Courting Sentence Examples
If he's honestly interested in me, he can come courting the proper way.
If you were courting me from day one, as you said at the restaurant, then why were you so reluctant to get married?
As heir-apparent he collected a bodyguard, and studiously courting personal popularity by a pretended interest in the administration of kingly justice, ingratiated himself with the mass.
Voltaire had made, however, a useful friend in another grand seigneur, as profligate and nearly as intelligent, the duke of Richelieu, and with him he passed 1724 and the next year chiefly, recasting Mariamne (which was now successful), writing the comedy of L'Indiscret, and courting the queen, the ministers, the favourites and everybody who seemed worth.
Duke Frederick of Austria had hitherto sheltered John's flight; but, laid under the ban of the empire, attacked by powerful armies, and feeling that he was courting ruin, he preferred to give up the pontiff who had trusted to him.
In fact, the casual observer might think he was actually courting her.
Courting a widow was one thing, but harboring a nagging feeling she might not be widowed was quite another matter.
The blackbird is of a shy and restless disposition, courting concealment, and rarely seen in flocks, or otherwise than singly or in pairs, and taking flight when startled with a sharp shrill cry.
From the first the emperor reproached him with being too easy with his subjects and with courting popularity too much.
After my initial rebuttal, I should have let go of the idea of courting the young lady.
AdvertisementAfter that owner's death in 1922, the home remained empty throughout the Depression and WWII, with the grounds becoming the 1940s equivalent of a lover's lane for Little Rock's courting youth.
Whether you are courting a man or sending well wishes home, before you pucker up and make your permanent red kiss mark, make sure you're lipstick kiss savvy.
When you're courting, you're both careful not to get too irritable with each other, or nag, or issue a barrage of personal complaints over a nice dinner out.
Every detail of his courting is premeditated and thoroughly thought-out.
Courting is similar to dating but is more restrictive.
AdvertisementSo Edward's personal rule became in its character autocratic; but it was in the art of courting popularity and concealing despotism that he most shows himself as a type of tyranny.
The most irreconcilable Republicans knew that they could not expect much from popular risings in great towns or from the disaffected and anarchist peasantry iii Andalusia, so they resorted to the old practice of barrack conspiracies, courting especially the non-commissioned officers and some ambitious subalterns.
Beating his brains out trying to get that log house built and you're suspecting him of courting me.
A female blue-footed booby sat on a rock, flanked by two males feverishly courting her.
Chirac had hardly endeared himself to Schröder by openly courting his opponent, Edmund Stoiber, during the election campaign.
AdvertisementIn the run-up to the election, the courting of the " gray vote " became even more overt.
Italian politics; prosperous republics, with plenty of money to spend but no leisure or inclination for camp-life; cautious tyrants, glad of every pretext to emasculate their subjects, and courting popularity by exchanging conscription for taxationall combined to favor the new system.
With such followers he made the constitution of 1876 and all the laws of the monarchy, putting a limited franchise in the place of universal suffrage, curtailing liberty of conscience, rights of association and of meeting, liberty of the press, checking democracy, obliging the military to abstain from politics, conciliating the Carlists and Catholics by his advances to the Vatican, the Church and the religious orders, pandering to the protectionists by his tariff policy, and courting abroad the friendship of Germany and Austria after contributing to the marriage of his king to an Austrian princess.
These days it 's courting a more sophisticated crowd with swish new high-quality hotels.
Courting third-party developers, as well as first-party titles featuring the Mario family of characters, the Nintendo Entertainment System went on to sell in excess of 60 million units worldwide.
AdvertisementThe courting couple gradually had more and more privacy, especially with the advent of movie theaters, cars, and "parking".
Promise rings have been exchanged for generations, often as pins or class rings between courting couples.
She might even frown upon his showmanship in his method of courting, but secretly, she'll be wooed by his finesse and impressed with his taste and style.
If you're courting investors, the plan acts like a sales document, "selling" investors on the business' potential, the concept, and the profit potential.
Purists may decry The Go-Gos' courting of the mainstream but it is hard to quibble with the success.
The action on Sister Wives focuses on Kody Brown, his three wives, thirteen children, and the new woman he is "courting."
He had earned the position, mostly in the time they were courting, but certainly since they had been married.
I've been openly courting Carmen from day one, but all I have to do is see Lori a couple of times and you think we're romantically involved.
His Scholia to ' The stories, including the delightful history of the courting of Rebekah by proxy, are due to the oldest narrators.
But the idea of making him responsible for the foreign policy of France could not be realized owing to the necessity under which Louis Philippe lay of courting the goodwill of the powers, whom Bignon had offended by his outspoken writings.
Lucius (or Gaius) Minucius, the patrician praefectus annonae (president of the market), thereupon accused him of courting popularity with a view to making himself king.
Even those playing cards behind the partition soon left their game and came over to the samovar, yielding to the general mood of courting Mary Hendrikhovna.