Cornfields Sentence Examples
Eight acres of cornfields carved into a challenging maze await tourists.
Other allied African genera are Steatomys and Lophuromys, which include several species of small mouse-like rodents, with the habits of dormice generally, though some burrow in cornfields.
Satyrus (431-387), the successor of Spartocus, established his rule over the whole district, adding Nymphaeum to his dominions and laying siege to Theodosia, which was a serious commercial rival by reason of its ice-free port and direct proximity to the cornfields of the eastern Crimea.
It possesses rich meadowlands, cornfields, orchards, gardens, and hills covered with vines.
The central plain is highly cultivated, forming an almost continuous stretch of gardens and vineyards, varied here and there with a few patches of cornfields and pasture lands.
I grew up surrounded by cornfields all around me.
The gorge opens out into farmland, normally a mixture of golden cornfields with the bright colored poppies that are in large abundance.
A very well equiped three bedroom character cottage in a peaceful village setting with stunning views over open cornfields.
And as it turns out, Monarch larvae and butterflies actually do better in Bt cornfields than in cornfields sprayed with insecticides.
The patchwork of scattered cornfields interspersed with the region's crumbling, gray marl ' badlands ' forms a splendid wildlife habitat.
AdvertisementThe vale of Peshawar is for the most part highly irrigated and well wooded, presenting in the spring and autumn a picture of waving cornfields and smiling orchards framed by rugged hills.
Five species are British; P. Rhoeas is the common scarlet poppy found in cornfields and waste places.
No doubt many a smiling valley with its stretching cornfields occupies exactly such a "horrid chasm," from which the waters have receded, though it requires the insight and the far sight of the geologist to convince the unsuspecting inhabitants of this fact.
Nearer at hand glittered golden cornfields interspersed with copses.
It is found in many of our cornfields, and is cultivated in Holland for the tuberous roots, which are said to be edible.
AdvertisementPheasants Eye (Adonis) - Beautiful perennial or biennial plants, belonging to the Buttercup order, chiefly natives of cornfields in Europe and Western Asia, dwarf, with finely-divided leaves, and red or yellow flowers.
In the cultivated upland valleys all over Arabia the Zizyphus j ujuba, called by some travellers lotus, grows to a large tree; its thorny branches are clipped yearly and used to fence the cornfields among which it grows.
Like Alfred of Wessex, Rhodri also built a fleet in order to protect Anglesea, " the mother of Wales," so called on account of its extensive cornfields which supplied barren Gwynedd with provisions.