Counting Sentence Examples
I'm counting on you to explain everything calmly.
We're counting on it.
Indeed, it is only by experience that we can know that any definite process of counting will give the true cardinal number of some class of entities.
It is perfectly possible to imagine a universe in which any act of counting by a being in it annihilated some members of the class counted during the time and only during the time of its continuance.
The Crusades had sprung from the policy of a theocratic government counting on the motive of otherworldliness; they had helped in their course to overthrow that motive, and with it the government which it had made possible.
It is only recently that the succession of processes which is involved in any act of counting has been seen to be irrelevant to the idea of number.
For example, if it should turn out that the mass of a body is to be estimated by counting the number of corpuscles (whatever they may be) which go to form it, then a body with an irrational measure of mass is intrinsically impossible.
After counting to ten and taking two deep breaths, she lifted her head and met his troubled gaze.
The Englishman took out his purse and began counting out the money.
She began counting and then reached over to the end table for a pencil and paper.
AdvertisementSix, but who's counting?
Are you going to insist that Howie admit to her what we're doing at Econ Scrutiny all day; not just counting sheep births and soy bean crops?
The method of counting the total number of revolutions gives more friction and is less convenient than Repsolds', and no provision seems to be made for illuminating the micrometer head in the practical and convenient plan adopted by Repsolds.
The institution rapidly spread, counting twenty houses before his death and eighty before that of St Jeanne.
Many apparent puerilities, such as the counting of letters and the marking of the middle point of books, had a practical use in enabling copyists of MSS.
AdvertisementThe end of the first interval of this length (counting from the piece of bunting) is marked by a bit of leather, the second by a cord with two knots, the third by one with three knots, and so on; the middle of each of these lengths (half-knot) is also marked by a cord with one knot.
Without counting subdivisions, there would seem to be three main schools of art in Asia at present - Chinese, Indian and Moslem.
Dagobert had at first consented to the dying Godfrey's wish that Baldwin should be his successor; but when Godfrey died he saw an opportunity too precious to be missed, and opposed Baldwin, counting on the support of Bohemund, to whom he sent an appeal for assistance.
The full number of deputies was 749, not counting 33 from the colonies, of whom only a section arrived in Paris.
Hesse showed independently that the general ternary cubic can be reduced, by linear transformation, to the form x3+y3+z3+ 6mxyz, a form which involves 9 independent constants, as should be the case; it must, however, be remarked that the counting of constants is not a sure guide to the existence of a conjectured canonical form.
AdvertisementIt seems now surprising that vague counting by generations should so long have prevailed and satisfied the wants of inquiring men, and that so simple, precise and seemingly obvious a plan as counting by years, the largest natural division of time, did not occur to any investigator before Eratosthenes.
We've got some baseball to play tomorrow; some butt to kick and we're counting on you!
For example, the application of the theory of cardinal numbers to classes of physical entities involves in practice some process of counting.
Thus the ternary quartic is not, in general, expressible as a sum of five 4th powers as the counting of constants might have led one to expect, a theorem due to Sylvester.
The Jews in 1900 numbered 851,378, not counting the very great number who have become Christians, who are reckoned as Magyars.
AdvertisementWe therefore determine the coefficients by counting the grouped terms individually, instead of adding them.
The county of London may thus be regarded from the administrative standpoint as consisting of twenty-nine contiguous towns, counting the City of London.
Christopher went to school near Bristol, in England, returned to America in 1741, was afterwards employed in a counting house in Philadelphia, and became a merchant and planter at Charleston.
A lay reaction against the theocratic pretensions of Dagobert, who was counting on Norman support, was responsible for the summons; and in the strength of that reaction Baldwin was able to become the first king of Jerusalem.
The block A carries the disk D, B carries the roller R and counting gear.
The failure seems (§ 2) to be due to difficulty in realizing the numerical expression of an area or a solid in terms of a specified unit, while the same difficulty does not arise in the case of linear measure or liquid measure, where the number of units can be ascertained by direct counting.
The counting or telling is now carried out in the case of bronze and silver coins by ingenious machines introduced in 1891.
The machine can be set to deliver a certain number of coins, after which the counting wheel stops automatically.
Various instruments have been devised which produce any desired note, and which are provided with methods of counting the frequency of vibration.
If two such flames are placed one under the other they may be excited by different sources, and the ratio of the frequencies may be approximately determined by counting the number of teeth in each in the same space.
Using this result Rayleigh found the correction for an unflanged open end by sounding two pipes nearly in unison, each provided with a flange, and counting the beats.
While the system of counting from the capital of the country is still used for local purposes, the tendency in recent years is to use the meridian of Greenwich for nautical and international purposes.
The rotation of the mercury is detected and measured by means of a small vane of platinum wire immersed in it, the shaft of this vane being connected by an endless screw with a counting mechanism.
In order to overcome the friction of the train the field-coils are wound with an auxiliary shunt coil which supplies a driving force sufficient to overcome the friction of the counting train.
The two clock motions may be geared to a single counting mechanism which records the difference in the rates of going of the two clocks.
It consists of a disk of aluminium, the axis of which is geared to a counting mechanism and which runs between the poles of permanent magnets that create eddy currents in it and therefore exert a retarding force.
The counting mechanism and dials may be so arranged as to indicate this energy directly in watt-hours.
In 1900 there were, not counting the city, 27,813 inhabitants in the canton, or, including the city, 132,609, the city alone having thus a population of 104,796.
He had a regular army of 8000 infantry and 2000 cavalry, without counting 50,000 gowns (bodies of Arab horsemen) brought by the khalifas.
The coalescence of segments, though frequent, does not after a little experience materially confuse the counting.
Counting on the support of Honduras and Salvador, he proclaimed himself, in February 1885, the supreme military chief of Central America, and claimed the command of all the forces within the five states.
Ides, counting inclusively.
The corresponding correction in solutions consists in counting only the volume of the solvent in which the solute is dissolved, instead of the whole volume of the solution.
It was probably built about 470 B.C. The colonnades at the east and west side were of six columns each; those at the north and south sides (counting the corner columns again) of thirteen each.
It is probably the oldest of extant Greek temples, and may date from about 1000 B.C. It has colonnades of six columns each at east and west, and of sixteen each (counting the corner columns again) at north and south.
The blower therefore stops the process when he has blown a predetermined quantity of air through, counting from the drop of the flame; but as a check on his forecast he usually tests the blown metal before recarburizing it.
Not counting the craftsmen employed in merely manual labour, Aldo entertained as many as thirty of these Greek assistants in his family.
The method of counting frequencies was fairly alike, at least in the case of A and B, but in comparing the different stations the data should be regarded as relative rather than absolute.
