Coup de main Sentence Examples
Rome is plotected by a circle of forts from a coup de main from the sea, the coast, only 12 m.
The next few years were filled with negotiations and intrigues with Spain and France which did not lead to any particular result, but on the death in 1612 of Duke Francesco Gonzaga of Mantua, who was lord of Monferrato, Charles Emmanuel made a successful coup de main on that district.
When twenty years old Aratus delivered Sicyon from its tyrant by a bold coup de main.
He undertook to seize the impregnable fortress of Sveaborg by a coup de main.
Its power was further curtailed in 382, when a Spartan force occupied the citadel by a treacherous coup-de-main.
While propaganda and counter-propaganda were busy throughout northern and central Kurdistan, in May 1919 Sheikh Mahmud, who conceived that he had received ill-treatment at British hands in his capacity of governor of southern Kurdistan, effected a coup de main by which he filled Sulaimani town with Persian Kurd freebooters.
But after having tried to seize Paris (as later Rouen) by a coup-de-main, he was obliged to raise the siege in view of reinforcements sent to Mayenne by the duke of Parma.
General Baratieri, upon returning to the colony, decided to execute a coup de main against the dervish base at Kassala, both in order to relieve pressure from that quarter and to preclude a combined Abyssiefian and clcrvish attack upon the colony at the end of 1894.