrection can however only produce really good images with glass covers of a specified thickness.
For this reason Amici constructed objectives of a similar aperture and focus for different thicknesses of glass covers.
Then if a second integument be formed it covers all the free part of the ovule, but does not form on the side to which the raphe is adherent.
The district covers an area of 4146 sq.
The most conspicuous member of the Mesozoic group is the sheet of diabase and dolerite, made up of laccolites and sills, which covers most of the central plateau of Tasmania.
An exceptional position is occupied by wool wax, the main constituent of the natural wool fat which covers the hair of sheep, and is obtained as a by-product in scouring the raw wool.
Although, in the explored portion of the Fuegian chain, the volcanoes which have been mentioned from time to time have not been met with, there seem to have existed to the south, on the islands, many neo-volcanic rocks, some of which appear to be contemporaneous with the basaltic sheet that covers a part of eastern Patagonia.
It has been found useful in some cases to examine microscopically the thin film of coal that often covers the pinnae of fossil fronds, in order to determine the form of the epidermal cells which may be preserved in the carbonized cuticle; rectilinear epidermal cell-walls are usually considered characteristic of Cycads, while cells with undulating walls are more likely to belong to Ferns.
After replying to the question of Deogratias, and giving sundry counsels as to the best method of interesting catechumens, Augustine concludes by giving a model catechetical lecture, in which he covers the whole of biblical history, beginning from the opening chapters of Genesis, and laying particular stress on the doctrinal parts of Scripture.
One of the convents, that of San Francisco, covers a whole block, and ranks among the largest institutions of its kind in the world.
Immediately in front of the foremost row of seats a hood or sloping screen of wood covers a part of the orchestra, and another hood of similar shape starts from the front of the stage at a slightly lower level.
The hemp fibre has always been valuable for the rope industry, and it was at one time very extensively used in the production of yarns for the manufacture of sail cloth, sheeting, covers, bagging, sacking, &c. Much of the finer quality is still made into cloth, but almost all the coarser quality finds its way into ropes and similar material.
But in all those languages the word has a more extended meaning than in English, as it covers every variety of heating apparatus; while here, in addition to furnaces proper, we distinguish other varieties as ovens, stoves and kilns.
Pulling the covers over him, she picked up his clothes and laid them on a chair.
In one frantic move, she threw back the covers and darted for the light switch.
Obstructing an investigation is an offense, and covers altering, concealing or destroying documents, or attempting to obstruct justice.
The test is very similar to those used by major employers and covers verbal, numerical and diagrammatic reasoning.
Slough The term for the viscous yellow layer which often covers the wound and is strongly adherent to it.
Shipping litigation covers all areas including admiralty, charterparty disputes, cargo claims, sale and purchase disputes and total losses.
The fact they regularly adorn the covers of the major organ magazines suggests that many people agree.
The policy covers limited personal accident or the Hirer's personal belongings and THE HIRER IS STRONGLY advised TO MAKE HIS OWN INSURANCE ARRANGEMENTS.
We settled for improving last years car by converting to 16 " wheels with covers, improving the aerodynamics & fixing the gears.
Mandarin birds and kingfisher covers are symbols of conjugal affection.
Large high quality beds with duvet covers and sift cotton sheets, sofa seating, pivotal televisions, individually controlled air conditioning.
This accredited short course covers the skills required to be a successful and creative fundraising all-rounder.
It covers anthropology and archeology with strength in the areas of sociocultural anthropology, ethnology, and material culture.
A modern armchair, resized for children, featuring removeable covers for easy cleaning.
Note how this trial covers a bewildering array of outcomes.
Our other services include balloon artistry, favors and chair covers to name but a few.
Kingdom pmi covers the middle Atlantic not have the to the mean.
John O'Neill should be well known to Nerve readers, having provided the breathtaking backdrops for our last two covers.
Of nesting bald also made their where darkness covers.
Some rooms have furry bedspreads or delicately embroidered covers, while others are piled with oversized mohair cushions.
It covers your current fuel use and also pays off a certain amount of your unpaid bill each week.
It covers symptoms, disease cycle, mycotoxins in scabby grain, seedling blight phase of scab, and control methods.
For a detailed breakdown of what the course covers on each day CLICK HERE.
The Quality Hotel will have a room set up for a wedding breakfast, ie chair covers, balloons, table decorations.
For example, the everyday contract " Please build my new school " covers 10 pages of contractual bumf.
The book is bound in black calfskin with damaged lead covers.
This section covers most aspects of resin casting where clarity is not required.
More accurately this should be renamed ' The Stunt Of Paycheck ' as it mainly covers the motorcycle chase.
Helpful to their the micro company holiday insurance multitrip chenille coffee covers most.
A starchy white embroidered table cloth covers the table beside him.
The result is a conformal coating (where the added layer covers the entire surface - see figure 3 below ).
It covers all of the text level fiction and poetry reading comprehension objectives of the National Literacy Strategy for year four.
This section covers musique concrete, minimalism, electroacoustic works, third stream compositions and more.
First Cellular covers several major transportation conduits that Industries connect St. Louis, Chicago, Indian.. .
