Coral Sentence Examples
They contain corals, but are not coral reefs.
There is coral along the coasts everywhere, and the Sentinel Islands are composed of the newer rocks with a superstructure of coral.
Around the coast there is a raised shelf of limestone which was undoubtedly a coral reef.
The people are employed in fishing for coral and sponges, as well as for bream, mullet and other fish.
The islands are of coral formation and low-lying.
A vast variety of trinketsin coral, glass, lava, & exported from Italy, or carried away by the annual host of tourists.
They are coral islands of comparatively recent elevation, and in no place rise more than 250 ft.
Her eyes" (Nicholas looked at his partner) "are blue, her mouth coral and ivory; her figure" (he glanced at her shoulders) "like Diana's...."
Most of the fishing boats, properly so called, start from the Adriatic coast, the coral boats from the western Mediterranean coast, and the sponge boats from the western Mediterranean and Sicilian coasts.
A coral reef lies across the entrance.
AdvertisementThe town occupies the whole of a small coral island at the mouth of Mossoril Bay.
The coral reefs are of especial interest from their bearing on the general question of the formation of coral reefs.
Except such as are of coral formation, the Antilles are hilly, not to say mountainous, their summits rising in places to an elevation of 8000 ft., and nearly all, prior to their occupation by Europeans, were covered with luxuriant forest, which, assisting in the collection and condensation of the clouds brought by the trade winds, ensured its own vitality by precipitating frequent and long-continued rains; upon the fertile soil.
The coral is generally reddish, but the colouring ranges from light yellow to chocolate-brown.
They are quite distinct in their formation from the coral reefs of the same coast.
AdvertisementWhat I seek from thy country is gold, silver, coral, and scarlet."
All the rocks are of basalt and greyishtinted lavas, excepting some beds of upraised coral.
The greater elevations are for the most part formed of limestones, except in the south, where they are largely volcanic. The coasts of the Gulf of Akaba are steep, with numerous coral reefs on both sides.
The Oceanic series is generally overlaid directly, and unconformably, by coral limestones; but at Bissex Hill, at the base of the coral limestones, and resting unconformably upon the Oceanic series, there is a Globigerina marl.
Evidence of recent elevation of the island is furnished by masses of coral reef and beach coral rock standing at heights of 40 ft.
AdvertisementThe surrounding seas contain great numbers of fish; the coral reefs abound with a great variety of molluscs; and there are numerous land-shells.
The coast-line is of coral formation and is, in the neighbourhood of Massawa, thickly studded with small islands.
Coral limestones, probably of Middle Tertiary age, are also found, sometimes 4000 ft.
The coral beds of Mindanao and the Sulu Archipelago are of unsurpassed beauty, and Guimaras, Cebu and Siquijor are completely covered with a thick cap of coral limestone.
The soil, usually of a reddish-brown colour, is for the most part disintegrated lava mixed with decayed vegetation; occasionally there is also a mixture of disintegrated coral limestone.
AdvertisementTemples are very rare, though these blocks of coral are sometimes surrounded by a roofless enclosure opening to the west.
The houses in the Gilberts and Marshalls (much less elaborate than in the Carolines) consist merely of a thatched roof resting on posts or on blocks of coral about 3 ft.
The margin of the Red Sea itself consists, on the Arabian side, of a strip of low plain backed by ranges of barren hills of coral and sand formation, and here and there by mountains of considerable height.
Coral formations are abundant; immense reefs, both barrier and fringing, skirt both coasts, often enclosing wide channels between the reef and the land.
This tableland is formed by a huge cap of coral limestone, estimated by Griesbach at from 4000 to 5000 ft.
Immediately on the west of the Kaisargarh there towers the Shingarh Mountain, a geological repetition of the Kaisargarh ridge, black with pines towards the summit and crowned with crags of coral limestone.
The entrance is contracted by Tiran and other islands, so that the passage is rendered somewhat difficult; and its navigation is dangerous on account of the numerous coral reefs, and the sudden squalls which sweep down from the adjacent mountains, many of which rise perpendicularly to a height of 2000 ft.
The typical Silurian rocks are richly fossiliferous, the shales containing trilobites, the sandstones many brachiopods, and the limestones a rich coral and bryozoan fauna.
The rest of the group are of coral formation.
As for the boundaries of these ancient seas, we can say nothing with certainty, but it is of interest to note the evidence we possess of still older land conditions, such as we have in the old rocks of Shropshire, &c. In the Devonian period it is clear that an elevatory movement had set in towards the north, which gave rise to the formation of inland lakes and narrow estuaries in which the Old Red Sandstone rocks were formed, while in the south of England lay the sea with a vigorous coral fauna.
The specialities of Naples are the manufacture of coral, tortoise-shell, kid gloves and macaroni, but it has been growing also as an industrial centre.
It is approached by a deep channel through the coral reef which fringes the entire eastern side of the island.
Except Bird and Denis islands, which are of coralline limestone, the Seychelles are of granite, with in places fringing reefs of coral based on granite foundations.
