Coronation Sentence Examples
It contains the magnificent coronation hall of the emperors.
The coronation took place on the 28th of June 1838.
This promise he was invited to fulfil in 1066, after the Confessor's death and his own coronation.
But Robert only returned to the duchy a month after Henry's coronation.
We may surmise that Gerbert left France towards the end of 995, as he was present at Otto III.'s coronation at Rome on the 2rst of May 996.
These arches must have been a later addition, and possibly were first added for the coronation of Henry IV.
The usual coronation gifts he devoted to the benefit of the Honved invalids who had fought in the War of Independence.
Other relics belonging to this period are the oath which John Hunyady took when elected governor of Hungary (1446); a few verses sung by the children of Pest at the coronation of his son Matthias (1458); 1 An example of this work, printed on vellum in Gothic letter (Augsburg, 1488), and formerly belonging to the library of Matthias Corvinus, king of Hungary, may be seen in the British Museum.
It was left to the Yugoslav Committee abroad to claim independence as well as unity, to repudiate the Habsburgs (in a manifesto on the eve of the Budapest coronation) and to exalt the achievements of Serbia and the Karagjorgjevic dynasty.
There they attended a two-day celebration of the coronation centennial.
AdvertisementOn the deposition of Charles the Fat in 887 he was excluded from the throne by his youth; but during the reign of Odo, who had succeeded Charles, he succeeded in gaining the recognition of a certain number of notables and in securing his coronation at Reims on the 28th of January 893.
The thirty years which elapsed between Frederick Barbarossas death in 1190 and the coronation of his grandson Frederick II.
Menelek had previously notified the chief European powers of his coronation at Entotto (i4th December 1889), but Germany and Great Britain replied that such notification should have been made through the Italian.
He officiated at the coronation of the boy king Edward VI., and is supposed to have instituted a sinister change in the order of the ceremony, by which the right of the monarch to reign was made to appear to depend upon inheritance alone, without the concurrent consent of the people.
They were often of enormous size; that at St Sophia in Constantinople was large enough for the ceremonial of coronation.
AdvertisementThe traditional coronation gift of 100,000 forms he assigned to the widows and orphans of those who had fallen in the war against Austria in 1849.
The Jews came to England at least as early as the Norman Conquest; they were expelled from Bury St Edmunds in 1190, after the massacres at the coronation of Richard I.; they were required to wear badges in 1218.
In 1429, instigated by the emperor Sigismund, whom he magnificently entertained at his court at Lutsk, Witowt revived his claim to a kingly crown, and Jagiello reluctantly consented to his cousin's coronation; but before it could be accomplished Witowt died at Troki, on the 27th of October 1430.
Napoleon, though he did not bar the door absolutely against such a proceeding, granted her her heart's desire by secretly going through a religious ceremony on the evening before the coronation.
It was performed by Fesch, now a cardinal; but Napoleon could afterwards urge the claim that all the legal formalities had not bten complied with; and the motive for the marriage may probably be found in the refusal of the pope to appear at the coronation unless the former civil contract was replaced by the religious rite.
AdvertisementBut he declared himself exhausted by the expenses of his coronation; and Honorius III.
He stayed in the Holy Land little more than a month after his coronation; and leaving in May he soon overcame the papal armies in Italy, and secured absolution from Gregory IX.
Gibeon was the seat of an old Canaanitish sanctuary afterwards used by the Israelites; it was here that Solomon, immediately after his coronation, went to consult the oracles and had the dream in which he chose the gift of wisdom (1 Kings iii.).
Excepting for greyhounds, however, high prices are rarely offered for sporting dogs, 300 guineas for the pointer "Coronation" and 200 guineas for the retriever "High Legh Blarney" being the best reported prices for gun dogs during the last few years.
The duke and duchess represented Queen Victoria at the coronation of the tsar Nicholas II.
AdvertisementThe atrium has a fresco by Bartolo di Fredi and the two ground-floor halls contain a Coronation of the Virgin by Sano di Pietro and a splendid Resurrection by Sodoma.
The coronation took place on the 8th of June, on which occasion the king solemnly declared that he wished " a veil to be drawn over the past."
At the coronation (19th May) he was made grand-chamberlain, a count of the empire, on which occasion he is said to have adopted the arms of the French ducal house of Biron, and was presented with an estate at Wenden with 50,000 crowns a year.
The active encouragement of King Edward VIL., at whose instance in 1902 he was invited officially to be present at the coronation ceremony, marked the completeness of the change; and when, in 1905, the "general" went on a progress through England, he was received in state by the mayors and corporations of many towns.
Before his coronation as emperor, Charles had entered into communications with the caliph of Bagdad, Harun-al-Rashid, probably in order to protect the eastern Christians, and in 801 he had received an embassy and presents from Harun.
In the train of Quintana he witnessed at Bologna the double coronation of Charles in February 1530, visited Augsburg, and perhaps saw Luther at Coburg.
It will be noted that this crown is, like its predecessors, what is known as an open crown, without any arches rising from the circlet, but in the accounts of the coronation of Henry IV.
At the Restoration an endeavour was made to reproduce as well as possible the old crowns and regalia according to their ancient form, and a new crown of St Edward was made on the lines of the old one for the coronation of Charles II.
Although the marginal note in the coronation order of Queen Victoria indicates "K.
However, in 1625-1626 it is definitely recorded that the viscounts carried their coronets in their hands in the coronation procession from Westminster Hall to the Abbey church.
As subdeacon he witnessed the coronation of Louis XVI.
At William's coronation it was he who called on them to acclaim their duke as king.
As St Peter's was held by Anacletus, Lothair's coronation as emperor took place on the 4th of June 1133 in the church of the Lateran.
He assisted at the coronation of James I.
Appointed painter to the emperor, David produced the two notable pictures "The Coronation" (of Josephine) and the "Distribution of the Eagles."
His tact in overcoming the reluctance of the pope to be present at the coronation (it was only eight months after the execution of the duc d'Enghien) received further recognition.
Anne was a middle-aged married woman at the time of her coronation; she waddled The coro- aatioa.
The cost of George IV.'s coronation amounted to £240,000; that of William IV.
Few more brilliant pieces of historical writing exist than his description of the coronation procession of Anne Boleyn through the streets of London, few more full of picturesque power than that in which he relates how the spire of St Paul's was struck by lightning; and to have once read is to remember for ever the touching and stately words in which he compares the monks of the London Charterhouse preparing for death with the Spartans at Thermopylae.
At the coronation (5th of April 1797) Paul created him a baron, and he was subsequently made quartermastergeneral and colonel of the whole Preobrazhenskoe Guard.
