Correct Sentence Examples
At least he had found the correct profession.
The government operating in its correct role is instrumental to civilization.
Maybe. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Later, as she looked down at his sleeping form, she was silently cursing the doctor because his diagnosis was correct, but for the wrong partner.
We've convinced ourselves we're absolutely correct but we don't demand that of others.
One of Helen's old habits, that is strongest and hardest to correct, is a tendency to break things.
It wasn't as if he hadn't given her time to correct the problem.
He could account for the correct mileage on the car if he used a tow bar that kept the wheels on the road.
It is irksome because the process is so slow, and they cannot read what they have written or correct their mistakes.
Presumably, his wife was correct and "bitch" referred to a woman.
AdvertisementThe street he was on looked as it had on the television he said, but the houses were absent numbers so it took him a few moments to locate the correct place.
I was just trying to make sure he put the water in the correct stalls.
While stroking her hair, he spoke softly, "My name is Jackson Parrish, and as God is my witness, I will do all in my power to correct this situation."
In this case, the correct decision is to reject the null hypothesis.
This latter question had not presented itself to the prophet's mind; his object was simply to correct the opinion of the people that their present misfortunes were due not to their own faults but to those of their predecessors.
AdvertisementThis is strictly correct, but, with the exception of the first and last, these titles are seldom to be found in documents.
Press Enter to confirm your information is correct.
If, however, Mache's views were correct, we should expect a much closer connexion between I and A than has actually been observed.
To obtain a correct idea of this region it must be borne in mind also that the course of the river and the features of the country on both banks are subject to constant fluctuation.
It was, however, soon clear that Palmerston's diagnosis of the temper of the French bourgeois was correct; the clamour for war subsided; on the 4th of December the address on the Egyptian Question proposed by the government was carried, and peace was assured.
AdvertisementWe pay 500/1 for 3 correct numbers in the Irish lotto.
If necessary correct any misalignment using the ' handles ' on the driving tool.
Note that the spelling of the missing word must be correct.
The emissaries, who themselves did not know the correct answer, were to bring the replies of the oracles back to the king.
A few weeks later her style is more nearly correct and freer in movement.
AdvertisementEvery delegate was also given an NDAD promotional mug, at least ensuring that they took away our correct web site address!
This was quite correct on the twenty-fourth of July.
When placing that bottle of wine in the refrigerator, you may have stopped to wonder what is the correct temperature to serve white wine.
In addition, the car seat needs to be the correct size for the child and needs to fits properly into the vehicle.
The texts themselves have mostly become as correct as they can ever be, and manuals and bibliographies guide one to and through them, so that no one need go astray who takes the trouble to make use of the mechanism which is at his hand.
The table below gives some details, approximately correct, of the, principal experiments made with flying machines up to 1908.
Having established his priority, Pascal published his investigations, which occasioned a great sensation among his contemporaries, and Wallis was enabled to correct his methods.
If the statement in the life of Terence by Suetonius is correct and the reading sound, Caecilius's judgment was so esteemed that he was ordered to hear Terence's Andria (exhibited 166 B.C.) read and to pronounce an opinion upon it.
All the grammatically correct texts, together with those portions of the Avesta which have intrinsic worth, especially the metrical passages, are indubitably authentic and taken ad verbum from the original Avesta.
The other and probably the correct view is that any considerable sum of money paid to a child at that child's request is an advancement; thus payment of a son's debts of honour has been held to be an advancement.
Gunther open completely new ground, and seem to be the correct solution of the problem.
Izaak Walton's Life of Donne, an admirably written but not entirely correct biography, preceded the Sermons of 1640.
According to the old phrase, logic is the art of correct thinking.
Richard, duke of York, seems to have taken warning by his father's fate; but, after seeking for many years to correct by other means the weakness of Henry VI.'s government, he first took up arms against the ill advisers who were his own personal enemies, and at length claimed the crown in parliament as his right.
For this he obtained a value which was substantially different from that ascertained by the committee of the British Association appointed for the purpose, but ultimately he had the satisfaction of seeing his own result accepted as the more correct of the two.
Excepting the embayment region, Missouri lies wholly within the Carolinian area of the Upper Austral life-zone; the There has been some controversy as to whether this condition is due to the elevation and corrosion of original flood-plain meanders after their development in a past base-level condition - which theory is probably correct - or to the natural, simultaneous lateral and vertical cut of an originally slightly sinuous stream, under such special conditions of stream declivity and horizontal bedstrata (conditions supposed by some to be peculiarly fulfilled in this region) as would be favourable to the requisite balance of bank cutting and channel incision.
There is no satisfactory record of temperatures and rainfall in these widely different climatic zones from which correct averages can be drawn and compared.
All things considered, an annual increase of i% for the thirty-five years between 1871 and 1906 would seem to be more nearly correct, which would give a population in the latter year - exclusive of the population of Panama - of a little over 3,800,000.