He was an influential member of the constitutional convention of 1787, advocating the counting of all slaves as a basis of representation and opposing the abolition of the slavetrade.
In June 1775 he took his seat in the 1 It was embarrassed with a debt, however, of £3749, which, owing to conditions caused by the War of Independence, he really paid three times to his British creditors (not counting destruction on his estates, of equal amount, ordered by Lord Cornwallis).
But a still further discovery made in the Villa Suburbana contributed to magnify the greatness of Herculaneum; within its walls was found the famous library, of which, counting both entire and fragmentary volumes, 1803 papyri are preserved.
In 1781 he favoured an amendment 'of the Articles of Confederation giving Congress power to enforce its requisitions, and in 1783, in spite of the open opposition of the Virginia legislature, which considered the Virginian delegates wholly subject to its instructions, he advocated that the states should grant to Congress for twenty-five years authority to levy an import duty, and suggested a scheme to provide for the interest on the debt not raised by the import duty - apportioning it among the states on the basis of population, counting three-fifths of the slaves, a ratio suggested by Madison himself.
Then he draws on a wooden board a set of hieroglyphs in chalk, and his dexterity in counting or recounting the stars under whose region or influence the child is declared to be born is marvelled at by the superstitious creatures thronging around him.
Then, if possible, B and, C themselves are to be resolved each into rnI factors (counting 1 as a factor), which factors, or multiples of them, shall be not less than t nor greater than 6t; or if B and C contain inconveniently large prime factors, an approximate velocity ratio, found by the method of continued fractions, is to be substituted for B/C as before.
Now, without counting the Homeric poems - which doubtless had exceptional advantages in their fame and popularity - we find a body of literature dating from the 8th century B.C. to which the theory of oral transmission is surely inapplicable.
The latter had been released from all custody in August, but in the meantime he had been busily engaged in treasonable correspondence with James of Scotland, and was counting on the Irish army under his ally, Charles Blount, Baron Mountjoy (afterwards earl of Devonshire), the new deputy.
It is evident that if the tables were complete, and our notions of the respective phenomena clear, the process of exclusion would be a merely mechanical counting out, and would infallibly lead to the detection of the cause or form.
The rotary presses in use at the present time are indeed wonderful specimens of mechanical ingenuity, all the various operations of damping (when necessary), feeding, printing (both sides), cutting, folding, pasting, wrapping (when required) and counting being purely automatic. These machines are of various kinds, and are specially made to order so as to cope with the particular class of work in view.
On the whole, we seem justified in concluding that, under favourable conditions, and with a proper adaptation of means to the end in view, man may become acclimatized with at least as much certainty and rapidity (counting by generations rather than by years) as any of the lower animals.
Its establishment and strength on the 1st of October 1909 were 90,664 and 69,954 respectively, without counting in the latter figure 6172 militia and militia reserve men not then absorbed into the new organization.
The counting unit in the Swedish coinage is the krona, equal to i i shilling.
These elections are held on the 25th of June in the last year of a presidential term, the electors cast their votes on the 25th of July, and the counting takes place in a joint session of the two chambers of congress on the 30th of August, congress in joint session having the power to complete the election when no candidate has been duly chosen by the electors.
At length, on the 22nd of January 1655, Cromwell, counting twenty weeks as five months, dissolved parliament.
The lower course of the Tiber has been from the earliest ages subject to frequent and severe inundations; of more recent ones, those of 1598, 1870 and 1900 have been especially destructive, but since the year 1876 the municipality of Rome, assisted by the Italian Government, has taken steps to check, and possibly to prevent these calamities within the city by constructing embankments of stone, resting on caissons, for a total distance (counting in both sides of the river) of 6 miles.
There is a new reapportionment every ten years, counting from 1821.
The work falls into two parts, which treat of the asymptotes and singularities of algebraical curves respectively; and extensive use is made of the method of counting constants which plays so large a part in modern geometrical researches.
It consists in the determination of the standard or typical " mean man " (homme moyen) of a population, with reference to any particular quality, such as stature, weight, complexion, &c. In the case of stature, this would be done by measuring a sufficient number of men, and counting how many of them belong to each height on the scale.
Numeration was at a low level, based on counting fingers on one hand only, so that the word for man (puggana) stood also for the number 5.
Those of the White system have opentrough valleys bordered by hills in their upper courses and canyons in their lower courses; others, notably the Gasconade, exhibit re 1 Counting the St Francis projection the length is 328 m.
Balances are frequently used as counting machines, when the articles to be counted are all of the same weight or nearly so, and this method is both quick and accurate.
And the long arm of the indicator lever pulls vertically upon the spring of an ordinary spring balance, which registers the load, and with the addition of suitable counting mechanism sums up the weights of any number of successive loads.
In using an ordinal we direct our attention to a term of a series, while in using a cardinal we direct our attention to the interval between two terms. The total number in the series is the sum of the two cardinal numbers obtained by counting up to any interval from the beginning and from the end respectively; but if we take the ordinal numbers from the beginning and from the end we count one term twice over.
For the definition of large numbers we may employ either of two methods, which will be called the grouping method and the counting method.
On the whole, the grouping method refers mainly to concrete numbers and the counting method to abstract numbers.
Here we are concerned with the principle, the explanation of which is different according as we proceed on the grouping or the counting system.
This fact seems to illustrate the truth that the counting principle is the fundamental one, to which the interpretation of grouped numbers must ultimately be referred.
In the Hindu system the numbering proceeds by tens, tens of tens, &c.; thus the figure in the fifth place, counting from the right, denotes the product of the corresponding number by four tens in succession.
The use of the denary scale in notation is due to its use in numeration (§ 18); this again being due (as exemplified by the use of the word digit) to the primitive use of the fingers for counting.
The system of counting by twenties instead of by tens has existed in many countries; and, though there is no corresponding notation, it still exhibits itself in the names of numbers.
If four coins are laid on a table, close together, they can (by most adults) be seen to be four, without counting; but seven coins have to be separated mentally into two groups, the numbers of which are added, or one group has to be seen and the remaining objects counted, before the number is known to be seven.
Thus we speak of counting up to a certain number; and similarly mathematicians speak of high and ascending powers, while engineers speak of high pressure, high speed, high power, &c. This tendency is probably aided by the use of bricks or cubes in elementary number-teaching.
Or the words signifying these numbers may have reference to the completion of some act of counting.
It has been suggested that names of this kind may have been the, origin of the numeral words of different races; but it is improbable that direct visual perception would lead to a name for a number unless a name based on a process of counting had previously been given to it.
I; this is the primary counting it as a whole, or we are not counting it at all.
When now we pass to geometrical measurement, each " one " is a thing which is itself divisible, and it cannot be said that at any moment we are counting it; it is only when one is completed that we can count it.