A year later the child was placed under the protection of King Inge, after whose death in 1217 he was chosen king; though until 1223 the church refused to recognize him, on the ground of illegitimacy, and the Pope's dispensation for his coronation was not gained until much later.
The mere instinct of self-preservation had, at last, drawn the Poles and Lithuanians together against these ruthless and masterful intruders, and the coronation of Jagiello at Cracow on the 15th of February 1386, was both a warning and a challenge to the Knights.
The bishops at once made a high bid for the favour of the new Sigis- king by consenting to the coronation of his Calvinist munddl., consort (Dec. 7, 1550) and the king five days l.,48-1572.
A plot to murder Nicholas at his coronation on the 24th of May 1829 was not carried out, and when he held the fourth diet on the 30th of May 1830, the Poles made an ostentatious show of their nationality which Nicholas was provoked to describe as possibly patriotic but certainly not civil.
On the occasion of the tsar's coronation (May 31, 1584), Boris was loaded with honours and riches, yet he held but the second place in the regency during the lifetime of his co-guardian Nikita Romanovich, on whose death, in August, he was left without any serious rival.
But his worst troubles only began after his coronation on the 6th of June 1523.
Immediately after the coronation, on the 1st of May 1576, Zamoyski was appointed chancellor, and in 1580 wielki hetman, or commander-in-chief, so that he was now the second highest dignitary in the kingdom.
The obvious danger of such a course caused no small anxiety in the principality, and the diet of Torda even went so far as to demand a fresh coronation oath from Sigismund, and, on his refusal to render it, threatened him with deposition.
In 1897 he was special ambassador of the United States on the occasion of Queen Victoria's jubilee; in 1898 was a member of the commission which arranged the terms of peace between the United States and Spain; in 1902 was special ambassador of the United States at the coronation of King Edward VII., and in 1905 became ambassador to Great Britain.
Henceforth Rome was linked with the Carolingian house in an alliance which culminated in the coronation of Charlemagne by the pope on the 25th of December Soo.
In spite of the reluctance of his wife, and the opposition of the Sicilian nobles, he accepted the invitation; and having recognized the papal supremacy over Sicily, and procured the coronation of his son Henry as its king, reached Germany after an adventurous journey in the autumn of 1212.
A further attempt to allay the pope's apprehension lest Sicily should be united with the Empire had been made early in 1216, when Frederick, in a letter to Innocent, promised after his own coronation as emperor to recognize his son Henry as king of Sicily, and to place him under the suzerainty of Rome.
The coronation ceremony took place at Konigsberg on the 18th of January 1701.
Coronation St tho is not truly representative of Manchester or a Manc accent.. .
Our playing field was across Court Street, where the houses of Coronation Crescent now adjoin Madeley by-pass.
The festival was held at York Minster and the program included Handel's coronation anthems.
Shortly after the coronation the great cathedral of St. Sophia at Nicosia was formally consecrated by the Latin archbishop, Jean del Conte.
This is a great little pottery beaker produced for the coronation of queen Elizabeth in 1953.
Here he adopts the " Dev from Coronation Street " method of acting as a short hand for exuding academic charisma.
A permanent commemoration of the Coronation of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II took the form of two large Prayer Books for the clergy stalls.
The new king's coronation took place in Westminster Abbey on October 20th of the same year.
Placed there to commemorate the coronation of George V in 1911.
In 1727 he died of a cold caught in attending the coronation of George II.
The clock, of 1902, marks the coronation of King Edward VII.
I watched the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II on such a set at a friend s house.
We see a royal coronation set out for us in 38 scenes.
They have been kept at the Tower ever since and used at every subsequent coronation.
The last coronation in Scotland - that of Charles II - took place here on Moat Hill in 1651.
On May 30 1953 Sir Arthur Bryant, in a mellow, reflective mood wrote, " My first coronation was in 1902.
The German king, elected by the German princes, automatically sought imperial coronation by the pope.
He made more trouble for himself at his Scottish coronation in 1633.
The coronation ring (representing kingly dignity, and dating from 1831) and the scepters are then presented.
This number may not seem huge in comparison to the 12 million people who watch the adverts during Coronation Street.
The children received coronation mugs, sweets, medals, and photos of the King and Queen.
A substantial stone bridge, bearing the name of Coronation Bridge, was erected across the Wear in front of Newhouse in 1839.
The monarch's coronation oath includes a promise to " defend the security " of the Church of Scotland.
We'll attempt a landing at Coronation Island, known for its extensive moss beds, nesting penguins and beautiful snow petrels.
Other symbols - such as the Crown Jewels and coronation regalia - are unique objects which exert a powerful fascination.
The Crown Jewels, magnificent Tudor tapestries, coronation robes, royal doll's houses - the collections in our care really are unique.
Coronation Street - Cadbury's has just paid £ 10 million to continue to sponsor this very popular soap opera.
The move is topical, coinciding with a current plot line in the popular television soap opera Coronation Street.
Another, registered in 1902, was in the form of a crown and was a coronation souvenir.
The coronation scene, with the imposing throne and the gorgeous costumes, created a striking tableau.
The second viscount was created First Earl of Lichfield in the coronation honors of William IV in 1831.
During the pope's absence in Paris, at the coronation of Napoleon, Consalvi remained as virtual sovereign in Rome; and his regency was rendered remarkable by a great inundation, caused by the overflow of the Tiber, during which he exposed himself with heroic humanity for the preservation of the sufferers.
From the very day of Clement's coronation the king had charged the Templars with heresy, immorality and abuses, and the scruples of the weak pope were at length overcome by apprehension lest the State should not wait for the Church, but should proceed independently against the alleged heretics, as well as by the royal threats of pressing the accusation of heresy against the late Boniface VIII.
At the coronation in April 1661 Cooper had been made a peer, as Baron Ashley of Wimborne St Giles, in express recognition of his services at the Restoration; and on the meeting of the new parliament in May he was appointed chancellor of the exchequer and under-treasurer, aided no doubt by his connexion with Southampton.
It lay too near the French frontier to be safe, and too remote from the centre of Germany to be convenient, as a capital; and in 1562 the election and coronation of Maximilian II.
His attacks on privilege had won him the hatred of the nobles and the parlements, his attempted reforms in the royal household that of the court, his free trade legislation that of the "financiers," his views on tolerance and his agitation for the suppression of the phrase offensive to Protestants in the king's coronation oath that of the clergy, and his edict on the jurandes that of the rich bourgeoisie of Paris and others, such as the prince de Conti, whose interests were involved.
The date, the twenty-first year after the formal coronation of Asoka, would be 248 B.C. The name Piyadassi is the official epithet always used by Asoka in his inscriptions when speaking of himself.
