Coupled Sentence Examples
That thought coupled with her nightmare made her even angrier at not being able to eat.
The events of the last few days coupled with the dread of the unknown future were taking their toll.
In many cases additional condensers or inductance coils are inserted in various places so that the arrangement is somewhat disguised, but by far the larger part of the electric wave wireless telegraphy in 1907 was effected by transmitters having antennae either inductively or directly coupled to a closed condenser circuit containing a spark gap.
That, coupled with Cynthia's strange behavior at the news of Shipton's fall bothered him far more than he'd allowed himself to believe.
Simple roofs in general use with a double slope are the " coupled rafter roofs," the rafters meeting at the highest point upon a horizontal ridge-piece which stiffens the framework and gives a level ridge-line.
This usage, coupled with the existence of a distinct term in Gaelic for the wild species, leaves little doubt that the word "cat" properly denotes only the domesticated species.
If, however, the antenna is inductively or directly coupled to a condenser circuit of large capacity then the amount of energy which can be stored up before discharge takes place is very much greater, and hence can be drawn upon to create prolonged or slightly damped trains of waves.
The drivingwheels are coupled to a pair of trailing wheels.
Coupled with the awful taste, all I want to do is wipe this lipstick off- fast!
Here the place of the jib is taken by two inclined legs joined together at the top and pivoted at the bottom; a third back-leg is connected at the top to the other two, and at the bottom is coupled to a nut which runs on a long horizontal screw.
AdvertisementThe above statements, though correct as far as they go, are an imperfect account of the nature of the radiation from a coupled antenna, but a mathematical treatment is required for a fuller explanation.
At a later date a syntonic system comprising, as above stated, an antenna directly coupled to a resonant closed circuit was put into operation by Lodge and Muirhead, and much the same methods have been followed in the system known as the Telefunken system employed in Germany.
In the same way the arrangements finally elaborated by Lodge and Muirhead consisted of a direct coupled antenna and nearly closed condenser circuit, and a similar receiving circuit containing as a detector the steel wheel revolving on oily mercury which actuated a siphon recorder writing signals on paper tape.
It had a vertical boiler, and was carried on four wheels all coupled, the two cylinders being placed in an inclined position and having a bore of about 6 in.
An engine coupled to a batch of wagons runs one or more of them down one siding, leaves them there, then returns back with the remainder clear of the points where the sidings diverge, runs one or more others down another siding, and so on till they are all disposed of.
AdvertisementTo obtain the tractive force the weight on the coupled wheels must be about five times this amount - that is..
Hence, if p is the maximum value of the mean effective pressure corresponding to about 85% of the boiler pressure,, uW = pd 2 le /D (26) is an expression giving a relation between the total weight on the coupled wheels, their diameters and the size of the cylinder.
This would be distributed between three coupled axles giving an average of 1.38 tons per axle, though the distribution might not in practice be uniform, a larger proportion of the weight falling on the driving-axle.
When the road leads the train up an incline, however, the tractive force must be increased, so that the need for coupled wheels soon arises if the road is at all a heavy one.
A highand low-pressure cylinder are cast together, and the piston-rods belonging to them are both coupled to one cross-head which is connected to the driving-wheels, these again being coupled to other wheels in the usual way.
AdvertisementA convenient way of describing any type of engine is by means of numerals indicating the number of wheels - (I) in the group of wheels supporting the leading or chimney end, (2) in the group of coupled wheels, and (3) in the group supporting the trailing end of the engine.
There is a general increase in cylinder power, boiler pressure and weight, and in consequence in the number of coupled axles.
This outrage, coupled with his appropriation of temple vessels, which he used as bribes, raised against Menelaus the senate and the people of Jerusalem.
But, though apparently without such a knowledge of the anatomy of birds as would enable him to apply it to the formation of that natural system which he was fully aware had yet to be sought, he seems to have been an excellent judge of the characters afforded by the bill and limbs, and the use he made of them, coupled with the extraordinary reputation he acquired on other grounds, procured for his system the adhesion for many years of the majority of ornithologists.'
As a commercial product spider-silk has been found to be equal, if not superior, to the best silk spun by lepidopterous larvae; but the cannibalistic propensities of spiders, making it impossible to keep more than one in a single receptacle, coupled with the difficulty of getting them to spin freely in a confined space, have hitherto prevented the silk being used on any extensive scale for textile fabrics.
AdvertisementThe uneasiness caused by the excessive dependence of Great Britain upon the United States for cotton, coupled with the Recent belief that shortages of supply are more frequent than R they ought to be, and the fear that diminishing returns attempts to open may operate in America, occasioned the formation in England of the British Cotton Growing Association on.
Like Fortune, with whom she is often coupled in inscriptions on Roman tombstones, she was also represented with the cornu copiae (horn of plenty).
This policy, coupled with certain administrative and revenue reforms, and some private attempts in behalf of public education, made the last seven years of his rule, from 1827 to 1834, the most prosperous in the Spanish regime.
Catherine's name soon began to be coupled with that of Owen Tudor, a Welsh gentleman, and in 1428 Humphrey, duke of Gloucester, secured the passing of an act to prevent her from marrying without the consent of the king and council.
In 1779 a rupture on this account was only averted through the mediation of the French ambassador, coupled with the fact that Turkey was in no condition to enter upon hostilities, owing to the outbreak of plague in her army.
The singular adaptability of the Portuguese language to poetical expression, coupled with the imaginative temperament of the people, has led to an unusual production and appreciation of poetry.
In 1882 the colony was offered Self- self-government coupled with the obligations of govern.
This latter process is growing every year, and is coupled with great improvements in agricultural methods, such as more intensive cultivation, the use of the most modern implements and the application of scientific discoveries.
Sir Henry's own principal contribution to the discussion was rather unfortunate, for while insisting on the blessings derived by England from its free-trade policy, he coupled this with the rhetorical admission (at Bolton in 1903) that "12,000,000 British citizens were underfed and on the verge of hunger."
