Couldn-t Sentence Examples
I was so excited that I couldn't sleep, so I got up and dressed.
You couldn't see a thing.
If he has custody, she couldn't get the money.
They both couldn't be there all the time.
He's a big horse, but I couldn't make him carry the two of us in that terrain.
Why, she couldn't say.
Mom always said lost time couldn't be replaced.
Couldn't you wish me in some safer place than Oz.
Carmen couldn't deny that fact.
No matter how sorry Alex was for what happened, or how many times he apologized or tried to make up for it, he couldn't remove the hurt.
AdvertisementHe couldn't wait to get her out of the house.
I couldn't help but do it.
I couldn't possibly do it.
Most girls wanted to be a princess at some point in their youth, though she couldn't specifically remember that wish.
In any case, there was nothing that couldn't wait to be discussed at home.
AdvertisementThey couldn't leave here soon enough as far as she was concerned.
She might have lost the baby anyway, but the way he treated her couldn't have helped.
A person couldn't be in control all the time - right all the time.
All Len wants out of me is information about Allen, and Howard couldn't care less where I am.
Couldn't you, Zeb? asked the little girl.
AdvertisementThe neighbors couldn't see into any of their windows, and they were far enough off the main road that the only traffic would be people coming to see them.
He couldn't be serious.
She peered cautiously over the edge, but couldn't see the car.
Sarah couldn't understand her desire to be alone, but she accepted it.
She couldn't let him do that.
AdvertisementI couldn't give the baby up, either.
It couldn't be that easy.
Sorry to have troubled you; but it couldn't be helped.
But even if I had a robot that knew everything, I couldn't really say, "Tell me every custom they have here" and be fully informed.
Expect solutions in the future to come from countries you couldn't find on a map today.
But the poor little girl couldn't fix her attention.
When Morino rode far enough ahead so that he couldn't hear their conversation, Carmen finally spoke to Alex.
Alex patiently consoled and distracted her while the nurse taped a padded board to her hand and wrist so she couldn't move it.
By now she was so turned around that she couldn't have found her way to the ATV, much less the road.
He couldn't win the argument any other way, so he had resorted to his irresistible charm.
I couldn't believe it and nearly fell!
She couldn't make important decisions while wrangling her feelings.
Gabriel couldn't take his eyes off the woman who had been his mate, for however brief a time.
She couldn't start to make things right with him, if she didn't start there.
If it required those things, the computer couldn't do it.
I explained that Uncle Frank was old, and couldn't learn braille easily.
What would be different this time was the fact that he couldn't deny the babies were his - that and the fact that this time she had no uterus to lose.
She said she couldn't tolerate his moods.
And if she still couldn't make up her mind?
Whatever secret she kept, it couldn't change this moment or what he felt.
But he couldn't stay right now either.
He couldn't read all the emotions crossing her face.
He couldn't now that their roles were reversed.
He wanted to agree out of anger but couldn't.
She couldn't change anything that happened or make things right.
The trail couldn't have been a road... more likely a wash.
We couldn't afford an apartment right now - even with the two of us.
She wanted to ask him how long he would stay at the ranch, but she couldn't think of a way to word the question that didn't sound insensitive.
In such a small town, there couldn't be many positions, and the pay wouldn't come close to what she was making in Tulsa.
Surely she couldn't be expected to commute that kind of distance on a regular basis.
What was going on behind those fantastic eyes, she couldn't say, but Pete's jaw must have dropped a mile.
Cassie couldn't help but smile at the way Darcie described her fellow gender.
In spite of her irritation, she couldn't help smiling.
Time couldn't be turned back.
That's why we couldn't find it.
Alas, I couldn't keep her long as I wished.
She couldn't lose him now, because of human weakness!
He almost felt relief, knowing he couldn't ever be tempted to read her mind again.
He thought it was her, and she couldn't tell him differently.
Though she couldn't recall the thousand-year process it took to reach this very place, she knew the end results.
She couldn't remember the last time she'd been so honest or embarrassed, and in front of a complete stranger!
Cynthia couldn't stand the guy.