This famous charter, which was amplified, under the influence of the clergy, in 1231, when its articles were placed under the guardianship of the archbishop of Esztergom (who was authorized to punish their violation by the king with excommunication), is generally regarded as the foundation of Hungarian constitutional liberty, though like Magna Carta it purported only to confirm immemorial rights; and as such it was expressly ratified as a whole in the coronation oaths of all the Habsburg kings from Ferdinand to Leopold I.
After long and violent debates, the diet, on the 8th of August, unanimously adopted an address to the crown, drawn up by Deak, praying for the restoration of the political and territorial integrity of Hungary, for the public coronation of the king with all its accompaniments, and the full restitution of the fundamental laws.
From the evidence of the stele of the second (the Coronation Stele) and that of the fifth it has been inferred that the sovereignty early in this period became elective, a deputation of the various orders in the realm being (as Diodorus states), when a vacancy occurred, sent to Napata, where the chief god Amen selected out of the members of the royal family the person who was to succeed, and who became officially the god's son; and it seems certain that the priestly caste was more influential in Ethiopia than in Egypt both before and after this period.
With bishop Odo, a warrior like himself, he was on the battle-field of Hastings, exhorting the Normans to victory; and at William's coronation it was he who called on them to acclaim their duke as king.
Unfortunately, Venice, for her own safety's sake, insisted on the publication of Wladislaus's antiTurkish alliance; the Porte, well informed of the course of Polish affairs, remained strictly neutral despite the most outrageous provocations; and Wladislaus, bound by his coronation oath not to undertake an offensive war, found himself at the mercy of the diet which, full of consternation and rage, assembled at Warsaw on the 2nd of May 1647.
A court of claims sat and a steward was appointed for the coronation of Edward VII.; and during the procession in Westminster Abbey the duke of Marlborough, as steward, carried "St Edward's crown" in front of the bearer of the Bible (the bishop of London), who immediately preceded the king; this function of the steward is of modern origin.
The coronation of a woman was in the eyes of the Russian people a scandalous innovation in any case, and the proposed coronation was doubly scandalous in view of the base and disreputable origin of Catherine herself (see Catherine I.).
Its use would seem to have been borrowed, not from the robes of the Eastern emperors, but from the church, and to symbolize with the other robes the quasisacerdotal character of the kingship (see Coronation).
As representative of King Humbert he attended the coronation of Tsar Nicholas II.
For Manichaeism is an attempt to weld the doctrine of the Gospel and the doctrine of Zoroaster Manlchae- into a uniform system, though naturally not without lam, an admixture of other elements, principally Babylonian and Gnostic. Mani, perhaps a Persian from Babylonia, is said to have made his first appearance as a teacher on the coronation day of Shapur I.
The funftions of the champion were to ride into Westminster Hall at the coronation banquet, and challenge all comers to impugn the king's title (see Champion).
Today was a great day for him--the anniversary of his coronation.
Also lodged in the Tower are the Crown Jewels including all the regalia used by British monarchs at their coronation.
Coronation Street - Cadbury 's has just paid £ 10 million to continue to sponsor this very popular soap opera.
Another, registered in 1902, was in the form of a crown and was a Coronation souvenir.
Cheryl is the chef, and her specials include Coronation chicken, salmon pie, lamb tagine, vegetarian lasagna and Chinese sweet-and-sour pork.
The current cast of Coronation St follows in a long line of cast members spanning nearly 50 years.
Coronation Street (to which fans fondly refer to as Corrie) made its television debut in the U.K. in 1960.
Coronation Street is set in a fictional town (as most soaps are) and focuses on the lives and goings on of the families that reside in the Coronation street neighborhood which includes Viaduct, Victoria and Rosamund streets.
EastEnders became so popular in fact, that it knocked Britain's beloved Coronation Street out of the spot it had held as the number one rated soap opera for decades.
Both EastEnders and Coronation Street currently remain extremely popular among both fans and critics.
Fans of long-running soap operas may be interested in learning more in-depth information about Coronation Street.
Aired on ITV in the U.K., Coronation Street is affectionately known as Corrie by the general public.
The official Coronation Street Web site on ITV provides a detailed history of each character, including the date of birth, marital status, address, occupation, date of first arrival and background information.
You might also want to add a few DVDs to your collection; a handful of selections are available, including This is Coronation Street, an introduction to the program that will delight new fans in particular.
Though it trails EastEnders and Coronation Street in ratings and popularity, it's still extremely well known and has enjoyed a devoted following since its debut in 1972.
Paying a visit to the Coronation Street website is a great way to initiate yourself with the hit soap opera or get a quick update on an episode you've missed.
Recognized as one of the United Kingdom's longest running soap operas, Coronation Street first hit the television airwaves in 1960.
Charles X., on whose coronation he wrote a poem, gave him the order of the Legion of Honour.
At the coronation of George III., one of the king's grooms appeared "in a scarlet dress, holding a perfuming pan, burning perfumes, as at previous coronations."
Of the same character is the use of incense carried in a perfuming pan before the sovereign at his coronation in the procession from Westminster Hall to the Abbey.
This observance was maintained from James II.'s coronation to that of George III.
The preparations for the coronation of King James were interrupted by a severe visitation of the plague, which killed off as many as 30,578 persons, and it was not till March 25, 1604, that the king, the queen and Prince Henry passed triumphantly from the Tower to Westminster.
The last may be considered in abeyance as there has not been any coronation banquet since that of George IV.
In 1856 he fought for Umbulazi against Cetywayo, but was high in that monarch's favour at the time of his coronation in 1873.
He preached at the coronation of Queen Anne and became her almoner and confidential adviser in matters of church and state.
Then in July 1646 Lady Dalkeith carried the princess in disguise to France, and she rejoined her mother in Paris, where her girlhood was spent and where she was educated as a Roman Catholic. Henrietta was present at the coronation of Louis XIV., and was mentioned as a possible bride for the king, but she was betrothed, not to Louis, but to his only brother Philip. After the restoration of her brother Charles II., she returned to England with her mother, but a few months later she was again in Paris, where she was married to Philip, now duke of Orleans, on the 30th of March 1661.
He was crowned at Kingston by Archbishop Odo, and his troubles began at the coronation feast.
The story of the exhumation and coronation of the corpse of Inez has often been told.
Antiochus of Commagene instituted an order of priests to celebrate the anniversary of his birth and coronation in a special sanctuary, and the kings of Pergamum claimed divine honours for themselves and their wives during their lifetime.
It was here, in the Wahlzimmer (or election-chamber) that the electors or their plenipotentiaries chose the German kings, and here in the Kaisersaal (emperors' hall) that the coronation festival was held, at which the new king or emperor dined with the electors after having shown himself from the balcony to the people.
Charles I., at his coronation, made Hopton a Knight of the Bath.