The loaded train is coupled to the main rope, and to the rear end is attached the tail-rope; which reaches to the end of the line, passing there around a large grooved sheave and thence back to the engine.
Messerschmidt, editor of the best collection of Hittite texts up to date, made a tabula rasa of all systems of decipherment, asserting that only one sign out of two hundred the bisected oval, determinative of divinity - had been interpreted with any certainty; and in view of this opinion, coupled with the steady refusal of historians to apply the results of any Hittite decipherment, and the obvious lack of satisfactory verification, without which the piling of hypothesis on hypothesis may only lead further from probability, there is no choice but to suspend judgment for some time longer as to the inscriptions and all deductions drawn from them.
The above theory, coupled with such facts as the variation of the composition of the constant boiling-point fraction with the pressure under which the mixture is distilled, the proportionality of the density of all mixtures to their composition, &c., shows this to be erroneous.
This capacity, coupled with readiness to sacrifice life at any moment on the altar of country, fief or honor, made a remarkably heroic character.
In each of these cases their name is coupled with that of the Pharisees.
The expedition which followed produced negative successes, but the absence of any positive success and the pressure of financial difficulty, coupled with the defection of Jason (probably before 37 1), and the high-handed action of Thebes in destroying Plataea (373), induced Athens to renew the peace with Sparta which Timotheus had broken.
But this very fact of its ever-extending influence, coupled with an absence of dogmatism in belief, which made it at all times ready and even anxious to adopt foreign customs and ideas, gave its religion a constantly shifting and broadening character, so that it is difficult to determine the original essentials.
The tubs are usually formed into sets of from 2 to 12, the front one being coupled up by a short length of chain to a clamping hook formed of two jaws moulded to the curve of the rope which are attached by the " run rider," as the driver accompanying the train is called.
The engines used for winding or hoisting in collieries are usually direct-acting with a pair of horizontal cylinders coupled directly to the drum shaft.
Hence, when in 1850 a hydraulic installation was required for a new ferry station at New Holland, on the Humber estuary, the absence of water mains of any kind, coupled with the prohibitive cost of a special reservoir owing to the character of the soil, impelled him to invent a fresh piece of apparatus, the "accumulator," which consists of a large cylinder containing a piston that can be loaded to give any desired pressure, the water being pumped in below it by a steam-engine or other prime mover.
Out of this practical knowledge, coupled with the belief in personeity, grew a folk-lore so vast that if it were written down the world would not contain the books.
In 1598 he declined the two bishoprics of Ely and Salisbury, as the offers were coupled with a proposal to alienate part of the revenues of those sees.
The power is usually transmitted through toothed wheels, each roll being driven independently in some cases, while sometimes power is applied to the lower roll only, the upper roll being coupled to it.
Coupled with similar action on the part of Bulgaria it isolated Russia and Rumania from the Western Powers, and was a potent influence in producing the collapse of the Russian Empire.
Moreover, his commanding qualities were coupled with an organizing talent which made itself felt in every department of the state, and with a marvellous adaptability which made him an ideal diplomatist.
Hence the name Brissotins, coined by Camille Desmoulins, which was sometimes substituted for that of Girondins, sometimes closely coupled with it.
An energy which never slackened, a doggedness which no adversity could crush, a fiery ambition coupled with the coolest calculation, and a diplomatic unscrupulousness which looked always to the end and never to the means, these were the salient qualities of the reconstructor of the dismembered Danish state.
His cruelty and licentiousness, coupled with his accessibility to bribes, led to a great increase of crime in Judaea.
Thanks to the impenetrability of their fastnesses, they preserved their original savagery longer than any of their neighbours, and this savagery was coupled with a valour so tenacious and enterprising as to make them formidable to all who dwelt near them.
This fact, coupled with the determination of the vapour density of the gas, establishes the molecular formula CO.
The well-established doctrine that the House of Lords could not amend, though it might reject, a money-bill, coupled with the fact that it never had gone so far as to reject a budget, was relied on by the extremists as dictating the obvious party tactics; and before the year 1909 opened, the possibility of the Lords being driven to compel a dissolution by standing on their extreme rights as regards the financial provision for the year was already canvassed in political circles, though it was hardly credited that the government would precipitate a constitutional crisis of such magnitude.
The long neck and limbs, coupled with peculiarities in the structure of the skull, entitle the gerenuk, which is a large species, to represent a genus.
His demonstration that the planes of all the planetary orbits pass through the centre of the sun, coupled with his clear recognition of the sun as the moving power of the system, entitles him to rank as the founder of physical astronomy.
The first step in the proceedings is a " notice to treat," or intimation by the promoters of their readiness to purchase the land, coupled with a demand for particulars as to the estate and the interests in it.
That small colony, which had been represented at the Quebec conference, also rejected the proposals of the necessary capital, but as this was coupled with a voice in the decision of the route, it complicated the latter question, about which a keen contest arose.
For special treatment towards the regeneration of an infected race, the most robust worms were to be selected, and the moths issuing from the cocoons were to be coupled in numbered cells, where the female was to be confined till she deposited her eggs.
The development and expansion of silk manufacture, owing to the importance and extent of the home market, coupled with high protective tariffs, has been enormous.
In England the lessons of experience have shown that the abuses of this business are best regulated by a system of registration coupled with relief to debtors against harsh and unconscionable bargains.
The introduction of powerful engines causing serious vibration to compass cards of the admiralty type, coupled with the prevailing desire for larger cards, the deviation of which could also be more conveniently compensated, led to the gradual introduction of the Thomson compass.
This, coupled with the occurrence of earlier types in North America, indicates that the group is a northern one.
Experience, coupled with observation and reflection, as well as the more indirect teachings of tradition, are therefore of primary importance to the practical gardener.
But there is no good evidence for an excess of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere - an assumption founded on the luxuriance of the vegetation, coupled with the fact that volcanicity was active and wide-ranging.