The large proportion of mestizos, if these percentages are correct, is significant because it implies a persistence of type that may largely determine the character of Colombia's future population, unless the more slowly increasing white element can be reinforced by immigration.
The title Prinz von Preussen, therefore, excludes any idea of territorial sovereignty, whereas the correct German rendering of that of prince of Wales, which originally at least implied such sovereignty, would be Fiirst von Wales.
His conduct in both instances was perhaps technically correct, but it was much resented by loyal colonists.
Where suitably placed long-period gauges exist, and where care has been exercised in ascertaining the authenticity of their, records and in making the comparisons, the short records of the local gauges may be thus carried back into the long periods with nearly correct results.
A thoroughly trustworthy and experienced workman should be selected to lay the pipes, with instructions to set no pipes until he is satisfied that the depth of the drains and level of the bottoms are correct.
By testing the beam with the scale-pans attached and equal weights in the pans, and noting carefully the position which it takes up; and then interchanging the scale-pans, &c., and again noting the position which the beam takes up, a correct inference can be drawn as to the causes of error; and if after slightly altering or adjusting the knife-edges and scale-pans in the direction indicated by the experiment, the operation is repeated, any required degree of accuracy may be ob - tained by successive approximations.
When a platform machine is in true adjustment, and the loose weights which are intended to be hung at the end of the steelyard are correct and consistent among themselves, a good and new machine, whose capacity is 4 cwt., should not show a greater error than 4 oz.
To correct this tendency the spring is usually made half with right-hand spiral and half with lefthand spiral.
In order to ensure the correct weight of the bag it is necessary to consider that when the cut-off slide acts, a certain quantity of sugar is in transitu and has not at that moment taken its place in the bag.
These assumptions are probably not nearly correct and, as the stresses caused by the cooling of the casting are unknown, it is necessary to choose a low working stress of about one ton per square inch.
One result is the formation of a number-series as a mere succession of names without any corresponding ideas of number; the series not being necessarily correct.
The numbers (integral or decimal) by which we represent the results of arithmetical operations are often only approximately correct.
For instance, .143 represents correct to 3 places of decimals, since it differs from it by less than 0005.
If, for instance, the values of a and b, correct to two places of decimals, are 3 58 and 1 34, then 2 24, as the value of a - b, is not necessarily correct to two places.
The main difficulty is in the correct placing of the curtailed partial products.
When we have to multiply two numbers, and the product is only required, or can only be approximately correct, to a certain number of significant figures, we need only work to two or three more figures (§ 83), and then correct the final figure in the result by means of the superfluous figures.
Free market anarchism is, approximately speaking, politically correct.
They do this to ensure that the details given in the application form are correct before paying the annuitant an income.
The first four correct answers drawn out of a hat at the start of May will win a signed book.
This is achieved using a specially designed splitter box to feed each dipole antenna with the correct RF signal phase.
When using a trolley jack, refer to the vehicle workshop manual to identify the correct lifting point.
He was made to wear splints to correct his knock-knees and was naturally left-handed but was forced to write with his right.
You will find out whether they need one by reading the limerick aloud, keeping to the correct rhythm.
Then, carefully pour the liquid into a medicine measure to make sure you get the correct dose.
The Pocket Book entry for this location lists a Howard 4-wheel gasoline loco built about 1923; would not 1927 be more correct?
Fill mechanical lubricators (where fitted) and hydrostatic lubricators with the correct grades of oil, ensuring they are not overfilled.
People who shake may have difficulty in keeping a hand-held magnifier steady to maintain the correct distance from a page.
A slight misalignment of the two images in each eye produces a visual disparity that the muscles try to correct.
For this reason, we must correct a common misunderstanding.
The correct intensity for the pixel is controlled by tilting each mirror on and off (pulse-width modulation ).
Trimus didn't correct the cleric, his mind was still mulling over the reason for this lair being here.
In order to image mice a specially made contact lens is necessary to correct for severe myopia [4] .
We should take care in getting correct nomenclature, historically and as used by the local community.
It is not correct English to describe an unused notepad and a pen as a'document ' .
To correct that omission we provide the details here - see below.
He had orders to put the correct gloss on all his master's short orations.
The tutor found the students who had correct answers helped others in the group.
His reasoning was correct, but even Tycho's marvelous instruments were not accurate enough to register stellar parallax given the vast distances involved.
The correct way to find the key to a piece of music is to use a pitchfork.
What is the correct reaction to Coca Cola's latest marketing ploy?
Scoring You score a point for each guess word your team gets correct during your turn.
Connect a suitable power supply being sure to observe correct polarity.
To ensure problem free delivery please make sure that you supply the full address and correct postcode of the delivery destination.
Instead, use the Edit button to add a postscript, or correct your typo.
Correct grammer is important, but correct spelling is surely preeminent Oh dear!