Eighteen months later the coronation took place at Moscow with great pomp, but a gloom was thrown over the festivities by the unfortunate incident of the Khodinskoe Polye, a great open space near the city, where a popular fete had been prepared and where, from defective police arrangements, a large number of men, women and children, roughly estimated at 2000, were crushed and trampled to death.
In Flanders, Lincoln joined Lord Lovell, who had headed an unsuccessful Yorkist rising in 1486, and in May 1487 the two lords proceeded to Dublin, where they landed a few days before the coronation of Lambert Simnel.
But in the annals of Metz and Moissac, the coronation is stated to have taken place in the year 801, and his death in 813.
In 1902 he discharged the important duties of his office at the coronation of King Edward VII., but the strain at his advanced age told upon his health.
It is probable therefore that Charles either considered the coronation premature, as he was hoping to obtain the assent of the eastern empire to this step, or that, from fear of evils which he foresaw from the claim of the pope to crown the emperor, he wished to crown himself.
However doubtful such conjectures concerning his intentions may be, it is certain that immediately after his coronation Charles sought to establish friendly relations with Constantinople, and even suggested a marriage between himself and Irene, as he had again become a widower in 800.
To be a tried soldier was the road Wa to honour and office, and the king could not be enthroned till he had with his own hand taken captives to be butchered on the war-god's altar at his coronation.
Ladislaus made it his capital, and from this time until 1764 it remained the coronation and burial place of the Polish kings, even after the royal residence had been removed by Siegmund III.
This he did at the court of the Persian king, Shapur I., and, according to the story, on the coronation day of that monarch (241/2).
His jealousy for the political autonomy of Canada was noticeable in his attitude at the Colonial conference held at the time of King Edward's coronation, and marked all his diplomatic dealings with the mother country.
Appointments to this office are now made only for special occasions, such as the coronation of a sovereign or the trial of a peer by his peers.
On the accession of Edward III., Henry, earl of Lancaster, as president of the council, had superintended the coronation of the infant king; John of Gaunt did the same for the infant Richard II.; and, as part of the duties involved, sat in the White Hall of Westminster to hear and determine the claims to perform coronation services.
His proclamation at Pamplona, however, did not take place till March of the following year, and his coronation was delayed until May 1273.
But his coronation at Reims, with all the gorgeous ceremonial of the old regime, proclaimed his intention of ruling, as the Most Christian King, by divine right.
The death of Barbara, five days after her coronation (7th of December 1550), under very distressing circumstances which led to an unproven suspicion that she had been poisoned by Queen Bona,.compelled Sigismund to contract a third purely political union with the Austrian archduchess Catherine, the sister of Sigismund's first wife Elizabeth, who had died within a twelvemonth of her marriage with him, while he was still only crown prince.
When Elizabeth ascended the throne, Dee was asked by Lord Dudley to name a propitious day for the coronation.
The coronation of a woman was in the eyes of the Russian people a scandalous innovation, and the proposed coronation was doubly scandalous in view of the base and disreputable origin of Catherine herself.
A special invitation was sent him by the king to attend the coronation of Anne Boleyn, accompanied with the gracious offer of 20 to buy a new suit for the occasiont More refused to attend, and from that moment was marked out for vengeance.
The name " altar " has been all along retained in the Coronation Office of the kings of England, where it occurs frequently.
The new prime minister came into power practically at the same moment as the king's coronation (see Edward Vii.) and the end of the South African War '(see' Transvaal).
Before his coronation he had renounced the right, so jealously guarded by Henry V., of assisting in the election of bishops and abbots, and he even undertook to refrain from exacting homage from the prelates and to content himself with fealty.
Three weeks after his coronation Martin excommunicated the Greek emperor and all his subjects, and allied himself with Charles of Anjou and the Venetians to compass his downfall.
At the Revolution Compton embraced the cause of William and Mary; he performed the ceremony of their coronation; his old position was restored to him; and among other appointments„ he was chosen as one of the commissioners for revising the liturgy..
The Imperial Service Order was likewise instituted on the 26th of June 1902, and finally revised in 1908, to commemorate King Edward's coronation, and is specially designed as a recognition of faithful and meritorious services rendered to the British Crown by the administrative members of the civil service in various parts of the Empire, and is to consist of companions only.
The Order of the Black Eagle, one of the most distinguished of European orders, was founded in 1701 by the elector of Brandenburg, Frederick I., in memory of his coronation as king of Prussia.
On the 9th of September following the ceremony of coronation was duly performed upon the infant.
Here St Ambrose baptized St Augustine; here he closed the doors against the emperor Theodosius after his cruel massacre at Thessalonica; here the Lombard kings and the early German emperors caused themselves to be crowned with the iron crown of Lombardy, and the pillar at which they took their coronation oaths is preserved under the lime-trees in the piazza.
When this fur is symmetrically spotted with black lamb pieces it is styled miniver, in which form it is used at the grand coronation functions of British sovereigns.
One of the four is inhabited by the king, the second and third by the crown prince and other members of the royal family, while the fourth is occupied by the coronation and state rooms. The Ameliegade crosses the plads and, with the Bredgade, terminates at the esplanade outside the citadel, prolonged in the pleasant promenade of Lange Linie skirting the Sound.
Aix-la-Chapelle was fixed upon as the place of coronation of the German emperors, and the ecclesiastical principalities of the Rhine bulk largely in German history.
Multitudes came to Celestine's coronation at Aquila, and he began his reign the idol of visionaries, of extremists and of the populace.
Though he took his proper place in the ceremonies at Richard's coronation, he showed a tactful moderation by withdrawing for a time from any share in the government.
After his coronation he carried on three successful campaigns against the Saracens and Seliuk Turks, whom he drove beyond the Euphrates; in a fourth he was disastrously defeated by Alp Arslan on the banks of the Araxes and taken prisoner.
The rule of Pippin the Short, both before and after his coronation as king, was troubled by constant risings on the part of his East Frankish or German subjects, but aided by his brother Carloman, who for a time administered this part of the Frankish kingdom, Pippin was generally able to deal with the rebels.
His coronation as Roman emperor in 800, although it did not produce at the time so powerful an impression in Germany as in France, wa1 fraught with consequences not always favorable for the former country.
He was twenty-four years of age, and at the coronation festival, which was held at Aix-la-Chapelle, the dukes performed for the first time the nominally menial offices known as the arch-offices of the German kingdom.
At the time of his coronation Germany was virtually a federal state; he wished to transform it into a firm and compact monarchy.
His successors steadily followed his example, and the sovereign crowned at Aix-la-Chapelle claimed as his Germany right coronation by the pope in Rome.
Having secured his coronation at Rome in October 1209, Otto repudiated the many pledges he had made to Innocent and began to act in defiance of the papal wishes.
