Correspond Sentence Examples
Cute pictures appear that correspond to the letter.
These mechanical qualities correspond to inductance and capacity in electric circuits.
The interior of the city does not correspond to its outward appearance.
It is now known to correspond to the actual orbit of the planet round the sun.
Unconsciously, too, they correspond to the apostolic type of writing in another respect, viz.
You can select a horizontal or vertical layout and purchase panel lengths that will most closely correspond with the dimensions of your room.
In 1783 appeared at Paris the first edition of Francois Callet's tables, which correspond to those of Hutton in England.
These correspond to the chief problems which the world presents to the curiosity of untutored men.
These effects correspond with an unexplained phenomenon reported in connection with UFOs.
The further assumption, that the modified notions thus gained have an objective meaning, and that they somehow correspond to the real order of the existing world which of course they can never actually describe, depends upon a general confidence which we must have in our reasoning powers, and in the significance of a world in which we ourselves with all the necessary courses of our thoughts have a due place assigned.
AdvertisementFor example, the numeral "1" on the first string (the "E" string) corresponds to an "F" while a "3" on the same string would correspond to a "G."
Some cherts contain tests of radiolaria, and correspond fairly closely to the siliceous radiolarian oozes which are gathering at the present day at the bottom of some of the deepest parts of the oceans.
Each pattern is imprinted on tissue paper with numbers that correspond to the instructions.
You would shop for these bras in the same size as your traditional one, but be aware that because you need a comfortable, allover fit, the cup size you normally buy may or may not correspond to a perfect fit overall.
Up, Right, Down, and Left correspond to blue, gold, green, and red.
AdvertisementEven when the notion of " good performance of function " was thus widened, and when it had further taken in the pleasure that is inseparably connected with such functioning, it did not yet correspond to the whole of what a Greek commonly understood as " human well-being."
The whole subject is beset with critical difficulties, and we have chiefly noted features which can hardly be regarded as late, and which correspond with widely distributed mythical ideas.
These ages correspond with starting school, and transitioning through middle school or junior high school, both unusually stressful periods.
While most people choose to obtain Chinese zodiac symbols that correspond to their birth year, this is not always the case.
Although the number of zones recognized is the same on the two flanks, they do not correspond.
AdvertisementHe thus found the distance between Syene and Alexandria (known to be 5000 stadia) to correspond to - 5 1 - 6 th of a great circle, and so arrived at 250,000 stadia (which he seefns subsequently to have corrected to 252,000) as the circumference of the earth.
In that early age of culture known as the "nomadic" stage, which under normal conditions precedes the "agricultural" stage, the moon cult is even more prominent than sun worship, and with the moon and sun cults thus furnished by the "popular" faith it was a natural step for the priests, who correspond to the "scientists" of a later day, to perfect a theory of a complete accord between phenomena observed in the heavens and occurrences on earth.
The influence of a particular planet has also lef t traces in various languages; but the French and English jovial and the English saturnine correspond rather to the gods who served as types in chiromancy than to the planets which bear the same names.
Below the carpal and tarsal joints, the fore and hind limbs correspond almost exactly in structure as well as function.
The cones must be so directed through the divided system that the two exit pupils correspond to the interpupillary distance of the observer.
AdvertisementThe division into two (like the two Hebrew books of Kings) follows the Septuagint and the Vulgate, whose four books of " kingdoms " correspond to the Hebrew books of Samuel and Kings.
Mesozoic The period dealt with in this section does not strictly correspond with that which it is customary to include within the limits of the Mesozoic system.
The limits of the divisions in other places do not correspond, the British and continental strata often being so unlike that it is almost impossible to compare them.
Most of the deposits which have yielded Angiosperms of Cretaceous age in central Europe correspond in age with the English Upper Chalk (Senonian), but a small Cenomanian flora has been collected from the Unter Quader in Moravia.
For a long time it was not recognized that changes in the marine fauna, on which our geological classification mainly depends, correspond scarcely at all with changes in the land plants.
I does not quite correspond to anything in Westcott and Hort's system, but has points of contact with their " Western " text.
The three inquiries correspond to the subjects of the three ancient metaphysical sciences, rational psychology, rational cosmology, rational theology.
These are overlaid by conglomerates, limestones and clay slates of very doubtful age, the most interesting being a radiolarian clay which occurs on the south side of the Matinang Mountains, at the north end of Lake Posso, &c.; it may correspond with the radiolarian cherts of Borneo.
But in practice a local caste hierarchy may correspond only very loosely with the ideal.
The standard gemmological properties correspond to the known range for synthetic beryls of Russian production.
These models correspond in some part to actual societies, past or present, but are also normative in character.
The UT maximum of the integrated column brightness does not necessarily correspond to the maximum in electron precipitation.
Marks are made on hemp ropes with tape which correspond to a known height of a flown item.
Correspond determines the similarity of codon usage of two or more codon frequency tables.
Owing to the correspondence between the finite cardinals and the finite ordinals, the propositions of cardinal arithmetic and ordinal arithmetic correspond point by point.
The arithmetic of the infinite cardinals does not correspond to that of the infinite ordinals.
When the upper limit is infinity, so that the limits correspond to the inclusion of half the primary wave, C and S are both equal to by a known formula; and on account of the rapid fluctuation of sign the parts of the range beyond very moderate values of v contribute but little to the result.
The region PbEeE' contains all the alloys that commence their solidification by the crystallization of lead; similarly, the other two regions correspond to the initial crystallization of bismuth and tin respectively; these areas are the projections of the three sheets of the freezing-point surface.
Now, as some of the remains at the Heraeum correspond to the two lowest layers of Hissarlik, the evidence of the Argive temple leads us far beyond the date assigned to the Mycenaean age, and at least into the second millennium B.C. (see also Aegean Civilization).
It is only in this way that the air can be made to pulsate, and that the rhythm of the wing and the air waves can be made to correspond.
But the former do not correspond to the observed inequalities, and the explanation of the outstanding differences may be regarded to-day as the most perplexing enigma in astronomy.
The computed density therefore does not correspond to a self-consistent atomic calculation.
The conclusion to be drawn is that the signifiers of mathematics do not correspond to unique signifieds.
These free energies can then be subtracted to give free energy differences that have been shown to correspond to experimental redox potentials.
When the paper is the size you need, punch holes that correspond to the album for easy insertion.
Since polarization does not correspond to UV protection, you must still examine the lenses to make sure they offer adequate sun defense.
Even the characters dress and say things that correspond with the time period.
All are published by EA (Electronic Arts) and were released to correspond with the movie of the same name (with the exception of Quidditch World Cup).
Some people prefer simpler polyphonic tones that don't necessarily correspond to anything in the real world.
In a multiple gestation, the uterine measurements would be larger than dates, which normally correspond.