If we adopted the counting method, we should proceed in a different way, our method being analytic.
To find how much greater, we compare two series, in one of which we go up to 9, while in the other we stop at 4 and then recommence our counting.
This, of course, is unintelligible on the grouping system of treating number; on the counting system it merely means that we count backwards from o, just as we might count inches backwards from a point marked o on a scale.
It should be remembered that the counting is performed with something as unit.
Thus, on the grouping system, 27.153 will mean 2.10+ 7+1/10+5/10 2 +3/10 3, while on the counting system it will mean the result of counting through the tens to 2, then through the ones to 7, then through tenths to 1, and so on.
Thus, if we take a shilling as a unit, we may divide it into 12 or 48 smaller units; but corresponding coins are not really portions of a shilling, but objects which help us in counting.
Ten marks, for instance, might be taken as equivalent to a farthing; but 13 marks are not equivalent to anything except one farthing and three out of the ten acts of counting required to arrive at another farthing.
The first only involves number and counting.
On the counting method we have a scale with every 10th Is.
In each case the grouping system involves rearrangement, which implies the commutative law, while the counting system requires the expression of a quantity in different denominations to be regarded as a notation in a varying scale (§§ 17, 3 2).
On the counting system we can count either forwards or backwards, and we can work either from the left or from the right.
Subtraction by counting forward is called complementary addition.
On The Counting System It Will Be Found That, In Determining The Number Of Shillings In The Remainder, We Subtract 5S.
The result is 085.9 = 8 5.9, the position of the decimal point being determined by counting the figures before the decimal points in the original numbers.
Senor Torres, who explored the Alto Ucayali for the Peruvian government, gives it a length of 186 m., counting from the mouth of the Pachitea to the junction of the Tambo and Urubamba.
Similarly among the common tangents of the two curves we have the double tangents each counting twice, and the stationary tangents each counting three times, and the number of the remaining common tangents is = n 2 - 27-- 3e (=m 2 -26-3K, inasmuch as each of these numbers is as was seen = m+n).
Counting the seed, wheat and the labour, it costs about $1 an acre to harrow the ground and plant the wheat.
He was the third (or, counting children who died in infancy, the fifth) son of John (Joao) I., the founder of the Aviz dynasty, under whom Portugal, victorious against Castile and against the Moors of Morocco, began to take a prominent place among European nations; his mother was Philippa, daughter of John of Gaunt.
At first he devoted himself to mathematical and astronomical studies; his Cosmotheoria (1528) records a determination of a degree of the meridian, which he made by counting the revolutions of his carriage wheels on a journey between Paris and Amiens.
The nobles who had hoped to set up the League again, half counting upon the king of Spain, were held in The check by Mazarin with the golden dowries of his adminisnumerous nieces, and were now employed by him in tration of warfare and in decorative court functions; while Mzasin.
The legs of the fourth and fifth pairs differ from the others in the fact that the third pad (counting from the distal end of the leg) carries the opening of the enlarged nephridia of these segments.
Also he gives two different reckonings of the segmentation, counting first eleven body segments without the caudal furca (p. 40), and then the caudal furca as itself the eleventh segment (p. 41).
I bet the Watchers were counting on manipulating the only creature in the mortal realm that can battle an Other on earth.
She was afraid to know what he thought, if he was counting the ways he could manipulate her now that there were no more barriers.
I guess when you stop counting hours and days and just count months or years—
Care to explain why there are six unused Christmas cards, six Birthday cards..." she began counting, "…and seven Valentine cards, all 'To My Loving Wife,' or some variation thereof?
Childrens abacus £ 17.99 US$35.08 E27.88 Wooden abacus with colorful counting beads.
Not counting the three abstentions, a majority of NER members were open to the idea of research cloning under strictly regulated conditions.
Based on a vote counting exercise, five trials concluded that acupuncture was effective and eight did not.
The count from first strategy involves counting on from the first addend by the number indicated by the second addend.
Counting four other mountain bikers, I was becoming less apprehensive about the trip.
Sadly, our deckchair attendant has nodded off and currently isn't counting visitors - too much sun in Sutton this week!
I believe there are a couple people who have enabled user avatars on their sites (not counting the Gravatar system ).
On the new course of 007 we now need to keep an eye on the ' MILES ' counting up from the OCK beacon.
She may find comfort in taking an inventory of her years, counting all the blessings bestowed upon her.
The delay is causing consternation in the drives sector which has been counting on the ECA to deliver a boost in sales.
Damien Rice, Jack Johnston, I love Counting crows.
Damien Rice, Jack Johnston, I love counting crows.
Hindu counting system was purely decimal and distinct symbols for the numbers 1 - 9 existed already.
It is used in prayer and Zikr for counting pious ejaculations or petitions.
The approach assumes a self-similar fractal - this result suggests considerable approximations are involved in the application of box counting to discrete FBM.
For counting there is an additional active network in the left hemisphere also common to the two modalities.
In turn point counting gave lower values than linear intercepts.
Counting is central to many strategies in mental maths.
This is a lot quicker than actually working out how many nanoseconds it would take by counting cycles!
The counting efficiency computation for electron capture nuclides is not considered.
Another technique of scanning involves counting 19 in boxes along with rows / columns to identify missing numerals.
A new silicon avalanche photodiode photon counting detector module for astronomy.
Counting upon the immediate revolutionary effect of Fascist repressions and material privations presents a very good example of vulgar historical materialism.
Could such a mixed bag of papers have been created by the seemingly prosaic measure of counting online hits?
These included Storytimes and Baby times, with fun stories and counting rhymes, maths quizzes and prizes in all libraries.
Try counting how many individual aspects are at work in a grand sextile!
It's the varying of the counter's bets that is the telltale sign that a player is possibly counting cards.
Its experimental facilities allow trapping and counting of wild salmon smolts (juveniles) migrating to sea and adults returning to freshwater to spawn.
The Turkish sultan, counting on the support of Great Britain and France, refused the czar's demands.
My calorie counting sister didn't either, and tucked in to a wide variety of nigiri sushi and hand rolls.
Open the fortune teller each way, counting up to the number they chose.
Their presence requires vigilance to exclude them from any counting by programming.
Lister determined the number of bacteria present in a drop of the liquid under examination by counting, and then diluted this with a sufficient quantity of sterilized water so that each drop of the mixture should contain, on an average, less than one bacterium.
The mutual distances of the intersecting wires he determined by counting, with the aid of a pendulum clock, the number of seconds required by an equatorial star to pass from web to web, while the telescope was adjusted so that the star ran parallel to the wires at right angles to those under investigation.
