Corresponds Sentence Examples
Taxable revenue corresponds to two-thirds of actual income from factories and to three-fourths of actual income from houses; it is ascertained by the agents of the financial administration.
In the first place, his peculiar system of subjective idealism, involving the idea that time is but a mental form to which there corresponds nothing in the sphere of noiimenal reality, serves to give a peculiar philosophical interpretation to every doctrine of cosmic evolution.
The order in which the various subjects are treated in the following sketch is the natural succession from fundamental to dependent facts, which corresponds also to the evolution of the diversities of the earth's crust and of its inhabitants.
In America a gradient of r in roo is often known as a r% grade, one of 2 in roo as a 2% grade, and so on; thus a 0-25% grade corresponds to what in England would be known as a gradient of r in 400.
The unit of power commonly used by engineers is the horse-power, and this unit corresponds to a rate of working of 550 foot-lb of work per second.
The gondola or flat car corresponds to the European open wagons and is used to carry goods not liable to be injured by the weather; but in the United States the practice of covering the load with tarpaulins is unknown, and therefore the proportion of box cars is much greater than in Europe.
Strabo, writing probably a few years after Ravenna had been thus selected as a naval arsenal, gives us a description of its appearance which certainly corresponds more closely with modern Venice than with modern Ravenna.
The labours of Golgi, Marchiafava, Celli and others established the nature of the parasite and its behaviour in the blood; they proved the fact, guessed by Rasori so far back as 1846, that the periodical febrile paroxysm corresponds with the development of the organisms; and they showed that the different forms of malarial fever have their distinct parasites, and consequently fall into distinct groups,.
This more primitive phase of the indigenous culture, of which several distinct stages are traceable, is known as the Early Minoan, and roughly corresponds with the first half of the third millennium B.C. The succeeding period, to which the first palaces are due and to which the name of Middle Minoan is appropriately given, roughly coincides with the Middle Empire of Egypt.
The later phase, which follows on the destruction of the Cnossian palace, and corresponds with the diffused Mycenaean style of mainland Greece and elsewhere, is already partly decadent.
AdvertisementIt is, however, during the Middle Minoan age, the centre point of which corresponds with the XIIth Egyptian dynasty, according to the Sothic system of dating, c. 2000-1850 B.C., that a systematized pictographic or hieroglyphic script makes its appearance which is common both to signets and clay tablets.
In Cypripedium two of the outer stamens are wanting; the third - the one, that is, which corresponds to the single fertile stamen in the Monandreae - forms a large sterile structure or staminode; the two lateral ones of the inner series are present, the third being undeveloped.
It was there that they placed the scene of the sufferings of Prometheus (vide Aeschylus, Prometheus Vinctus), and there, in the land of Colchis, which corresponds to the valley of the Rion, that they sent the Argonauts to fetch the golden fleece.
It corresponds to the right of the two primitive ctenidia in the untwisted archaic condition of the molluscan body, and does not project freely into the branchial cavity, but its axis is attached (by concrescence) to the mantle-skirt (roof of the branchial chamber).
The position of the osphradium corresponds more or less closely with that of the vanished right ctenidium, with which it is normally associated.
AdvertisementIt corresponds to the modern Khorasan.
Treating of God in his various aspects "as a being of the understanding," "as a moral being or law," "as love" and so on, Feuerbach shows that in every aspect God corresponds to some feature or need of human nature.
Lecaillon (1898) on various leaf beetles, tend to show that the organ " in the embryos of the lower Arthropoda corresponds with whole of the " mid-gut " arises from the proliferation of cells at the the region invaginated to form the serosa of the hexapod embryo.
This letter corresponds to the second symbol in the Phoenician alphabet, and appears in the same position in all the European alphabets, except those derived, like the Russian, from medieval Greek, in which the pronunciation of this symbol had changed from b to v.
It has been pointed out that the cavity of the sacs corresponds in many particulars with the coelom of higher animals, and in Lebidinsky's observations on the development there is some support to the view that a coelom exists.
AdvertisementThomsen deduced that a single bond between a carbon and a nitrogen gramme-atom corresponds to a thermal effect of 2.77 calories, a double bond to 5.44, and a treble bond to 8.31.
If we wish to know what Wagner means, we must fight our way through his drama to his music; and we must not expect to find that each phrase in the mouth of the actor corresponds word for note with the music. That sort of correspondence Wagner leaves to his imitators; and his views on " Leit-motifhunting," as expressed in his prose writings and conversation, are contemptuously tolerant.
Some, however, see in it a corruption of the Semitic name samekh, the letter which corresponds in alphabetic position and in shape to the Greek (x).
The chief of these ministers is denoted 6 E7rl r&o' 7r pay µarwv, and he corresponds to the vizier of the later East.
Each member of his body corresponds to a part of the visible universe.
AdvertisementWelsh hygad, " warlike," corresponds.
Later, the pagus Attuariorum corresponds to the district of Emmerich and Xanten.
The linear transformation replaces points on lines through the origin by corresponding points on projectively corresponding lines through the origin; it therefore replaces a pencil of lines by another pencil, which corresponds projectively, and harmonic and other properties of pencils which are unaltered by linear transformation we may expect to find indicated in the invariant system.
The population of Lower Austria in 1900 was 3,100,493, which corresponds to 405 inhabitants per sq.
A furnace is served by three men, working in eight-hour shifts, and requires about 2 tons of coal, which corresponds to about 110 gallons reduced oil, air being used as atomizer.
The total magnetic induction or flux corresponds to the current of electricity (practically measured in amperes); the induction or flux density B to the density of the current (number of amperes to the square centimetre of section); the magnetic permeability to the specific electric conductivity; and the line integral of the magnetic force, sometimes called the magnetomotive force, to the electro-motive force in the circuit.
This value of B corresponds to I =1640, the saturation point for soft iron.
The value of B which corresponds to Hem/100 can be found from the FIG.
This corresponds to the second stage of magnetization, in which the susceptibility is large and permanent magnetization is set up. A still stronger magnetizing force has little effect except in causing the direction of the needles to approach still more nearly to that of the field; if the force were infinite, every member of the group ‘ would have exactly the same direction and the greatest possible resultant moment would be reached; this illustrates " magnetic saturation " - the condition approached in the third stage of magnetization.
This region corresponds in both cases to six somites, as indicated by the presence of six pairs of limbs.
It corresponds roughly with the district formerly known as Taka.
It corresponds to the form by which, e.g., a Roman official was put in possession of his magistracy.
The first form of Realism corresponds to the Platonic theory of the transcendence of the ideas; the second reproduces the Aristotelian doctrine of the essence as inseparable from the individual thing.