The messages do not correspond and dizziness results.
The emotional and physical highs and lows of cocaine use correspond to the manic depression of the bipolar patient, making the disorder difficult to diagnose.
The results will be the creation of a hexagram of six stacked lines that are either broken or solid and correspond to one of the I Ching Explanations.
The twelve signs of the Chinese Zodiac each correspond to a different Chinese year which always begins between late January and early February.
Following the viewing recommendations that correspond with MPAA ratings can help parents make informed decisions about which films are acceptable for children to watch, but the system certainly isn't foolproof.
One of the easiest ways to learn how to budget and save money is to simply time your purchases to correspond with store sale cycles.
The Chinese do not use an Arabic alphabet as we do, rather their language is created in symbols that do not exactly correspond to the spoken word.
The Eye of Horus is tied into the mathematical system of ancient Egypt, and the six parts of the Eye correspond with the six senses of the body, packing extra meaning into this Egyptian eye tattoo.
Gladly correspond with you via e-mail or phone until all of your questions are answered to your satisfaction.
This little metal ruler is much more portable than a standard ruler or tape measure, so you can carry it around in your bag to measure gauge swatches, but it also has holes that correspond to the size of most common needle sizes.
You'll find different yarn weights that correspond to particular patterns.
Ideally, the tempo of the music should correspond to the types of activities you plan to do.
Maybe the gym hours don't correspond to their schedule, or they like the peace and thinking time they get by walking the trails alone.
Sizes are 1X/2X, which correspond to waist size 44-48", or 3X/4X for waist sizes 50-54".
Foley Effects - Requiring precise synchronization, these sounds correspond to on screen actions, like footsteps.
Social networks such as MySpace and Facebook are not for everyone, as some young adults prefer to correspond through some of the less intimidating cool chat rooms for teens instead.
Once you become a member, you can join specific network groups that correspond with your areas of interest.
Possibly, though not probably, the somites carrying the two lung-sacs correspond to the first two lung-bearing somites of Scorpio, and it is the genital opening which has shifted.
In another respect the observations of Fraunhofer appear at first sight to be in disaccord with theory; for his measures of the diameters of the red rings, visible when white light was employed, correspond with the law applicable to dark rings, and not to the different law applicable to the luminous maxima.
Verdet has, however, pointed out that the observation in this form is essentially different from that in which homogeneous red light is employed, and that the position of the red rings would correspond to the absence of blue-green light rather than to the greatest abundance of red light.
The first would correspond to a general turning of the beam; and the second would imply imperfect focusing of the central parts.
An admissible error of phase of 4X will correspond to an error of IX in a reflecting and 2X in a (glass) refracting surface, the incidence in both cases being perpendicular.
It may be worth while to examine further the other variations from correct ruling which correspond to the various terms expressing the deviation of the wave-surface from a perfect plane.
In the present application 4' is not necessarily equal to; but if P correspond to a line upon the grating, the difference of retardations for consecutive positions of P, so far as expressed by the term of the first order, will be equal to mX (m integral), and therefore without influence, provided v (sin 0-sin0') = nzX (11), where a denotes the constant interval between the planes containing the lines.
As this increases from zero, the two processions which correspond to the two halves of the aperture begin to overlap, and the overlapping gradually increases until there is almost complete superposition.
The origin of co-ordinates 0 corresponds to v = 0; and the asymptotic points J, J', round which the curve revolves in an ever-closing spiral, correspond to v= =co .
It would correspond in time with the movement of the Scyths of which Herodotus speaks, and it may be inferred that immigrants coming from those regions were rather allied to the Tatar family of nations than to the Iranian.
Elsewhere the titles run in series and correspond to the limits of older collections.
Various accidental circumstances, however, have brought it about that the actual distribution of scientific work does not correspond with the logical subdivisions of biology.
The boundaries of these divisions do not in any way correspond with each other, or with the police divisions, or with the borough or parish boundaries.
There are nine standards of instruction,and the classes in schools correspond with these standards.
C. Maxwell Garnett, who has studied the optical properties of these glasses, has suggested that the changes in colour correspond with changes effected in the structure of the metals as they pass gradually from solution in the glass to a state of crystallization.
Conversely, if the kinetic energy T is expressed as a quadratic function of x, x x3, y1, y2, y3, the components of momentum, the partial differential coefficient with respect to a momentum component will give the component of velocity to correspond.
Even if this tradition does not correspond with historic fact, it is at any rate certain that Gamaliel took a leading position in the Sanhedrin, and enjoyed the highest repute as an authority on the subject of knowledge of the Law and in the interpretation of the Scriptures.
The two districts roughly correspond to the conventional divisions of Upper and Lower Nubia respectively.
Thus the orographical features of the country correspond broadly with the geological divisions.
The curves Pa4Q, having a minimum at a4, Pa3Q, having a maximum at a 31 and Pa 5 Q, with neither a maximum nor minimum, correspond to the types i., ii., iii.
The universal is, as Herbert Spencer remarked, a subjective idea, and the general forms, existing ante res, which play so prominent a part in Greek and medieval philosophy, do not in the least correspond to the homogeneous matter of the physical evolutionists.
The higher eutectic D may correspond to a complex of solid thallium and the compound; but the possible existence of solid solutions makes further investigation necessary here.
We can then draw a continuous surface through the summits of all these ordinates, and so obtain a freezing-point surface, or liquidus; points above this surface will correspond to wholly liquid alloys.
The almost total absence from Homer not only of "Dorians " but of " Ionians " and even of " Hellenes "leads to the conclusion that the diagrammatic genealogy of the " sons of Hellen " is of post-Homeric date; and that it originated as an attempt to classify the Doric, Ionic and Aeolic groups of Hellenic settlements on the west coast of Asia Minor, for here alone do the three names correspond to territorial, linguistic and political divisions.
The iodaurates, correspond to the chlorand bromaurates; the potassium salt, KAuI 4, forms highly lustrous, intensely black, four-sided prisms.
It is material to observe, that as the Olympic years and periods begin with the 1st of July, the first six months of a year of our era correspond to one Olympic year, and the last six months to another.
Through a like want of attention, many writers also, particularly among the moderns, have confounded the Julian and Olympic years, by making an entire Julian year correspond to an entire Olympic year, as if both had commenced at the same epoch.
The Egyptian intercalary year, however, does not correspond to the Julian leap year, but is the year immediately preceding; and the intercalation takes place at the end of the year, or on the 29th of August.
This French did not correspond with French copies of some of the originals recently discovered in Cecil's MSS.
The two canonical books entitled Ezra and Nehemiah in the English Bible' correspond to the I and 2 Esdras of the Vulgate, to the 2 Esdras of the Septuagint, and to the Ezra and Nehemiah of the Massoretic (Hebrew) text.
