Corpus Sentence Examples
The poems and letters are edited in the Vienna Corpus script.
Before the prorogation, however, he saw the invaluable Act of Habeas Corpus, which he had carried through parliament, receive the royal assent.
The proposed rising was a dismal failure, but the Habeas Corpus Act was suspended and Thistlewood and Watson were seized, although upon being tried they were acquitted.
The manuscripts of most of Eadmer's works are preserved in the library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.
At this point the official collections stop. The two last, which have found a place in the editions of the Corpus, are "Extrava- collections of private authority, but in which all the gantes" of documents are authentic. Evidently the strict pro John hibition of the publishing of collections not approved XXII.
This collection has been of some service, and appears as an appendix in many editions of the Corpus juris; the chief reason for its failure is that it has no official sanction.
Much of it, no doubt, was borrowed from the Corpus juris canonici and the English provincial canons.
In 1854 the definite offer was made to him by the Academy that he should be chief editor of a Corpus inscriptionum, with full control, and in order that he might carry on the work he was appointed in 1858 to a professorship at Berlin.
Of his other works, the more important are the Roman Chronology to the Time of Caesar (1858), a work written in conjunction with his brother August; his editions of the Monumentum Ancyranum and of the Digest in the Corpus juris civilis, and of the Chronica of Cassiodorus in Monumenta Germaniae historica, the Auctores antiquissimi section of which was under his supervision.
In 1264 he instituted the festival of Corpus Christi.
AdvertisementThe Niganthas are referred to in one of Asoka's edicts (Corpus Inscriptionum, Plate xx.).
When the imprisoned gentlemen appealed to the kings bench for a writ of habeas corpus, it appeared that no cause of committal had been assigned, and the judges therefore refused to liberate them.
The committee of the House of Commons it once reported that there was evidence of a conspiracy to supersede the House of Commons by a national convention, and Pitt proposed and carried a bill suspending the Habeas Corpus Act.
The repressive measures of 1795 and1799 were now revived and extended, and Repressive a bill suspending the Habeas Corpus Act for a year a was passed through both Houses by a large majority, On.
At the beginning of 1866 Lord Russells government thought itself compelled to suspend the Habeas Corpus Act In Ireland; and in 1867 Lord Derbys government was confronted in the spring by a plot to seize Chester Castle, and in the autumn by an attack on a prison van at Manchester containing Fenian prisoners, and by an atrocious attempt to blow up Clerkenwell prison.
AdvertisementHer application for a writ of habeas corpus was refused, and on the 16th of March she left London, progressing however, on account of illness and prostration, only as far as Barnet.
By the canon law is meant, substantially, the contents of the Corpus juris canonici, which have been largely superseded or added to by, e.g.
The abolition of the Irish Church was followed by a coercion act, and the land act by suspension of Habeas Corpus.
Schepss discovered at Wiirzburg eleven genuine tracts, since published in the Vienna Corpus.
After being for many years a master at Rugby, he became in 1882 fellow and tutor of Corpus, Oxford; and from 1894 to 1906 was Reader in Greek in the university.
AdvertisementIn the college life of Corpus he took the deepest interest and had the most stimulating influence; and he also played an active part in social and political movements from an advanced Liberal point of view.
He was elected fellow of Corpus Christi College in 1620; in 1633 he became chaplain to Archbishop Laud and in 1634 master of Jesus College, Cambridge, and rector of Yelverton, Somerset.
Powell, one of the editors of the Corpus poeticism septentrionale (the best work on the subject), " cannot date earlier " in their present form " than the 9th century," and may be vaguely placed between A.D.
In 1723 it was declared a free port by Charles VI., in 1776 united to Croatia by the empress Maria Theresa, and in 1779 declared a corpus separatum of the Hungarian crown.
These furnish, with the canons of the councils, the chief source of the legislation of the church, and form the greater part of the Corpus Juris.
AdvertisementFor other fragments and their localities see Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (iii., 1873, pp. 801 and 1055; and supplement i., 1893, p. 1909); special mention may be made of those of Elatea, Plataea and Megalopolis.
They form the base of that Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum on which he used in later years to declare that he founded his claim to remembrance.
At sixty years of age, having finished the Origins of Christianity, he began his History of Israel, based on a lifelong study of the Old Testament and on the Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum, published by the Academic des Inscriptions under Renan's direction from the year 1881 till the end of his life.
The text is from the Magnificat antiphon of second Vespers at the feast of Corpus Christi.
We also present the results of the phoneme classification experiments conducted on the TIMIT corpus of continuous speech.
How representative or typical such collocations are of actual language in use can now be tested against corpus evidence.
The second task requiring large amounts of data is specifying the parameters of the translation model, which requires a large bilingual aligned corpus.