The easiest way to correct presbyopia is to let the person choose from a selection of glasses of different strengths.
By the fifth training session all subjects were able to perform a full plyometric press-up using the correct technique.
I painted using an aerosol of Halfords red oxide plastic primer which is, of course, the correct final color.
Develop listening skills by slowing down the native speaker to hear the correct pronunciation.
Any supplementary prospectus adding to or correct the information in the original document must also be delivered immediately to the Registrar.
Many of his comments, however, revealed strange views on correct punctuation.
In these politically correct times this is sometimes rendered as CE standing for C urrent E Ra.
Every word has to be correct or serious ramifications may result.
His act was one big angry rant against the world - the politically correct period has clearly missed him.
We will also correct, amend or delete any Personal Data that is inaccurate and notify any third party recipients of the necessary changes.
Crop, rotate, correct brightness and remove red-eye with a click of a button.
It relies entirely on rider skill, depending on the use of the draw reins to encourage correct head carriage.
Numerous experiments using very high-speed objects have shown that Special relativity is correct.
Please tick membership type required and enclose the correct remittance.
The optical filter - which stops infrared light from reaching the camera sensor - is in place during the day for correct color rendition.
Houdin never repudiated or sought to correct anything published about him on the subject.
In order for the correct bonds to be made, amino acid residues alone may be insufficient.
It appears to be the latter that is correct, at time of writing, and the cvar restriction is not necessary.
It can be used to keep bones rigid during a time of healing, help with movement, correct a deformity or relieve pain.
Lumagen scalers either have the correct 75ohm RGBHV BNC output terminals fitted as standard, or they can have them added as an option.
Results explained with reference to scientific theory using correct scientific notation.
You also get the correct pronunciation for the French terms in rather scratchy sound.
Taste and correct the seasoning if necessary, then serve.
For, thanks to that rule, " xFx | - Fa is a correct sequent.
I need to know that correct device name for the 9-pin serial port.
For Norwegian GPs, a putative diagnosis of acute sinusitis is likely to be correct 63% of the time.
Even if he makes an obvious clerical slip-up he is entitled to correct his mistake if he does so within a reasonable time.
This thickness is then used in the analysis of the X-ray spectrum to correct for self absorption of X-rays in the sample.
You can even tell us the correct spelling of the name to print on the CD label.
It incorporates aspherical lens elements in the front, as well as rear lens groups, to correct spherical aberration.
If things get spicy up there I can find the correct piece in an instant.
The correct actions on body fluid spillages were taken by very few.
I took the spare three seater squab in correct moquette to Block & Son in Woburn Sands so he can find a suitable match.
The eighth and final event was a recovery to Valley along a specified radial from the Valley TACAN, wearing a correct IFF squawk.
They will also stabilize your feet, evenly redistribute weight and correct your entire body posture during the golf swing.
First, some version of perceptual subjectivism is probably correct, with the adverbial theory being the more promising of the two main alternatives.
The children's task is to color in the large sunflower with the correct recyclable items.
If huge swaths of the book are wrong, or even dubious, then none of the rest can be assumed to be correct.
On most sites you cannot use the pool unless you wear the correct swimwear.
Antigenic molecules will be chemically synthesized from peptides on a ' scaffold ' to help hold them in a correct position.
Some of these may even be correct solutions too -- we use the tiebreaker to sort that out.
A VAT registered trader 's time limit to correct liability is restricted to 3 years from the time of supply.
Plant them at the correct final spacing in well-prepared ground using a garden trowel.
The fitment of the top trunnion requires correct shimming to prevent any vertical movement and without binding.
Authors should correct typesetter 's errors in red; minimal alterations of their own work should be noted in black.
We are unable to correct typos, broken or dead links, or other errors integral to the original works.
In other words, Thank You For Smoking is exactly the kind of satire Hollywood loves, politically correct and morally unimpeachable.
Otherwise local addresses should be left unqualified, to allow the mail hub to apply the correct qualification.
Let us know Please help us correct the problem and to keep the site up-to-date.
He had surgery on May 3, 2001, to correct a hole in the atrium and a cleft in his mitral valve.
We are in the process of seeking verification from the Seller that the details of this property are correct.
This helps pupils to avoid looking for the ' correct ' meaning of biblical verses and so risk an over-literal interpretation.
Ensure you have the correct wattage of bulb for the area you wish to illuminate.
Unfortunately, there has been little or no research into the correct charging wattages of discharge lamps.
The lorries were carefully checked before leaving the wharf, so that we could be sure the correct number of sacks were on board.
Finally, it is important to correct any imbalance that comrade whittle or others may perceive in what has been written.
This cools the wort to the correct temperature for adding the yeast (pitching ).
Considering hexagram 34 Great Power again, in the 3rd yang we have a correct line, but it is too yang.
All values must be given to the correct precision, including trailing zeros.