The forests of the coast belt resembled those of the coral islands of the neighbouring parts of the Indian Ocean.
The archipelago consists of a number of coral islets and atolls comprising the African Islands (4), the St Joseph group (8), the Poivre Islands (9) and the Alphonso group (3).
Like the Amirantes all the other islands named are of coral formation.
Among the ophidians, which include many harmless species, are the boa-constrictor, rattlesnake, the dreaded Lachesis and the coral snake.
This comparison, though far-fetched, is certainly more reasonable than the common name "coral-insects" applied to the polyps which form coral.
Although corals have been familiar objects since the days of antiquity, and the variety known as the precious red coral has been for a long time an article of commerce in the Mediterranean, it was only in the 18th century that their true nature and structure came to be understood.
He was thus able to see that the so-called "flowers of coral" were in fact nothing else than minute polyps resembling seaanemones.
The hard calcareous substance to which the name coral is applied is the supporting skeleton of certain members of the Anthozoa, one of the classes of the phylum Coelentera.
Although of great interest the Pennatulacea do not form an enduring skeleton or" coral,"and need not be considered in detail in this place.
Heliopora coerulea is found between tide-marks on the shore platforms of coral islands.
In this coral the calicle is divided into quadrants by four principal septa, the main septum, counter septum, and two alar septa.
The connexion between the Cyathophyllidae and modern Astraeidae is shown by Moseleya latistellata, a living reef-building coral from Torres Strait.
Towards the centre, the Maldive, Chagos and Cocos groups are of characteristic coral formation, and coral reefs occur on most parts of the tropical coasts.
Off the African coasts there are large deposits of Glauconitic sands and muds at depths down to moo fathoms, and on banks where coral formation occurs there are large deposits of coral muds and sands.
The button which distinguishes the first grade is a transparent red stone; the second grade, a red coral button; the third, a sapphire; the fourth, a blue opaque stone; the fifth, a crystal button; the sixth, an opaque white shell button; the seventh, a plain gold button; the eighth, a worked gold button; and the ninth, a worked silver button.
Among the articles prized by the Beni is coral, of which the chiefs wear great quantities as ornaments.
The skeletons of many other organisms, such as Polyzoa and Mollusca, contribute to coral masses but cannot be included in the term "coral."
The structure of coral animals (sometimes erroneously termed "coral insects") is dealt with in the articles cited above; for the distribution and formation of reefs see Coral-Reefs.
Beyond their general utility and value as sources of lime, few of the corals present any special feature of industrial importance, excepting the red or precious coral (Corallium rubrum) of the Mediterranean Sea.
The most important fisheries extend along the coasts of Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco; but red coral is also obtained in the vicinity of Naples, near Leghorn and Genoa, and on the coasts of Sardinia, Corsica, Catalonia and Provence.
The large boats, dredging from March to October, collect from 650 to 850 lb of coral, and the small, working throughout the year, collect from 390 to Soo lb.
The object of their visits was the investigation of the fauna and flora of the atoll, more especially of the formation of the coral reefs.
Most are of coral formation, but the hills of Manus are believed to be extinct volcanoes.
With few exceptions the islands are surrounded by barriers of coral, broken by openings opposite the mouths of streams. Viti Levu is the most important island not only from its size, but from its fertility, variety of surface, and population, which is over one-third of that of the whole group. The town of Suva lies on an excellent harbour at the south-east of the island, and has been the capital of the colony since 1882, containing the government buildings and other offices.
Along two-thirds of its eastern side the coast is almost a straight line, without any inlet, Tamatave, the chief port on this side of the island, being only protected by coral reefs.
Except the Minnow group, north of Nossi-be, the rest are merely rocky islets, chiefly of coral.
The coral reefs fringing the coast are here broken by a straight channel with deep water giving access to the harbour, which consists of a series of natural channels and basins.
Near volcanoes they contain many volcanic minerals, and around coral islands they are often in large part calcareous.
Agios Georgios The tiny fishing harbor of agios Georgios The tiny fishing harbor of Agios Georgios with great fish restaurant overlooking the sea and just 5 minutes from Coral Bay.
The Florida Keys are known for their spectacular coral reefs, excellent marina facilities and quiet restful anchorages.
The drop off is over 40m but the walls are covered in sponges, anemones, soft corals and black coral.
This colorful wall is stunning for its coral and is cut with gullies which are meeting places for groups of queen angelfish.
Some species have skin appendages that make them resemble kelp, or carry encrusting organisms that make them resemble coral or rocks.
A similar system could be used in SCUBA diving, coral reef conservation, salvage and marine archeology.
The Maldives is a group of low-lying coral islands, forming an archipelago of 26 major atolls, situated south west of Sri Lanka.
Surrounded by the largest raised coral atoll on earth, this is a lagoon to remember.
One&Only Kanuhura is a coral island hideaway on a remote atoll in the Indian Ocean.
Maldives Scattered across the Indian Ocean, due west of southern India, is a group of tiny coral atolls.
Aubergine, army green, muted coral and cornflower blue are most prevalent with accents of white here and there.