Accordingly, in reading the scales A and B (attached to the slides which carry the two halves of the object-glass), it is only necessary to turn the screws until the fixed 1 The primary object was to have the object-glass mounted in steel cells, which more nearly correspond in expansion with glass.
Afterwards it was often made of gold, and among the Romans was bestowed as a recognition of honourable service performed or distinction won, and on occasion it took such a form as to correspond with, or indicate the character of, the service rendered.
This is the standard Catholic treatment of the Reformation, and is being supplemented by a series of monographs, Ergcinzungen zu Janssens Geschichte des deutschen Volkes, which have been appearing since 1898 and correspond with the Protestant Schriften des Vereins fur Reformationsgeschichte (1883 sqq.).
It authorized its committee, which had been appointed to correspond with the New York agent in London, to correspond also with the committees in the other colonies and this committee represented New York in the Stamp Act Congress, a body which was called at the suggestion of Massachusetts, met in New York City in October 1765, was composed of twenty-seven members representing nine colonies, and drew up a declaration of rights, an address to the king, and a petition to each house of parliament.
The sensitiveness of the ear in judging of a given tone must then correspond to the accuracy with which it can judge of the mean.
A noise such as the roar due to traffic in a town may correspond physically in that it could probably be resolved into a nearly continuous series of wave-lengths, but psychically it is of no interest.
Suppose the two notes to correspond to 200 and 203 vibrations per second; at some instant of time, the air particles, through which the waves are passing, will be similarly displaced by both, and consequently the joint effect will be a sound of some intensity.
But inasmuch as the successive orders are proportional to A X 2 A 3, or µµ 2 µ 3, and X and µ are small, they are of rapidly decreasing importance, and it is not certain that any beyond those in equation (35) correspond to our actual sensations.
It will be seen that communes do not correspond with any natural unit.
Theodotion's work, he suggests, formed the first stage towards the establishment of a Greek version which should correspond more closely with the Hebrew.
When we put down in black and white the explicit details of what is 1 We should be apt to say "the true idea of God," but that is a way of putting it which does not correspond with prophetic thought.
The states are generally subdivided into distritos (districts) or partidos, and these into municipios (municipalities) which correspond to the townships of the American system.
Elections are generally indirect, like those for the national executive, and official terms correspond closely to those of similar offices in the national organization.
His idea of the universe was essentially Pythagorean and Platonic. He started with the conviction that the arrangement of its parts must correspond with certain abstract conceptions of the beautiful and harmonious.
Again, in several cases he ventured to question the correctness of the "accepted atomic weights," on the ground that they did not correspond with the Periodic Law, and here also he was justified by subsequent investigation.
The Months Now Consisted Of Twenty Nine And Thirty Days Alternately, To Correspond With The Synodic Revolution Of The Moon, So That The Year Contained 354 Days; But A Day Was Added To Make The Number Odd, Which Was Considered More Fortunate, And The Year Therefore Consisted Of 355 Days.
The Letter Which Denotes Sunday Is Called The Dominical Letter, Or The Sunday Letter; And When The Dominical Letter Of The Year Is Known, The Letters Which Respectively Correspond To The Other Days Of The Week Become Known At The Same Time.
But The Order Is Interrupted At The End Of The Cycle; For The Epact Of The Following Year, Found In The Same Manner, Would Be 29 11=40 Or 10, Whereas It Ought Again To Be 1S To Correspond With The Moon'S Age And The Golden Number 1.
In Like Manner, If The New Moon Fell On The 4Th Of December, The Epact Of The Following Year Would Be Twenty Eight, Which, To Indicate The Day Of Next New Moon, Must Correspond To The 3Rd Of January.
From This It Appears That If The Golden Number Of The Year Exceeds Ii, The Epact 25, In Six Months Of The Year, Must Correspond To The Same Day In The Calendar As 26; But If The Golden Number Does Not Exceed Ii, That Epact Must Correspond To The Same Day As 24.
For Example, If We Observe The Line B In Table Iii., We Shall See That It Contains Both The Epacts Twenty Four And Twenty Five, So That If These Correspond To The Same Day Of The Month, Two New Moons Would Be Indicated As Happening On That Day Within Nineteen Years.
Also W = (V +IA)w i; or w1=W/(V+/A), w p =W/(V+plA), and wn =W/(Vd-nIA), or the densities of the several liquids vary inversely as the respective volumes of the instrument immersed in them; and, since the divisions of the scale correspond to equal increments of volume immersed, it follows that the densities of the several liquids in which the instrument sinks to the successive divisions form a harmonic series.
If we wish the successive divisions of the scale to correspond to equal increments in the density of the corresponding liquids, then the volumes of the instrument, measured up to the successive divisions of the scale, must form a series in harmonical progression, the lengths of the divisions increasing as we go up the stem.
The end of this period is generally said to coincide with the loss of the French provinces to Philip Augustus, but literary and political history do not correspond quite so precisely, and the end of the first period would be more accurately denoted by the appearance of the history of 'William the Marshal in 1225 (published for the Societe de l'histoire de France, by Paul Meyer, 3 vols., 1891-1901).
Since then the problem has been disentangled; and now minor points only remain to be cleared up. Jaeschke devoted special attention to the dialectical sounds, and showed in several papers and by the comparative table prefixed to his dictionary that in the western and eastern dialects these sounds correspond more or less closely to the written forms.
The bishops were declared " equal in rank to the viceroys and governors," and the priests " to the prefects of the first and second class "; and their influence and authority were to correspond.
Just behind the ciliated ring is a pair of larval eyes which disappear in the adult; these correspond to the cephalic eyes of Lamellibranchs.
As the hydroxyl groups in aurin correspond to the amino groups in pararosaniline, two of these in the latter compound must be in the para position.
Above the diagram are given the names of the different classes of cast iron to which different stages in the change from graphite to cementite correspond, and above these the names of kinds of steel or cast iron to which at the corresponding stages the constitution of the matrix corresponds, while below the diagram are given the properties of the cast iron as a whole corresponding to these stages, and still lower the purposes for which these stages fit the cast iron, first because of its strength and shock-resisting power, and second because of its hardness.
In the first the novice is received and told to meditate on the three mystic letters; in the second, after a period of forty days, he is taught the titles of the 16 suras of the Majmu`; in the third, after seven or nine months (intended to correspond with the ordinary period of gestation), he is taught Suras 5, 6 and 9, learns the meaning of the three mystic letters and goes through a further period of instruction from his initiator.
It can be easily seen that this ratio, according to Henry's law, must correspond to that of vapour-pressures, and so be independent of the solvent; in fact, in alcohol the figures are o 0066 and o o052.