Secondly, I will describe our multilingual corpus, and our analytical procedure.
This Guide is aimed at those who are at some stage of building a linguistic corpus.
This is almost certain to be followed by an application for habeas corpus by General Pinochet's legal team.
Westwood said she was supporting the campaign and defending habeus corpus.
It also incorporates a prediction database based on a 100 million-word corpus.
It is already used for coding large monolingual corpora (for example, the British National corpus of 100 million words ).
The two hemispheres communicate via dense bundles of nerve fibers called the corpus callosum.
When the egg is released (at ovulation) the follicle turns into a small structure called a corpus luteum.
When the OED adds the verb form of ' cargo cult ' to its corpus, remember where you read that first.
A corpus containing all the Greek and Latin inscriptions remains a desideratum, tho.
We therefore decided to see what we could learn by studying the noun phrase ' possesive determiner + upbringing ' in a larger corpus.
We experimented with this query expansion algorithm on the TREC-7 SDR corpus.
Homocysteine and copper interact to markedly inhibit the relaxation of the rabbit corpus cavernosum.
An ideal system for corpus lexicography is one in which the corpus database and the dictionary are interactive.
Facilities Corpus library is one of the finest college libraries in Oxford.
Re-using the Lampeter Corpus The Lampeter Corpus was designed by linguists with the research needs of linguists in mind.
For the corpus linguist, this is not the question.
Much research within the field of corpus linguistics has therefore been based on these corpora.
His research interests include corpus linguistics, syntax, and text linguistics.
Corpus is recognized in Oxford as an exceptionally lively center of literary studies.
Corpus Christi College For deposited Islamic and Sanskrit manuscripts, see the Oriental manuscripts page.
Thus, high acid production by the parietal cells probably protects the corpus mucosa from initial colonization.
There are sample texts using each orthography on the Wa Corpus page.
It is important to avoid perfectionism in corpus building.
Michael joined Corpus Christi College and Oxford Physics in 2002, and since then has established an ultrafast laser photonics research laboratory.
Peter Hodgson is a Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, and a research physicist.
The Turnbull or Pelican sundial in the front quadrangle of Corpus Christi College in Oxford is probably one of the finest pillar dials.
Our Research and Development Unit for English Studies has achieved world renown for its work in corpus linguistics.
By excluding literary output and journalistic reportage, the project was able to give a much more coherent shape to the Lampeter Corpus.
The insights gathered by corpus stylistics must no longer extend to single sentences or devices alone.
In such studies, a corpus of orthographically transcribed language, such as the BNC, can be (and has been) used.
It has original jurisdiction in cases of habeas corpus, mandamus and prohibition, and appellate jurisdiction in cases involving a greater amount than one hundred dollars; concerning title or boundary of lands, probate of wills; the appointment or qualification of personal representatives, guardians, curators, committees, &c.; concerning a mill, roadway, ferry or landing; the right of a corporation or county to levy tolls or taxes; in cases of quo warranto, habeas corpus, mandamus, certiorari and prohibition, and all others involving freedom or the constitutionalit y of a law; in criminal cases where there has been a conviction for felony or misdemeanour in a circuit, criminal or intermediate court; and in cases relating to the public revenues.
Nineteen judges elected for terms of eight years in eighteen circuits compose the circuit court, the judges of which have original jurisdiction of matters involving more than $50; of all cases of habeas corpus, mandamus, quo warranto and prohibition; of all cases in equity; and of all crimes and misdemeanours.
Palmer (1880),(1880), *Postgate (1881), selections with introduction (text with critical notes in the Corpus poetarum latinorum, 1894, also issued separately), *Rothstein (1898), *H.
The Nabataean inscriptions (see Semitic Languages) are collected in the Corpus Inscr.
Mendoza, after some fierce encounters with the Indians, now proceeded up the Parana, and built a fort, which he called Corpus Christi, near the site of Cabot's former settlement of San Espiritu.
In the meantime the colony at Buenos Aires had been dragging on a miserable existence, and after terrible sufferings from famine and from the ceaseless attacks of the Indians, the remaining settlers abandoned the place and made their way up the river first to Corpus Christi, then to Asuncion.
As additional features of the subclass may be mentioned the absence of a corpus callosum connecting the right and left hemispheres of the brain,' and of a fossa in the septum between the two auricles of the heart.
In some cases (as in rat-kangaroos) this tooth retains its place and function until the animal has nearly, if not quite, 1 The presence or absence of the corpus callosum has been much disputed; the latest researches, however, indicate its absence.
The rejection of the doctrine of transubstantiation at the Reformation naturally involved the suppression of the festival of Corpus Christi in the reformed Churches.
In England occasional breaches of the law in this respect have been for some time tolerated, as in the case of the Corpus Christi procession annually held by the Italian community in London.
