Costumer Sentence Examples
If you have a very specific, complicated design in mind, you might look for a local costumer.
Therefore, when thinking of "target customers" we don't necessarily examine demographics to define our costumer base.
However, the costumer must pay the cost of return shipping.
Consumer sites, such as, which sells Phillips Colon Health probiotic supplement capsules, also feature costumer probiotic reviews.
The lid, a costumer's name for the top of the tutu, is circular ,with a cut angle in front and also made of guipure.
You can also arrange to have your whole costume made here.Tips on gowns and accessories can be found at The Costumer's Manifesto.
Before you buy a pattern, do some reading at The Costumer's Manifesto.
For the most experienced sewers, the preferred pattern is one made by another costumer, rather than a manufactured pattern.
A good Web site and forum talking about period patterns, although predominantly for outerwear, is Great Bay Area Costumer's Guild and the "great pattern review" section.
Some allow a costumer to buy directly from them but others only offer their products for sale at retailers.
AdvertisementMore articles and patterns can be found at The Costumer's Manifesto.