In the convention he supported the large-state party, favoured a strong executive, advocated the suppression of the slave trade, and opposed the counting of slaves in determining the apportionment of representatives.
Consequently we find an extraordinary development of strophic forms corresponding to the many new "tones" which every Meistersinger regarded it as his duty to invent - tones which bore the most remarkable and often ridiculous names, such as Gestreif tsaf ranblumleinweis, Fettdachsweis, Vielfrassweis, geblilmte Paradiesweis, &c. The verses were adapted to the musical strophes by a merely mechanical counting of syllables, regardless of rhythm or sense.
In order to overcome the friction of the counting train, Ferranti ingeniously gave to the core of the electromagnet a certain amount of permanent magnetism.
There are no numeral auxiliaries or segregatives used in counting, as in many languages of eastern Asia, though words expressive of a collective or integral are often used after the tens, sometimes after a smaller number.
In the protest against the scheme of "judging truth by counting noses," Shaftesbury recognized the danger of the standard which seemed to satisfy many deists; and in almost every respect he has more in common with those who afterwards, in Germany, annihilated the pretensions of complacent rationalism than with the rationalists themselves.
This is simply another form of trade, so some might accuse me of double counting some of my forty-three reasons war will end.
She has a perfect mania for counting.
The only young people remaining in the drawing room, not counting the young lady visitor and the countess' eldest daughter (who was four years older than her sister and behaved already like a grown-up person), were Nicholas and Sonya, the niece.
The soldiers in their greatcoats were ranged in lines, the sergeants major and company officers were counting the men, poking the last man in each section in the ribs and telling him to hold his hand up.
Amid the smoke, deafened by the incessant reports which always made him jump, Tushin not taking his pipe from his mouth ran from gun to gun, now aiming, now counting the charges, now giving orders about replacing dead or wounded horses and harnessing fresh ones, and shouting in his feeble voice, so high pitched and irresolute.
Pierre walked along, looking from side to side, counting his steps in threes, and reckoning them off on his fingers.
On the opposite side stood Dolokhov's Cossack, counting the prisoners and marking off each hundred with a chalk line on the gate.
The specific activity of the protein samples were determined by liquid scintillation counting.
Try counting how many individual aspects are at work in a grand sextile !
It 's the varying of the counter 's bets that is the telltale sign that a player is possibly counting cards.
The sophisticated platoon splitting algorithm also makes the Radar Recorder an extremely accurate counting device.
The Turkish sultan, counting on the support of Great Britain and France, refused the czar 's demands.
My calorie counting sister did n't either, and tucked in to a wide variety of nigiri sushi and hand rolls.
Bought a giraffe unicycle & after counting down the days until it arrived now spends a great deal of time on top of it.
However vain to attempt counting her guns - some heavy metal - a great many shots, the noise enough to deafen one.
Discrete numerical variates have only a fixed set of possible values - typically integer values, arising from counting things.
So what about " pressing the buoy " - " weightless arms " - " hand swapping " and stroke counting.
If the money you were counting on to move forward suddenly dries up, you may have to wait until you can secure a new funding source.
Word Count - We're not exactly counting but we would like to see at least 200 words per review.
At this age, many kids are ready for "real" learning activities, such as letter sounds, counting, drawing, and writing.
With this in mind, look for computer games that meld the things toddlers love with educational concepts, like shape, letter, and number recognition, counting games, color identification, matching, and more.
The Time Dot is a small plastic device that, once activated, starts counting periods of time, such as 30, 60 and 90 days.
Most store's policy is for the cashier to shut the register drawer and call for a supervisor so it can be figure out by shutting down the register and counting the money.
Counting calories is just as important for cats as it is for people.
The caterpillar book is a great choice because it teaches children about foods and it offers a quick lesson in counting that is seamless.
The song is appealing to kids who love counting and repetition.
Older toddlers who may be entering preschool might also enjoy books that have a learning element, such as alphabet books or counting books.
This game is basic, but with its barrage of cuteness and support, Count It Out will get your kid counting to 20 in no time.
Games cover things like ABC's, colors, shapes, time, and counting.
The rigmarole of pressing buttons on the telephone, making calls, and counting on your ATM machine and checkbook are replaced with their system.
To calm yourself, try a quick stress reliever such as counting down from 10, [[Relaxation Imagery Exercises| imagery]], or taking deep, controlled breaths.
Deep breathing exercises, counting silently, and picturing soothing images help control anger and provide immediate calm.
Strategies like role-playing confrontations beforehand or a mental counting to ten when dealing with a difficult situation can help.
Weight Watchers has a good system of counting points so you know how much you are taking in during meals and snacks.
She stopped counting how many wrappers she had collected after she reached two hundred.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that 45 million adults smoke in the U.S. alone - not counting youth or individuals in other countries.
Counting down from ten is another effective relaxation technique.
The Oscar style ceremony has been held annually for 17 years and counting and is an important way for celebrity fakes to attract new clients.
Apparently they based this on counting how many F-bombs Ramsay used in one Kitchen Nightmares show, which was 80 times in 40 minutes.
T.I. has been on house arrest for the past 305 days and court officials plan on counting that time toward his sentence, meaning he'll serve about two months actual jail time, not including time reduced for good behavior.
I'm not sure this is something your friend is counting on, but it could happen.
Try counting the ingredients on other brands of raw dog food!
Remember that you might be on the course for several hours, and if it is raining the entire time, you have to be properly equipped (no fair counting on an umbrella-toting caddy).
The abuser is counting on the victim being unable or unwilling to report the incidents of abuse.
Individuals in this stage are unable to perform challenging mental arithmetic, such as counting backward from 75 by 7s.
Recent occasions and current events may be forgotten, the affected person loses the ability to perform mathematical calculations (such as counting backwards) and may become withdrawn, particularly in social situations.
You start off with counting the number of people on the screen.
Basically, each of the five main characters you can play as -- Gohan, Trunks, Vegeta, Piccolo and Goku, not counting unlockable combatants -- can attack using either melee attacks or energy blasts.
Keep track of the number of calories you drink each day in wine if you are counting calories in other foods, and consider the other benefits to be simply be the icing on the cake.
Visit this winery to sample a few of the 26 (and counting) award winning wines.
If you're tired of counting minutes, it might be in your best interest to consider unlimited calling cell phones plans.
This is accomplished by counting RBCs and WBCs in both blood and CSF.
Many use familiar characters to teach basic things such as shape matching, the alphabet, and counting.
Accurate assessment of the number of platelets requires other methods of counting.
A sample of the diluted blood mixture is placed in a hemacytometer, which is an instrument with a grid etched into its surface to guide the counting.
Errors in platelet counting are more common when blood is collected from capillaries than from veins.