The mineral resources of the Prussian Rhine province, coupled with its favourable situation and the facilities of transit afforded by its great waterway, have made it the most important manufacturing district in Germany.
Usually, and so far correctly, it is coupled with the Essays of Montaigne, to which the author is under very extensive obligations.
The court is surrounded by a double arcade with coupled columns.
It has been argued by theologians that the doctrine of divine fore-knowledge, coupled with that of the divine origin of all things, necessarily implies that all human action was fore-ordained from the beginning of the world.
Thus, the creation of a new series of forts extending from Thionville (Diedenhofen) to Metz and thence south-eastward was coupled with the construction of twelve strategic railway stations between Cologne and the Belgian frontier, and laterthe so-called fundamental plan of operations against France having apparently undergone modification in consequence of changes in the foreign relations of the German governmentan immense strategic railway station was undertaken at Saarburg, on the right rear of Thionville and well away from the French frontier, and many important new works both of fortification and of railway construction were begun in Upper Alsace, between Colmar and Basel.
These religious associations, coupled with the fertility of the soil, led to the founding of a Cistercian abbey in 1 217.
Inscriptions too from Sicel and Phoenician cities are commonly Greek, even when they commemorate men with Phoenician names, coupled perhaps with Greek surnames.
Knowing the theory of his instrument, and possessed of much practical skill, coupled with unwearied patience, he conquered the difficulties of grinding and polishing the lenses, and soon succeeded in producing telescopes of greatly increased power.
This flamen also sacrificed on the 1st of May to Maia, who in an old prayer formula (Gellius 13.23) was coupled with Volcanus as Maia Volcani.
Madison himself had attempted alternately to prevent war by his "commercial weapons" and to prepare the country for war, but he had met with no success, because of the tricky diplomacy of Great Britain and of France, and because of the general distrust of him coupled with the particular opposition to the war of the prosperous New England Federalists, who suggested with the utmost seriousness that his resignation should be demanded.
He thought that the source of all things was moisture and is by Aristotle coupled with Thales (Metaphysics, A 3).
Double Hookes Coupling.It has been shown in 66 that the velocity ratio of a pair of shafts coupled by a universal joint fluctuates between the limits cos 0 and 1/cos 0.
To obviate this evil a short intermediate shaft is introduced, making equal angles with the first and last shaft, coupled with each of them by a Hookes joint, and having its own two forks in the same plane.
Brah- Coupled with this abstract conception are two other manism* doctrines, viz.
Though himself, like most Brahmans, apparently by predilection a follower of Siva, his aim was the revival of the doctrine of the Brahma as the one self-existent Being and the sole cause of the universe; coupled with the recognition of the practical worship of the orthodox pantheon, especially the gods of the Trimurti, as manifestations of the supreme deity.
It is doubtless a sense of filial obligation coupled with sentiments of piety and reverence that gave rise to this practice of offering gifts of food and drink to the deceased ancestors.
The finer wines possess great breed and distinction, coupled with a very fine and pronounced bouquet, and in addition they are endowed with the - in the case of lighter wines - rare quality of stability.
They display many of the features characteristic of southern wines, showing either an excessive vinosity coupled with a somewhat crude bouquet, or where the alcoholic strength is not high, a decided lack of stability.
The term is usually coupled with a qualifying adjective.
In all acts of parliament Wales is invariably included under the term of " England and Wales " and whenever an act, or any section of an act, is intended to apply to the Principality alone, then Wales is always coupled with Monmouthshire.
A recent feature of this machine is the tandem equipment, whereby two, three or even four machines may be coupled together for colour work.
A hundred or more jars were coupled in series, the cathodes of one to the anodes of the next, and were so arranged that with the aid of side-pipes with leaden connexions and india-rubber joints the electrolyte could, once daily, be made to circulate through them all from the top of one jar to the bottom of the next.
This peculiarity of jute, coupled also with the fact that the machinery on which it was first spun, although quite suitable for the stronger and more elastic fibres for which it was designed, required certain modifications to suit it to the weaker jute, was the cause of many annoyances and failures in the early days of the trade.
When turbines, as often happens in land practice, are directly coupled to electrical generators, their horse-power can be deduced from the electrical output.
Representations on the matter in England, coupled with assurances from Somerset as to the fertility of the district, induced the British government to vote £50,000 for the purpose of sending out a number of emigrants, Applications were called for, and no fewer than 90,000 were received.
But even his most hostile teachers were amazed by the brilliance of his natural gifts, and, while still a boy, he possessed that charm of manner which was to make him so fascinating and so dangerous in later life, coupled with the strong dramatic instinct which won for him his honourable place in Swedish literature.
The effect of the act was to impose upon the judges under severe sanction the duty of protecting personal liberty in the case of criminal charges and of securing speedy trial upon such charges when legally framed; and the improvement of their tenure of office at the revolution, coupled with the veto put by the Bill of Rights on excessive bail, gave the judicature the independence and authority necessary to enable them to keep the executive within the law and to restrain administrative development of the scope or penalties of the criminal law; and this power of the judiciary to control the executive, coupled with the limitations on the right to set up "act of state" as an excuse for infringing individual liberty is the special characteristic of English constitutional law.
The explanation has been shown by Dr Petersen to be due to the abundance of food, coupled with the lack of overcrowding of the small fish.
Men had become weary of Protestant scholasticism; religious wars had made peaceful thinkers seek to take the edge off dogmatical rancour; and the multiplicity of religious sects, coupled with the complete failure of various attempts at any substantial reconciliation, provoked distrust of the common basis on which all were founded.
By the bait of a kingdom to be carved expressly out of the States of the Church and to be called the kingdom of Adria, coupled with the expectation of succeeding to Queen Joanna, Clement incited Louis, duke of Anjou, the eldest of the brothers of Charles V., to take arms in his favour.
