Couplers Sentence Examples
The use of automatic couplers for freight cars throughout the United States, introduced in 1893-1900, greatly reduced the number of deaths and injuries in coupling, and the use of air brakes on freight cars, now universal, has reduced the risk to the men by making it less necessary for them to ride on the roofs of high box-cars, while at the same time it has made it possible to run long trains with fewer men; but except in these two features the freight service in America continues to be a dangerous occupation.
At that time a member of the Association referred to the disappearance of automatic couplers which had been introduced thirty or forty years before.
Many different couplers of the Janney type are patented and made by different firms, but the tendency is to equip new cars with one of only four or five standard makes.
Automatic couplers resembling the Janney are adopted in a few special cases in Great Britain and other European countries, FIG.
The old one is useful for dating, tho plural pedal couplers lingered longer.
I used two male-male couplers here plus a short length of semi rigid coax to reach the bulkhead mounted SMA output socket.
It should have sufficient resources to cope with a full organ situation when many notes are keyed with many stops drawn, including couplers.
A wealth of octave and sub-octave couplers have been provided.
All octave couplers to play through the 10 unison couplers.
However, when the 100 kW turbine is second, both 30 kW induction couplers are used, starting in sequence.
AdvertisementUse proper connectors or cable couplers to join lengths of cable.
Portable inductive couplers which simply attach to the handset earpiece with a stretchy strap can make any telephone " hearing aid friendly " .
Note the provision of an extra octave of treble pipes to most of the organ, for use with the octave of treble pipes to most of the organ, for use with the octave couplers.
The adoption of automatic couplers was stimulated in some degree by laws enacted by the various states and by the United States; and the Safety Appliance Act passed by Congress in 1893 made it unlawful for railways to permit to be hauled on their lines after the ist of January 1898 any car used for interstate commerce that was not equipped with couplers which coupled automatically by impact, and which could be uncoupled without the necessity for men going in between the ends of the cars.
All couplers are assumed to have the same splitting ratio of k.