Rothe and Alexander Smith's interesting observations on sulphur, results have been obtained which tend to prove that the melting-point, as well as the appearance of two layers in the liquid state, correspond to unstable conditions.
Justice is represented by the gmina tribunals, which correspond to those of the mir in Russia; the justices of the peace (nominated by government); the syezd, or " court " of the justices of the peace; the district tribunals (assizes) in each government; and the Warsaw courts of appeal and cassation.
Dividing the intelligent soul into these three faculties, he shows - after the manner which Francis Bacon subsequently adopted - what branches of science correspond with each.
The electrical resistance is about that of ordinary glass, and is diminished by one-half during exposure by Rntgen rays; the dielectric constant (16) is greater than that which should correspond to the specific gravity.
For the military and administrative service of the army the Dual Monarchy is divided into 16 military territorial districts (15 of which correspond to the 15 army corps) and 108 supplementary districts (105 for the army, and 3 for the navy).
With this long process of political decline from Alexander to Diocletian correspond the inner changes in the temper of the Hellenic and Hellenistic peoples.
Hrothgar and Halga correspond to Saxo's Hroar and Helgi, while Hrothwulf is the famous Rolvo or Hrolfr Kraki of Danish and Norse saga.
Among the Greeks and Romans, on the other hand, the chariot had passed out of use in war before historical times, and was retained only for races in the public games, or for processions, without undergoing any alteration apparently, its form continuing to correspond with the description of Homer, though it was lighter in build, having to carry only the charioteer.
He continued to correspond with French writers, and induced a number of them to settle in Berlin, Maupertuis being president of the Academy.
A minor difficulty was due to the necessity for making the despatches correspond with the daily official communique - the official account of the day's fighting.
It does not correspond with any valid linguistic or racial difference; but in the course of time a strong religious difference arose.
For the mainland cultures a new term " Helladic " has lately been invented, and three chronological divisions, Early, Middle and Late Helladic, are proposed to correspond with the parallel Cycladic and Minoan periods.
Their experimental work shows that many facts of inheritance correspond with the theory that the essential fabric of an organism is a mosaic of unit characters.
Owing to administrative changes effected between 1870 and 1875, the name ceased to correspond with any political division.
Other forms which correspond to other relations between the roots can be readily deduced from the most general form.
At Cambridge there is no intermediate examination between the " Previous Examination " (commonly called " Little-go "), which corresponds to Oxford " Responsions " or " Smalls " and the triposes and examinations for the " Poll " degree, which correspond to the Oxford final honours and pass examinations respectively.
Thus the first two years of the arts curriculum in English and American universities correspond, roughly speaking, to the last two years spent in a secondary school of Germany or' France, and the continental " school-leaving examinations " correspond to the intermediate examinations of the newer English universities and to the pass examinations for the degree at Oxford and Cambridge (Mark Pattison, Suggestions on Academical Organization, 1868, p. 238, and Matthew Arnold, Higher Schools and Universities in Germany, 1892, p. 209).
Pytheas's notice of the depth of the Bay of Biscay, of the length of the projection of Brittany, of Ushant under the name of Uxisama, and of three promontories of Britain, two of which seem to correspond to Land's End (Beler'ion), and North Foreland (Kantion), must not be forgotten.
The two forms have long and short styles repectively, the stamens occupying corresponding positions half-way down or at the mouth of the corolla-tube; the long-styled flowers have smaller pollen-grains, which correspond with smaller stigmatic papillae on the short styles.
It should be mentioned that there is another, entirely independent, nomad race, .the despised Nowar, who correspond to the gipsies or tinkers of European countries.
In 1868 they noticed in the solar spectrum a bright yellow line which did not correspond to any substance then known, and which they therefore attributed to the then hypothetical element, helium.
Myths that symbolized changes in season or occurrences in nature were projected on the heavens, which were mapped out to correspond to the divisions of the earth.
The Frictional Generation Of Heat In A Metallic Wire Conveying A Current Can Be Measured In Various Ways, Which Correspond To Slightly Different Methods.
When the act or the character does not correspond with the standard, this want of correspondence may in different relations be variously described.
Distinct alike from thing and mental happening, it seems to correspond to " meaning " as it is used as a technical phrase now-a-days.
Form and content must not only correspond one to the other.
It is largely for the latter reason that it seems advisable to begin with an account of the German towns, the term German to correspond to the limits of the old kingdom of Germany, comprising the present empire, German Austria, German Switzerland, Holland and a large portion of Belgium.
To every line in either of the original figures corresponds of course a parallel line in the other; moreover, it is seen that concurrent lines in either figure correspond to lines forming a closed polygon in the other.
The numbers correspond to an amplitude of 10 centimetres and a period of two seconds.
When it is connected with a continuously turning piece (such as the crank of a steam-engine) the ends of the stroke of the reciprocating piece correspond to the d.ead-points of the path of the connected point of the turning piece, where the line of connection is continuous with or coincides with the crank-arm.
The argument was that they correspond too closely with the Latin; Baeda's words, "hic est sensus, non autem ordo ipse verborum," being taken to mean that he had given, not a literal translation, but only a free paraphrase.
The subjects correspond so well with those of Cmdmon's poetry as described by B2eda that it is not surprising that Junius, in his edition, published in 1655, unhesitatingly attributed the poems to him.
Until the following March, Washington's work was to bring about some semblance of military organization and discipline, to collect ammunition and military stores, to correspond with Congress and the colonial authorities, to guide military operations in widely separate parts of the country, to create a military system for a people entirely unaccustomed to such a thing and impatient and suspicious under it, and to bend the course of events steadily towards driving the British out of Boston.
A very gentle heating gives decomposition approximating to the equation of 22KC103=14KC10 4 +8KC1+50 2, whilst on a more rapid heating the quantities correspond more nearly to loKC10 3 = 6KC104+4KC1+ 302.
In ancient geography the Chersonesus Thracica, Chersonesus Taurica or Scythica, and Chersonesus Cimbrica correspond to the peninsulas of the Dardanelles, the Crimea and Jutland; and the Golden Chersonese is usually identified with the peninsula of Malacca.
We do not think, indeed, that the notiones of which he speaks in any way correspond to what Whewell and Ellis would call " conceptions or ideas furnished by the mind of the thinker "; nor do we imagine that Bacon would have admitted these as necessary elements in the inductive process.
It is interesting to note that the existing four Welsh sees of Bangor, St Asaph, St Davids and Llandaff correspond in the main with the limits of these four tribal divisions.
As soon as this first sheet has been levelled up it is fixed on to the cylinder to its exact position, so that it will register or correspond with the type when the press is running, and another trial sheet is struck off, which is treated precisely in the same manner, and is then fastened up on the cylinder on top of the first sheet.
These powers are of a well-marked animistic type, and correspond to the Chinese Shin, save that they were not incorporated in the cultus.
