Courteous Sentence Examples
The courteous ideal of French chivalry, with its delectable language, was adopted by all seigniorial Europe, which thus became animated, as it were, by the life-blood of France.
According to Strabo he was a courteous man and in many ways useful to the Jews.
Prince Andrew followed her with a courteous but sad expression.
Panin was one of the most learned, accomplished and courteous Russians of his day.
At best, Alex would be courteous to him.
Warfare was carried on with many courteous formalities, and considerable skill was shown in the fortifications.
Students' behavior on the bus should always be safe and courteous.
As a senator he stood in the front rank in a body distinguished for ability; his purity of character and courteous manner, together with his intellectual gifts, won him the esteem of all parties; and he became more and more the leader of the Southern Democrats.
Instead of an enemy, Nicholas found in Ilagin a stately and courteous gentleman who was particularly anxious to make the young count's acquaintance.
Chaucer, when he spoke of Gawain coming "again out of faerie," spoke better than he knew; the home of that very gallant and courteous knight is indeed Fairy-land, and the true Gawain-tradition is informed with fairy glamour and grace.
AdvertisementIt is the crowning merit of the ever amiable and courteous tsar Alexius that he discovered so many great men (like Nikon, Orduin, Matvyeev, the best of Peter's precursors) and suitably employed them.
He's not genteel, but he's courteous.
Depretis took occasion to deny, in a form scarcely courteous, the probability of the visit.
Vasari eulogizes Mantegna for his courteous, distinguished and praiseworthy deportment, although there are indications of his having been not a little litigious in disposition.
He was ever courteous and kind in answering applications for assistance in the study of his works, even when his compliance must have cost him much time.
AdvertisementOf commanding presence, firm, decisive, courteous in manner, convincing in argument, and deeply attached to his native province, he had all the qualities of a popular leader.
Moreover, the words of the masonic statutes, "be kindly and courteous," recurred to him.
Be courteous when responding to other members.
One thing that all of these locations have in common is the freshest premium seafood, prepared and presented by a courteous staff.
The people are generally courteous and kindly, the island being still comparatively rarely visited by foreigners, while Italians seem to regard it as almost a place of exile.
AdvertisementKing Humbert addressed to the pope a letter of congratulation upon his election, and received a courteous reply.
In disposition they are amiable and courteous, but arrogant, lively, inquisitive and inclined to steal - their attacks in earlier days on Europeans, when not caused by misunderstandings, being due probably to their coveting property which to them was of immense value.
Towards Rome he advocated a courteous but independent attitude.
Everyone was so courteous and the sky was the limit.
He had received in reply a courteous reply from the firm, which he he read.
AdvertisementBe courteous if you use this technique; don't overwhelm and already-busy employee.
Always be courteous and quiet when researching.
Sending a thank you letter shows that you are courteous and professional.
Use your common sense and be courteous to other posters.
If you're persistent and courteous, however, sometimes you can get lucky and make contact with the star.
The staff is friendly and courteous, making the atmosphere feel relaxed and inviting.
Expect the courteous wait staff to cater to your every need and promptly fill up the complimentary bread basket.
After some negotiations, an interview took place between him and Mr (afterwards Sir) Lepel Griffin, the diplomatic representative at Kabul of the Indian government, who described Abdur Rahman as a man of middle height, with an exceedingly intelligent face and frank and courteous manners, shrewd and able in conversation on the business in hand.
He was also expected to prove himself an adept in physical exercises and in the courteous observances which survived from chivalry.
Stay on the existing trails and roadways, be courteous to other users and remove all trash and equipment.
He was beloved by all the preachers, and his Checks to Antinomianism show that he was a courteous controversialist.
The pope in a forcible though formally courteous manner pointed out to him the evil results which his neglect of his royal duties would entail on his subjects, and called on him to appoint one of the Habsburg princes his successor both to the imperial crown and to the thrones of Bohemia and Hungary.
They are affectionate and firm in their friendships, kind to their children and their aged and infirm relatives, very respectful to old age, most courteous and polite and very hospitable to strangers.
He was courteous to her instead of affectionate, but they were talking — if simple questions and answers could be called conversation.