The long linear leaves of some species of Podocarpus, in which the lamina is traversed by a single vein, recall the pinnae of Cycas; the branches of some Dacrydiums and other forms closely resemble those of lycopods; these superficial resemblances, both between different genera of conifers and between conifers and other plants, coupled with the usual occurrence of fossil coniferous twigs without cones attached to them, render the determination of extinct types a very unsatisfactory and frequently an impossible task.
Young coupled his prose with the poetry of the wretched D'Urfey.
Her cult was not introduced at .Epidaurus till a late date, and therefore, when in 420 B.C. the worship of Asclepius was introduced at Athens coupled with that of Hygieia, it is not to be inferred that she accompanied him from Epidaurus, or that she is a Peloponnesian importation at all.
It is constructed with two similar beams, one above the other, which are coupled together at the ends to form a parallel motion for carrying the pans up - right.
It is impossible that there should be liberty, for if so the mechanical order of phenomena, by means of which they are comprehensible, would be disturbed, and we should have an unintelligible world, coupled with the requirement that it shall be understood.
With the aid of these instances of paired caeca, coupled with the frequent existence of a rudiment of its missing fellow when only one is functional, the author has been enabled to demonstrate conclusively that these double organs in birds correspond in relations with their normally single representative in mammals.
In the Rig Veda, Aryaman- as a deity is most frequently coupled.
And many scientific thinkers, while professing allegiance to a theory which insists upon the independence of each parallel series, in reality tacitly assume the superior importance if not the controlling force of the physical over the psychical terms. But a mere insistence upon the complete independence of the physical series coupled with the belief that its changes are wholly explicable as modes of motion, that the study of molecular physics is competent to explain all the phenomena of life and organic movements, is sufficient to eliminate the possibility of spontaneity and free origination from the universe.
They are feelings which are incapable of coming into being at all save when coupled with the judgment, "I ought to have acted otherwise because I possessed the power."
The proof supplied by him in 1802 that coupled stars mutually circulate threw open a boundless field of research; and he originated experimental inquiries into the construction of the heavens by systematically collecting and sifting stellar statistics.
Craft and wiliness are the qualities most generally attributed to her, coupled with the cynical praise that "in temporal matters she was very lucky."
Another indispensable feature of good bee-management is " forethought," coupled with order and neatness; the rule of where pollen (the fertilizing dust of flowers) is P (g)lentiful plentifu FIG.
But owing to the physiological effect carbon bisulphide has on the workmen, coupled with the chemical action of impure carbon bisulphide on iron which has frequently led to conflagrations, the employment of carbon bisulphide must remain restricted.
The pistons of the compression and expansion cylinders are connected to the same crankshaft, and the difference between the power expended in compression and that restored in expansion, plus the friction of the machine, is supplied by means of a steam engine coupled to the crankshaft, or by any other source of power.
With this may be coupled the review of Herder in 1785.
Betsy's California schedule coupled with the time difference precluded us from conducting any midweek session.
Two straight days of vigorous outdoor activity coupled with a later-than-usual bedtime caused Dean to sleep through the six o'clock broadcast of Public Radio news, waking only when an extended arm felt an empty bed beside him.
Coupled with this tight schedule was a self-imposed training regimen so vigorous he surprised himself with its intensity.
Eloquent prose, coupled with well-pitched humor, crosses the generation gap in a single fluent stride.
This hapten can conveniently be coupled to carriers such as soluble proteins, cell membrane proteins or to membrane soluble lipid anchors.
Determining factors appear to be genetic predisposition coupled with the presence of sufficient circulating androgens.
When coupled with sonic anemometry, fast response sensors can provide information on atmospheric fluxes, as well as gas concentrations.
Other features include a three-axis autopilot, yaw damper and flight director with which auto coupled approaches may be flown down to DH.
This makes a CGI's runtime behavior strongly coupled to the environment setup by the web server.
The two-tone chrome engine and the aluminum silver bodywork coupled with the perfect ergonomics of the make the V-Rod a real beauty.
Kantara Limited was established in 1996 and has since continued to develop a unique brand of professional consultancy coupled with personal service.
Analysis lead, cadmium, copper and zinc concentrations were determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS ).
Early flowering camellias and hellebores, coupled with the occasional snowdrop, make the new year seem more inviting.
Seemed the body of the mic was coupled directly to the capsule, giving it extremely sensetive handling characteristics.
They are then easily topped-up in the field using the unit's built-in charger coupled to a suitable portable generator.
The energy of the photon absorbed by chlorophyll is coupled to electron transport.
Coupled with imaginative sales promotion and some amazing window displays it helped the Company to become Europe's biggest confectioner.
Those bids are not coterminous with bids for assisted area status, but the core criteria are, in many cases, coupled.
The brake's rotor was coupled to the engine's crankshaft.
Nave (north wall) of 3 bays with buttresses, bracketed eaves, coupled lancet windows; there is a basement entrance below.
The same epithet is sometimes [240] coupled with the term relation, in which case the impropriety is still more glaring.
Special emphasis is given to spatially indirect excitons in coupled quantum wells.
Coupled with stage fave a la pub rock and Hey Joe riff - Go Buddy Go.
However the fish remain finicky with a small single treble coupled with half a roach head providing the best chance for a take!
In particular we are developing an efficient ligation approach in which two peptide fragments are coupled while still attached to the solid-phase.
Further analysis methods include gas chromatography coupled with FID, ECD, MS and HPLC employing derivatisation methods.
All samples were analyzed by high resolution gas chromatography coupled with high or low resolution mass spectrometry (GC-MS) at CSL.
Each engine was directly coupled to one 32 kW generator and one 10 kW generator.
This component has, by the pure fact it is two mutually coupled inductors, impedance.
It's true; I have an almost irrepressible urge to take care of everyone, coupled with a natural tendency to fret.
Most designs available today are equipped with coupled, non-controllable gripper jaws which are only able to open or close.
This is coupled with a long duration of activity, rapid knockdown and short pre-harvest intervals.
The shaft is coupled to a top plate via a coupler which allows significant misalignment.
It was an interesting approach to loosely coupled multiprocessing.