There are two types of electronic counting, voltage-pulse and electro-optical counting systems.
Electronic counting instruments sometimes produce artificially low platelet counts.
In addition, if the patient has a high white blood cell count, electronic counting may yield an unusually low platelet count because white blood cells may filter out some of the platelets before the sample is counted.
An RD can also teach the family how to use either the dietary exchange lists or carbohydrate counting system to monitor food intake.
Carbohydrate counting involves totaling the grams of carbohydrates in the foods your child eats to ensure the child does not exceed her goal for the day.
In the simple-carb counting method, one carbohydrate choice or unit equals 15 grams of carbohydrates (which is equivalent to one starch or fruit exchange in the exchange method).
Counting to 10 and taking deep breaths may help.
School-age children are starting to develop the cognitive skills necessary to understand basic monetary ideas, such as identifying coins, counting change, and matching small amounts of money to items they want to buy.
Diagnostic testing starts with a complete blood count (CBC) and differential, counting RBCs, white blood cells (WBCs) and measuring hemoglobin (Hgb), hematocrit (Hct), and other factors.
Suggest ways to keep calm and reduce anxiety such as counting, deep breathing, or thinking pleasant thoughts.
Compulsions usually involve repetitive rituals such as excessive washing (especially hand washing or bathing), cleaning, checking and touching, counting, arranging, and/or hoarding.
For NSTs/MBPPs/CSTs, the time period between tests should be no longer than three to four days under high-risk conditions with fetal movement counting taking place in between testing dates.
However, these counters measure the MCV, which is directly proportional to the voltage pulse produced as each cell passes through the counting aperture.
Children with mathematics disorders (dyscalculia) have problems recognizing and counting numbers correctly.
In other words, the dancers were counting "and - one - two - three" instead of "one - two - three - four".
After all patterns are taught, the teacher walks the students through the entire dance, counting along with the rhythm.
Because tap utilizes so many complementary and syncopated rhythms, tap dancing makes it really easy to get lost in the music; if you hate counting to eight over and over again in other dance classes, give tap a try!
While counting is certainly the norm, experienced tap dancers (like experienced dancers of all genres) often do not count out the beats to the music.
Math will often take the form of sorting, creating patterns, counting and measuring.
Cooking in the kitchen, counting at the grocery store, and even showing your child the coins you're using to pay for things is all math.
For example, for a lesson on counting money, open a store and allow the child to buy treats.
Counting by 2's, 5's, and 10's is a fairly common skill that is used every day.
Board games also help kids practice counting as they move around the board.
Small counters such as beads or buttons also give kids the chance to practice their counting skills.
One of the oldest manipulatives you're probably familiar with is the abacus, the ancient counting device in which beads strung on wires are used to represent single digits and groups of numbers.
Counting on fingers and toes, for example, helps children learn how to count, but more in-depth concepts such as decimals and fractions can be made easier through the use of games and tools.
Counting - One big part of a pre k curriculum is learning to count.
Counting leads into math skills your child will need later in his school career.
Simple flash cards, alphabet songs, counting games and a pencil and paper will help your child learn nearly everything needed.
If your child does not make the connection that counting by 2's (or whichever number) is the same as adding it repeatedly, make sure you point it out.
Automaticity is the ability to recall facts instantly in lieu of counting on fingers or diagramming the problem.
Some kindergarten students will need to focus on basic math, such as counting the number of apples or tracing numbers.
Many parents begin teaching time and counting money in kindergarten.
You can always teach further counting skills as your child's math skills increase.
Because cycles vary from woman to woman, simply counting to fertile days and ovulation based on the "standard" of 28 days may not work for everyone.
Normally, a diet will discuss carbohydrate counting.
While each family's expenses vary, the average cost of having a baby can be calculated by counting the essentials.
If you are one of the women counting strands in your brush, don't worry-the hair loss is likely a temporary condition which normally balances out within several months.
In a typical 28 day cycle, counting the first day of your period as day one, you would ovulate on day 14.
After keeping track for several months, count the days between cycles (start counting on day one of your period and count until your next period starts; the last day before the next period is the last day of your cycle).
Counting to five as you inhale and exhale and focusing on the activity of counting can help you get the most use from this type of breath.
As of October 2010, San Francisco is home to four major, full-service Holiday Inn locations, not counting the chain's smaller budget-friendly brand, Holiday Inn Express.
Preschoolers play with them in many ways, including using them for counting and imaginative play.
Parents can use the colorful blocks to teach kids their colors and encourage kids to learn basic math and counting.
The games are fun for many children and can reinforce good social skills such as turn-taking and learning skills such as counting and reading.
Counting skills can be reinforced by throwing a die and counting off the resulting move on the game board.
Instead, they have fun and learn from simple game activities like throwing dice and counting off squares as they move their marker ever closer to the goal.
Fast-paced board games with money (like Monopoly) give players math practices by counting money and making change.
Start your kids on the path to excellent pattern recognition, counting, and determining shapes with Hullabaloo.
Chutes and Ladders - An easy-to-play counting and number recognition game for children with the ability to move quickly around the board using chutes and ladders placed throughout the game board.
It can be a great game for counting and healthy competition or just a good change of fun for family game night.
This game helps children learn their numbers and counting skills.
While everyone is playing the classic game, children are developing social and educational skills including memorization, counting and, matching.
A candle is lit on each Sunday in Advent, counting down to Christmas.
You can spend time cleaning beaches, counting animal populations or just about anything else.
Retailers are counting on you to overspend and buy on impulse.
Time is key when counting down to the new year, which is why many people choose to host parties with a time travel theme.
Game play is simple and teaches basic reasoning skills, as well as concepts like colors and counting.
Concept books teach children age appropriate skills such as what sounds different animals make, body part identification, color identification, counting, and shape recognition.
Preschool children can make their own counting books using construction paper and everyday objects found around the house.
These toys feature cute faces and voices on things such as telephones, picnic baskets and cooking pots to teach your child about colors, counting and shapes.
Young children develop counting skills as they spin the wheel and move their pieces up and down the numbered board.
For toddlers, preschoolers, and children in the kindergarten through second grade there are many enjoyable games that teach the basics of the alphabet, numbers and counting, and basic math.
Simple activities, like skip counting and alphabet recitation, become fun if done with a parachute.
Counting Bugs (ages 3 to 6) - This domino game emphasizes counting and pre-math.
It also teaches counting, addition, and score-keeping.
Counting games, word searches, strategy games, and more are available.
When introducing counting, use items you see in everyday life.
Start counting to 5 and gradually add numbers.
Even when your child only can count to 3, keep counting on your own.
As he moves his piece around the board, he is counting.
Take advantage of everyday activities to work on counting, shapes, and simple addition.