There should be an active program to promote continence which covers the full range of continence factors.
Nibiru The other aspect of Sumerian mythology covers cosmology.
Comical covers WHY DOES your front cover, every month, look like the front cover of a child's comic?
The black on the face extends to below the eye and covers the ear coverts and the lores.
Once the water just covers the bottom of the pool, we pull out the bottom from the edges to remove any creases.
Each year this covers one aspect of macromolecular crystallography.
The arable land where the stone curlews choose to nest covers land belonging to 84 owners.
This single session course covers the basics of using GroupWise to perform day-to-day messaging tasks.
It flows into the Arabian Sea, forming a delta, which covers 3000 square miles.
Another main strand of research covers the development of knowledge-base systems (KBS ), for prosthetic dentistry and agroforestry research and extension.
The " Folders " section covers a number of bioethical topics, including embryo research, stem cells, cloning, and pre-implantation diagnosis.
It covers any unwanted conduct which violates a person's dignity or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.
This fact sheet covers the National Mastitis Council recommended milking procedures; milking order; teat dips; and treating clinical mastitis.
This does not cover disposables such as bulbs, covers etc.
It also covers one of the largest most sparsely populated districts in England.
The six-inch pipes are one inch thick " The system covers an area from Kensington in the west to the east End docklands.
The NNR covers an entire drainage basin and is unique in having a Y-shaped bog system which includes both acid and alkaline drainage systems.
My money back the tang dynasty where darkness covers some of the.
Business economics - Covers macro economics, looking at how industry operates and how it is affected by governmental policies and international agreements.
That price also rarely covers any treatment of proven efficacy.
The " advanced physics " package covers electromagnetism, quantum and nuclear physics and thermodynamics in twenty simulations.
This book also covers the electronic mail and team working functions of Outlook.
It also covers advanced circuit concepts used in analog electronics.
Turn your covers into cash, or cash equivalents, by selling to Airmail Collector.
This short book covers a lot of ground, displaying formidable erudition and intellectual agility.
Research and teaching covers the areas of biomedical ethics and other areas of applied ethics, including gene therapy.
The written examination covers the rest of the material.
The other fair dealing exception covers use of a copyright work for criticism, review or news reporting.
It covers an expanse of the country that has no common identity whatever.
Note that the PHF grant covers the course fee, not travel or subsistence expenses.
The course covers much more than fashion and glamor, mascara, gloss and fake eyelashes.
The eclectic international menu also covers Mexican fajitas and a massive range of Italian pasta and gnocchi dishes.
The county famed for it's university city of ' Dreaming Spires ' covers an expanse of just over 1,000 square miles.
For him, socialism is not a Utopian fantasy that covers the real business of shooting people.
For additional hygiene, washable zip fastening covers are available in white or light blue.
Fashion and Fetishism is concerned with the idea of the corset throughout history yet covers important and controversial issues including feminism and abortion.
The method covers plain leading-edge flaps, drooped leading edges, slats, sealed slats, and vented and unvented Krüger flaps.
Also make sure that the electric flex is not twisted, coiled, laid across the blanket or tucked under the mattress or covers.
Do not wade through high floodwaters; manhole covers may have lifted, leaving deep and dangerous unseen holes.
The survey covers a representative sample of 100 roofline installers and stockists of PVC-UE cellular foam.
A film of winter grime covers others and many are hidden by overgrown foliage.
An agency should have a remit which covers the whole food chain, from plow to plate.
Side panels, shock absorber covers, seat, rear mudguard, tail light and even the rider footrests have been restyled.
Sun Ra always confounded and amused as he dodged between big band covers, noise freakouts and long chanted song cycles and outer-space grooves.
You can sign up for a very useful fortnightly newsletter that covers all types of charitable fundraising.
The negative game plan simply covers gaps and weaknesses among the players, all of whom have been signed by Ferguson.
The Journal of petroleum Science and Engineering covers the fields of petroleum geology, exploration, and engineering in its broadest possible sense.
The FAQ's section covers common ' gray areas ' within the realms of statistical geoscience.
The unit also covers preparing accessories, such as gobos, gobo holders, color changers, scrollers and data-driven devices.
Standard duty covers virtually all highway applications all the way to maximum legal gross weights.
Explain the identification and culture of a range of Australian native ground covers and small shrubs.
We really have become too gutless to stop folk doing covers, I feel.
The work covers a wide range of duties including hydrotherapy.
The first covers the application of homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) to the patented Dual-FuelTM system.
The theory part covers the basics of electromagnetic induction.
Larger span covers may require propping from below to prevent distortion caused by the weight of the wet concrete infill.
Sumdy's Dad live, with their unique mix of cracking covers, fantastic originals and all round insanity... .
It covers just-in-time inventory and supply chains management for true make-to-order outsourced manufacturing.
Fun ironing Board covers These cheeky ironing board covers have been designed to make your ironing chores a much sexier experience!
The report covers the effects of neutron irradiation on copper and copper alloys.
This guidebook includes a rich and varied selection of walks on Madeira, and also covers the neighboring island of Porta Santo.