Phase synchronization of coupled oscillators is well known in a significant number of physical systems.
Similar systems, infinite chains of linearly coupled nonlinear oscillators, are also discussed.
Firstly the history of high-tech government schemes is one of massive cost overruns coupled with equally massive logistical and technical failures.
An order for an outright transfer might be coupled with a lump sum payment between the spouses.
This is coupled with a gas based fire retardant that is environmentally friendly, to put out fires instantly, without damaging equipment.
Her first, " Nothing There ", had a lovely descending riff on the guitar coupled with a very strong vocal.
This confidence boost, coupled with mechanical problems for his championship rival Justin Dale, saw Matt take two wins on the trot.
For example, external tibial rotation that occurs in response to a posterior force is called a coupled external rotation.
There are larger movements in the coupled motions, including scapula and trunk movements and, hence, it is a less pure movement.
This will be achieved by detailed sedimentology coupled with the interpretation of key surfaces and stacking patterns.
Such group collaboration can help individuals to develop self-confidence coupled with respect for others.
Behind this hole is a quadrupole mass spectrometer coupled to an ion energy analyzer.
On the one hand, UV, visible and infra-red spectroscopy, coupled to novel laser and detectors technologies, is used.
In this particular case, the analysis is applied to elemental dot maps produced by scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy.
The coupled reaction of electron transfer with H + ejection becomes spontaneous.
The strong fencing throughout, coupled with excellent sportsmanship from all and great attitude, meant that the Commands were once more a success.
A historical lack of resources coupled with long term political differences made the meeting stormy.
It was duly summoned, and on arrival, coupled up to the dead 47 and our train.
So coupled with the word technology it is completely superfluous; rather like saying experiment and science or numbers and maths.
The independent MacPherson strut front suspension coupled with a ZF steering gear allows sharp, precise response.
Take one beautiful long lasting single red rose coupled with some delicious handmade strawberry truffles, for the perfect combo.
Coupled with a tight deadline for an internal launch the pressure was on to deliver a truly unbeatable design within a very tight timeframe.
At lunch but room on may tell himthe underling world-class venues coupled.
Stunning orchestral start, followed by a moody drum-beat, coupled with dark lyrics and soaring female vocals.
Coupling Rod These couple driving wheels of the same size together to spread the tractive effort over the coupled wheelbase.
The photograph shows coupled to the emergency winder trailer that it use to pull.
A large tame snake with a false human head, wound round Alexander's body as he sat in a shrine in the temple, gave " autophones " or oracles unasked, but the usual methods practised were those of the numerous oracle-mongers of the time, of which Lucian gives a detailed account, the opening of sealed inquiries by heated needles, a neat plan of forging broken seals, and the giving of vague or meaningless replies to difficult questions, coupled with a lucrative blackmailing of those whose inquiries were compromising.
This, coupled with the realization of the fact that the value to France of her colonies was mainly commercial,, led at length to the abandonment of the attempt to impose on a great number of diverse peoples, some possessing (as in Indo-China and parts of West Africa) ancient and highly complex civilizations, French laws, habits of mind, tastes and manners.
It consists of a long screw spindle, coupled by suitable gearing with the cable drum, and thus rotating at the speed of the outgoing cable; on this screw works a nut which forms the centre of a thin 'circular disk, the edge of which is pressed against the surface of a right circular cone, the line of contact, as the nut moves along the screw, being parallel to the axis of the latter.
If the two circuits are in tune so that the numerical product of capacity and inductance of each circuit is the same or C L, = C L +CL and if k is the coefficient of coupling then the natural frequency of each circuit is n = I /2w / (CL), and when coupled two oscillations are set up in the secondary circuit having frequencies n and n2 such that n = n0/ (i - k) and n = nh,/ (I +k).
The wheels are coupled, but the feature of the engine is that the couplingrods act merely to keep the high-pressure and low-pressure engines in phase with one another, very little demand being made upon them to transmit force except when one of the wheels begins to slip. In this arrangement the whole of the adhesive weight of the engine is used in the best possible manner, and the driving of the train is practically equally divided between two axles.
The adoption of automatic couplers was stimulated in some degree by laws enacted by the various states and by the United States; and the Safety Appliance Act passed by Congress in 1893 made it unlawful for railways to permit to be hauled on their lines after the ist of January 1898 any car used for interstate commerce that was not equipped with couplers which coupled automatically by impact, and which could be uncoupled without the necessity for men going in between the ends of the cars.
His minute knowledge of the language of the Greek and Roman institutions, coupled with his low estimate of the conclusions of contemporary scholars, led him to go direct to the original texts, which he read without political or religious bias.
That is the replacement of an organ by, sometimes coupled with its partial conversion into, a similar or slightly different organ performing the same or an analogous function.
The growing importance of the lagoon townships, owing to their maritime skill, their expanding trade, created by their position between east and west, their monopoly of salt and salted fish, which gave them a strong position in the mainland markets, rendered it inevitable that a clash must come over the question of independence, when either east or west should claim that Venice belonged to them; and inside the lagoons the growing prosperity, coupled with the external threat to their liberties, concentrated the population into two well-defined parties - what may be called the aristocratic party, because it leaned towards imperial Byzantium and also displayed a tendency to make the dogeship hereditary, and the democratic party, connected with the original population of the lagoons, aspiring to free institutions, and consequently leaning more towards the church and the Frankish kingdom which protected the church.
Bosnia and Herzegovina were handed over to the administration of Austria; Montenegro and Greece received accessions of territory to which only strong pressure coupled with a naval demonstration induced Turkey to consent three years later.
At the same time, the essence of eclecticism is the refusal to follow blindly one set of formulae and conventions, coupled with a determination to recognize and select from all sources those elements which are good or true in the abstract, or in practical affairs most useful ad hoc. Theoretically, therefore, eclecticism is a perfectly sound method, and the contemptuous significance which the word has acquired is due partly to the fact that many eclectics have been intellectual trimmers, sceptics or dilettanti, and partly to mere partisanship. On the other hand, eclecticism in the sphere of abstract thought is open to this main objection that, in so far as every philosophic system is, at least in theory, an integral whole, the combination of principles from hostile theories must result in an incoherent patchwork.