When, by practice with logarithms, we become familiar with the correspondence between additions of length on the logarithmic scale (on a slide-rule) and multiplication of numbers in the natural scale (including fractional numbers), A /5 acquires a definite meaning as the number corresponding to the extremity of a length x, on the logarithmic scale, such that 5 corresponds to the extremity of 2X.
Y is represented by the length of the ordinate NP, so that the representation is cardinal; but this ordinate really corresponds to the point N, so that the representation of X is ordinal.
Suppose, for instance, that y=x 2; then to every rational value of x there corresponds a rational value of y, but the converse does not hold.
A more instructive subdivision must be one which corresponds to the separate currents of thought and mental preoccupation which have been historically manifested in western Europe in the gradual evolution of what is to-day the great river of zoological doctrine to which they have all been rendered contributory.
The origin of co-ordinates 0 corresponds to v = 0; and the asymptotic points J, J', round which the curve revolves in an ever-closing spiral, correspond to v= =co .
The "tin" of the Bible (KauoLTEpos in the Septuagint) corresponds to the Hebrew bedhil, which is really a copper alloy known as early as 1600 B.C. in Egypt.
In general, the use of a square or rectangular cloth (whether folded diagonally or not) corresponds to the modern keffiyeh woven with long fringes which are plaited into cords knitted at the ends or worked into little balls sewn over with coloured silks and golden From Palestine Exploration Fund threads.
So matured a professional sentiment may perhaps have been more the growth of time and organization than the work of an individual genius, but certainly corresponds with the character universally attributed to Hippocrates himself.
The Byzantine school of medicine, which closely corresponds to the Byzantine literary and historical schools, followed closely in Galen's footsteps, and its writers were chiefly compilers and encyclopaedists.
The anima thus corresponds partly to the" nature "of Sydenham, while In other respects it resembles the archeus of Van Helmont.
The three books on Mechanics survive in an Arabic translation which, however, bears a title" On the lifting of heavy objects."This corresponds exactly to Barulcus, and it is probable that Barulcus and Mechanics were only alternative titles for one and the same work.
The partial differential coefficient of T with respect to a component of velocity, linear or angular, will be the component of momentum, linear or angular, which corresponds.
It thus corresponds to the south-western part of Hungary, with portions of lower Austria, Styria, Carniola, Croatia, and Slavonia.
It corresponds to the ancient Euchaita, which lay 15 m.
In Germany, France and the Netherlands it occupies a less prominent place in the town charters and in the municipal polity, and often corresponds to the later fraternities of English dealers established either to carry on foreign commerce or to regulate a particular part of the local trade monopoly.
In Iceland the third part of a thing which corresponds roughly to an English county was called thrithjungr; in Norway, however, the thrithjungr seems to have been an ecclesiastical division.
In the north, its boundary skirts the river Wawa; in the west, it corresponds with the eastern limit of the Nicaraguan highlands; in the south, it is drawn along the river Rama.
He seems to have been well acquainted with the projection of images of objects through small apertures, and to have been the first to show that the arrival of the image of an object at the concave surface of the common nerve - or the retina - corresponds with the passage of light from an object through an aperture in a darkened place, from which it falls upon a surface facing the aperture.
The larva swims by a ri ig of cilia, which corresponds with the praeoral circlet of a Trochosphere.
The insect life of Japan broadly corresponds withthat of temperate regions in Europe.
High relief carving corresponds to the kaisho, or most classical form of writing; medium relief to the gyosho, or semi-cursive style; and low relief to the sOsho or grass character.
The interior arrangement of wall columns, horizontal beams and cornice bracketing corresponds with that on the outside.
On the whole, the Hebrew statement of the successive stages of creation corresponds so nearly to that in the Babylonian epic that we are bound to assume that one has been influenced by the other.
In such a diagram, a point P defines a particular mixture, both as to percentage, composition and temperature; a vertical line through P corresponds to the mixture at all possible temperatures, the point Q being its freezing-point.
It is probable that all the alloys of compositions between B and D, when they begin to solidify, deposit crystals of the compound; the lower eutectic B probably corresponds to a solid complex of mercury and the compound.
It mixes with water in all proportions, the mixing being attended by a contraction in volume and a rise in temperature; the maximum contraction corresponds to a mixture of 3 molecules of alcohol and I of water.
This mixture is supplied to manufacturers and corresponds to the British unmineralized methylated spirit; but the regulations are more stringent.
In the notation of the calculus the relations become - dH/dp (0 const) = odv /do (p const) (4) dH/dv (0 const) =odp/do (v const) The negative sign is prefixed to dH/dp because absorption of heat +dH corresponds to diminution of pressure - dp. The utility of these relations results from the circumstance that the pressure and expansion co efficients are familiar and easily measured, whereas the latent heat of expansion is difficult to determine.
The style of Malachi, like his argument, corresponds in its generally prosaic character to that transformation or decay of prophecy which began with Ezekiel; and Ewald rightly called attention to the fact that the conduct of the argument already shows traces of the dialectic manner of the schools.
Thus, when it is said that the first y ear of the Incarnation corresponds to the first of the 195th Olympiad, we are to understand that it is only with respect to the last six months of that year that the correspondence takes place.
The Incarnation falls in the year 5509, and corresponds, as in our era, with the fourth year of the 194th Olympiad.
Among the Syrian Greeks the year began with the month Elul, which corresponds to our September.
Since the accession of the emperors of the Han dynasty, 206 B.C., the civil year of the Chinese has begun with the first day of that moon in the course of which the sun enters into the sign of the zodiac which corresponds with our sign Pisces.
The difference in the weights corresponds to the volume of gas at a pressure equal to the difference of the recorded pressures.
The unit of local government is the " hundred," which corresponds to the township of Pennsylvania.
In this instrument a considerable linear relative movement of the divided lens corresponds with a comparatively small separation of the double image, so that simple verniers reading to 6 1 0 in.
The belt of equatorial minimum salinity corresponds with the excessively rainy belt of calms and of the equatorial countercurrent, the salinity diminishing towards the east.
This exactly corresponds with the plan and reference given in Sandys's Travels (1615), p. 162, which show the different chapels.
In 1629 Governor Bradford procured from the same council a definite grant of the tract which corresponds to the south-eastern portion of the present state.
It corresponds to the seigniorage levied by the king on all coinages down to the reign of Charles II.
As the mean thickness of a sovereign is 0.0466 in., the remedy for weight corresponds to a difference of less than in.
Of the latter we can determine twenty-six characters, while a twenty seventh probably corresponds to Arabic z (.).
Now the amplitude evidently corresponds to the loudness, and the length of period corresponds to the pitch or frequency.
It corresponds to the soma plant (Asclepias acida) of the ancient Aryans of India.
This Greek word corresponds to New the idea suggested by the etymology of at-one-ment, the re-uniting in amity of those at variance, a sense which the word had in the 17th century but has since lost.
