Coverdale Sentence Examples
He was elected on the 1st of August 1559; but it was difficult to find the requisite four bishops willing and qualified to consecrate him, and not until the 17th of December did Barlow, Scory, Coverdale and Hodgkins perform that ceremony at Lambeth.
Both in the German and English translations (Luther's, 1537; Coverdale's, 1535, &c.) these books are separated from the others and set by themselves; but while in some confessions, e.g.
It appeared in the English Bible in Tyndale's translation of the Pentateuch (1530), and is found in all English Protestant versions of the 16th century except that of Coverdale ('' 1 535) In the Authorized Version of 161 i it occurs in Exod.
As the C111es printing was finished on the 4th of October 1535 it Coverdale.
P g 4 535 is evident that Coverdale must have been engaged on the preparation of the work for the press at almost as early a date as Tyndale.
Coverdale, however, was no independent translator.
It should be added that Coverdale's Bible was the first in which the non-canonical books were left out of the body of the Old Testament and placed by themselves at the end of it under the title Apocripha.
The large sale of the New Testaments of Tyndale, and the success of Coverdale's Bible, showed the London booksellers that a new and profitable branch of business was o opened out to them, and they soon began to avail Matthew's P ?
Thomas Matthew, is, however, in all probability, an alias for John Rogers, a friend and fellow-worker of Tyndale, and the volume is in reality no new translation at all, but a compilation from the renderings of Tyndale and Coverdale.
From Ezra to Malachi the translation is taken from Coverdale, as is also that of the Apocryphal books.
AdvertisementIt is significant that this Bible, like Coverdale's second edition, was " set forth with the kinges most gracyous lycence," probably with the concurrence of Cranmer, since he, in a letter to Cromwell, begged him to " exhibit the book unto the king's highness, and to obtain of his grace.
The subject was again before Convocation in 1536, 4 but the detailed history is lost to us - all that is known being that Cromwell had placed Coverdale at the head of the enterprise, and that the result was an entirely new revision, based on Matthew's Bible.'
Coverdale consulted in his revision the Latin version of the Old Testament with the Hebrew text by Sebastian Minster, the Vulgate and Erasmus's editions of the Greek text for the New Testament.
At the request of Henry VIII., a licence was granted to Regnault for this purpose by Francis I., while Coverdale and Grafton were sent over in 1538 to superintend the work as it passed through the press.
The work was pressed forward with all speed, for, as Coverdale writes to Cromwell, they were " dayly threatened " and ever feared " to be spoken withall."
AdvertisementCoverdale and Grafton left Paris quickly, but soon returned, rescued a great number of the finished sheets, "four great dryvats " full of them having been sold to a haberdasher instead of being burnt - and conveyed types, printing-presses and workmen to England.
In 1546 Coverdale's Bible was included in the proscription, the Great Bible being the only translation not interdicted.
Other prominent reformers, amongst them Coverdale, sought refuge in Geneva, the town of Calvin and Beza, where they employed their enforced leisure in planning and carrying out a new revision of the Bible.
Its last tenant was Bishop Miles Coverdale, who in 1535 published the first English translation of the whole Bible.
In 1549 he was placed on a commission to examine Anabaptists, and in 1551 he was appointed chancellor to Bishop Ridley, select preacher at Canterbury, and a commissioner for the reform of the canon law; in 1552 Coverdale made him archdeacon of Exeter.
AdvertisementHe was one of those who met at the White Horse tavern to discuss theological questions, and when Barnes was arrested on a charge of heresy, Coverdale went up to London to assist him in drawing up his defence.
The venture seems to have been projected by Jacob van Meteren, who apparently employed Coverdale to do the translation, and Froschover of Zurich to do the printing.
There is no definite mention of the original Greek and Hebrew texts; but it has considerable literary merit, many of Coverdale's phrases are retained in the authorized version, and it was the first complete Bible to be printed in English.
Coverdale was, however, employed by Cromwell to assist in the production of the Great Bible of 1539, which was ordered to be placed in all English churches.
The work was done at Paris until the French government stopped it, when Coverdale and his colleagues returned to England early in 1539 to complete it.
AdvertisementHis Bible was prohibited by proclamation in 1542, while Coverdale himself defied the Six Articles by marrying Elizabeth Macheson, sister-in-law to Dr John MacAlpine.
For a time Coverdale lived at Tubingen, where he was created D.D.
In March 1548 he was at Frankfort, when the new English Order of Communion reached him; he at once translated it into German and Latin and sent a copy to Calvin, whose wife had befriended Coverdale at Strassburg.
Calvin, however, does not seem to have approved of it so highly as Coverdale.
Coverdale was already on his way back to England, and in October 1548 he was staying at Windsor Castle, where Cranmer and some other divines, inaccurately called the Windsor Commission, were preparing the First Book of Common Prayer.
Coverdale was called before the privy council on the 1st of September, and required to find sureties; but he was not further molested, and when Christian III.
In 1559 Coverdale returned to England and resumed his preaching at St Paul's and elsewhere.
Coverdale's works, most of them translations, number twenty-six in all; nearly all, with his letters, were published in a collected edition by the Parker Soc., 2 vols., 1846.
The duets have a plainsong feel about them as they mysteriously weave Coverdale's words.
Coverham Abbey owned extensive estates in Coverdale while the Knights Templar had a preceptory at Penhill.
Though not endowed with the strength and originality of mind that characterized Tyndale's work, Coverdale showed great discrimination in the handling and use of his authorities, and moreover a certain delicacy and happy ease in his rendering of the Biblical text, to which we owe not a few of the beautiful expressions of our present Bible.
In the late 1980s, Kitaen appeared in several Whitesnake videos, with her husband at the time, lead-singer David Coverdale.
Kitaen appeared in a series of B-rate movies, and her marriage to Coverdale ended in divorce.
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