On the news of the battle (coupled with that of a fresh army appearing on the Korean coast),' Kuropatkin instantly sent off part of his embryo central mass to bar the mountain passes of Fenshuiling and Motienling against the imagined relentless pursuit of the victors, and prepared to shift his centre of concentration back to Mukden.
His policy was that of "coercion" - the fearless administration of the Crimes Act, - coupled with remedial legislation; and he enforced the one while he proceeded with the other, regardless of the risk of outrage outside the House and of insult within.
The farming of exorbitant taxes, coupled as it was too often with dishonest concessions to the tax farmer, made the over-burdened peasantry drink the doubly bitter cup of exploitation and injustice.
Moissan has produced the diamond artificially, by allowing dissolved carbon to crystallize out at a high temperature and pressure from molten iron, coupled with the occurrence in meteoric iron, has led Sir William Crookes and others to conclude that the mineral may have been derived from deep-seated iron containing carbon in solution (see the article GEM, Artificial).
But the respect and, after a while, even the affection of the House were won by his business habits, his courtesy, his readiness to yield on non-essentials coupled with firmness in essentials, his exceptional clearness of head and of expression, and his extraordinary capacity for impromptu reply, without taking a note, at the close of a long debate on an intricate subject involving perhaps complicated figures.
True 24-hour response coupled with experienced personnel and the most modern and reliable fleet makes BHL ready to respond to any requirement.
One of the current challenges is the application of ribozyme therapy for dominant mutations coupled with wild-type gene augmentation to overcome haploinsufficiency.
I must have lost two dozen good rosemary bushes over the past 10 years solely through poor drainage coupled with winter wet.
Coupled to the fact that Manny was stealing scrum ball from the opposition second row IC had no chance.
An apparent trend in some measurement may signify nothing more than a change in variance, often coupled with a ceiling or floor effect.
The trial involves a combination of detailed studies at Hillsborough coupled with on-farm survey work.
The book suffers a little, in its later stages, from a lack of simulations, coupled with a near surfeit of ideas.
Instrument development needs to be coupled to recent advances in thermodynamics applied to geological systems.
An excellent trade-in deal coupled with a good deal on the new car.
Golf Match is also equipped with leather trimmed steering wheel coupled with controls for both the computer and stereo.
Engine acting as swingarm, coupled to frame by two linkages mounted on radial vibration dampers.
Coupled with Armitage Venesta cubicles and IPS panels, Armitage offers a complete washroom solution.
Coupled with Garner 's remarks, the planning document can be viewed as a worrisome sign of American " we know best " hubris.
Plexiglass is very light-weight and when coupled with its shatter-resistant quality, makes it a great substitute for glass.
However, if your cat seems to progressively lose weight, it is time to seek medical attention, especially if this is coupled with lethargy, constipation, diarrhea or the refusal of food.
On rare occasions, the cat may have red gums and ulcerations in the back of the mouth coupled with bad breath.
Whatever the approach, you can thwart most of these threats with a reliable anti-virus/firewall combination, like those offered by McAfee, Symantec, F-Secure and others, coupled with a healthy serving of common sense.
This finite nature, coupled with the lack of personalization, makes some businesses a little wary of getting left holding the bag if some slick person manages to rack up more than he should and then simply ditches the card.
Low financing is often coupled with higher fees elsewhere; for example, you might be required to pay a high membership fee in order to maintain your card's low interest rate.
A reasonable interest rate might be coupled with decent benefits and low fees (or no annual fee whatsoever).
The harsh alimony statutes, coupled with restrictions on order modifications have led Massachusetts residents to demand reform.
Valerian root, or Valeriana officinalis, is a mild natural sedative that is sometimes used to treat depression and anxiety coupled with insomnia.
The literature review suggested that "lifestyle modification coupled with the use of Chinese herbs was twice as effective as lifestyle modification alone in normalizing blood sugar levels."
Coupled with glass, wrought iron has a contemporary look and complements modern furnishings.
Traditional minimalism relies on an absence of strong colors coupled with clean lines to develop its distinctive appearance.
Christian decor tends to lean towards very traditional American style decor coupled with inspirational sayings and Bible scripture.
Her extensive experience in the industry, coupled with her fashion connections, helped Wang established her own sense of design as she developed her label.
And if it means just a bit of bone eye shadow coupled with a softly smudged eye, then do that.
This, coupled with an unlimited undo function, can be very helpful for learning.
It features a rainbow band coupled with a basic cut flare design in white.
This hardware detail provides some of the "edge" to the dress, and coupled with its unusual placement, near the neckline, is downright arresting.
Later coupled with better food choices, the pounds just dropped.
Low self-esteem, coupled with the constant scrutiny that models face is enough to drive some teen girls into an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia.
For this reason, this flower is oftentimes coupled with other flowers when included in fall wedding floral arrangements.
Out-patient therapy works best when coupled with group support.
In many cases, holistic practices are coupled with more formal treatment options.
For example, a rich brown or black leather chair coupled with a zebra fur-covered ottoman instantly adds sophistication to any room.
With a mixture of women's issues and celebrity interviews, coupled with Banks' likeability, her show appeals to a large audience.
Okay, so Miller, it's fine, there are probably plenty of people named Miller, but coupled with a middle name like Lyte…c'mon now.
The pressures of Armstrong's cycling career coupled with his rising celebrity status tore the couple apart.
The expense coupled with the time needed to complete a degree can lead to questions about the value of each level of the process.
You will be sure to enjoy a great time on the sea -- with inspirational music coupled with breath-taking scenery.
Finding cruise ship job vacancies can open up a whole new career path for anyone interested in a steady job coupled with extraordinary travel.
