Corrupted Sentence Examples
A similar influence was exerted by him in other branches of the common law; and although, after his retirement, a reaction took place, and he was regarded for a while as one who had corrupted the ancient principles of English law, these prejudices passed rapidly away, and the value of his work in bringing the older law into harmony with the needs of modern society has long been fully recognized.
They were also called Bonin Jima (corrupted by foreigners into Bonin) because of their being without (bu) inhabitants (nin).
They were especially numerous in the Rhineland in the end of the 13th and during the 14th century; and they seem to have corrupted the originally orthodox communities of Beghards, for Beghards and Brethren of the Free Spirit are used henceforward as convertible terms, and the same immoralities are related of both.
His drinking songs became famous under the name of Vaux-de-Vire, corrupted in modern times into "vaudeville."
Herbert was also epoch-making for the whole 18th century in teaching that priests had corrupted this primitive faith.
Yet while they had magnified, the Crusades had also corrupted the papacy.
The name Artois (still more corrupted in "Arras") is derived from the Atrebates, who possessed the district in the time of Caesar.
The Apostolic tradition might have been perverted and corrupted.
Its name is said to be a corrupted form of "Pani" (Pawnee), the name of a tribe of Indians.
The town derives its name from the river Avon (corrupted from Avan), which also gave its name to a medieval lordship. On the Norman conquest at Glamorgan, Caradoc, the eldest son of the defeated prince, Lestyn ab Gwrgan, continued to hold this lordship, and for the defence of the passage of the river built here a castle whose foundations are still traceable in a field near the churchyard.
AdvertisementThe Hottentots call the Orange the Garib (great water), corrupted by the Dutch into Gariep. The early Dutch settlers -called it simply Groote-Rivier.
The crusaders found them everywhere in Syria and Palestine, and corrupted their name to Publicani, under which name, often absurdly conjoined with Sadducaei, we find them during the ages following the crusades scattered all over Europe.
The judges had been intimidated or corrupted, and the royal promise to protect the Establishment violated.
Cornhill, again, recalls the cornmarket " time out of mind there holden " (Stow), and Gracechurch Street was corrupted from the name of the church of St Benet Grasschurch (destroyed by the great fire, rebuilt, and removed in 1868), which was said to be derived from a herb-market held under its walls.
In Germany the name of the foreigners, who were completely defeated in the battle of St Jakob on the Birs, not far from Basel, was mockingly corrupted into Arme Jacken, Poor Jackets, or Arme Gecken, Poor Fools.
AdvertisementThe suggestion that it is corrupted from the Isle of Docks falls to the ground on the question of chronology; another, that there were royal kennels here, is improbable, though they were situated at Deptford in the 17th century.
The Mosquito Coast is so called from its principal inhabitants, the Misskito Indians, whose name was corrupted into Mosquito by European settlers and has been entirely superseded by that form except in the native dialects.
The first, De Falsa Religione, and the second, De Origine Erroris, attack the polytheism of heathendom, show the unity of the God of creation and providence, and try to explain how men have been corrupted by demons.
Olmiitz is said to occupy the site of a Roman fort founded in the imperial period, the original name of which, Mons Julii, has been gradually corrupted to the present form.
In the north of England Passion Sunday was formerly known as Carle or Carling Sunday, a name corrupted from "care," in allusion to the sorrowful season which the day heralds.
AdvertisementThe three ends proposed by the church in such discipline are there stated to be, (1) that those who lead scandalous lives may not to the dishonour of God be numbered among Christians, seeing that the church is the body of Christ; (2) that the good may not be corrupted by constant association with the wicked; (3) that those who are censured or excommunicated, confounded with shame, may be led to repentance.
Courbet and Royer's edition, to have been somewhat wantonly corrupted, especially in the important point of spelling.
The New English Dictionary does not attempt any explanation of the term, and takes "hogshead" as the original form, from which the forms in other languages have been corrupted.
It is now known, however, that" Siam "or" Sayam "is one of the most ancient names of the country, and that at least a thousand years ago it was in common use, such titles as Swankalok-Sukhotai, Shahr-i-nao, Dwarapuri, Ayuthia, the last sometimes corrupted to" Judea,"by which the kingdom has been known at various periods of its history, being no more than the names of the different capital cities whose rulers in turn brought the land under their sway.
In the East, Augustine's, predestinationism had little influence, but East and West were one in their belief that human nature had been corrupted by the fall, and that salvation therefore is possible only to one who has received divine grace through the sacraments.