The table here given contains some of Dalton's diagrams of atoms. They are not all considered to be correct at the present time; for example, we now think that the ultimate particle of water is made up of two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen, and that that of ammonia contains three atoms of hydrogen to one of nitrogen.
Thus if Dalton's diagram for the molecule, propor- or compound atom, of water be correct, it follows that in all samples of water the total number of the hydrogen atoms is equal to that of the oxygen atoms; consequently, the ratio of the weight of oxygen to that of hydrogen in water is the same as the ratio of the weights of an oxygen and a hydrogen atom, and this is invariable.
It must be confessed that the available space (about 70X 20 yds.) on the eastern summit (where there are some remains of ancient buildings) is so small that there would be only room for a single temple, which must have been occupied by the two deities jointly, if the new theory is correct (see Notizie degli scavi, 1902, 387 and refl.).
The correct attitude of the sultan did not save him from the suspicion of intriguing with the powerful reactionary elements in the state, a suspicion confirmed by his attitude towards the counter-revolution of the 13th of April, when an insurrection of the soldiers and the Moslem populace of the capital overthrew the committee and the ministry.
The formulae of Kekule, Divers and Armstrong have been discarded, and it remains to be shown whether Nef's carbonyloxime formula (or the bimolecular formula of Steiner) or Scholl's glyoxime peroxide formula is correct.
The special form of curb sender mentioned, termed the " Interpolator," has been devised so as to secure the correct re-transmission of any given number of consecutive elements of a letter which are of the same sign, for when signals are received at the end of a long cable the relay arm will not return to its zero position between consecutive elements of the same sign, but will remain on the respective contact surface during the whole time occupied by such consecutive elements.
Houghton, 1901) will probably for a long time to come be accepted by the ordinary reader as a substantially correct portrait of St Francis; and yet Goetz declares that the most competent and independent critics have without any exception pronounced that Sabatier has depicted St Francis a great deal too much from the standpoint of modern religiosity, and has exaggerated his attitude in face of the church (op. cit.
Nor, in view of the comparative weakness of Italian armaments, could eagerness to find an ally be deemed conclusive proof of the value of Italian friendship. Count di Robilant, Italian ambassador at Vienna, warned his government not to yield too readily to pro-Austrian pressure, lest the dignity of Italy be compromised, or her desire for an alliance be granted on onerous terms. Mancini, foreign minister, who was as anxious as Depretis for the conclusion of the Franco-Italian commercial treaty, gladly followed this advice, and limited his efforts to the maintenance of correct diplomatic relations with the central powers.
But from this perfectly correct observation a conclusion which is by no means warranted was drawn, namely, that the chick as a whole really exists in the egg antecedently to incubation; and that what happens in the course of the latter process is no addition of new parts, " alias post alias natas," as Harvey puts it, but a simple expansion or unfolding of the organs which already exist, though they are too small and inconspicuous to be discovered.
Beyond this he spoke of a land called Thule, which, if his estimate of the length of the longest day is correct, may have been Shetland, but was possibly Iceland; and from some confused statements as to a sea which could not be sailed through, it has been assumed that Pytheas was the first of the Greeks to obtain direct knowledge of the Arctic regions.
One of his great aims was optical illusion, carried out by a mastery of perspective which, though not always impeccably correct, nor absolutely superior in principle to the highest contemporary point of attainment, was worked out by himself with strenuous labour, and an effect of actuality astonishing in those times.
Whichever of these explanations is correct, it is noticeable that the Cynics agreed in taking a dog as their common badge or symbol (see Diogenes).
For nearly forty years after the acceptance of the Compromise the attitude of the emperor-king towards the Magyar constitution had been scrupulously correct.
Some vague recollection of known historical events (§ 3 end) might be claimed among the traditions ascribed to the closing centuries of the second millennium, but the view that the prelude to the monarchy was an era when individual leaders " judged " all Israel finds no support in the older narratives, where the heroes of the age (whose correct sequence is uncertain) enjoy only a local fame.
In the same way the doctrines of the classical economists may be adapted by interpretation clauses and qualifications the exact force of which cannot be tested or explained, so that we do not know whether the original proposition is to be considered substantially correct or not.
In this summary the leading factors which have contributed to a correct appreciation of organic compounds have so far been considered historically, but instead of continuing this method it has been thought advisable to present an epitome of present-day conclusions, not chronologically, but as exhibiting the principles and subject-matter of our science.
But he was not born before 672 (see above); and though the date of his death has been disputed, the traditional year, 735, is most probably correct.
If this view of his optimism be correct, Shaftesbury, as Mill says of Leibnitz, must be regarded as maintaining, not that this is the best of all imaginable but only of all possible worlds.