But coral calcium contains high levels of alkaline minerals which help to promote a more alkaline state.
There are approximately 300 coral cays, including 213 unvegetated cays, 43 vegetated cays and 44 low wooded islands.
North West Island - the largest coral cay on the Great Barrier Reef, covering an area of 91 hectares.
Opportunity this afternoon to visit the tiny coral cay of Two Isles.
Coming on like The Coral jamming with The Who, Cohesion do terrace chant choruses to die for.
With more than admiration he admired Her azure veins, her alabaster skin, Her coral lips, her snow-white dimpled chin.
A choke was pushed at the south end of Coral Chamber, to a 50 foot pot which was choked at the bottom.
Structurally different from Pitcairn, which towered from the sea, Henderson is a flat atoll made of fossilized coral.
Crystal clear waters, colorful coral and tropical fish abound and combine to make for an interesting day at the beach.
The hard skeleton of coral is built by a community of animals related to jellyfish, coral polyps.
They are often seen in and around the deep, cold-water coral reefs west of Norway and Britain.
Current status The sunset cup coral Leptopsammia pruvoti occurs in groups of a few tens to several hundred individuals.
A little deeper there is a forest of whip coral covering 30 or more square meters of the hard coral bed.
By 1997 27% of the world's coral reefs had been lost.
The Island has a fringing coral reef with the best snorkeling and diving at Catseye Beach.
Additionally, most of the islands are made up of surrounding coral reefs and lagoons, just superb for snorkeling and diving activities.
There is some good diving on the somewhat damaged coral reef of the Mombasa Marine National Park, off the Nyali headland.
You can also see the coral reef just out from the beach which saves going on organized ' cruises ' .
Renowned for having the most exquisite coral reefs in the world and a refuge to rare marine life.
The island is surrounded by colorful coral reefs, hence the name Coral Island.
Beach A long stretch of soft white sand protected by an offshore coral reef, which disappears at high tide.
The centerpiece of the aquarium is the spectacular coral reef housed within a giant ocean display.
Kids will love the blaze of color of the tropical coral reef or watching otters slide in and out of the water.
My guide - Itay - escorted me around stunning coral reefs teeming with tropical fish that glimmered brightly in the clear blue water.
More commonly, coconut crabs are harvested as well as coral and shells.
The fragment of coral, a tiny crinkle of pink like a sugar rosebud from a cake, rolled across the mat.
Tourists like to scuba dive in the sea looking at all of the coral.
One hot morning, feeling unusually energetic, we caught the number 10 bus to Coral Bay.
A tiger patterned fish among clusters of brightly colored coral reef or the flowing shapes of seaweed may look more exciting.
Day 7 The next day we waved a sad farewell to the crew of the Coral II at Puerto Ayora in Santa Cruz.
Observe the abundance of marine life that inhabit these tropical waters and marvel at the brilliant display of colorful coral formations.
Honey fungus and coral spot may affect the plant, but occasional leaf gall is not a major problem.
Large grouper and snapper tend to hang out in the crack among black coral and deep water gorgonian.
There are also schools of lionfish, glassy sweepers and plenty of coral grouper lining up to be cleaned.
The wreck is covered with black coral trees, sea whips & stinging hydroids.
The Maldives is an enchanted paradise on the equator a necklace of tiny palm studded coral islands, surrounded by sparkling lagoons.
The frost eroded limestone is littered with coral and sea shell fossils confirming this raised mountain was once below sea level.
Coral reefs are irresistible magnets to many varieties of fish and support a huge amount of marine life.
A shallow dive with a protected coral reef within the bay and a huge granite massif descending to the sandy sea bed.
A coral reef is a teeming metropolis built upon the living skeletons of tiny soft polyps.
Black Coral This site is littered with peppered morays which peer out from soft corals.
On a night dive we saw a coral cat shark and honeycomb moray.
A handmade necklace featuring coral beads, lapis lazuli beads and sterling silver beads and fittings.
The East coast is marked by fine coral reefs, whilst the west coast offers dramatic drift diving through granite outcrops.
They carry generous clusters of gleaming flowers, with sleek scarlet sepals flaring to reveal a slim skirt of purple petals surrounding coral stamens.
The Islands The Islands are a number of shallow reefs and coral pinnacles with deeper sandy gulleys between them.
Made by Eastex from thick coral ribbed crimplene polyester, with overstitched collars and three decorative metal buttons to fasten.
The walls are covered in absolutely pristine coral - the best I have seen anywhere.
We even spotted a turtle happily munching away at the coral and a couple of blue spotted reef rays in the sand.
Compared with coral reefs, vast swathes of the ocean appeared to be devoid of life.
The reef is alive with a vibrant living coral reef.
The edible part of the scallop is the pale adductor muscle and orange roe (coral ).
These colorful, beautifully patterned fish are a joy to watch as they emerge from their hiding places in the coral rubble.
High water temperatures and freshwater runoff caused the coral to be bleached.
The bottom of the tank can then be covered with a mixture of silica sand and coral sand to a depth of 2-3 cm.