The latter notion - of substance - is said to correspond exactly to "the essence of the only glorious and blessed God."
The Chilean Andes correspond with the Western Cordillera of Bolivia and Peru, and consist almost entirely of Jurassic and Cretaceous beds, together with the products of the Tertiary eruptions.
Two " astigmatic image surfaces " correspond to one object plane; and these are in contact at the axis point; on the one lie the focal lines of the first kind, on the other those of the second.
According to Spengel, the pair of ganglia near the mouth, variously called labial or cerebral, represent the cerebral pair and pleural pair of a gastropod combined, and the parietosplanchnic pair correspond to the visceral ganglia, the commissure which connects them with the cerebro-pleural representing the visceral commissure.
A fourth was subsequently added, for the sake of symmetry, to make them correspond with the four seasons, and they became known as the jejunium vernum, aestivum, autumnale and hiemale, so that, to quote Pope Leo's words, "the law of abstinence might apply to every season of the year."
In preparing anti-bacterial sera the lines of procedure correspond to those followed in the case of antitoxins, but the bacteria themselves in the living or dead condition or their maceration products are always used in the injections.
It is quite evident that bactericidal action as tested in vitro outside the body does not correspond to the degree of immunity possessed by the animal under natural conditions.
For the former several of the arches of the city railway have been utilized, and correspond in internal arrangement to like shelters instituted by the Salvation Army in London and various other cities.
The latter states in the Arabic works referred to above that under that title he collected 70 of the 500 little treatises or tracts of which he was the author, and the titles of those tracts enumerated in the Kitab-al-Fihrist as forming the chapters of the Liber de Septuaginta correspond in general with those of the Latin work, which further is written in a style similar to that of the Arabic Jaber and contains the same doctrines.
The Chutuktus just mentioned correspond in many respects to the Roman cardinals.
The actual duchy does not correspond exactly with the old bishopric. Salzburg embraced at the time of the peace of Westphalia (1648) an area of 3821 sq.
One of the chief documents, however, here referred to seems to correspond in character with the description given in Papias' fragment of a record of the compilation of "the divine utterances" made by Matthew; and the 'use made of it in our first Gospel may explain the connexion of this Apostle's name with it.
The' four topographic belts of the state correspond very closely to the outcrops of its geological formations; the rocks of the Appalachian belt being of Palaeozoic age; the formation of the Highlands, Archaean; that of the Triassic Lowland, Triassic; that of the irregular hills of the Coastal Plain, Cretaceous and Tertiary.
Low shores correspond to the plains of Cheshire, Lancashire and the Solway, while the intervening coast is of no great elevation, as only the foothills of the Lake District approach it with a gradual slope.
The various powers are sometimes summed up under the two heads of OaaLXLIo i and Eiw - y TLKiI, which correspond to the two names Kilptos and OfOs.
Although the three divisions of savage, barbaric, and civilized man do not correspond at all perfectly with the Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages, this classification of civilization has proved of extraordinary value in arranging in their proper order of culture the nations of the Old World.
This new interest led him to correspond with many of the most eminent men in Europe.
To this correspond the Platonic confusion of logic and ethics and the attempt to substitute a theory of concepts for a metaphysic of reality.
To the three geographical divisions correspond three well-marked ethnical groups - the Onas of the main island, the Yagans (Yahgans) of the south and the Alakalufs of the west.
Some lines of certain elements are always seen fainter or thinner than on the photosphere, or even wholly obliterated; others sometimes show the same features, but not always; other lines of the same elements, perhaps originating at a level above the spot, are not affected; there are also bright streaks where even the general absorption of the spot is absent, and sometimes such a bright line will correspond to a dark line on the photosphere; most generally the lines are intensified, generally in breadth, sometimes in darkness, sometimes in both together, sometimes in one at the expense of the other; certain lines not seen in the photosphere show only across the umbra, others cross umbra and penumbra, others reach a short distance over the photosphere.
The helium formations do not reach the sun's limb, and it is another puzzling detail that the spectrum of the disk shows no absorption line of anything like an intensity to correspond with the emission line of helium in the chromosphere.
Figures and letters may even be used in combination; thus 16 may be followed by 16a and 16b, and these by 17, and in such a case the ordinal i oo does not correspond with the total (cardinal) number up to this point.
The systems adopted for numeration and for notation do not always agree with one another; nor do they always correspond with the idea which the numbers subjectively present.
But the two pairs of compartments will correspond to a single pair of numbers, e.g.
A B C of numerical quantities, merely correspond with each other, the correspondence being the result of some relation.
The name is a bad one, since it does not correspond with any ordinary meaning of the verb.
This is indeed advanced as an illustration or confirmation of the truth of his system, - as a proof that the facts of history correspond to his analysis of consciousness.
In external nature there are expansion and contraction History which correspond to spontaneity and reflection.
Non-organized may or may not correspond to a positive - i.e.
Turning to fossil Asteroidea, we find the earlier ophiurids scarcely distinguishable from the asterids, while in the alternation of the ambulacrals, which undoubtedly correspond to the flooring-plates of Edrioaster, both groups approach the Pelmatozoan type.
Here he remained for many years, but recovered sufficiently to correspond with his friends and even to meditate writing fresh books.
The parameter which determines the variable curve may be given as a point upon a given curve, or say as a parametric point; that is, to the different positions of the parametric point on the given curve correspond the different variable curves, and the nature of the envelope will thus depend on that of the given curve; we have thus the envelope as a derivative curve of the given curve.
In the main, the various types of minute ocular structure correspond very closely to the different groups into which mammals are divided, this correspondence affording important testimony in the favour of the general correctness of the classification.
On the assumption that these functional teeth correspond to the milk-series of placentals, "marsupials in this respect agree exactly with modern elephants, in which the same peculiarity exists.
With the aid of these instances of paired caeca, coupled with the frequent existence of a rudiment of its missing fellow when only one is functional, the author has been enabled to demonstrate conclusively that these double organs in birds correspond in relations with their normally single representative in mammals.
Though on this account and because the subdivisions Simplices, Gradatae and Mixtae do not correspond to definite phylogenetic groups, they have not been used in classifying the Ferns above; they are of great importance as an advance towards a natural classification.
It has taken some time to obtain any general acceptance of the view that the parapodia of the Chaetopoda and the limbs of Arthropoda are genetically identi cal structures; yet if we compare the para podium of Tomopteris or of Phyllodoce with one of the foliaceous limbs of Branchipus or __; Apus, the correspond ences of the two are striking.
Such chelate rami or limbbranchesare independently developed in Crustacea and inArachnida, and are carried by somites of the body which do not correspond in position in the two groups.
The ommataeum, as already stated, tends to segregate into retinulae which correspond potentially each to an ommatidium of the compound eye.