It consists of (1) the basihyal variously called copula, or corpus linguae, or unpaired middle portion.
From Winchester he removed to Oxford in 1811, where he became a scholar at Corpus Christi College; in 1815 he was elected fellow of Oriel College; and there he continued to reside until 1819.
But, although his first speech on the bill for the prevention of cattle diseases excited the opposition of country members, and a subsequent speech against the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act in Ireland was very unfavourably received, Mill thoroughly succeeded in gaining the ear of the House.
Matthew was sent in 1522 to Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, where he is said by most of his biographers, including.
In 1544 on Henry VIII.'s recommendation he was elected master of Corpus Christi College, and in 1545 vice-chancellor of the university.
As a supporter of Northumberland and a married man, Parker was naturally deprived of his deanery, his mastership of Corpus, and his other preferments.
Perhaps his edition of the Leges Visigothorum (1579) was his most valuable contribution to historical science; in the same line he edited the Capitula of Charlemagne, Louis the Pious, and Charles the Bald in 1588, and he also assisted his brother Francois in preparing an edition of the Corpus juris canonici (1687).
The charter of 1614 substituted markets on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the Wednesday market and added two fairs one at Corpus Christi and the other on the Thursday before St Andrew.
Of the fairs only Corpus Christi remains; markets are now held on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
He also completed a whole corpus of lectionaries, missals, gospels, &c.
He was educated at Norwich and at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, bcoming a fellow in 1849.
This scholar examined first the ruins of Lambessa, an account of which he published in 1854 in his Melanges d'epigraphie; subsequently he made his important collection of Inscriptions romaines de l'Algerie (1855-1858) which formed the groundwork of the volume of the Corpus Inscr.
Toutain, Les Cites romaines de la Tunisie (1895); Atlas archeologique de la Tunisie, published by the Ministry of Public Instruction (1895 foll.); Atlas archeologique de l'Algerie, published by Stephane Gsell (1900 foil.); Toulotte, Geographic de l'Afrique chretienne (1892-1894); Corpus inscriptionum latinarum, vol.
Italy in her reply (Dec. io) insisted on continuity (the real if unavowed motive of which was to control the port of Fiume in the interests of Trieste and Venice, and so retain some hold over Yugoslavia's commercial development), demanded the island of Cherso and the neutralization of the Yugoslav coast, and suggested a triple division - the corpus separatum of Fiume to Italy, the port to the League of Nations, and the rest of the buffer state to Yugoslavia.
Fairs on the days of the Ascension, Corpus Christi, St Margaret and St Andrew were conferred by Henry and were in existence in 1888.
The brothers took rooms at 12 Rose Crescent, and afterwards moved into Trumpington Street (now 157 Corpus Buildings).
In June 1696 he was entered as a pensioner of Benet (now Corpus Christi) College, Cambridge, with the view of taking holy orders, and in February 1703 was admitted to a fellowship. He received the degree of master of arts in 1703 and of bachelor of divinity in 1711.
Revue archeologique (1860), bi-monthly; Ami des monuments (1887); Bulletin de numismatique (1891); Revue biblique (1892); L'Annee epigraphique (1880) - a sort of supplement to the Corpus inscriptionum latinarum; Celtica (1903) - common to France and England; Gazette numismatique francaise (1897); Revue semitique d'epigraphie et d'histoire ancienne (1893); Bulletin monumental, bi-monthly; L'Intermediaire, weekly, the French " Notes and Queries," devoted to literary and antiquarian questions.
Vigfusson and York Powell (Corpus Poeticum Boreale, Oxford, 1883) see in Yggdrasil not a primitive Norse idea, but one due to early contact with Christianity, and a fanciful adaptation of the cross.
According to the medieval canon law, based on the decretals, and codified in the 13th century in the Corpus juris canonici, by which the earlier powers of metropolitans had been greatly curtailed, the powers of the archbishop consisted in the right (i) to confirm and consecrate suffragan bishops; (2) to summon and preside over provincial synods; (3) to superintend the suffragans and visit their dioceses, as well as to censure and punish bishops in the interests of discipline, the right of deprivation, however, being reserved to the pope; (4) to act as a court of appeal from the diocesan courts; (5) to exercise the jus devolutionis, i.e.
These congregations were provided with only the most indispensable constitutional forms ("Corpus sumus de conscientia religionis, de unitate disciplinae, de spei foedere").