Made from padded coral pink satin overlaid with hand crocheted green cotton this is an absolute must for your vintage chic kitchen or collection.
Thread 2 wrapped scallops on a skewer, then a coral followed by 2 more wrapped scallops.
Take scuba diving lessons around coral reefs, get your PADI open water scuba diving certification, or take advanced scuba diving classes.
If you enjoy scuba diving or snorkeling, Fiji travel provides plenty of opportunity to do so and is renowned for its coral reefs.
The frequent rainfall and many rivers have led to some very dramatic seascapes with beautiful hard and soft coral.
Barrel and tube sponges, sea urchins, spiny lobsters, coral shrimp and crabs are also widely present.
The hull is an entire coral reef in its own right, artillery shells now fused into the coral masses.
There is some dead coral, partly due to high sea temperatures and partly due to crown of thorns starfish.
A series of dramatic granitic pinnacles just break the surface and are the home for giant stingrays, reef sharks and pristine coral formations.
Squid triggerfish tangs passed us on great coral reefs.
The eastern terminus of the Cape Coral Canal was marked by Corbett Mound some ten miles away.
Titan triggerfish may be seen biting and moving dead coral to build nests in which to lay their eggs.
Caitlin and Georgia were very busy with the chocolate tombola too as you can imagine, and Scarlett a willing helper to Guider Coral.
On top of the reef Titan triggerfish may be seen biting and moving dead coral to build nests in which to lay their eggs.
Idyllic palm-fringed coral islands set in the crystal-clear turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea.
Cages on-site protect turtle nests, and any turtle nests found on nearby Coral bay are transferred to the hatchery on Lara Beach.
The graves were small caves built out of petrified coral (the place was once underwater, many many years ago ).
All of the snakes pictured below except for the coral snake are pit vipers.
Entertainment Coral pub lounge, equipped with state-of-the-art audio-visual equipment, dance floor and bar, and even singing waiters!
Scarce plants found in the area include marsh and dune helleborine, coral root orchid and round-leaved wintergreen.
The Middle Devonian was marked by the same great transgression as in Europe and America; it produced inland seas, extending into Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland, in which were deposited limestones with a rich coral fauna.
Coral fishing, which fell off between 1889 and 1892 on account of the temporary closing of the Sciacca coral reefs has greatly decreased since 1884, when the fisheries produced 643 tons,-whereas in 1902 they only produced 225 tons.
Sardinian coral commands from 3 to 4 per kilogramme (2.204 Ib), and is much more valuable than the Sicilian coral.
Thus, prepared oystershells, coral, pearls, crabs' " eyes " and burnt hart's horn were regarded as specifics in different complaints, in ignorance of the fact that they all contain, as the chief ingredients, calcium phosphate and carbonate.
The littoral vegetation of coral islands is derived from sea-borne fruits.
The lagoon, which is enclosed by two coral barriers and accessible to the largest vessels on the north side, forms one of the finest natural harbours in the world.
Other forms show no indication of ever having been attached, while some that had been moored by means of a peduncle during the early portion of their existence have become detached at a more advanced stage of life, the opening becoming gradually cicatrized, as is so often seen in Leptaena rhomboidalis, Orthisina anomala, &c. Lastly, some species adhere to submarine objects by a larger or smaller portion of their ventral valve, as is the case with many forms of Crania, Thecidium, Davidsonia, &c. Some Cranias are always attached by the whole surface of their lower or ventral valve, which models itself and fills up all the projections or depressions existing on either the rock, shell or coral to which it adhered.
The various minor groups to the north of these (Ellice, Phoenix, Union, Manihiki and the America Islands) are coral islands.
Of the three grades of the first class the badge is a rectangular gold and yellow enamel plaque, decorated with two upright blue dragons, with details in green and white, between the heads for the first grade a pearl, for the second a ruby, for the third a coral, set in green, white and gold circles.
In the 16th century exclusive privileges of fishing for coral were granted by the dey of Algiers to the French, who first established themselves on a bay to the westward of La Calle, naming their settlement Bastion de France; many ruins still exist of this town.
Many of the houses are built of massive coral, Porites gaimardi, hewn into square building blocks which at a distance glisten like white marble.
Hin Daeng or Red Rock has equally stunning scenery, but here the reef walls are draped in red soft coral.
Professor Mumby is distinguished for his contributions to our understanding of coral reef ecosystems.
The edible part of the scallop is the pale adductor muscle and orange roe (coral).
I was saddened to see how much coral had been broken off in recent storms.
A low-cost procedure for automatic seafloor mapping, with particular reference to coral reef conservation in developing nations.
Underwater pinnacles, swim-throughs, steep walls and arches along with coral gardens and sloping shelves mean that dive sites are full of interest.
Finally you arrive in Aqaba, on the shores of the Red Sea, and have an opportunity to snorkel over colorful coral reefs.
Coral snuff bottles from the eighteenth century are relatively rare.
Coral Bay lies in the southwest of the island of Cyprus.
Enjoy the splendor of our protected coral reef adorned with tropical marine life.