She couldn't outrun it - in any condition, and it could climb a tree as fast as she could.
Howard couldn't find anything on this guy.
You said you couldn't dance.
She couldn't resist teasing him.
I couldn't help but hear you two last night.
No, because men have needs and desires women couldn't understand.
If she couldn't keep up she would likely get him killed.
We couldn't find a prettier place, I'm sure.
The restaurant was one that she had heard of, but couldn't afford to enjoy.
He was in his chair, trying to control his curiosity, but she couldn't let it rest at that.
Len was the only one left she could trust, and she couldn't tell him anything without implicating Yancey.
Then today when I couldn't find her . . .
I simply couldn't resist you.
She couldn't have forgotten those eyes.
They couldn't be seen unless someone came down into the ravine.
If they served something she couldn't eat, she'd feign illness.
No, it couldn't happen.
Betsy absented herself, feeling it unfair to listen if the other couldn't.
I couldn't believe it was happening.
I've kept my identity hidden for five years now, but I knew deep down inside that it couldn't last forever.
She couldn't have been farther from the truth.
Of course, living in an apartment with three girls couldn't be easy.
Anyway, with all the money in his family and the good looks as well, he couldn't hold a candle to Brandon in the charm department.
We came back with help, though, but we couldn't find you.
She couldn't believe that there was any thought of romance going on in Cade's mind.
Even as the idea occurred that she would rather have this room, she knew she couldn't ask.
If he couldn't get in the shed, he'd probably find some other place to stay warm.
She couldn't agree with him more, but it was an unusual viewpoint for a man.
Why couldn't she stop thinking of him that way?
Tomorrow they would be leaving, and it couldn't come fast enough.
It was obvious that he wanted to clear the air, but couldn't decide where to start.
I couldn't care less what Claudette thinks, but let me take the question out of your mind.
Why couldn't he have confronted Claudette, instead of acting like a beast?
He couldn't have asked for a better housekeeper, but the atmosphere between them had become strained.
Bad as the situation was, she still couldn't stand the thought of leaving the ranch.
Loving him was no excuse, because even knowing he didn't love her, she still couldn't find the decency to leave.
She couldn't stay with Mary forever.
I was scared to death I couldn't... get back!
I wasn't as fearful I couldn't come back but I'm still concerned that it will happen every time I try to sleep.
Too bad you couldn't pick where your dream would take you.
Besides, I couldn't even talk about Annie without bawling my eyes out.
At first I couldn't understand Howie's mumble but then it became clearer.
Martha, I couldn't fall asleep until you sat by my side and whispered.
You could find the farm house, couldn't you?
Howie didn't like the arrangement but realized we couldn't commute back and forth every weekend and maintain a life.
Howie offered little and without seeing his facial reaction, I couldn't tell how he stood.
We had two runaways in a row followed by a location Howie couldn't find and a wake-up interruption from outside noise.
I couldn't block out of my mind, my wife's statement a few days ago; think of all the children who he could be saving.
I felt my way to the back of the house and realized I couldn't see the end of my nose.
Howie was out of town and I couldn't imagine anyone visiting him at that time of night.
I agreed with my wife but pointed out even though Bryce had tracked us down, I couldn't think of any other slip ups besides Julie's contest that would point to us.
Even she couldn't help.
I don't know a whole lot Julie, but I understand the police at the time had a strong suspect but couldn't prove anything.
But now Quinn's gone too, so Howie couldn't go back even if he got up his courage to do it!
I couldn't think of a logical way to advise Detective Jackson.
I couldn't imagine you'd take that long for a dog walk.
I certainly couldn't fund the whole group.
It wasn't an invitation but I figured I owed my presence for what I'd learned so far and I couldn't wait to renew our conversation.
While we couldn't keep up with the ambulance but we held our own and kept the emergency vehicle in sight.
All the while, I couldn't block the vision of the wife I so loved, being herded at knife point.
Try as I might, I couldn't fix the time or the location anywhere close to the present where we wanted to be.
Why couldn't she heal her brother?
She couldn't help Jonny.
And yet, she couldn't forget what she'd seen him doing-- drinking another woman's blood as Talon did hers!