Bibliography.-In addition to the early Greek writings already named, there are the forty books (some fifteen only extant in their entirety) of universal history compiled (about 8 B.C.) by Diodorus Siculus, and arranged in the form of annals; the Pentabiblos of Julius Africanus (about 220-230 A.D.); the treatise of Censorinus entitled De die natali, written 238 A.D.; the Chronicon, in two books, of Eusebius Pamphili, bishop of Caesarea (about 325 A.D.), distinguished as the first book of a purely chronological character which has come down to us; and three important works forming parts of the Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae, namely, the Chronographia of Georgius Syncellus (800 A.D.), the Chronographia of Johannes Malalas (9th century), and the Chronicon Paschale.
Among his noteworthy achievements are the reform of the calendar on the 24th of February 1582 (see Calendar); the improved edition of the Corpus juris canonici, 1582; the splendid Gregorian Chapel in St Peter's; the fountains of the Piazza Navona; the Quirinal Palace; and many other public works.
He was often in pecuniary difficulties, from which at last he was obliged to free himself by selling the reversion of Langford rectory to Corpus Christi College, Oxford.
The ports of entry of Texas are Galveston, Corpus Christi, Eagle Pass, El Paso and Brownsville.
Among other features of interest the constitution forbids the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, makes duelling a disqualification for holding office or exercising the right to vote, and authorizes the exclusion of atheists from office.
The result was the application of a purely philosophical system to the somewhat vague and unorganized corpus of Jewish theology.
While in England he resided at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, where he was made doctor of laws and lectured on philosophy.
Her reward was thesupreme vision in which Christ revealed to her His heart burning with divine love, and even, so she affirmed, exchanged it with hers, at the same time bidding her establish, on the Friday following, the feast of Corpus Christi, a festival in honour of His Sacred Heart.
The fish-tailed Goat of the zodiac presents corpus.
In 1869 Maine was appointed to the chair of historical and comparative jurisprudence newly founded in the university of Oxford by Corpus Christi College.
Thus at the diet of Brzesc Kujawski, in 1425, the szlachta obtained its first habeas corpus act in return for acknowledging the right of the infant krolewicz Wladislaus to his father's throne.
He made a collection of the speeches and letters of the Romans of the older republican period, probably including a corpus of proceedings of the senate (Ada senatus), and was the author of a work, chiefly dealing with the natural history and geography of the East, which is often quoted by Pliny as an authority, especially for fabulous statements.
Nuevo Santander (Tamaulipas, and Texas to the bay of Corpus Christi, founded 1 749), the several provinces of Nuevo Biscaya or Chihuahua, Durango, Sonora with Sinaloa, Coahuila, Texas (from Corpus Christi Bay to the mouth of the Mermenton in the present state of Louisiana), and the two Californias.
To the North Midlands or the North belongs further a complete version of the Pauline Epistles found in the unique MS. 32, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, of the 15th century.
The Habeas Corpus Act was suspended at one sitting by both Houses of Parliament and about 960 arrests were made in Dublin in a few hours.
In a transverse section two of these cylinders (the corpora cavernosa) are placed above, side by side, while one, the corpus spongiosum, is below.
Posteriorly, at what is known as the root of the penis, the two corpora cavernosa diverge, become more and more fibrous in structure, and are attached on each side to the rami of the ischium, while the corpus spongiosum becomes more vascular and enlarges to form the bulb.
The anterior part of the penis is formed by the glans, a bell-shaped structure, apparently continuous with the corpus spongiosum, and having the conical ends of the corpora cavernosa fitted into depressions on its posterior surface.
The structure of the corpus spongiosum and glans resembles that of the corpora cavernosa, but the trabeculae are finer and the network closer.
At first it lies in the substance of the bulb and, later, of the corpus spongiosum, while finally it passes through the glans.
At length, after much blood had been shed in the dispute, Philip Bennett, a monk residing in the town, succeeded by his eloquence, on the festival of Corpus Christi, 1412, in persuading the authorities of the two corporations to send to Henry IV.
The uterus is two-horned, with the cornua opening separately into the vagina or uniting to form a corpus uteri.
He was educated at the free school, Norwich, whence he entered Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, as a scholar on Archbishop Parker's foundation.
There he was taught by John Parkhurst, afterwards bishop of Norwich; but on the 19th of August 1539 he was elected scholar of Corpus Christi college.
Gregory did good service, moreover, by his reform of the calendar which bears his name, by his emended edition of the Corpus juris canonici and by the creation of nunciatures.
The mittimus was pronounced illegal and irregular, and Baxter procured a habeas corpus in the court of common pleas.
In 1669 an unworthy follower - Daniel Scargil by name, a fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge - had to recant publicly and confess that his evil life had been the result of Hobbist doctrines.
Vernon, Ohio, on the 1st of May against the war and military proceedings, was arrested on the 5th of May by General Burnside, tried by military commission, and sentenced on the 16th to imprisonment; a writ of habeas corpus had been refused, and the sentence was changed by the president to transportation beyond the military lines.