The image shows just three broad categories of sites with a very clear dominance by branching, massive or tabulate coral.
Of course, you will enjoy the miles of talcum powder sands made of coral which remains cool despite the heat of the sun.
On top of the reef titan triggerfish may be seen biting and moving dead coral to build nests in which to lay their eggs.
These small mounds and their coral growths are particularly vulnerable to the heavy trawling gear used in deep water.
Look carefully at the intricate patterns and bright colors of tropical fish found among dense areas of coral reef.
The graves were small caves built out of petrified coral (the place was once underwater, many many years ago).
Entertainment Coral pub lounge, equipped with state-of-the-art audio-visual equipment, dance floor and bar, and even singing waiters !
The environment you create with your tank is similar to a coral reef in the ocean.
Coral Bay Outfitters - Another website where you can buy boat and marine electronics.
Increased acidity has a detrimental effect on the living coral reefs, as well as shelled creatures.
As the ocean continues to become more acidic because of carbon dioxide emissions, coral reefs are becoming decimated.
If the water temperature increases by as little as three to four degrees, scientists estimate that as much as ninety-seven percent of the world's coral reefs will be wiped out.
Coral reefs are a delicate eco-system found in the warm waters near the equator.
Many seashells have coral colors and are in keeping with your overall décor.
You may think you're purchase a soft pink floral pattern but when you get the cut material home discover the pink is more of a coral hue.
Mount coral or seaweed into a frame and hang it on the wall.
If you're using the real thing, make sure that it comes from a responsible company that harvests coral specifically for sale.
Mount shells, flat coral or seaweed in frames or shadowboxes and hang them on the wall.
The Painted Desert provides a vast range of hues that includes blue and coral as well as reds, turquoise and purple.
If you want the warmth of red but with something a little more subtle, the pinks of Coral Reef and Rosy Apple might be the choices for you.
This collection is inspired by the colors found in an underwater tropical reef, such as coral pinks in soft shades of blue and cream.
These colors are in stark contrast to the soft, pastel tones of the Coral Reef Collection.
Sweet William (pink)and Blossoming (coral) look flattering on most faces.
For lipstick, try warm pink, coral peach or spice.
When choosing colors for your wardrobe here are a few tips coral pink will make you sparkle and look healthy, while blue-pinks such as fuchsia will drain you and look harsh.
Use soft matte lip colors in pink, berry, coral or peach shades to make your lips fuller.
In between the girlish innocence of pink and the seductiveness of red, coral was recently promoted by Oprah as a makeup shade you can count on.
I ended up not only buying my Hot Coral shimmer lip gloss, but I have remained faithful to it for quite sometime now.
A tube of Hot Coral set me back around $10.00.
If it's summertime, you may find yourself needing a new blush, as tanned gals will demand a different color, usually some shade of peach or coral.
Choose between clear, pink, plum, coral, natural, brown and red shades.
A raisin, plum, or purple-tinged shade can look dramatic with a dark dress, while a pretty coral will work well with a brighter dress and look flirty and feminine.
Wear colors that mimic the natural shade of your lips, such as pink, beige or coral.
If you constantly marvel at stunning shots taken of rainbow colored fish darting around exquisite coral reefs, you might have wondered what equipment is used for underwater photography.
Pretty pink coral necklaces and earrings, chunky seashell bracelets, or delicate anklets are perfect for a beach wedding.
Making your wedding colors ocean blue, coral, or seafoam green.
Colored embossing powders in turquoise, coral, sunset orange, sky blue, and beige are perfect for a beach wedding.
Your favorite sea creatures molded in fondant and arranged in a romantic pose makes a great topper, as do real seashells or pieces of colorful coral.
Coral and turquoise can also be incorporated into a fall wedding, but it's best to use those colors early since they, too, say "summer."
Try turquoise or coral with chocolate brown, or combine either with yellow in a complex, tightly woven fall bouquet with plenty of forest green leaves.
Consider asking a decorator to work up a design that includes coral, seaweed, sand, or pretty beach creatures.
Coral is one of the most beautiful ocean features and is seldom used in cakes.
Many engaged couples skip coral when thinking about how to present a cake with a beach theme because they may not realize that coral comes in an incredible variety of patterns and shapes.
Natural ocean colors such as aqua blue, sea foam green and coral are popular choices for bathroom walls, shower curtains, rugs, and towels sets.
Common patterns for ocean-themed towels are seashells, starfish, seahorses, tropical fish, and coral.
They honeymooned in Maldives, a remote archipelago of coral islands in the Indian Ocean with baby Suri in tow.
Other options include snorkeling through spectacular coral reefs, embarking on a deep-sea fishing expedition or swimming with dolphins.
It offers white sand beaches, clean water and coral reefs.
Coral Barberry (Berberidopsis) - B. corallina is a beautiful evergreen climbing shrub from Chili, hardy enough for open walls in the southern counties.
Coral Tree (Erythrina) - These beautiful trees are pretty general through the tropics.
Some, like C. bulbifera (Coral Root), bear bulblets on the stem, and from these the plant may be increased.