The site teaches children different skills such as reading, counting, and even money management.
However, makeup holds a much more powerful charm for many, with many young girls counting the days until they are allowed to begin experimenting with eyeshadow, mascara, and lipstick on their own.
There are plenty of ways to incorporate counting into kids cooking games.
This is a great way to teach money counting skills.
Very young children can practice addition by counting the number of birds in an exhibit.
Test their subtraction skills by letting them eat French fries one by one and counting how many are left.
Juggling George not only helps children identify different types of fruit, but it also helps them with counting by telling them how many of each fruit to give George to juggle.
Your child will recognize some of her favorite characters while she learns counting, spelling and so much more.
A great game to introduce a child to the concept of counting.
For example, children should practice saying and writing the alphabet, counting, and any new vocabulary words for the week of instruction.
In addition to reading, children can practice counting items to ten.
Trailers for New Moon made the perfect teaser for Twilight movie fans counting down the days until they could get their vampire fix.
If the board begins swearing at participants, counting down backward or attempting to defame a person's spiritual belief, it is being likely being controlled by a demon.
Taking care of Fido and Fluffy can be expensive, even without counting in veterinarian bills.
Even if you activate the account later, many websites will begin counting the days from the day you initiated the process.
Only take what you really need, remembering that others are also counting on the food bank to help their families.
These animated characters, innovated by Serta and brought to life by Aardman animation (creators of Wallace and Gromit), are a cute take on the tradition of counting sheep to fall asleep.
Serta counting sheep slippers might be hard to come by, but there's no mistaking the popularity of the instantly recognizable characters.
Whether you are counting accomplishments, marking time or just looking for a tattoo with a big impact, a spider web tattoo on your elbow can get you what you want.
On a cruise vacation, however, many of these expenses are incorporated into the initial fare and you are free to enjoy your vacation without counting every penny.
These are often found on blogs and websites counting down to an occasion.
Christmas or other holidays - Counting down to Christmas isn't just for kids!
An online clock for counting down can be fun and functional.
Finally, control your breath by counting to 10 for both inhale and exhale breaths.
This is your chance to tell the reader exactly what you think about the subject of the letter, and they are counting on you to help them make a good impression.
The following Duggar laundry soap recipes were first featured on an episode of "17 Kids and Counting" in 2008.
You can create your own design, follow a preset pattern on the fabric, or follow a pattern by counting the stitches.
There is much more to a healthy diet than calorie counting and measuring your intake of fats and protein.
I've never been good at counting calories, keeping a food journal and tracking my points.
If you hate counting calories, the Weight Watchers system may be the right plan for you.
While there is no calorie counting, servings from each food group form the basis of a balanced intake.
By counting points instead of fat and calories, we can eat anything we want, within reason.
People who normally struggle to follow diets find this one easier to follow because there are no complex meal plans, calorie counting or point system concerned.
If you know that you eat more than you should, counting calories can help keep you on track.
Unlike many calorie-oriented websites, Calorie King is not about dieting or losing weight through counting calories.
Keep in mind that if you are also counting calories, that one gram of fat has nearly twice the calories of a gram or protein or carbohydrate.
The diet does not require calories counting as the foods which form the diet are all foods with high water content and a low GI like celery, tomato, cucumber.
If you want to lose belly fat quickly, start counting your calories today and plan to exercise.
It seems like everyone goes through a phase of counting carbs at one time or another.
Counting carbs is particularly important to diabetics who use insulin, because they need to take enough insulin to balance the carbs and keep their bodies healthy.
Whatever the reason you're counting carbs, there are a few basics that can make it a little easier.
The most valuable weapon you have when counting carbs is the nutritional information printed on food packages of all kinds, from cheese to candy bars.
Paying attention to serving size is a big help in counting calories and fat as well.
When we think about carb counting, it's usually in the context of thinking that carbohydrates are something that should be avoided.
So if you're counting, remember that a low number is not always the best.
This will direct you as to what parts of your diet to concentrate on such as carbohydrate counting and also offers ideas on the the diabetic exchange system, consistency and diet variation.
The point range for weight watchers helps members lose weight without counting calories.
With this plan there is no counting calories or points.
When you follow this diet plan there is no calorie counting.
Dr. Smith gives you a solid understanding of why calorie counting is not important as long as you follow the core principals in the book.
Following a diet plan is more than just counting calories.
Rather than counting calories or carbohydrates, with this program, dieters focus their efforts on constantly varying the timing and pattern of their food consumption.
To lose weight, simply keep counting and cut the daily average by about 300-500 calories.
Counting calories - Many dieters hate counting calories.
For those who are counting points, the entrées list a point value for each meal.
Heading into a 1200 calorie diet will require counting calories.
Counting calories is a little challenging when you first start.
Most low-carb diets don't focus on counting calories; however, in many cases calorie counting becomes necessary as you progress on the diet.
For many people, calorie counting is the key to losing weight, and while a reduction in daily calories does help to take and keep the pounds off, you don't have to starve yourself to lose those pesky extra pounds.
It doesn't require calorie counting or tracking carbs.
If you are comfortable measuring and counting fat in foods you eat, you will soon develop an instinct for estimating the fat content of your food choices and how it relates to your daily requirements.
Unfortunately, this instinct normally does not include a stop mechanism, so many people find counting fat grams is the best way to moderate fat intake.
If you are counting fat grams, save your willpower for saturated fats and allow yourself a little more leniency when you are consuming healthier fats.
Calorie counting is one of the easiest ways to lose weight and even to maintain a healthy weight.
Calorie counting has been proven effective without all those gimmicks and extra expenses.
Calories - When calorie counting, it's vital to pay attention to how many calories per serving in the foods you choose to eat.
Online Calorie Counting Programs - Everything has gone technological, even dieting.
Calorie counting is just one of many ways you can learn to keep yourself accountable as you work toward a healthier, happier you.
We have all heard people say they are "counting calories."
Counting the calories you burn can be a slightly trickier goal only because the amount of calories you burn per activity can vary based on what you weigh.
This is also a great place to start with counting calories burned.
If your favorite exercise is snowboating, but you live in a temperate climate and the closest mountain is six hours away, that probably isn't going to be the best activity to use to begin counting calories burned.
At its simplest, counting calories burned means multiplying the amount of time spent doing an activity by the number of calories burned per minute of that activity.
If you're used to counting calories and ready to try a low-carb diet instead, carbohydrate counting is considered easier by many dieters.
People counting calories, on the other hand, have to count 100 calories in a tablespoon of butter, 90 calories for a fried egg, two slices of bacon at 86 calories, but for carb counters, it's still zero carbs.
From a practical standpoint, this is the main difference between counting calories and carbs.
