Cotyle Sentence Examples
Pheasants, ducks, geese and snipe are abundant, and Dr C. Collingwood in his Naturalist's Rambles in the China Seas mentions .Ardea prasinosceles and other species of herons, several species of fly-catchers, kingfishers, shrikes and larks, the black drongo, the Cotyle sinensis and the Prinia sonitans.
The values are 1.5 times the Attic (Athenaeus, Theophrastus, &c.) (2, 18), or more closely 11 to 12 times (1/8)th of Attic. Hence, the Attic cotyle being 17.5 cub.
The Boeotian system (18) included the achane; if this=Persian, then cotyle = 24.7.
Or, separately through the Roman system, the mnasis of Cyprus (18) equals 170 sextarii; then the cotyle = 24.8.
By the theory of the metretes being 1.5 talents Aeginetan, the cotyle would be 23.3 to 24.7 cub.
By the theory (18) of 2 metretes = cube of the 18.67 cubit from the 12.45 foot, the cotyle would be about 25.4, within 0.4; but then such a cubit is unknown among measures, and not likely to be formed, as 12.4 is (3/5)ths of 20.6.
It is supposed that the Panathenaic vases were intended as metretes; this would show a cotyle of 14.4-17.1.
The theories of connexion give, for the value of the cotyle, metretes = Aeginetan talent --
The crag-martin (Cotyle rupestris) haunts lofty cliffs in the alpine region.