These include such materials as untreated flat white and brown diamonds, millennium-aged Tibetan coral beads, rutilated quartz, and hand-picked Brazilian stones.
Stones, especially semi-precious gemstones like turquoise, were turned into beads, as were coral and sea shells.
Teamed with coral these can make a stunning combination.
Hand constructed form turquoise, coral, Chinese porcelain, freshwater pearls, sterling silver, abalone pearl, Czech glass and Austrian crystal, these special bracelets each have half of an interlocking heart.
This includes green jade and coral for a deeper version and peridot and rose quartz for an interesting variation.
Natural turquoise and orange coral beads look stunning together.
This district is the premiere manufacturer of hand-crafted cameo coral and gold jewelry, which often features semi-precious gemstones.
If you want to transform an old watch, you might enjoy the signature Native American styled watch bands of sterling silver with blue turquoise and coral.
The T-shirt colors were anything from pastel to coral and the suit was typically white.
Fedora Hat with Signature Web Band and Gucci Script Ornament is a natural straw hat with coral and salmon web and gold hardware.
It comes in tropical colors such as coral, sage and sea blue as well as basics such as black or cream.
This soft cotton knit shirt is comes in coral melon, pale lupine, pale navy and true navy.
The Kalahari Silk Skirt is a gorgeous blend of olive green, coral and gold tie dyed silk that features beadwork and embroidery at the hem.
A third set of colors include bolder tones, like bright coral, deep turquoise, and black and white contrasts.
Boasting lens colors in lava stone, soft coral and white sand, these shades are a hit with the jet set crowd, particularly with globetrotter and supermodel Naomi Campbell.
In fact, metal frames of coral peach, deep red, and chocolate brown all but guarantee that your teen will be able to find a pair that they love!
Learn about fish, coral, and all sorts of other wet wonders.
Soon after, Jet Black (Onyx) and Coral Pink arrived.
White (or Polar White) was launched, which was quickly followed with Jet Black (Onyx) and Coral Pink.
Soon, Coral Pink (or Noble Pink) and a Platinum DS Lite released.
Aquarium mode lets you set up your own aquarium with the items, like stone and coral, you acquire in Free Fishing mode.
The Elapidae family includes two kinds of venomous coral snakes indigenous to the southern and western states.
Because coral snakes are creatures that come out only at night, they almost never bite humans; they are held responsible for approximately 25 bites a year in the United States.
Coral snakes also have short fangs and a small mouth, which lowers the risk of a bite actually forcing venom into the human body.
Many pit viper and coral snake bites (20%) fail to poison their victim or introduce only a small amount of venom into the victim's body.
Coral snake bites are painful but may be hard to see.
However, coral snake envenomations and the more dangerous rattlesnake envenomations require antivenin, sometimes in large amounts.
Incorporate earthy elements into your coif such as coral or turquoise adorned hair accessories and you have a beach ready style perfect for sunbathing or formal wedding hair.
A cute spring/summer look is the one featuring a colorful coral and turquoise tunic by Tibi and white linen pant.
California Academy of Sciences - Totally redesigned in 2008, this complex includes the Steinheart Aquarium with the deepest coral reef in the world and about 38,000 animals.
The most extensive part of this new aquarium construction is the Philippine Coral Reef, which measures 25 feet deep.
Scientists know that damaged coral reefs due to pollution or climate changes spell trouble for the local marine population.
Removing major portions of coral reefs to make supplements would end up hurting marine life more than it would help people.
Perhaps because of its use in orthopedic surgery, coral calcium became known as the 'bone building' calcium.
Many websites and manufacturers claim that coral calcium is superior to other forms of calcium for rebuilding bone health, healing bone spurs, and prevent osteoporosis.
Coral calcium is actually a form of calcium carbonate, and calcium carbonate is what actually helps with bone health.
The FTC and FDA both vigorously pursued coral calcium supplement claims in recent years, going after makers and marketers that claimed coral calcium cures cancer and many other diseases.
There is no scientific proof that coral calcium is better than other types of calcium supplements, nor is there any proof that calcium supplements help with cancer outcomes.
It appears to be no better or worse at providing calcium to your body than the pricier coral calcium option.
Coral calcium does not appear to have any more cautions and contraindications than other forms of calcium.
Warm colors such as peach, golden yellow, copper, coral and brown shades with warm tones are good choices.
If you want to make a dramatic entrance, the wide-leg multi-print jumpsuit might suit you with its bold coral, turquoise, and white print.
Rings made from more unique materials, such as wood wedding rings, multi-tone rings, mokume gane rings, or whole mineral rings such as jade, coral, or hematite bands.
Instead, she creates she utilizes colors like lime, coral, and azure blue.
Likewise, pinks become more of a coral or orange, and blue darkens into a deep green.
This coral beauty will fit right into the current season's elegant trend.
The Carrera Collection is tropically colored in coral, aqua, yellow and lime.
This bag is available in olive and coral shades.