It appears from observation of the embryo that whilst the first prosthomere of Centipedes has its appendages reduced and represented only by eye-patches (as in Arachnida, Crustacea and Hexapoda), the second has a rudimentary antenna, which disappears, whilst the third carries the permanent antennae, which accordingly correspond to the second antennae of Crustacea, and are absent in Hexapoda.
The characteristics of this practical goodness in Plato's matured thought correspond to the fundamental conceptions in his view of the universe.
With a little straining these are made to correspond to five chief divisions of Jus, - personal security (benevolence being opposed to the ill-will that commonly causes personal injuries), property, contract, marriage and government; while the first, second and fourth, again, regulate respectively the three chief classes of human motives, - affections, mental desires and appetites.
Throughout the Old Testament history, however, Galilee as a whole cannot be said to have a history; the unit of territorial subdivision was tribal rather than provincial, and though such important events as those associated with the names of Barak, Gideon, Gilboa, Armageddon, took place within its borders, yet these belong rather to the histories of Issachar, Zebulon, Asher or Naphtali, whose territories together almost correspond with Galilee, than to the province itself.
It is evident therefore that the large majority of anti-Venizelist deputies returned to the Chamber (256 out of 369) did not in any way correspond to a real anti-Venizelist majority in the electorate at large.
The Tuatha De do not appear in any of the earliest quasi-historical documents, nor in Nennius, and they scarcely correspond to any particular race.
In ancient Irish literature the functions of the druids correspond fairly closely to those of their Gaulish brethren recorded by Caesar and other writers of antiquity.
In the Brehon Laws the land belongs in theory to the tribe, but this did not by any means correspond to the state of affairs.
The political divisions of Austria correspond, for the most part, so closely to natural physical divisions that the detailed account of the physical features, natural resources and the movement of the population has been given under those separate headings.
As said before, the division is primarily linguistic and, especially upon the border line, does not always correspond with the variations of physical type.
Two polyhedra correspond when the radii vectores from their centres to the mid-point of the edges, centre of the faces, and to the vertices, can be brought into coincidence.
Two polyhedra are reciprocal when the faces and vertices of one correspond to the vertices and faces of the other.
A polyhedron is said to be the hemihedral form of another polyhedron when its faces correspond to the alternate faces of the latter or holohedral form; consequently a hemihedral form has half the number of faces of the holohedral form.
Thus the faces of the cuboctahedron, the truncated cube, and truncated octahedron, correspond; likewise with the truncated dodecahedron, truncated icosahedron, and icosidodecahedron; and with the small and great rhombicosidodecahedra.
In the fore-leg these muscles correspond with those similarly named in man.
The grooves usually indicate the divisions between the carpels and correspond to the dissepiments.
The term "parish" is not in use as a territorial designation except in Louisiana, the sixty parishes of which correspond to the counties of the other states of the Union.
The specified coordinates correspond to the top-left corner of this rectangle.
My request is very simple in that I would love to correspond with a minister's wife of the baptist denomination of Scotland.
In the second variant, the generator numbers correspond to the generator order given in the list gens.
The harmonics of the string vibrations were supposed to correspond to the observed hadrons.
The eyes correspond with the general tone of color of the animal, varying from deep hazel to yellow.
The numbers stored correspond to the amplitudes of the waveform at the sampling instants indicated by the black vertical lines.
The low exposure levels used here correspond to exposure limits for whole-body exposure of humans.
The Assistant Referee or club linesman must then redirect their flag signal immediately to correspond to the direction given by the Referee.
Every strong monad is equipped with two standard products, which correspond to left-to-right and right-to-left evaluation.
This makes it easy to embed literal strings that correspond to non-ASCII characters by simply typing the strings in place in the script.
The testes, which correspond in ?t " te e 'm' ms 's,' c position with the ovaries of a female Cephalodiscus, constitute the greater part of the animal.
It also shows that the anterior molars of elephants do not correspond to the premolars of other ungulates, but to the milk-molars, the early loss of which in consequence of the peculiar process of horizontal forward-moving (From Owen.) FIG.
Southern Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego, for instance, although they correspond in latitude to Labrador, are made habitable and an excellent sheep-grazing country by the southerly equatorial current along the continental coast.
Materialism argues that, as life depends on a material organism, thought is a function of the brain, and the soul is but the sum of mental states, to which, according to the theory of psychophysical parallelism, physical changes always correspond; therefore, the dissolution of the body carries with it necessarily the cessation of consciousness.
In this argument he emphasizes the vagueness of the boundaries which mark off organic species with a view to show that these do not correspond to absolutely fixed divisions in the objective world, that they are made by the mind, not by nature.
The Falkland Islands correspond very nearly in latitude in the southern hemisphere with London in the northern, but the climatic influences are very different.
The latest theory, however, is that there is a great linguistic group (which may or may not prove to correspond to an ethnic unity) comprising the Munda, Monkhmer, Malay, Polynesian and Micronesian languages, and that the stream of immigration which distributed them started from the extreme west.
The sedimentary schists or paraschists have three great subdivisions, the mica-schists and chlorite-schists (which correspond in a general way to shales or clay rocks) the calc-schists (impure limestones) and the quartz-schists (metamorphosed sandstones).
Most conspicuous among the appendages of the head are the feelers or antennae, which correspond to the anterior feelers A (antennules) of Crustacea.
Generally the subject of each plate has letterpress to correspond, but in some cases this is wanting, while on the other hand descriptions of species not figured are occasionally introduced, and usually observations on the distribution and construction of each genus or group are added.
A market is still held weekly, also fairs in May and August correspond to these grants.
Thus the actually observed densities of liquid chlorine and bromine at the boilingpoints are 1 56 and 2-96, leading to atomic volumes 22.7 and 26.9, which closely correspond to Kopp's values deduced from organic compounds.
The second group, which he regards as instinctive in the wider acceptance of the term, nearly, if not quite, correspond to those above spoken of as intelligent - though he regards this term as falsely applied (see Intelligence Of Animals).
In the same way the sous-prefets correspond to the subdelegues of the intendants, with the difference that they are actual officials subordinate to the prefects, while the subdelegues were merely the representatives with whom the intendants provided themselves, and to whom they gave powers.
Archaeological evidence points clearly now to the conclusion that the splendid but overgrown civilization of the Mycenaean or " late Minoan " period of the Aegean Bronze Age collapsed rather suddenly before a rapid succession of assaults by comparatively barbarous invaders from the European mainland north of the Aegean; that these invaders passed partly by way of Thrace and the Hellespont into Asia Minor, partly by Macedon and Thessaly into peninsular Greece and the Aegean islands; that in east Peloponnese and Crete, at all events, a first shock (somewhat later than i soo B.C.) led to the establishment of a cultural, social and political situation which in many respects resembles what is depicted in Homer as the " Achaean " age, with principal centres in Rhodes, Crete, Laconia, Argolis, Attica, Orchomenus and south-east Thessaly; and that this regime was itself shattered by a second shock or series of shocks somewhat earlier than boo B.C. These latter events correspond in character and date with the traditional irruption of the Dorians and their associates.