AdvertisementThe finest encomium was passed on him by the queen herself, when she said, "This judgment I have of you, that you will not be corrupted with any manner of gifts, and that you will be faithful to the state."
Ostensibly it is written in opposition to Whiston's attempt to show that the books of the Old Testament did originally contain prophecies of events in the New Testament story, but that these had been eliminated or corrupted by the Jews, and to prove that the fulfilment of prophecy by the events of Christ's life is all "secondary, secret, allegorical, and mystical," since the original and literal reference is always to some other fact.
Even where, as in the Vedas, the sacred books of India, there is proof that the work has been transmitted without change through many centuries, the existence of unintelligible passages and unmetrical verses shows that here too there is work for textual criticism to perform, though in the opinion of most scholars it should be confined to the restoration of such forms as would be unconsciously and inevitably corrupted through changes of pronunciation and the like.
The transcript used for the printed edition of Marenghi apparently often corrupted what was rare and strange to what was commonplace; e.g., 1.119, "dewglobes" to "dewdrops."
Careful and continuous regard to the various kinds of errors and defaults that are found in transcription will enable us to judge whether a reading which it is suggested stood in the archetype of our text is likely to have been corrupted to the reading, or readings, which stand in the extant manuscripts or editions.
No alteration of a text, or emendation, is entitled to approval, unless in addition to providing the sense and diction required, it also presents a reading which the evidence furnished by the tradition shows might not improbably have been corrupted to what stands in the text.
By British seamen it is commonly called the " molly mawk "1 (corrupted fromMallemuck),and is extremely well known to them, its flight, as it skims over the waves, first with a few beats of the wings and then gliding for a long way, being very peculiar.
The Caribs, holding a certain section of the river, named it the Ibirinoco, corrupted by the Spaniards into Orinoco.
But the form Querouailles was commonly used in England, where it was corrupted into Carwell or Carewell, perhaps with an ironic reference to the care which the duchess took to fill her pocket.
She enriched herself at the expense of the state, corrupted society, degraded the clergy, and in her later years was universall y detested for her mischievous meddling, inexhaustible greed, and.
The settlement gradually became a great resort for merchants, and thus acquired the name which, in a corrupted form, it still bears, of Kaupmannahafn, Kj6bmannshavn, or Portus Mercatorum as it is translated by Saxo Grammaticus.
Another party, not less numerous, vehemently accused him of having corrupted the purity of the English tongue.
Their chief town was Vindinum or Suindinum (corrupted into Subdinnum), afterwards Civitas Cenomanorum (whence Le Mans), the original name of the town, as usual in the case of Gallic cities, being replaced by that of the people.
The Roman name of the island seems to have been Vindilis, which in the middle ages became corrupted to Guedel.
The name of nawdb, corrupted by Europeans into " nabob," appears to be an invention of the Moguls to express delegated authority, and as such it is the highest title conferred upon Mahommedans at the present day, as maharaja is the highest title conferred upon Hindus.
The spot where he landed thence acquired the name of Jebel Tariq, "Mountain of Tariq," afterwards corrupted into Gibraltar.
The latinized form of the Greek word was corrupted into nigromantia, connecting the word with niger, black, and so was applied to the "black art," "black magic," in the sense of witchcraft, sorcery.
This corrupted form is common in English to the 17th century (see Magic and Witchcraft).
Tudno, Afan, Padarn, &c. To the second division - those place-names which have been corrupted by English usage - belong most of the older historic towns, in striking contrast with the rural villages and parishes, which in nearly all cases have retained unaltered their original Celtic names.
Cardigan, in Welsh Aberteifi, from its situation near the mouth of the Teifi, and Brecon, in Welsh Aberhonddu, from its site near the confluence of the Usk and Honddu, are examples of corrupted Welsh names in common use - Ceredigion, Brychan - which possess in addition pure Celtic forms. In the third division, English place-names are tolerably frequent everywhere and predominate in the Marches and on the South Wales coast.
But although English and foreign place-names are fairly numerous throughout Wales, yet the vast majority remain Celtic either in a pure or in a corrupted form, so that some knowledge of the Celtic language is essential to interpret their meaning.
As, according to Pliny, the Roman supply was chiefly drawn from Cyprus, it came to be termed aes cyprium, which was gradually shortened to cyprium, and corrupted into cuprum, whence comes the English word copper, the French cuivre, and the German Kupfer.