The opening sign corresponds to our Aquarius, and it is remarkable that the rat is, in the far East, frequently used as an ideograph for "water."
The priest of Shiloh is a much greater person than Micah's priest Jonathan; at the great This appears even in the words used as synonyms for " priest" rnvn, p ion 'Dr, which exactly corresponds to sadin and hajib.
When they are near the surface, and their dip corresponds with the slope of the ground, they are in the most favourable position, and are worked in terraces or galleries formed along the strike of the beds and having a height of about 50 ft.
This exactly corresponds with the meaning of classicus in the above passage of Gellius.
He corresponds directly with the other Barbary states; draws up the budget, and contracts loans on behalf of the colony.
Now one of the kings, who corresponds with Amenhotep IV., is Burnaburiash (Burna-buryas), king of Babylon, and Egyptologists and Assyriologists are agreed that the date of these monarchs was c. 1400 B.C. The conquest of Canaan, consequently, could not have taken place till after 1400 B.C. (ii.) It is stated in Ex.
The Babylonian deity Nabu (in Old Testament Nebo) is a contraction from Na-bi-u, which thus corresponds closely with the Hebrew nablti a and originally signified the speaker or proclaimer of destiny.
The explanation of this property of the base io is evident, for a change in the position of the decimal points amounts to multiplication or division by some power of 10, and this corresponds to the addition or subtraction of some integer in the case of the logarithm, the mantissa therefore remaining intact.
The table extends to 2 3 0270 in the arithmetical column, and it is shown that 230270.022 corresponds to 9.9999 9999 or 109 in the geometrical column; this last result showing that (1.0001)23027 022 = 10.
To every geometric mean in the column of numbers there corresponds the arithmetical mean in the column of logarithms. The numbers are denoted by A, B, C, &c., in order to indicate their mode of formation.
Above this is the tierra fria, which ranges from 5577 to 8200 ft., and includes all the higher portions of the Mexican plateau, and which corresponds to the temperate regions of Central United States where frosts are very rarely experienced.
The formula PbS corresponds with lead 86.6 and sulphur 13.4%.
The climate corresponds closely to these surface features, being hot and dry throughout the interior, hot and humid, in places unhealthy, along the coast.
The larger nuclear body, which corresponds to the trophonucleus of a Trypanosome, is usually round or oval; the smaller one, representing a kinetonucleus, has the form either of a little rod or of a round grain, and is generally separate from the larger nucleus.
They are an organized people, often called "the army," and their life corresponds to human life in all particulars.
It is clear that in many respects fairyland corresponds to the pre-Christian abode of the dead.
The Pottsville formation is chiefly clastic, and corresponds roughly to the Millstone Grit of England.
The Laramie is the great coalbearing series of the west, and corresponds in its general physical make-up and in its mode of origin to the Coal Measures of the east.
This authority corresponds to and is coextensive with the sphere of the Federal government.
The Dominical Letter Of The Year, And Observe In The Calendar The First Day, After The Fourteenth Of The Moon, Which Corresponds To The Dominical Letter; This Will Be Easter Sunday.
The Gregorian epact being the age of the moon of Tebet at the beginning of the Gregorian year, it represents the day of Tebet which corresponds to January I; and thus the approximate date of Tisri I, the commencement of the Hebrew year, may be otherwise deduced by subtracting the epact from Sept.
It will thus be seen that the whole length of the stem corresponds to a difference of density of about 04, and one division to about 00074, indicating a difference of little more than a% in the strength of any sample of spirits.
In Beck's hydrometer the zero of the scale corresponds to density 1 000 and the division 30 to density.
Before we deduce results from such abstract ideas as cause, substance, matter, we must ask what in reality do these mean - what is the actual content of consciousness which corresponds to these words?
Our belief in the permanence of something which corresponds to the association in our minds of actual and possible sensations means belief in the orderliness of nature; and that is merely assurance that the universe is pervaded and regulated by mind.
It corresponds to the ventral part of the body-wall in other animals.
The blastopore then closes along the middle portion of its extent, which corresponds with the later developed foot.
With conscription a national army corresponds more or less numerically to the proportion of males in the national population.
The larva is seen in optical section, and its distinguishing feature is the ciliated lobed band (vl, sl, dl), which corresponds to the pre-oral ciliated band of a trochosphere-larva..
This principle, however, of continuity in ministry, belongs to a different department of Christian thought from the sacrament of baptism, which really corresponds to the Jewish rites of admission to the covenant.
At the same time his synechological view prevented him from saying that every atom has a soul, because according to him a soul always corresponds to a unity of a physical manifold.
That orthoboric acid is a tribasic acid is shown by the formation of ethyl orthoborate on esterification, the vapour density of which corresponds to the molecular formula B(0C2H5)3; the molecular formula of the acid must consequently be B(OH) 3 or H 3 B0 3.
In modern times Asturias formed a captaincy-general, divided into Asturias d'Oviedo, which corresponds with the limits of the ancient principality, and Asturias de Santillana, which now constitutes the western half of Santander.
The Vikram era is reckoned from the vernal equinox of the year 57 B.C., but there is no evidence that that date corresponds with any event in the life of an actual king.
Their father, Niiir6r, the god of wealth, who is a somewhat less important figure, corresponds in name to the goddess Nerthus (Hertha), who in ancient times was worshipped by a number of tribes, including the Angli, round the coasts of the southern Baltic. Tacitus describes her as " Mother Earth," and the account which he gives of her cult bears a somewhat remarkable resemblance to the ceremonies associated in later times with Frey.
What is done is to divide the resultant force due to gravitation into two components, one of which corresponds to this acceleration, while the other one is what is called the "weight" of the body.
Weight is in fact not purely a combination of forces, in the sense in which that term is defined in connexion with the laws of motion, but corresponds to the Galileo acceleration with which the body would begin to move relatively to the earth if the string were cut.
The purchase of ready-made shirts, underclothing, &c., corresponds to a change in the habits of the people.
In 1900 the population numbered 680,422, which corresponds to 342 inhabitants per sq.
Between the saturation point and this lower temperature, the liquid holds in solution more of the solute than corresponds with equilibrium, and is said to be supersaturated.
Approximately one degree lowering of freezing point corresponds with a change of 12 atmospheres in the osmotic pressure.
This corresponds to N+1 7 5 0, the oxygen being decidedly in excess of the proportion required to form nitrous acid.
Its vapour density at temperatures above 750 corresponds to the formula AlCl 3 j below this point the molecules are associated.
These do not reach exactly to the same elevation, nor are they often found growing together; but their upper limit corresponds accurately enough to the change from a temperate to a colder climate that is further proved by a change in the wild herbaceous vegetation.
The Simplon Pass corresponds to what may be called a dislocation of the main chain.