A single known force in a polygon determines the direction of all the others, as these must all correspond with arrows pointing the same way round the polygon.
The electrical resistance is about that of ordinary glass, and is diminished by one-half during exposure by Röntgen rays; the dielectric constant (16) is greater than that which should correspond to the specific gravity.
The cross sections for gamma-ray interaction correspond to a toluene based scintillator.
Some of the FIELD attributes defined by the VOTable format correspond to standard information in the corresponding ColumnInfo object, and some do not.
For providers and parents, review your own standards and confirm with your state's to see how they correspond.
Does that correspond with your above needs?
Although non-ornate gift cards are available through Walmart, there are also quite a few designs to choose from that either correspond with a holiday, special event or feature a fun motif.
The types of questions asked will correspond to the types of information an attorney will need to collect in order to open a divorce file.
Whether you are a gentile wanting to learn more about the Yiddish language, or are Yiddish and wanting to learn English to correspond better with the rest of the world, there are plenty of online dictionaries to help you out.
According to ancient Chinese medicine, sweet, salty, spicy, bitter, and sour tastes correspond to the five essential elements needed by the human body.
Since they fit so well with the inherent theme of all weddings, it's also easy to customize heart-shaped cakes to fit other themes and correspond to set color schemes.
Like most children's clothing, you'll find pajamas in sizes that usually correspond to age, so a size six in girls' pajamas will fit most girls in this age group.
The selection isn't as great as some other sites, but the product prices correspond with a limited budget.
Tablature uses numbers that correspond to the frets on your guitar to signify the notes of a piece of music.
Open position means that the strings without dots on them correspond to open strings on your guitar.
Once you remember this fact, you can compute which notes correspond with which frets with a quick glance.
An unclaimed refund is one which does not correspond with a tax return and which has not been issued.
Generally, this number of exemptions you claim should correspond with the number of exemptions you claimed on your W-4.
The socks are usually styled in patterns or colors that correspond to the rest of the uniform.
The language and memory schemes employed in color displays correspond to those that depict color depth in graphics files.
Dr Madsen has recognized fossils that correspond with those from the Inferior oolite, Cornbrash and Callovian of England.
It will be seen that they may be divided into two groups - alkali-micas (potash-mica, &c.) and ferromagnesian micas - which correspond roughly with the division into light and dark micas.
The partitions with one bipart correspond to the sums of powers in the single system or unipartite theory; they are readily expressed in terms of the elementary functions.
Further, it is increasingly felt that ethical judgments do not depend on reason alone, but involve every element in our character; and that the real problem of practical morality is to establish a harmonious balance between the intelligence and the feelings - to make a man's "I think this is right" correspond with his "I feel that it is so."
When the load on a hardened wire is gradually increased, the maximum value of I is found to correspond with a greater stress than when the load is gradually diminished, this being an effect of hysteresis.
There is some reason to admit the existence of another more anterior pair of these muscles in Scorpio; this would make the number exactly correspond with the number in Limulus.
It is noteworthy that the sections on the right hand correspond in the main to the elements which have been those to which 1 Swete divides the Apocalypse first of all into forty-two minor sections.
The trade-wind regions correspond pretty closely with westward-flowing currents, while in the equatorial calm belts there are eastward-running countercurrents, these lying north of the equator in the Atlantic and Pacific, but south of the equator in the Indian Ocean.
They correspond to the two methods of regarding quantity - the arithmetical and the geometrical.
They bear a definite relation to the structure of our physical and psychical nature, and correspond to definite needs of the subject that manifests itself therein.
The health of the city, unfortunately, does not correspond with its favourable climatic conditions.
The most important formulae are those which correspond to the use of rectangular Cartesian co-ordinates.
If the series were complete we should have terms which separately would correspond to the fundamental, its octave, its twelfth, its double octave, and so on.
Michelson's experiments therefore argue in favour of the view that the luminescence in a vacuum tube is similar to that produced by phosphorescence where the translatory energy does not correspond to the oscillatory energy - but further experiments are desirable.
It is defined by the property that relative to it all accelerations of particles correspond to forces.
Htk., as it is usually abbreviated, has further subdivision, and is intended to correspond to the same value of land throughout the country.
Geologically, the Himalaya may be divided into three zones which correspond more or less with orographical divisions.
The lines are broadened (as was already known), the intensity of emission is much increased, but some are weakened and some strengthened, nor is the amount of broadening the same for all lines, nor is it always symmetrical, being sometimes greater on the red side; but besides the effect of unsymmetrical broadening, every line is displaced towards the red; different lines again behave differently, and they may be arranged somewhat roughly in a few groups according to their behaviour; reversals are also effected, and the reversed line does not always correspond with the most intense part of the emission line.
The four intendencias are called Goajira, Meta, Alto Caqueta and Putumayo, and their aggregate area is estimated to be considerably more than half of the republic. The first covers the Goajira peninsula, which formerly belonged to the department of Magdalena, and the other three roughly correspond to the drainage basins of the three great rivers of the eastern plains whose names they bear.
True costae always correspond to the septa, and are in fact the peripheral edges of the latter.
The vortex patterns correspond to the intersection of the laser sheet with the trailing, helical vortices from the turbine blades.
However, growth of the Girl Scout organization over the years dictated the need to produce different styles of uniforms to accommodate various groups of age levels and to correspond with the styles of the times.
Boy Scout uniform inspections take place on a regular basis to ensure that a member's outer appearance correctly correspond to the organization's ideals.
However, a lens shade number does not necessarily correspond to the amount of protection the lens gives.
These correspond to the "merit badges" earned by Boy Scouts, and range from physical activities such as "Hiker" to more esoteric research-based badges like "Earth Connections."
Recalling the formulae above which connect s P4 and a m, we see that dP4 and Dp q are in co-relation with these quantities respectively, and may be said to be operations which correspond to the partitions (pq), (10 P 01 4) respectively.
See further Ishmael, and note that the pair Isaac and Ishmael correspond to Abraham and Lot, Jacob and Esau.
The Cainozoic volcanic history of New Zealand begins in the Oligocene, when the high volcanic domes of Dunedin and Banks Peninsula were built up. The Dunedin lavas including tephrites and kenytes correspond to the dacite eruptions in the volcanic history of Victoria.
Sometimes the written forms correspond to double words which have disappeared.
The leaves (some 150 in number) of the gill-book (see figure) correspond to the tooth-like processes of the pectens of Scorpio.