A Galapagos expedition cruise is a luxury cruise coupled with adventurous and educational activities designed to inspire both your mind and body.
Normally, it's not a big issue; but coupled with your dog's lethargy and personality change, I'd say it's time to get in touch with your vet.
Coupled with the ability to view your jewelry from both sides, this superb organizer is a must for any large jewelry collection.
While knitting books and online resources will give you written instructions on cabling, coupled with illustrations, you are best off learning to cable with a teacher who can watch, correct and advise.
You can also be one of the Thunderbirds from Grease, coupled with a Pink Lady.
Single seniors can have as much fun traveling on their own - or with a group - as their coupled friends.
This feeling of uncertainty, coupled with wearing the mask for the first time in the doctor's of respiratory therapist's office, often makes it difficult to evaluate which mask will work the best for you.
Still, this lean protein, coupled with a few slices of whole wheat bread, is sure to help you to fall asleep.
Persistent daytime fatigue coupled with frequent nighttime waking are symptoms associated with several sleep disorders, you should consult your physician who can refer you to a sleep study for a proper diagnosis.
Coupled with this eye toward sophistication is the technology of polarized magnetic sun clips.
Triangle face shapes tend to have narrow jaws coupled with a wide forehead.
The intricate detail coupled with fine craftsmanship is well worth the purchase.
If none of those styles tickle your fancy, you may want to turn your attention to item number Chsg 0230, as these are purple shades coupled with purple lenses.
Mikado Eyewear is unusual because of its sleek, flexible design that's coupled with strong, bold colors.
Shades and More offers the shatterproof polycarbonate UV filter coupled with a polarized lens.
The Collection Bada, Okio, and Koh Sakai offers sharp, clean lines coupled with vintage and futuristic looks.
Here, the classic horn shape is coupled with vivid colors of pink and even animal prints.
With an innovative design coupled with an intriguing mythology, Griffon sparks the imaginations and adrenaline of riders in more ways than one.
Remove earrings while riding - the over-the-shoulder harnesses on these rides, coupled with sharp turns, can bump against earrings painfully.
A hidden objects game-often coupled with the puzzle genre-uses your sight to find specific items in a picture.
The gameplay is much like you'd expect from a Mario sports title, with fast and furious action coupled with a few cartoony blasts for good measure.
A huge song selection, coupled with a fantastic gameplay mechanic and progressive difficulty settings, makes this title an absolute winner.
This coupled with twitchy camera angles, definitely makes it hard to enjoy the game as it was meant to be.
Ruby purple in color, coupled with high glycerin levels, result in a surprisingly green wine.
The Paringa Shiraz's nose pops with ripe cherries and plums coupled with spice and tarry smoked oak.
It has solid blackberry fruit in the mouth coupled with spicy pepper.
The onset of anorexia in adolescence is attributed to a developmental crisis caused by girls' changing bodies coupled with society's overemphasis on female appearance.
Coupled with the 24-hour pH probe study, the test becomes the best determinant of GERD because it actually monitors how often the patient has reflux into the esophagus during a full day.
Eisenmenger's complex is a ventricular septal defect coupled with pulmonary high blood pressure, an enlarged right ventricle, and sometimes an aorta that is not positioned correctly.
This inability to project beyond what is immediately visible, coupled with the newly formed attachment to the caregiver, causes distress that is usually expressed by crying.
Self-centered behavior, coupled with lack of acceptance of wrongdoing that continues into older childhood and adolescence, may be a problem that requires family or individual counseling.
If this period of art work is coupled with risky behaviors or depression, it may represent a cry for help and therapy may be appropriate.
Coupled with anger and resentment, these powerful emotions can contribute to stress, which can trigger the recurrence of the disease.
Although obesity can be a side effect of certain hormonal disorders or use of certain medications, the primary cause of obesity in children and adolescents is excess calorie consumption coupled with a sedentary lifestyle.
A particular type of involuntary movement, coupled with emotional instability, occurs in about 10 percent of all RF patients.
In preschool-age children, continued self focus, coupled with a more advanced level of cognitive development, leads to feelings of guilt as these children may become convinced that they are the reason for their parents' divorce.
Diagnosis of RMSF is almost always made on the basis of the characteristic symptoms, coupled with either a known tick bite (noted by about 60 to 70 percent of patients) or exposure to an area known to harbor ticks.
Dependent personality disorder is a lack of self-confidence coupled with excessive dependence on others.
People who have spent a lot of time single naturally tend to think in more solitary terms than coupled people.
Deep conditioning treatments coupled with regular use of the proper conditioner for your hair type can help prevent damage from accelerating, giving hair a chance to grow back and regain its former glory.
A combination of eyebrow length and arch, coupled with sturdy pencils and blending shadows, will allow you to achieve stunningly beautiful eyebrows.
Moreover, curls look wonderful whether coupled with long or short hair.
Women who are slaves to the blow dryer and round brush combination, especially when coupled with a flat iron, may fall in love with the treatment and claim that the money is well spent.
These factors - coupled with home redecorating and improvement projects - can result in a wide variety of home issues.
When a bank officer misspelled her name on an account application, she acquired the name Lane and coupled it with her married name, becoming Lane Bryant--innovator of women's clothing.
This fun animal print features a plunging neckline that, when coupled with its empire waist, provides a supportive fit.
Coupled with a wide variety of colors, everything from a shiny blue metallic finish to sunny yellow, this site is certainly worth investigating.
What you are left with then is a one piece swimsuit that, when coupled with fabric that is literally cut out to expose miles and miles of sensuous skin, perfectly embodies female sexiness!
When coupled with the bare back of the swimsuit, the results are devastatingly sexy.
Sheer thong swimwear is pretty self-explanatory; it's a swim bottom cut into a thong style that's coupled with a sheer material.
Coupled with a price of $24.99, you'll be sure to find one to fit your figure perfectly.
Most believe that G-strings only come in one form; a simple piece of string that's coupled with a matte fabric.