The fidelity of the commander to whom that chieftain had confided the care of the pass leading into Mazandarn, was corrupted; and, as no further retreat was open to him, he found himself under the necessity of fighting.
The pure gospel, however, Marcion found to be everywhere more or less corrupted and mutilated in the Christian circles of his time.
During his long term of office he abolished the grist tax, extended the suffrage, completed the railway system, aided Mancini in forming the Triple Alliance, and initiated colonial policy by the occupation of Massawa; but, at the same time, he vastly increased indirect taxation, corrupted and destroyed the fibre of parliamentary parties, and, by extravagance in public works, impaired the stability of Italian finance.
As in India, after the expulsion of Buddhism, the degrading worship of Siva and his dusky bride had been incorporated into Hinduism from the savage devil worship of Aryan and of non-Aryan tribes, so, as pure Buddhism died away in the north, the Tantra system, a mixture of magic and witchcraft and sorcery, was incorporated into the corrupted Buddhism.
Gross exaggerations, such as those in which Valerius Antias indulged, he roundly denounces, and with equal plainness of speech he condemns the family vanity which had so constantly corrupted and distorted the truth.
It continued to be the seat of great commercial activity under the early Moslem caliphs, who corrupted the name to Haila or Ailat.
If a mare or other female animal is liable to be "infected" by her first or by subsequent mates, telegony will rank as a cause of variation, and breeders will be justified in believing (1) that pure-bred females are liable to be "corrupted" when mated with sires of a different breed; and (2) that inferior or cross-bred females, if first mated with a high-class sire, will thereafter produce superior offspring, however inferior or cross-bred her subsequent mates.
If, on the other hand, "infection of the germ" is impossible, telegony will not count as a factor in variation, and breeders will no longer be either justified in regarding mares and other female animals as liable to be "corrupted" by ill-assorted unions, or benefited by first having offspring to a high-class, or it may be more vigorous, mate.
Having had ample opportunity of being "corrupted," the fox-terrier was mated with a prize dog of her own strain.
After a certain lapse of time this teaching is corrupted and lost, and is not restored till a new Buddha appears.
It was founded in 1527 by Juan de Ampues, who gave to it the name of Santa Ana de Coriana (afterwards corrupted to Santa Ana de Coro) in honour of the day and of the tribe of Indians inhabiting this locality.
But when Buddhism, whose widely open doors had absorbed the mass of the community, became thereby corrupted from its pristine purity and gradually died away, the smaller school of the Jains, less diametrically opposed to the victorious orthodox creed of the Brahmans, survived, and in some degree took its place.
Churchmen, small and great, as he held, had been corrupted, because they had fallen away from the early Christian idea of apostolic poverty.
All the estates of the Lancastrian lords, living or dead, were confiscated, and their blood was declared corrupted.
As to the son and daughter of the duke of Clarence, their blood had been corrupted by their fathers attainder, and they could not be reckoned as heirs to the crown.
But in the next year he corrupted his warders, broke out from his prison, and tried to escape beyond seas.
If the danger of French invasion was a reality, it was so mainly owing to the deplorable condition of Ireland, where the The Act natural disaffection of the Roman Catholic majority of Union of the populationdeprived of political and many with d social rights, and exposed to the insults and oppression ft an of a Protestant minority corrupted by centuries of ascendancyinvited the intervention of a foreign enemy.
He limits the possession of freedom to Adam, the first man, who, by abusing his prerogative, has corrupted the human race.
In nature and in man he finds traces of the dire effects of sin, which has corrupted both and has destroyed their natural harmony.
Sometimes the missionary, on the other hand, is anxious to demonstrate that the myths of his heathen flock are a corrupted version of the Biblical narrative.
Richelieu, by setting his special agents above the legal but complicated machinery of financial administration, had so corrupted it as to necessitate radical reform; all the more so because financial charges had been increased to a point far beyond what the nation could bear.
By his interpreters it was transformed into a theory of one soul common to all mankind, and when thus corrupted conflicted not unreasonably with the doctrines of a future life, common to Islam and Christendom.
Owing to its patronage by the Jesuit missionaries the Guarani language became a widespread medium of communication, and in a corrupted form is still the common language in Paraguay.
They condemned marriage (save, perhaps, first marriages), the eating of meat, baptism of children, veneration of saints, fasting, prayers for the dead and belief in purgatory, denied transubstantiation, declared the Catholic priesthood worthless, and considered the whole church of their time corrupted by the "negotia saecularia" which absorbed all 1 One result is their inability to form a true theory of Judaism and of the Old Testament in relation to the Gospel, a matter of great moment for them and for their successors.