The largest pair of branchiae is placed immediately behind the renal openings and corresponds to the single pair of other molluscs, the organs being repeated anteriorly only (Metamacrobranchs) or anteriorly and posteriorly (Mesomacrobranchs).
Above the diagram are given the names of the different classes of cast iron to which different stages in the change from graphite to cementite correspond, and above these the names of kinds of steel or cast iron to which at the corresponding stages the constitution of the matrix corresponds, while below the diagram are given the properties of the cast iron as a whole corresponding to these stages, and still lower the purposes for which these stages fit the cast iron, first because of its strength and shock-resisting power, and second because of its hardness.
Hume's well-known distinction between relations of ideas and matters of fact corresponds fairly to this separation of the formal and real problems in the theory of cognition, although that distinction is in itself inadequate and not fully representative of Hume's own conclusions.
Collation, which otherwise corresponds to institution, does not make the church full, and the true patron can dispossess the clerk at any time, unless he is a patron who collates.
It corresponds to one of the melting-points in the series without catalytic agents, viz.
This position corresponds to the Jewish practice of reading the book at the feast of Pentecost; Spanish MSS., however, place it at the head of the Megilloth; and the Talmud (Baba Bathra, 14b) gives it the first place among all the Hagiographa.
It corresponds nearly to the old district of Rouergue, which gave its name to a countship established early in the 9th century, and united with that of Toulouse towards the end of the 11th century.
Though Hobbes came back, after his eleven years' absence, without having as yet publicly proved his title to rank with the natural philosophers of the age, he was sufficiently conscious of what he had been able to achieve in Leviathan; and it was 1 The Human Nature corresponds with cc. i.-xiii.
Its vapour density has been determined by Nilson and Pettersson, and corresponds to the molecular formula BeC12.
The province of Behar corresponds to the ancient kingdom of Magadha, which comprised the country now included in the districts rof Patna, Gaya and Shahabad, south of the Ganges.
Below the Regierungsbezirk is the Kreis, or Circle, in Prussia, Baden and Hesse, which corresponds to the Distrikt in Bavaria, the Oberamt in Wurttembergi and the Amtshauplmannschaft in Saxony.
In case of injury, involving incapacity for more than, thirteen weeks (for the earlier period the Krankenkassen provide), the weekly sum payable during complete or permanent incapacity is fixed at the ratio of two-thirds of the earnings during the year preceding the accident, and in case of partial disablement, at such a proportion of the earnings as corresponds to the loss through disablement.
La Tne, in Switzerland, has given its name to the period, of which the earlier part corresponds to the time of Celtic supremacy.
In the treasury of the cathedral is a magnificent silver monstrance dating from 1553, and an octagonal bowl, the Sacro Catino, brought from Caesarea in 1101, which corresponds to the descriptions given of the Holy Grail, and was long regarded as an emerald of matchless value, but was found when broken at Paris, whither it had been carried by Napoleon I., to be only a remarkable piece of ancient glass.
According to the decision of the congress of Vienna the diplomatic rank of a papal nuncio corresponds to that of an ambassador.
The culture of the Homeric Achaeans corresponds to a large extent with that of the early Iron Age of the upper Danube (Hallstatt) and to the early Iron Age of upper Italy (Villanova).
It thus corresponds with the standard time of British South Africa.
It has been held by some, however, that the first brood corresponds to the sporophyte generation of the higher plants, and that the rest of the cycle is the gametophyte generation.
In a more restricted sense the term Australasia corresponds to the large division including Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand.
Every organism is an individual, its different parts, organs and functions being associated in a degree of intimacy that varies, but that corresponds roughly with the integration of the individual and its place in the ascending scales of animal or vegetable life.
It thus corresponds to the Fr.
Although, outside the information we get from Christian chroniclers, this age is for the people of the north one of complete obscurity, it is evident that the Viking Age corresponds with some universal disturbance or unrest among the Scandinavian nations, strictly analogous to the unrest among more southern Teutonic nations which many centuries before had heralded the break-up of the Roman empire, an epoch known as that of the Folk-wanderings (V olkerwanderungen).
At Cambridge there is no intermediate examination between the " Previous Examination " (commonly called " Little-go "), which corresponds to Oxford " Responsions " or " Smalls " and the triposes and examinations for the " Poll " degree, which correspond to the Oxford final honours and pass examinations respectively.
At the present day voivode is used, in its original sense of a high military officer, in the Montenegrin army, where it corresponds to the general officer in other European armies.
With the aid of the vast body of Faust literature which has sprung up in recent years, and the many new documents bearing on its history above all, the so-called Urfaust, to which reference has already been made - we are able now to ascribe to their various periods the component parts of the work; it is possible to discriminate between the Sturm and Drang hero of the opening scenes and of the Gretchen tragedy - the contemporary of Gotz and Clavigo and the superimposed Faust of calmer moral and intellectual ideals - a Faust who corresponds to Hermann and Wilhelm Meister.
To the unity of religious pragmatism in the main stock of the book of Judges corresponds a unity of chronological scheme.
As the tenth patriarch Noah corresponds to the tenth prehistoric Babylonian king, Xisuthros in Berossus, Ut-napistim or Atrahasis in the cuneiform tablets, the hero of the Babylonian flood story.
The Ariana of Strabo corresponds generally with the existing dominions of Kabul, but overpasses their limits on the west and south.
We find that we have now got a course of dispersion or degree of rationality which very closely corresponds to that of an ordinary light flint glass, styled o.
The interval between the true trails, measured at right angles to the direction of the trails, obviously corresponds to the difference of zenith distance of the two stars.
The method requires very delicate weighing, as one calorie corresponds to less than two milligrammes of steam condensed; but the successful application of the method to the very difficult problem of measuring the specific heat of a gas at constant volume, shows that these and other difficulties have been very skilfully overcome.
It is a feature of the colloquial style and often corresponds to the modern use of " slang."
As their rhythmical structure corresponds more or less exactly with the canon of authenticity formed by Zielinski from the other speeches, the question may now be considered closed.
In this extremity the caliph bade Ibn Raiq, who had made himself master of Basra and Wasit, and had command of money and men, to come to his help. He created for him the office of Amir al-Omara, "Amir of the Amirs," which nearly corresponds to that of Mayor of the Palace among the Franks.'
The distribution of life-zones is primarily a matter of altitude and corresponds to that of the isotherms. The mountain goat and mountain sheep live in the Sierran upper-land, though long ago well-nigh exterminated.
The chemical formula CuFeS 2 corresponds with the percentage composition Cu = 34' 5, Fe = 30' 5, S =35.0.
It approximately corresponds to the period of the 15th of July to the 15th of August.
No alphabet corresponds exactly to the ideal which we have postulated, nor if it did, would it continue long so to do, as the sounds of most languages are continually changing.