Prominent Democrats and a committee of the Convention having appealed for his release, Lincoln wrote two long letters in reply discussing the constitutional question, and declaring that in his judgment the president as commander-in-chief in time of rebellion or invasion holds the power and responsibility of suspending the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, but offering to release Vallandigham if the committee would sign a declaration that rebellion exists, that an army and navy are constitutional means to suppress it, and that each of them would use his personal power and influence to prosecute the war.
On the 6th of July 1653 he took the degree of B.D., and became a tutor and chaplain of Corpus Christi, preferring this to a fellowship. In 1654 he had offers of high preferment in the state, which he declined; but in 1655 George Newton, of the great church of St Mary Magdalene, Taunton, sought him for assistant and Alleine accepted the invitation.
Before entering on this, however, he wisely took the preliminary step of settling the more important of the legal questions as to which the older jurists had been divided in opinion, and which had therefore remained sources of difficulty, a difficulty aggra 1 See, for an account of the instructions given to the commission, the constitution Haec quae, prefixed to the revised Codex in the Corpus juris civilis.
They may be found printed in any edition of the Corpus juris civilis.
He became a great authority on the history and antiquities of Roman Britain and was entrusted by Mommsen with the editing of the British section of the Corpus Inscriptionum (see 18.683).
The best edition is that of Friedberg (Corpus juris canonici, Leipzig, 1879).
His most important work was the Corpus juris civilis, originally published at Geneva in 1583, which went through some twenty editions, the most valuable of them being that printed by the Elzevirs at Amsterdam in 1633 and the Leipzig edition of 1740.
In the case of ex parte John Merryman (1861, Campbell's Reports, 646), he protested against the assumption of power by the President to suspend the privileges of the writ of habeas corpus or to confer that power upon a military officer without the authorization of Congress.
A larger knowledge of the speeches is shown by Wibald, abbot of Corvey, who in 1146 procured from Hildesheim a MS. containing with the Philippics the speeches against Rullus, wishing to form a corpus of Ciceronian works. ?
A large number of the inscriptions collected by Gamurrini in the appendices to Fabretti's Corpus inscriptionum italicarum are forgeries, and the text of the rest is negligently reported.
As, however, except in Cyprus, Pamphylia and Argos, the only y sound which survived in Greek Cp. Frankel, Corpus inscriptionum Graecarum Peloponnesi, No.
Himself a good scholar, he did not send his son to any school, but educated him and his brother at home so well that both obtained scholarships at Corpus Christi College, Oxford.
John was elected scholar of Corpus in his fifteenth, and fellow of Oriel in his nineteenth year, April 1811.
Sir John Taylor Coleridge, his fellow scholar at Corpus and his life-long friend, says of him, after their friendship of five and fifty years had closed, "It was the singular happiness of his nature, remarkable even in his undergraduate days, that love for him was always sanctified by reverence - reverence that did not make the love less tender, and love that did but add intensity to the reverence."
He became lieutenant governor of Virginia in June 1710, when he was received with some enthusiasm, because he brought to the colony the privilege of habeas corpus; his term as governor closed in September 1722 - probably because he meddled in ecclesiastical matters; but he remained in Virginia, living near his ironworks in Germanna, a settlement of Germans, on the Rapidan in Spottsylvania county (named in his honour) and he was deputy postmaster-general of the colonies from 1730 to 1739.
The tenuis becomes a spirant also after r or 1, as in corff from corpus, and Elfin from Alpinus; but It gives llt or ll.
As regards the Talmud, neither the Mishnah nor the subsequent Gemara aimed at presenting a digested corpus of law.
Schlyter (1795-1888) as Corpus juris Sveo-Gotorum antiqui (4 vols., 1827-1869).
The Habeas Corpus Act was suspended, and the leaders were seized and imprisoned.
There are various forms of the writ, of which the most famous is that known as habeas corpus ad subjiciendum, the well-established remedy for violation of personal liberty.
In Darnel's case (1627) the judges held that the command of the king was a sufficient answer to a writ of habeas corpus.
In 1668 a writ of habeas corpus was issued to test the legality of an imprisonment in Jersey.
A judge delaying habeas corpus forfeits £500 to the party aggrieved.
Since that date the habeas corpus ad subjiciendum has been used in cases of illegal detention in private custody.
It enacts (r) that a writ of habeas corpus shall be issued in vacation time in favour of a person restrained of his liberty otherwise than for some criminal or supposed criminal matter (except persons imprisoned for debt or by civil process); (2) that though the return to the writ be good and sufficient in law, the judge shall examine into the truth of the facts set forth in such return, and if they appear doubtful the prisoner shall be bailed; (3) that the writ shall run to any port, harbour, road, creek or bay on the coast of England, although not within the body of any county.
