Cosmetically Sentence Examples
You can get great deals on new, refurbished, or cosmetically imperfect laptops.
One of the newer markets in office furnishings is better-than-used, or products that have been cleaned up cosmetically, or repaired mechanically to make them ready to sell.
Polycarbonate Materials are thinner and lighter than regular plastic lenses which makes them more cosmetically appealing.
An alternative is line-free bifocals, which are cosmetically more pleasing and unnoticeable.
Transsexuals alter their physical appearance cosmetically and hormonally and may eventually undergo a sex-change operation.
Able to soften and lighten the hair, it will give women a more cosmetically sound appearance over time.
Even though a bike may look cosmetically in good condition, or even though it might have passed your inspection, it's important to know whether or not the owner actually took good care of the bike.