Another part of her couldn't fathom how a man colder than a sociopath could be working for the side of good.
She couldn't explain the sense that she didn't belong despite the pictures of her and Jonny on the walls and all her things sprinkled around the room.
Beautiful women that rivaled Claire and men so handsome, even age couldn't diminish their muscular bodies or riveting looks.
Groucho couldn't wait to leave and after a call-us-if-you-hear-anything speech, he handed out a business card to each of the Deans.
He followed all the rules in the Code, but he couldn't help thinking he was doing something …wrong.
He couldn't splice genes.
I couldn't make out at first what it was all about.
Suvorov couldn't manage them so what chance has Michael Kutuzov?
Well, she certainly couldn't deny that.
If that Alex returned to his roots, there was no reason she couldn't be at his side.
It was hard to say whether Alex was withholding facts so she couldn't contest his decisions or simply because he thought she did not need to know.
His smile was so disarming that she couldn't help smiling back.
They had talked in front of her, so it couldn't be what she thought.
I should have moved away, but I couldn't stand to leave the ranch.
That couldn't happen in Howie's case.
I'm sorry; I couldn't get the words out of my mouth.
Unfortunately, it occurred over night and we couldn't fix the time in spite of three attempts to do so.
While we reveled in our triumphs, we knew in our hearts we couldn't maintain our present pace.
While I remained eager to discuss the conversation, I couldn't disagree with Howie's logic.
We stumbled into an incredible gift that was bestowed on Howie and we couldn't live with ourselves or look at one another if we didn't embrace everything in our power to maximize its benefits.
We couldn't do anything because abduction wasn't made public for three days and the child went missing sometime during a twelve hour overnight period.
We learned later, at first the police were suspicious of the parents as they couldn't believe someone could enter a small house with sleeping adults and two boys in an adjoining room, and not be heard.
I couldn't stand not knowing!
I couldn't tell if the look he gave me was incredulity or concern but he grabbed my arm and led me outside where a suited man who must have topped six foot five was walking toward us.
After all of Jonny's childhood injuries she'd healed, she couldn't fix her own heart!
She couldn't quite understand what the poison was; it wasn't a normal infection, and yet it couldn't be anything else.
She struggled, but he wrapped his arms around her in a hold she couldn't break.
He couldn't remember when he'd last had a full five hours of his own, and he knew he wasn't likely to get another break for a while.
She couldn't focus on anything farther away than her hand, and looking at her hand made her cry.
What she couldn't heal was the exhaustion that came with each bout of healing.
She couldn't cure whatever it was, and she couldn't make sense of it.
She couldn't run, couldn't move and she tried hard to convince herself to pass out as the garage door was wrenched open.
He couldn't help feeling thrilled at the prospect of Damian's son.
Speck was waiting for him, at his feet a creature Dusty couldn't identify.
Even his hands were muscular, and she couldn't help comparing his light touch to Talon's brutal grip.
He hadn't paid much attention to any woman in many, many years, but couldn't help thinking her one of the most attractive he'd ever met.
There weren't many places she could go where he couldn't find her, especially if Sofi kept interfering.
Sofi would chew him out if he gave Bianca to her like she was, and he himself couldn't help but feel somewhat concerned that she'd gone unresponsive.
He couldn't shake the fire in his blood or the sense of how soft her supple skin, how warm her body felt beneath him.
She couldn't get over seeing a grown man acting like a teenager.
It was no mystery to her why Dusty would want her, though she couldn't help but feel disappointed.
She'd chosen a subject he couldn't argue about.
It makes no sense, but I couldn't ever leave that night behind.
I couldn't remember anything until I saw Bianca again and she fixed me in the hospital.
She couldn't help wondering about the two of them and why she felt suddenly jealous, even though Jenn could give Dusty something she wasn't willing to.
Yet he couldn't shake the memory of her body against his, the way she'd looked at him last night.
Dusty looked around the gym, sensing it was beyond time for him to admit he couldn't prevent what was coming.
He couldn't save Sofi.
She didn't feel any better knowing Talon couldn't kill her here!