The accounts in Sozomen are mainly based on Jerome's Vita; but Otto Zocker has shown that Sozomen also had at his disposal authentic local traditions (see "Hilarion von Gaza" in the Neue Jahrbiicher fiir deutsche Theologie, 1894), the most important study on Hilarion, which is written against the hypercritical school of Weingarten and shows that Hilarion must be accepted as an historical personage and the Vita as a substantially correct account of his career.
The statement made by Stephanus of Byzantium and Jerome, that the city was founded under the name of Dicaearchia by a colony of Samians about 520 B.C., is probably correct, for, though in the territory of Cumae, it does not appear to have been occupied previous to 520, Misenum having been the original port of Cumae.
These speeches were generally not recorded by the stenographer; the Sla y s protected themselves against this by gradually getting it accepted that polyglot stenographers should be appointed, that their speeches should be translated, and that they should be added as appendices to the parliamentary reports in the correct national language; finally it was resolved (June 1917) that all speeches should be reported verbatim in the parliamentary reports, in the language in which they were delivered.
His style is correct, lucid and virile, but generally nothing more, and his endeavour to use as far as possible only words of Teutonic origin limited his vocabulary and makes his sentences somewhat monotonous.
Hefele himself, one of the most learned and acute of Cyril's partisans, is compelled to admit that Nestorius accurately held the duality of the two natures and the integrity of each, was equally explicitly opposed to Arianism and Apollinarianism, and was perfectly correct in his assertion that the Godhead can neither be born nor suffer; all that he can allege against him is that "the fear of the communicatio idiomatum pursued him like a spectre."
Mayer's real merit consists in the fact that, having for himself made out, on inadequate and even questionable grounds, the conservation of energy, and having obtained (though by inaccurate reasoning) a numerical result correct so far as his data permitted, he applied the principle with great power and insight to the explanation of numerous physical phenomena.
Preliminary experiments have given results correct to ± 0.5 micron, and it appears probable that by further experiments, results correct to to ± 1.0ÃŽ¼ may be obtained.
This Revised or Later Version is in every way a readable, correct rendering of the Scriptures, it is far more idiomatic than the Earlier, having been freed from the greater number of its Latinisms; its vocabulary is less archaic. Its popularity admits of no doubt, for even now in spite of neglect and persecution, in spite of the ravages of fire and time, over 150 copies remain to testify to this fact.
Schaudinn (50), who investigated certain avian Trypanosomes, considered the latter view to be correct, and believed that the carrier - in this instance a gnat - is indeed the definitive host, i.e.
Gregory's series and the identities 7 r /4 =5 tan1 + + 2 tan-',A (Euler, 1779), 7r/4 = tani ++2 tan-' s (Hutton, 1776), neither of which was nearly so advantageous as several found by Charles Hutton, calculated 7r correct to 136 places."
The Fihrist states (p. 68) that some scholars included more and others fewer poems, while the order of the poems in the several recensions differed; but the correct text, the author says, is that handed down through Ibn al-A`rabi.
Clarke's hydrometer, as afterwards constructed for the purposes of the excise, was provided with thirty-two weights to adapt it to spirits of different specific gravities, and eleven smaller weights, or "weather weights" as they were called, which were attached to the instrument in order to correct for variations of temperature.
He made experiments, simultaneously with Wallis and Wren, on the collision of hard spherical bodies, and his statement of the results (1669) included a clear enunciation of the conservation of linear momentum, as demonstrated for these cases of collision, and apparently correct in certain other cases, mass being estimated by weight.
For purposes of torpedo attack the periscope is used as a range-finder to determine the distance the target is away, and also in connexion with tables to determine the correct time to fire the torpedo, allowing for the speed of the enemy, course, etc. Officers of submarines have devised various mechanical devices to avoid calculations, and these have been added to the periscope.
In its detached yet intimate way, this is a model of the art by which a good judge of men, possessed at the same time of a just historical sense, may, from the point of view of a contemporary on the opposite side in politics, correct the perspective of an official biography written under the limitations of filial obligation, and give tone and value to the picture of an interesting personality.
Abel is probably correct in placing the inroads of the barbarous European tribes, Bithynians, Thyni, Mariandyni, &c., into Asia Minor about the beginning of the 9th century B.C. The Phrygian element on the coast was weakened and in many places annihilated; that in the interior was strengthened; and we may suppose that the kingdom of the Sangarius valley now sprang into greatness.
The papal brief establishing the hierarchy was dated 29th September 1850, and on 7th October Wiseman wrote a pastoral, dated " from out of the Flaminian Gate " - a form diplomatically correct, but of bombastic tone for Protestant ears - in which he spoke enthusiastically, if also a little pompously, of the " restoration of Catholic England to its orbit in the ecclesiastical firmament."
But if the view maintained above that formal logic must compromise or mitigate its rigour and so fail to maintain its independence, be correct, the logical consistency of Mansel's logic of consistency does but emphasize its barrenness.