After Bouvines he purchased the assistance of Valdemar II., king of Denmark, by ceding to him a large stretch of land along the Baltic coast; and, promising to go on crusade, he secured his coronation at Aix-la-Chapelle in July 1215.
Following the example set by Maximilian he called himself emperor without waiting for the formality of a coronation at Rome.
He also found time to preach and lecture elsewhere, and to deliver remarkable speeches at social functions; he worked hard with Archbishop Benson on the Parish Councils Bill (1894); he became the first president of the Church Historical Society (1894), and continued in that office till his death; he took part in the Laud Commemoration (189J); he represented the English Church at the coronation of the tsar (1896).
When Count Thun was appointed governor of Bohemia their hopes ran high, for he was supposed to favour the coronation of the emperor at Prague.
In 1890, however, instead of proceeding to the coronation as was expected, Taaffe attempted to bring about a reconciliation between the opposing parties.
Together with his wife and her maid he set out in July for the Netherlands in order to be present at the coronation of the young emperor Charles V., and if possible to conciliate the good graces of the all-powerful regent Margaret.
Besides going to Aachen for the coronation, he made excursions down the Rhine from Cologne to Nijmwegen, and back overland by 's Hertogenbosch; to Brussels; to Bruges and Ghent; and to Zealand with the object of seeing a natural curiosity, a whale reported ashore.
He seized the Black Rood, the coronation stone of Scone, St Margaret's fragment of the True Cross, and many documents; then he marched north as far as Elgin.
In May, William, in London, took the coronation oath, but firmly refused to accept, except in some sense of his own not easily understood, the clause, " to be careful to root out all heretics."
It was used as a mosque during the Turkish occupation, and here took place the coronation of Franz Joseph as king of Hungary in 1867.
In the court chapel are preserved the regalia of Hungary, namely, the crown of St Stephen, the sceptre, orb, sword and the coronation robes.
Gardiner was restored to his bishopric and appointed lord chancellor, and he set the crown on the queen's head at her coronation.
Having captured Ancona, he marched to Rome, stormed the Leonine city, and procured the enthronement of Paschal, and the coronation of his wife Beatrix; but his victorious career was stopped by the sudden outbreak of a pestilence which destroyed the German army and drove the emperor as a fugitive to Germany, where he remained for the ensuing six years.
Thus he may grant indulgences, issue censures, give dispensations, canonize saints, institute bishops, create cardinals - in short, perform all the acts of his jurisdiction, even though he be no more than a layman; but by custom certain of his more solemn acts are postponed till after the ceremony of his coronation, from which his pontificate is officially dated.
It is a pax with a very rich and delicate niello picture of the coronation of the Virgin; the composition is very full, and the work almost microscopic in minuteness; it was made in 1452.
The Covenants were not mentioned; at his coronation William had refused to be a persecutor, and he desired that the church should embrace all who were willing to be in it.
In 1274 Llewelyn refused to attend at Edward's coronation, although the Scottish king was present.
He refused to crown Elizabeth because she would not have the coronation service accompanied with the elevation of the Host; and ecclesiastical ceremonies and doctrine could not, in Heath's view, be altered or abrogated by any mere national authority.
The whole building, however, had been extensively and judiciously restored, and is the finest church in Norway and the scene of the coronation of the Norwegian sovereigns.
Stigand submitted to William, and assisted at his coronation.
Knox returned in time to guide the Assembly which sat on the 25th of June 1567 in dealing with this unparalleled crisis, and to wind up the revolution by preaching at Stirling on the 9th of July 1567, after Mary's abdication, at the coronation of the infant king.
His successor, Albert, was forced to go a step farther and, in 1371, to take the first coronation oath.
The crowned puppet who possessed a casting vote in the real, of which he was the nominal president, and who was allowed to create peers once in his life (at his coronation), was rather a state decoration than a sovereignty.
The new coronation oath contained three revolutionary clauses.
All through 1771 the estates were wrangling over the clauses of the coronation oath.
In the same year that saw the corOnation of Yazdegerd 111.the beginning of 633the first Arab squadrons made their entry into Persian territory.
The edict expressing the royal will on the religious question is dated in June, but the date of coronation is uncertain.
It is important to note that on the occasion of his coronation he had girded on the sabre consecrated at the tomb of the founder of the Safawidthus openly pledging himself to support the Shiite faith.
He was then fifty-seven years of age, and had ruled over part of Persia for more than eighteen yearsover the kingdom generally for about three years, and from his coronation for about one year only.
But the six or seven weeks which passed between the death of the one king and the coronation of the other proved a disturbed interval, and full of stirring incident.
Szekesfehervar is the seat of a Roman Catholic bishopric, one of the oldest in the country, and was formerly a town of great importance, being the coronation and burial place of the Hungarian kings from the 10th to the 16th century.
Szekesfehervar is one of the oldest towns of Hungary, in which St Stephen, the first king of Hungary, built a church, which served as the coronation church for the Hungarian kings.
At the coronation of Ferdinand II., when he officiated as grand-standardbearer, he received the order of the Golden Fleece and fresh donations.
In 1824 he represented Austria as ambassador extraordinary at the coronation of Charles X., and was the premier Austrian commissioner at the London conferences of 1830-1836.
Wykeham was present at the coronation of Richard II.
She was present at the marriage of Henry with Catherine Parr and at the coronation of Mary.
The title of bishop survived the Reformation in certain of the Lutheran churches of the continent, in Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden and Transylvania; it was tem oraril restored in Prussia in 1 01 for the coronation P Y 7 ?
In one of the last years of his life (1562) Ferdinand succeeded in obtaining the coronation of his eldest son Maximilian as king of Bohemia, thus ensuring to him the succession to the Bohemian throne.
None the less the state officials of Bohemia, by not very scrupulous means, succeeded in persuading the estates to accept Ferdinand as heir to the throne and to consent to his coronation, which took place at Prague on the 17th of June 1617.
An imperial message addressed to the diet of Prague (September 14, 1871) stated that the sovereign " in consideration of the former constitutional position of Bohemia and remembering the power and glory which its crown had given to his ancestors, and the constant fidelity of its population, gladly recognized the rights of the kingdom of Bohemia, and was willing to confirm this assurance by taking the coronation oath."
His nephew Henry (1801-1865) was champion at the coronation of George IV.
He was far from sympathizing with the Burgundians, arid, joining the French army at Reims in 1429, was present at the coronation of Charles VII.
Anjou held the regency for a few months only,until the king's coronation in November 1380.
Such subjects as the Deity, the Trinity, the Annunciation,the Nativity, the Crucifixion, the Coronation of the Virgin, are not uncommon.