The last clause was intended to meet doubts on the applicability of habeas corpus in cases of illegal detention on board ship, which had been raised owing to a case of detention on a foreign ship in an English port.
In times of public danger it has occasionally been thought necessary to "suspend" the Habeas Corpus Act 1679 by special and temporary legislation.
The so-called "suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act" bears a certain similarity to what is called in Europe "suspending the constitutional guarantees" or "proclaiming a'state of siege," but "is not in reality more than suspension of one particular remedy for the protection of personal freedom."
The common law of Ireland as to the writs of habeas corpus is the same as that in England.
The writ of habeas corpus is unknown to Scots law, nor will it issue from English courts into Scotland.
But by the Supreme Court Ordinance of 1893 that court possesses (inter alia) all the authorities, powers and functions belonging to or incident to a superior court of record in England, which appears to include the power to issue the writ of habeas corpus.
The chartered high courts in India have power to issue and enforce the writ of habeas corpus.
The common law as to the writ of habeas corpus has been inherited from England, and has been generally made to apply to commitments and detentions of all kinds.
Thus the constitution provides that "the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended unless when, in cases of rebellion or invasion, the public safety may require it"; and it has been the subject of much dispute whether the power of suspension under this provision is vested in the president or the congress.
It seems that a state court has no right to issue a habeas corpus for the discharge of a person held under the authority of the federal government.
Portugal still lacks a collection equivalent to Rivadeneyra's Biblioteca de autores espanoles, contenting itself with the Parnasso lusitano (6 vols., 1826) and a Corpus illustrium poetarum lusitanorum qui latine scripserunt (1745-1748), and though much has been accomplished to make the classics more available, even yet no correct, not to say critical, texts of many notable writers exist.
By the middle of August Taylor had selected a position at Corpus Christi, on the west bank of the Nueces and within the disputed territory, and here he remained until the following spring.
In obedience to his instructions he left Corpus Christi on the 12th of March 1846, fortified Point Isabel as a base of supplies, and took up his position on the disputed river, opposite the Mexican town of Matamoras.
Three of the most precious collections of medieval manuscripts still in existence were then begun by Thomas Bodley (the Bodleian at Oxford), Archbishop Matthew Parker (Corpus Christi at Cambridge), and Robert Cotton (the Cottonian collection of the British Museum).
It is clear that at a very early date two collections were made, one of which included a number of doubtful poems and formed a corpus of bucolic poetry, while the other was confined to those works which were considered to be by Theocritus himself.
The court has original jurisdiction to issue writs of mandamus, certiorari, prohibition, quo warranto and habeas corpus.
He was interred in his cathedral at midnight on the 22nd of October, in the same coffin as Stella, with the epitaph, written by himself, "Hic depositum est corpus Jonathan Swift, S.T.P., hujus ecclesiae cathedralis decani; ubi saeva indignatio cor ulterius lacerare nequit.
The Reformation abolished in all Protestant countries those processions associated with the doctrine of transubstantiation (Corpus Christi); "the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper," according to the 28th Article of Religion of the Church of England "was not by Christ's ordinance reserved, carried about, lifted up, or worshipped."
He was educated at Clifton College, where he was head of the school in 1881 and edited the school magazine, and at Corpus Christi College, Oxford.
Acsintie Uricariul, 1715, brings to a close the corpus of Moldavian Chronicles.
His later series of editions (1874-85) included Orkneyinga and Hdconar Saga, the great and complex mass of Icelandic historical sagas, known as Sturlunga, and the Corpus Poeticum Boreale, in which he edited the whole body of classic Scandinavian poetry.
In the introduction to the Corpus, he laid the foundations of a critical history of the Eddic poetry and Court poetry of the North in a series of brilliant, original and wellsupported theories that are gradually being accepted even by those who were at first inclined to reject them.
As to the expression jus canonicum, it implies the systematic codification of ecclesiastical legislation, and had no existence previous to the labours which resulted in the Corpus juris canonici.
With regard to the texts now in force, the name of jus antiquum, ancient law, has been given to the laws previous to the Corpus' juris canonici; the legislation of this Corpus has been called jus novum, new law; and finally, the name of recent law, jus novissimum, has been given to the law established by the council of Trent aid subsequent papal constitutions.
On the other hand, the Decretum actually enjoys a certain public authority which is unique; for centuries it has been the text on which has been founded the instruction in canon law in all the universities; it has been glossed and commented on by the most illustrious canonists; it has become, without being a body of laws, the first part of the Corpus juris canonici, and as such it has been cited, corrected and edited by the popes.
This is why we find in them hardly any documents earlier than the time of Gratian, and also why canonists have 1 See Laurin, Introductio in corpus juris canonici, c. vii.