In the case of the unifilar suspension, the provision of a temperature compensation is not so easy, so that what is generally done is to protect the instrument from temperature variation as much as possible and then to correct the indications so as to allow for the residual changes, a continuous record of the temperature being kept by a recording thermograph attached to the instrument.
The decades, which were continued by Diogo do Couto, a more critical writer and a clear and correct stylist, must be considered the noblest historical monument of the century (see Barros).
Portugal still lacks a collection equivalent to Rivadeneyra's Biblioteca de autores espanoles, contenting itself with the Parnasso lusitano (6 vols., 1826) and a Corpus illustrium poetarum lusitanorum qui latine scripserunt (1745-1748), and though much has been accomplished to make the classics more available, even yet no correct, not to say critical, texts of many notable writers exist.
But whether the assumption of uniform density be physically correct is a very different question, and Poisson rendered good service to science in showing how to carry on the investigation on the hypothesis that the density very near the surface is different from that in the interior of the fluid.
The first attempt to evolve order out of the chaos which had long reigned supreme was made in 1791, for we find in the preface of the first volume of the Stud-Book, published in 1808, that " with a view to correct the then increasing evil of false and inaccurate pedigrees, the author was in the year 1791 prevailed upon to publish an Introduction to a General Stud-Book, consisting of a small collection of pedigrees which he had extracted from racing calendars and sale papers and arranged on a new plan."
While entertaining, they are never, ever correct.
Dessalles looked in amazement at the prince, who was talking of the Niemen when the enemy was already at the Dnieper, but Princess Mary, forgetting the geographical position of the Niemen, thought that what her father was saying was correct.
Dunyasha, the nurse, and the other maids could not say in how far Mademoiselle Bourienne's statement was correct.
The extended " Top Line " helps visualize the correct swing path of the putter head.
That, if it were correct, would affect the quantum of the claim.
In these politically correct times this is sometimes rendered as CE standing for C urrent E ra.
Communicate with other vessels and shore stations using correct radiotelephone procedures.
Method Summary WritableRaster createCompatibleDestRaster (Raster src) Creates a zeroed destination Raster with the correct size and number of bands.
Making changes to your domain name How do I correct the registrant 's name?
Numerous experiments using very high-speed objects have shown that Special Relativity is correct.
The joint is opened up and the joint surfaces removed and, if necessary, reshaped to correct a deformity.
Much of the critique of the SLP in their resignation letter is correct, of course.
Where seat belts fitted, correct child restraint MUST be used.
The left hand rudder assembly also is supported in the correct relative position.
Among other things, this obliges them to have a written policy on the correct handling and safekeeping of Disclosure information.
Two of them single out four words which are not correct in the Qur'an; they are scribal errors.
For, thanks to that rule, xFx | - Fa is a correct sequent.
How is it possible to have respect for just punishment if this scandalous penal servitude sentence is correct?
Sexual harassment at work (Leaflet 285) was correct at date of publication March 2006.
Our teacher hopes for " one more shovelful of earth " to prove that Daniel was correct.
Research by the BBC confirmed that the correct figure for 20/20 visual acuity is a sixtieth of a degree.
The questions are based on semantic factors of spoken French, the user must choose the correct meaning to a slang phrase for example.
In fact there was no sniper shot on Inglis 's factory, that is correct.
Are we tempted to soft pedal the uniqueness of Christ in our politically correct and supposedly pluralistic society?
At age 73, I had surgery to correct a spinal stenosis.
The usual method of dealing with problem people is to spend more time with them to try to correct the squeaking noise.
On most Lambretta engines machining a head to the dome of the piston will give a correct squish band for power.
Classification The star ratings shown are based on the latest official inspection correct at October 2004.
Strictly speaking, it is not correct to describe the drug as able 'to replace the stomach lining '.
Editors may introduce in their thesaurus the subsumption relations correct for that use, i.e. of the derived concepts.
The children 's task is to color in the large sunflower with the correct recyclable items.
Supramolecular complexes organize the correct repertoires of receptors, enzymes and ion channels into individual signaling pathways.
If the gears are in the correct position then slide the new thrust washers into place between the carrier and planet gear.
The slaughtermen are in such a hurry that they often do n't put the electric tongs in the correct position.
Special toric lenses are required to correct your vision.
There may be more than one correct way of transliterating a name into Japanese.
Our reward for getting the trivia question correct was taking a charter flight to Exmouth.
No tungsten based fakes of the correct specifications have been reported.
Authors should correct typesetters errors in red; minimal alterations of their own should be in black.
Driving was hard work with a constant need to correct the direction as it was disturbed by almost every undulation in the road.
The following books are unedited text only books without the correct Pali accents.
The difference is that his views are considered wrong while your unintelligent ill-conceived opinions are fashionable in this politically correct world.
Failure to enter the correct unlatching code may result in your Mobile Phone becoming permanently blocked.