In the Phoenician alphabet Zain was the seventh letter, occupying the same position and having the same form approximately (i) as the early Greek Z, while in pronunciation it was a voiced s-sound; Samech () followed the 'symbol for n of and was the ordinary s-sound, though, as we have seen, e it is in different Greek states at the earliest period as well as E; after the symbol for p came Zade (v), which was a strong palatal s, though in name it corresponds to the Greek Nra; while lastly Shin (W) follows the symbol for r, and was an sh-sound.
The inscription is earlier than the Latin change of s between vowels into r, for Numasioi is the dative of the older form which corresponds to the later Numerius.
The form of the monument corresponds to that which we are told was given to the revolving wooden pillars on which the laws of Solon were painted.
So also if Kaf corresponds to the Babylonian Kappu, " hollow-hand," the Sabaean form which Hommel5 interprets as the outline of the hand with the fingers turned in and the thumb raised is a better pictograph than the various meaningless forms of k (&c.).
To every line in either of the original figures corresponds of course a parallel line in the other; moreover, it is seen that concurrent lines in either figure correspond to lines forming a closed polygon in the other.
It is easily seen from (6) that if the configuration of a system of particles be altered by homogeneous strain (see ELASTICITY) the new position of the mass-centre will be at that point of the strained figure which corresponds to the original mass-centre.
These variables represent the whole assemblage of generalized co-ordinates qr; they are continuous functions of the independent variables x, y, 1 whose range of variation corresponds to that of the index r, and of 1.
Reuleaux has shown that the relative motion of any pair of nonadjacent links of a kinematic chain is determined by the rolling together of two ideal cylindrical surfaces (cylindrical being used here in the general sense), each of which may be assumed to be formed by the extension of the material of the link to which it corresponds.
It thus corresponds to the term "flora" in respect to plant life.
The district corresponds in the main to the modern districts of Kistna, Godavari, Vizagapatam, Ganjam and a part of Nellore.
Thus, corresponding to the Latin quattuor, we find the Oscan petora, the Gaulish petor-ritum, " four-wheeler," the Welsh pedwar, " four," &c., while the Irish cethir, " four," corresponds more closely to the Latin.
It is to be noticed that this scale of nature corresponds with the scale of ascending axioms.
He is here dealing with a different question; and it is unreasonable to suppose, and indeed contrary to the style in which Louvois corresponds with Saint-Mars, that he devotes the whole letter to the one subject with which he started.
Cuprous oxide corresponds to the series of cuprous salts, which are mostly white in colour, insoluble in water, and readily oxidized to cupric salts.
It melts at below red heat to a brown mass, and its vapour density at both red and white heat corresponds to the formula Cu 2 C1 2.
Olivenite corresponds to libethenite; clinoclase, euchroite, cornwallite and tyrolite are basic arsenates; zeunerite corresponds to torbernite; chalcophyllite (tamarite or " copper-mica ") is a basic copper aluminium sulphato-arsenate, and bayldonite is a similar compound containing lead instead of aluminium.
An ancient legal conception, it has been said, corresponds not to one but to several modern conceptions; and the proposition is equally true when economic is substituted for legal.
His full name appears to have been Yngvifreyr or Ingunar Freyr and his descendants are collectively termed Ynglingar, though we also occasionally meet with the name Skilfingar, which corresponds with the name Scilfingar borne by the Swedish royal family in Beowulf.
If, in an unsharp image, a patch of light corresponds to an object point, the " centre of gravity " of the patch may be regarded as the image point, this being the point where the plane receiving the image, e.g.
To this corresponds the fact that, instead of acting on the doctrines of Aristotle and Callisthenes, - and treating the Macedonians and Greeks as masters, the Asiatics as servants, Alexander had impartial recourse to the powers of all his subjects and strove to amalgamate them.
The great thrust-plane which is thus imagined to exist at the base of the Himalaya, corresponds with the " major thrusts " of the N.W.
The indigenous fauna of Bolivia corresponds closely to that of the neighbouring districts of Argentina, Brazil and Peru.
The pitch of the note, though not absolutely definite, cannot differ much from that which corresponds to the division of the jet into wave-lengths of maximum instability; and, in fact, Savart found that the frequency was directly as the square root of the head, inversely as the diameter of the orifice, and independent of the nature of the fluid - laws which follow immediately from Plateau's theory.
The principal vibration, in which the section becomes elliptical, corresponds to n = 2.
It corresponds also with Pope Leo the Great's definition, "jejunia ecclesiastica per totius anni circulum distributa."
One of the most remarkable phenomena in the life-history of the Schizomy cetes is the formation of this zoogloea stage, which corresponds to the " palmella " condition of the lower Algae.
The left-hand boundary of the clear area corresponds to the line F (green end of the blue), and the beginning of the ultra-violet was at the extreme right of the upper (short) area.
The Kieler Woche is one of the principal social events in Germany, and corresponds to the "Cowes week" in England.
Bohemia had in 1900 a population of 6,318,280, which corresponds to 315 inhabitants per square mile.
The situation corresponds to that outlined in Acts xx.
Pollock, "the conception is that mind is the one ultimate reality; not mind as we know it in the complex forms of conscious feeling and thought, but the simpler elements out of which thought and feeling are built up. The hypothetical ultimate element of mind, or atom of mind-stuff, precisely corresponds to the hypothetical atom of matter, being the ultimate fact of which the material atom is the phenomenon.
The distal club corresponds to the crystal-sac of an ordinary After Wladimir Schewiakoff, simplified from rhopalium, but bears a battery a coloured plate in Morphologisches Jahrbuch, of nematocysts in place of the xv., 1889, by permission of Wilhelm Engelotoliths.
It consists of an upland plateau now dissected by streams into a series of hills and ridges, and corresponds to the Piedmont Belt farther to the S.W.
Further, a definite cuticular membrane is frequently formed and shed at this stage, which corresponds to the nauplius-stage of larval development.
The part of the wing marked b, which corresponds with the tip, consequently travels very much more rapidly than the part marked a, which corresponds with the root.
From the upland of Salisbury Plain, which corresponds to the axis of the anticline marking the centre of the double fold into which the strata of the south of England have been thrown, the great Chalk escarpment runs north-eastward; fingers of Chalk run eastward one each side of the Weald, forming the North and South Downs, while the southern edge of the Chalk sheet appears from beneath the Tertiary strata at several places on the south coast, and especially in the Isle of Wight.
The first business at that meeting is the election of the chairman, whose office corresponds to that of the mayor in a borough.
Before that time there was practically no sanitary authority outside the urban district, for although the vestry of a parish had in some cases power to make sewers and had also some other sanitary powers, there was no authority for such a district as now corresponds to a rural district.
This change of direction corresponds to a curve in the line of volcanic fissures which have contributed their products to the building of the islands.