Coupled together, these two details produce some very sexy suits.
The bikini tops are every bit as stylish as their tankini counterparts because they come in brilliant colors, like that of hot pink and electric green, and are then coupled with flattering styles, like that of a halter.
Here, you'll find halter style bikinis that are paired with boy shorts, and more traditionally styled tankinis that are then coupled with high-cut bikini bottoms.
This is a beautifully cut tankini that features a deep V-neckline, but the swirling elegant pattern of black and white, coupled with a high coverage bikini bottom, makes this look a winner.
Ultimately, the question of "Do I need multivitamins" is answered by your honest assessment of your current diet coupled with your general health.
The element of chance, coupled with the need to use strategy, will keep the most competitive adult interested as well.
The song first appeared coupled with the single release of "Everything She Wants", and later, the group put it on their last full-album release in the U.S., "Music From the Edge of Heaven" (1986).
Advances in technology coupled with the popularity of the season make finding free musical Christmas ecards a cinch.
The idea of danger, coupled with a flash of skin or a provocative cut, can create the perfect sexy attire.
The ease of the date idea is coupled with its lack of being left on the spot to talk.
A very unique engagement ring coupled with a traditional setting and standard "will you marry me" does not constitute a creative proposal, but choosing an outrageous setting or cryptic question can revitalize the event.
The same basic understanding coupled with the ability to research should work for any subject.
Drawstrings typically have a slightly more casual feel, but this design, coupled with the gorgeous leather and sleek print, gives a more sophisticated air - making it appropriate for wear with anything from denim to a dress.
You'll find this same process at work in an individual who has a Libra sun coupled with a Scorpio ascendant.
It's often perceived that your hard work must be coupled with luck in order for you to succeed.
This symbol, coupled with your sun sign, is designed to help you align with your true self, as well as provide a deeper understanding of why you do what you do.
Aerobic conditioning should be coupled with resistance training if general health benefits are the goal.
Could it be that these deformities and behaviors brought about by personalities, coupled with nocturnal behavior, lead to sightings of werewolves?
Small changes, coupled with a few large ones, can add up to real savings.
A few years ago, "boho chic" equated to hippie-inspired dresses and skirts coupled with floaty tops.
However, casting changes that state an actor is leaving a show coupled with a spoiler that their character is being killed or written off, may seem genuine.
This, coupled with his ever-flirtatious ways, led to a string of sordid affairs throughout the years.
The infusion of new blood coupled with highly dramatic storylines, including murder, homosexual relationships and drug abuse, helped boost ratings.
The popularity of Meyer's books coupled with the film success put The Vampire Diaries TV show on the fast track with the The CW network.
That coupled with Grayson's depth of emotion as he mourns the woman he was going to marry had fans rooting for the couple to defy the odds and reunite.
Alfonso's popularity as Hope is often coupled with her long-time onscreen partner Peter Reckell's Bo Brady.
The storyline coupled with Burke's shooting created a tension that counted on every breath.
Knight seemed dramatically underused throughout the season and behind the scenes rumors of Heigl's dissatisfaction coupled with rumors about Knight's desire to leave the series came to fruition in the final episode of the season.
Modern surgical technology when coupled with the ancient arts of tattooing and piercing offer you the opportunity to become just about anything you like.
Choosing which pentagram style to use, coupled with the God or Goddess, can say a lot about you and your individual beliefs.
If money is no object, patients may want to consider a cosmetic surgery office that is coupled with a spa retreat.
The complexity of modern times coupled with the struggle to stand apart from the crowd has created a slew of new justifications for purposely scarring the body.
The lazy drift of the river coupled with the picturesque lights and view of the city atnightis a worthy addition to any trip to Paris.
Casio Baby-G BG172-2CV wristwatch is gracefully crafted into a shock resistant and water resistant to 100 meters watch, coupled with series of features making it simply irresistible.
The result was increased accuracy and reliability coupled with sleek, elegant design.
Always looking ahead, Seiko promises to meet the strict demands of the future with innovative design coupled with the time-tested horology traditions of the past.
This intensive program works on one skill at a time and requires repetition coupled with positive reinforcement as a teaching method.
Association Newsletters These may allow free job posting ads as stand-alones or sometimes coupled with a business ad. Check the editorial/advertising office for information.
This, coupled with its off-roading abilities, makes it a prudent choice for the family who do a lot of camping in rustic, out-of-the-way areas.
The emphasis is on support of the ball and heel of the foot, coupled with flexibility in the soft but durable lining.
Some of the best free craft ideas for kids come from basic things you already have around the house, coupled with the imagination of your kids.
A decreased appetite, coupled with nursing my daughter all day long, proved to be the diet I had been searching for since I was 18.
Extreme hunger coupled with cravings for foods that are not always healthy can cause a woman to gain too much weight.
Coupled with a sensible, non-starvation diet, this weekly routine should bring about a respectable set of male abs over time.
Discounts are available for customers who hold multiple policies, such as home insurance coupled with auto insurance.
Additionally, health insurance costs are generally lower when your policy is coupled with other policies, such as through an employer or a state pool.
Long-term insurance is usually funded entirely by an employee, unlike other types of insurance, which are usually coupled with the contribution of an employer.
The Amadine - Amandine "Love Me" lingerie includes a black strapless bra coupled with a fun short black satin skirt with red rose embellishments.
There is only one review of this gown, but the review offers nothing but the highest praise and coupled with a four out of five star rating, enthusiastically endorses the purchasing of this product.
A hook-and-eye back fastening, coupled with adjustable stretch straps, completes the look.
The v-neck lace top is as pretty as a picture and coupled with the no panty line promise bottoms--what more could a woman ask for?
Coupled with a nylon or satin robe, extravagant nylon nightgowns became airy and romantic ensembles.
A soft, comfortable mesh fabric, coupled with a stretch fabric, ensures comfort.
Prima cotton has long been sought after for its soft and luxurious feel and when this fabric is coupled with lingerie, the feel is simply amazing.