Farmers also frequently obtained drugs from suppliers unqualified to advise on their correct usage.
By his untruthful presentation the father has deprived me of the opportunity of knowing what the correct asset picture is .
In each project SEEDA is working to correct market failures in order to make urban areas work better.
His zeal for the total and correct application of the Sharia and his impatience with unjust and venal scholars is thus understandable.
Then again I empirically verified that my theorizing was correct.
Finally, it is important to correct any imbalance that comrade Whittle or others may perceive in what has been written.
Dual wielding of weapons is present and correct, as is the painfully pitiful ability to store sod all ammo.
Back to top ANSWER in the correct manner 7 Do n't write in a long winded way.
This cools the wort to the correct temperature for adding the yeast (pitching).
WritableRaster createCompatibleDestRaster (Raster src) Creates a zeroed destination Raster with the correct size and number of bands, given this source.
See below for new zip file or the two small files to correct earlier download.
If punch in the correct location, the zombie 's head will come off.
The obvious upset of the group at the meeting cued the president that the subject chosen was not the correct one to speak about first.
Being a very meticulous person, she spent many hours making sure that the calculations were exactly correct.
We'll send you the correct amount after we receive the pro forma invoice.
One word of caution - be certain that you have the correct spelling of the baby's name.
Not only must you choose the correct toddler car seat, but you must make sure it fits your child properly.
In most cases, it will correct itself by the time a baby reaches the age of 12 to 18 months.
The guest with the most correct guesses wins!
Have the guests try to match each event to the correct person.
The person with the most correct matches wins!
Once you've pulled up the correct person's name, you'll be able to begin shopping online!
Once you've pulled up the correct person's name, you can print the wish list and use it as you walk through the store looking for that perfect gift.
Have guests work on their list of names and hints, and the person that guesses the most correct answers wins!
Have guests try to answer each question, and the person with the most correct answers wins!
Whoever gets the most titles and artists correct is the winner.
The person who gets the most guesses correct wins.
Because nursing bra sizing is even more difficult than getting the correct size of a regular bra, it is important to try on several different sizes to see which ones are most comfortable and provide the best silhouette for your body.
Check on the underside of the crib to find a model number if possible, to help speed your search and ensure that the correct parts are ordered.
You'll want to find a reputable site to ensure that the recipient actually gets the flowers, that you're charged the correct amount, that the order you place is the order that arrives, and that they're delivered in a timely manner.
You want to make sure the correct module was shipped and that it was not damaged in transit.
It is extremely important to wear the correct band size.
Then use that as a reference and try on different cup sizes to determine the correct fit for you.
For special dresses like evening gowns, it is best to take them along with you and try the bra along with the correct dress for the best judgment on fitting.
If possible take the outfit you plan to use the boots with along with you and try them on with the correct attire.
You also want to check that the turntable rotates at the correct speed.
Most importantly, make sure the amount due is correct.
This is because capsizing is easier to correct.
Like buying a hot tub, if you are looking for a lawn tractor for light duty or for a large lawn or for business purposes, then this buying guide for lawn tractors can arm you with the correct knowledge.
If you've ever bought a mountain bike, you know that the correct height is important; it makes everything comfortable.
A golf club should be the correct length also, so testing it out the swing is just as important.
These are the just the beginning of a comprehensive list to help you choose the correct ceiling fan.
There are several types available and knowing how to purchase the correct one will save you headache and money in the long run.
Everything is repackaged with the correct manuals, cables and boxes.
In addition, you'll find links to guides on how to purchase the correct laptop for your needs.
While you cannot record events or deadlines or remind yourself of exact events to occur on a given day with this type of wall calendar, it is a great product to remind senior citizens or others with memory problems of the correct date.
Make sure you follow the correct procedures on becoming a reseller and staying a reseller.
Whether you are a dealer looking to resell wholesale archery supplies or a non-hunting reseller that has the correct license and likes archery for sport, then you will be able to buy wholesale archery supplies.
You are absolutely correct that a black light is the best way to find the offending areas that need to be treated.
I thought she was waiting for the correct time.
All of these should be taken into careful consideration when choosing the correct amount of food.
This is truly no easy feat, and most vets will need to perform a thorough examination and a few lab tests before a correct diagnosis can be reached.
When you put your ATM card into a machine and enter the correct PIN, you can access your corresponding bank account and make transactions.
It is very important that you use the correct website.
Providing magnification that is both distortion-free and optically correct (a must-have mirror feature), the standing travel mirror will ensure satisfaction for anyone who appreciates a sharp, clear image.
They give you their order in a thought bubble and it's your job to drag the correct food and drink from the conveyor belt and drink tray.
While many of the recommendations on finding the correct length ski for your needs are helpful, the best indication is how you feel while skiing.
While selecting the correct ski length is not an easy process, it becomes intuitive through trial and error.