Each of the five elements have different properties that correspond to it.
Scene individuals and the hair attached to them come in different flavors that usually correspond to their tastes in music, friends, type of club they hang at, and clothing.
Reece is photographed completing each move and instructions are given that correspond to the photos.
Tee shirts that have images include zodiac symbols that correspond with the expected month of delivery.
The names of these swim bottoms often correspond to their panty counterparts.
Women's dressing rules can be confusing, but they're not impossible to navigate if you simply choose suggestions that correspond with your body type.
To some extent, scales from these organizations correspond to the GIA scale; however, there are some differences in the letters and numbers used to denote the level of clarity.
Manda d'hayye and his image Hibil Ziva with his incarnations clearly correspond to the old Babylonian Marduk, Merodach, the "first-born" son of Ea, with his incarnations, the chief divinity of the city of Babylon, the mediator and redeemer in the old religion.
To be consistent with the terminology adopted in Britain, it is necessary to regard the pole which is geographically north as being the south pole of the terrestrial magnet, and that which is geographically south as the north pole; in practice however the names assigned to the terrestrial magnetic poles correspond with their geographical situations.
At the time of the Domesday Survey Kent comprised sixty hundreds, and there was a further division into six lests, probably representing the shires of the ancient kingdom, of which two, Sutton and Aylesford, correspond with the present-day lathes.
In 1876, on the initiative of General Chanzy, then governor-general, that official was accorded the right to correspond direct with all the ministers in Paris.
In no European country is there any personage to whom the president can be said to correspond.
In tracing the lobulation of man's liver back to this generalized type, it is evident at once that his quadrate lobe does not correspond to any one generalized lobe, but is merely that part of the right central which lies between the gall bladder and the umbilical fissure.
That is, original investigation of special problems has to be carried out on a more gigantic scale than any economist of the historical school ever dreamt of or the world requires, with the certain knowledge that at the end of it all the general theory will not correspond with the facts of life.
The dwellings do not correspond in size or details with the undoubtedly prehistoric abodes on the Acropolis.
In France the lines which best correspond to British light railways are called Chemins de fer d'interit local.
From its very nature this general theory can never correspond strictly to the actual life and movement of any given state.
The speed held to correspond with the resistance must be the mean speed during the change of speed.
The heart lies in front of, instead of to the side of, the attachment of the ctenidium - hence Opisthobranchia as opposed to " Prosobranchia," which correspond to the Streptoneura.
From the nature of the case, this view is not, and could not be, based upon actual observation, nor is it universally accepted; however, it seems to correspond more closely than any other to the facts of comparative morphology.
The various forms into which materialism may be classified correspond to the various causes which induce men to take up materialistic views.
The mandamenti or administrative divisions no longer correspond to the judicial divisions (mandamenti giudiziarii) which in November 1891 were reduced from 1806 to 1535 by a law which provided that judicial reform should not modify existing administrative and electoral divisions.
In Irish literature, however, the Druids are frequently mentioned, and their functions in the island seem to correspond fairly well to those of their Gaulish brethren described by classical writers.
The oversight of all the colonies and protectorates save Algeria and Tunisia is confided to a minister of the colonies (law of March 20, 1894)1 whose powers correspond to those exercised in France by the minister of the interior.
The pouch from which the marsupials take their name is supported by the two epipubic bones, but does not correspond to the temporary breeding-pouch of the monotremes.
As we have already stated, the distribution of the capacity along the resistance R must in submarine cable work be made to correspond very accurately with the distribution of the capacity along the resistance of the cable.
The first group, which he regards as instinctive in the strict acceptance of the term, seem exactly to correspond to those which fall under the definition given above.
These three are therefore reckoned as milk-molars, and their successors as premolars, while the last three correspond to the true molars of other mammals.
Revelation is not Scripture alone, for Scripture taken by itself does not correspond exactly with his description; nor is it church tradition alone, for church tradition must so far rest on Scripture.
No such line of separation exists farther south, and the terms Central and Southern Italy, though in general use among geographers and convenient for descriptive purposes, do not correspond to any natural divisions.
This coelom is lined by peritoneal cells and is divided into a series of metameres by septa which correspond to the segmentation of the FIG 15.
Here a series of excavations, carried out by the British School in 1896-1897 under the direction of Cecil Smith, revealed the foundations of an extensive Greek building, the outlines of which correspond with those of a gymnasium; it possessed a large bath or cistern, and was flanked on two sides by water-courses.
By projecting Ladenburg's prism on a plane and numbering the atoms so as to correspond with Kekule's form, viz.
Since in all domesticated cats retaining the colouring of the wild species the soles of the hind-feet correspond in this particular with the Egyptian rather than with the European wild cat, the presumption is in favour of their descent from the former rather than from the latter.
On the other hand, there are those who believe that the functional dentition (other than the replacing premolar and the molars) correspond to the milk-dentition of placentals, and that the rudimentary tooth-germs represent a "prelacteal" dentition.
As an interpreter of the mystical side of Calvinism and of the psychological conditions which correspond with the doctrines of grace Erskine is unrivalled.
That the astro-theological system is also introduced into the epic is clear from the division into twelve tablets, which correspond to the yearly course of the sun, while throughout there are indications that all the adventures of Gilgamesh and Eabani, including those which have an historical background, have been submitted to the influence of this system and projected on to the heavens.
In the absence of literary culture the Albanian dialects, as might be expected, are widely divergent; the limits of the two principal dialects correspond with the racial boundaries of the Ghegs and Tosks, who understand each other with difficulty; the Albanians in Greece and Italy have also separate dialects.
The conformation of those flowers a consists essentially in the pres- ' 'A B ence of a six-parted perianth, the three outer segments of which correspond to a calyx, the three inner ones to a corolla.
A dark blue liquid is produced, and the first portions of gas boiling off from the mixture correspond fairly closely in composition with nitrogen trioxide.
Elsewhere the plants generally indicate a higher horizon and are considered to correspond with the Rhaetic of Europe_ Jurassic beds are known only in the Cordillera itself, and the Cretaceous beds, which occur in the west of the country, are of freshwater origin.
Their moral quality must correspond with the character of God; and they must be connected with teaching which to reason and conscience approves itself divine.
Then, in chapters iv.-vi., he turns, with a characteristic and impressive "therefore," to set forth the obligations which correspond to the privileges he has just expounded.
In the colonies there are two or more archdeacons in each diocese, and their functions correspond to those of English archdeacons.
They correspond roughly with the governments of Kutais, Tiflis, Elisavetpol and Baku, and have a population of nearly 3,650,000.
Equity as thus described would correspond rather to the judicial discretion which modifies the administration of the law than to the antagonistic system which claims to supersede the law.