While calories are in everything, the list of low-carb and no carb foods provides a selection of foods dieters can eat without worrying about measuring or counting.
In fact, diabetics who take insulin before meals regularly calculate how much insulin they need by counting carbs.
The difference with carbohydrate counting is that the body goes into ketosis which helps the body burn fat when the liver converts fat to ketones.
Like calorie counting, carbohydrate counting is a way to help plan meals.
People who don't understand counting carbohydrates and how they affect blood sugar look at this Induction Phase as an unhealthy and unbalanced diet.
This really isn't much different that calorie counting diets that eliminate certain foods such as bread, potatoes, pasta and sugar in the early stages.
These foods are all carbohydrates, so while counting calories and counting carbs is different, many high calorie foods are also high in carbs.
Counting carbs takes the guess work out of how many carbohydrates are in meals and snacks, and a healthy low carb diet includes complex carbs which are part of a healthy diet.
Whether you're counting carbs or just trying to eat healthy, it helps to understand the difference between simple carbohydrates and complex carbs.
Use this information to follow your carbohydrate counting plan.
Diabetics should work with a Registered Dietitian and/or Certified Diabetes Educator in order to come up with a carbohydrate counting plan.
Many hospitals now offer classes on carbohydrate counting.
Counting calories isn't the right approach for everyone, but works very well for people willing to put effort into figuring out how much food they are really consuming.
The No S Diet does not require counting calories, but it does help you eat less.
If counting calories seems like too much work for you, there are diet plans that do the counting for you.
Once you get to know how many calories are in the foods you eat often, counting calories becomes second nature.
Counting calories is another way to become aware of how much you eat versus how much you should be eating.
For some people, counting calories falls into the complicated category and for others it becomes second nature.
There's no counting calories and using the product promises to diminish cravings and feelings of deprivation.
The result is suppose to be a boosted metabolism that is said to cause you to burn more calories than you take in without counting calories or feeling hungry.
Even though there is a lack of scientific data to back up the blood type diet claims, one reason people like this diet is that it doesn't require counting calories or carbs.
Online calorie counting sites allow you to both track your calories and interact with others with health and fitness goals just like yours.
Calorie counting applications, such as the iPhone application, can also be purchased and downloaded for your cell phone.
Calorie counting and forbidden foods are not a part of this diet.
Calorie counting works to lose or maintain weight when done diligently.
Another main point of the Zone Diet is that dieters don’t have to worry about counting calories.
These plug in directly to the main game console, offering a variety of exercise options with calorie counting, increasing skill levels, etc. while providing quite a bit of fun in the process.
Some people have difficulty taking their own pulse and counting the beats.
Just get the average heart rate by counting the beats each more for three days, adding the numbers, and dividing by three.
It is used when simply counting as well as when describing one item in the masculine form.
Right here on LoveToKnow French we also have more tips on counting French Numbers, and a handy Printable French Numbers Worksheet to hone your skills.
Counting French numbers is not difficult, and is almost exactly like counting in English.
A French counting audio file, like the Slow Travel France audio counting lesson can be downloaded so you can listen to the basic numbers while doing other tasks and help ingrain them for easier learning.
As you become more familiar with counting in French, try using the French numbers for various daily activities, such as counting money and telling time to make a lasting foundation.
As in any language, all counting depends on the first ten numbers.
When counting french numbers, the cases of seventy (70) and ninety (90) divert from the norm.
This same system of counting applies to ninety(90) which is then quatre-vingts-dix (katr-vin-dees), ninety-one(91) being quatre-vingts-onze (katr-vin-onz) and so forth.
This system of counting continues by starting all over again.
Once you're familiar with counting in French, practice your skills with this handy Printable French Numbers Worksheet.
Text and audio files are included to students, and many items are covered, including the alphabet, conjugation, phrases, counting, time and date, and other vocabulary.
For example, learning all the color words at once is logical; counting to ten is also something that should, preferably, be learned in sequence.
It walks you through the basics, from the proper way to greet someone to basics like counting and numbers.
Counting in French is a catchy soundtrack by the children's group "Honey in the Rock" and it makes learning to count in French lots of fun.
According to the International Federation of Phonographic Industries (IFPI), as of January, 2006, there were over 300 legal music download sites operating online, offering 2 million songs, and counting.
His career has encompassed four decades and counting.
Thirteen albums, 45 singles and counting, Depeche Mode adds new song lyrics to their stable constantly.
Even when you purchase a large package of colorfully designed invitations from the dollar store, they will cost you at least a buck, not even counting the postage involved.
Make sure the judges counting are unbiased!
Whitmore considers himself a fierce competitor, but he's also counting his personal charisma as one of his strongest survival skills.
That was enough to earn her another (failed) attempt at winning Flav's heart, plus three reality shows of her own - and counting!
Kids and Counting is a popular TLC/Discovery Channel reality show that gives viewers a peek into what life is like with the Duggar Family, which includes - you guessed it - 17 kids with more on the way.
Even people who aren't avid 17 Kids and Counting viewers might already be familiar with the story of the Duggar Family.
Jim Bob is a real estate investor, although many viewers of 17 Kids and Counting wonder how the business sustains a family of this size.
One major story line in 17 Kids and Counting that displayed the Duggars' commitment to conservative Christian doctrine was oldest son Josh's engagement and marriage.
Brandi C has graced three VH1 shows and counting, and the reaction she provokes is never middle of the road.
New York, former Flavor Flav suitor, has parlayed her appearance on the first installment of Flavor of Love into four VH1 reality shows and counting.
It also works in your interest to see the producers when they're bright and on the ball, not annoyed and counting the minutes until it is all over.
For a personal look into the lives of the infamous Duggar family, watch an episode or two of 18 Kids and Counting.
This reality show, formerly known as 17 Kids and Counting came to The Learning Channel in 2008 and chronicles the lives of Arkansas real estate agent Jim Bob Duggar, his wife Michelle and their 18 children.
Kids and Counting is not the first television program showcasing this extraordinary family.
The Duggars' reality television series hit the airwaves in September 2008, under the show's original name 17 Kids and Counting, with a second season starting in January 2009 under its current title.
In season two, the show, which officially changed its name to 18 Kids and Counting, celebrated Josh and Anna Duggar's wedding and impending birth, the delivery of Jordyn-Grace and the family's mission to El Salvador.
The Duggar family is the focus of the reality show on The Learning Channel, 18 Kids and Counting.
They appeared in several TLC and Discovery Health one hour specials prior to landing their series. 18 Kids and Counting was formerly titled 17 Kids and Counting.
As of September 2009, TLC has not announced an additional name change, but insiders say look for 19 Kids and Counting to debut sometime in the summer of 2010.