Thus was closed, as the canonists say, the Corpus juris canonici; but this expression, which is familiar to us nowadays, is only a bibliographical term.
It has in no way undermined the official status of the Corpus juris; but it has completed the legislation of the latter in many important respects, and in some cases reformed it.
If we now consider the laws in themselves, we shall find that the dispersed condition of the legislative documents has not been modified since the closure of the Corpus juris; on the contrary, the enormous number of pontifical constitutions, and of decrees emanating from the Roman Congregations, has greatly aggravated the situation; moreover, the attempts which have been made to resume the interrupted process of codification have entirely failed.
Fort Dodge is the seat of Tobin College (420 students in 1907-1908), a commercial and business school, with preparatory, normal and classical departments, and courses in oratory and music; among its other institutions are St Paul's school (Evangelical Lutheran), two Roman Catholic schools, Corpus Christi Academy and the Sacred Heart school, Our Lady of Lourdes convent and a Carnegie library.
In 1817 the Habeas Corpus Act was suspended, and Sidmouth issued a circular to the lordslieutenant declaring that magistrates might apprehend and hold to bail persons accused on oath of seditious libels.
Grimm, in Die deutsche Heldensage (2nd ed., Berlin, 1867), quotes the account given by Jordanes, references in Beowulf, in the Wanderer's Song, Exeter Book, in Parcival, in Dietrichs Flucht, the account given in the Quedlinburg Chronicle, by Ekkehard in the Chronicon Urspergense, by Saxo Grammaticus, &c. See also Vigfusson and Powell, Corpus poeticum boreale, vol.
The evaluation is carried out on the Switchboard corpus.
She is pleased to be working at Corpus Christi College and to be part of the SCONUL traineeship scheme.
In the transliteration conventions followed by the corpus most enclitics are preceded by a hyphen linking them to their host.
Later in the day, Superior Judge Elliot Craig signed a writ of habeas corpus for Foster 's release.
Mary Farrah Leni Fawcett was born in Corpus Christi, Texas on February 2, 1947.
Born Eva Jacqueline Longoria on March 15, 1975, Longoria grew up on a ranch in Corpus Christi, Texas.
Despite her "ugly duckling" status, Longoria went on to be crowned Miss Corpus Christi 1998 while she was attending college.
Eva Longoria was born in 1975 in Corpus Christi, Texas.
The young Singer family moved from Canada to New York, and finally ended up in Corpus Christi, Texas, where Marc and his siblings grew up.
Corpus Christi RV Resorts are actually four awesome resorts with 450 camp sites.
The southern Gulf coast offers the Corpus Christi Botanical Gardens and the Dolphin Connection.
In particular, the corpus callosum, the part of the brain that joins the left and right sides, may be abnormally small or even missing.
The participants all had a smaller corpus callosum than average person.
Some participants also showed evidence of corpus callosum atrophy.
They lost their house and soon relocated to Corpus Christi, Texas, for a fresh start.
The Selena biography continues in Corpus Christi, where Selena focused on solo performances backed by her family.
Selena went to Saldivar's hotel room at a Corpus Christi Days Inn.
In June Shaftesbury applied for a writ of habeas corpus, but could get no release until the 26th of February 1678, after his letter and three petitions to the king.
In 1573 Juan de Garay, at the head of an expedition despatched from Asuncion, founded the city of Santa Fe near the abandoned settlements of San Espiritu and Corpus Christi.
In most countries where religious opinion is sharply divided the procession of Corpus Christi is therefore now forbidden, even when Catholicism is the dominant religion.
Laredo is a jobbing centre for trade between the United States and Mexico, and is a sub-port of entry in the Corpus Christi Customs District.
These Personal Liberty Laws forbade justices and judges to take cognizance of claims, extended the habeas corpus act and the privilege of jury trial to fugitives, and punished false testimony severely.
The corpus separatum became an independent unit under the League of Nations, the Croat suburb of Susak remaining in Yugoslavia and the Baros port being added as an outlet for Yugoslav trade.
His Corpus doctrinae Prutenicum (1567), drawn up in conjunction with Morlin, at once acquired great authority.
The supreme court has original jurisdiction in habeas corpus, quo warranto and mandamus proceedings against all state officers; and it has appellate jurisdiction except in civil actions for the recovery of money or personal property, in which the original amount in controversy does not exceed $200, and which at the same time do not involve the legality of a tax, impost, assessment, toll or municipal fine, or the validity of a statute.
Of modern critical editions, besides those containing the works of one or another individual, the best are the Berlin edition of the early Greek Fathers (Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten drei Jahrhunderte, 1897 ff.), and the Vienna edition of the Latin Fathers (Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, 1867 ff.), both of first-rate importance.