Purchase a template to trace and cut out each wrapper to ensure measurements are correct.
He has also publicly expressed his disbelief in ADD, postpartum depression, and the use of medications to correct chemical imbalances.
This is one of the most challenging aspects of learning the lap steel, and it will take practice to learn correct finger picking techniques.
You'll also need to choose the correct R-value insulation based upon your geographical location.
If you have a problem with moisture condensation anywhere in your house, it's best to seek professional help to correct the problem.
Trim, fixtures, and even windows can be purchased to make your home look architecturally correct for the era it was built.
When you learn to spray paint the correct way with spray painting tips, it can save you a lot of time on home improvement projects.
They can correct an uneven ceiling - Since the metal grids can be adjusted as they are being installed, you can correct an uneven ceiling with the new drop ceiling.
The warranty also helps with the long life that most shutters boast, and so does correct maintenance.
Correct maintenance of shutters includes upkeep of both the tracks and the hinges.
If all else fails, you can sometimes correct the problem with a fan balancing kit.
There is no "correct" way - just choose the method that works best for your situation.
You may need to take it back down to correct some of your original cuts - this is normal.
There are as many "correct" color palettes as there are home styles.
Talk to a licensed water heater installer about the needs of your home to find the correct model and size that will work in your space.
Explain the temperature of the house, cold spots, uninsulated zones and the goal temperature you wish it to reach, and ensure they make the correct calculations to accommodate this.
It involves correct measurements and precise cutting of the home's wall.
The homeowner may wish to consult a professional prior to purchasing the patio door to guarantee the correct measurements and ensure the best fit occurs.
Measure the location the patio door both horizontally and vertically to arrive at the correct size requirements.
If you want unobstructed views from specific seating areas in the enclosure, you'll need to sight them, place the door and determine the correct sizes of panel to move off of this point.
Double check that all the trim pieces are in place, the correct colors were used and that everything looks exactly as it should.
In modern times, people have tried to attribute various meanings to the symbols behind Celtic knots, but these may or may not be correct.
While it is possible to resize rings, it is obviously more convenient for the correct size to be purchased in the first place as this saves rings having to be returned for resizing and any additional costs involved.
Setting a realistic budget can help in the shopping process as the focus can be narrowed to a group of products in the correct budget range.
Make sure your trousers are the correct length and wear dark socks that come up mid-calf and don't slide down.
When shopping for a dress shirt, it is important to know your correct size.
If you do not know your correct size, you can go to a department store, tailor, or men's store to be properly fitted.
Modern etiquette rules don't always adhere to tradition, but if you want to stick to proper black tie dress codes, then wearing a tuxedo at night is the only correct option.
However, they are in the minority, and although they may possibly be correct, enough people in the men's dress arena have accepted the name and the knot to make it standard.
If you plan on ordering online, be sure to know your correct hat size so you can order your hat with confidence that you will be getting the proper size.
Not only that, but you'll also clearly see how to measure for your glove size, as well as how to measure for the correct shoe size.
You may be surprised by just how knowledgeable they actually are, and they can help you find the correct fit for your body at the same time.
If you aren't sure of your exact size, check out the size chart at the bottom of the page to determine your correct fit.
Knowing how the fabric feels, how the collar and sleeves fit, and that the length is correct will let you enjoy this kind of shirt the way it's intended.
Instead, wear a pair in your correct size.
Stores tend to want to stock up on only the clothing that fits average sizes.There are several ways to overcome the problem and find one in your correct size.
Once you know your correct size and cut, try shopping online to find the best deals.
When shopping for cotton athletic shorts, know your correct size and take into consideration that cotton can shrink.
It must be produced in the correct ratio of carbon to nitrogen and must be produced at a temperature of 131 to 170 degrees for three days and should also be turned at least five times within that time frame.
Managers are notified of any areas where they are not in full compliance with standards and asked to correct them before the next inspection.
Be sure to check with your health provider to ensure that you are getting the correct amounts of vitamins for your needs.
It is difficult if not impossible to eat the right foods in the correct amounts to get all of the vitamins and minerals that the body needs to have optimum health and energy.
However, be sure that the size is correct.
If they are constantly falling off your shoulders, and re-adjusting doesn't help, you may need to be re-measured to be sure you are wearing the correct size.
The straight style makes it easy to pick the correct size.
With the correct fit and by following these simple guidelines, you can fully embrace this trend and look fashionable and fabulous.
The minimal amount of adjustment allowed in the front makes it critical to know your correct bra size.
A salesperson can measure you and recommend the correct bra size to purchase.
If you shop at a plus size vendor, the salespeople are knowledgeable about full-figured fashions and can help you select the correct item.
Bigger sizes don't flatter shorter frames; women who are five feet fourinches and under require clothes with the correct proportions for the most flattering fit.
For full figured women, wearing the correct bra size with a proper fit is necessary to prevent sagging and back strain.