The worthy response to this loyal invitation was the dismissal of the Schmerling administration, the suspension of the February constitution and the summoning of the coronation diet.
It is not, therefore, surprising to find that he exerted his influence in several quarters with the view to obtaining the honours of a public coronation.
The ancient and the modern eras met together on the Capitol at Petrarch's coronation, and a new stadium for the human spirit, that which we are wont to style Renaissance, was opened.
With the coronation in Rome a fresh chapter in the biography of Petrarch may be said to have begun.
Five public orations have been preserved, the most weighty of which, in explanation of Petrarch's conception of literature, is the speech delivered on the Capitol upon the occasion of his coronation.
He served as minister for war from 1830 to 1834, as ambassador extraordinary to London for the coronation of Queen Victoria in 1838, and again as minister for war from 1840 to 1844.
His mother, who favoured her younger son Robert, and had retired from court upon Henry's coronation, formed a powerful league against him, and he was forced to take refuge with Robert II., duke of Normandy.
In October 15 26 King Frederick I., during his visit to Aalborg, took Hans Tausen under his protection, appointed him one of his chaplains, and charged him to continue for a time "to preach the holy Gospel" to the citizens of Viborg, who were to be responsible for his safety, thus identifying himself with the new doctrines in direct contravention of the plain letter of his coronation oath.
Selected to crown the new king he performed the ceremony on Christmas Day 1066, and in 1068 performed the same office at the coronation of Matilda, the Conqueror's wife.
The coronation at Reims, on the 9th of January 1317, took place with the gates of the city closed for fear of a surprise.
The states-general of the 2nd of February 1317, consisting of the nobles, prelates, and the burgesses of Paris, approved the coronation of Philip, swore to obey him, and declared that women did not succeed to the Crown of France.
But the peculiar fame of the Abbey lies not in its architecture, nor in its connexion with the metropolis alone, but in the fact that it has long been the place of the coronation of sovereigns and the burial-place of many of them and of their greatest subjects.
The coronation chairs stand in the Confessor's chapel.
Here also are kept the sword and shield of Edward III., still used in the coronation ceremony.
Other customs for which the school is noted are the acclamation of the sovereign at coronation in the Abbey, in accordance with a privilege jealously held by the boys; and the "Pancake Greaze," a struggle in the Great Schoolroom on Shrove Tuesday to obtain possession of a pancake carrying with it a reward from the Dean.
In 5882 he was sent on a mission to Europe to study the various forms of constitutional government; on this occasion he attended the coronation of the tsar Alexander III.
In little more than two months, however, his son was proclaimed king at London by the title of Edward IV., and the bloody victory of Towton immediately after drove his enemies into exile and paved the way for his coronation.
The doctrine had, however, grown up in the earlier middle ages (about the time of the emperor Henry II., 1002-1024) that although the emperor was chosen in Germany (at first by the nation, afterwards by a small body of electors), and entitled from the moment of his election to be crowned in Rome by the pope, he could not use the title of emperor until that coronation had actually taken place.
Not only was his function regarded as consisting in the defence and extension of true religion; he was himself arrayed in ecclesiastical vestments at his coronation; he was ordained a subdeacon; and assisting the pope in the celebration of the Eucharist, he communicated in both kinds as a clerk.
The Turkish envoy then in Bucharest was persuaded to invest Brancovan with the caftan, or robe of office, in token of Turkish approval, and the patriarch of Constantinople, who was also present, and the archbishop of Walachia, Theodosius, consecrated him together at the high altar of the cathedral, where he took the coronation oath to devote his whole strength to the good of his country and received the boiars' oath of submission.
Brancovan, it is true, found it expedient to devote his predecessor's treasure to purchasing the confirmation of his title from the Divan, but the account of his coronation ceremony remains an interesting landmark in the constitutional history of the country.
The prince accepted the resolution; within ten days the new kingdom was recognized by all the Great Powers, and the coronation took place at Bucharest on the 22nd of May 1881.
On the following day, holding the sacred banner, Joan stood beside Charles at his coronation in the cathedral.
On the 12th of February 1689, the day of the coronation of William and Mary, Newton intimated to the vicechancellor that he would soon receive an order to proclaim them at Cambridge.
He was attached to Lord Granville's mission to Moscow, as British representative at the coronation of Alexander II.
A sudden rising of the citizens drove her out of London, while she was making preparations for her coronation.
He had wholly misjudged the situation; Becket made neither promises nor threats, but three weeks after he reached Canterbury publicly excommunicated the bishops of London and Salisbury for the part that they had taken in the coronation of the young king, and suspended from their functions the other prelates who had been present at the ceremony.
He had given his realm good and strong governance; according to his lights he had striven to keep faith and to observe his coronation oath.
Before the coronation ceremony he had issued crwned.
Less than three months after his coronation the first insurrection broke out; it was headedstrangely enoughby the Bucking- duke of Buckingham, who seems to have been shocked mffii7on.
But Pitts policy broke on the stubborn obstinacy of George III., who believed himself bound by his coronation oath to resist any concession to the enemies of the Established Church.
An attempt to divert some of the revenues of the Irish Church led in the autumn to serious differences of opinion in the cabinet; the king, as tenacious as his father of the exact obligations of his coronation oath, dismissed the ministry, and called the Tories to office under Sir Robert Peel and the duke of Wellington.
In 1825, when he went to France in the suite of Prince PM Esterhazy, to attend the coronation of Charles X., the canal du Midi especially attracted his attention and suggested to him the idea of regulating the rivers Danube and Theiss.
Moreover, Charles of Lorraine was not prepared to bow before his successful rival, and before Hugh had secured the coronation of his son Robert as his colleague and successor in December 987, he had found allies and attacked the king.
A smaller group - Coronation Island, Laurie Island, &c. - lying 200 m.
But at the coronation of King Peter, in September 1904, all the European powers except Great Britain were officially represented, some concessions, more apparent than real, having been made in the matter of the regicides, who were very unpopular among the peasants and in the army.
One of the most interesting medieval spoons is the coronation spoon used in the anointing of the sovereign, an illustration of which is given under Regalia.
The Italian primate, Octavian de Palatio, knew better, and incurred the wrath of Kildare by refusing to officiate at the impostor's coronation.
The bishops and clergy who were present at the coronation protested against this surrender, and a tumult arising, the ceremony had to be abandoned.
The political results of this custom of coronation were allimportant for the Carolingians, and later for the first of the Capets.
On the very day of his coronation Pippin allowed himself to be proclaimed patrician of the Romans by the pope, just as Clovis had been made consul.
