Corymbs Sentence Examples
C. umbellate, 3 to 4 in., much branched, with narrow hairy leaves, and corymbs of magenta-crimson flowers in the summer months.
They produce fragrant flowers 2-5cm (1-2in) across, usually shallowly cup-shaped, singly or in umbel-like corymbs.
They are borne in terminal or axillary panicles, clusters, corymbs or cymes, which are often spherical or domed.
Iberis Semperflorens - A shrubby plant, with dense corymbs of whit flowers, and not suited for border culture, though hardy enough to stand our winters when grown at the foot of a south wall or in a very sunny corner of the rock garden.
The flowers are very numerous, in terminal corymbs, the ray florets 1/4 inch long, white, the disc yellow.
The flowers are in corymbs, and although small and dull white, are charming for their fragrance.
The vigorous growths are terminated by corymbs of yellowish-white flowers, which in September give place to huge clusters of fruits, at first red and finally glossy black.
As a wall plant it is of free growth, and has a good effect, the flowers coming in May and during the summer months, borne in corymbs along the whole length of the young branches, often so profusely as to hide the foliage.
China (Hupeh), whose purplish rose-colored flowers are freely produced in terminal corymbs.