Corked Sentence Examples
The test tube is tightly corked to prevent evaporation, and allowed to stand for some hours.
Sometimes an "adapter" is used; this is simply a tapering tube, the side tube being corked into the wider end, and the condenser on to the narrower end.
When quite dry they should be put into dry wide-mouthed bottles and kept closely corked.
The tube is tightly corked to prevent evaporation, and allowed to stand for some hours.
Having sat some time at table, Speranski corked a bottle of wine and, remarking, "Nowadays good wine rides in a carriage and pair," passed it to the servant and got up.
Wine had decent depth for $16 but it was hard to read more into the wine as our bottle was slightly corked.
If you purchase a damaged wine at a local wineshop, such as one that is corked, most shops will take the bottle back once you discover the taint.
Don't get corked - Corks in wine bottles from time to time cause something called "cork taint."
For very expensive bottles of wine, it is a huge disappointment to open it and discover the wine that you have stored so long is "corked" and undrinkable.
The corked eyebrows and mustaches were smeared over the perspiring, flushed, and merry faces.