The background print is whimsical, but slightly understated, allowing the brightly colored coral and fish appliqués (made with leather, suede, sequins, and rhinestones) to really make the bag stand out.
Rafe's Starfish Straw Tote (also available from features oversize starfish and coral appliqués and sleek leather trim.
Sexy sandals give you the opportunity to show off your hot pink, coral, or French pedicure.
Colors great for summer include metallics like bronze and gold, neon pink, vibrant coral, and even a pale nude.
This snazzy shoe is available in two colors, light tan with off white piping and dark coral with off white piping; both shades look spectacular.
Thorn-free and in shades of pink, red, coral, yellow, lavender, and anything in between, these are the cute roses that suggest you're ultra-feminine.
In these settings, the family can enjoy seeing specimen such as coral reefs, octopuses, exotic fish, sea urchins, starfish, jellyfish, sea turtles, seaweed, kelp, and mollusks.
The coral reef network surrounding Cozumel, the second largest in the world (after Australia's Great Barrier Reef), gained world recognition in 1959 when French oceanographer, Jacques Cousteau, discovered the island.
The colors to choose from are black, yellow, blue and coral.
It comes in Coral Reef, Sea Breeze Blue and Kiwi.
It has adjustable straps and comes in black, white and coral.
If coral's your color, indulge yourself.
It is also worth noting that this nightgown is only available in one color--light coral rose.
Sizes range from 28DD to 40GG and is available in the colors white, black, raspberry, red, coral, grey cobalt and pink.
They come in black, white, ocean blue and coral.
If you stick to warm tones like coral, that's the direction you should go when choosing lingerie.
The Vermont Trading Company offers a plush coral robe made of soft and fuzzy chenille.
Tropical scene setter themes include island beaches, coral reefs, and bamboo or thatch hut patterns.
In addition to extreme temperatures, cast and crew had to deal with local wildlife like the Great Coral Reef and seabirds.
Rather than opt for a glaring coral or a tired shade of red polish, a metallic nude shade has the uncanny ability to look chic, complement your wardrobe, and resist unsightly chipping for days on end.
Round most of the islands there is a luxuriant coral growth; but, as the reefs lie at no great distance, and follow the line of the coast, the inter-island channels are comparatively safe.
The Vavau group consists entirely of coral limestone, which is occasionally crystalline, and contains stalactitic caves of great beauty.
Interesting speculations as to the periods of origin of great coral reefs have been made by Wayland Vaughan, Andrews and Daly and Humphreys.
In Pleistocene times, then, when there were prolonged glacial ages, the sea-level was lowered and at the same time there was a reduction in sea temperature, so that the rate of reproduction of the coral polypes, and so the growth of reefs, was diminished.
The coral polyp is also found in Venezuelan waters.
In Germany very similar filters have also been used, pearl-quartz gravel taking the place of coral sand, which it closely resembles.
Its coasts are encircled with coral reefs, extending in some places 3 m.
The Coral Limestone series lies indifferently upon the older beds.
Jukes-Browne and Harrison ascribe the Scotland beds to the Eocene or Oligocene period, the Oceanic series to the Miocene, the Bissex Hill marls to the Pliocene, and the coral limestones partly to the Pliocene and partly to the Pleistocene.
The principal formation is coralline limestone; the eastern coast is defended by coral reefs, and the neighbouring sea (extending as far as New Guinea, and thus demonstrating a physical connexion with that land) is shallow, and abounds in coral in full growth.
The houses being mostly built of a white conglomerate stone of shells and coral which forms the peninsula, gives the city when viewed from a distance a clean and handsome appearance, but on closer inspection the streets are found to be very narrow, irregular, ill-paved and filthy.
Copper, too, by patina-producing treatment, is made to show not merely a rich golden sheen with pleasing limpidity, but also red of various hues, from deep coral to light vermilion, several shades of grey, and browns of numerous tones from dead-leaf to chocolate.
The coral banks, which were once important, are now exhausted.
The entire island is an old coral reef upheaved 200 ft., honeycombed with caves and seamed with fissures.
It exported wine and carried on coral fisheries.
In the region of tropical hurricanes the navies, while in the Mediterranean and in the Indian Ocean converging wind system of a circular storm causes a heaping many soundings were made in connexion with submarine up of water capable of devastating the low coral islands of the cables to the East.
Pure calcareous sand and calcareous mud are formed by wave action on the shores of coral islands where the only material available is coral and the accompanying calcareous algae, crustacea, molluscs and other organisms secreting carbonate of lime.
Recent limestones are being produced in this way and also in some places by the precipitation of calcium carbonate by sodium or ammonium carbonate which has been carried into the sea or formed by organisms. The precipitated carbonate may agglomerate on mineral or organic grains which serve as nuclei, or it may form a sheet of hard deposit on the bottom as occurs in the Red Sea, off Florida, and round many coral islands in the Pacific. Only the sand and the finest-grained sediments of the shore zone are carried outwards over the continental shelf by the tides or by the reaction-currents along the bottom set up by on-shore winds.