With a frown, she wondered why she'd never seen it before, why she wasted seven years trying to make things work with someone who couldn't hold a candle to the man she was meant to be with.
Her father had just admitted there were more people like her, and she couldn't help her flicker of hope at the news.
No, Damian, you couldn't have known how twisted she was.
While she couldn't shake the sense of doom that followed her from the visions, she felt more normal, less afraid, at the thought that she'd be rejoining the rest of humanity for a shopping trip with the girls, even if only for a morning.
While Dean felt foolish, he couldn't help feeling a tickle of pleasure as hundreds of people clapped and cheered as they passed.
Dean couldn't get a word in edgewise.
Couldn't they be much older—or younger?
Couldn't. I peed my pants down there and he would have seen it.
Because when I got the call that said a car had gone over, I couldn't raise him.
The other two he'd seen about town but couldn't put a name with a face.
He couldn't blame her for looking incredulous after hearing the tale.
You know a suggestion of this would dump him from the election, don't you—even if you couldn't prove it?
The Deans couldn't hear the conversation but assumed it was one more lady in waiting for the senior Prince Charming's favor.
Dean couldn't believe it, and shook his head to so indicate.
He was nice enough to say I didn't belong locked up but this was Fitzgerald's jurisdiction and he couldn't do nothing about it.
Dean couldn't agree more.
How would you like working with a slug who couldn't keep his hands off your boobs every time no one was looking and grabbed your ass whenever he damned well pleased?
He couldn't hold a candle to my real father—the one who was there for me all those years.
Fitzgerald couldn't have thought kindly about her setting him up.
I knew we couldn't get away for long but Patsy needed to leave and wanted me to go with her.
The Deans knew they couldn't simply keep Martha without reporting her arrival to the Midwest authorities that were searching for the girl as a kidnapping victim, and her mother as a fleeing fugitive.
I couldn't get him to back off and I got really scared.
But they couldn't sell because of Mrs. Dawkins's suit.
I thought about it, but I couldn't tell the trunks apart.
He couldn't help but remember her agitated state of mind after learning of Fitzgerald's death.
I've yet to meet someone who couldn't be handled, given the right approach.
Deidre couldn't remember it ever happening before, but it almost made sense to her.
I couldn't do anything to protect Carmen and the kids.
There are some things that I simply couldn't go along with.
You've …done so … She couldn't finish it through the sudden tears.
He had sex and went back to work, unable to sleep knowing all the issues he couldn't fix.
He couldn't read them.
While he could see her figuring it out, he couldn't see her choosing the mortal world.
I was delivering your orders and tried to get home but couldn't.
It couldn't deny its master.
She couldn't really be irritated with him.
She laughed, knowing he couldn't possibly understand why she found it funny.
The restlessness was gone from his blood, his body relaxed in a way he couldn't remember feeling.
His heart stopped in his chest, and for a long moment, he couldn't breathe.
Deidre couldn't manage a response to such a ridiculous statement.
He had died by the time I read that passage in one of his books, so I couldn't write him, as is my normal practice when an author's words puzzle me.
Given these agricultural strengths, is there anyone who believes the United States alone couldn't produce an extra $365 billion worth of food, at full retail price, if there were a ready buyer for it?
That is also the case because humans couldn't do a very good job at a stalk-by-stalk approach.
He was leaning down to meet her, but they couldn't seem to touch.
When he saw pretty Jennie Lohr on the road, he couldn't resist.
He admitted to fifteen or sixteen abductions... he couldn't remember which.
I would have tried to stay with him, but I'd taken so long up until then, I couldn't do it.
Who's afraid of this Psychic Tipster except a killer who knows what was tipped couldn't be learned by normal means?
I couldn't live with myself if I wasted this gift I've been given.
I couldn't think of anything else to add.
Aldo is a big man and couldn't fit through the portal and by the time he went around to the door, the trespasser was gone.
There was blood running down his pant leg but he ran on his leg so it couldn't have been too bad.
I couldn't sleep and went down to the kitchen for a drink.
Denying it seemed fruitless yet I couldn't bring myself to confirm what she was saying.