The hand of the gorilla corresponds essentially as to bones and muscles with that of man, but is clumsier and heavier; its thumb is " opposable " like a human thumb, that is, it can easily meet with its extremity the extremities of the other fingers, thus possessing a character which does much to make the human hand so admirable an instrument; but the gorilla's thumb is proportionately shorter than man's.
This phase corresponds to the pyretic attack.
This site, moreover, corresponds with Livy's testimony, and would account for his statement that the towns of Palaeopolis and Neapolis were near together and identical in language and government.
Of these various groups that of the geburs corresponds more closely to the continental serfs (coloni, Härige, unfreie Hintersassen).
The band spectrum, which corresponds to the compound or at least to the molecule of titanium, certainly belongs to a lower temperature than the line spectrum of the same metal.
Apart then from absorption there will be a discontinuous change in brightness in the apparent disk at that value of the angular radius d which corresponds to tangential emission from the upper lever r' of this mirage-forming region.
In other words noon in South Africa corresponds to Io.o A.M.
The end knife-edges are adjusted and tightly jammed into exact position by means of wedge pieces and set screws, and the beam is furnished with delicate adjusting weights at its top. The position of the beam with respect to the horizontal is shown by a horizontal pointer (not shown) projecting from one end of it, which plays past a scale, each division of which corresponds to the i l oth or i hth of a grain according to the size and delicacy of the machine.
It corresponds to Is.
As the first rite corresponds to the circumcision and naming of Jesus, so does the second to His presentation in the temple.
This corresponds to the concrete method, in which we have 9 objects, take away 4 of them, and recount the remainder.
It will be seen from § 17 that a mixed number corresponds with what is there called a mixed quantity.
We Obtain A Series In Which Each Term Corresponds With A Term Of The Original Number Series.
More complicated forms of arithmetical reasoning involve the use of series, each term in which corresponds to particular terms in two or more series jointly; and cases of this kind are usually dealt with by special methods, or by means of algebraical formulae.
In the first place, an operation then corresponds more closely, at an elementary stage, with the concrete process which it represents.
I thus reach an objective impersonal world of forces which corresponds to the variety of my sensations.
It corresponds to the anc. Lagania, renamed Anastasiopolis under the emperor Anastasius (491-518), a bishopric by the 5th century.
With the exception of this replacing pair of teeth in each jaw, it is considered by many authorities that the marsupial dentition corresponds to the deciduous, or milk, dentition of placentals.
Many types of absorption vessel are in use, and the standard solutions are generally such that I c.c. of the solution corresponds to i c.c. of the gas under normal conditions.
The spike of Helminthostachys corresponds to that of Ophioglossum, but in it the sporangia are borne on two lateral rows of branched sporangiophores.
The position of the fertile spike in relation to the leaf corresponds to that of the synangium or sporangiophores in the Psilotales and Sphenophyllales.
The sporangium, which corresponds on the whole to that of the Gleicheniaceae, has a somewhat oblique annulus; the dehiscence also is not truly median.
The development of the sporocarp shows that it corresponds to a pinna, although when mature it may appear to occupy a ventral position in relation to the vegetative portion of the leaf.
An oblique septum which follows the bases of the tentacles and corresponds with that of the adult animal divides the body-cavity into two portions.
Wollaston's theory of moral evil as consisting in the practical contradiction of a true proposition, closely resembles the most paradoxical part of Clarke's doctrine, and was not likely to approve itself to the strong common sense of Butler; but his statement of happiness or pleasure as a " justly desirable " end at which every rational being " ought " to aim corresponds exactly to Butler's conception of self-love as a naturally governing impulse; while' the " moral arithmetic " with which he compares pleasures and pains, and endeavours to make the notion of happiness quantitatively precise, is an anticipation of Benthamism.
This supposition is the basis of all knowledge, for thought becomes knowledge only when it corresponds to being.
The idea of knowledge or scientific thought as distinguished from the passive form of thought - of aesthetics and religion - is thought which is produced by all thinkers in the same form and which corresponds to being.
Its lower part represents the Lower Carboniferous Shales and Sandstones of the central and northern areas, while its upper part corresponds with a portion of the Carboniferous Limestone.
Greek and Roman writers seem to have possessed very little definite information about the island, though much of what they relate corresponds to the state of society disclosed in the older epics.
And when writing has been made a permanent accomplishment, or lasting property of the subject, to be taken up at will, it corresponds to the intellectus adeptus - the complete mastery of science.
In the Ontology this method is employed to determine what in reality corresponds to the empirical conceptions of substance and cause, or rather of inherence and change.
N mouillhe (n) corresponds to the Lat.
In French hear, malheur, heureux, malheureux, are all derived from the Latin augurium; the expression ne sous une mauvaise etoile, born under an evil star, corresponds (with the change of toile into astre) to the word malotru, in Provençal malastrue; and son dtoile polit, his star grows pale, belongs to the same class of illusions.
In the fore-leg the tendon of this muscle (which corresponds with the extensor minimi digiti of man) receives a slip from that of the principal extensor, and is inserted into the first phalanx.
The hoof of the horse corresponds to the nail or claw of other mammals, but is so constructed as to form a complete and solid case to the expanded termination of the toe, giving a firm basis of support formed of a non-sensitive substance, which is continually renewed by the addition of material from within, as its surface wears away by friction.
It may be true that the term Kinalhhi in the Amarna letters corresponds to Syria and Palestine in their entirety.
The calculation is most convenient if the micrometer is left in the position of zero and the object is moved till one of its edges corresponds to the zero mark of the eyepiece scale.
If the micrometer is then moved till another graduation corresponds to the other edge of the image the size of the image can be read off.
And it is just possible that it is worth notice that, though the name of Ahasuerus corresponds to Xerxes, Josephus identifies him with Artaxerxes I.
In marginal placentation the part of the carpel bearing the placenta is the inner or ventral suture, corresponding to the margin of the folded carpellary leaf, while the outer or dorsal suture corresponds to the midrib of the carpellary leaf.
The stigma alternates with the dissepiments of a syncarpous pistil, or, in other words, corresponds with the back of the loculaments; but in some cases it would appear that half the stigma of one carpel unites with half that of the contiguous carpel, and thus the stigma is opposite the dissepiments, that is, alternates with the loculaments, as in the poppy.
There is good reason to believe that the ventral synangium of the Psiloteae corresponds to the ventral sporangiophore with its sporangia in the Sphenophyllales.
He has shown that, as in the Crossopterygian and Chondrostean ganoid fishes, there co., are two clavicular elements on each side; the lower corresponds to the clavicle of reptiles and higher vertebrates, whilst the upper corresponds to the clavicle of teleostean fishes, and has been named by him "cleithrum."
The clavicles rest on a large discoidal, rhomb o i d a 1, or T-shaped median bone, which clearly corresponds to the interclavicle of reptiles.