Richard can be found in the pawn shop's back room counting the day's income.
If you're a fan of the TLC reality TV show 18 Kids and Counting, you may have wondered where does the Duggar family live?
The Duggars have been the subject of several television specials, and eventually they got their own reality show called 18 Kids and Counting.
On 18 Kids and Counting, the Duggar family home is functional, large and well kept.
To keep up with the Duggar family and learn more about their house and where they live, visit their own Duggar family website, or the site for 18 Kids and Counting.
This is the same network that is responsible for bringing the world Jon & Kate Plus 8 and 18 Kids and Counting, two reality series that follow families with a large quantity of kids.
The series debuted in August 2009 and has become a ratings bonanza for the network, which airs other popular reality shows such as Cake Boss and 18 Kids and Counting.
Frakes has reportedly helped pageant contestants win over 1,000 titles during his 24 years and counting in the business.
She has carried four shows (and counting) to date.
Kelly Cutrone is an unlikely reality TV star, but she has been a central cast member on four shows and counting, including her own flagship show Kell On Earth.
To find out more about air times for 19 Kids & Counting, visit the official TLC website.
Kids and Counting is the third installment in the TLC network's chronicle of the large -and seemingly ever expanding- Duggar family.
Kids and Counting captured the early birth and the subsequent struggle to get Josie strong enough to leave the hospital.
Soon, Heene learned firsthand the dangers of counting a six year old among your co-conspirators in a hoax.
In 2008, the show was called 17 Kids and Counting.
As of 2010, the show was named 19 Kids and Counting.
To keep up with Josie's progress and learn more about the Duggar family, visit their own family website, or the official page for 19 Kids and Counting on the TLC website.
Josh and Anna Duggar rose to fame on the wildly successful TLC show 19 Kids and Counting.
Fans of TLC hit show 19 Kids and Counting love to get a Josie Duggar update now and then to see how the premature infant is recovering from a very touch-and-go entrance into the world.
The Duggar Family has become a household name, thanks to the wild success of their Discovery Health reality show 19 Kids and Counting.
Many people start counting down toward Christmas and other holidays long before the normal build up.
Many people have clocks counting down to their big day.
Installing a Christmas Countdown on your MySpace profile could be considered the grown-up version of counting down the number of "sleeps" until the Big Day.
Since most timers are customizable, you really can designate one for whatever it is you're counting down.
Once you have found a site, you will need to provide the date of whatever it is you're counting down to, what you would like to say as a timer message to others, and what kind of text you want to use.
That's what 50 Webs is counting on - that you'll like their service but begin to chafe under the limitations of size, of one email account, and decide to purchase one of their larger plans.
Six counting Alex's stallion.
She glanced around, counting mules.
So now there are seven of us, counting Molly.
I'm counting on the fact that you're a nice guy.
I'm counting on it.
I guess when you stop counting hours and days and just count months or years—
Weller smiled and began counting off on his fingers.
He paced as men rose from the ground and trotted to him, counting as they came.
He could spot the rider now and again with occasional glances and by counting off the seconds between points they both passed, knew he was gaining, if ever so slowly.
Mums rocked in her chair and finished counting stitches before she responded.
I've been counting on it.
She gazed at the floor, counting.
Probably counting to ten... something she should have tried.
She found herself counting how many exclamation points Ingrid used before she read through the rules.
This is due to the fact that there are really two kinds of subtraction, respectively involving counting forwards (complementary addition) and counting backwards (ordinary subtraction); and it suggests that it may be wise not to use the one symbol - to represent the result of both operations until the commutative law for addition has been fully grasped.
While it is impossible to give here anything like a complete or exact survey of the field - a task rendered almost impossible by the arbitrary manner in which paragraphs are divided, by the difficulty of making Old English enactments fit into modern rubrics, and by the necessity of counting several times certain paragraphs bearing on different subjects - a brief statistical analysis of the contents of royal codes and laws may be found instructive.
Among the incidental operations are (a) the valuation of the bullion by weighing and assaying it; (b) " rating" the bullion, or calculating the amount of copper to be added to make up the standard alloy; (c) recovering the values from ground-up crucibles, ashes and floor sweepings (the Mint " sweep "); (d) assaying the melted bars; (e) " pyxing " the finished coin or selecting specimens to be weighed and assayed; (f) " telling " or counting the coin.
If the difference of the number of oscillations made by the two pendulums in a given time is small compared to the number made by either of them separately, then it is easy to show that the power given to the circuit is measured by the gain or loss of one clock over the other in a given time, and can therefore be indicated on a counting mechanism or registering dials.
It is plain that this rotation of signs served no, useful purpose whatever, being less convenient than ordinary counting such as the Mexicans employed in their other calendar already mentioned, where the 20-day periods had each a name like our' months, and their days had signs in regular order.
At election times they also direct and superintend the work of bringing up voters to the polls and of watching the taking and counting of the votes; but in this work they are often aided or superseded by specially appointed temporary bodies called campaign committees, These party committees are permanent, and though the membership is renewed every year, the same men usually continue to serve.
In January, therefore, the 14th day of the month was called the nineteenth before the Calends of February (counting inclusively), the 15th was the 18th before the Calends and so onto the 3 0 th, which was called the third before the Calend (tertio Calendas), the last being the second of the Calends, or the day before the Calends (pridie Calendas).
The Years In Which The Solar Equation Occurs, Counting From The Reformation, Are 1700, 1800, 1900, 2100, 2200, 2300, 2500, &C. Those In Which The Lunar Equation Occurs Are 1800, 2100, 2400, 2700, 3000, 3300, 3600, 3900, After Which, 4300, 4600 And So On.
All clocks are constructed on the basis of this method of measurement; that is to say, on the plan of counting the repetitions of some operation, adopted solely on the ground of its being capable of continual repetition with a certain degree of accuracy, and possibly also of automatic compensation for changing conditions.
Thus number in the abstract is the number of times that the act of counting is performed in any particular case.
Hence, to find a percentage of a percentage, we multiply the two numbers, put o's in front if necessary to make up four figures (not counting fractions), and prefix the point.
She has counted everything in the house, and is now busy counting the words in her primer.
Rostov took the money and, mechanically arranging the old and new coins in separate piles, began counting them.
Dolokhov was counting the money and noting something down.
Another book for children ages 0 to 2 that teaches counting along with other valuable lessons is Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes.
Since then, the groups has expanded to include 38,000 members (and counting) and 48 chapters in both the US and Canada, making it the oldest and largest industry body promoting the interests of the interior design community.
He sat back and waited, counting down from ten.
He knew it, which meant he was counting on her caving at some point.
She blinked and read it again, counting the zeros to assure that she had read it properly.
I'm counting on you.