If I couldn't be honest with her, there was no one I could trust.
Unfortunately I couldn't tell them about the break in at Julie's place without it adversely impacting our anonymity.
Sorry I couldn't take your money.
I couldn't sit still in the office alone and I frankly I wanted the company of my wife.
The key Howie had left fit the door in the rear so I couldn't rely on my headlights to see.
I couldn't believe Howie would turn off the power for what was supposed to be a short trip.
Quinn is gone and we couldn't do anything more if we wanted to.
The rig was parked front end out so I couldn't see the back.
More tears came as she realized she couldn't do anything for herself let alone Jonny if they kept her in such a state.
Maybe that was why she couldn't stop making cookies.
Dusty couldn't kill him and didn't expect to.
Stretching, she couldn't ever remember feeling so relaxed or deeply sated.
His rage simmered, yet he couldn't maintain the rage when faced with the sudden need to think.
He couldn't lose the only other woman he'd ever cared about.
He was weak, a type of weakness she couldn't heal.
His heart rejoiced at the thought of his own mate carrying his child, but he couldn't help but to think of his own upbringing.
I couldn't reach him.
Jule couldn't help but feel some relief at the sight of a warm, well-lit interior.
Shivering, she couldn't help thinking something was very wrong.
Suddenly, he understood why the Watcher couldn't find her.
She couldn't describe the sense any other way, just like she couldn't determine why she still felt the connection to his soul.
She couldn't dislodge the image of Jule from her mind.
She couldn't stop thinking about him.
She couldn't dismiss the sight of his darkened eye or bloodied lip.
As she crept up the stairs of the wine cellar to the kitchen, she couldn't help feeling troubled at leaving the man in the basement.
She couldn't think of a lie fast enough.
Father, couldn't you just call the police?
He couldn't remember the last time he'd found any woman so intriguing.
He couldn't tell the time in the windowless room, but he gauged it to be after midnight.
He couldn't sense the Other and paused at the foot of the sweeping, grand staircase leading to the second floor.
He couldn't remember ever feeling so … off.
He couldn't focus on the face, but he saw the glowing red eyes.
She knew she needed to leave him but couldn't find it in her to abandon the only place she'd ever felt safe.
She glanced down and realized she couldn't return home in clothing that was plainly not hers.
Even if she couldn't kill the next swordsman that came for her, she could buy herself some time.
His pain was almost palpable, and she couldn't help feeling it was too raw for him to fake.
She couldn't tell if he were doing it on purpose or simply had no control.
He carried on with Bianca like the sister she now was, and Jule couldn't help feeling a sense of gratitude towards the small woman with the quick smile, warm gaze, and healing energy.
Damian would never kill his brother, Jule, but if the woman was dangerous enough to warrant a Watcher's attention, he couldn't look the other way.
Her voice was quiet, and he couldn't help wondering if she'd Seen something important enough to tolerate a vamp in her household.
He couldn't get over seeing his brother whenever he wanted, after so long without him.
She couldn't help her smile.
I couldn't … I didn't know my father did this.
He couldn't shake the sense it hadn't been a dream.
I couldn't read him; my powers were gone as of that morning.
He still couldn't remember much more than what the Watcher and Original Vamp had told him.
The creature walking away from her wanted something, and she couldn't figure out what.
Jule couldn't shake his amazement that there was a vamp capable of thinking.
Resolved, she trailed her father down the hill, through the people who couldn't see them, and to the awaiting car.
She couldn't help thinking her life had been wasted and hoped she still had a chance to make it up to the one person who mattered.
They looked as if they'd been torn apart by some monster she couldn't imagine.
He couldn't yet understand the magic in his veins, unleashed by the vamp without any explanation of its depths.
After her conversation with Xander, she couldn't help wondering if there was something more that made Darian seek her out or made her willing to humor him.
His dark gaze was steady, his body rippling with the power she couldn't quite pin down.
The idea of spending her days with the reserved Sofi and cheerful Bianca was surprisingly appealing, though she couldn't help feeling intimidated by their happiness.
The early December sun couldn't set fast enough to prevent her pounding headache from growing worse on her drive to work.