Speaking personally, I have found the wardens invariably courteous, and very helpful when one seeks their advice.
Unfailingly courteous, they spoke of ideas that played out over many centuries.
The staff there are eminently professional, and EXTREMELY courteous.
I thought it only courteous to explain, you see I happened to be born in that room.
Although you should remain courteous when chasing, it is important to keep up the pressure and maintain regular contact.
The degree of tact ranged from courteous to downright rude.
Socially he was genial and courteous, though in argument he occasionally lost his temper.
Pursuing his victory, Wallace ravaged Cumberland, most English writers say with savage ferocity; but Hemingburgh represents Wallace as courteous on one occasion, and as confessing that his men were out of hand.
American Express strives to give world-class service to customers and aims to have accessible representatives who are knowledgeable, courteous, and responsive.
Its courteous to give gifts to help lift the financial load from the lovebirds, allowing them to focus more time on each other.
Try to be courteous and civil at family functions.
Regardless of whether you received a "to die for" present or not, you will need to be courteous.
Please be responsible and courteous guests to help ensure these establishments remain pet friendly.
Making black tie nights memorable is a matter of wearing the right apparel as well as treating your date in a courteous manner.
Because the attractions are interactive and depend on guests' participation, it is important to be courteous to other visitors.
Observations have revealed that children who are well liked by peers typically show helpful, courteous, and considerate behavior.
Patrons are always welcome to come in for a free consultation - a courteous service that can help individuals decide on a new style, determine how to repair damage, or just experiment with new looks.
By all means be courteous, pleasant and polite, but don't make an extra effort to put your personality in the spotlight.
Be sure to be courteous and pleasant when asking for a potential donation.
Being courteous will show your date that you care and regretful for not making it in time.
Know proper table etiquette, say all the right polite words, be courteous and take the time to listen to your date.
Your partner is going remember this day for the rest of his or her life, so be courteous.
The signature is more of a formality as the receiver most assuredly knows who has sent the note, but it is courteous to do so.
Are the representatives courteous, professional and thorough when explaining various aspects of their plans to you?
The tribal feeling may be expressed as friendly within the tribe, courteous to other Andamanese if known, hostile to every stranger, Andamanese or other.
Liberal, courteous, a shrewd observer, loyal and watchful in the cause of Russia, he maintained the best possible relations with Lord Lansdowne and Sir Edward Grey, and became a favourite at Court and in London society.
Their manners are more courteous, their women better treated, than is usual with Papuans, but they show perhaps less ingenuity and artistic taste.
Be courteous to waiters or waitresses serving you.
The other chief function of diplomacy is to be the courteous medium of conveying messages from one government to another.
The Moors are an intellectual people, courteous in manner and not altogether unlettered; but they are cruel, revengeful and bloodthirsty.
He was distinctly courteous to even the youngest chorister.
At this stage, tho always correct and courteous, he gave the impression of resigned fatalism.
Just as consumers want companies to practice good relations, consumers who ask for free stuff through the mail should be courteous of company rules for requesting freebies.
Of this quality there was no trace in his manner, which was courteous, conciliatory and even deferential; nor in his speech, which breathed an almost exaggerated humility.
He gained from the struggle a more catholic view of human happiness, at delight in the poetry of nature and the affections as well as the poetry of heroic unselfishness, a disposition to study more sympathetically the point of view of opponents, a more courteous style of polemic, a hatred of sectarianism, an ambition,, no less noble and disinterested, but moderated to practical' possibilities.
As a race they are exceedingly courteous and self-respecting.
They were doubtless too courteous to add that fine colours do not make fine colouring.
He was sincerely religious, self-restrained and courteous, though occasionally, under provocation, he could burst out into a royal rage.
He was courteous to her instead of affectionate, but they were talking — if simple questions and answers could be called conversation.
The French protection of them, which dates from Louis XIV., is no longer operative but to French official representatives is still accorded a courteous precedence.
Towards the Church she held a courteous but firm policy, renewing relations between the Frankish kingdom and the pope; and she so far maintained the greatness of the Empire that tradition associated her name with the Roman roads in the north of France, entitling them les chausses de Brunehaut.