K corresponds roughly to Westcott and Hort's Syrian Antiochian text; it was probably made by Lucian in the 4th century.
Under these later kings Mercia seems to have extended from the Humber to the Thames, including London, though East Anglia was independent, and that part of Essex which corresponds to the modern county of that name had been annexed to Wessex after 825.
This corresponds to the deformation of large agglomerates as they pass through the die land.
In practice, this corresponds to a reduction in noise annoyance of around 75% .
This engraving of 1807 broadly corresponds with the Isaac Miller drawing of about 1677.
This R factor corresponds to the relative motions occurred during molecular dynamics (see more at flexibility ).
This corresponds well with the single date known from Loch Awe and in general with the dates produced from other mainland freshwater Loch bodies.
Step 3 For most people and bikes the correct saddle height corresponds to 109 per cent of the inseam (crotch to ground ).
For the Levitical lawgiver the figure of Yahweh corresponds to the figure of the pharaoh.
The book visually corresponds to the NMS text, too, and contains 205 line drawings and 115 tables.
However, a small group of verbs have no argument that corresponds to this agreement morpheme.
In esoteric numerology each person's master number corresponds to a specific color.
The shadowy outline of the vessel exactly corresponds to the phantom percepts which were the subject of the previous section.
This corresponds to the next perihelion of Nibiru, giving it a periodicity of 3760 minus 4, equalling 3756 years.
The modulation frequency corresponds to the Larmor precession frequency of the spin, or the Zeeman energy splitting of the spin quantum state.
The term formerly included the whole Annamese empire - Tongking, Annam, and Lower Cochin-China, but it now comprises only the French colony, which corresponds to Lower Cochin-China, and consists of the six southern provinces of the Annamese empire annexed by France in 1862 and 1867.
This corresponds, in the Cape instrument, with an excess of the diameters of the holes over those of the cylinders of about i,*mth of an inch - a quantity so small as to imply good workmanship, though it involves a systematic error which is very much larger than the probable error of a single determination of the coincidence point.
The focal length of the objective and the distance between the optical centre of the lens and the webs are so arranged that images of the divisions are formed in the plane of the webs, and the pitch of the screw is such that one division of the scale corresponds with some whole number of revolutions of the screw.
The lower vibration number is justified by due consideration of the three divisions of the male voice, bass, tenor and alto, as given by Praetorius, whose Cammerton very closely corresponds with Bernhardt Schmidt's Durham organ, 1663-1668, the original pitch of which has been proved by Professor Armes to have been a 1 474.1.
Thus it has a real centre, two foci, two directrices and two vertices; the transverse axis, joining the vertices, corresponds to the major axis of the ellipse, and the line through the centre and perpendicular to this axis is called the conjugate axis, and corresponds to the minor axis of the ellipse; about these axes the curve is symmetrical.
It is divided for despatch of business into four sections, each of which corresponds to a group of two or three ministerial departments, and is composed of (1) 32 councillors en service ordinaire (comprising a vice-president and sectional presidents), and 19 councillors en service extraordinaire, i.e.
The locality described by Diodorus after Cleitarchus corresponds in important particulars with Takhti Jamshid, for example, in being supported by the ' This statement is not made in Ctesias (or rather in the extracts of Photius) about Darius II., which is probably accidental; in the case of Sogdianus, who as a usurper was not deemed worthy of honourable burial, there is a good reason for the omission.
It most probably corresponds to the formula H2S05.
Carniola had in 1900 a population of 508,348, which corresponds to 132 inhabitants per sq.
The cult in fact corresponds in its main outlines with the early religious conceptions of Syria and a large part of Anatolia - a correspondence probably explained by a considerable amount of ethnic affinity existing between a large section of the primitive Cretan population and that of southern Asia Minor.
The third Late Minoan age corresponds generally with the Late Mycenaean stage in the Aegean world (see Aegean Civilization).
The population of Carinthia in 1900 was 367,344, which corresponds to 91 inhabitants per sq.
In all cases it is usual to represent substances by formulae which to the best of our knowledge express their molecular composition in the state of gas, and not merely the relative number of atoms which they contain; thus, acetic acid consists of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in the proportion of one atom of carbon, two of hydrogen, and one of oxygen, but its molecular weight corresponds to the formula C211402, which therefore is always employed to represent acetic acid.
This corresponds to an increased alkalinity represented by about 2 c.c. of N/ 100 standard alkali, and that difference means that the carbon of about 8.8 milligrammes of carbonic acid has been built up (by photosynthesis) into carbohydrate during the period during which the change in alkalin ity proceeded.
The field-strength at any point is also called the magnetic force at that point; it is denoted by H, or, when it is desired to draw attention to the fact that it is a vector quantity, by the block letter H, or the German character, C. Magnetic force is sometimes, and perhaps more suitably, termed magnetic intensity; it corresponds to the intensity of gravity g in the theory of heavy bodies (see Maxwell, Electricity and Magnetism, § 12 and § 68, footnote).
Indeed, as Marti points out (p. 259) the triple division of the book of Micah (i.-iii.; iv., v.; vi., vii.) corresponds with that of the book of Isaiah (i.-xxxix.; xl.-lv.; lvi.-lxvi.) in the character of the three divisions (judgment; coming restoration; prayer for help in adversity) respectively, and in the fact that the first alone gives us pre-exilic writing in the actual words of the prophet to whom the whole book is ascribed.
The epoch from which it is reckoned is precisely determined by numerous celestial phenomena recorded by Ptolemy, and corresponds to Wednesday at mid-day, the 26th of February of the year 747 before Christ.
As image, the nous corresponds perfectly to the One, but as derived it is entirely different.
Thus the number lox in the arithmetical column corresponds to 10 8 (1.0001) x in the geometrical column; the intermediate numbers being obtained by interpolation.
Thus Gucumatz, " Feathered Serpent " corresponds in name to the Mexican deity Quetzalcoatl; Tulan and the Seven Caves are familiar words in the Aztec migration traditions, and there is even mention of a chief of Toltecat, a name plainly referring to the famed Toltecs.
For This Purpose They Are Placed In The Calendar (Table Iv.) Along With The Days Of The Month And Dominical Letters, In A Retrograde Order, So That The Asterisk Stands Beside The 1St Of January, 29 Beside The 2Nd, 28 Beside The 3Rd And So On To 1, Which Corresponds To The 30Th.
After This Comes The Asterisk, Which Corresponds To The 31St Of January, Then 29, Which Belongs To The 1St Of February, And So On To The End Of The Year.
The old province, stretching widely across the valley of the Ganges from the frontier of Nepal to the hills of Chota Nagpur, corresponds to the two administrative divisions of Patna and Bhagalpur, with a total area of 44,197 sq.