But whatever he was hiding couldn't be that important.
There had been none since Claire, whose powers had been so weak, she couldn't even be blood bound.
I couldn't get past his secretary.
When her phone rang again, she stretched for it and found she couldn't move.
She couldn't remember the last time she felt halfway decent.
Her turquoise eyes had been so lost and confused, he couldn't help but take pity on her.
He couldn't remember—he never did.
You couldn't keep your hands off—" "You two know each other?"
Standing in the hall, she couldn't stop the fear that slid through her.
She couldn't make out what was in the garden, but she heard the sounds of fountains and saw the dark green blur of a forest in the distance.
He pushed the thought of his slain brother away but couldn't escape the lingering sense of unease.
She'd never seen a man so strong, and she couldn't imagine talking to him without remembering how beautiful that body was.
He began to understand why and couldn't help but feel frustrated at having to find a way to win her instead of command her.
Maybe he had a harem of women at his beck and call, but she couldn't see herself with any other man.
Though she couldn't see her own fate, she began to suspect which direction it'd take her in.
She couldn't tell if he was human or beast.
She couldn't make him out.
He looped one leg across her hips so she couldn't move.
Damian couldn't have chosen a better guard.
She didn't belong in the human world anymore, and yet, she couldn't just dump it.
He couldn't help the sense of unease sliding through him.
If Damian knew the woman trying to crawl back into his bed had helped murder his brother, her husband… She couldn't see him over the crowd.
She didn't want to disappoint him or Damian and couldn't help but dread the conversation to come.
She stared at the embroidered tablecloth, tormented by the scent of food she couldn't eat and the visions of death and betrayal that left an acrid taste in her mouth.
She couldn't bring herself to say what they'd done.
Dusty's words floored him, and Damian couldn't help but feel hurt that his best friend hadn't told him of his suspicions sooner.
Sofia bit her lip and crossed her arms, unable to admit she couldn't really eat.
Miles away, Sofia couldn't shake the feeling that something was very wrong with Damian.
He couldn't sleep when she cried.
She recognized Jule on sight and couldn't help but feel surprised.
She bolted to her car, far enough ahead of any of the men that they couldn't stop her.
Every step he took brought more memories of people and places he felt to his core he knew – but couldn't recognize.
Damian couldn't help his smile at the words.
Despite the cool fear spiraling through her, she couldn't help but feel thrilled at the sight of him after she thought she'd lost him.
Just when he'd thought Sofia couldn't surprise him more, she did.
Sofia couldn't help but say, "You'll both have women, and Dustin, when you're in trouble, she'll call me."
The men fell into silence, and she sensed the silent communications she couldn't hear.
As they strode into the gardens toward an awaiting helicopter, she couldn't help but think she'd just stepped into something far greater than she could ever imagine.
She couldn't think about such things without wanting to break down and weep.
She couldn't kill anyone.
She couldn't bring herself to try, just like she couldn't remove her hand.
Love, you couldn't kill me.
Deidre couldn't understand the relationship and how permanent he claimed it was.
This place, him, her situation – they couldn't be, or she was going to go insane.
Deidre stretched but couldn't reach.
Panting and exhausted, Deidre couldn't have moved, had he not shifted to hold her against him.
She couldn't help thinking the creature whose job it was to trick people into Hell wasn't above lying to the human mate he took.
She couldn't fathom the amount of pain he had caused over his lifetime.
There is no part of me that wishes I couldn't go back and save you from this.
She couldn't navigate through the emotions.
The light in his eyes was like that in Wynn's, one she couldn't place.
Why couldn't you let me have my victory? she whispered.
She couldn't walk down the streets of Atlanta in her Hell gown.
The second dealer was moving closer, and she couldn't free herself from the thick arm wrapped around her.
She couldn't decipher what he had to be feeling.
She couldn't fathom the idea.
She couldn't tell, except that the tension in the room was increasing.
A double-bond couldn't be broken, but did she want it to be?
She couldn't tell, but she doubted it.
One he couldn't turn down.
She wanted Gabriel to be happy but couldn't bear to see it, not when her own world was still so new and frightening.