During the war that followed the west section was generally loyal to the north while the south section favoured the Confederacy and furnished many soldiers for its army; but most of the state was kept under Federal control, the writ of habeas corpus being suspended.
Any great collection, such as the Corpus of Latin inscriptions or the similar Corpus of Greek, will show at once its activity and ability in this direction.
It has already been pointed out that the whole length of the corpus spongiosum is traversed by the urethra.
He was made honorary fellow of Corpus Christi, and occupied rooms in the college.
A market on Thursday and a fair on the feast of Corpus Christi were conferred in 1 539.
The Roman inscriptions have been collected by Hubner, Corpus Inscriptionum Latin.
The slow progress of the war, the severe sacrifice of life in campaign and battle, the enormous accumulation of public debt, arbitrary arrests and suspension of habeas corpus, the rigour of the draft, and the proclamation of military emancipation furnished ample subjects of bitter and vindictive campaign oratory.
Other collections followed those of Leibnitz, among which may be mentioned the Corpus historicum mcdii aevi of j.
In April 1649 he entered Lincoln College, Oxford, and on the 3rd of November 1651 he became scholar of Corpus Christi College.
Lombard, Pauliciens bulgares et Bons-Hommes (Geneva, 1879); Fredericq, Corpus documentorum haer.
In 1539 or 1J40 he started for Germany and Switzerland, and returning to England became a member of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.
The Corpus Juris of Justinian continued to be, with naturally a few additions in the ordinances of succeeding emperors, the chief law-book of the Roman world till the time of the Macedonian dynasty when, towards the end of the 9th century, a new system was prepared and issued by those sovereigns, which we know as the Basilica.
In the western provinces, which had been wholly severed from the empire before the publication of the Basilica, the law as settled by Justinian held its ground; but copies of the Corpus Juris were extremely rare, nor did the study of it revive until the end of the 1 ith century.
It is not known at what school he was educated, nor at what college, though the presumption is in favour of Magdalen, Oxford, whence he drew so many members of his subsequent foundation, Corpus Christi.
The crown of Fox's career was his foundation of Corpus Christi College, which he established in 1515-1516.
He died at Wolvesey on the 5th of October 1528; Corpus possesses several portraits and other relics of its founder.
His father, proud of his son's steady application and success, sent him the costly present of a Corpus Juris.
The court has original jurisdiction in quo warranto and mandamus proceedings against state officers and in habeas corpus cases, general appellate jurisdiction, and a superintending control over the inferior courts.
Bullialdus (Bulliaud) (Paris, 1649); later editions are in the Bonn Corpus scriptorum Hist.
Persons neglecting for two terms to pray for a habeas corpus shall have none in vacation.
Thus habeas corpus ad respondendum is used to bring up a prisoner confined by the process of an inferior court in order to charge him in another proceeding (civil or criminal) in the superior court or some other court.
Lietzmann, p. 73), whilst half are to be found in the Greek Corpus Inscriptionum for Asia Minor (e.g.
The form is that of question and answer, and the method is rigidly scholastic. Of small intrinsic value, it is interesting partly as the first philosophical contribution of the Franciscans who were afterwards to take a prominent part in medieval thought (see Scholasticism), and partly as the first work based on a knowledge of the whole Aristotelian corpus and the Arabian commentators.
Violet is the colour prescribed for processions, except on the Feast of Corpus Christi, or on a day when some other colour is prescribed.
This is the division adopted in all the official collections of the Corpus juris.
This first official code was the basis of the second part of the Corpus juris canonici.
It includes the constitutions subsequent to were included in the edition of Jean Chappuis in 150o; they passed into the later editions, and are considered as forming part of the Corpus juris canonici.
Though we find in the 15th « century, for example, at the council of Basel the The Corpus juris expression corpus juris, obviously suggested by the Corpus juris civilis, not even the official edition of Gregory XIII.
The history of the canonical collections forming the Corpus juris would not be complete without an account of the labours of which they were the object.
These two collections We can mention here only the chief editions of the Corpus.
Being brought before the bar of the House of Lords he made submission as to his conduct in declaring parliament dissolved by the prorogation, and in violating the Lords' privileges by bringing a habeas corpus in the King's Bench.
From Corpus Christi, Mendoza sent out various bodies to explore the interior in the direction of Peru, but without much success, and at length, thoroughly discouraged and broken in health, he abandoned his enterprise, and returned to Spain in 1537.
And then we come to Greece, the home of Hippocrates, the "Father of Modern Medicine," who left us not just the oath that bears his name but also a corpus of roughly sixty medical texts based on his teaching.
The procession of the Host on Corpus Christi day became, as it were, a public demonstration of Catholic orthodoxy against Protestantism and later against religious Liberalism.