Among venomous snakes the harlequin, or coral snake (Elaps fulvius) is common along the coast; the copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix) along the wooded banks of creeks and rivers; the cottonmouth (Agkistrodon piscivorus), in all parts of the state except the more arid districts; the "sidewiper," or massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus consors, sometimes called Crotalophorus tergeminus) and the ground rattlesnake (Sistrurus miliarius), in all sections.
The coast of German East Africa (often spoken of as the Swahili coast, after the inhabitants of the seaboard) is chiefly composed of coral, is little indented, and is generally low, partly sandy, partly rich alluvial soil covered with dense bush or mangroves.
The islands on the southern margin of the Louisiade Archipelago are raised coral reefs, but the majority are mountainous, rarely, however, exceeding 3000 ft.; all of them are richly forested, but of little agricultural value.
The volcanic d'Entrecasteaux Islands are mostly larger, more elevated (the highest being 8000 ft.), and stand in deeper water than the Louisiade group. To the east of Kiriwina (Trobriand) lies a small group of uniquely formed islets, each of which is completely surrounded by a steep forest-clad marginal rampart of coral 300 to 400 ft.
The Kevori grits, and the raised coral reefs are upper Cainozoic, and perhaps Pleistocene; but the reefs occur inland up to a height of 2000 ft.
Even the reefs are not wholly formed of coral.
It is generally mixed with vegetable matter and coral sand.
They are apparently volcanic. Coral reefs lie off the coasts and render them difficult of access.
Many of the oceanic islets are composed of coral limestone, which in this way becomes phosphatized; others are igneous, consisting of trachyte or basalt, and these rocks are also phosphatized on their surfaces but are not so valuable, inasmuch as the presence of iron or alumina in any quantity renders them unsuited for the preppration of artificial manures.
Rarotonga and Mangaia, in the Cook group, and Niue or Savage Island are the largest of these; Penrhyn and Suwarrow, though but small coral atolls, contain excellent harbours.
Its north-east portion consists of Upper Silurian coral limestones (Llandovery division), containing a rich fossil fauna and representing a series of folds running north-northwest.
They are of coral and sand formation, their combined area being 169 sq.
Coral fisheries exist along the coast from Bona to Tunis.
The Arafura Sea extends eastwards to Torres Strait, and beyond the strait is the Coral Sea, bounded by New Guinea, the islands of Melanesia and north-eastern Australia.
The average depth varies from 1500 to 2500 fathoms, and from this level innumerable volcanic ridges and peaks rise almost or quite to the surface, their summits for the most part occupied by atolls and reefs of coral formation, while interspersed with these are depressions, mostly of small area, among which the deepest soundings recorded have been obtained.
The islands may be divided broadly into volcanic and coral islands, though the physiography of many islands is imperfectly known.
Here the broad distinction has been drawn between volcanic and coral islands; but this requires amplification, both because the coral islands follow more than one type, and because the work of corals is in many cases associated with the volcanic islands in the form of fringing or barrier reefs.
As to the distribution of coral reefs within the Pacific area, in Micronesia the northern Marianas (volcanic) are without reefs, which, however, are well developed in the south.
The Pelew islands have extensive reefs, and the Caroline, Marshall and Gilbert islands are almost entirely coral.
Of the Polynesian Islands, the Hawaiian chain presents the type of a volcanic group through which coral reefs are not equally distributed.
Round the volcanic Marquesas Islands, again, coral is scanty, but the Society Islands, Samoa and Tonga have extensive reefs.
Christmas, one of the last-named, is reputed to be the largest lagoon island in the Pacific. The Paumotu Archipelago is the most extensive of the coral groups.
The coral islands are generally of the form well known under the name of atoll, rising but slightly above sea-level, flat, and generally of annular form, enclosing a lagoon.
Besides the atolls there is a type of island which has been called the elevated coral island.
For the much debated question as to the conditions under which atolls and reefs are formed, see Coral Reefs.
In considering the flora of the islands it is necessary to distinguish between the rich vegetation of the fertile volcanic islands and the poor vegetation of the coral islands.
The low coral islands suffer frequently from drought; their soil is sandy and unproductive, and in some cases the natives attempt cultivation by excavating trenches and fertilizing them with vegetable and other refuse.
Festschrift zum 70ten Geburtstage von Ernst Haeckel, 19(34) has restored the conditions existing in the lagoons and atoll reefs of the Jurassic sea of Solnhofen in Bavaria; he has traced the process of gradual accumulation of the coral mud now constituting the fine lithographic stones in the inter-reef region, and has recognized the periodic laying bare of the mud surfaces thus formed; he has determined the winds which carried the dust particles from the not far distant land and brought the insects from the adjacent Jurassic forests.
The Niagara limestone contains the oldest known coral reefs of the continent.
There are some tanneries, and the fishing industry is important, but the coral production of Sicily has entirely destroyed that of Bosa since 1887.
The imports consist principally of machinery, coal, grain, dried fish, tobacco and hides, and the exports of hemp, hides, olive oil, soap, coral, candied fruit, wine, straw hats, boracic acid, mercury, and marble and alabaster.