It had to wait two centuries after the revolution of 987 before it was strong enough to take up the dormant tradition of an authority like that of Rome; and until then it cunningly avoided unequal strife in which, victory being impossible, reverses might have weakened those titles, higher than any due to feudal rights, conferred by the heritage of the Caesars and the coronation at Reims, and held in reserve for the future.
Like his father, he subsequently managed to retrieve some of the crown lands from William the Bastard, the too-powerful duke of Normandy; and he made a praiseworthy though fruitless attempt to regain possession of Lorraine for the French crown; Finally, by the coronation of his son Philip (1059) he confirmed the hereditary right of the Capets, soon to be superior to the elective rights of the bishops and great barons of the kingdom.
Louis had still time left to effect the coronation of his son Philip Augustus (1179), and to associate him with himself in the exercise of the royal power for which he had grown too old and infirm.
The Madonna della Steccata (Our Lady of the Palisade), a fine church in the form of a Greek cross, erected between 1521 and 1539 after Zaccagni's designs, contains the tombs and monuments of many of the Bourbon and Farnese dukes of Parma, and preserves its pictures, Parmigiano's "Moses Breaking the Tables of the Law" and Anselmi's "Coronation of the Virgin."
One remarkable discovery, however, of general interest, was the outcome of a long series of delicate weighings and minute experimental care in the determination of the relative density of nitrogen gas - undertaken in order to determine the atomic weight of nitrogen - namely, the discovery of argon, the first of a series of new substances, chemically inert, which occur, some only in excessively minute quantities, as constituents of the 1 The barony was created at George IV.'s coronation in 1821 for the wife of Joseph Holden Strutt, M.P. for Maldon (1790-1826) and Okehampton (1826-1830), who had done great service during the French War as colonel of the Essex militia.
This chair, now placed in the gallery referred to, was used for centuries in the imperial coronation ceremonies.
Immediately after his coronation, he hastened to his newly won territories, accompanied by the principal civil and ecclesiastical dignitaries of Denmark, and was solemnly acknowledged lord of Northalbingia (the district lying between the Eider and the Elbe) at Lubeck, Otto IV., then in difficulties, voluntarily relinquishing all German territory north of the Elbe to Valdemar, who in return recognized Otto as German emperor.
Earl Randolph's chair, not unlike the coronation chair, has been preserved.
He was regent of the kingdom during the king's short absence in France in 1308, and took a very prominent part at Edward's coronation in February of this year.
The subsequent coronation was marked by portentous novelties, the most significant of which was the king's omission to take the usual coronation oath, which omission was interpreted to mean that he considered himself under no obligation to his subjects.
But by far its most interesting feature is the Coronation church belonging to Jicha monastery.
In 1198, on the election of Enrico Dandolo, the aristocracy carried their policy one step farther, and by the promissione ducale, or coronation oath, which every doge was required to swear, they acquired a powerful weapon for the suppression of all that remained of ancient ducal authority.
The settlement of the peninsula by Charles V.'s coronation at Bologna in 1530 secured the preponderance to Spain, and the combination of Spain and the church dominated the politics of Italy.
In rip he was sent to Rome by the archbishop with instructions to dissuade the Curia from sanctioning the coronation of Stephen's eldest son Eustace.
If he had not given a definite pledge to forgive the bishops who had taken part in the young king's coronation, he had at least raised expectations that he would overlook all past offences.
In the following year he went to Germany to be present as papal nuncio at the coronation of Charles V., and was also present at the diet of Worms, where he headed the opposition to Luther, advocating the most extreme measures to repress the doctrines of the reformer.
Kenneth is alleged to have brought the Stone of Destiny, on which the Celtic kings were crowned, from Dunstaffnage Castle on Loch Etive, and to have deposited it in Scone, whence it was conveyed to Westminster Abbey (where it lies beneath the Coronation Chair) by Edward I.
But by this time the Turkish 3 Though elected king of the Romans in 1411, he cannot be regarded as the legal emperor till his coronation at Rome in 1.423, and if he was titular king of Bohemia as early as 1419, he was not acknowledged as king by the Czechs themselves till 1436.
Moreover, in the event of the failure of a Habsburg heir, the diet reserved the right to revive the " ancient, approved and accepted custom and prerogative of the estates and orders in the matter of the election and coronation of their king."
In particular Szechenyi insisted that the people must not look exclusively to the government, 1 Litterae credentiales, nearly equivalent to a coronation oath.
The use of a coronet by the barons dates from the coronation of Charles II., and by letters patent of the 7th of August 1661 their coronet is described as a circle of gold with six pearls on it.
Marco (now converted into a national museum), a series of frescoes, beginning towards 1443; in the first cloister is the Crucifixion with St Dominic kneeling; and the same treatment recurs on a wall near the dormitory; in the chapterhouse is a third Crucifixion, with the Virgin swooning, a composition of twenty life-sized figures - the red background, which has a strange and harsh effect, is the misdoing of some restorer; an "Annunciation," the figures of about three-fourths of life-size, in a dormitory; in the adjoining passage, the "Virgin enthroned," with four saints; on the wall of a cell, the "Coronation of the Virgin," with Saints Paul, Thomas Aquinas, Benedict, Dominic, Francis and Peter Martyr; two Dominicans welcoming Jesus, habited as a pilgrim; an "Adoration of the Magi"; the "Marys at the Sepulchre."
This predella was highly lauded by Vasari; still more highly another picture which used to form an altarpiece in Fiesole, and which now obtains world-wide celebrity in the Louvre - the "Coronation of the Virgin," with eight predella subjects of the miracles of St.
Maria Novella, a "Coronation of the Virgin," with a predella in three stctions, now in the Uffizi, - this again is one of his masterpieces.
Goethe has also recorded his memories of another picturesque event, the coronation of the emperor Joseph II.
Indeed the king's horror of Jacobinism was morbid in its intensity, and drove him to adopt all sorts of reactionary measures and to postpone his coronation for some years, so as to avoid calling together a diet; but the disorder of the finances, caused partly by the continental war and partly by the almost total failure of the crops in 1798 and 1799, compelled him to summon the estates to Norrkoping in March 1800, and on the 3rd of April Gustavus was crowned.
At the coronation in that year his growing reputation in Parliament was recognized by his admission to the Privy Council; and in 191 2 he appeared as an acknowledged leader of the party, moving the Opposition amendment to the Address, and the rejection of the Welsh Disestablishment bill on second reading.
After Hugh's death the king procured the coronation of his second son, Henry, duke of Burgundy, afterwards king of France, a proceeding which.
The interior has been modernized; there is a fine relief by Matteo da Campione in the organ-loft, representing the coronation of a king, and some 15th-century frescoes with scenes from the life of Theodelinda.