It is in the aggregation and segregation of elements thus arising that Empedocles, like the atomists, finds the real process which corresponds to what is popularly termed growth, increase or decrease.
Of these various groups that of the geburs corresponds more closely to the continental serfs (coloni, HÃrige, unfreie Hintersassen).
Over the left shoulder and fastened with a brooch hung the loose cloak (brat), to which the Scottish plaid corresponds.
In French hear, malheur, heureux, malheureux, are all derived from the Latin augurium; the expression ne sous une mauvaise etoile, born under an evil star, corresponds (with the change of toile into astre) to the word malotru, in Provençal malastrue; and son dtoile polit, his star grows pale, belongs to the same class of illusions.
Birejik corresponds actually to Apamea, which lay opposite Zeugma, and commanded the bridge with its strong castle (Kala Beda) now much ruined.
It corresponds to the conviction that the National Socialist ideology must reign supreme.
The earthly Jesus is congruent to Horus; Jesus the Christ corresponds to Osiris, the resurrected god.
The observed shrinkage of the diffractive peak therefore corresponds to a relative reduction of the diffractive cross section with increasing energy.
One WLM of radon or thoron radionuclide daughters corresponds to an exposure to 3.48 × 10 −3 J h m −3.
This corresponds to an output voltage of 40 volts.
Click on the location that corresponds to the person you would like to learn more about.
If you decide to use a corkboard, you can make it suit the room by covering it in a fabric that corresponds to the other colors in the room.
Often, people select a theme that corresponds to their nursery theme or a favorite cartoon character.
Girls plush socks come in a few different thicknesses; choose the thickness of plush sock that corresponds to how cold the girl's feet generally get.
Simply find out the average lowest temperature for your area and use the zone that corresponds with that temperature when making planting decisions.
Each colored band corresponds to a gardening zone.
The top line corresponds to the E string with the highest pitch, and the remaining lines relate to the other strings all the way down to the low pitched E string.
When you see a dot on a chord chart it corresponds to where your finger should go in order to play that particular chord.
Next to the letters you'll find a light that corresponds to that note.
For example, the numeral "1" on the first string (the "E" string) corresponds to an "F" while a "3" on the same string would correspond to a "G."
Footwear is also essential in creating a certain look that corresponds with your polo shirt.
For example, a person who is stressed or has feelings of uncertainty might have a dream symbol (such as having their teeth fall out) that corresponds to these experiences.
The "X" key corresponds to blocking and the space bar instigates "kill mode", providing you with an opportunity to recreate that jaw-splitting fatality from the Hollywood movie.
The left analog stick is still used to move your player, but the right analog stick basically corresponds to your player's stick.
The tablature system of music notation is a lot easier for beginners to pick up and understand because it directly corresponds to the instrument being played.
Holding the Wii-mote in a horizontal orientation, each tilt corresponds to a shift in your vehicle's position on screen.
What this means is that a single button corresponds both to the letter Q and the letter W, and then the on-board algorithm takes its best guess as to what word you are trying to spell.
When peer problems emerge at a time that corresponds to other family or situational changes, they may serve as signals to let parents and teachers know that the child needs extra support at that time.
Each type of porphyria corresponds with a specific enzyme defect and an accumulation of the associated precursor.
A person who inherits an A antigen gene from each parent has type A blood; receiving two B antigen genes corresponds with type B blood; and inheriting A and B antigen genes means a person has type AB blood.
Each area of a feng shui bagua map corresponds to one of the eight bagua directions.
The south direction, corresponds to the life aspects of career and any life paths you choose.
The northwest direction corresponds to prosperity, wealth and your ability to attract and receive them.
The direction that corresponds to relationships, love and marriage is northeast.
As mentioned above, each element corresponds to one or two specific life areas on the bagua.
Each of the hexagrams corresponds to a specific life situation and its development over time.
The completed hexagram corresponds to one of the 64 possibilities in the Book of Change giving you your prediction.
The explanation that corresponds to the seekers hexagram addresses his question and reveals truths that will provide guidance.
You now have a hexagram that corresponds to a numbered I Ching explanation.
If possible, find the direction that your home faces and paint the front door using the color that corresponds to that direction.
Each stalk corresponds to one of the colors of the game pieces.
In astrology, each planet and zodiac sign corresponds with a particular part of the body and/or system.
Simply click on the one that corresponds to your child's age to select the one you want.
Budgets are most often prepared on a monthly basis, although you may find a weekly or bi-weekly budget that corresponds with your paycheck cycle to be more effective.
The Gemini symbol corresponds to the Gemini constellation, which has been given the Latin name for "twins".
Each component corresponds with an important aspect of maintaining good health.
No problem; if you don't have the item number, just click the catalog cover that corresponds to the one you had, then peruse 'til your heart's content and you find the item you saw previously.
The dock has a metal tab coming up on one end that corresponds with a hole in your iPod itself - put the iPod into the dock so that the device clicks over that hole.
You must also include, printed clearly on the outside of the envelope (including overnight mail or courier envelopes), the number that corresponds to the city nearest you.
In this case, "TOC" corresponds to "Table of Contents".
This corresponds to 8.3 kilometres of air at standard pressure.
As each division corresponds to 3 sec.
In each of the governments general there is a financial controller with extensive powers who corresponds directly with the metropolitan authorities (decree of March 22, 1907)., Details and local differences hi form of government will be found under the headings of the various colonies and protectorates.
Though we may allow that the results obtained by Rumford and Davy demonstrate satisfactorily that heat is in some way due to motion, yet they do not tell us to what particular dynamical quantity heat corresponds.
The function of the " combiner " in each receiving instrument is so to group the received combination of positive and negative currents that they operate polarized relays in such a manner that the position of the tongues corresponds with the operation of the levers on the transmitter.
This strain corresponds to the electrical charging of the antenna.
This corresponds to the electrical discharge of the antenna, and the subsequent string vibrations to the electrical vibrations.
It is not even possible in all cases to be certain that the polyp-group corresponds exactly to the medusagroup, especially in minor systematic categories, such as families.
It corresponds in function with the rhizoid of i Bryophyte.
We have nothing structural which corresponds to the former of these.
This so-called third, upper or posterior conch is not a true conch, nor is that of the vestibulum; only the middle one forms a scroll, and this corresponds to the only one of reptiles and the lower of the mammals.
It corresponds to the molecular complex (S03)2.
Ilani here simply corresponds to the Canaanite Elohim.
The succeeding Late Minoan period, best illustrated by the later palace at Cnossus and that at Hagia Triada, corresponds in Egypt with the Hyksos period and the earlier part of the New Empire.
No doubt can be entertained that the greater part of the inner layer corresponds to the mesoderm of more ordinary embryos, for the coelomic pouches, the germ-cells, the musculature and the vascular system all arise from it.