The name of Tenby is undoubtedly a corrupted form of Daneby, recalling the Scandinavian origin of the place.
The explanation that he offers is that the Diatessaron of Tatian was widely used and corrupted all extant texts, so that the Old Syriac, the Old Latin, the quotations of Irenaeus, Clement, Tertullian and others may be regarded as various combinations of the Tatianic text and I-H-K.
It is written in a peculiar character, .which has displaced, and probably been corrupted from, an old form employed as late as the 17th century.
His mother wasn't the first to worry about her little boy being corrupted by women.
This might be corrupted data, or a legitimate description of a highly ionized atom.
The ruling bureaucracy of the Second International is the least independent, the most cowardly and corrupted section of bourgeois society.
So no one could find out that BRS has, at its very core, hopelessly corrupted logic?
This does not protect from files being accidently deleted or corrupted.
Prosecutions do not require scores of witnesses swearing on oath that they were in fact depraved and corrupted; it is all hypothetical.
Each of them is somehow corrupted by fame, and the film explores the insidious nature of this threat.
The surfaces ' points have been corrupted with a Gaussian noise of 2 mm variance.
We also provide recovery of lost passwords, repair of corrupted files, Outlook mails and databases.
How could his best, which was corrupted by sin, be acceptable in any way to a Holy God?
The principal benevolent institutions are Guy's Hospital, St Thomas's Street, founded in 1721 by Thomas Guy, with an important medical school; and Bethlehem Royal Hospital for the Insane, commonly corrupted to Bedlam, the origin of which is found in a priory of the 13th century founded within the City, beside the modern Liverpool Street.
But Medina itself was being corrupted by the constant influx of captives, who, employed at first as servants, soon became powerful enough to dictate to their masters.
The name Euripus was corrupted during the middle ages into Evripo and Egripo, and in this latter form transferred to the whole island, whence the Venetians, when they occupied the district, altered it to Negroponte, referring to the bridge which connected it with the mainland.
It was corrupted to abilior by omission of the h and confusion of t and 1, and this corruption, which is attested by the oldest extant copy, the Ambrosian palimpsest, was still further corrupted in the other copies to agilior.
The name Adamas became corrupted into the forms adamant, diamaunt, diamant, diamond; but the same word, owing to a medieval misinterpretation which derived it from adamare (compare the French word aimant), was also applied to the lodestone.
He had 178 votes in the electoral college against 83 given for Adams. Though the work of redistribution of offices began almost at his inauguration, it is yet an incorrect account of the matter to say that Jackson corrupted the civil service.
Brisson, the name has since passed into general use, especially among English authors, for what their predecessors had called the American ostrich; but on the European continent the bird is commonly called Nandu,2 a word corrupted from a name it is said to have borne among the aboriginal inhabitants of Brazil, where the Portuguese settlers called it ema (see Emeu).
This way I can prevent corrupted archives from unpacking into the current directory.
This is particularly true of cats with tastes that have been corrupted or influenced by a prior diet containing flavoring agents.
Link aimed to protect Hyrule from being engulfed by the Twilight Realm, a parallel dimension that was corrupted and dark.
The lands then became dark and corrupted by the Emperor's six advisors who had influenced him to betray his loyal servants.
The other main characters are the seven ruling heroes, all of whom have been corrupted by one of the seven deadly sins.
Qui-Gon was obviously the Chosen One in his generation, followed by Obi-Wan, then Anakin (whom Palpatine/Sidious corrupted), then Luke.
Formerly a man, the Witch-king was corrupted by one of nine rings of power.
But when Sauruman allowed himself to be corrupted, he joined forces with Sauron and created the Uruks to fight the wars against the men of Rohan.
The key to making sure that your website doesn't get changed or corrupted during the transfer to your web host is by making sure you maintain the same directory structure on the web host as what you had set up on your PC.
At the same time these corrupted forms should be eliminated as far as possible.
Linete and Linet-wige, whence seems to have been corrupted the old Scottish "Lintquhit," and the modern northern English "Lintwhite" - originally a somewhat generalized bird's name, but latterly specialized for the Fringilla cannabina of Linnaeus, the Linota cannabina of recent ornithologists.
The very daevas are only the inferior instruments, the corrupted children of Ahriman, from whom come all that is evil in the world.
From time to time he had collected into volumes his scattered sketches; of these the first, The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, appeared in 1867, and the latest, The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg, in 1900.