In addition, after making careful inquiry through various commissions, he reformed the systems of education and police, laid down a comprehensive scheme of irrigation, improved the leave rules and the excessive report-writing of the civil service, encouraged the native princes by the formation of the Imperial Cadet Corps and introduced many other reforms. His term of office was also notable for the coronation durbar at Delhi in January 1903, the expedition to Lhasa in 1904, which first unveiled that forbidden city to European gaze, and the partition of Bengal in 1905.
Peter's coronation was celebrated at that city on the 25th of February 1728.
Baldwin originally planned a solemn coronation, as the signal of his emancipation.
In December 1146 the king himself took the cross, secured the election and coronation of his young son Henry as his successor, appointed Henry I., archbishop of Mainz, as his guardian, and set out for Palestine in the autumn of 1147.
With the reign of James I., whose coronation took place at Scone on the 21st of May 1424, constitutional sovereignty may be said to begin in Scotland.
In the short years of peace Pajol, now colonel, was successively envoy to the Batavian Republic, and delegate at Napoleon's coronation.
Preparations were made for the coronation on the 12th of February 1111, but the Romans rose in revolt against the compact, and Henry retired taking with him pope and curia.
Laid in ruins by Henry, who was attacked by the citizens on the night after his coronation in 1004, it was none the less ready to close its gates on Conrad the Salic in 1026.
The chivalry of Germany pouring through Alpine passes for an Italian campaign, or a coronation, left little trace in history except the lesson of their futility.
In spite of this omission, however, and of some trouble arising from a double election to the archbishopric of Magdeburg, a treaty was concluded between king and pope at Constance in March 1153, by which Frederick promised in return for his coronation to make no peace with Roger I.
Meeting the new pope, Adrian IV., near Nepi, Frederick at first refused to hold his stirrup; but after some negotiations he consented and received the kiss of peace, which was followed by his coronation as emperor at Rome on the 18th of June 1155.
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The Coronation Street cast is one of England's most beloved groups of actors.
This is owed in great part to the success of Coronation Street, which has been on the air since 1960!
In a soap like Coronation Street, even newcomers to the world of acting eventually earn "big name" status, however fleeting it might be.
Getting to know the entire Coronation Street cast might be something of a challenge, considering the show has been on the air for decades.
The 1980s signified a new era in more ways than one for Coronation Street, as many actors moved on, were killed off in the show and, in at least one case, passed away in real life.
This led to a mass upheaval of sorts, particularly since the media had started to predict that Coronation Street was headed for cancellation.
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If you're a regular watcher of the show, chances are you have a few favorite Coronation Street characters.
Coronation Street characters are an unforgettable bunch, indeed.
That their stories have a foundation in real life makes the Coronation Street characters even more relatable to the average viewer.
Coronation Street consists of a row of working class homes, divided between a corner shop and a public house on each end.
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Known as Corrie by all who know and love it, Coronation Street is England's longest running soap opera and clearly one of the most popular.
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If you're a longtime fan, chances are you are already very familiar with the many Web sites devoted to Coronation Street.
Coronation Street has been on the air since 1960, and has seen numerous cast members pass through its revolving doors over the years.
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Similarly, you can watch clips of Coronation Street on the program's official Web site.
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This site also offers detailed updates of classic Coronation Street episodes dating back to 1960, as well as summaries for episodes from recent years.
She is also a soap opera veteran, having played on Brookside and Coronation Street, as well as on her continual role of Pearl Ladderbanks on Emmerdale.
The Coronation Street actors have beaten the odds to make the British drama one of the longest running soap operas in history.
The writers quickly updated Coronation Street, adding in stories about drug use and homosexuality.
Yet, viewer response continued to be solid with more ITV viewers watching Coronation Street characters Ken Barlow and Deirdre Langton get married than Prince Charles and Lady Diana two days later.
The following is a list of the cast who have ultimately left Coronation Street, but spent decades on the air in their roles.
William Roache, portraying Ken Barlow, is the only actor to remain on Coronation Street for the first fifty years, and has earned a place in the Guinness Book of World Records as the World's Longest Serving Soap Star.
In September of 2010, Coronation Street cemented its place in history by earning an inclusion in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's longest-running soap opera, thanks in part to its actors past and present.
However, it has also consistently battled Coronation Street and Emmerdale in the ratings.
Dean hoped Edith would tell the old witch where to stuff it, but instead she looked as if she had just won an auction bid for a coronation gown.
The king set out for Rome to secure his coronation, but Venice refused to let him pass through .her territories; and at Trant, on the 4th of February 1508, he took the important step of assuming the title of Roman Emperor Elect, to which he soon received the assent of pope Julius II.
He was one of the original members of the Order of Merit, instituted in connexion with the coronation of King Edward VII.
Having obtained his coronation, Frederick withdrew to Germany, while Milan prepared herself against the storm which threatened.
The meetings referred to were probably those of exceptional interest, such as the election or the coronation of a king, and people from the neighbourhood were there merely as interested, and sometimes excited, spectators.
After the queen's coronation in September Mary of Lorraine was made principal member of the council appointed to direct the affairs of the kingdom.
Napcleon was now able by degrees to dispense with all republican forms (the last to go was the Republican Calendar, which ceased on the 1st of January 1806), and the scene at the coronation in Notre Dame on the 2nd of December 1804 was frankly imperial in splendour and in the egotism which led Napoleon to wave aside the pope, Pius VII., at the supreme moment and crown himself.
In the coronation of the emperor, more particularly, the mitre played a part.
Thus, within four months of the opening of the campaign, the Polish capital and the coronation city were both in the possession of the Swedes.
At a council held in London on the 6th of April 1152 Stephen induced a small number of barons to do homage to Eustace as their future king; but the primate, Theobald, and the other bishops declined to perform the coronation ceremony on the ground that the Roman curia had declared against the claim of Eustace.
He attended King Edward's coronation in 1902, and accompanied the British army in person in the Chinese campaign of Igoe in command of the Bikanir Camel Corps, which also did good service in Somaliland in 1904.
At Bordeaux Bertrand was formally notified of his election and urged to come to Italy; but he caused his coronation to take place at Lyons on the 14th of November 1305.
The coronation of Birger Jarlsson Valdemar took place in the cathedral in 1251; and in the reign of Gustavus Vasa several important diets were held in the town.
At his coronation he had proclaimed his purpose to revive the ancient Servian empire; in 1378 he had married the daughter of the last Bulgarian tsar; and it is probable that he dreamed of founding an empire which should extend from the Adriatic to the Black Sea.
These were removed to Paris, and when Napoleon was crowned emperor a century and a half later he chose Childeric's bees for the decoration of his coronation mantle.
Henry was disliked but feared by the baronage, towards whom he showed gross bad faith in his disregard of his coronation promises.
She outlived Henry's coronation by ten years; her husband had died in 1151.